Who is a nymphomaniac and how to recognize her? Manifestations of nymphomania Women nymphomaniac

Nymphomaniacs are frequent heroines of intimate stories and erotic stories. At the word "nymphomaniac" many men imagine a kind of sensual lady with increased sexual appetite and plump lips. At the first request, the search engine gave me several stunning phrases: "Nymphomaniacs are magnificent women", "I would give a lot to have her become my wife", "I want everyone to be nymphomaniacs."

But either we have a different understanding of this definition, or ninety percent of the male population using the Internet is crazy. Because nymphomania, alas, has nothing to do with lovely creatures - nymphs. Nymphomania, or, as it is otherwise called, andromania (from the Greek andros - man), is a mental disorder characterized by excessive sexual desire in women. The disease is rare, occurs in only one woman out of two and a half thousand. The course of this disease is accompanied by obsessive states bordering on aggression. As you can see, not very attractive.

In men, the manifestations of this condition are called satyriasis. This term originates from Greek mythology, where forest deities in human form, but with goat legs, were called satyrs. They were cheerful, loved to sing, distinguished by their addiction to alcohol (after all, the retinue of Dionysus) and excessive sexual activity.

Previously, nymphomania was considered one of the manifestations of hysteria, "rabies of the uterus." Even Plato described the uterus as a kind of beast that inhabits the body of a woman and longs for fertilization. With a low frequency of sexual intercourse, a woman could become distraught. In everyday life, this definition, which has long lost its relevance and sunk into oblivion, is often used. This is how the aggressive, hysterical behavior of a woman is outlined.

In today's society, there is a growing misconception about the true meaning of the word "nymphomaniac". Most seem to be sexy beauties with reference proportions, constantly craving caresses and not indulging in a "headache". It is forced to dispel this well-established stereotype. As mentioned above, this is a manifestation of a mental disorder in which a woman is not aware of her actions. These include prostitutes, depicting indefatigable sexual needs and receiving material rewards for each contact. They are well aware of why they are doing this and what it is fraught with. Women who abuse promiscuity do not fall under this category. They behave in this way for certain reasons, sometimes known only to them. And these are not girls whose upbringing is the opposite of puritanical. And by no means girls with a heightened sexual constitution. Yes, it has little to do with sensuality and passion. And "hot", liberated, courageous girls are different.

This is not imaginary freedom, not promiscuity and not love for sex. This is an irresistible, pulsating craving for sexual contact. A kind of conveyor approach. A woman who is characterized by this syndrome does not think about the number of partners, about contraception, about safety, about any other data of a partner, in addition to sexual quickness. She is exhausted from dissatisfaction, the inability to get sexual release. Sometimes the disease manifests itself in conjunction with sexual coldness. Then she can go all the way. She is insatiable, insane and uncontrollable. All her thoughts and fantasies are directed to just one aspect of our life. She does not seek to make her partner happy. It is difficult for her to build relationships, because not every man is able to accept this. She may suffer from emptiness and loneliness. If she is strong in spirit, then she struggles with it. She succeeds with great difficulty, since at one of the stages of rehabilitation, society can reject the presence of her illness, and attribute everything to her. She can be both a young charmer and an ugly old hag.

A very unattractive image emerges. So should it be considered a compliment and a desirable way? Hardly. And maybe you shouldn't insult your beloved women with such an inappropriate definition? I think that we want to see incendiary, passionate, mind-blowing, sexy, sweet, greedy, daring, with a healthy and high sexual appetite, exciting the flesh and exciting the soul as our partners and companions in life ...

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The meaning of the word nymphomaniac

nymphomaniac in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


nymphomaniacs, (honey.). A woman suffering from nymphomania.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


and. A woman suffering from nymphomania.




  • See Nymphomania.
  • "Nymphomaniac" is a 2013 film by Lars von Trier.
  • "The Diaries of a Nymphomaniac" is a 2008 film.
  • "The Intimate Diary of a Nymphomaniac" is a 1973 film by Jesús Franco.
  • "I am a Nymphomaniac" is a 1971 film.

Nymphomaniac (film)

« Nymphomaniac"- an erotic drama by Lars von Trier, released on December 25, 2013 in Denmark. The rental version of the film consists of two two-hour parts. There is also an extended director's cut of the picture; its first part was shown in February 2014 at the Berlin Film Festival. The second part of the full director's cut was first presented at the 71st Venice Film Festival. Starring Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgård and Stacey Martin.

Movie tagline: "Forget about love." "Nymphomaniac" was warmly received by the world film community, in a number of reviews the phrases " magnum opus Trier" and "masterpiece". Uma Thurman stood out from the ensemble cast, creating both an absurd and tragic image of an abandoned wife.

Examples of the use of the word nymphomaniac in the literature.

A story about murderers and conspirators, about patrons of science and treacherous intriguers, about young concubines and chanters of bishops and kings, about admirals and panders, about saints and heroines, and nymphomaniacs, about idiots and prime ministers, about sadists and collectors.

But, alas, the poor thing has to be either nymphomaniac, or a sodomite - she is not given otherwise!

Krestovskaya,” Aleinikov whispered in my ear, “the famous nymphomaniac and tribad.

In general, such witches, lesbians and nymphomaniacs like the harlot Magdalene.

On the far outskirts of this one-time non-existence, my friend MacGregor appears, stands next to me, and with him the one he spoke of, nymphomaniac named Paula.

On the legal side, the situation is as follows: if the prosecutor knows that the girl nymphomaniac, but I will not protest, you are free.

This alarmed me somewhat, for, although my manhood was very considerable, I did not know if I could satisfy the demands of the most famous woman in history. nymphomaniacs from evening dawn to morning.

Mark thought he was looking nymphomaniac, but in fact he was looking for a fragile, refined, calm, serene vision, happy love girl.

He understands that we know that Hiliks cannot be both nymphomaniac and a police agent.

Here's another tragicomedy of psychological warfare - a paralyzed woman who can't get out of bed for months and at the same time she has nymphomania and lovers are standing in line outside the door, including a robbed monk, an Armenian and others who take turns using this paralyzed nymphomaniac.

What is nymphomania?

In our turbulent and difficult times, more and more people are found with mental disabilities. One of the forms of their manifestation is nymphomania.

Nymphomania (from lat.) - excessive sexual desire in women; kind of hypersexuality. The disease is distinguished by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, casual relationships. Women suffering from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Thus, the meaning of the word nymphomaniac is that it denotes a woman as not quite in control of herself when it comes to sex.

The fact that a woman does poorly without sex does not mean at all that she has a pathology. Within the normal range, attraction in women is well controlled. In a nymphomaniac, attraction appears regardless of the circumstances, for example, as a feeling of thirst.

Basically, nymphomania is a symptom of organic abnormalities of the central nervous system, and can also be the first sign of manic disorders of various origins, psychopathy, oligophrenia, epilepsy. Sometimes an increase in sexual desire can be caused by stressful situations - troubles at work, loss loved one, property.

Origins of nymphomania

Nymphomania is usually associated with mental illness. Other causes may be various brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, schizoaffective disorder, and some other disorders. Also, illegal drugs such as methamphetamine can lead to nymphomania - in these cases, the disease acts as by-effect, which passes after drug withdrawal.

The causes may be different, but the source of the disease is in the pathology of the hypothalamus.

Scientists believe that nymphomania can develop due to flaws in education. If the topic of sex was banned in the family, then this fact, as such, could lead to such a mental disorder.

How to determine that a woman is a nymphomaniac?

To do this is quite simple. woman, just loving sex able to control her sex drive. She is able to do without physical intimacy for a week, a month, all the time while her husband, for example, is on a business trip. A nymphomaniac, on the other hand, is unable to create stable, long-term relationships. The purpose of her life is to obtain sexual satisfaction, she is unable to do anything else, it is hard for her to work, relax, interact with people.

Nymphomaniac women are not afraid of the risk of contracting venereal diseases or the danger of becoming a victim of a crime.

Signs of nymphomania in women

1. Attraction is impossible to control.

2. can't get rid of thoughts about sex for any long time.

3. There is no satisfaction from communication with a partner.

4. there is a need for casual connections even with strangers.

5. Loss of interest in a man as a person.

6. nymphomaniacs suffer from tantrums, go to all sorts of tricks and deceptions, the character becomes unbearable.

How is nymphomania treated?

Treatment of nymphomania begins with understanding. To begin with, a woman and her family need to understand that nymphomania is a serious mental health disorder, and not banal promiscuity.

To exclude a tumor, it is necessary to make a tomogram of the brain. The endocrinologist will ask you to donate blood for hormones to see if there is a hormonal imbalance. Asking means he sees the meaning in it. Donate blood for this test.

Treatment must be comprehensive. After a complete examination and tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the mental disorder and prescribe therapy.

Drug psychiatric treatment consists in taking sedatives, tranquilizers, neuroleptics (in particular, chlorpromazine, thioridazine and its analogues). With nymphomania in young girls, monobromine camphor helps well, at a dose of 2-3 g per day.

The appointment of hormonal drugs is ineffective, and is prescribed only in the event of a proven failure in the endocrine system.

It is mandatory to visit a psychologist to change behavior and conduct auto-training.

Thus, nymphomania is a rather serious mental disorder, and it needs to be treated, like any other disease. There are many methods and tactics of treatment.

The most important thing is to monitor your physical and mental well-being, not to miss the alarming symptoms of your body, and in which case, contact a specialist and follow his instructions exactly. After all, only you yourself can see what is happening with your body and respond in time to its signals.

Every third man wants to meet a lady who is not able to control her sexual passions. Such a woman squeezes all the sexual juices out of her partner and, without hesitation, switches to a new “victim”. But young people are not afraid, neither of the sexual aggression of the nymphomaniac, nor the threat of "being thrown overboard" after 2-3 hot nights. Doctors and psychologists strongly recommend that men do not get involved with nymphomaniacs, as they pose a certain danger.

Who is a nymphomaniac?

When a lady loves sex very much, it does not mean that she is hypersexual. Experts note that about 2% of women in different periods of life may experience excessive sexual desires. But in most cases, this is a consequence transitional age, which passes after a while, and the lady's sexual behavior returns to normal.

A woman can quite easily control her sexual desire, which is exacerbated under certain circumstances. In nymphomaniacs, the desire for intimacy appears regardless of the circumstances. Such persons cannot suppress their sexual desire even when they are at work.

Frequent sexual intercourse is a necessity for a nymphomaniac. She may have several relationships with men, even if she has a permanent partner.

Signs of a nymphomaniac

A woman may abstain from sexual contact for a long time, for example, when her husband is on a business trip. For a nymphomaniac, this is an impossible task.

  • A hypersexual woman is not capable of a long and deep relationship.
  • The main goal of her life is the satisfaction of her sexual needs.
  • Sexual contacts for her become impersonal.

Nymphomaniacs are more likely to be women with bipolar disorder, which causes a strong sexual desire. The causes of female hypersexuality can also be brain injuries, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's, drug use or certain medicines.

Why do men crave nymphomaniacs?

Psychologists have identified the main reasons why sane men go in search of hypersexual women.

  • The desire to fulfill their secret erotic fantasies.
  • The ability to make love in the most unusual positions and circumstances.
  • The tender age of hypersexual ladies.
  • The desire to get the most out of sexual relationships without giving anything in return.

For a nymphomaniac, the main thing is not the financial situation of a man, but his sexual capabilities.

The danger of nymphomaniacs

Female hypersexuality is classified as a pathological disease. In most cases, nymphomaniacs are young or young persons under 35 years old. Sexual perversion develops in adolescence and adolescence, and then goes to adult life.

Nymphomaniacs pose some danger to men. First, they are often carriers of sexually transmitted diseases. And secondly, such women can destroy not only family life men, but also their psyche.

Hypersexuality is dangerous for the nymphomaniacs themselves. They are prone to numerous sexual infections. Excessive sexual activity leads to the physical exhaustion of a woman and the emergence of her psychological problems.

There are no cures and uniform approaches to the treatment of nymphomania. Specialists prescribe such ladies psychotherapy and drugs that suppress sexual desire.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

Nymphomania is manifested by an uncontrollable, obsessive, often impulsive desire for sexual intercourse with different partners. At the same time, age, appearance, financial situation, social status, and even the sex of the sexual object “turned up under the arm” do not play a special role, that is, there is low level discretion in choosing a partner.

Nymphomania is characterized by constant dissatisfaction and erotic fantasy, sexual disinhibition, the search for new partners and casual sex. Nymphomaniacs, as a rule, are not capable of orgasm, and if orgasms do occur, they do not satisfy the “hunger” and only reduce attraction for a short time. Women with this disorder usually have an obsessive desire to achieve sexual satisfaction, which is why they “seek” relaxation in in large numbers sexual intercourse - in the hope that quantity will someday turn into quality.

Excitation in this pathology is not accompanied by adequate physiological reactions from the genital organs, and the attraction is of an obsessive subjective nature. Non-involvement of the genital organs in the process of arousal indicates the presence of psychopathology. Hypersexuality in nymphomania must be distinguished from hypersexuality that occurs with any organic brain lesions. Most often, the disorder accompanies the manic stage of manic-depressive psychosis. It is also possible an excessive increase in sexual desire after experienced stress, severe fright or tension.

The causes of nymphomania can be obsessive-compulsive disorders, nervous or mental disorders, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and organs that perform endocrine functions, ovarian tumors, and so on. Often it is observed in persons prone to psychopathy, especially the hysteroid circle. It can also be observed in oligophrenia.

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To some, the question of whether a nymphomaniac has a chance to become a good wife may seem rhetorical. Someone, perhaps, does not see a problem at all in combining these two concepts. In order to understand, it is worth starting with the definition of both.

Nymphomaniacs are women whose sexual needs in terms of the quantity and quality of regular sexual intercourse significantly, very significantly exceed the average, for example, up to 10 times a day. And with different partners. A wife is a woman who is officially married. That is, her husband is her only official partner. So can a man desire to have a nymphomaniac next to him in life?

A nymphomaniac cannot be a faithful wife and mother

What is not just a wife, but good wife? The question is almost philosophical, but in the generally accepted sense - this is a woman who has chosen her only man and devoted herself to loving him, taking care of him, creating family hearth, raise children and somehow share your life and bed with him alone. From this point of view, a nymphomaniac cannot be a good wife. A-priory.

If such a loving woman, having entered into marriage, shares the bed only with her husband, she can no longer be called a nymphomaniac.

Confused Wife

At the same time, nymphomania is not just a lack of moral principles and a dissolute lifestyle. It's a disease. Pathology recognized in the medical world. And it is not only women who suffer from this kind of deviation from the norm. It can be assumed that there is a man who is beautiful in every way, except for one. He is an active bisexual and proponent of group sex. And in this area is also unrestrained. Naturally, the vast majority of women had already told him where to go. And he also wants someone to cook borscht for him and drink it after the next party, without falling into hysterics about its content. And why not become the very nymphomaniac that most men mentally refuse the possibility of such a role. Indeed, by and large, that wife is good who shares her husband's values, takes care of him and does not judge him.

Who knows, maybe these two sick people in marriage can be happier than most "normal" couples, who can find a reason to be unhappy without sex.

And it also happens that, having walked together and resisted the fall, people at a certain moment find the strength in themselves for change. Together. After all, they say that nothing is impossible for those who really want something. Even if it's a nymphomaniac. Especially if we are talking about a nymphomaniac who wants to become a good wife.

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Sexual desire is a common occurrence in human life. Thanks to this generous gift of nature, a person can continue his race and do it with pleasure. It would be difficult to imagine seven billion people on planet Earth if the process of conception was not accompanied by pleasant sensations. However, sometimes the desire for intimacy crosses the boundaries of common sense and acquires the character of pathology.

It is believed that it was known even in the time of Plato, who came up with her name. And it means a strong pathological sexual desire of a woman. It manifests itself in the constant obsessive desire for sexual contact. This phenomenon is both interesting from a scientific point of view and dangerous for humans. And that's why.

Norm and pathology

A person in his usual state still remains an animal, since he belongs to the named kingdom according to the biological classification. However, this animal is organized, capable to a certain extent of controlling its desires, making responsible decisions, receiving information from outside and adequately analyzing it.

Pathology is a violation. And in the case of nymphomania, the violation is both psychological and partly physiological. According to statistics, women living in warm climatic zones suffer more from it. Perhaps there is some climate dependence here, since from a physiological point of view, the hormonal system largely controls the behavior of people, and in direct sunlight the endocrine system works more actively.

Be that as it may, this is a violation of the normal functioning of the body. A woman is ready to make sexual contact very often, with many people, even strangers, in order to achieve pleasure, which is not enough for a long time. We have to look for new "victims".

Much and often or a man's dream?

Much and often - this can be called a man's dream, especially in young age when "play the hormone" replaces common sense. And this is physiologically justified and correct from the point of view of procreation, in order to have time to create offspring and grow them. And to such men, nymphomania seems like manna from heaven. Until they hook up with a real nymphomaniac.

This definition is often understood as simply loving women, healthy and morally liberated. However, this is not correct. Nymphomania is a disease. A disease that makes you look for sexual satisfaction always and everywhere. Even at the risk to your own health or the well-being of your partner.

Not every man will dare to meet a real nymphomaniac. As dangerous as communication with the mentally ill, in this case, such relationships, seemingly ordinary, can lead anywhere. Sexually transmitted diseases, the risk of having sex in unusual places(which is not uncommon for nymphomaniacs), crimes based on raging hormones - that's not full list what real pathological nymphomania entails. Therefore, we can definitely say - yes, nymphomania is dangerous, and for both partners.


  • Interesting about nymphomania

Nymphomaniacs are women who often change sexual partners. Such people are very fond of sex, and diverse. Psychologists say that nymphomania is a disease. However, is this true?

Initially, the term "nymphomania" served to denote an exceptionally strong sexual desire in women, forcing them to disregard the norms of decency and often change partners. Nowadays, “nymphomaniac” is often used in relation to an equally active man, although the word “nymphomania” itself comes from two ancient Greek words: “nympho” - “bride” and “mania” - “passion”, “madness”. In any case, a nymphomaniac is a person with pronounced hypersexuality.

Nymphomania - a disease, or promiscuity?

Greek physicians considered nymphomania a disease, closely associating it with hysteria, which was given the rude name " rabies". The fact is that increased sexual desire, promiscuity in intimate relationships were often observed in overly impressionable, emotional women prone to demonstrative scandals, many of whom could not even give birth.

Such views were widespread until the late Middle Ages. Therefore, a woman who was too active sexually could either be considered sick or suspected of having ties with evil spirit. And then her fate was very sad.

What can cause nymphomania?

After the advent of a more liberal era, the disorderly sex life with a frequent change of partners was classified as "licentiousness". In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is quite complex. Most often, people with a high content in the body of certain hormones responsible for sexual desire become nymphomaniacs. It is because of this hormonal shift that they experience a strong (often compulsive) desire for frequent sexual intercourse with different partners. That is, some hero-lover like Don Juan may well turn out to be an ordinary nymphomaniac.

Often, nymphomania in women is associated with the impossibility of satisfaction during sexual intercourse (the so-called "nymphomanic frigidity"). It turns out a vicious circle: than more woman strives to achieve orgasm, changing partners for this, the stronger the disappointment. Often because of this, the case ends with a persistent mental disorder.

Many modern experts believe that nymphomania is based on some psychopathological processes, which, however, cannot be considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is a kind of "borderline".