Turtle made of beads weaving patterns. How to weave a three-dimensional turtle from beads. Scheme of weaving a turtle from beads

  • dark green beads with a diameter of 8 mm (4 pcs.);
  • green beads with a diameter of 5 mm (4 pcs.);
  • green beads with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • beads yellow and Brown diameter 2 mm;
  • black beads with a diameter of 3 mm (2 pcs.);
  • strong thread.

Who said that a turtle is slow? Well, this is how you look at it. We agree, of course, that she moves rather slowly. But weaving a turtle with beads is a fairly quick process that even a novice craftswoman can handle. Make such a toy in half an hour and you probably won’t be able to stop; you’ll want to weave again and again.

Step-by-step master class with photos

So, let's start our master class on weaving a turtle.

Step 1

Let's start weaving from the body. Below there are 2 patterns according to which we will weave.

Click to enlarge

  • First, let's collect four large beads into a ring.
  • Then we perform steps 2 and 3 sequentially. That is, we first weave beads with a diameter of 5 mm, and on top of them - large beads.
  • Following steps 4-6, we will make the upper part of the shell.

The cross formed in the center can be further tightened if desired. To do this, you need to go through it again.

Click to enlarge

Step 2

After this, we proceed to braiding the lower part of the shell. The braiding stages are given in paragraphs 7-8. To complete the braid, we will additionally extend one more string consisting of 5 beads. This is where the turtle will have its head. Let's walk around the perimeter of the turtle shell to weave in the tail and legs (according to points 9-10). Well, the body is ready.

click to enlarge

Step 3

Now we will weave the head. To do this, we will pass the needle and thread to the place where the double low was made. Next, we will remove the needle from the initial bead at the bottom and begin to weave a mosaic in a circle (steps 11-13). The first and second rows will consist of six beads, the fourth, fifth and sixth - of four, the seventh and eighth - of three.

Don't forget to weave in the eyes! Let's go through the last row of beads again, tighten them and secure the thread.

Our cute beaded turtle is ready!

THE TURTLE makes everyone laugh because he is in no hurry.

But where should he rush, Who is always in his home?

The turtle is a unique animal. It has lived on our Earth for more than 220 million years (!), has more than 230 modern species and lives on almost the entire territory of the globe.

This reptile lives both in water and on land.

The fossil turtles were not small. The diameter of the shell could reach 2.5 meters. At the back there was a “tail”, approximately the same length as the shell, and horns grew on the head, directed to the sides and back.

Land turtles are vegetarians and typically eat grass and greens. Marines, on the contrary, are predators. They eat fish and shellfish. Turtles love solitude. Sometimes they can gather together for the winter.

Turtles live even at home for 30 - 40 years.

To weave our turtle you will need a wire 1.5 meters long, 0.3 mm in diameter, and beads of 3 colors. As a rule, these are shades of green, yellow, and brownish. The nose and eyes are usually black. But you can choose the one that will look brighter on your turtle.

Weaving techniques remain the same - throwing wires for alternating weaving of the back and belly and inserting wires for the legs.

Beaded turtle. Start of weaving.

1. As usual, we do the first 2 rows together. We put on 4 beads (1 black, 3 yellow) and thread them into the ring through 3 yellow beads.

2. We throw over the wires and weave the second “three”. Let me remind you that the horizontal black lines in the diagram are the division of the rows. The upper of the two rows located between the lines is the top of the head or back. Lower - belly.

3. We weave rows of head and neck according to the pattern.

Beaded turtle. Weaving paws and shell.

4. Change the color and begin weaving the shell to the bottom “seven”.

5. Prepare 4 pieces of wire 30 cm each.

Let's remember how to weave a row with an insert wire: We put the entire row on one end, pass the other end towards it, pull the ends a little, but DO NOT TIGHTEN the row completely. Align the row, thread an additional wire from the end of the row to its end. Only now we tighten the row. 6. Weave the back row. And in the next bottom row we insert the second piece of wire in the same way.

7. We weave 1 - 2 rows and weave paws at the ends of the inserted wires. The paws weave VOLUMELY. The first row lies at the exit of the bead wires, after that we throw the ends inward, under the belly and weave the second row, laying it next to the first. We throw the wires over the first row again and weave the foot further to the end according to the pattern. At the end we secure the ends along the broaches.

8. We weave the second leg in the same way as the first.

9. We continue weaving to those rows where additional pieces of wire are inserted (shown in the diagram by red lines with arrows). 10. We weave the back legs and secure the ends. 11. We braid the turtle to the end. We braid the ponytail FLAT. Please note that on the ponytail there are black horizontal lines after each row. This means that the weaving goes flat. At the end we secure the wires.

A voluminous turtle can be woven from beads different ways. One of the simplest is circular weaving with a “canvas”. To make it you will need:

Fishing line;
- round beads of a dark color (for example, black, dark brown or bronze);
- beads of a bright and rich shade for the shell (for example, green, orange or red);
- 2 beads of blue color for eyes;
- scissors;
- filler.

Weaving the underside of the shell

Start weaving the voluminous turtle from the underside of the shell. Cut a piece of fishing line approximately 20 cm long. String 4 dark-colored beads in the center, secure the outer beads. The result should be a cross.

Next, continue weaving the shell in a circle as follows. Insert the tip of the line into the nearest bead. String 2 beads bright color, pull the line through the next dark-colored bead and string 2 bright beads again. Continue weaving the row in the same way. The result will be a cross bigger size.

To completely make a row of beads of a bright color and close the “gaps” between the dark-colored beads, weave beads of the main color in these places. To do this, put one bead on the fishing line, insert the tip into the nearest pair of beads of the main shade, pull the fishing line through them and string the bead again. This will create a circular row of 12 pieces.

In the next row, weave with dark colored beads. Braid one dark bead to each odd numbered bead of the previous row, and two to each even numbered bead. That is, insert the fishing line into the first bead of the second row, string a dark-colored bead, pull it through the next bead of the previous row and string two dark beads onto the fishing line. Next, continue weaving the third row, alternating weaving one and two pieces. In this row, you should end up with 18 beads.

Weave the fourth row in the same way from beads of the main color, and the last fifth row from beads of a dark color. There should be 40 pieces in the fifth row.

Weaving the upper side of the shell

Next, proceed to weaving the upper part of the turtle's shell. In the 6th row, weave without adding as follows. Braid 4 beads of the main color and 1 dark one, then alternate in the same way until the end of the row. Dark colored beads will divide the shell into 8 segments.

Weave the upper part of the shell in the reverse order, that is, in the next row the number of beads should decrease to 32. In this row, weave 3 beads of the main color and 1 of the contrasting color, then continue in the same way until the end of the row.

In the eighth row, weave the same way as in the seventh, and in the ninth again reduce the number of beads in the row. First, braid 2 beads of the main color, and then 1 of the dark one. To give the turtle its shape, fill the shell part at this stage with filler (sintepon or cotton wool). Then once again pull the line through all the beads of the last woven row and pull it lightly.

In the next row, weave only dark-colored beads. Weave one bead over two beads of the main color and one over dark beads. Thus, there will be 16 beads in this row.

In the next circle, weave one bead over each two beads in the main color of the turtle's shell. The number of beads in this row should be halved (i.e. it will be 8). Finish the weaving with a cross of 4 dark-colored beads. Pull the braid together and secure the fishing line.

Weaving the head, legs and tail of a turtle

Weave the turtle's head. Cut a piece of fishing line and thread it through the beads of one of the segments. String 4 dark beads, pull the line through everything to the beginning and again string 4 dark beads of the second row of the head. Next, string one blue, 1 dark and again one blue bead. In the next, last row of the head, collect 2 dark beads, secure the fishing line and cut the tip.

Make the turtle's legs and tail. Stretch a fishing line through the 3 beads in the segments on the sides of the head. Place 3 dark beads on it, pull a fishing line through them and string 2 beads. Make the back legs of the turtle in the same way.

For the ponytail in the segment opposite the head, pull the line through the 2 middle beads. Place 2 dark beads on the fishing line, in the next row - 1. Pull the fishing line through the beads of the previous row, make a tack, and hide the tip inside the product.

Turtle bead weaving pattern in a master class (photo)

Three-dimensional figures occupy a special place in beadwork. They are made more for the soul and for home decoration, since such toys have no practical use. In fact, you can make any animal. The beaded tortoise is no exception, the pattern of which uses the technique of volumetric weaving. Knowing the basics, you can easily make more than one figure. The master class below shows this well.

Master class on weaving a turtle from beads

To make a turtle from beads with your own hands, you will need:

  • beads No. 11 in different colors;
  • wire 0.2 mm thick;
  • thin fishing line;
  • beading needle.

To make the legs and head, 8 grams of brown beads are used, for the belly and shell - 5 grams of green and 2 grams of blue. Also 8 more pieces of black, 2 pieces of blue and 1 piece of yellow.

Weaving order

Before you start beading a turtle, you should carefully read the diagram. Usually in such cases, 2 parts are proposed for the top and bottom. This diagram is different: here the stomach and back of the turtle are immediately depicted in the same plane. Odd rows should be assigned to the top, and even rows to the bottom. Now you can look in more detail at how to make a turtle from beads.

Take a piece of wire 100 cm long, pick up 1 yellow bead and place it in the middle. Place 3 pieces of brown beads under it as the bottom tier. In the next row, also cast on 3 pieces of brown beads from the top, and 6 from the bottom. Then cast on the following bead sequence: brown, blue, 2 brown, blue and brown, and with reverse side– 6 brown. Further, the weaving pattern looks like this: 4th row - 6 pieces on top and 5 on the bottom, 5th and 6th rows - 3 brown beads each.

Starting from the 7th row, the shell and belly will be woven from green and blue beads. Place 6 green beads on top and 5 below. Next, for the upper tier, alternate between green and 3 blue, for a total of 13 beads, and for the lower tier, 9 green. Then thread an additional 15 cm long wire from below for the legs and place the collected beads exactly in the center. In row 9, repeat the same set.

Continue beading according to the following pattern:

  • tenth row: shell – 15 green and belly – 11 of the same beads;
  • eleventh row: collect 16 beads from above, alternating green and 4 blue, from below – 11 green;
  • twelfth row: repeat the previous row;
  • thirteenth row: 15 and 9 green beads, respectively.

Fourteenth row: for the shell, collect 13 beads, changing one green and 3 blue beads, and for the belly - only 7 pieces; At this stage, as shown in the bead pattern, the turtle's hind legs need to be made. To do this, add another 15 cm long wire to the lower tier.

  • fifteenth row: cast on a shell consisting of 9 pieces alternating green and 2 blue and a belly of 5 green;
  • sixteenth row: 6 green and 3 brown, respectively;
  • seventeenth row: two brown beads;
  • eighteenth row: another similar bead.

The last two rows are made using the parallel weaving technique. This is the turtle's tail.

Next, to make the figure look like it’s alive, you need to weave the paws. They are all made the same way. Therefore, a master class will be shown using the example of one leg. It consists of only 3 rows. In the first and second, 2 brown beads are woven on top and bottom, and in the third, black, brown and again black beads alternate.

To get a finished beaded turtle, the diagram of which is given above, you need to stitch it with fishing line. In this case, it will keep its shape well and will not fall apart. At this point the work can be considered completely completed.

It is worth noting that for beginners this weaving technique may seem very difficult. Therefore, they are recommended to start working after watching detailed master class With step by step photos or video. Below is one of those videos:

Video: Weaving a turtle from beads


diagram for creating a three-dimensional figure (video)

The turtle is made of beads, the pattern of which is presented in this master class and is quite simple and easy to learn even for beginners.

This tutorial will help you weave small keychains with turtles. This toy is created using circular or volumetric parallel weaving.

Beaded turtle

To make such a figurine, you will need the following materials:

  • 4–5 beads of any color;
  • fishing line and scissors.

Shell beading

Weaving a turtle head

  1. Draw the wire inside the shell to the beginning of the selected segment of the sixth row. Weave 1 brown bead to the 4 red beads. Go down to the fifth row, where you also add 4 beads of this color. Place 4 pieces again. brown on the bottom and the same amount on top.
  2. Put on a purple bead - this is 1 eye. Next comes the second and third bead on the previous row, add the 1st brown one, and weave the 2nd eye to the fourth. Bottom of the craft, bring the number of beads to 3 pcs.
  3. The final row of the head contains 2 beads. Place one bead over the first bead, and 1 more over the 2nd and 3rd beads. Repeat the manipulations along the bottom side, stitching the row one more time with wire for beauty (see pattern of turtle beads).
  4. The head is the first segment. Paws - go to the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th.
  5. Bring the line out in the area of ​​the 2nd segment and weave in 3 brown beads on the fifth row. Then on them - 2nd next to each other there are 2 more, additionally pass 2 r. fishing line for rigidity. Using this principle, make all the rest of the legs.
  6. Beading the tail: on the 5th segment, collect 2 beads in the first row and 1 pc. in the second. Secure the fishing line and hide the ends.

Scheme of weaving a turtle from beads

Based on the following pattern, you will get a cute turtle twisted from beads and stones.

You can watch another weaving option in the video clip with a training master class.

Video: Learning to create turtles from beads


Making a brooch “Green sea turtle” from beads with Swarovski crystals

For work we will need:

  1. Monofilament (I use 0.13 mm).
  2. Needle 11 mm (can be even thinner).
  3. Interlining (I use it for the base under the felt).
  4. Felt is green and beige.
  5. Leatherette brown.
  6. Glue.
  7. Cardboard.
  8. Pin.
  9. Pencil and paper (to create a sketch).
  10. Matte metallic dark green beads 11/0.
  11. Beads matte bronze color 11/0.
  12. Beads matte gold color 11/0.
  13. Swarovski Xilion Fern Green bicones 4 mm - 27 pcs.
  14. Swarovski Crystal Trilliant Fancy Stone color-Dark Moss Green 7 mm - 1 pc.
  15. Frame for Swarovski Trilliant Fancy Stone crystal 7 mm - 1 pc.
  16. Swarovski crystal Pear Rhinestone color-Fern Green 8 x 6 mm - 4 pcs.
  17. Frame for Swarovski Pear Rhinestone crystal 8 x 6 mm - 4 pcs.
  18. Swarovski Xilion Navette crystal color-Dark Moss Green 8x4 mm - 4 pcs.
  19. Frame for Swarovski Xilion Navette crystal 8x4 mm - 4 pcs.

1. First, we need to make a sketch of a turtle, I drew it by hand, you can use a printed picture. For this we need a sheet of paper and a pencil. Carefully cut out our turtle (see photo 1(1)) and transfer it to beige felt (see photo 1(2)).

We iron the interlining with an iron, and we have a good base for embroidery :)

3. To make the contours more precise, I cut out a turtle shell from my sketch and transferred it to felt, as shown in photo No. 3.

4. Take gold-colored beads 15/0 and sew first the shell, then the head and fins, as in photo No. 4.

5. Felt beige colour we cut out the head and fins, and from the green one we cut out the shell, and carefully sew it all into place :) (photo No. 5).

We ended up with convex parts, we did this so that our turtle would not be flat :)

6. Take the crystals and insert them into the frames (photo No. 6).

7. We try them on the shell, glue them and for greater reliability we hem them.

8. Take Fern Green 4mm bicones (I got 27 of them, you may get more or less, depending on their size). And we hem them (as we hemmed the outline with gold beads in photo No. 4) around the entire perimeter, along the edge of the shell, pressing closer to the gold outline of the beads. (FTO No. 8)

9. After we have hemmed all the bicone beads, take matte dark green 11/0 beads and stitch along the outline along the crystals, going into the corners (photo No. 9).

P.S. It is important that there are beads in the center at each top of the crystal and in the corners between the crystals, since we will then draw the thread from them.

10. Having gone through the entire circle, we remove the needle from the first bead photo No. 10 (1), collect the required number of beads (I got 4) and pass the needle into the corner between the crystals, then we bring the needle again into the same space (but so that the thread caught a small section of felt) and bring the needle through the bead, which is in the corner between the crystals (photo No. 10 (2)), then we sew along each frame in this way.

11. Take gold beads 15/0 and draw the needle from bottom to top, in the corner between the crystals (as shown in photo No. 11 (1)).

We collect the amount of beads we need (so that the arc that is formed is dense) and stitch our small arc from top to bottom :) We stitch wherever there is free space between the crystals (photo No. 11).

12.In the same way we hem and stitch between the bicones (photo No. 12(1).

13. We mark the places where our turtle’s eyes will be. We take matte gold beads 11/0 and first fill the entire space of the head, then the fins, as shown in photo No. 13.

14. Carefully cut out our turtle.

Next, we cut out the base of our turtle from cardboard, I always retreat 1-2mm (photo No. 14).
We glue it, take a pin and also glue it onto the cardboard, glue the leatherette on top (after cutting out the holes for the pin).

15. The matter was left to the most important and final moment, like a closing seam.

My photos will tell about it, I hope it turned out accessible 🙂 (photo No. 15-No. 16)
We take gold beads 15/0 and start sewing.


Turtles Animals and Birds – Beads

Volumetric beaded turtles

For weaving you will need:

- light beads for the belly, head and paws
- 3 shades of beads for the shell, it can be light blue, blue and dark blue
- 2 black beads for eyes
- copper wire

Weaving pattern:

These two diagrams show almost identical turtle models. They need to be woven using a parallel weaving technique.

How to weave this pattern correctly

The fact is that sometimes voluminous toys are divided into 2 schemes: one for the belly, the other for the back. This same version of the scheme is simplified and combines both at once. When stringing beads, you will simply need to separate the rows of the back, lifting them to the top and lower the rows of the belly down, giving the desired voluminous shape.

This toy is often stuffed with foam rubber.

New items by email.


DIY beaded sea turtles. Scheme. Master class with photos / Master classes Blogs

Did you know that sea turtles are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the Earth and that the fossilized remains of turtles are more than 150 million years old?

Just like people, sea turtles have different faces! Weave a sea turtle from beads, conveying a unique pattern and amazing shades.

Dimensions: 6×7 cm

Flat peyote, tubular peyote and fringe

You will need: Bead grain No. 11

rainbow caramel

rainbow light green

rainbow white

rainbow sand

brown metallized

Accessories: needle thread


Weave a shell.

Start at the center line and work towards half of the shell. After finishing one half, attach a new thread to the center line and begin weaving the second half. As it decreases, the shell will take on a rounded shape.

Do the turtle's belly in the same way.

Connect the top and bottom of the turtle's body about halfway and stuff. Continue stitching.

Add an edge to the shell: Attach new thread to the outer edge of the shell. Weave a selvage around the edge of the shell following the pattern shown.

Head: make the head in the form of a tube (p. 9). Start from the center line and move towards the mouth. Having finished weaving one half, attach a new thread to the center line and continue weaving, moving towards the neck. As the beads decrease, the head will acquire a rounded shape.

Connect, sew from the side of the mouth. Leave the neck edges unsewn. Stuff and sew the head to the turtle's body.

Paws: complete all the paws one by one, fold them in half lengthwise. Connect and stuff each paw. Sew to the body.

Tail: Braid the tail and sew it to the body.

Add a beaded loop and key chain if desired.


Beading and thread weaving – Turtles.info

Beaded keychain turtle

1 keychain ring, 180cm ribbon/rope/fishing line, 2 black beads, 29 brown beads, 54 green beads.

1. Find the middle of the fishing line and tie it double knot on the keychain ring.
2. Start stringing beads onto the fishing line according to the pattern.
3. When you finish the sample, tie the fishing line in a double knot and fill it with glue to secure it.
4. 3 or 4 beads can be strung on the ends of the line as a finishing touch.

Thread bauble with a turtle

Beaded turtle

Such a turtle, woven from beads with your own hands, can be used simply as a toy, you can make a pendant out of it (if you attach a chain to the front legs), a brooch or a keychain.
This toy is made using circular weaving using the “canvas” method. It is woven on a fishing line; beads are needed in at least three colors; if desired, you can use four or five. For the head and paws of the turtle I took brown beads, for the shell - red as the main one and bronze to indicate the pattern.
For further work, you will need a description, weaving according to which you can refer to the weaving pattern.

So, we start weaving a beaded turtle with our own hands from the underside of the shell.

Free DIY pattern for weaving a three-dimensional turtle toy from beads1. We put 4 bronze beads on the fishing line, tie and secure the ends - we get a “cross”.

2. Insert the needle into the nearest bead. We put 2 red beads on it and pass it through the same bronze bead again, and then through the next one. Again we collect two red beads, and thus we go through the entire “cross”. We got a bigger “cross”. To close the gaps between pairs of beads, we weave one more red bead into the gaps of the future belly of the turtle, woven from beads with our own hands. To do this, we put one bead on the needle, insert the needle into the nearest pair of red beads, again we put one bead on, etc. In total, there should be 12 beads in the second row.

3. The third row of the turtle is woven by hand from bronze-colored beads. We weave one bead to each odd numbered bead in this row, and two to each even numbered bead. We alternate the entire row, weaving in one or two beads. Thus, there will be 18 beads in this row.

4. This row of turtles is red again, it is woven in the same way as the previous one - beads are added on every even number, and in the end there are 27 of them.

5. The fifth row is bronze in color, beads are added in the same way. The number of beads in the previous row was odd, so you will have to weave one bead twice in a row at the beginning, and then move according to the same pattern. You should get 40 beads.

6. There is no need to add anything in this row; there are also 40 beads in it. We braid four red ones and one bronze one, and so on eight times. Bronze beads will divide the turtle's shell into 8 segments.

7. We begin to tighten the turtle’s shell. If in the previous row there were 4 red beads in each segment, then in this there will be 3 of them. To do this, we weave one bead to the first of them, and then pass the needle through the second and third beads of the previous row. We weave one bead to them, and then another to the fourth bead of the segment. We perform the same operation in each segment. The pattern of bronze beads remains unchanged - we weave one bronze bead over each one. Thus, the beads of the seventh row go in the sequence: three red - bronze - three red, etc. There are 32 beads in total.

8. The eighth row of the beaded turtle duplicates the seventh: above each bead there is one of the same color.

9. We continue to reduce the number of beads in the same way as we did in the seventh row: weave one over the first red bead of the segment, and another over the second and third. Thus, two beads remain in the segments, and one bronze bead remains between them. There will be a total of 24 beads in this row.

At this stage, the turtle is stuffed with some kind of filler. You can use paper, cotton wool or cellophane. Then the needle passes through all the beads of the last row, tightening them.

10. In the tenth row of the turtle we will have 16 bronze beads. To do this, we weave one bead over two red beads and over each bronze bead of the previous row.

11. Above each two beads of the previous row we collect one red one - we get 8 red beads.

12. And finally, above the two red ones we weave one bronze bead each (4 in total) and tighten them with fishing line. The turtle shell is ready!

13. We begin to make the head. We draw the line inside the shell to the beginning of any segment of the 6th row. We weave one brown bead to the four red beads, then we go down to the fifth row and there we also weave four brown beads to the four beads located under the desired segment.

14. Without changing anything, we again collect four brown beads from below and four from above.

15. We collect a purple bead - this will be the turtle’s eye. Then we add one brown bead to the second and third beads on the previous row, and weave the second “eye” to the fourth. Below we also bring the number of beads to three.

16. There are only two beads in the last row of the head. We place one bead over the first one, another one over the second and third, repeat the procedure on the bottom side and once again stitch the entire row with fishing line for beauty.

17. If we consider the segment on which we made the head to be the first, then the paws should be on the second, fourth, sixth and eighth. We bring out the fishing line in the area of ​​the second segment and on the fifth row we weave three brown beads, then on them in the second row - two more, additionally we pass both rows with fishing line for rigidity. Do the rest of the legs in the same way, moving clockwise. On the fifth segment we weave the tail in the same way, collecting two beads in the first row and one in the second. We fasten the fishing line and hide the end inside.

Now all that remains is to hang the turtle, and the job is finished. At least until you want to weave a friend for her!

Bead craft “Turtle”

You need: fishing line, scissors, needle, beads, one large bead, small beads.

Scheme 1. I had a large top bead, but you can make it with a smaller one, so for the first row, collect as many beads as needed to encircle your bead; the main thing is that its quantity is even (for further pattern).

2. Secure one of the ends of the fishing line - the work is done with one “tail”. In the diagram (Fig. 2), the row begins with a green arrow, and in order not to get confused, I painted each ring with its own color (the row ends with a purple arrow).

So, we put 5 beads on the fishing line and draw the fishing line back through 2 beads of the 1st ring. We stretch the fishing line through the next 2 beads of the 1st ring, collect only 4 beads and stretch the fishing line through one bead of the 1st ring of the 2nd row and through those 2 beads of the first row that we have already passed through... Again, 2 beads forward, again We collect 4 beads and stretch the fishing line, as in the diagram. Etc.

All this resembles a “back needle” seam, only with beads. In this way we weave the entire row - it will be formed into rings, each of which will contain 7 beads (2 of them from the lower first row).

And one more thing: for the last ring, we first insert the fishing line into the lower side bead of the ring in front, then we collect only 3 beads and weave it as before.

3. We weave the next, third row from rings consisting of 5 beads, threading the fishing line through the beads of the 2nd row alternately - first in 1, then in 2. Therefore, the number of beads collected on the fishing line will change: once 3 pieces (on one bead of the base), then 2 (on 2 beads of the bottom row), again 3, etc. The exception is the first and last ring.

Scheme 4. We weave the fourth row in exactly the same way, only the base is made up of 3 beads from the underlying row and the large rings are made of 10 beads. To make the structure clear, I circled the rings of each row in a different color.

5. We simply trace the last row along the contour: 3 beads of the ring of the last row, string the beads, stretch the fishing line through the next 3 beads of the ring, etc. Secure the fishing line.

6. We take a new piece of fishing line and, stretching it along the rings of the rows, attach beads to their center (diagram in Fig. 6, red arrow). We fasten the fishing line.

7. Again, take a new piece of fishing line and begin to weave the tail (diagram fig. 7). Then we weave the fishing line symmetrically with each “tail”.

We stretch the fishing line along the bottom row to the place where the paw will be and weave it, again we stretch the fishing line to the front paw, weave it, now we pull the fishing line to the head.

We weave the head according to the pattern (a line divides the top and bottom of the head). When we have weaved the entire head, fold it along the line, pass the fishing line towards each other through the first row of the neck and use the free “tails” of the fishing line to connect the broaches between the rows of the upper and lower parts of the head.

You can do it another way: with one end of the fishing line we pass through all the rows of the lower and upper parts in a spiral. We fasten the fishing line.

Websites with sketches: http://stoys.narod.ru/turtle.htm


DIY beaded turtle

A funny turtle figurine made from beads is easy to make in a short period of time. The figurine itself is small and, despite the fact that it is woven using a three-dimensional weaving technique, it is not complex.


To make your own beaded turtle, prepare:

  • thin wire, 0.2 mm;
  • beads of brown, green, blue, black, yellow and blue;
  • fishing line

Step 1. Each row of turtle weaving consists of two tiers: upper and lower. Take a 100 cm long wire and string a yellow bead on it for the top tier and 3 brown ones for the bottom.

Step 2. In the second row, for the top tier you will need 3 brown beads, and for the bottom 6 beads of the same color.

Step 3. For the top tier of the third row you will need to string beads in the following sequence: brown, blue, 2 browns, blue and brown. Send 6 brown beads to the bottom tier.

Step 4. In the fourth row, 6 brown beads will be needed for the top tier, and 4 for the bottom tier.

Step 5. The fifth and sixth rows are woven the same way. You will need to send 3 brown beads to the upper and lower tiers.

Step 6. To weave the seventh row, take green beads. Send 6 beads to the upper tier, and 5 beads to the lower tier.

Step 7. In the eighth row in the top tier, the beads need to be alternated three times with green and 2 blue beads and close the chain with green beads. For the bottom tier you will need 7 green beads.

Pass a piece of wire 15 cm long through the lower tier. Do not touch the wire at this stage.

Step 8. In the ninth row, send beads to the top tier by color in the same sequence, but replacing 2 beads blue color three copies.

Send 9 green beads to the bottom tier. Pass another piece of wire 15 cm long through all the beads.

Step 9. For the tenth row you will need green beads. Send 15 pieces to the upper tier, 11 to the lower tier.

Step 10. In the eleventh and twelfth rows for the top tier, cast on a green bead and 4 blue beads three times and close the chain with a green bead. Send 11 green beads to the bottom tier.

Step 11. In the thirteenth row, send 15 green beads to the top tier and 9 to the bottom. Pass an additional 15 cm long wire through the latter.

Step 12. In the fourteenth row for the top tier, string three green and 3 blue beads onto the wire, closing the chain with a green bead, and place 7 green beads in the bottom row. Pass additional wire through the bottom tier.

Step 13. In the fifteenth row for the top tier, replace 3 blue beads with two beads, and send 5 green beads to the bottom tier.

Step 14. For the top tier, string 6 green beads, and for the bottom - 3 brown.

Step 15. In the seventeenth and eighteenth rows, using the counter weaving technique, string 2 and 1 brown beads onto the wire.

Step 16. Secure the wire by passing it through the previous row. Twist the ends and cut off any excess.

Step 17. To weave paws, two rows should be formed using the three-dimensional weaving technique, stringing two brown beads into tiers. After this, string beads onto the wire in the sequence: 1 black, 1 brown and 1 more black. The wire should be passed through the row again, twisted and cut.

Step 18. Weave three more legs in the same way.

Step 19. To keep the turtle in shape, sew it with fishing line. The craft is ready!

How to make a cute little beaded turtle? We are offering to you detailed description.

We will need:

  • fishing line,
  • four colors of beads. Choose the color to your taste.

Is the weaving material ready? If yes, then let's get to work.

We weave a shell

We string 4 blue beads onto the fishing line and secure them well. You should get a cross, this will be the middle of the turtle.

We weave this way: We collect 4 pieces and insert them into the first one. We string two more on the same fishing line (of a different color), and again pull it through the first bead, then through the next one, etc. Thus, we weave a cross around the entire circle, it will turn out to be larger. In order to hide the gap between pairs of beads, we weave one more bead into the gaps. By filling in the gaps, the turtle that you weave with your own hands will look voluminous. You need to put one bead on the fishing line and pass it through the nearest pair, string another one, etc. The row consists of 12 pieces.

For the 3rd row, take beads of a different color, for example white. We braid two beads to each even bead, and one to the odd bead. Alternating the entire row in a circle. There are 18 beads in the third row.

We weave the fifth row in white, following the example of the 4th. The number of beads in a row is not even, so you need to weave in from the beginning, two times in a row, one bead at a time. Then weave using the same technique. Total 40 beads.

How to make the 4th row. We weave in blue, like the previous one, beads are added to each even number, there should be 27 of them.

We do not add anything to the sixth row, it consists of 40 pieces. In order: 4 blue, 1 white, weave eight times. White beads will divide the shell into eight parts.
In order to weave the 8th row with your own hands , we copy the seventh. We braid one at a time, exactly the same color.

We tighten the shell. In the 6th row, there were 4 blue beads, and in the 7th row, there were only three of them. Therefore, we braid one bead to the first blue one, and then pass it through the second and third beads of the 6th row. We weave another bead to them, then another to the fourth. We perform such actions in each part. Bead pattern white should remain the same, for this purpose one more white bead is woven under each bead. In this row, the beads should go in the following order: 3 blue-white-3 blue, etc. You will get 32 ​​pieces.

We weave the ninth row as well as the eighth. We reduce the number of beads, we get 24 pieces.

A row of 16 white beads. You need to weave one bead under two blue and each white bead of the 9th row.

Under each bead (two pieces), in the previous row, we weave one blue one, so we get 8 pieces.

We make the 12th row, weave one white bead to two blue ones (you get 4 pieces). We pull it all together, the turtle shell is ready.

How to make a head. We stretch the fishing line through the shell and bring it out in the middle of any part of the 6th row. Add one brown bead to the 4 blue beads. Next, we go down a row below, and there, also, under the desired part, we weave four brown ones to the four blue ones.

Don't change anything, four brown ones on the bottom and top.

Making eyes for a turtle, stringing black beads . We add brown beads to the second and third beads in the 14th row. By the 4th we weave the second black bead (eye). In the lower part we bring the number of beads to 3 pieces.

The last row of the turtle head you make with your own hands consists of two beads. We collect one bead over the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd beads, and weave the same way from the bottom.
If the part on which you wove the head turned out first, then the paws will be on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th parts. We pull out the fishing line in the 2nd part on the 5th row, weave 3 brown ones, and weave 2 more in the second row. Using this method, clockwise, we weave the remaining legs. On the 5th part we make a tail: 1st row - 2 pieces, 2nd row - 1 bead. We fasten the fishing line well, hiding the ends inside.