Simple and effective manipulations, how to recolor black hair. How to recolor red hair

Who should use gray hair color?

The gray color of hair goes to fair girls, it is best revealed after lightening the strands. Platinum tones go well with light curls. With the help of such dyeing, the hair becomes voluminous and bright. Ash blonde is a popular shade that suits girls with fair skin and blue eyes. This tone copes with yellowness of hair.

Ash shade suits girls with dark green or brown eyes. On brown hair, this color looks amazing, especially if the skin of the face is tanned. If the skin is pale, then use a dark ashen shade. This color tone is not so easy to achieve. The main thing is not to upset the color balance, facial features should be expressive.

Chocolate shades go to fair-haired girls with green eyes. Highlight the use of cool tones for makeup. Dark gray is a universal shade among the color palette. Gray-brown perfectly emphasizes the beauty of blonde girls.

Pink-gray color gives the appearance of softness. Violet-gray hair color will make your look fresh and interesting, this shade harmoniously looks with dark and light eyes.

Hair dyeing steps

First, prepare your hair, carry out the necessary restoration and moisturizing procedures. Use well-known cosmetic or folk remedies. Then - bleach the hair if the strands differ by 2 tones from the desired color. To lighten the strands, you will need a clarifying powder and oxide. Keep the product on your hair for about half an hour, it depends on how dark your curls are. After a few days, repeat the procedure. If the resulting color does not suit you, you can try to correct it with a tinting agent. It removes yellowness and a green tint. To switch from gray to a darker color, permanent paints are used.

We carry out tinting with the help of persistent or ammonia-free paints. Toning agents are applied to dirty hair, while tinting agents are applied to clean scalp. Follow this rule, otherwise the pigment may not be fixed on the hair. Prefer paints of well-known brands, poor coloring agents can lead to an unexpected effect.

Alternative staining

To get a gray hair color, you can use other methods. Consider a few of them:
For staining, a rhubarb decoction is often used. To prepare the product, you need 400 grams of plant leaves and half a liter of white wine. Method of preparation: grind the stems of rhubarb, pour them with wine or water, put the mixture in a water bath. After cooling the broth, we moisten their hair and warm our heads with a plastic cap, wash off the broth after half an hour. After this coloring, get an ash tone.

The second way is to use henna and basma. To prepare the paint, you need to mix these two products, add cocoa and hot water, distribute the mixture evenly over the curls and wash off after half an hour. After applying the composition, get the color ashen chestnut. Do not use chemical paints within 3 weeks after henna staining, the reaction can be unpredictable.

These methods are safe for health, dyes based on natural components do not destroy the hair structure, even strengthen them and make them stronger. Alternative staining methods have a less lasting effect, but their main advantage is the lack of chemical components.

Hair care

Coloring in gray is a procedure known today, to obtain the desired result, you should fix the dye on the hair. After the procedure, it is necessary to follow these recommendations for caring for them:

  • After hair coloring, cosmetic procedures should be performed to help the strands recover quickly. Use special masks to restore strands. The roots need extra nutrition and hydration;
  • Use a special mask using eggs as a shampoo. Stir the yolk with drinking water. This is done so that the yolk does not tangle the strands;
  • Use vinegar and lemon solutions to rinse your hair. To prepare the product, take a teaspoon of vinegar and mix it with running water;
  • Do not use hair dryers, irons, straighteners, high temperatures badly affect the color and structure of hair. If you can not do without such devices, use devices with high-quality thermal protection;
  • Once a month, trim the ends of the hair, this will give them a beautiful look;
  • Use products that retain the necessary hair color, help get rid of yellowness. Use professional shampoos and balms. Such cosmetics can be purchased in specialized stores.

Makeup and clothing selection

Choose the right makeup with a predominance of cold tones. Use pale pink or coral lipstick, for evening make-up you can paint your lips red. Match blush to match lipstick. Among the shadows, gray, purple and blue shades are popular. Look down with a gray or blue pencil. Use light pink powder.

Clothing should be made in pink, gray, yellow and blue. Black things are used as a complement. It is not recommended to dilute the image with too bright shades. It looks pretentious and even vulgar. Dyeing strands in gray is quite common today. Try to choose the right shade based on your appearance.

If you have bright features and dark skin, avoid this color. Do not forget about regular procedures to restore the structure of the strands after the procedure. I hope we talked all about how to dye your hair gray. I think our advice and recommendations will be useful to you in the future. I wish you all success! Be beautiful and happy!

    Adalind koss

For any girl, hair plays an important role. Hairstyle helps to look cute, sexy or feminine. At the same time, the shade of the hair affects a lot of appearance. Someone considers the natural color inexpressive, while someone has to dye their hair because of gray hair.

But you can not guarantee that the new image will not get bored after a couple of months, in which case there is a problem of hair dyeing. Of course, I want the color change to happen quickly, and the shade is the desired.

Errors in hair coloring

Dyeing hair at home, we can make many mistakes. When dyeing hair, they lead to the wrong color, and also harm curls. It is important to be able to choose the color. Of course, staining with a professional is always better, but frequent procedures are not affordable for everyone, because people resort to home manipulations. So, the main mistakes:

It is a mistake to assume that after painting you will get a shade identical to the shade of curls on the package. The result of painting will depend on the native color. For this, it is important to look at the shade chart on the back of the pack.

Painting without allergy testing.

All paint manufacturers are advised to test for allergic reactions. The site must be taken on the inside of the elbow, behind the neck or behind the ear. The reaction manifests itself as inflammation, irritation, hair loss is possible.

Use of paint without preliminary stains.

The big mistake is to dye all the curls at once. Select an inconspicuous strand and check the result on it.

Do not repeat common mistakes, do not break the advice of the instruction, then your curls will be minimally affected by staining.

Use conditioner before staining.

Do not use conditioner before staining. Just rinse your hair with shampoo. The problem is that there should not be free radicals on the curls before painting, but it is better not to wash the curls a day before painting.

Applying paint on tangled, dirty hair with traces of styling products.

A month before painting systematically. Before dyeing, wash your hair, cut off the dry ends.

Increase staining time.

Overexposure of the paint (longer than the instruction advises) is fraught with negative consequences. If the staining time is exceeded, there is a violation of technology. Paints have a different composition: gentle formulas, as well as persistent shades. It is especially scary to overexpose the paint when bleaching hair.

Such formulations are distinguished by excessively powerful cleansing properties. For dyed hair, special lines of dandruff shampoos have been created.

How to recolor black hair

It doesn’t matter, a shade from nature or obtained after dyeing, it is not easy to repaint black hair. There are 2 ways: expensive and long, as well as cheap. But remember that for one painting, changing the shade will not work.

If you are a supporter of the first method, then you will need the services of an experienced colorist. He is able to choose the most gentle way, based on the structure of the hair. You may be offered gradual clarification. After each procedure, the curls will become lighter by a couple of tones. A complete color change will take 1-3 months, it depends on the final shade.

Black curls are difficult to lighten. To carry out such manipulation will require many procedures. A sharp change from dark to light is fraught with negative consequences for the hair.

Another option is frequent coloring. First, the hair is bleached, then the strands are dyed in different shades. This path makes it possible to smoothly switch from dark to desired. After each manipulation, the number of dark strands is reduced.

A cheap way is suitable for independent use. He needs p and beer. Of course, to obtain a tangible result, you will need to perform these manipulations systematically for several months. The advantage of this type of hair dyeing is not only bleaching, but also the treatment of curls.

In addition, there is the option of coloring in other shades, moving on to the desired color. But this method will require about 6-12 months, it will bring a minimum of negative curls.

How to recolor red hair

These pigments "sit" very deeply, like black ones. But they are rapidly losing their brightness. If this color is natural for you, then you will be able to change it by. Otherwise, the result will be yellowish, and rust will appear through dark shades. The problem with repainting red hair does not occur only when using black. It completely neutralizes the redhead.

If the curls become red after painting, then before changing the color, you will have to turn to the wash. After the first manipulations, the hair turns yellow, so you need to resort to toning. The wash should be repeated until the shade becomes monophonic, without yellow impurities. Then it's time to use the paint and get the desired shade. These manipulations can be done at home. But remember the important points. Keep lightening paints on curls for a certain period of time, and therefore they must be applied quickly. In addition, it is important to achieve a uniform distribution of the wash, otherwise you will get spotty hair.

How to recolor blonde hair

In fact, repainting blonde hair is much easier than others, because they do not have to lighten. But there are tricks here, which should be taken into account to obtain the desired color. In a situation with light-colored hair, they are fundamental.

First of all, the chosen shade should match the skin color. If it is warm, then choose a paint with gold, bronze and caramel shades. With a cold skin color, stop the choice on paint with an ashy shade.

As for coloring and monophonic painting, here everything depends on the shape of the hairstyle. For short haircuts of a strict form, uniform coloring is suitable. It will enhance the laconicism of the image.

Changing the color of curls of light shades is the easiest, but it is important to remember about the right choice of color. Follow the instructions and advice of professionals.

If you have curly or long hair, you like to make braids or buns, then choose coloring. It will give the hair style lightness and structure. Blondes with pale skin can safely choose dark tones. This gives the image expressiveness. If such changes scare you at a time, then colorize. So the color change will become gradual, you will have time to get used to the image.

If you want to lighten blond curls, then feel free to choose any paint shade "light blond" or "blond". This will help to easily change color. But it is important that the shade matches the color of the skin.

Colored hair care

The use of any paint will not pass without a trace. Appropriate care for colored hair is required, because they suffer from exhaustion, brittleness, cross-section of ends and irritations on the skin:

the less often you paint, the more useful it is for hair. For this reason, it is required to maintain the shade for as long as possible. It is worth using special lines of funds;
change the image in the salons. Professionals will not only select the required color, but will make every effort to minimize negative consequences;
it is not necessary to carry out different procedures at the same time. Curling, painting or straightening is required to be done separately, not in one day. The minimum interval is 2 weeks before painting or 2 weeks after it;

do not use too hot air to dry hair, do not wind with a curling iron and do not straighten wet strands with an iron. This spoils the structure of the hair a lot, dries it. If there is no time to dry your hair in a natural way, then use thermal protection products;
cut off the cut ends every month. To do this, it is better to use hot scissors that seal the ends.

Folk recipes for dyed hair

We must not forget about the benefits and effectiveness of folk recipes for colored hair. Some have not the most pleasant smell, and the duration of action is longer than the finished products, but the benefits and effects are much better.

Most of these recipes are infusions for rinsing curls. An excellent effect on colored curls is provided by compositions with celandine, sage, yarrow and nettle. For fair hair, sunflower and chamomile are suitable. For dark hair - oak bark and hops, coffee and tea. Red curls are beautifully shaded by henna and hibiscus.

To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tablespoon of different herbs and 2 liters of boiling water. Herbs are poured with water and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Then the tincture is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

For hair care, use only special lines of cosmetics for colored curls, as well as restoring folk masks.

One of the key problems of dyed hair is slow growth. Folk remedies offer to combat this problem by applying alcohol tincture of red pepper. It needs to be rubbed into the roots every day for a month, then give rest 7 days.

Masks of milk, sour cream, kefir and honey smooth the hair cuticle. Chemical paint damages her a lot. The most effective results are achieved if you prepare masks based on these products. The simplest is the mixing of honey and milk and the lubrication of curls. Hold this mask requires at least 2 hours.

But it is worth noting a couple more secrets of care for dyed hair:

try not to use detergents for 3 days after painting. This will enable coloring pigments to better harden.
do not wash your hair with too warm water. She reveals a cuticle that washes shades;
do not go to the pool for 14 days after painting. Chlorine breaks down pigments;
protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, as color fades;
do not change the image more often than every 3 months, otherwise the hair will lose its beauty, shine and health.

Where to dye your hair

Remember that the choice of salon, where you will dye your hair, plays an important role. But even when painting a hair with a professional, high-quality paint will not always give the desired tone right away. Often you have to repeat the manipulation. Because a radical change in image is undesirable for hair, change the shade gradually. When dyeing hair, many factors should be taken into account:

quantity ;
structural features. Rare and thin will stain faster than thick;
hair length. The longer the hair, the greater the negative impact on them. This plays a role in staining;
native shade and shade of paint. Light color holds worse than dark. Red shades are better fixed at the roots, but are easily washed off from colored curls;
the shades with which you dyed the curls before. If natural paints were used, then chemical ones should not be used. The desired result cannot be achieved.

Based on this, it is worth noting that dyeing hair and changing the shade is worthwhile only in proven salons by professionals using high-quality paint. Otherwise, the desired result cannot be guaranteed.

   April 19, 2014, 14:35

If your hair is dyed black, only help powder bleaching (blondoran). No other ways exist.

You can not get out of black with a wash or a simple stain. I explain why:
  Rinsing will only help if you want to make chocolate from black hair. But not blond, and certainly not blond. Smyka wash black hair out of the hair without harming them (contrary to the opinion that it spoils the hair). In most cases, the hair after washing takes on a bright red color due to the fact that the paint is washed off, and there is a lot of its red pigment in the hair. BUT the wash can be used as the first stage of clarification - to wash off the paint. Then you still need to bleach the powder.
  Paint cannot lighten dark-colored hair. She only adds a new color pigment to her hair, but cannot remove the old one, that is, lighten it. And when you dye your dark hair with light dye - they remain dark, because dark paint still "sits" in the hair. The paint can only lighten natural unpainted hair, and then not much.

If you ask the master to make blond or blond hair out of black hair - he can only suggest powder bleaching - to remove pigment from the hair. Most often you have to do 2 bleaching so that the pigment in the hair is not left at all. And only then can you dye your hair in the color you need.

My natural color is light brown. Hair is naturally weak, the master assessed their condition as unsatisfactory and warned that they could not stand it.

Stage 1. To wash the black pigment out of my hair, the master told me to wash my hair with a dandruff shampoo for a week (for example, Nizoral). He very much washes hair dye. Although you can make a wash.

Stage 2. Then the master bleached my hair with a bleaching powder mixed with an oxidizing agent of 1.9%. She wrapped each strand in foil. After bleaching, my hair was orange
  The powder and oxidizing agent were professional L "Oreal without ammonia.
  Bleaching powder (blond) can be mixed with oxidizing agents from 1.9% to 12%.
If the percentage is large (9 or 12%), the hair bleaches faster and stronger, but it burns and deteriorates, plus it turns out more yellow.
  If the percentage is small (1.9% or 3%), the hair bleaches less and longer, but does not “burn out” and is not much damaged, plus yellowness is very small.
  Since my master took the smallest percentage, she wrapped each strand in foil so that the process went faster.
  This is precisely what lies professionalism of the master: Take a minimum% oxidizer and keep it on your hair longer to get a light shade with a minimum red.
  Only in this way - discoloration - it is possible to achieve clarification by 5 or more tones. A simple wash cannot do this.

Stage 3.  I was again applied to the hair blond (bleaching powder), mixed
  with an oxidizing agent of 1.3%. The master again used the foil on each strand. Hair turned light yellow.

Stage 4.  I was painted with the color "purple-ash blond." Due to the violet color, the hair from yellow became ashen-white.
  It is very important that the paint is professional. The mass market in 50% of cases gives the wrong color.
Staining or tinting is necessary after any discoloration.. All color pigments are washed out of the hair, the scales are open and it is “empty”, it easily breaks and falls off. Toning or dyeing fills the hair with pigment and closes the scales.
  Toning is the same as staining, but there is no ammonia in the paint, and it mixes with the lowest percentage of oxide 1.9%. That is, the hair is not once again damaged by ammonia and a high%, which is very important after bleaching.

All stages (except the first) were done in a row, it took 6 hours to complete
  My photos before and after

  AFTER the transition to blond, the hair condition is 3 with a minus, and only professional tools can put them in order. At a minimum, this is a regenerating mask (from 600 rubles to 1,500 rubles), silicone oil / serum for tips that will constantly be cut off (from 700 to 1,500 rubles) - it “seals” the cut ends. When straightening hair with an iron without professional thermal protection (from 700 rubles and above), the hair simply falls off after a couple of months. I already wrote a post about my departure.
  It will be possible to relax a little in a year or two, when the hair bleached 2 times grows and will be trimmed.

Today you prefer scarlet hair color, and tomorrow you want blond or some other. Do not hurry. So that the scarlet pigment does not affect the result of a new dyeing, several rules must be followed.

You will need

  • - washing off hair dye;
  • - shampoo;
  • - paint / tonic / hair balm.

Instruction manual

1.   Get a special wash to remove paint. You will need to get rid of the red pigment first. If you are going to dye your hair in blond or blond, you will get a whitening wash. At one time, she will not bleach the colored strands, but only make them lighter by 4 tones. If you want to dye red hair in dark colors, then get an acid wash, it is more gentle than bleaching.

2.   Prepare the mixture and apply it to dry hair. Distribute the wash over each hair length. If your real color appeared at the roots, then you can not shy away from washing them, because modern paint removers do not affect ordinary pigment. After applying the mixture, put on a plastic cap.

3.   Hold the wash for 20 minutes Do not leave the wash on your hair for longer than 20 minutes, as it is allowed to permanently lose the healthy appearance of the hairstyle. After time, thoroughly rinse the mixture with warm water using shampoo. If the scarlet color still remains, then some means for returning the color allow you to re-apply the mixture on raw hair.

4.   Apply a balm on your head for damaged hair. In the future, also use different masks, creams and other healing products to nourish and moisturize your hair, as washing powerfully damages their design.

5.   Paint the strands with paint. It is better to paint the day after bleaching. If you want to dye red hair in clear tones, then it is allowed to lighten it again with a wash to get the best result. The main thing is to do a repeated wash with an interval of at least 2 weeks from the previous procedure and only then dye your hair in the desired color. Take paint without a table of contents of ammonia or coloring tonics / balms.

The whole woman sooner or later begins to paint hair  for various reasons, but with one purpose - to become prettier, brighter and be confident. To change the color to a dark dozen is primitive, but only then paint black hair  in clear tones is not easy. It is worth noting that becoming a blonde, being a painted brunette, without ruining hair  is unthinkable. Better opt for clear tones: light brown, copper or ashen.

You will need

  • - hair dye;
  • - caring shampoos and balms.

Instruction manual

1. You will get in the store paint of any well-known manufacturer containing ammonia, the one that plays the role of a brightener. Also, one that contains hydrogen peroxide or resorcinol is suitable. Dissolve it, following the instructions, and apply on hair  . Keep the time indicated on the packaging, then carefully rinse thoroughly under running water. Wash your hair with shampoo, apply conditioner for colored hair or balm for a few minutes. Rinse and dry hair  . Repeat the dyeing procedure every 2-3 weeks until the desired shade is achieved.

2.   If you still decide to become a blonde, hair  first you have to discolor. Get oxygen 6-9% and supra (clarifying powder). Measure the required number of funds with a measuring spoon and mix at ease before applying to hair  in a plastic bowl. Do everything without fail with gloves and a brush. Apply on hair  the prepared mixture is rich and swift, starting from the back of the head. For the first time, retreat from the roots of 2 cm. After 30-35 minutes, rinse hair  Shampoo 2 times and apply a nourishing balm. Rinse thoroughly hair  and dry gently with a hairdryer or the usual way.

3.   A few weeks later discoloration can stain hair  in any shade suitable for you. Mix paint and activator and apply on hair  . The staining time is indicated in the instructions for the drug. The invariably desired shade occurs the first time, if this did not happen, then the next staining is allowed to be carried out no earlier than 3 weeks later.

4.   If you are weak hair  , then better contact a hairdresser. The wizard will select a gentle tool that will color your hair  in clear tones, but it will not burn them. To achieve the same result at home is unrealistic, because in hairdressing salons, highly professional hair care products are used.

Women do not get tired of repainting hair  in different shades blonde  in order to become more pretty and sexy. Having decided to turn into a tender fair-haired charming woman, you are obliged to learn the procedure for coloring hair for yourself. These skills will not hurt, even if you repaint in a blonde in the cabin.

Instruction manual

1.   Trim hair for 2-3 weeks before lightening. Do nourishing and moisturizing masks 2-3 times a week before washing your hair. So you strengthen the protective functions of the hair and reduce damage in the lightening process.

2. Use brightening paint if the true color of your hair is light brown. If the hair is dark or has been previously dyed with chemical dyes, then ordinary brightening paint is not suitable. In this case, special brightening compositions (powders, creams) are used, which are diluted with an oxidizing agent in certain proportions. The percentage of oxidizing agent suitable for your hair can only be selected by an expert. This takes into account the length, condition, design, the presence of damage, as well as the strength of the natural pigment of the hair. Severe hair or those with a rather powerful red pigment bleaches with a more powerful percentage of oxidizing agent (6-9%). Thin or damaged hair lightens with more weak oxide (3-6%).

3.   Before using any brightening agent, take an allergy test as indicated in the instructions. If you have allergies, replace the product with another.

4.   Apply the finished brightening mixture to the hair, starting with the darkest areas (back of the head). Whiskey and the ends of the hair lighten faster, therefore they are dyed last. The exposure time of the composition on the hair is from 10 to 50 minutes, depending on how richly the clarification process takes place. After the lapse of time, the composition is washed off from the hair using a caring balm.

5.   Trim the burned ends after painting. The hair at the ends invariably suffer more than anyone else, therefore take care of the beauty of your hairstyle and cut a few centimeters. So clear hair will look more healthy.

6.   Lightening is only half the way to beautiful blonde curls. Later, his hair becomes empty because it lacks true color pigments. Therefore, you should fill your hair with color, so that they look natural. On the contrary, the hair should be tinted with soft, gummy paint of the desired shade. It is used according to the instructions.

7.   Dye your hair roots approximately once a month. At the same time, the clarifying mixture is applied only to the regrown part of the hair so as not to injure the clarified hair again.

8.   Look after bleached hair vigorously. Get special shampoos and balms for clear hair. Make moisturizing masks once a week. Protect your hair with indelible creams and conditioners for daily use. With proper care, clear hair will delight with shine and silkiness.

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- Hair bleaching is the penetration of the chemical composition into the hair structure and the destruction of the natural color pigment. Consequently, even slight lightening harms the hair. They become dry, thin and brittle. - Lighten hair in several steps if it is too dark. In this case, it is better to carry out the bleaching procedure 2-3 times with a weekly interval than to kill the hair in one long application of the composition with a strong oxidizing agent on the hair.

A brilliant and beautiful accessory can fix a lot in your outfit. And if this same highlight of your image can be applied to any one on an equal footing, then this is an easy find. Little Red Riding Hood will suit every thing. And, the main thing, it is allowed to do it with your own hands.

Instruction manual

1.   In order to do red a hat  you need to cook everything you need. To begin, think about which image suits you. Determine what you choose more - the elegant coquette genre or the sports genre for a comfortable energetic life. It will depend on which red a hat  you to do.

2.   If you want to make graceful red a hat  , purchase in the store threads and knitting needles 4 number. Download the beret knitting pattern on the Internet and start the process. If you want to make an artless hat, buy red cotton threads in a store and tie a hat  crochet.

3.   You can also take your favorite shabby hat and color it in scarlet. To do this, prepare the scarlet dye, the one that is allowed to be purchased at the store, 500 ml of alcohol, 5 g of urea, 500 ml of water and 50 ml of acetic acid. Prepare the necessary dishes, you will need 2 pots, in one you will prepare the paint, another is necessary for the preparation of burning water.

4.   Approx. 20 gr. fill the dye with acetic acid, mix well, then add the burning water little by little, carefully transfer. Put the resulting solution on a stove and boil for 7 minutes until the dye is completely dissolved. When the solution has cooled, add alcohol and urea solution, mix thoroughly and let it brew for an hour. After this, skip the finished paint, if necessary, through gauze, so that it is filtered.

5.   Put on your gloves, take your shabby a hat  and dip it in the cooked paint, leave it for a couple of minutes, so that all the fibers of the fabric are colored, then gently remove and squeeze. Lay the bag on the floor and put a hat there, for performance, leave it to dry for a day. Wear it with pleasure!

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A colored shabby hat during socks can stain your head. Wash it by hand before wearing it.

Useful advice
  You can knit a warm or light hat depending on the season. If you need a winter hat, get woolen threads, if light, get cotton.

Today, changing hair color is a fairly simple and affordable procedure. For this, it is by no means certain to spend a lot of time and money, visited by highly professional salons. To color hair  allowed at home.

You will need

  • - brightening agent;
  • - cream paint (tint shampoo);
  • - pharmaceutical camomile;
  • - water.

Instruction manual

1.   If you radically decided to change the color of your hair and dye it in a shiny blonde, you will need a special clarifier. With his support, you will discolor your curls.

2.   Get a lightening agent in a specialized store or in the department with cosmetics. According to the attached instructions, dilute it in a non-metallic container.

3.   Apply the product starting from the back of the head, evenly distributing along each length. The basal area of \u200b\u200bhair and whiskey is painted last.

4.   After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the rest of the product with warm water with a little shampoo. Apply a nourishing balm or conditioner on the curls.

5.   The next step is to dye the hair in the desired color. To do this, you can use tinted shampoo or cream paint. According to the instructions, apply the product on hair  . After a certain time, which is indicated on the package, rinse it off with warm running water. If the first time you were unable to achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure after 2-3 weeks. Remember: Lightened hair  require special care.

6.   Lighten hair  for a few tones  It is also allowed with the help of folk recipes. Let’s say, quite effectively, a decoction of chamomile copes with this task. To prepare it, mix 5 tablespoons of grass (dry) with 2 cups of boiling water, cover the container with a tight lid and leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and add to it 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Thoroughly mix this product. Apply ready-made infusion to raw clean hair  30-40 minutes each time after shampooing. Rinse off the remaining product afterwards with warm water. Thus, you will not only lighten your hair  , but also strengthen them, filling with brilliance and beauty.

7. If you have weak and thinned curls, then dyeing them in a clear tone is excellent for an expert. An experienced master, having studied the general condition of the hair, will select the right remedy. Also, a hairdresser will tell you highly professional care products.

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Useful advice
  Dye your hair in special plastic gloves that protect your hands from harmful chemical components.

Women who intend to dye their black hair in any other color, have a hard time. A similar procedure takes time, effort and perseverance. Getting rid of black at one time will not work; it is a long process.

Instruction manual

1.   Clarifier is an indispensable component of similar repainting. Highly professional hairdressers do not recommend using too powerful tools, so as not to harm the hair structure. After the first coloring, the color of your hair should change by 3-4 tones, respectively, if you want to get a completely clear shade of hair, you will need several procedures.

2.   White henna or hydrogen peroxide is used more often as a clarifier. After the first lightening, the hair can become red, yellow, and in some cases, clear red, it depends on how the pigments of your hair interact with the energetic substances of the brightener. Between clarifications, it is imperative to use balms and masks in order to strengthen the hair. In the disgusting case, by the time you reach the shade you need, the condition of the hair can become sad and you have to cut it primitively.

3.   If you want to switch from black to more clear, you can do it more with a long and harmless method, without the need to use brighteners. You can slowly repaint in the chosen shade as the roots grow, all the time applying a more clear tone for painting. This will give a fascinating gradient result, and after a while (half a year or a year) you will be able to "go out" in the color you need.

4.   Instead of chemical color flushing, you can use natural analogues. It is believed that for this purpose it is allowed to use ordinary kefir or beer. Of course, so that they save you from the unwanted black color, they will have to be used for a long time, but they will not harm the hair, but rather will make them more powerful and healthy.

5. If you want to switch from black to more clear rapidly, you can apply a special wash, which can be purchased at professional hairdressing stores. Keep in mind that, despite the different oils in the composition, this wash can spoil the hair powerfully. In addition, you still will not be able to switch from black to completely clear at a time, so it’s excellent not to risk the health of your hair. When applying the wash, it’s important to follow each instruction and observe the indicated exposure time of the product on the hair, so as not to “burn” them.

6.   Many girls, having gone through an unbearable and long procedure for lightening their hair, find that the black color went much more clearly than they did, therefore before trying to lighten the hair, try on a wig of the desired color or use a special computer program that allows you to “try on” different hairstyles.

Well-groomed and beautiful hair is the superiority of a woman. Changing hairstyles, repainting hair in different shades gives a woman the chance to look flirty, feminine, or severe. But dyeing your hair is hard enough. In case of non-compliance with some rules, the result may be hair with the most unforeseen shade.

In addition to unforeseen hair color, failure to comply with the rules can lead to a violation of the design of the hair itself. Because of this, hair can become brittle, split. And even their loss may begin. In order to avoid this, hair coloring should be started by understanding the rules.

How to recolor black hair

To recolor black hair in a different shade is the most difficult process of dyeing, even for specialists. Oddly enough, even red shades are easier to stain than black. Therefore, immediately you need to prepare yourself for the fact that the process will not be easy and long.

The first method to recolor black hair is to contact an experienced colorist. For 1-3 months, he will lighten his hair every time in several tones, until the color becomes suitable for repainting in the necessary shade.

You can make coloring or bleaching the hair with further dyeing of these strands. Then the transition from black hair will be soft and gradual.

At home, it is allowed to color the hair roots little by little as it grows. But this process will be hefty long. But sparing hair.

Dyeing clear hair

Blonde hair is easier to recolor. Tea does not need to be clarified. But do not forget about suitable nuances. Hair is allowed to be dyed in one tone, and to highlight or colorize, allowing you to give the hair a design.

Red hair dyeing

Red shades during any repainting, in addition to black, leave pigment on the hair. And if you do not brighten your hair in advance or do not wash, then the final shade will be with the presence of a rusty color.

Rinse is a gentle option to bleach dyed hair. Keep it must be severely determined by the instructions of the time, and apply evenly. Investigating a wash is more fun with an assistant. On the contrary, it is allowed to remain spotty. Do not be alarmed if after washing your hair will become acid-red or yellow in color. The process must be repeated until the shade becomes even and peaceful. Only after achieving such a result is it allowed to do at ease dyeing hair.

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Useful advice
  If you do not want to use a wash, then contact your hairdresser. An expert may suggest that you dye your hair with a dye containing a green pigment, one that neutralizes the scarlet color. Another option is to regularly highlight hair until it is completely lightened.

Services of stylists and hairdressers are not available to everyone. But every girl wants to look attractive. It is possible to achieve the effect of salon hair coloring at home, you only need to know certain secrets and techniques. Here we look at a wide variety of hair coloring techniques, colors and secrets.

To choose a method of coloring, you should choose the paint that is most suitable for you, and gentle. High risk can cause paints based on ammonia, or other strong coloring substances. And if you also care about the health of your hair, then preference should be given to natural herbal paints based on, although of course it will not give such a saturated color as chemistry.

Without special knowledge, it is difficult to calculate the amount of paint and the application time, and this is also determined empirically. Read the instructions for use, how to use the product correctly. Which hair should be dyed: clean or dirty. With a dirty head, a tool is applied that has strong substances that change the structure of the hair. Fat on contaminated skin saves a hair bulb from a chemical burn.

Do not use metal objects for staining, a chemical reaction is possible and coloring pigments may oxidize and the result will be unexpected.

What you need to have for dyeing hair at home

In order to independently dye your hair at home, you usually need this set of components and tools:

  • actually the hair dye itself
  • glass or ceramic paint mixing bowl
  • plastic or rubber gloves
  • hair dye brush
  • large and sparse comb


Depending on the length of your hair, the number of packages is selected. On an average length, to the shoulders, takes 1 pack of paint. For a short haircut, half a pack is consumed, for long curls 2 or more packages. This is a general rule, but there may be exceptions.

The package of paints most often includes: a tube / bag of paint, showing an emulsion and gloves. Shampoo and balm are sometimes added to the kit.

The most common way to dye your hair

Often, girls wonder how to dye their own hair? There is a stable algorithm for carrying out this procedure:

  1. In non-metallic dishes (glass, ceramics, or plastic), stir emulsion and paint with a plastic stick or a toothbrush. Bring to a uniform color.
  2. It is good to comb the hair, and with a brush or a special brush in gloves, first apply to the hair roots.
  3. To avoid getting paint on the skin (it is then difficult to wash it off), you need to screen open areas of the skin (neck, forehead, whiskey) with some oily cream.
  4. Then start dyeing the strands, they should not be very thick. At this stage, you should monitor the even distribution of paint, otherwise you may not have enough paint. The strands are painted from the face to the back of the head, then go to the other side.
  5. Gather all the hair to the crown and shake your hands well, make sure that the tips are dyed. Take the remains of paint by hands and spread on top of the head. Make a tight bun out of hair.
  6. It is difficult to color the back of the head, for this it is better to ask another person or use two mirrors, place them opposite each other, and evenly apply the product on the back of the head.
  7. Leave the paint for the time period indicated on the package. The exposure time of the paint also depends on the shade that you want to get. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and balm.

Video with the advice of a stylist on hair coloring at home:

How to dye your hair in several colors?

There are several varieties of staining in two colors:

  • Degrade;
  • Balayazh;
  • Cross coloring.

The first type is used quite often, since they use two colors, but different shades. With this coloring, the hair looks more natural.

  The effect of hair coloring - degrade (gradient)

To create the effect " burnt hair»Use a tone that is not very different from the base color. In this case, the transfusion will look beautiful. For extravagant people, you can use radically different colors. For example, if you take a black paint and apply it on the lower part of the hair, and the crown in a light shade, you will get a very beautiful effect. The lower hair will visually lift the upper part, which will create additional volume.

Balayazh  - Now a very modern type of coloring. In this way, it is enough to dye the ends of the hair in a contrasting basic tone color. Shades for this type of staining, can be very different from brown to purple and green. A smooth transition from the top of the head to the tips is popular. For this purpose, blonders or special coloring agents are specially used.

Balayazh is best done in the cabin, as this is a very complex process for a non-professional.

  Coloring style "Balayazh", for short hair

How beautiful to do pepper coloring  only stylists know. Art Nouveau influenced the transverse coloring. The essence of such dyeing is in a clear separation of the two colors, so if your hair were divided into a ruler into identical parts. The method has gained success with celebrities. Colors can be used, as well as one shade, and completely different in structure.

  Cross hair coloring

How to make ombre at home

If the previous species is difficult, then ombre at home is easy. Simple and ombre is possible to do for yourself. You need to purchase a paint designed specifically for ombre, of course it is possible to use a regular clarifier. It is better to choose a creamy structure. Divide the hair into three equal parts, stab two strands, and then begin to dye your hair. Take the foil and carefully spread the ends of the hair onto the foil, apply the product and wrap.

Read also: Improving and nourishing hair with mesotherapy

Run the same algorithm with the rest of the strands. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse. For dyeing in a more complex technique, divide the strand into several parts and for each part, apply your color and the foil should be present on each part of the curl.

  Ombre hair dyeing

Yellowness Blonde

Many girls are faced with the problem of how to dye their hair white without yellow. The basic rule for coloring is a correctly selected paint and a strong wash of the previous color. It is difficult for red-haired girls to get a suitable color without using strong chemical influences. White coloring takes place in two stages:

  1. Hair bleaching (not to be confused with clarification with hydrogen peroxide) with special reagents (alkaline clarifying powders, supra, brondon). After this procedure, the hair should rest for at least a day.
  2. Self staining. Choose the color that suits you. If you want a clean blonde like Marilyn Monroe, staining should be done at least 2 times.

The same technique is used for painting in gray color. It is better to use oxide on the weekend, otherwise you simply will not be able to go outside. After lightening, just select a suitable shade, gray hair.

  Lightening blonde hair

Extraordinary dyeing

Calm colors are not suitable for the most extreme girls; they prefer to stand out with flowers from outer space. Painting your hair in blue is a bold choice. If you still doubt the choice, there is a huge selection of tonics for you in stores. Their function is only on a temporary effect, only 2 or 3 days, before the first flush. But with the help of tonics it is difficult to get shiny hair and a colorful color.

Dark blue hair is more suitable for blue shades, the pigment on dark hair will be better fixed and the effect will remain long, even when the roots regrow, it gets a beautiful effect of a natural ombre.

  Hair coloring - ombre style in blue

Other types of hair coloring

There are a huge number of ways to paint your curls without paint. Before the appearance of chemical dyes, natural dyes were used: henna and basmu, as well as onion peel.

We painted henna

Henna is used not only as a coloring agent, but also as nutritious. Natural Iranian henna is sold in stores and is cheap, for this reason it was loved by redhead girls, and besides, many people love henna and because it heals the hair. However, many agree that Indian henna is still better and gives a richer color. Before buying henna, we recommend that you study reviews on authoritative resources about a particular company.

Using henna at home is simple:

  1. Pour boiling water (boil) the powder, stir constantly, until gruel forms. Allow to cool.
  2. On clean hair, apply the mixture with a brush over the entire head.
  3. Wrap your head in a bag and a towel. This creates a greenhouse effect and hair is better dyed red.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Often the powder crumbles, get ready for the fact that henna will pour from you for 3-4 days. But after interactions with water, everything will become normal. Curls not only acquire a delicate copper, or reddish tint, but also strengthen their structure and become stronger.

Important to rememberthat it is impossible to dye in the usual chemical way immediately after dyeing with henna, your hair may acquire an ugly green color. After using henna, at least a month should pass. The rule also applies to basma.

  Henna and Basma - natural hair dye


Basma is used to obtain dark, close to black shades. For the best effect, basma is used with henna. Or in two stages ( the first day the head is covered with henna, in the second basma) or immediately mixed in one container. Basma coloring pigments are very strong, use unnecessary utensils and things for the procedure. The color lasts for two months, but if the hair roots are tinted with a small amount of the mixture every two weeks, the effect will last a long time.