How to appease a superior conspiracy. Whisper to soften the chef. How people go to the temple with Easter

Almost everyone has to spend a lot of time at work, and mutually beneficial relationships with superiors are vital. But it often happens that among the bosses there are vicious tyrants who complain about every occasion.

In order not to give up your favorite job and not shed bitter tears, you should conspire against your boss, who will help establish good relations and a favorable microclimate at work.

For the plot to work

Many people all over the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which is rarely tended to feel love for subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

To make the boss quibble, it’s very useful to use one of the most effective magic conspiracies. But it’s not enough just to read the magic words and wait further when the boss changes his attitude to a more supportive one.

Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

  • before the ceremony, one should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow to achieve the desired result;
  • any conspiracies and prayers require full concentration: absolute focus on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times;
  • clear visualization is very important: during the conspiracy it is necessary to present the image of the boss to the smallest detail;
  • before the ceremony, everything necessary should be selected: the absence of even one object will change the plot and lead completely to the consequences that were expected.
  • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: to carry out the ritual should always be completely alone and not to tell anyone about it, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired results.

In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After the execution, the conspiracy at the mercy of the chief is usually not immediate. Often you have to wait several weeks, or even months, until the head changes anger to mercy.

So that time passes faster, it makes sense to make your own efforts: try to fulfill orders faster, take initiative and even stay at work.

Almost any conspiracy can remove the hostility of the boss, but you need to believe in them a lot. Indeed, a lot depends on the internal mood. After a while, a change will be noticeable in relation to the bosses up to the issuance of a bonus or a valuable bonus.

When the effect of the conspiracy becomes evident, it is very important to pronounce words of gratitude to the higher powers for the assistance provided.

Several effective rituals

Not one employee wants to be in the top priority, wanting to achieve his mercy and special location. And so that the boss does not quibble, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

The following conspiracies are the most famous:

On gray poppy

In a special store you need to purchase a little gray poppy and conspire on an even day in the week. You need to take a little poppy in your left palm and say:

“The Lord created the heavens and the earth and adorned them with height and beauty. And God blessed me with beauty, gave me intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never crush me under the heel and evil words do not get it. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore, I wish my superior (pronounce the name) to become like meek and gentle meek and humble. Amen!"

You should cast the spell 3 times, then fold the enchanted poppy into a hand-sewn bag. Early in the morning at work, poppy should be scattered on the threshold of the authorities, and gradually reprimands and claims will begin to dry out.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help get rid of anger and make the bosses love. At noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch and pick a small piece of birch bark. You must try to choose a piece of white without black patches.

The next day, with the first rays of the sun, you should take birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful beautiful fabric and hide it in a pocket of work clothes. Her daily presence will help to gain the favor of the bosses and attract success at work.

On myself

When a leader at work constantly screams, not wanting to calm down, in this situation a plot from the wrath of the boss, which is carried out directly on himself, will help. It is necessary to come close to the mirror and gaze into the area between the eyebrows. Then you should say the magic words.

Almost everyone has to spend a lot of time at work, and mutually beneficial relationships with superiors are vital. But it often happens that among the bosses there are vicious tyrants who complain about every occasion.

In order not to give up your favorite job and not shed bitter tears, you should conspire against your boss, who will help establish good relations and a favorable microclimate at work.

For the plot to work

Many people all over the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which is rarely tended to feel love for subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

To make the boss quibble, it’s very useful to use one of the most effective magic conspiracies. But it’s not enough just to read the magic words and wait further when the boss changes his attitude to a more supportive one.

Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

  • before the ceremony, one should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow to achieve the desired result;
  • any conspiracies and prayers require full concentration: absolute focus on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times;
  • clear visualization is very important: during the conspiracy it is necessary to present the image of the boss to the smallest detail;
  • before the ceremony, everything necessary should be selected: the absence of even one object will change the plot and lead completely to the consequences that were expected.
  • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: to carry out the ritual should always be completely alone and not to tell anyone about it, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired results.

In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After the execution, the conspiracy at the mercy of the chief is usually not immediate. Often you have to wait several weeks, or even months, until the head changes anger to mercy.

So that time passes faster, it makes sense to make your own efforts: try to fulfill orders faster, take initiative and even stay at work.

Almost any conspiracy can remove the hostility of the boss, but you need to believe in them a lot. Indeed, a lot depends on the internal mood. After a while, a change will be noticeable in relation to the bosses up to the issuance of a bonus or a valuable bonus.

When the effect of the conspiracy becomes evident, it is very important to pronounce words of gratitude to the higher powers for the assistance provided.

Several effective rituals

Not one employee wants to be in the top priority, wanting to achieve his mercy and special location. And so that the boss does not quibble, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

The following conspiracies are the most famous:

On gray poppy

In a special store you need to purchase a little gray poppy and conspire on an even day in the week. You need to take a little poppy in your left palm and say:

“The Lord created the heavens and the earth and adorned them with height and beauty. And God blessed me with beauty, gave me intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never crush me under the heel and evil words do not get it. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore, I wish my superior (pronounce the name) to become like meek and gentle meek and humble. Amen!"

You should cast the spell 3 times, then fold the enchanted poppy into a hand-sewn bag. Early in the morning at work, poppy should be scattered on the threshold of the authorities, and gradually reprimands and claims will begin to dry out.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help get rid of anger and make the bosses love. At noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch and pick a small piece of birch bark. You must try to choose a piece of white without black patches.

The next day, with the first rays of the sun, you should take birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful beautiful fabric and hide it in a pocket of work clothes. Her daily presence will help to gain the favor of the bosses and attract success at work.

On myself

When a leader at work constantly screams, not wanting to calm down, in this situation a plot from the wrath of the boss, which is carried out directly on himself, will help. It is necessary to come close to the mirror and gaze into the area between the eyebrows. Then you should say the magic words.

The work is not always calm and balanced, especially when you come across an evil boss, from whom no one is safe. One involuntarily wonders if there is a conspiracy that will solve such a problem.

Bosses are not always polite and helpful.

The need for a rite

A conspiracy on the boss, correctly selected, can help to go to work with pleasure. The specifics of the meeting is that you need to read such a text either at work or before leaving home.

The following conspiracies exist:

  1. respect from the authorities;
  2. so that the chief does not quibble;
  3. to value and judge in fairness.

Such conspiracies will help those who make a career, do not want to allow unnecessary rudeness and arrogant appeal to them. There are some common methods to solve problems with your bosses.

  1. Long endure the outbreak of the tyrant's anger.
  2. Sign a letter of resignation, say goodbye to a hated place of work forever.
  3. Try to speak with management if the boss is able to engage in such a conversation.

If all this does not help to win the favor of the authorities, the last and most powerful way remains - a conspiracy that will help get rid of the root of the problem.

The tyrant boss may cause a desire to quit work

Existing conspiracies

Prayers and conspiracies for a certain person to be good, show at least minimal respect, are different:

  1. conspiracies against the evil boss;
  2. installation of protection against screams of the head and his nit-picking;
  3. spells that protect against harassment of the chief using the position of leader;
  4. magic against a vampire boss who feeds on the energy of his subordinates to gain new strength;
  5. prayers, allowing to receive mercy, favor of the leader.

It is important not to overdo it. Many sorcerers and folk healers offer to punish cattle, a bad boss, by dismissal from office or a serious illness. When making such a decision, it should be remembered that this can be done harm, instead of quickly removing the problem: your wishes will turn on you, canceling them is almost impossible. It is better to go the other way, to use better rites. Among them, you can find great ways to help protect yourself from tyrant.

To the authorities did not find fault

To neutralize the attacks of the authorities simply with the help of conspiracies. Conveniently, these are methods that help reconcile the boss or boss and do not cause any suspicion or negative consequences. The plot from the boss can be read either at home or at work, as the ceremony requires, in order to get rid of trouble.

The conspiracy, so that the boss loves and respects, is carried out as follows: you need to take a small platter and salt (this should be done on Clean Thursday). Pour salt on a saucer and say the right words to the Guardian Angel:

“Guardian Angel and Deliverer, help dispel my bad thoughts. Help open the servant of God (give a name) his blind eyes, let him forget the insults. Protect me from him. Amen".

The obtained charmed salt must be brought to work, quietly and quietly sprinkle it in front of the service entrance, which everyone uses. This must be done in the room where you are sitting, or on the doorstep of the office where the boss is.

Rite on poppy

If a manager has people whom he has been picking on for years, this is not good. If he finds a poppy seed in his pocket, the employee, informed by the fact that the boss constantly scolded him, decided to pray with the help of poppy seeds.

“I’m talking poppy so that the boss (name) doesn’t scold. I want a quiet and relaxed atmosphere in the workplace. As the poppy seed dries, I will sigh with ease. ”

The man who found this in himself should think, show meekness in relation to his subordinates, so that he would not have to disentangle the consequences of a bad character.

From rudeness of the head

To protect yourself from boorish attacks of the authorities, there are special conspiracies. It is not necessary that the authorities love you. He will quickly solve the problem of impolite treatment.

For the boss to call and apologize, you need to knock on any massive tree, pronounce the necessary words:

“This barrel stands firmly, so the castle, worn on the mouth of the boss, will be equally strong. (say the name of the chef). "

This will cause a location on the part of the head, forcing him not to be rude to you.

For the rite should choose a large tree

Career progression

If you work in a company that is complex in hierarchy, and a person who can advance up the career ladder may be hindered by a middle manager who is trying hard to win the love of senior management, so he breaks down at work for those lower. He is capable of insulting someone from the team so much that people will think about removing him from his post.

Take a photo of the person to whom the plot is directed; you no longer want to see it at work. Fill the image with a red felt-tip pen completely, sentence the following words:

“Go to another place, find work there, do not even remember this one. Amen".

Before leaving, a person will understand that you can’t behave in this way and draw conclusions.

There are more complex rituals for which you have to pay money. These are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals, they carry a terrible threat, they cannot be undone, black magicians are engaged in them. Better read a beautiful prayer for restraint, which will make it possible for the tyrant to calm down and devote himself to work. You need to read every morning before leaving home. We can say that this is a kind of amulet that will stand guard over your peace of mind. You must turn to the Son of God, ask him to pacify the wrath of the leader, to protect you from attacks - let him calm down and not show anger. Words must come from a pure heart.

Love spell on the bosses

The most desperate women even go to enchant their boss, to win his love. At home, when no one will bother, take:

  1. men's handkerchief;
  2. red candle;
  3. rose essential oil.

Put a scarf on a table, put a candle on it, before that rub it with oil. Look at it for 10 minutes, say that you attract the boss and are ready to spend all your life with it.

Hex before leaving for work

This conspiracy must be read before going to work to please the authorities. You need to wash your face thoroughly using milk that is spoken with this text:

“Language is given to man for the good, I just want to forget all the bad. I am talking to our boss (name) for favor. “I do not need forgiveness, stop pouring dirt on me.”

Arriving at work, you will notice how all employees have become more supportive of you.

A simple plot on the boss

From an evil manager at work

Special conspiracies aimed at ensuring that the boss not only paid on time, but also did not get nitpicking, are popular.

Before you cross the threshold of the chief’s office, you need to repeat 3 times the words aimed at pacifying the authorities:

“Lord, remember King David and his meekness. He was humble, gentle, merciful. And may I have the same boss (name). ”

Good attitude to the dough

A conspiracy using a test is carried out so that the boss is well treated. It is necessary to knead it in the evening and, while the work will be done, 40 times must be said:

"I will worship the Dark Force, may this force pacify the male boyar so that he becomes quiet and stupid (here pronounce the name of the boss)."

After that, you need to bake the figures from the test in the form of a calf, they should be treated to the chief. After the head tries this dough, ceases to be angry over trifles. Affects any leader, this is a good way to keep the boss behind you.

Calf figures should be baked from the dough

Sugar Effect

Need to say the words:

"Honey (sugar), which brings sweetness to everyone, may he pacify our boss, and may I please him."

Keep in mind that the ritual must be performed on a full or growing moon. If this time falls on Epiphany or Christmas Eve, the rite will have double power.


There are many conspiracies to make the bosses love and respect. Magical texts can help and remove the leader, that is, make him fired. Follow the recommendations of specialists, and you can achieve a supportive atmosphere in your workplace.

Relations with bosses at work for each person are different. Some subordinates are treated well by managers, not noticing their mistakes and shortcomings. For others, the authorities constantly find fault, scolds, and even punish them with the ruble. It is very difficult to earn the respect and love of strict leaders on your own. You can solve this problem by picking up a plot on the boss.

Each person can attract bosses with the help of magic rituals. The main thing is that he believes in the power of action and hopes for a favorable outcome.

Why should problems with superiors be solved in a magical way?

Most often, each leader is distinguished by high self-esteem, often flowing into egoism in relation to his wards. This, of course, affects the quality of the work of the team, as well as the time it takes to complete it. But we must not forget about the personal experiences of everyone.

Often, the authorities put themselves above other people, and with their actions only confirms this. Shouts, statements, quarrels - all this remains in the memory of unloved subordinates. If a person is strong in spirit - he will tolerate the negative, no matter how the leadership swears. But, if he can not restrain himself in his hands, the consequences may be different. Often, the lack of mutual understanding only aggravates the situation, and an impatient employee can lose confidence and even his position.

You can use magic to pacify the ardor of a leader and rid yourself of angry statements about yourself. In addition, the advantage of this unconventional method is complete anonymity. No one will learn about the mysterious actions, and will not judge the subordinate unloved by the authorities. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and take care of some preparatory activities. And only in this way, the rituals performed will attract good luck and help protect a person from the bad consequences of a lack of understanding.

Preparing for rituals for building relationships with superiors

Finding a conspiracy from the boss and applying it for your own purposes is not difficult. In addition, on this subject there are many materials, detailed text instructions (like this article) and video materials. But, will magic words be effective against superiors? Modern magicians are confident that the result of rituals and ceremonies no less depends on preparatory measures. They most often relate to a person’s personal mood, his readiness to part with grievances, negative thoughts and all that became the reason for hatred for arrogant bosses.

The well-known healer Natalya Stepanova confirms the importance of preparation for rituals. Any prayers and conspiracies will be effective only if:

  • maximum concentration not only during the ceremony, but also in preparation for it;
  • faith in the power of magic words;
  • calm and confidence of the performer;
  • preparing all the necessary magic accessories.

The location of evil bosses and bosses may not come immediately. After the rituals, one must not lose heart and believe in the power of the spoken words to the “victorious”, so necessary result. This may not be easy. After all, good changes for the employee can come both in a few days or in six months.

If a person is not sure that he will be able to pacify the ardor and greed of his boss or “survive” under his leadership, even with the help of magic, one should not start rituals. It is better to give this matter to experienced professionals who will help you cope with this task better. But, one still has to believe in the power of the conspiracy, because without it all efforts will be in vain. It is also important and the time of the magical actions. The most favorable are energetically strong days - Palm Sunday, Stepanov Day, etc.

Conspiracy from nitpicking executives

Often, the personal hostility of the bosses leads to the fact that respect for the ward completely disappears. The boss with such people shows himself greedy, selfish and picky. He can punish his victim financially, refuse a vacation or a weekend, and even think about his departure. And at such moments, an effective method is needed that will allow a person to return to the “comfort zone” of relations with superiors. It is necessary to shut off grievances and feelings in your soul, and with faith in the best, use a conspiracy from the boss’s nitpicking.

What will be required to activate a conspiracy plot against the boss?

In addition to the text of the conspiracy from the boss, you should take care of the preparatory operations, as well as magic accessories. A person should:

  • buy a pocket icon with the face of a saint who bears the name of a picky boss;
  • purchase three candles purchased at the church;
  • wait for the right moment to conduct the ritual - nights on the growing moon.

How is the rite from the chief’s nitpicking performed?

Make sure that the boss does not find fault with the help of the conspiracy, it is possible only on the night of the growing moon. Best of all is Tuesday. The ceremony itself is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to retire to the room with all the prepared paraphernalia.
  2. Put candles on the table and light them.
  3. Read the prayer at least 3 times:

“Just as you need to mother, how much water is needed for sea creatures, so would be needed a servant of God (name) to his masters, lords of the world conquerors. I want the authorities to respect me, always keep it with me, do not expel and do not scold. Just as sea water cannot be cooled, so my fishing gear cannot be changed, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be directed in a different direction. I close this plot with the key to the castle and patronize it in myself. Amen".

It will not be difficult to earn favor and attract the chief's love after the ceremony. An icon will help to achieve the desired, which, as a talisman, will save a person from nit-picking. Very soon, a person will learn to get along with the difficult character of his bosses, leaving all the evil and attacks in the past. The main thing is to put the icon where it is most needed - at the main place of work.

The worker will soon feel the effect of magic forces on himself. Your amulet will affect the fact that instead of nit-picking, only words of praise will be heard from his lips. Sometimes, the effect is delayed for several months. But, a favorable result will nevertheless come if the person does not cease to believe in its effectiveness.

How to cope with the tyranny of superiors?

Workaholic removed from office or did he resign himself due to constant complaints from the boss? There is reason to think about whether or not the anger of the greedy boss reflects on someone else. Dismissal will not benefit anyone. In addition, when the tyrant boss really "got" all of his charges, talking with him about something makes no sense.

Nobody wants to hear a portion of abuse or be the next one who was fired because of disputes and evidence of their own righteousness. The tyrant chief always survives those who do their job not the way he would like. It remains only to acquire a good idea how to stop this evil insanity in relation to yourself. One of the effective ways to counter this is to use a conspiracy against the boss who will save everyone from angry statements and make mutual understanding and love reign in the enterprise. The words of the conspiracy on the boss should read as follows:

“Slave (name of the chief), I give you an angelic heart. I’ll cast out an evil thought from you. I forbid anger and screaming. Amen".

This magical method requires good preparation, so you need to figure out when to read the conspiracy and what else is needed for the tyrant to shut his mouth and calm down. It is best to read a conspiracy in front of the boss, at the time of his scandals and abuse before the team. The main thing is at least 3 times.

Waiting for God's mercy will not take long. From the chief’s anger there will be no trace in a few minutes. And if the boss apologized to his ward for insults and asked for forgiveness from other people as well, you can be content with the result - powerful energetically strong words brought the desired.

Enchanted poppy and birch bark at the mercy of the authorities

The pickiness of leadership can play a trick on a person. To do something contrary to, argue and prove their case - all this will only lead to reprimands and dismissals. And while the employee has not been removed, you can try to change the opinion of management about yourself. It is possible to deserve the mercy of the bosses, to please them and even to make them respect their employee and appreciate them using a charmed poppy or birch bark.

How to speak poppy?

Only gray poppy can be used for the ritual. Therefore, a person should:

  1. Purchase poppy in any store.
  2. Wait for the coming Thursday.
  3. On the fourth day of the week, before going to work, you should speak a magic accessory with a spell:

“The Lord created the earth and heaven. Decorated them with beauty. He gave it to me and to me the servant of God (name), beauty, power from enemies of heavenly heights. My enemies can’t get me, do not crush me under the fist and heel. Anger and language do not take. I, the servant of God (name), have an icon, I have a cross and you go according to God's command. I have a poppy. What I say, what I wish, it will be. As King David was mortal and meek, so be you (the name of the chief) meek and mortal for me. Amen".

After activation, the magic accessory should be thrown to the threshold of the enterprise with your left hand. Without turning around, you have to go to your place of work. No difficulties after the ritual will be terrible. All anger will remain in the past. But, do not wait and lightning fast results. It may take a lot of time for the bosses to love and respect their employee. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic.

How to speak birch bark?

Mental Efficiency - Mental Exercises and Mental Energy by Arnold Bennett, | Audiobook | Full | Text

There is another ritual at the mercy of the authorities, but only with a spoken white birch bark. Having decided to end the tyranny of the boss, you should:

  1. Go to the forest or park where there is a birch grove.
  2. Cut a piece of white birch bark from one of the trees.
  3. Head home.
  4. The next morning, at dawn, over the cut bark, the following words are spoken:

“As ordered, he took it. For good, and not for evil. Amen".

Such a ritual is also effective, but you only need to speak birch bark 7 times. Words are uttered in silence and solitude. Even the closest ones should not know about carrying out a magical action.

After a conspiracy has been read, birch bark is wrapped in cloth and placed in a pocket of clothes in which a person goes to work. You can carry the magic accessory with you constantly or leave it in the desktop drawer.

They say that there are no good bosses. But if the boss expresses open disrespect, and the attempts of subordinates to establish a working relationship are futile, it's time to use a means tested by the people - a conspiracy and prayers from the boss so that they do not quibble.

How Conspiracy Magic and Prayer Deal with the Authority

Conspiracies and prayers for the boss are full of diversity:

  • conspiracy against an evil boss;
  • protective installations against the screams of the satrap and his nit-picking;
  • spells from the love claims of a womanizer in a leadership position;
  • a conspiracy from a vampire boss, fueled by the energy of subordinates;
  • prayers for mercy and respect from the leader.

People’s healers and sorcerers even offer conspiracies to get rid of the evil boss by dismissing him. Although, if higher powers are angry by wishing someone (even the most terrible person) bad things, you can harm yourself too. Sometimes you will additionally need to use.

Consider ways available to a simple layman to deal with a chef that do not cause serious negative consequences.

Spell on love bosses

Excessive meticulousness and pickiness of the leader can be removed by the following rite.
  Take a saucer and quartered (prepared on Pure Thursday) salt. Put seven pinches in a saucer and say the words spoken:

An angel is my guardian, An angel is my deliverer, spread bad thoughts about me, open the eyes of a servant of God (name), let your eyes be blind, let him forget your insults, protect me from him. Amen.

Miraculous salt must be carried with you to work and scattered secretly in front of the common entrance of the office building (office), in the corners of your office or under the chef's threshold.

Slander from the evil director

If there are people in the subordinate of the manager to whom he periodically gives a thrashing, not far off is the day when he can find in his pockets poppy seeds.  Evidence that one of the wards, tortured by eternal nit-picking, performed a ceremony with poppy seeds. This is a fairly strong magical plot. It is read three times over poppy seeds, which are then sprinkled on the chef in the office or in clothes:

On the wide sea, on the distant ocean is the island of Buyan. On the island that table stands - God's throne. On the table, white business, petrified business. At that table are the prosecutor and the judge. Blessed Virgin Mary, help me, petrify you with their tongue, teeth and lips. Just as a dead person lies, does not speak evil and does not conceive, so they will not think evil against the slave (slave) of God (th) (your name).

The bosses will not find fault with me, they will not attribute the stranger to me, and they will not eat me up. Young poppy grows high, its color blooms brightly. As poppy showers flowers, as a leaf falls from trees, so are evil deeds, dashing from me, servants of God (servant of God) - the name - will fall away. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A person who has found poppy seed can just think of revising behavior with subordinates.

A simple prayer to the chief

So that the leader does not break down on you, you must daily knock on any massive tree on the way to work and whisper the words to the trunk:

As your trunk stands firmly, so let the mouth (chief's name) be closed with a strong lock.

The plot to dismiss the chief

Able to help release his post. On a white sheet of office paper (or album sheet), you need to draw a portrait of a hated leader (conceptual). Then shade the drawing until you paint over the whole, saying:

Go-go, find another job for yourself, but leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember. Amen!

You can conduct such a ritual without leaving your favorite workplace. The main thing is that the evil boss does not pin you on this interesting occupation.

There are more complex rituals practiced by black magicians to eliminate high-ranking persons. But since these are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals that carry a mortal threat (to the performer and the victim) - this article does not consider them.

In exchange, we offer an effective Christian prayer that can protect against creeping on the part of the "tyrant", which can be read daily before leaving for service (work).

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Pacify the wrath of my strict supervisor and protect him from demonic attacks. They told him not to be angry, not to swear, but to pray and hold on. Take away his wicked wrath from me and your rightful servants. May it be so. Amen.

Have a good career! And let yourself later become a good boss!