Hair after carving. Carving hair: customer reviews of beauty salons. Is it worth it to carry out the procedure yourself

In the field of hairdressing, one of the latest achievements is carving, or long hair styling. Many girls think that chemistry and carving  Are one and the same thing, but they are mistaken, since long hair styling  this is just one of the varieties of perm.

If you understand the essence of our mistake, dear girls, and delve into the very essence cavringa, then you can see a very big difference between chemistry and long hair styling, as well as the difference between cavring  and bio-chemistry and light chemistry.

FROM carving  you can create the same hairstyles and styling as: small or large curls, volumetric styling, light wave, the allocation of some strands, curly tips, lush curls and much more.

The effect itself long laying  will last from one to three months, depending on the structure of the hair. There are also a number of distinctive features:

  1. Long installation  Suitable for any type of hair. The purpose of this styling is to create curly hair that resembles the natural curls of hair as much as possible. Carving  or long installation  –– the most gentle hair modeling method.
  2. A composition is applied to the hair, which is enriched with natural oils and extracts, so the hair does not dry out. After the procedure, the scalp is not damaged, the hair does not lose its natural color, as often happens after perms, as chemical preparations are used.
  3. Curls created carvinggradually begin to straighten. At the same time, there is no noticeable transition on the hair, as it happens after permanent perm. When the hair regains its natural form, carving  can be repeated.
  4. Curls created by the procedure carving, can be stacked after each shampooing as you wish.

Carving Procedure

The procedure itself   long laying  similar to perm, here you can find three distinctive features: the composition of the preparations for fixation, the duration of contact of the product with the hair and the final result. Procedure steps carving :

  1. The master first assesses the condition of your hair, if the need arises then the split ends are cut.
  2. Wash and dry the hair, then wet strands are wound on the styler. The type of stylers depends on the result that the client wishes, that is, you yourself. It can be large or small wooden bobbins, curlers or boomerangs with different sizes.
  3. A special gentle preparation is applied to the strands, it forces your hair to take the form of the styler that you are currently using when in contact with the product. Depending on the structure of the hair, the contact time of the product with your strands is determined: the thinner and softer the hair, the faster the product will be washed off.
  4. Without removing the stylers, a lotion-fixer is applied to the curls, it is washed off after application almost immediately.
  5. After releasing the strands from the stylers, the hair is washed with the help of a caring shampoo and laid in the hairstyle according to your desire.

Hair Care After Cavring

Hair after cavringa  are damaged in spite of the fact that it belongs to gentle procedures for hair. So that the hair does not lose   vitality and natural luster, they must be properly looked after.

  1. You can not wash your hair 2-3 days after the procedure carving. Since the effect of visiting the salon can be completely spoiled.
  2. You need to use restorative balms and shampoos, and you can also use restorative hair masks. This will make the curls more natural and restore strength to damaged hair strands.
  3. Wet hair should not be combed. And for the comb itself, the curl is advised to use combs with rare wide teeth.
  4. After washing your hair, dry the curls only in a natural way! Do not use a hairdryer. But if there is a situation in which there is no time to wait until the hair is dry, then you can use a hairdryer with a cold air supply.
  5. Attention! Use styling products like mousse, foam for hair, gel and varnish as preferably as little as possible.

Thus, carving (long hair styling) Is a salon procedure, which has a number of advantages, and when addressing a real professional master, it has no shortcomings. Thanks cavring  - long-term styling to do fashionable and stylish hairstyles yourself is much easier, and thus it makes every girl look perfect every hour and every day. And that is so important at our pace of life!

Women at all times sought to create various hairstyles on their hair. Of course, most often the fair sex prefer to have curls on their hair that make their image more feminine and seductive. But, to the great regret of many women, they do not have curls by nature, so they are forced to curl their hair on their own, which sometimes takes a lot of time.

Of course, the modern hairdressing industry also does not stand still, and now women have the opportunity to do in each beauty salon not only the usual perm, but also carving. All the girls who went through this procedure are surely aware that now they should not look after their hair the way they used to. We will talk about how to do it right in this article.

But, first of all, it is worth saying a few words about the carving procedure itself. What is it? Carving   - This is a light perm, which is done in a more gentle way than ordinary chemistry, and allows a woman to create a variety of hairstyles on her hair.

Another advantage of this type of hair curl follows from the previous one and that   hair after carving  cutting is not necessary. But after the usual perm, such a need, unfortunately, arises quite often. This once again proves that carving products almost do not spoil the hair structure.

And even vice versa - the hair after the carving procedure looks smooth and well-groomed, they can easily be styled in any hairstyle, from fancy to cute small curls or stylish vertical strands.

According to experts, curls on strong hair turn out to be more expressive when carving. If your hair is naturally oily, then this procedure is also not contraindicated for you and can even benefit your hair - it will not only add fluffiness to it, but also reduce the fat content.

What is nice, carving is so safe for hair that it can be done every 2-3 months. If you do not repeat this procedure, then your hair will gradually straighten itself and become what nature has gifted you.

There are also few contraindications for carving - such a curl is undesirable if you are expecting a baby, breastfeeding, undergoing treatment for any disease, or before that your hair has been dyed with henna.

Now let's move on to the question of how right care for hair after carving?

To wash your hair, now you will need to purchase special shampoos for moisturizing shampoos or products for those who have undergone perm.

Do not rub your hair after washing - it will be better if you just dab it with a terry towel that absorbs moisture well. After this procedure, intensive mechanical stress will not bring any benefit to the hair.

Also not too shown hair after carving  and heat, therefore, whenever possible, try to use a hairdryer as little as possible.

Do not rush to comb your hair immediately after washing. It’s better to wait until they dry out a little, and then take a comb with infrequent teeth and comb your hair.

The first three days after the carving procedure, it is not recommended to dye the hair. If nevertheless such a need arose, then use only paint without ammonia or tonal shampoos or balms.

Every girl’s daily styling takes quite a lot of time, especially if it is a curling iron or curler. To save precious minutes, hairdressers suggest carving hair.

What it is

Carving is a long-term soft wave of hair, a kind of gentle chemistry. Due to the fact that the composition does not include harsh chemicals, the procedure helps to curl the locks, while not burning them too much. The procedure is performed on curls of any length, but it must be understood that this is not a biowave. Of course, the locks do not suffer as much as from chemistry, but the structure also changes and not always for the better.

Schwarzkopf first introduced carving products, a little later hairdressing salons began to recommend Loreal products. Carvers with honey are distinguished by their names (in Schwarzkopf it is “Carving Agent”, and in L’Oreal it is gentle chemistry) and in formulations.

Carving benefits:

Many reviews claim that carving for long hair is not such a harmless procedure, as you can see if you look at some photos before and after. disadvantages  gentle curls:

  1. In any case, carving is harmful. The composition burns the hair, the structure deteriorates, the strands become porous, fluffy, light;
  2. The technology dries out the skin and hair of the head, so sessions of such chemistry are strictly prohibited to the owners of dry curls;
  3. Any perm is prohibited during pregnancy. When a girl is in an interesting position, her hormonal background, hair, and skin change. When exposed to even “safe” chemistry, irreversible changes can occur in the body;
  4. Undesirable painting with henna before the session, as well as after. If you stain before - then henna will simply be washed with chemical components, and after that - a completely unexpected color can turn out.

Biocarving is considered a very serious procedure, so the experience of the master performing it plays a very important role. Do not be too lazy to find a professional, if a beginner will curl you, then you can really hurt yourself with this procedure.

Types of carving

The procedure can be classified by the length of the hair on which it will be performed, as well as the size of the whooping cough. Most often, long curls are modeled, naturally, it is easier to work on them and pick up bobbins of the right size.

Carving on medium hair is becoming more and more popular, such a hairstyle helps to add a twist to the image. Masters perform its curlers of different diameters to create a visual volume and a "naughty" hairstyle. Light carving can often be seen on a square or cascade.

In order to get large curls at the roots, carving for short hair is done. Only a professional can do it, so be careful. Although for owners of small lengths, the easiest way is if the hairdresser makes a mistake, you can simply cut off the unsuccessful perm.

Video carving technique instruction

How to do carving

You can buy a composition for carving, curlers and other necessary things in any hair cosmetics store or on Internet platforms. We highly recommend that before experimenting with yourself, go to a session with a professional or at least watch a video instruction.

Gentle chemistry technology is very similar to biowaving.

Carving technique:

  1. First, the curls are combed and curlers are wound on them. It looks like a regular styling;
  2. You need to wind the locks from the tips to the roots. Make sure that the length of the curl is maintained. It is not always necessary to bring the pertussis to the very root;
  3. A texturing composition is applied to dirty hair - so it spoils them less, although hairdressers do not always adhere to this principle;
  4. After the mixture is washed off from the hair, the curls are slightly dried and the curlers are removed.

At home, carving, like coloring, starts from the back of the head, smoothly moving to the front of the head. If you are going to buy a professional kit, then carefully read the instructions, it indicates how to properly apply the mixture to the locks and how much to keep it. Tip: When curling, do not overtighten the hair, otherwise the roots will suffer and severe loss may begin. For example, on blond hair, the composition is applied for a shorter period of time than on long ones.

The whole procedure lasts 2 hours, sometimes a little longer or less - it depends on how thick the hair is. Hair styling after carving is very simple - no more difficult than after biowaving, but there are some rules. Firstly, you can not wash your hair immediately after curling, it is forbidden to comb and dry with a hairdryer. All this can only be done in two days. Secondly, the curling iron can only work a week after the gentle chemistry.

For quick daily styling, you need to apply moist curls with your hands and stretch the foam for curly hair on the head, then slightly dry them with a hairdryer with cold air. It is impossible to dry for a long time so as not to burn through the affected strands.

Also, do not forget that after any chemical exposure, the curls need treatment. You can wash your hair only with special shampoos for damaged locks. Make nourishing and moisturizing masks regularly. The effect of carving on healthy hair lasts up to 6 weeks, on damaged (bleached, dyed, thin) - more than 8.

Care after a wave

Tips after carving hair at home or in a beauty salon:

  1. You can paint curls only two months after installation;
  2. Straightening with irons is possible only once a week, while you need to set the iron to a minimum temperature;
  3. To prolong the effect - use special tools and masks for textured hair (there are products of Londa, Schwarzkopf, Tande and others);
  4. Lamination can quickly restore curls after the bio-laying effect has subsided. You can so take care of the locks at home, using gelatin strengthening or glazing in hairdressing salons;
  5. Professional care will not be superfluous. Any good salon will offer you a whole range of restoration procedures.

Of course, carving hair as in the photo can be done at home, just by buying the right tool. But at the same time there is no guarantee that you will get such waves as you need, and also that you won’t get out of your hair. Many salons provide discounts to regular customers, as well as lower prices for the correction of gentle chemicals, if you want to extend the effect.

Carving on medium hair will give the bored straight strands extra volume, the curls will become curly. In the photographs you can evaluate how styling brings femininity, romanticism, playfulness to the image.

What is carving for hair?

Carving (from the English long-term styling) - treating hair with gentle chemicals that do not penetrate deep into the strands, but gently envelop them. The effect of the procedure depends on different characteristics and lasts on average up to 2 months.

The method will increase the volume and elasticity of the hairstyle, as well as simplify the upcoming styling.

Differences from chemistry and biowaving

All techniques contribute to the formation of long-term styling, but have some differences among themselves:

How is the procedure

Carving on medium hair: (the photo represents the procedure) consists in dividing the strands into thin strips, which are covered with gentle preparations, fixed in a certain position and then wound on different curlers. 30 minutes later the composition is washed off, and the curls are covered with a restorative agent.

Who is suitable for carving

The procedure is suitable for women with thin, soft, sparse hair of medium length, and is recommended in such cases:

  • to give the hairstyle volume and splendor;
  • to get a slight undulation;
  • to owners of fat locks, manipulation will “dry” them a little;
  • wishing to change the image without affecting the curls of powerful chemicals;
  • when there is not enough time to create a beautiful everyday hairstyle.

Types of carving for medium length hair

In the photo you can see that carving on medium hair is of different types:

Classic hair wave

It is a curling of strands on curlers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. First, the curl is treated with a composition of curl from ends to roots in a spiral. Depending on the used bobbins and the length of the curled curls, you can find elastic curls or large curls.

Vertical go-kart

It implies, as a rule, elastic small curls. Use spiral curlers by twisting them over the entire length of the hair in a spiral vertically. In this case, you can get maximum fluffiness.

Local carving

The local technique will help create volume at the roots of the hair, because the specialist processes only this zone, laying mainly large curlers under it.

But this type of carving can be performed not only on the basal zone, but also on the tips of long strands. The advantage of laying is the processing of chemicals with a small area. You can use different whooping cough.

Hair carving price

The cost of the service in professional salons is not much different from the money that you can spend on the purchase of a ready-made professional set for carving. The purchase of devices for home use seems more profitable, because several procedures can be performed for the same means.

In hairdressing salons in Moscow, depending on the length of the hair, biocarving prices fluctuate in this range:

  • short - 1200-1800 rub .;
  • medium - 2500-3700 p .;
  • long - 3800- 4500 rub.

Carving for medium hair at home

Subject to the following rules, carving can be done at home independently:

Long-term styling products

For independent curling, in addition to conditioners and shampoos, special devices will be required that can be purchased as a set or assembled separately. These are curlers of the right size, special formulations for the procedure, which include activating, protective and fixing mixtures.

Hair curlers

Apply such varieties of curlers:

Composition for carving hair

Preparations for the procedure should not contain ammonia. Thioglycolate is also a prohibited component. If these two ingredients are absent, biocarving can be regarded as a gentle process, but not completely harmless. Funds with the correct composition for curling are produced by such well-known manufacturers as Londa and Schwarzkopf.

The product is selected depending on the type of hair - normal, difficult, after coloring. The latch should be released by the same brand as the main drug. Be sure to first check the absence of allergic reactions to the drug.

How to make hair carving yourself: step by step instructions

Necessary funds for the procedure:

  • special composition for long styling;
  • medium sized curlers or bobbins;
  • retainer, preferably the same company as the main tool.

Technique of execution step by step:

Features of carving for different types of faces

Lush curls visually expand and increase the shape of the face, because chubby biocarving is not recommended. For women with a thin and oblong oval, small curls fit perfectly.

For plump women, a great solution would be large waves of descending curls, but small curls in this case are better not to do.

Carving for soft and thin hair

Carving for medium hair (the photo will allow you to evaluate how thin strands will be transformed) is well suited for soft, prone to greasy strands. Applied formulations help to dry them. The procedure does not drain curls.

  For owners of thin hair who decided to perform carving, firming masks with folk remedies and aroma oils will be very useful

Owners of excessively thin curls should make restorative masks or use special care products. After curling, split ends may appear. To solve this problem, you need to regularly cut the ends of the hair.

Carving for thick hair

Thick strands are quite heavy, so the procedure may not capture them the first time. Often, heavy curls remain straight, do not lend themselves to curling, but only dry out. It turns out that this is not the result that the owner of the thick hair was counting on. To see how carving affects thick hair, it is worthwhile to carry out the procedure on separate strands.

Hair coloring and carving

Curling can harm dry hair that has recently been bleached or dyed. It is recommended that curls be painted at least three days after biocarving. On recently highlighted strands, the effect of the procedure may turn out to be uneven, and dry curls can be completely burned out.

How to stack curls

Having done a gentle curl, you can use a straightener if the curls are fed up. Then wash your hair and see them again: this does not affect the duration of the effect.

To maintain the maximum styling result after curling, you should follow some rules:

Hairstyles for medium length with carving

Carving for medium hair: the photo shows how stylish this version of the hairstyle looks. Carving looks especially advantageous on a square or cascade. An average length is enough so that the curls do not diverge under their weight. Long styling on an average length of strands holds well, although not as long as on short haircuts. The winding can be performed and not along the entire length.

Who does not fit carving

It is advisable to refrain from carving in such cases:

Advantages and disadvantages of medium hair

Carving Benefits:


  • for pronounced curls, it is better to apply bio-curling;
  • after applying the chemical components for a while a specific smell is kept on the head;
  • there is a possibility of split ends of the hair;
  • some women notice a strong loss of strands;
  • in any case, after the procedure you will have to give the hairstyle the desired shape with the help of styling compositions.

Hair care after the procedure

After curling, it is necessary to restore the strands with the help of gradual care in case of dryness and porosity. It is advisable to choose a special restorative shampoo. After washing, apply hair conditioner.

To revive the structure of curls in the shortest possible time, you can use the mask.

To prepare it, mix 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 yolk and 2 tsp. homemade apple cider vinegar. Apply along the entire length of the strands except the roots, hold for 30 minutes. and rinse off. Coconut or burdock oils also help. It is not advisable to use a hairdryer, a straightener and a curling iron.

After washing your hair, it is better not to rub the curls, but to get wet. It is advisable to comb with a comb with rare teeth. If the hair is in good condition, experts recommend applying only one type of professional quality mask from well-known manufacturers of cosmetic products.

Although carving for medium hair involves the use of gentle preparations, care should be taken with them. But as a result, a neatly made hairstyle that can be seen in the photo will delight any woman.

Middle hair carving videos

What is carving and execution features:

How to create a basal hair volume using carving:

We all remember (or at least know) that in the 80-90s, almost the entire female population of the Soviet Union did “chemistry” - perm. Chemistry burned hair, and if it also bleached, the client left the hairdresser, strongly resembling an albino Negro, but not a golden-haired beautiful princess. But that was the only way to make straight hair curly. Although, however, it was possible to wind up on curlers, after wetting the hair with beer (there were no styling products either then!). Or arm with a curling iron.

Now there are many alternative ways. And here you have to be careful. In order to understand what service is offered on the beauty market, how useful it is for skin / hair / nails - it is necessary to clearly understand what it is. For example, some salons offer long-term styling, the so-called carving.

Rumors of the earth filled

Some say that carving suits absolutely everyone and creates the effect of voluminous hair or natural curls. In their opinion, the main advantage of carving is that its composition affects only the superficial scaly layer of the hair and does not injure the inner one. Actually, carving is the name of long-term styling, not chemistry, which many women avoid doing precisely because they do not want to injure their hair.

If you believe the fans of this procedures, carving -

  • this is a styling that lasts 4-8 weeks;
  • done without the use of chemicals;
  • further does not require laying;
  • suitable for all hair types;
  • can even be done on colored, highlighted and clarified hair.

Opponents of carving argue that:

   The carving is scolded mainly by people interested. Carving is a Schwarzkopf product, and it is clear that a salon such as L’Oreal will not praise a competitor.

There is nothing like leather

Anya, master of the beauty salon “L’Oreal”:

- Long-term styling necessarily involves applying some chemical composition to the hair, otherwise there will be no long-term! At L’Oreal, this procedure is called light chemistry, and at Schwarzkopf it is called carving.

- That is, when they write that carving is a long-term styling without chemistry, they write a deliberate untruth?

-  Not in this case. In order for the hairstyle to keep its shape and volume even after shampooing, a component must be present in a special tool that gives hair splitting. But is it chemical or not, what's the difference? Hair still changes its structure!

Nevertheless, carving in beauty salons is very popular. At cosmetology conferences and forums, girls are actively interested in who, where, at whom and how much did carving. They transmit addresses and share tips - is it possible to do carving on bleached hair, and when it is worth dyeing - before or after. Therefore, in order for justice to prevail, I turned to the master, who is a specialist in carving.

Lena, master of the Schwarzkopf cosmetics beauty salon:

- First of all, the terms “carving” or “long-term styling” are no longer there. Schwarzkopf took them off and designated the procedure as “light chemistry”. We left the name “carving” in our house so that no one would confuse it with perm.

- And what are their differences?

- Firstly, when carving there is no such burning curl as with "chemistry". Hair can be easily straightened with a hairdryer, pulled out with a comb. Secondly, craving gives a light volume attached to the roots, and a curl goes along the length. It turns out to be more fashionable, more broken than "chemical". And thirdly, carvers of different sizes and a special composition — OSIS Carving Lotion — are needed for carving.

Lena shows carvers for carving. They are plastic, transparent - look like small sausage-shaped balloons with three bulges.

- Balls for three volumes - large, medium, small. Different curls turn out. The volume is completely different, and there is no such fluff effect as in the case of “chemistry”. Then carving slowly disappears. We have many clients who, after the carving has come down, come to do it again.

- How much does he hold?

“About eight weeks.” But it is on natural hair. On painted he lasts much longer!

- And after special hair care is needed?

- Not. If carving is done well, not burnt, not overexposed, then minimal care is shampoo and balm.

- There are indications not to do carving?

- Well, very colored hair. Or to whom curls do not go. But curls go to everyone!

So it turns out that:

- carving is the same perm, only, so to speak, a lightweight, sparing option (but the hair is still injured!);

Since carving is still the effect of chemicals on the hair, you should not expect that it will look the same on dyed and natural hair;

Hair when carving becomes not so much curly as it is tougher, which means that you still have to style it yourself;

Carving leaves the hair gradually, on the one hand, it’s good - you don’t have to cut your hair, and on the other hand, after a month you will have to get mousses-gel-foams for styling again.

And most importantly - we must remember that we are all different, and what suits a friend may not suit you. The preparations are the same, but everyone has different hair. The technology is standard, and the skill of the masters can vary greatly. Everything is individual, and curls must be done wisely.