How to sign a card from the heart and with love. How to sign a card? Postcard signature options depending on the situation

How to sign a card? This is not difficult at all: don’t be afraid to make mistakes - he won’t even notice them under surging feelings, literally suffocating with delight. The main thing is to place a bright emphasis on how wonderful it is and how important it is for you.

Armament Options: How to Sign a Postcard

If excitement doesn’t make it possible to independently sign a card to your beloved, then opt for an original card with a ready-made text that best suits your relationship and extols its strengths. But no matter how original and beautiful the card may be, leaving the case is not good. You have to invest a part of yourself in the card - modify what you have written in a couple of words that will make sense only for the two of you, and, undoubtedly, will cause emotion of your beloved. Or sign something like: “Sorry, dear, but I couldn’t say better ... And for what only you, such a silly girl, love me ...”. Although you laugh, you will look cute in his eyes. Guys love it when their soul mates sometimes pretend to be silly. Here   how to sign a postcard to a guy, even if you bought a finished one, with a congratulation already written, and you have nothing to add. If you have absolutely nothing to say in a postcard (you never know, there can be a stupor, well, or some kind of creative crisis), try to quote words about the love of great people, adding some personal commentary filled with the love and warmth that you feel. Perhaps, under the influence of great wisdom, the muse will return to you. Remember one thing: love - that is what should be permeated through all your congratulations. It doesn’t matter what it is: an addendum to a finished text or a wise saying, your own - perhaps awkward - text or just a couple of phrases that had enough imagination ... This will please both your soul and the soul of your beloved. When copying the philosophies of the classics, indicate the author in the upper right corner of the postcard, and your initials and signature “With love!” must follow after citation.

How to do it beautifully, how beautifully to sign a card?

Use colored pens or felt-tip pens, you can use a stencil. Also, a small elegant sticker or a series of sparkles will not hurt. You can use manicure for decoration, and, of course, your imagination. Ribbons, beads can also go, just do not overdo it. Guys do not like such things in excess. And finally, the most difficult. Try to concentrate on your love for him, visualize your attraction, and perhaps on this note you will be able to write several rhymed lines, or even quatrains, yourself. Do not worry about observing the rules and rules of rhyming - the main thing is that the words come from a loving soul. Love each other. Now you know how to sign a postcard to your beloved guy, and get him right in the heart!

Have you been invited to a festive celebration? Be it the birthday of a friend, family or the wedding of friends, a great completion of the gift will certainly be a greeting card. Postcards are given for any reason and to any person. They can be presented not only on some special day, but simply to a loved one. It is important to be able not only to choose the right card, but also to design it.

If you give an unsigned postcard, then the very meaning of such a gift is lost, moreover, it is simply impolite. So how to sign a card? The first rule - always, thinking up a text, focus on the addressee, take into account the properties of his character, especially nature. Decide what kind of associations you have in the person you are writing to. The sun, a flower, a cat? Or maybe we’ll get by the official: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich”? It is unlikely that the playful appeal will suit your boss or funny poems for postcards to your grandmother. Pick a few epithets that most accurately reflect the character, appearance of the addressee. For girls, it is especially worth writing a few compliments. For example: “My sunshine is radiant! Today you are brighter than ever and outshine everyone with your light! ” So, a start has been made. We decided on the appeal.

We pass to the text itself. Beautifully signing a card is a great art. First of all, we repeat, the reference point is on the addressee. So, we write exclusively in a business tone. It is possible in the form of a poem, but, of course, not frivolous, as well as rigorous and businesslike, without excessive familiarity and any kind of subtext. Ready-made poem texts from the Internet will help you solve the problem of how to sign a card of this type. Also, the option is suitable when the poem is already printed on the card. You will only add appeal and signature.

However, the finished template texts will not be well received by close friends, relatives. Here you have to show ingenuity. When deciding how to sign a card yourself, pay attention to the structure of congratulations. The classic components are as follows:

Addressing the recipient and the theme of the holiday;


Your wishes;


Try not to spare time, to introduce the person to whom you write in all details (exceptionally positive, of course). You can add ready-made poems, but only in combination with your personal warm words and wishes. Decide how to sign the card, depending on the nature of the recipient. Will humor and friendly jokes be appropriate or is it better to keep an even gentle tone.

Particular attention should be paid to wedding cards. After all, a wedding is an important event, sometimes even the only one in life. So, how to sign a wedding card so that it is stored and re-read by the young for many years? Poetry, or even the last option, by the way, is a win-win. You will prepare in advance, and when you need to say at the table, read your text on a postcard. Please note that congratulations must be carefully verified. Various errors in the text are unacceptable!

In conclusion, one important tip - do not rush when signing cards. Write with love and from the heart. Then the card will become not just an addition to the gift, but a message to a loved one who will be more expensive for him than the present itself.

How can a product of the printing industry, stamped with a circulation of several thousand copies, turn into a unique valuable present? We are talking about how to sign. Minimum task: for the donee to find the strength to read the text to the end and not send the essay to the bin in the event. The task is maximum: to surprise, to touch to tears, to cheer them up.

How to sign a card to your beloved

Here you should especially strain, starting from, ending with the signature. Successfully completed stages - delight, delicious dinner and a boring night as thanks. You can not give your beloved people cards with ready-made text. The message should have a personal character.

  1. Laconic Soul Strings A few suggestions on what a person is dear to you. Decorate the text with a compliment. Complete with a wish of what is lacking. Promise to fulfill this desire, if it is in your power. Avoid templates - a loved one will accurately feel your formal attitude to your holiday.
  2. Poems Talented and lazy to write yourself. Those not gifted with writing skills can turn to a copywriter for help. Remember: a good master will always ask you some personal questions about the person for whom verses are written. If you have not been asked anything about the culprit, except for his name and age, be prepared to get a useless product.
  3. Postcard-letter Here you will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the question of how to sign a card will disappear on its own. Secondly, finally talk to your beloved “heart to heart”. We are less likely to do this because of employment, isolation, laziness, and indifference. Writing is an ideal occasion to revitalize communication. Express what you have long wanted, but it was out of place or not yet time. Be vigilant: the message must be in a positive way so that your first literary tête-à-tête does not become the last. Write a letter on a beautiful background, roll up a scroll, tie a bow.
  If none of the ideas seemed suitable, instead of congratulatory lines, draw something in a postcard. Personally. Try hard. For this, the talent of the painter is not needed at all. On the contrary, the more clumsy the drawing, the warmer it is perceived. Sign "Beloved Irishka! To my happy birthday to her. ” It's enough. A flower, a little animal or the sun, drawn by courageous male paws to his beloved wife, will be perceived by the latter with tenderness.

How to sign a card for children

  There will be no problems with sincerity. The difficulty is that these people do not read long odes - even the most folding and sweet ones. Treasure Hunt Map Organize your child’s adventure. Hide the gift, and attach the search card to the card. You can draw it yourself, marking the control points in your house, write tips.

How to sign a card to parents

These are the most grateful readers and listeners.

Most love poetic autobiographical stories.

Use the information about work, family, achievements in the congratulations, not forgetting to thank for the care, sacrifices, efforts.

how sign postcard to parents   only your personal experience will tell you - there are different relationships. By focusing on respect and love, you will not be mistaken.

How to sign a card to friends

Write a lot of different wishes. Cut each in the shape of a petal and make a daisy card.

Sentimental, slightly childish, but if you turn on the imagination and remember all the wishes of the donee to the smallest detail, the "reading" of the flower will amuse.

Wishes should be short and precise, and most importantly - individual, almost intimate, otherwise it will be boring.

For example, “happiness in personal life”, “material well-being”, “joy” - will not work, but “weddings this year”, “own square meters”, “two-week vacation in the Dominican Republic” - completely.

How to sign a card to colleagues

Do not know how to apply: “respected”, “dear”, “honorable”?

Contact immediately by name and patronymic. If, in addition to business relations, you are connected by friendly, small quatrains about the main virtues of a colleague - that’s it. When you connect to the writing of all office employees, literally in a few minutes, real humorous pearls are born.

Another question is how to sign a card "to that ... well, how is it ... he has three more children and a dog." A rare case when it is permissible to use a postcard with ready-made typographic text. Do not forget to subscribe (department or donor name), set the date. The complete absence of any identification marks is a bad tone.

Each of us has holidays. And if this holiday is with a loved one, I want to congratulate him on fiction and impressively. The gift itself often does not carry a meaning, but the card attached to the present is often remembered better and makes an impression more. How to sign a card to your beloved so that he feels the warmth and love that you feel for him? How to make your congratulations like and remember?

How to sign a postcard to your beloved guy

To get started, choose a card that would suit him as much as possible. Do not buy common cards with the inscription "Beloved." Even worse, if the whimsical text inside the card will be the only congratulation from you. You can give such a card to a colleague or a not very close person.

Usually people do not respond very positively to the congratulatory poems that you found somewhere on the net. That is, most likely, such a text “will not hook”. Congratulations will sound very different if you borrow a phrase about love from a great man.

If you plan to develop your relationship, let your loved one understand this in congratulatory wishes. It is best if you write words that come from the heart. For example, “I become happier when I remember your eyes,” or “Dear, this holiday gave me a chance to remind you that I will always be there.”

Remember what your boyfriend would like to achieve in life? For example, he wants to get a good job or buy a car. Write that you wish him more than he would like to receive, but this can be submitted non-trivially. If your fiancé wants to be promoted to colonel, write to him: "I wish you that your wife has a husband-general." If he is saving up money for a used car, write “I wish that the interior in your Lamborghini always match the color of my dress.”

With such small and humorous wishes, you will make it clear that you know him better than others, and strive to be near.

How beautifully to sign a card to your beloved

If the purchased copy of the postcard already contains text that suits you extremely well, do not remove or seal it. Insert one more insert inside, on which, in fact, write your wishes.

You can draw an inscription with paper figures glued to the corners of the text. Do not attach butterflies and flowers - to a guy this will seem inappropriate. The heart is quite suitable.

It will be especially effective if you make a card yourself. Today, the art of scrapbooking is very common, everything you need can be purchased in the special department of the store. Having received such a gift in your hands, your beloved cannot fail to appreciate it.

New Year is the same holiday that you always want to celebrate with your family, among close and beloved people. This is a celebration that marks the warmth and fortress of family ties. It is important that people celebrate the New Year with those with whom they want to spend the next 365 days. Of course, for a girl, the closest and dearest little man is his beloved guy. Some girls try to devote a lot of time and attention to choosing a New Year's gift for a young man. This gift must necessarily be associated with the features of this celebration, with the uniqueness of the holiday. In addition, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of a New Year's card. Remember that the New Year card gives a special image, its individuality to any gift. Such a card should be signed in a completely unusual way, using all the words that you want to say to your beloved. So how to sign a postcard to a guy so that it is truly touching and unique? Option 1. Poetry Of course, it is best to sign postcards with poetic lines. Do not try to invent a new word in poetry or surpass the skills of Yesenin and Pasternak. Write from the heart, letting your feelings go out. It is important that the beloved feel your sincerity, your love. Also try to build simple, not too elaborate rhymes. Remember that the poem should at least indirectly relate to the New Year or the features of this celebration. Therefore, in a few poetic lines you must express your love, tenderness and Happy New Year. Also reread your poem after writing. It is best to read it out loud. When reading aloud, you will notice elementary inaccuracies in rhyme, a double understanding of a particular line. It is better to correct such a poem and give it greater filigree. The poem is certainly worth writing by hand, so the congratulation will receive a more intimate character. As a signature, you can use your name or nickname that your beloved gave you. Option 2. Prose In fact, a New Year card may contain congratulations in prose and from this not a bit to lose its charm. The main thing to remember is that in prose ugly and awkward sentences are even more noticeable. Try to use as many adjectives as possible, which can express your feelings for your loved one. Also pay attention to the congratulation itself. Try to avoid banal congratulations on happiness and health. Better wish your beloved to find your life path or find balance with the inner world. Remember that congratulation in prose should not be too bulky or boring. Congratulations should have a clear structure. The congratulation should also contain a definite finished thought, clearly expressed through prosaic lines. Do not be shy about your own emotionality, which affects the expression of feelings. Remember that your emotionality proves the sincerity of the written words.