Photos on February 23. Collection of greeting pictures for men and grandfathers for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

According to the pretended tradition of the Defender of the Fatherland, it is customary to congratulate not only military and veterans of hostilities, but also all men and even boys. Especially pleased the fact that this wonderful tradition is being given to children from an early age. Postcards and drawings with pencils and paints with congratulatory inscriptions are prepared in kindergartens and schools to give your favorite dads and grandfathers on February 23. The thematic competitions of children's creativity are often held, in which participants demonstrate their artistic talents. But the children's drawing on February 23 is not just an image of a holiday symbol with congratulatory inscriptions, and also a sign of respect. A sign of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, bold warriors and real men! Next you are waiting for simple step-by-step master classes of drawings on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23, which are suitable for kindergarten and elementary school.

Step-by-step drawing for dad on February 23, 2017 "Tank" in kindergarten pencil

The first thematic drawings with pencils for dads and grandparents in the form of symbolic tanks and aircraft on February 23, children learn to draw step by step in kindergarten. There they first learn that it is for the holiday of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland and why it is so important to congratulate his close men on this day. And symbolic drawings help them make a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe festival as a whole. Next, we offer you a simple master class of step-by-step drawing for dad pencil to kindergarten "Tank" on February 23, 2017, which can be aligned even the smallest pupils.

Necessary materials for drawing with a pencil "Tank" for Pope on February 23, 2017

  • listed album
  • black thin pencil or gel pen
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction for drawing on February 23 in kindergarten pencil "Tank"

Figure for children "Military ship" on February 23 to school, master class in stages

Initially on February 23 was the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, so the image of a warship can be safely used for a congratulatory children's drawing to school. Along with a tank or aircraft, a warship drawing can become an excellent independent gift or design for a congratulatory poster. Read more about how to master the drawing for children "Ven in the ship" on February 23 to school in gradually find out from the next workshop.

Required materials for Figure on February 23 to school for children

  • listed album
  • black felt-tip pen
  • pastel or Color Pencils, Paints

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a warship on February 23 to school for children

Master class drawing "Defender" on February 23, 2017 for a pencil contest for children, stepdown

The option of thematic drawing with a pencil on February 23 for children called "Defender", which you will find in the master class below, is perfect for the competition. It can also be used to design a greeting card with your own hands or wall newspapers at school. Detailed master class in drawing "Defender" on February 23 for a pencil competition for children further.

Necessary materials for the "Defender" drawing on February 23 for a pencil contest

  • listed album
  • colored pencils, markers
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • rule

Step-by-step instruction for a picture of the drawing on February 23 to a pencil contest

Now you know that create a festive drawing on February 23 with your own hands for the gift of dad, the competition or exhibition is completely simple. And our simple phased master classes of drawings with pencils and paints on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland can be easily used for kindergarten and school. And if you want to draw a ridiculous themed pattern on February 23, then pay attention to the option for children from the video below.

Break your head over how to congratulate the male half wondering, with a sense of humor? Think what to surprise representatives of a strong floor? Believe me, they will support any creative idea, because women's attention is what men so often lack.

The original postcards on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland will become an excellent start of festive surprises. After all, this custom is familiar to everyone else from distant childhood. What holiday did without them?

Only before, beautiful postcards had to search for a long time, order, buy, or even make their own hands. The assortment was small, there was no big diversity. But now festive pictures in abundance can be found on our website. Bright, colorful, funny and intriguing with ready-made congratulations - choose for every taste.

Would you like to give her dad, her husband, brother, working colleagues is not a problem, the individuality of each will ensure accurate getting into the target. Your men will be satisfied with all 100 percent. After deciding with the choice of postcards from February 23 as the first present for congratulations on the holiday, it will only have to clarify its topic and design. Here much depends on who it will be handed.

Funny pictures and funny photos - Perfect option for youth. This is what helps to raise the festive mood and morale. It would seem a trifle, but how much fun sometimes causes one small, clearly chosen congratulations. But the laughter of loved ones is a balm for the soul.

Standard Military Topic Greeting Cards Come on the colleagues, with whom pure official working relationships have developed. Do not congratulate them like it is impossible and uncomfortable, but to joke - not competent. It is better to choose something neutral. Photo and image of Georgievskaya ribbon, military equipment and other attributes, accompanied by official wishes, just what is needed.

In great demand recently began to use beautiful pictures with girlscrushed into a military uniform. Close friends, brothers, young buddies, the original surprise of this nature will cause delight. It would still, because to see the young, cute lady in the photo, and even pleasant or cool wishes are incredibly nice.

A favorite grandfather and dad, as the true soldiers served in the army nice to get a gift prepared with their own hands. For example, you can download a picture from the Internet, which were popular for another 20 years ago, and add touching words to it.

The most native men - Husband and son will not be easy to find postcards containing warm and mental verses, which once again remind you that they love them, appreciate and respect.

It does not matter what congratulations on the holiday on February 23 you will pick up - beautiful or cool, made with your own hands or taken from the Internet, the main thing is that they go from the soul.

Give cards to everyone and everyone, not only close, do not forget to send them to colleagues, buddies who are far away, just familiar. After all, women's support, attention and sympathy are so important.

In every kind, there is someone who serves in the army, long gave tribute to the country or just going to replenish the ranks of the defenders. It is these family members, friends and colleagues that we congratulate you annually at the original male holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Our expensive grandfathers, men, guys and boys we give pleasant gifts, dedicate poars in postcards, send beautiful greeting pictures with cool wishes and loud slogans about valor and courage. And, of course, this year will not be an exception. Original pictures on February 23, 2018, as before will be popular among children in kindergarten and school (to create coloring and school wallgazet), among adults (for free download in SMS, social networks and on the desktop).

With the greatest diligence of the Defender of the Fatherland are preparing kids. Under the sensitive guidance of educators, they master bright postcards and paint funny drawings to thank the dads and grandparents for their support, protection and custody. We provide our selection of simple pictures on February 23, so that children in kindergarten can use additional materials in their writings. Beautiful themed images can be printed and cut for postcards, they are easy to translate through a copy-up to create an advanced coloring, they are easy to decorate a band and get the board to get better familiar to the guys with a celebration history. Funny and simple pictures on February 23 for children in kindergarten you can always download on our website for free at any convenient time.

A selection of simple pictures for children in kindergarten for the holiday February 23

Beautiful pictures to school on February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland)

Unlike kindergartens, more meaningful children at school are suitable, but no less beautiful pictures on February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. The guys 7-13 years are already familiar with the overtext of the holiday, but their knowledge is not too strong and deep. Using high-quality illustrations, the teacher can explain to schoolchildren interesting historical facts that caused the emergence of the celebration. But before you have to free a little time to download on our website and print beautiful pictures on February 23 (Defender of the Fatherland) to school.

Collection of beautiful pictures for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for children at school

Funny pictures for wall newspapers on February 23, 2018

Like dozens years ago, and today in schools of the whole country, children are preparing bright greeting posters with congratulations and funny pictures for the holiday on February 23. On the thematic wallgazetas, the guys draw colorful headlines, loud congratulatory words prescribe, push the photographs of their heroic relatives, drawings of military equipment and brave soldiers. And in order for the poster to radiate the spirit of heroism and fully matched the theme of the celebration, it is complemented by printed and neatly cut images. Funny pictures for wall newspaper On February 23, you can download on popular Internet sites or choose in our next section.

A selection of suitable pictures for school wall newspapers by February 23

Funny coloring pictures for schoolchildren on February 23

For schoolchildren who want to congratulate the dads and grandfather gifts made by their own hands, we picked up a whole collection of cool pictures-coloring on February 23. Such images can be painted on a computer in a special program or ink paints and pencils, and after - to sign and give the perpetrator of the celebration. Funny coloring pictures for schoolchildren on February 23 are very diverse, so any small artist will choose the most suitable image. And mom will always help download and print a ready-made version!

Gallery of children's pictures-coloring schoolchildren to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Original pictures on February 23 dad

February 23, as an official holiday - the day of the Red Army, celebrate since 1922. A little later in the USSR, the date was solemnly renamed in a single day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. And only after the collapse of the Union, the holiday got his last and now the current name is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Every year on February 23, everyone congratulates Dad, Grandparents, brothers, male collees, friends and neighbors with postcards and original pictures, wish all the servicemen, military-service and defenders "in stock" of all the best and future accomplishments, organize at home a small event and have fun with their Men. Do not forget and download in advance the original pictures on February 23 dad, brother, grandfather, in order to thank expensive defenders in peace and peace in the country.

A selection of original pictures of dads by February 23

Festive pictures for men and grandparents with congratulations on February 23

In the solemn day of Defender of the Fatherland, all men and guys can wish for bulletproof health, armor-piercing success, self-equipped Fart, beautiful combat girlfriends and faithful friends, a considerable money trophy and valiant victories in all daily endeavors. But is it enough for some wishes? We offer to back up with their festive male and grandparents with congratulations on February 23. Such signs of attention are completely free and available for download at any time, but at the same time very pleasant as young guys and the elderly grandfathers. Unlike paper cards, behind bright festive congratulatory cards for men and grandfathers do not need to go to the store or market, they can be downloaded on our site right on the eve of February 23.

Collection of greeting pictures for men and grandfathers for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Cool greeting pictures from February 23 (Day Defender of the Fatherland) Men

As you know, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is a serious male celebration, and therefore congratulations must fully comply with the Herbrom and the militant spirit of the holiday. But from each rule there is an exception. Funny congratulatory pictures from February 23 (Day of Defender of the Fatherland) in men enjoy not less popular than brutal and official postcards with loud slogans. They are in light shape ridicule typical features of servicemen than and lifting mood. Download some interesting pictures with whiskers for your man and send him to your mobile on the holidays on February 23.

Option of funny pictures with congratulations from February 23 to men and grandparents

Beautiful pictures on February 23 for desktop

Old-style pictures collected in the last section, quite recently congratulated our grandfathers and fathers from February 23, and today they are already used as screensavers for the desktop PC. Using these characteristic images, in accuracy, reflecting the culture of Soviet countries, it is easy to create the necessary atmosphere to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Also beautiful pictures on February 23 for the desktop are good as a screensaver on mobile and tablet, in the format of postcards for friends or relatives, in printed form for different types of thematic activities.

Selection of pictures on the topic "Day of Defender of the Fatherland" for free download to the screensaver or desktop

Beautiful pictures on February 23, 2018 - Universal and practical. Using thematic images with wishes, you can congratulate the Pople and Grandparents on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day, create a school wallpaper or amusing coloring for children in kindergarten. Funny pictures can be downloaded for mobile and send to all familiar men. And you can simply print on the color printer and decorate the house to the celebration.