The rhyme with the day of the driver is cool. Comic and funny poems greetings on the motor vehicle. Congratulations cool motorist

Driver's day, motorist's day, day of the driver - all this is one holiday, which is celebrated by the entire Brotherhood of drivers and chauffeurs and unites representatives of various nationalities, religion and occupations. Congratulations on the driver's day take all men and women who manage vehicles. And it is not necessary, this should be a personal car, a driver or driver, managing municipal or commercial vehicles also has the right to congratulations on this day. And today we publish the most cool congratulations on the day of the driver, which you can send to your friends, colleagues, husbands, wives and just familiar.

Motor transport in our life
Anyone knows: very important.
Congratulations to all who with him
Located inextricably
Wish them all want
Trails are always happy
And health, and heat,
And love loved ones
So that fate did not fail
That adversity is past.

Many all and different
Sleeping the car in the night silence.
No owners - now the holiday:
Machine driver day.
Squast Day on Yellow,
Davili day in gases,
The day of the speaker "I went!"
On the call to buy eyes.
Branca nerve day
Well, drink, my friends,
So that he did he
Drunkard Mordobychik Gai!

On the holiday of the motorist
Wake up from the trees leaves,
Refrigerated into the water in the puddles ...
In front of the winter boat
We change the rubber,
Full tank will fill gasoline
And go to nature
Drink wine under sandwiches,
Skewers and jokes!
And until the morning
Sitting near the fire!

By wishes "drove"
Parliament feast established.
And on this day, drivers, -
Want - do not want whether
But we will take grams of three hundred

For motorist!
So that all any devils called -
You always, chauffeur, lucky!
To dream always come true
And so that the car is broken!

And that your brother driver
He was healthy and was rich.
Let in the flights of winter or mesh
There will be no traffic police problems -
The traffic cop will be Tolstoy, kind,
Driver - sober, smart, vigorous!

Steering wheel, four wheels,
Mirrors and headlights,
Hum of motor, two pedals,
Only we saw you,
Be the driver is notable
And useful and pleasant
Be the master of the car
Smell like she, gasoline,
Congratulations to everyone who is in the topic
Motor transport system
Let the green light burns
Wands, holes on the road
Each slowly and fast,
Happy, Friends, Motorist!

Today motorists
Rich royal table covers!
And as dewy - a tear clean -
The traffic cop as washed.
No protocols nor fines -
All steering - like anthem -
Surrender to each other an important report,
Where in our favor 0: 1!
Marking smooth road -
Skewers on skewers lies,
Neighbor neighbor - as purpose -
"Let's go" in the hearts shouts!
Let life to you won't be strict
And remember "Rule three" d ",
Let's more often on them!
Do not forget about yourself!
Live brightly! Rest!
And if that - one hundred
You, dear, drive ...
Well, it is only - "if that ..."
Car enthusiasts, thank you!
For security and comfort!
For having a beautiful!
For the fact that next to you - rushing!
Olesya Semichikina (

Well, friends, walk together!
Today I drove everyone!
The day of what went
Three times more than walked!

So live easily and just!
Wear, flowers, fat!
Plus watch back bridge
And speeds!

Let the road be smooth,
But where it is necessary - the brambos,
So that everything is in order
So that everything was on ointment.
Whether lucky,
Let him not wait on the road
And always burns green
And not stupid let the motor.
To the inspector with the radar
Only headlights blink,
Did not delay in order.
Congratulations. Good luck.

Who and the wheel has long been affected
Those who have long dreamed
Today we congratulate
We wish to live without accidents!

So that the car submits
So that there were no obstacles
So that a passing breeze,
I brought you a congratulations!

Be always healthy
And behind the wheel sit down again,
Let me grab my engine
And bypassing force majeure!

Although you have not been a kettle for a long time,
But boil sometimes
When unjust head
Or salary - nonsense!
Let it be a smooth road,
But only in the summer - not in winter!
The traffic police is not too strict
Does the engine be clown!
About the gas do not start boots,
And keep your brains in dryness!
Noticing a slim blonde,
You, the main thing, do not brake!

In the team at work
We never drink a holiday
Because day after day
You, men, - driving!
But today - an exception,
With a glass you are surprising.
We will tell you such a toast:
Let not spoil the nerves post
Where traffic cops are standing
Traffic lights albeit
Only green light,
Pedestrians Let at the same time
Comply with the rules
It will be right!
Lightways of you, of course,
Let things go successfully
Machines are not broken,
Happiness to you all, men

How many hours did you spend
Driving cars?
As a driver you - Eagle,
Hawk - like a man!
Let your car
Serves you right!
Corporate Ride Your Style
I am glad immensely!

Your car is very fine,
And you are a car enthusiast at least where,
With you, it is not dangerous to ride
You like more quiet ride.

Today is your favorite holiday
I wish to buy more cars,
Among which Lexus is unimaginable
And a couple-triple of Vaza Kalin.

Let the tracks be all chic,
And without insanity of insidious.
Let it be rachish every day,
Congratulations on the day of the motorist!

Wheels do not see a nail,
Always be sober at the helm.
And so that with its horse iron
Moved did not meet you with a rod!

To the one who is strong and blur
What to wish without unnecessary words?
Roads without nails and traffic jams,
Children, animals and goats;
Evergreen traffic lights
Today, tomorrow, etc.
And let the springs spring,
And sweetly sleeps traffic police!

It has come for your day, car enthusiast,
I'll tell you a few words.
You really really drive,
As a passenger about that judge.

Let the engine buzzes playfully
Let the chassis do not knock
You, skipping a beer boilers,
Leave a comrade keys ...

Cars loyal fan
And with them I share you for a long time.
And the meaning is filled with your opinion,
Kohl in the windshield is fixed glass.
And you will grow in vain work,
That in the garage you are aflrett
But, cute, I ask you not to forget
Your wife is also waiting!

If you are a driver,
Your day is the most
Better spend
According to such a program:

We will indicate, others
Signs Short path.
40 in the Red Circle -
So drink vodka!

Here is a man with a shovel -
So, let's drink too much!
And the brick is damned
Let's start in the gait!

Everyone who is chinit in the boxes
Releases them in the long flight,
Who serves and supplies,
By bringing them salary case,

All, we congratulate you on the holiday,
Happy automotive workers,
You wish the road easy
Did not break the car so that

So that the details were in stock,
And the traffic police did not stand on the highway,
To the sea was gasoline -
Happiness, women and men!

In order to flit butterfly,
Be a royal one
There was a man doomed to create
Woman gift ingenious gift.
And since then she, entering the taste,
With a breeze in life boldly rushing,
True, for love gentle bonds
Only at the intersection slows down.
And again worn forward ...
To do everything she managed
She probably needs a plane.
And car?! Seen outdated ...
Tattoo Kravtsova (

Say no worse
When Verva is driving.
It is right, prejudice,
In the meantime we live.
Woman now will give odds
On the road a man
That's what respect you,
If not to say, I love.
Take you very cool,
Over the year in a row
Men, in the poses of different,
RTY, rained, stand.
Now we need to tell us
Without reprimands and guilt:
All men are resting
If you are behind the ram.

Stupidity that lady driving -
It's terribly, and dangerous!
Congratulations on this auto day,
You drive really fine!
I want to wish me from the soul -
Be on turns careful
Do not rush on the roads,
On the way, after all, anything is possible.
Be always calm at the wheel
And do not take everything to the heart close.
Think about your health about your own.
Congratulations, motorist!

You are a rider at least where,
Woman - driver.
You are beautiful and smart
Speed \u200b\u200bconnoisseur,
There is one of the lady passion
With the smell of gasoline ...
Nails, most importantly, do not rolling
Drive cars!

You are beautiful, autoteda,
A proud look, the motor is turned on.
I wish you less often
From traffic cops.
I wish you with the machine
Exclusively on "you".
Let her understand you
Gives the joy of sharpness.

Typhoon, Hurricane, earthquake,
Fire, and glimpses of voluntarism,
Tsunami, storm, flood,
And world cataclysms.
Terrible thunderstorms, and collapsions too,
And the same birds whose fears of wings.
It may be worse
Only lady behind the wheel of the car.

There is nothing more beautiful on the road
What woman sitting in auto
Let me go around the city - not gods.
But on the traffic light - itself!

Do not cut and do not overtake.
Always ready to give up the track.
Inspector - They also respect them.
Ready a lot of woman forgive.

And signs - do not distract from roads
And the rules for women are "nothing."
In the accident do not often fall.
The running men ... Usually ... driving.

With the arrival of women cute on the road
Everything changed - it became more fun.
And that men shocked many.
The roads are wider ... and smooth.

Friends! Drivers! Shoes!
We want all of you we wish:
Today or very soon
Let all you have "five".
With the machine will be all right,
After all, without it it is impossible
And let the road be smooth,
And all traffic cops are friends.

Driving you just speakers
Just show the highest class.
Gas, grip, brakes
Never give way.

In this festive day
Invite to the light
We will make a wheel together
Slag, walk, stupid.

Today, all who are behind the wheel,
I have a hurry to congratulate on the idle day!
Congratulations to all drivers,
Professionals and lovers
Truckers and taxi drivers -
Happy motorist!
Roads to you the most even.
Gaishniki only good!

In the autumn holiday, driver, chauffeur,
I wish, so that it is not a gel motor,
Don't know your car
What does bald tires mean,
And in gratitude for gasoline
Without shaking it in the store!

You are driving today
Going, do not miss,
And with an expensive together
Holiday celebrate.
Let the chauffeur, you are lucky,
There will be all that
Strong tea and sandwich
And in the way is not boring.

Let the light green traffic light
Gives you in life odds
Good luck puts in the right row
And the headlights are happily burn!
The problems are solved quickly!
You, happy motorist!

Today congratulations
All those who are driving.
Let it be on the roads
And in life all the way.
We wish the tracks even,
Super troughs
And smart pedestrians.
Happy motorist!

And as in driving a specialist,
In your celebration of the motorist
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Let it be a smooth road!

Today on the day of the motorist

I wish from the soul:
Do not rush quickly and with a whistle,
And just the speed you hold!
Let the angel keep you
From the troubles on all roads.
Good luck tail flies,
And the cop will not touch the roads.

Let your roads always be smooth,
And only the green light flashes ahead
And if you suddenly stop you, the inspector is strict,
That wish a happy path.

Let the faithful friend - a favorite car
On the road will never let
Always enough oil and gasoline,
Motor let not knock and do not roar!

Cool poems about drivers and rides

Here is a foreign car:
Waiting for green-time pity!
She does not care about traffic lights -
Let Loi wait on the "constipation".
To her "Red" intersection,
Move very simple
Gorilla sits behind the wheel
Not a driver, but drove.

Taking on the right of the strip,
Quietly drags ridvan,
Glass all in the stickers "y",
As a tourist, a suitcase.
Maybe somewhere broke,
Or is it blucing "sorcerer"?
But in fact it turned out
Behind the wheel of an old ride.

Opening the windows on the unpack,
And cutting cool Mouzon,
Katit in a silk shirt,
With the girl "Tverskaya" Pijon.
Handle stroking girl buffer,
Hears only he is his subwoofer.
But does not see traffic lights,
And open drain hatch
This chmar, without conversations,
Called "rzyk".

Novoyey Schumacher,
Sends loud on x @ r,
All who are the norm keeps
Less hundreds do not chase
But the end of his famous:
Coffin, wreaths, two sad songs.
Waiting for anyone,
By nature, who is "rides".

But only one who is mil, not rude,
And in life - love of life,
Not kamit, it does not cut,
Rules with the mind hearings
Accuracy of whose parent.
Called -Deller!

All drivers and motorists congratulations on the day of the motorist!

You have a beautiful ride,
In general - motorist!
We wish safe
Drive around as a specialist!

So that your car always
Listened in all of you,
You are like a true man -
Treat your ride, loving!

Congratulations, humane,
Happy Your Day, Motorist,
And we wish you without tired,
On the way, rode three hundred years.
Not lose health
Be happy in all rest
The main thing to be in family solutions!

Happy Birthday Congratulations Motorist

You are driving today
Going, do not miss,
And with an expensive together
Holiday celebrate.
Let the chauffeur, you are lucky,
There will be all that
Strong tea and sandwich
And in the way is not boring.

Congratulations cool motorist

How hard work driving
Bus drivers, taxi,

And wish a happy path.

Congratulations to the driver in prose

There are trains and airplanes,
Metro, trams, ships.
But gain momentum
Cars of the whole land.

After all, this is the most necessary transport,
We will not live without it.
Drivers! Goods are cool!
And only good luck behind the wheel!

Funny congratulations to the driver

Not everyone can stay at home,
You always attracted the pathways.
You are driving the car - like on the throne,
So the track love only a few.
You chose the work not easy,
She is for those who are courageous, free.
Happy motorist Congratulations,
May God keep, as they speak in the people.

Congratulations to the driver happy birthday

With a new car
You are not at all Tolstosum,
Many years have copied ...
And here - to each one! -
All right!
You have always needed
Cool car,
The soul warms you ...
It is not a reason
You have to congratulate you?!
And wish on the road
Rules you do not break
So that the traffic cop is strict
Not fed at your expense.
You believe in good luck!
Although you god and protects -
Brakes Check!

Congratulations to a friend of the driver

On the holiday, the road is far away.
A row foliage is spinning on the holiday.
Happy Congratulations, motorist!
Be how the wind, calm and fast.
Let not descend the wheel in the way,
Let passengers and two hundred and one hundred
Will be with you, funny and nice.
Let the road lead to the most important
Life goal, to luck and happiness.
Let our lines like leaves are circling,
More money is a whole bag.
Let's drink for the holiday with us, my friend!

Congratulations to a woman motorist

What to wish you drove
For Birthday - Anniversary?! -
So that death did not find you,
Yes, in general ... and do not pain!
Let it be busy you need,
May the gangster goes
Coupon, like Virgo, will be whole -
Well, absolutely not piercing!
We went away doctors,
Love Be, happy and healthy !!!

Funny congratulations to the driver

Under your wheels laid latitudes,
And life cool chooses directions.
Trouble-free work,
Mother of the road!

SMS congratulations to the driver

With Kamaz, the other is true,
You are in the day and night
You drive long
Deliver the cargo to exactly.

On your chaqure
On the road you again
But we have a soul with you,
Brother, we will congratulate!

Congratulations to the motorist

Cargo transportation on a large car -
Here is your element and success,
You take to the place you are any cargo,
In order to save, yes faster than everyone!
We are today, on holiday, congratulations
And wish you happiness and love,
Joy, good luck, from native returns,
Earthly pleasures on your path.

Funny congratulations to the driver

On the day of the motorist
I wish you
Always clean roads
Not a rod nor a nail!

So that on his horse
I drove hundreds of miles.
Without any problem
Service, car!

Congratulations to a novice driver

More and more with every day cars -
Literally all the country was flooded.
How hard work driving
In fog and slush, at night and day!
Bus drivers, taxi,
The service is not easy for you to carry.
Congratulate your holiday we want
And wish a happy path.
And those who help you -
Screws, reserves, -
We also congratulate this holiday
We wish to work on conscience.

Let there be a barrier on the way
And on the right and left will always be clean
I wish you success, high salary,
And congratulations on the motorist Day!

On the day of the motorist
I wish the roads clean
Neither rod nor nail
And obedient steering wheel.

Happy motorist! I wish unhindered roads and always a happy path, as well as a great mood behind the wheel and good health.

Let the horse's horse without tired plowing,
Patrol on the road as a handkerchief after the wave.
Good luck on the track, on the road luck
And the caisis with the root in the back seat.

Let the road be smooth
Do not burn, let the red light,
On this day you, "Schumacher",
I wish only victories!
Happiness, sun and heat,
World, money and goodness!

Green light to you on the way
I wish you to go in my leg.
Smaller punctures and less than traffic police.
Let your travels be successful.

Congratulations to all who are behind the wheel,
All those who take the night at night taxes!
Let the "green" only be on the way
And the traffic cops will not be ahead.

Rules do not break
Pedestrians, respect
In traffic jams, do not conduct days,
Easy way to you!

Happy motorist congratulations,
Let it be easily your road.
Good luck and success accompany you
And let the happiness always wait for the threshold.

I wish the tight steering wheel,
On the road so not to get tired
Nor a rod nor nails on the way
Good meetings are more ahead.

Motorists congratulations!
I wish you no roads without traffic jams.
Avoids Let not happen
Your cars do not break.

Speed \u200b\u200byou do not exceed
And the law is not broken,
Easy way to you,
Let everything be on ointment!

On the day of the motorist
Roads wish clean
And in life, and on the highway,
So that every moment was classified!

Dear ways, interesting roads,
Live fun, cool, not knowing the alarm.
Green light in all bent
Happy motorist you congratulate you!

Let the road stele,
Bad swear
Let all affairs
And the money will add.
Happy motorist,
He will be clean!

Happy way today wish
We are at those who do not imagine themselves.
Let ahead always the road will be clean.
We congratulate you on the day of the motorist!

Happy All motorists!
Light let the green.
On the way, let it be purely,
Without ughabs, holes and pit.

Happy motorist!
Good luck with your life,
So that the car was clay,
The road is always smooth.
And let the checks in the post
You are around the mile.

Congratulate the motorist!
Road smooth and straight!
Let the soul - easily and purely,
Success is a solid stripe!

Neither nail or rod
Travelers useful
I wish smooth roads.
Happy motorist congratulations!

Let them be joyful adventure
More smooth, right roads.
Go to hand to hand with luck,
So that neither a nail or rod, nor alarms!

Schumacher and Alonso in shock:
Your car takes overclocking!
And in this speed stream
You are definitely champion!

Favorite, your day is yours today
Driver with experience and experience!
Sit in a car together with you -
My desire is about say!

You are the one who is not thinking of the day
Without a faithful steering wheel.
Happy motorist
I congratulate you.

In the way, let not frighten
Ugaba, ice and dirt,
And the traffic light shines
Green every time!

You have a beautiful ride,
In general - motorist!
We wish safe
Drive around as a specialist!

So that your car always
Listened in all of you,
You are like a true man -
Treat your ride, loving!

You are fragile and graceful,
Behind the wheel is beautiful you!
Drive competently, seriously -
Just a dream woman!

On the holiday of the motorist
I want to desire -
Ride cleverly, not fast,
To keep up everywhere!

Always in order your iron horse
You ride carefully and not quickly.
You congratulate you on the holiday
My sister, Happy Motorist.

Let everything be calm on the way
Interference and bumps do not interfere,
Let the angel always watch you
Green traffic lights only shine!

So that the car does not break on the road
Shooter in Stuzh do not lie under it,
There are special equipment in the garage - mechanic,
Any repair will destroy as if smoke.

Your holiday, friend, today, too,
After all, there is no - and the flight is not fulfilled!
Be healthy to work piston,
In the sufficiency was "Litol" and "Dziatim".

Everyone is frozen in amazement:
Such a lady driving!
As embodied aspiration -
My spouse day after day.

Routes of the most picturesque,
So that only please you
You on the day of the motorist
I wish you sincerely love!

About blondes evil myths
People put not too lazy to people.
Especially stereotypes
In the motorist day!

You do not confuse gas and brake,
The lips behind the wheel do not ripe.
And understand: blonde too
On the road - just AS!

In the morning our fleet will signal,
Today is the holiday of the chauffeurs,
Friends we sincerely congratulate
Happy days and smooth roads!

From the heart I congratulate you!
Have a lot of you are driving!
Dear, I wish you
To be a complete bowl of your home!

So that the men were inferior to you,
So that everything is not necessary!
To remove from afar -
Super woman behind the wheel!

The day of the motorist has come
For those who are firmly in the steering wheel.
Let there be a way free, clean
And it will be safe.

You, girlfriend, congratulations,
I wish the easiest path.
And rules so not breaking
You could use your goal!

Blonde driving? Stereotype
You stood up to the base!
Or "Zhigul", or the coolest "jeep"
Perforce all your desire!

And speed and road canvas
You, like a trainer, tamed.
I will say one thing on the day of drivers:
Blonde driving? That's the power!

Let the machine faithful
Always lucky with comfort only you.
You are safety, cute, apply -
On the highway too quickly do not drive!

Do not forget - you are waiting for you!
Let succeeds will come soon
I want to desire from the heart
Ughabs, holes and traffic jams do not meet!

Motorist day suitable,
With him you, my wife, I congratulate me.
Let everything well be on the road,
Hand holds your hand hand with your hand.

Let not be traffic jams, off-road,
The right way will find a car.
Let anyone disturb you
And nothing will put on the way!

Motorists day soon
Rule lovers will be copied.
And with this holiday today
Congratulations, aunt, I am you.

Let your safe way be
In the car, let comfort reign.
On the road everything will be fine
And your angel keeps you!

For those who do not represent life
Without faithful iron horse
Motorist Day is coming
And I have a hurry to congratulate you.

Favorite, I wish you in the way
There is no interference.
Always so that you have time and everywhere you have time
And the rules never break!

Happy motorist, dear driver!
You are our professional, not a simple amateur.
On your voice, your hands react motors,
The traffic cops, traffic jams and congestion are not afraid.

Wish you want suddenly
Fools, bad roads with a digital ditch!
Be healthy and in the holiday you are a glass of tiny,
And stay at home, because behind the wheel - nor!

If a person woke up a splash,
And he advises to stronger squeeze the ram,
Yes, they still wish - not a rod, nor nail,
So comes the driver's day, friends!

Let it shine only the green light,
On your way, let him not be trouble.
Happiness will smile, good will be the way
And the ability to relax nice!

The last Sunday of October is the festival of the driver, who traditionally mark auto-professional, and pedestrians. I wish you a nail or a rod. And also smooth roads without fools! Let his favorite car be sure to serve, remaining the best iron friend. And not a single Inspector of the traffic police is violated by the friendly idyll.

Day Sunday October -
The best calendar sheet!
At this holiday we are glad
Give the drivers off!

Jokes aside friends
We are without a driver - it is impossible!
He is lucky to work,
He is not afraid of rain and ice.

Congratulations we cordially
We wish you roads without traffic jams!

Be happy driving
Be prince, king,
And the world of all owned,
Only a complete tank pour.
Let it be loyal to the horse,
Life is bright as fire.

Trifles that not a healer,
Still conspiracy one
I will read you, the driver,
Due to festive reasons:

Let in the way with your iron
Do not meet a horse
Neither goat nor zebra-rods
No macaics driving!

Happy motorist! I wish you fellow travelers - only intelligent and pleasant, roads - always perfectly even and with a markup convenient for you, traffic police officers are the most benevolent and friendly!

Motor let the road does not sneeze
In order of candles there will be bridges,
My wife does not reproach you,
What often you ride in the car service.

Let forever be full tank.
All mechanisms let them work properly.
In the eye rushes let every sign.
Well, and from the traffic police, everything is allowed to be nice.

Let not knock the breakdown under the hood.
Seats will be soft, like silk.
Well, in general, "no" so that you are concerned,
And from trips received pleasure and sense.

Driver, Happy Holidays! I wish not to know either the nail, nor Ughab, do not meet traffic cops in the bushes. I wish you a free bird to rush, with a passing wind, with your favorite music in the cabin, with a pleasant passenger, with a full tank and on the coolest wheelbarrow.

Roads smooth, buzzing motor ...
Today is your holiday, chauffeur.
Let the traffic cop on this day sleeps,
And only the green light burns,
Live, with a smile in the distance looking,
Not a rod, my friend, nor a nail!

Cute motorist,
Do not tremble you like a sheet!
Driving DPS,
Do not feel stress.

Today you have religion,
Praise and congratulations!
Happy Rule's lord,
Congratulations and me!

Congratulations on the day of the motorist! I sincerely wish not just successfully ride, but truly from happiness to "fly" in life, along the way, on the way! True, I wish not to fly into dubious places and situations!

Let hundreds of kilometers behind their backs,
They will be ahead of them a lot,
You every time a trailer for himself
Take good luck to the long road.

Not a nail or rod to you!
And wheels are excellent!
Let your motor be powerful,
Tuning - fantastic!

And in the way of luck
I wish you a big
Happy driver, my friend!
Happiness! Congratulations!

On the day of the motorist, I wish you green light and trouble-free iron horse. Be lucky, enjoy the speed, let the traffic shti stop you only in order to wish you good day!

Through the noise of a confident motor
I wish you happiness on the day of the driver,
So that you all gave all
And the prices for gasoline fell!

Driver, now splashing
Cool confident "Barank",
Forget care and anxiety,
And happiness will meet on the way!

Let all the playing gives
Gaishnik Grozny smile
When you are in joyful flight
Wrong everyone on the turn!

I wish you always healthy, and your car is always good! Let both good people meet you on the automotive track and on the life of the road, and let your car be successful.

Alina Ogonek