How to stroke shirts with long and short sleeves. How to stroke a long sleeve shirt: Iron, without iron and what are modern devices

No wonder they say that "a person is met by clothes" - the first thing people pay attention to the appearance of this appearance. That is why male and women's shirts should look amazing, be qualitatively smooth, fresh and clean.

It seems that such things are easy to stroke, but it is only at first glance! Let's look at how to iron a collar shirt, sleeves and other elements so as not to spoil the product.

Where does the ironing shirt begins?

The process of ironing shirts is not so complicated and can pass quickly if you prepare everything you need in advance. Besides the iron you need to take:

  • ironing board;
  • spray;
  • water;
  • cotton fabric.

It is also important to properly approach the choice of iron, because with his help you will iron not only shirts, but also bed linen, and other things that need different temperatures and modes. If it is possible, it is best to buy a good, albeit an expensive iron - it should have a temperature controller, the ability to supply steam. The mass of equipment on the ironing process will not affect. And do not forget, of course, before applying to clean the sole of the iron from the plaque, if it is.

Before staggering, carefully examine the labels on clothes, where all the necessary owners are always indicated.

If you want to increase the speed of ironing, wrap the surface of the chalkboard for ironing foil, put the substrate on top, the clothes can be ironed and with an invalid, and from the front side. This method is best used to work with dense tissues that will not suffer from exposure to high temperatures.

We recommend reading an article about
choosing an ironing board - this information will be interesting and useful to absolutely all hostesses.

All information about the cleaning of the iron from Nagara and pollution can be found here. It will help you forget about dark spots on clothes.

How to stroke a shirt collar?

The collar is the most noticeable part of a shirt that does not hide anywhere. In some cases, it is enough to stroke the collar and sleeves so that the product is generally looked good - this is if you urgently and quickly need to bring clothes in a good look. Let's look at how to smooth the collar on the shirt quickly and without loss of quality.


Before staggering, check the condition of the product fabric. So, if the material is strongly drying, which happens after a long drying, it will be problematic. It is best to treat the tissue of the sleeves with water from the pulverizer.

Then proceed to smoothing the sleeves. Initially, it is worth spending iron on the inside of the cuffs, then the shirt turns over and stroke the cuffs from the outside. Also note that the fabric in these places has a more dense structure, and therefore one ironing can not be enough.

For ironing the main part of the sleeve you will need a special ironing board of a small size. Put the sleeve on the board first the front side, intend, then turn the inner and repeat the work. Thanks to this, you will not remember the stroke part of the shirt.

But how to stroke the sleeve shirt, if there is no such saving mini at hand? In this case, we use the usual chalkboard for ironing: spread the sleeve on the surface so that the seam "watched up."

Trying not to pull the material, bring the sleeve - it will save your shirt from severe strain when performing work. Then turn over the product so that the seam is on the side and again, join the shirt.


How to stroke shirt sleeves and any other things if there is no iron at hand or the light suddenly turned off, and you need to run as quickly as possible? There are several options here.

So, for example, if the fabric almost does not occur, then the clothes can be simply wrapped and hanging to dry, be sure to fasten all the buttons. After drying, such shirts will not need ironing. You can simply moisten the product, hanging the shirt over the bathroom and turning on the hot water. Couples from the water will act on the fabric like couples from the iron. Well, naturally, you can take advantage of the steamer.

You can also prepare one solution, thanks to which all the folds on the clothes will disappear. To do this, you will need:

  • fabric softener;
  • vinegar;
  • clean water (bottled or purified).

Mix all the ingredients in the same proportions, pour into the sprayer and treat the shirt, waving it in advance on the hanger. After the solution is driving, the shirt will look like just that stroke.

Want to know how to clean the water at home? Read everything about cleaning methods here.

We told how to correct shirt sleeves. But if you want everyone to go as high quality as possible, be sure to follow our advice.

First of all, you need to decide on the correct iron temperature.

So, if there is a polyester in the fabric, the ironing temperature should not exceed +120 ° C. It is also desirable to mix the fabric to be better informed.

Similarly also smooth viscose. Cotton shirts can be ironed at a temperature of +150 ° C, and for linen products - a maximum of about + 200 ° C. If there are strong folds, include steam feed.

If you have to try to stroke a wool shirt, it is best to carry out work, byverting the product inside out and using gauze (which will reduce the risk of dark spots on clothing). Silk stuffing is best not to iron at all, and if such a need arose, choose the minimum power and temperature. If there is a lace or embroidery on the shirt, then they are stroked from the wrong side.

  • stroke only clean shirts;
  • if you want the collar to lose the form, process it with starch sprays;
  • to the sole of light clothes did not appear traces from the iron, use a wet gauze;
  • after using water from the capacity of the iron, and the sole, if necessary, clean.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in ironing sleeves and a shirt collar, the main thing is to correctly define the cloth, set the appropriate mode - and you can begin! We hope our recommendations will help quickly and easily return freshness and purity to your favorite shirts. We will also be glad to your comments and comments, suggestions and advice - join the discussion!

Today is not often, but you can see a modern man who does not really paint the look of a shirt made by wrinkled folds. This is especially noticeable of lonely people who have no house who has no house or mother.

Most likely, they were not grafted basic life skills in childhood.

We will eradicate this and together with men learn how to put a shirt or other clothes.

I stroke correctly men's shirt

Before proceeding with ironing clothes, you should familiarize yourself with the label on the shirt, where the temperature is indicated that the process should be followed. You still need to understand what material clothing.

Then choose a good iron with a high-quality sole of a stainless steel and a regulator. Ironing is more convenient on the ironing board.

Attention! So that there are no spots on the shirt, it is recommended to change water in the liquid filter before each process of ironing the dried handhelter. Distilled liquid is added via a special hole. It can be purchased in advance in the pharmacy kiosk.

How should I do if the shirt was too overproed? These are the tips:

  • before starting ironing (for 10-20 minutes), the risen product should be moistened with a pulverizer;
  • sprinkled with water shirt, put into a plastic bag. If the shirt is sewn from Silka, then you do not need to do this. Such things are smoking through cotton matter;
  • the shirt needs to be stroke on the front side. If it has embroidery or it is dark shades, then only with the wrong.

When ironing the shirt, you must follow the order of operations:

  1. First smoothed the collar part.
  2. Then cuffs with sleeves (short or long).
  3. Back area, shelves with built-in planks.
  4. Ironing is made only on the share thread, otherwise you can get a breakdown of the product.

Reference! Linen shirts, as well as shirts of a mixture of flax and cotton, stroke in a strong power output mode.

How to correctly stroke the men's shirt tells on the video:

Sleeves and Cuffs

With ironing shirts First of all, it is necessary to engage in its cuffsAnd then begin to get rid of the rebirth of the sleeves.

  1. Cuffs are put on an ironing board with an insane. Ironing is made from the corners to the center. This is done in order to avoid the presence of folds.
  2. Cuffs then turn and stroke again, but with the front side. It is not close to the buttons in the Iron, not to spoil them. The connection where the cuffs with the sleeve is allowed, make special attention. Ironing with a small effort of places with double material.
  3. The sleeve on the board is painted so that the seam is in the middle, and ironing with a small stretch of the material.
  4. The sleeve roll over, holding the cuff and the shoulder part. Then they stroke it on the sides. The cuff does not reach a couple of centimeters.
  5. The sleeve turn over and carefully smoothes it in the center so that there is no
  6. Wear a sleeve on a blowdown or a roller, which is available from any ironing board. The fastener must be top. Now process it with a hot iron.
  7. Next, it is stroked on both sides of the flares.
  8. With the second sleeve, they repeat the same manipulation of the iron.

Look at the video in which it tells how to correctly stroke the shirt sleeves so that there are no arrows:


Before proceeding with the process, you need to heat the iron to the shirt specified on the label.

Now you can start the preparatory process.

  • The ironing passes without a hover, if the shirt was in advance the water from the spray gun.
  • Get acquainted, according to a label, with the composition of the product. Each type of material corresponds to its temperature.
  • We prepare a place for ironing and iron or a steam iron.

After cooking, you can proceed to the ironing process:

  1. The product is carefully packed through all the seams: on the sides and on the shoulders.
  2. I smoothed at first the right shelf, and after - the main part.
  3. Start the back area. The product is carefully straightened and strokes from the collar zone and to the Niza itself.
  4. The same repeat with the left side of the shirt.
  5. The turn of short sleeves and collar has come.
  6. To strengthen the durability of the collar, it is stroked from the inside, bend, and with some effort spend iron on the front side of the gate.
  7. The shirts of dark colors are not squeezed, and splashes with a carriage from the spray gun.

With long sleeve

Like any shirt, this long sleeves should also be started to iron from the collar part.

Gate products

  1. The product fragment is thoroughly smoothed on the ironing board.
  2. Put down the face.
  3. Hot iron spend from corns and up to its middle.
  4. Then, the same is repeated with the front side.
  5. Try not to allow wrinkles.
  6. The gate folds and ironing on the collapse of the fragment without excessive efforts.

Long sleeves

Long-sleeved shirt firstly smoothed cuffs: with inside, then from the front side. Only after that, they begin to align the sleeves, holding over the shoulder and cuffs, put on the ironing board. The shoulder part smoothes with a mustache or roller with a towel.

You decide ourselves, start the arrows on the long sleeve shirt or not. This is already like who likes, no one is adviser. In this decision, a person is based on a purely personal opinion and taste preference.


The front parts of the shirt are fairly easy, so no incommable instructions are required here. Just put on the ironing board left shelf and ironing, then, the same is repeated with the right side.

Pay attention to some important points when ironing these parts of the product:

  • if the coquette is adjacent to the shelf (upper insertion), the ironing process must be started with it;
  • buttons need to carefully bypass the nose of the iron, without touching them so that they are not melted from the hot temperature.
  • on the shelf there is a plank for the loops, it is smoothed after the coquette, then passing the iron to the nose itself all the item.

The ironing of the shirt is carried out leisurely and neatly, since with a rush, unnecessary races and folds can be obtained, which are then poorly smoothed.

Front and back

Consider ironing process, its sequence.

  1. Begin to iron the product from the front part, on which ochet buttons. The shirt is neatly folded on an ironing board and iron. Special attention is paid to the collar zone, or the coquette if it is available. This part is visible under the jacket primarily, so it should be flawless.
  2. Next, the product is placed on the ironing board or half a half. The focus is on the field of the collar zone and the coquette. With offstairs, it is not recommended to block the labels, from the effects of a hot iron they can melt, and after delivering discomfort to scratch.
  3. As soon as the rear part is completely disclosed, go to the ironing of the front part, consisting most often of the two shelves, less often - from a solid part. At first, they stroke the right side of the product, where there are no butchers, ironing the collar zone and the chest pocket. Then the carrier of the iron before Niza is passed. The left side of the product repeat the same manipulations.

Reference! A very important point is a hot iron pass near the buttons. Basically, they are made of plastics and from the effects of hot air can be melted. For this reason, close to the nose of the iron should not be approached.


Each shoulder part lay out on the ironing board, and then in order of the order smoothed iron.

These are the most difficult areas in the product.Therefore, you should not hurry, keep the iron on it slowly, without making new wrinkles and folds. It will be more convenient if the shoulder part is on the narrow edge of the ironing board or on a special shoe, roller.


The collar zone is the smallest detail in shirts and the most visible part:

  • The ironing gate begins with an invalid side.
  • The spout of the iron is passed from corns and up to the middle of the element. It will help to avoid wrinkles.
  • Then the shirt turns over, and the collar is already on the board up the face.
  • It is ironed, then the gate bend and exercises in the spin of the weapon. It gives the fortress rack gates with a shirt sock.
  • For a better ironing process, the "Evaping" function is included.

Checking folds and hang shirt

  1. Check the quality of ironing the entire product if there are moments of error, they must be eliminated. The cuffs and the collar zone are always stroked on both sides, from the corners moving the nose of the iron to the central part so that there are no chances.
  2. If the product has been mapped flawlessly, the shirt can be hung on the shoulders and remove into the closet so that it does not dust.

Consider what the types of tissues exist, the main criteria for their choice for men's shirts.


Cotton fabrics today occupy one of the leading places when choosing for sewing men's shirts. It is just the perfect material for this purpose, as it differs from the rest of wear resistance.

Cotton is easily overwhelmed, the difficult stains can be boiled without fears, since the material does not fade. Excellent ratio of the cost of goods and its quality.

Made it in many countries:

  • India
  • Egypt,
  • North America,
  • Central Asia.


This type of material used in the sewing of men's shirts, one of the coarse. The fabric is quite appropriate for models in the style of Casual. Silver from Oxford is a great option for free time in an informal setting.

The color of this material has a unique difference from other options in that the threads of color shades are reflected in one direction, and white in the other.

From the Royal Oxford today make business solid clothes. From a particularly woven material that differs softness, shirts for representatives of a strong floor are manufactured.


This type of material with its density is characterized by smoothness. His business card is the little transverse rutters, characterized by their uniqueness.

Popin is quite universal material, so it often sew products for daily wearing. Most of the modern shirts are sewn from Poplin.

They are easy to erase and comfortably iron.

Cotton Twil

This type of material refers to cotton or sarge fabric. The form of a shirt stitched from cotton tweil looks rich, due to the diagonal structure, similar to "Christmas tree".


The material is very soft to the touch. Flannel is two species: cotton and woolen.

Attention! Shirts from this material are better than thin, you can wear daily, for example, to work.


The richest cloth for men's shirts, but not very practical. Products made of natural material are easy and impenetrate. For such products require special care.

How to care for things from delicate fabrics is told on the video:

Men's shirt is one of the most important parts of the wardrobe representatives of strong sex. We can say that this is a business card of any man.

Remember that an impeccable, the smooth product always causes respect and confidence in person.

Regardless of its color, textures and size begins with sleeves and collar. The collar strokes on both sides, and at first it is done with the wrong, and then from the front side. Iron must move from corners to the center. When the collar is stroking, take it in the ends and slightly pull to the sides, which will allow you to remove all the folds.

Then go to the sleeves. First of all, the cuffs are stroked on both sides, first the wrong side, and then the front, gently bypassed the buttons. So that the buttons are not melted or did not go into the fabric, it is desirable to cover them with gauze. After the cuff, you can go to the iron of the rest of the sleeve, moving from the shoulder to the cuffs along the fabric fibers. Otherwise, over time, the thing will lose the form and stretches. In order to avoid shooters on the sleeves, it is better to iron them on a special armor or on a small pad, covered inside the sleeve. A similar pad can be made independently of the rolled in the form of a large towel rectangle - it is also suitable for ironing shoulders.

After the gate and sleeves, you can go to the shelves. Start with the right floors, carefully bypassing the button of buttons. Special attention should be paid to pockets and valves. Similarly, they also stroke the left shelf, carefully stroking the loop area. Completes the process of ironing back.

How to stroke a men's shirt depending on the material

Cotton, bike, linen and flannel shirts need to be ironed at high temperatures with plenty of steam. Especially, this refers to the dry or highly pressed shirts. Silk or shirts with synthetics are stroked in the second mode, almost without using steam. Synthetic things are good in that in ironing almost do not need - they are easily straightened if they swell them on the chair or hanger. If necessary, iron them at the lowest temperatures, completely without steam.

How to stroke a men's shirt without an iron

There are such situations when it is necessary to stroke the thing with a completely unconventional way, when there is no iron at hand. To do this, shifted shirt on the table or any smooth surface and slightly sprinkle with water. Then we rush it in different directions, straightening the cloth, let's dry. If crushed in some one place, then a similar procedure is made locally. A strongly casting shirt can be attributed to the bathroom and turn on hot water there, closing the door tightly. Under the influence of steam from their own weight, it straightened. If the thing was laughed from lying in a suitcase, you can put it on a man and spend wet on it.

Every time you go to work or get into a crowded place, will not be willy, pay attention to men who go to the mint shirt. They are dear clothes, fashionable brands, but all this is fascinating when the man is slurry. This is especially common among younger office employees who went to the university yesterday. Well, if my mother knows how to stroke the shirt correctly, and someone has a wife who is watching her husband's neatness. However, men meet, who do not have any knowledge, nor the desire to iron shirts, believing that this is an excessive spending of time. Is it so?

The fact is that both young and adult men are most of them, do not know how to stroke the shirt correctly. There is nothing galloping in it, but many are covered with excuses, they say this is not a male business and nothing is visible under the jacket. But a man must be self-sufficient and be able to stroke not only a shirt, but also to sew a button if necessary. And by the way, not a glaked shirt, as soon as you can see the jacket lapel, especially the collar of the shirt.

The importance of tidy of a business man is difficult to question when it comes to a new job interview or meeting with a business partner. Remember the saying: "Meet for dressing, and accompany the mind"? Having a neat appearance, you demonstrate your discipline and order. Even if your appearance says that you do not pay attention to even such simple trifles and do not follow yourself, then who wants to deal with you?

In fact, it is not so difficult to iron a shirt, as it seems at first glance. Possessing a modest set of knowledge, you can stroke one shirt in less than 5 minutes. If my arguments were convinced, then I propose to study several recommendations, how to correct the shirt.

How to stroke the shirt

The first thing to be done will turn the shirt on the wrong one. Thus, you will achieve the best results, especially on shirts of thick cotton fabric.

Read the label on which there is a recommended temperature for the iron (Iron icon, and no point). If there is no such icon, then look the type of fabric and set the temperature on the iron, according to the manual from the iron producer. As a rule, in the irons, the temperature mode is indicated from 1 point, up to 3. Sometimes the type of fabric is signed next to one or another point.

Most shirts are made of cotton or cotton with the addition of another type of fabric. Make sure there are no synthetics in the shirt, otherwise you can burn the shirt from the hot iron. If there is no shortcut, try to stroke with a small temperature. If the folds are stored bad, slightly add the temperature. As soon as you feel that the iron begins to slide badly, immediately suspend ironing and reduce the temperature of the iron.

For the convenience of stroking, I recommend not having to dry the shirt, but a little to leave it wet. Not wet, so that from her a lot, and a little wet, as if you fell a couple of hours ago in the rain and almost dried. Believe me, the shirt will stroke much easier. From my experience I can add that after washing the next batch of shirts (they, as a rule, 5 - 6 pieces), let them dry all night, and in the morning I add a little wet in a bunch and trying to iron within 2-3 days. During this time, they do not dry completely and you can easily pose over the weekend. If it is too complicated or uncomfortable for you, just spray the water directly during the stroke of the shirt.

Immediately after you stroke a shirt, hang it on the back of the chair or immediately on the hanger in the closet. Do not throw a stroke shirt on the sofa or somewhere else, do not spoil your work.

Stroking the sleeves of the shirt, in my opinion, the most difficult task, so start the best with it. Sleeves can be sewn in different ways and ironing from this is easier or more difficult. Take the sleeve on the seam and put on the ironing board. Try to disperse the lower side of the sleeve so that there are no strong folds under the top layer of the fabric. I'm right-handed, so it is more convenient for me to put a shirt in such a way that the shirt cuff began on the right, and the whole rest of the shirt began to the left. The first action I stroke the sleeve so that the folds are not left. Please note that when you passed the iron on the seam, it must be pulled out a little bit (imagine that the roller, not a sleeve, and turn this "roller") and go through the iron again, but this time not to affect the edge Sleeves. After that, I stroke the cuff, putting her plafhmy on the ironing board. Gently go around buttons and folds that are formed at the junction of the cuff and sleeves. Do the same with the second sleeve, trying not to remember the stroke part.

If you have a special stand for ironing sleeves (such a mini ironing board), then stroking the sleeve becomes even easier.

Why I start to iron with sleeves, not as the rest of the Internet from the collar or front of the shirt? The fact is that he is stagnant to the front and back of the shirt, you will be forced to fold the already sorting part, in order to stroke the sleeve. It often happens that the sleeve does not manage to try the first time (reasons: cold iron, the water ended in the iron or we forgot to pour it, a complex shirt or delicate cloth, just in the morning your hands do not work normally, and so on), and you have to do it there - Sude a shirt, in order to achieve a good result. As a result - the shirt again crumpled and it is necessary to overload it.

Start with the part on which the nassed buttons. Place your shirt, as shown in the picture and thoroughly swing the shirt. Pay attention to the area close to the collar, since this part is seen from under the tie.

Attention! Gently stroke the places around the buttons. Do not smooth the buttons themselves, they can melt (if you decide not to turn the shirt).

Next, drag the shirt so that you are located the back of the shirt (as a rule it is half the rear or its 2/3). Follow the entire area by affecting the area near the collar of the shirt. I recommend not to iron stripes and labels that are made of synthetics. If the iron is hot, the edge of the label can melt a little, and then freeze and scratch your neck, if you are not wearing a waters.

After you have changed the back of the shirt, go to the front of the shirt, where there is no buttons (this is usually the right side of the shirt). Carefully displays the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest pocket and the pocket itself (if it is). Again, turn the area around the collar.

The next step is to stroke your shirt shoulders. To do this, put the shirt on the narrow part of the ironing board, so that only the left or right shoulder can be ingred. Try the clock of the iron to get to the complex areas so that the folds are not left. As soon as they finished with one shoulder, go to the second.

4. I stroke a shirt collar

If you forgot to pull the bones from the collars (this is done before washing), then remove the bones now. There are that they are sewn collar, then do nothing with them. Spread the collar of the shirt inner to yourself. Try to get rid of all folds on the corners of the collar, since it is this part that first rushes into the eyes to surrounding people.

5. Checking folds and hang shirt

Look, whether there are no crumpled sites on the shirt somewhere. If everything is in order, hang on the hanger and place a shirt in your closet.

  • If you are not sure about the type of fabric, from which the shirt is made, always start ironing with a small temperature. Perhaps you will spend a little more time on ironing, but do not burn it.
  • Always smooth around the buttons, not on the buttons. Even if the buttons are under the fabric (in case the shirt is turned on with an involve), you still go around the buttons around when itching.
  • Do not iron a dirty shirt, if it is not postponed. If you speak the stains on the shirt, then it will be extremely difficult to wash the shirt, if it turns out at all.

Cleaning Iron

If you, like me, the water of the house is rigid and constantly accumulate mineral deposits in the iron, then I recommend it sometimes clean. To do this, fill in the water tank solution: 1 part - water, 1 part of acetic acid. They say it can still be citric acid, but the concentrate will be made much more expensive than a simple table vinegar (the concentration of vinegar is about 70%). Pour the solution, heat the iron and put it on the ironing board of the ion outlet down, so that you go from under it. When all the water is over, see how much dirt has accumulated in the Iron. Repeat the procedure if necessary. So that this does not occur, pour purified water if you have a flow filter or bottled water, if possible.

Knowing how to stroke the shirt correctly, you never be afraid of the mountains of crumpled shirts. It is a bit straightened by releasing a couple of dozen shirts, and the time spent on ironing one shirt will be reduced to minor 3-4 minutes. A little diversify the process of ironing crop shirts, will help parallel watching TV or listening to the radio. I hope you have enough patience to learn this not difficult, but the necessary skill.

Do you know that according to statistics, a person on average spends 350 days in his life on ironing? Almost a whole year we spend, smoothing out folds and ruffles, spaling tablecloths and napkins. But, for sure, most of this time goes on ironing shirts. "How to iron a shirt?" This question can serve as a test to determine the skill of the real mistress.

Proper to stroke the shirt is a whole art. Share young tricks that will help turn the tedious process into a lung and unearmable occupation.

First, you need to prepare a workplace. Just great if your iron is equipped with a steam generator, and the ironing board has a special device for smoothing the sleeves. This saves time. If you have an ordinary iron, you will have to armared by sprays and sprinkler.

How to stroke the shirt

1. Prepare a shirt. It is easier to iron shirts when they are still wet. If the underwear is dry, be sure to moisten the material. You can take advantage of special sprays that contain starch. Then your shirt will retain an attractive look and freshness. If there is no spray, the usual water from the sprinkler is suitable. After the shirt was shaped, put it for a while in the package or wrap it in a clean towel, so that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the tissue.

  • Little trick: Artificial silk shirts can not be sprayed with water, because traces of drops will remain. It is better to complete such a shirt for several minutes to a wet terry towel.

2. To start the process of ironing with small parts: collar, cuffs, pockets, on female models - ruffles, swans, lace.

  • Little trick: Many have accustomed to start stroking shirts from the collar. But this is not quite practical. By the end of the entire process, the collar is satisfied again and it is necessary to smooth out additionally. Fabric on the collar and so susceptible to erasures most, and too frequent smoothing will only reduce the service life of the shirt.

So, first smooth the cuff. It is better to do it from the wrong side to avoid the appearance of Las. On the front side, only those cuffs that need to wear with cufflinks are smoothed. In this case, remove the sleeve on the front side, regenerate the cuff and gently disappear, avoiding the appearance of transverse folds.

Then spread the sleeve with a stitch up and endure, carefully excipating the armies, seams and folds near the cuff.

After that we fold the sleeve on the seam and smoothed on both sides. The same is done with the second sleeve.

Arrogors on Sleeves: Stylish Solution or Movetona?

Do or not make arrows on the sleeves - there is no definite answer. Someone believes that the shooter is the manifestation of a bad taste, others claim that the shirt with the arrows on the sleeves retains the neat look.

Some designers offer fashionable shirts with arrows for business people, but shirts in the sports style or style of Casual is better to iron without arrows.

The only thing that the opinions of the stylists coincide is the presence of arrings on long sleeves of the uniform shirts of the military.

Completely unacceptable arrows if you gathered to stroke a female shirt, unless this is not a military uniform.

So, to remove the arrows on the sleeves or not - the case of taste and habit.

3. I stroke coquetku and shoulders. Spread the shirt on the ledge of the ironing board and gently reveal the shoulder seams and a shirt coquette. Unacceptably fogging arrows on the shoulders.

4. Smoothing the floors and the back. Gently decompose the shirt and thoroughly wrap the floors and the back. Special attention should be paid to pockets (if any) and space between buttons.

  • Little cunning: If the shirt is bright, then you can iron from the front side. Shirts of dark and bright colors, shirts with embroidery and prints only stroke with inside. This will help longer save the saturation of the paints.

5. Water collar. Spread the collar with the back side up and swallow, slightly stretching the fabric, first the collar lapse, then the rack. Fold the collar along the seam and swallow along the fold line. To avoid the appearance of shine, the collar should be strokeped with the front side, only slightly pressing the iron.

After you finished ironing a male or female shirt, be sure to hang it on the shoulders so that the product is finally dried and has not lost its form. It is more convenient to store the ironed shirts on the shoulders in a spacious closet.

  • Little trick: Having bought a new shirt, do not rush to throw plastic racks. They will be needed if you prefer to fold your shirt. Such racks are better preserved the shape of the collar.

Several tips on choosing a temperature regime

Best of all when choosing an iron temperature to follow the labeling prescriptions, which is on any product. Manufacturers always indicate what temperature is permissible for ironing. Otherwise, focus on the following recommendations:

100% cotton requires 150 degrees and wet steam;

For polyester shirts, the temperature is not above 110 degrees;

Linen fabric should be stroke moist, at an iron temperature of 210-230 degrees, with an abundance of steam and with severe pressure on the iron;

Viscose shirt will smooth at 120 degrees. By the way, such a fabric is not necessarily pre-wet;

Silk fabric requires special care. Select the minimum temperature mode and smooth through a thin fabric or gauze to avoid the appearance of Las from the iron.

Now you know how to iron your shirt and quickly.