Conspiracy to talk with the boss. Good attitude to the dough. Conspiracy on the boss, which must be read before leaving for work

How to read a prayer at work from evil bosses? How is she good? We will consider these and other questions in the article. Some people like their profession, type of activity, are satisfied with their salaries and staff, and still they are going to work every morning as if they were doing hard labor. As a rule, the reason for this lies in the evil boss or boss, who quibble every day, subordinate their disgusting mood, evaluate the employee’s personality, and not his work. What then to do?

It is always difficult to find perfect work, but it is becoming more and more difficult to experience daily stress due to the leader. For many, the answer will seem marvelous - you need to pray for your superiors so that they do not offend and love. Before you begin to pray, try to forgive the evil director with all my heart. If this is difficult to do, still read the prayer, and according to your faith the Lord will send peace of mind, reconciliation and forgiveness.

Orthodox prayer

Try to read the Orthodox prayer from the evil boss at work. Jesus Christ himself set an example of prayer for those who persecute and offend us when he asked God to forgive those who crucified him. The Lord should be addressed primarily in prayer because of the head of the vampire and the tyrant.

Each person is overcome by difficulties and problems at work, each has ill-wishers and enemies. Prayers need to root out problems with colleagues - this is the most correct solution. After all, evil cannot be overcome by evil.

As all parables say, good overpowers evil. On the topic of salvation from evil people and enemies at work, difficulties and ill-wishers there are a huge number of legends.

The prayer of David, a petition before the icon of the Virgin “Seven-shot” (“Softening of evil hearts”), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Guardian Angel, Archangel Michael, pacifies the pacifier of the leadership.


You can not only read prayer at work from evil bosses. You need to remember that anger is a mortal fault, therefore, a person who screams, is often angry, uses strong expressions, you need to be sorry and give a note in the temple about his health, pray for his soul. Often the director is angry with the demon-worker, therefore, in addition to reading special prayers from the wrath of the authorities, you must definitely lead a Christian way of life: go to the church on Sundays, receive communion, confess, read evening and morning

Do not try to contact various magicians and sorcerers to get rid of the evil leader - God sees all our thoughts, and this is unlikely to harm the oppressor, but your soul will suffer heavy losses.

Protective petition to King David

So, let's find out how prayer at work from evil bosses helps. Everyone in moments of danger turns to higher forces for assistance. Of course, this is not about those moments when a person needs to gather strength and start a struggle for his life. After all, as a rule, the Lord is remembered when a person has no hope at all and things go disgusting.

In order to be ready for any problem, to maintain clarity of mind, to discipline the mind, David needs. Agree, everyone should know the prayer from the evil boss. This is how an unbeliever differs from a religious believer. The Christian always considers a dangerous situation and then asks the heavenly forces to help.

The Life of King David

It is known that during life he was always very God-fearing. And this despite all successes and military affairs, with the highest status of the state. However, he was meek.

It can also be said that the tsar did not always follow the provisions of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Lord forbids having several wives. The ruler had countless them.

Once, King David fell in love with the wife of his subject, whose name was Bathsheba. She was breathtakingly beautiful. To get her, the king sent the husband of his beloved to inevitable doom. Saint Nathan from Israel convicted David of sin, and he did not make excuses, but immediately sincerely repented to the Lord.

Since that time, prayer of repentance has become the most popular prayer book from such calamities:

  • ailments;
  • enemies
  • enemies
  • in a difficult situation;
  • facing danger.

The prayer “Lord, remember King David” helps to soften or even completely neutralize the anger that often appears among rulers, evil leaders. This plea can “pacify” all guardians of order.

You can also read this prayer book when you feel that you are unable to cope with your fit of anger, rage, and irritation. It is even allowed to say a prayer to oneself. Priests recommend doing this nine times. After this, as a rule, the soul is pacified, peace comes.

The prayer of King David from the evil boss is very effective, since it always helps to protect oneself from irritated and evil people. It has been reconciling and reconciling the warring parties for many centuries. It is also effective if read before exams. This appeal will protect you from the evil teacher or teacher.

Praying to the Archangel Michael

What is good from an evil boss? It helps to protect oneself from the evil eye, all sorts of misfortune and creators. Archangel Michael is considered the most powerful protector of the body and spirit of the believer, is revered by the Christian church.

He is the main (supreme) angel, the leader of the army of God, in other words, the archistratigue. It was under his leadership that angels fought against demons and the devil. Even before the birth of Christ, at the command of God, he supported the Jewish people in the fight against the Gentiles.

When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, Michael accompanied them, pointing the way. He appeared to Joshua before the assault on Jericho. The chronicle of the Orthodox Church has preserved the memory of a large number of miracles performed by an angel. Therefore, the icon depicting the Archangel Michael is a very strong defense of all Christians, and the petition, addressed to the image, protects from all sorrow.

Strong protection

A very strong prayer from the evil boss is praying to the Archangel Michael. On the icons, the main angel is drawn with a long, sharp sword in his hand. This weapon cuts off human fears and anxieties, defeats evil forces. Michael helps people get rid of evil, deceit, and averts temptations. He is the first intercessor of all who adhere to the laws of the Lord.

Prayer from the evil boss was inscribed on the porch of the Kremlin's Miracle Monastery, which was blown up after the October Revolution. If you read it daily throughout your life, then in the end a person will receive very strong protection against such misfortunes:

  • from evil people;
  • from the evil one;
  • from temptations;
  • from the evil eye and other magical influences;
  • from tragic events;
  • from sudden attacks and robberies.

This prayer, addressed to the supreme angel, will also help the soul to get rid of the torments of hell. You need to write on a piece of paper the names of your parents, children, relatives - all those for whom you want to ask. Further, reading the prayer to the angel, you need to name all the inscribed names, where indicated.

Saint Alexy

And what kind of prayer helps at work from evil bosses? A powerful prayer from the anger of leadership is also considered a petition to St. Alexis.

The future Metropolitan of Moscow, St. Alexis (in the world of Eleutherius) was born in 1292 (according to other sources - in 1304) in the family of the boyar Byakont Fedor in Moscow. According to legend, when he was twelve years old, he fell asleep while catching birds and heard the words: “Why work in vain? You will catch people. ”

From that moment, Alexy began to retire often and at the age of fifteen decided to become a novice. He entered the Epiphany Monastery, located in Moscow, in 1320, where he remained for about twenty years.

Pacifying prayer

As you know, they don’t pick up the bosses, so if you got an angry leader, get ready for work day at home. In the morning, be sure to read the prayer to your angel so that he will protect you during the day. If you see that the boss is already annoyed in the morning and is looking for something to cling to, say pacifying prayers from the wrath of the leader. It is usually read to the prophet David and has the following content: “Remember Lord David King and all his meekness, like father David was short, quiet, merciful and patient, so that all enemies for (name) would be humble, quiet, merciful and patient ".

The basis of many people's income today is work. It is not always highly paid, but in many cases exclusively it can guarantee a stable receipt of funds.

Often a situation arises when a person’s work is completely satisfied with the exception of a tyrant-boss. A conspiracy against the boss helps to build relationships and bring bosses to themselves. Sometimes no other methods help to correct the situation, and you have to resort to the help of magic.

Many company executives are notable for their stinginess, selfishness and loudness; they don’t have a love for subordinates. So, quite often they have outbreaks of anger, which are directed towards the subordinates. From their point of view, the threat of dismissal from time to time helps to scare or restrain employees, but all this causes only hatred of the boss, from whom every second employee wants to get rid of.

Magical rituals can change the bosses for the better.

To date, there are several ways to build relationships with superiors through psychology and magic. So, psychology will allow the employee to identify the weaknesses of the leader and find an approach to him, while magical rites and rituals will simply make the boss docile and kind.

For the rite to work

In order for the conspiracy to act in favor of the authorities, it is necessary to conduct a ritual in accordance with the attached instructions. A proverb is known among the people that says that “you can kill with a word” and this is absolutely true. Conspiracies are special prayer texts with which certain objects are spoken or they are pronounced before a specific event, as a protective spell.

The correct conduct of the ceremony requires:

  • Full concentration of the contractor and the customer;
  • Belief in magic and the power of words;
  • The calm state of a person;
  • The presence of necessary items.

The plot does not act immediately. So, the boss can change even after a few months, the main thing is not to despair and continue to believe in yourself and magic. A sign of the effectiveness of the rite will be the unexpected receipt of a valuable gift or prize and the love of the boss for his subordinates - it can change beyond recognition.  Rites can correct any evil leader. The ceremony should be carried out according to the instructions - no changes or deviations should be made, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.

The effectiveness of a magical rite aimed at eliminating the wrath of the chief, at challenging his favor and mercy on his part, completely depends on the customer / performer of the ritual. If faith in the magic of a given person is sincere, and he is sure that this is the only way to restrain the leader, then the plot will work.

Effective magic rituals

In order to rid the wicked boss of anger, arouse his grace and instill a love for employees, it is necessary to use several effective magical conspiracies. There is a very simple but effective conspiracy from the quibbling boss. To perform the ceremony, you will need to visit a store or a market shop where various kinds of spices are sold. Without bargaining, buy a gray poppy in the shop, which is allowed to speak only on the even day of the week.

The plot "From the nitpicking boss" on a gray poppy

“The Lord created the heavens, the Lord created the earth. God adorned the sky with heavenly heights, and the earth with beauty.
The Lord also adorned me, the servant of God (his name), with beauty, strength, and high enemies from heaven. My enemies (my name) can’t get me - do not crush under the fist and heel.
  Anger and language do not take. there is
  I, the servant of God (my name), have an icon, and I have a cross.
  I have a holy poppy - what I say, what I wish, it will be so.
  As King David was mortal and meek, so be you (the name of the chief) meek and humble for me God's servant (your name). Amen."

After a spell is cast on him, he is allowed to take a handful with his left hand and throw it on the threshold of the enterprise - neither dismissal nor reprimands will be scary.

So that the boss does not quibble, and colleagues at work do not say too much and keep their mouth shut, one can resort to the help of another rite from an evil leader. Birch birch bark will help rid the guide from anger.  At noon, a small piece of birch bark predominantly white is torn off the birch tree that you like (the presence of black is minimal).

The next morning, as the first rays of the sun illuminate the earth, a conspiracy is plotted 7 times.

The plot "From the wrath of the boss" on birch bark

“As ordered, I took it. For good, and not for evil. Amen."

Then the birch bark is wrapped in a beautiful fabric and put away in a pocket of a working form. The daily presence of birch bark in the workplace will relieve management of anger.

A personalized icon will inspire respect from the authorities.

The leader will begin to respect the employee if a special ceremony is held on Tuesday on the growing moon. In the church you should buy an icon corresponding to the name of the leader and 3 thin candles. After placing candles in front of the icon, pronounce a conspiracy three times. Each time a meeting with the leader is scheduled, the icon must accompany the employee. Best of all, if the icon will not leave the workplace at all.

The plot "To respect the boss" on the icon

“As a dear mother needs her dear, just as the fish need water, so would the servant of God (his name) be so necessary and sweet to all the masters, all the rulers and other conquerors of the world.
  So they would respect me, so they would always keep to themselves, not expel, do not scold, defend from other evil deeds.
  Like water
  the sea cannot be drained, and my words cannot be changed, not destroyed, cannot be directed in a different direction.
  With a key, I close this conspiracy; Amen".

What can happen?

If the plot is used incorrectly or if the sequence of actions is violated, magic can take revenge on a person. So, after conducting a magic ritual, a leader can hate his employee, cut his salary, demote him or dismiss him.  In this case, no rituals will help to restore the location, and will only have to look for a new place.

In addition, the contractor may at some point lose a large amount of money. It is entirely permissible to have a complete lack of luck over time. Also, the consequences can affect human health - it will begin to deteriorate sharply. You can resort to magic only in the most difficult situations, when no other methods help.

Relations with bosses at work for each person are different. Some subordinates are treated well by managers, not noticing their mistakes and shortcomings. For others, the authorities constantly find fault, scolds, and even punish them with the ruble. It is very difficult to earn the respect and love of strict leaders on your own. You can solve this problem by picking up a plot on the boss.

Each person can attract bosses with the help of magic rituals. The main thing is that he believes in the power of action and hopes for a favorable outcome.

Why should problems with superiors be solved in a magical way?

Most often, each leader is distinguished by high self-esteem, often flowing into egoism in relation to his wards. This, of course, affects the quality of the work of the team, as well as the time it takes to complete it. But we must not forget about the personal experiences of everyone.

Often, the authorities put themselves above other people, and with their actions only confirms this. Shouts, statements, quarrels - all this remains in the memory of unloved subordinates. If a person is strong in spirit - he will tolerate the negative, no matter how the leadership swears. But, if he can not restrain himself in his hands, the consequences may be different. Often, the lack of mutual understanding only aggravates the situation, and an impatient employee can lose confidence and even his position.

You can use magic to pacify the ardor of a leader and rid yourself of angry statements about yourself. In addition, the advantage of this unconventional method is complete anonymity. No one will learn about the mysterious actions, and will not judge the subordinate unloved by the authorities. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and take care of some preparatory activities. And only in this way, the rituals performed will attract good luck and help protect a person from the bad consequences of a lack of understanding.

Preparing for rituals for building relationships with superiors

Finding a conspiracy from the boss and applying it for your own purposes is not difficult. In addition, on this subject there are many materials, detailed text instructions (like this article) and video materials. But, will magic words be effective against superiors? Modern magicians are confident that the result of rituals and ceremonies no less depends on preparatory measures. They most often relate to a person’s personal mood, his readiness to part with grievances, negative thoughts and all that became the reason for hatred for arrogant bosses.

The well-known healer Natalya Stepanova confirms the importance of preparation for rituals. Any prayers and conspiracies will be effective only if:

  • maximum concentration not only during the ceremony, but also in preparation for it;
  • faith in the power of magic words;
  • calm and confidence of the performer;
  • preparing all the necessary magic accessories.

The location of evil bosses and bosses may not come immediately. After the rituals, one must not lose heart and believe in the power of the spoken words to the “victorious”, so necessary result. This may not be easy. After all, good changes for the employee can come both in a few days or in six months.

If a person is not sure that he will be able to pacify the ardor and greed of his boss or “survive” under his leadership, even with the help of magic, one should not start rituals. It is better to give this matter to experienced professionals who will help you cope with this task better. But, one still has to believe in the power of the conspiracy, because without it all efforts will be in vain. It is also important and the time of the magical actions. The most favorable are energetically strong days - Palm Sunday, Stepanov Day, etc.

Conspiracy from nitpicking executives

Often, the personal hostility of the bosses leads to the fact that respect for the ward completely disappears. The boss with such people shows himself greedy, selfish and picky. He can punish his victim financially, refuse a vacation or a weekend, and even think about his departure. And at such moments, an effective method is needed that will allow a person to return to the “comfort zone” of relations with superiors. It is necessary to shut off grievances and feelings in your soul, and with faith in the best, use a conspiracy from the boss’s nitpicking.

What will be required to activate a conspiracy plot against the boss?

In addition to the text of the conspiracy from the boss, you should take care of the preparatory operations, as well as magic accessories. A person should:

  • buy a pocket icon with the face of a saint who bears the name of a picky boss;
  • purchase three candles purchased at the church;
  • wait for the right moment to conduct the ritual - nights on the growing moon.

How is the rite from the chief’s nitpicking performed?

Make sure that the boss does not find fault with the help of the conspiracy, it is possible only on the night of the growing moon. Best of all is Tuesday. The ceremony itself is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to retire to the room with all the prepared paraphernalia.
  2. Put candles on the table and light them.
  3. Read the prayer at least 3 times:

“Just as you need to mother, how much water is needed for sea creatures, so would be needed a servant of God (name) to his masters, lords of the world conquerors. I want the authorities to respect me, always keep it with me, do not expel and do not scold. Just as sea water cannot be cooled, so my fishing gear cannot be changed, it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be directed in a different direction. I close this plot with the key to the castle and patronize it in myself. Amen".

It will not be difficult to earn favor and attract the chief's love after the ceremony. An icon will help to achieve the desired, which, as a talisman, will save a person from nit-picking. Very soon, a person will learn to get along with the difficult character of his bosses, leaving all the evil and attacks in the past. The main thing is to put the icon where it is most needed - at the main place of work.

The worker will soon feel the effect of magic forces on himself. Your amulet will affect the fact that instead of nit-picking, only words of praise will be heard from his lips. Sometimes, the effect is delayed for several months. But, a favorable result will nevertheless come if the person does not cease to believe in its effectiveness.

How to cope with the tyranny of superiors?

Workaholic removed from office or did he resign himself due to constant complaints from the boss? There is reason to think about whether or not the anger of the greedy boss reflects on someone else. Dismissal will not benefit anyone. In addition, when the tyrant boss really "got" all of his charges, talking with him about something makes no sense.

Nobody wants to hear a portion of abuse or be the next one who was fired because of disputes and evidence of their own righteousness. The tyrant chief always survives those who do their job not the way he would like. It remains only to acquire a good idea how to stop this evil insanity in relation to yourself. One of the effective ways to counter this is to use a conspiracy against the boss who will save everyone from angry statements and make mutual understanding and love reign in the enterprise. The words of the conspiracy on the boss should read as follows:

“Slave (name of the chief), I give you an angelic heart. I’ll cast out an evil thought from you. I forbid anger and screaming. Amen".

This magical method requires good preparation, so you need to figure out when to read the conspiracy and what else is needed for the tyrant to shut his mouth and calm down. It is best to read a conspiracy in front of the boss, at the time of his scandals and abuse before the team. The main thing is at least 3 times.

Waiting for God's mercy will not take long. From the chief’s anger there will be no trace in a few minutes. And if the boss apologized to his ward for insults and asked for forgiveness from other people as well, you can be content with the result - powerful energetically strong words brought the desired.

Enchanted poppy and birch bark at the mercy of the authorities

The pickiness of leadership can play a trick on a person. To do something contrary to, argue and prove their case - all this will only lead to reprimands and dismissals. And while the employee has not been removed, you can try to change the opinion of management about yourself. It is possible to deserve the mercy of the bosses, to please them and even to make them respect their employee and appreciate them using a charmed poppy or birch bark.

How to speak poppy?

Only gray poppy can be used for the ritual. Therefore, a person should:

  1. Purchase poppy in any store.
  2. Wait for the coming Thursday.
  3. On the fourth day of the week, before going to work, you should speak a magic accessory with a spell:

“The Lord created the earth and heaven. Decorated them with beauty. He gave it to me and to me the servant of God (name), beauty, power from enemies of heavenly heights. My enemies can’t get me, do not crush me under the fist and heel. Anger and language do not take. I, the servant of God (name), have an icon, I have a cross and you go according to God's command. I have a poppy. What I say, what I wish, it will be. As King David was mortal and meek, so be you (the name of the chief) meek and mortal for me. Amen".

After activation, the magic accessory should be thrown to the threshold of the enterprise with your left hand. Without turning around, you have to go to your place of work. No difficulties after the ritual will be terrible. All anger will remain in the past. But, do not wait and lightning fast results. It may take a lot of time for the bosses to love and respect their employee. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic.

How to speak birch bark?

Mental Efficiency - Mental Exercises and Mental Energy by Arnold Bennett, | Audiobook | Full | Text

There is another ritual at the mercy of the authorities, but only with a spoken white birch bark. Having decided to end the tyranny of the boss, you should:

  1. Go to the forest or park where there is a birch grove.
  2. Cut a piece of white birch bark from one of the trees.
  3. Head home.
  4. The next morning, at dawn, over the cut bark, the following words are spoken:

“As ordered, he took it. For good, and not for evil. Amen".

Such a ritual is also effective, but you only need to speak birch bark 7 times. Words are uttered in silence and solitude. Even the closest ones should not know about carrying out a magical action.

After a conspiracy has been read, birch bark is wrapped in cloth and placed in a pocket of clothes in which a person goes to work. You can carry the magic accessory with you constantly or leave it in the desktop drawer.

Almost everyone has to spend a lot of time at work, and mutually beneficial relationships with superiors are vital. But it often happens that among the bosses there are vicious tyrants who complain about every occasion.

In order not to give up your favorite job and not shed bitter tears, you should conspire against your boss, who will help establish good relations and a favorable microclimate at work.

For the plot to work

Many people all over the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which is rarely tended to feel love for subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

To make the boss quibble, it’s very useful to use one of the most effective magic conspiracies. But it’s not enough just to read the magic words and wait further when the boss changes his attitude to a more supportive one.

Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

  • before the ceremony, one should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow to achieve the desired result;
  • any conspiracies and prayers require full concentration: absolute focus on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times;
  • clear visualization is very important: during the conspiracy it is necessary to present the image of the boss to the smallest detail;
  • before the ceremony, everything necessary should be selected: the absence of even one object will change the plot and lead completely to the consequences that were expected.
  • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: to carry out the ritual should always be completely alone and not to tell anyone about it, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired results.

In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After the execution, the conspiracy at the mercy of the chief is usually not immediate. Often you have to wait several weeks, or even months, until the head changes anger to mercy.

So that time passes faster, it makes sense to make your own efforts: try to carry out orders faster, take initiative and even stay at work.

Almost any conspiracy can remove the hostility of the boss, but you need to believe in them a lot. Indeed, a lot depends on the internal mood. After a while, a change will be noticeable in relation to the bosses up to the issuance of a bonus or a valuable bonus.

When the effect of the conspiracy becomes evident, it is very important to pronounce words of gratitude to the higher powers for the assistance provided.

Several effective rituals

Not one employee wants to be in the top priority, wanting to achieve his mercy and special location. And so that the boss does not quibble, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

The following conspiracies are the most famous:

On gray poppy

In a special store you need to purchase a little gray poppy and plot on an even day in the week. You need to take a little poppy in your left palm and say:

“The Lord created the heavens and the earth and adorned them with height and beauty. And God blessed me with beauty, gave me intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never crush me under the heel and evil words do not get it. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore, I wish my superior (pronounce the name) to become like meek and gentle meek and humble. Amen!"

You should cast the spell 3 times, then fold the enchanted poppy into a hand-sewn bag. Early in the morning at work, poppy should be scattered on the threshold of the authorities, and gradually reprimands and claims will begin to dry out.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help get rid of anger and make the bosses love. At noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch and pick a small piece of birch bark. You must try to choose a piece of white without black patches.

The next day, with the first rays of the sun, you should take birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful beautiful fabric and hide it in a pocket of work clothes. Her daily presence will help to gain the favor of the bosses and attract success at work.

On myself

When a leader at work constantly shouts, not wanting to calm down, in this situation a plot from the wrath of the boss, which is carried out directly on himself, will help. It is necessary to come close to the mirror and gaze into the area between the eyebrows. Then you should say the magic words.

It is believed that the dream job is when you run at it with pleasure in the morning. Of course, to all this - a good salary. But, also an important factor in good work is an excellent team and an adequate boss. The latter can often poison the entire working atmosphere, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to work effectively and get results when the team "eats" you or does not like and find fault with the boss.

I don’t feel like changing my job, because the process itself and the salary are fine. So, we will change the attitude of colleagues and the opinion of you boss, to awaken their love for you. If work (excellent results) or building relationships with the team does not work, then we will try to apply the plot to the boss, as well as colleagues. Let's see what happens.

Use sugar

The most elementary and simple conspiracy to be loved and respected at work is on a spoonful of sugar, which is pronounced at midnight.

  1. In it, the boss is compared with a fly who loves sugar (that is, you): "just as a fly in love with sweets, the authorities will honor me."
  2. But this is only the first part of the rite. Then, the next day after the ritual, we come to work the very first, so that no one sees your manipulations, otherwise the plot will turn out the other way around. Right in front of your boss’s office, you’ll need to sprinkle this sugar.
  3. God forbid, one of the colleagues will see this — ridicule cannot be avoided, and the rumor about your tricks and condition will soon reach the boss, and there it will not be far from dismissal (either by your own or by article).
  4. During the entire ritual, do not fuss, be quiet so that no one sees your actions (even relatives).

There is another option, as a reduction in staff. It seems that you have been at this place of work for a long time, you are appreciated and respected, but young people have more creative ideas, and young people are always dear to us. However, in this case, too, one can escape from contraction by conspiracy. In front of the office of those people who are responsible for the process of reducing or choosing people to dismiss (directly to the head, in the personnel department or in front of the crisis management department), repeat these words:

“I was here, I am and will remain until I myself decide to leave. It will be as I said. Amen.".

Strong conspiracy, or for picking up leaflets of oak

The following ritual is considered very effective, but has some conditions that not everyone can do. Therefore, before you begin to conduct it - think about whether you are 100% ready. Ready? Then let's go to the forest. We collect oak leaves from the ground or from a tree. We need exactly 36 of them. Stack them on top of each other. Then we move in search of the meadow. But not simple, but always with a stump. Around him, draw a circle with a stick. Imagine that a stump is a table, and sit down at it. You need to invite the devil to play with you, handing out leaves for two. During the distribution, say that you will lose in the oaks, and in return, voice your request about the boss and colleagues. After that, leaflets handed out to the devil, tear into small pieces, you carry your own to the place of work and scatter in front of the entrance.

What is so bad about this love spell? The fact is that after that you should not touch, let alone play cards. Will it work out? If you are not sure about this condition, because it is forever, for life, then you should not try. After all, this is a very strong conspiracy, which means that the consequences (rollback) in case of failure will be serious.

The next plot on his boss is aimed at the picky boss - a plot on love, understanding and respect of the boss. Get behind him and read the plot:

"Do not carp at me, and I will be fulfilling."

As before, make sure no one notices what you are doing. Simple actions are an excellent result. The boss will begin to appreciate, respect, and notice your professional contribution to the common cause.

Let's solve the issue with colleagues

Now let’s imagine a different situation when your communication with your boss can be described as soul to soul, but somehow it does not go well with your colleagues. It seems to be that you do not behave arrogantly (at least you didn’t notice for yourself), and participate in all events, celebrate the birthdays of your colleagues and yours, including, but all relations do not go well. Then, in this case, a love spell will help you - the conspiracy is aimed at making you loved at work. This rite is aimed not only at those who work with you nearby, but also at those who generally surround you. There is no evil word in the text, you only wish everyone good health, and also attract their respectful attitude and respect for your work:

“As I with a pure soul and good thoughts, I ask for respect for myself.”

Before starting this conspiracy, be sure to read the prayers that you know and ask God to help him fulfill the mystery, namely, that people treat you with a good soul, as you do, and also love.

However, there is a “but” in this conspiracy. By your behavior, you must set an example to others, how they now behave. So, do not say a bad word about anyone, do not scandal, do not get angry if someone does not fulfill the task, fulfill your duties to the maximum - thereby setting an example.

If this also did not help, we complicate the plot. For it, you will already need additional materials:

  • spring water;
  • glass;
  • a spoon of honey.

Have you prepared? The ceremony begins on Sunday night, in front of an open window. We put there a glass filled with spring water, and completely dissolve a spoonful of honey in it. After that we read the text of the plot:

“I want to dissolve, like this honey in water. I do not want more gossip and pickiness. Let evil tongues leave me alone, just as I do not judge anyone. My word is strong and will be as I command. ”

And leave the glass on the windowsill until the morning. And before work, take a little in the palm and wash ourselves. This procedure should be done daily before going out until there is no water in the glass. The love spell is aimed at both colleagues and the boss. If you did everything right, then the love and respect of your colleagues is guaranteed.

For all occasions

Let's get back to the option when you come under the reduction or have already fallen, and you were fired. The next love spell is aimed at solving both of these situations. So, we try either to do our best to stay at the same place of work, or to find a new good place, when hands are already falling from hopelessness in this search. Love spell is simple.

  1. We spend it on Friday night, when the sun has already set. The plot is over a spoonful of honey (so cook in advance if this product is rare in your home).
  2. With honey you speak of yourself in a “sweet” place of work: “Which honey is sweet, I will have such a position.”
  3. Then we eat the charmed honey. But, do not drink it with anything!
  4. Next, you must fulfill the following condition for this love spell. In the morning, you should not talk to anyone (don’t say hello, don’t stop) until you reach the place of interview or your office.
  5. The ceremony is carried out until a new place or confidence in the old is achieved.

For a new job

If you learned about the existence of all the previous love spells only when you lost your job, then we will familiarize ourselves with conspiracies to a new job, when all the usual methods have been exhausted. A conspiracy to respect the future boss will help you. We go into the forest and look for two trees growing together. We put our palms on them and pronounce the words:

"Just as two trees cannot absolutely exist without each other, so God's servant (your name) cannot live without working."

Ask the Lord to help you with a good job, with which you will merge into one whole, like these two trees. Having finished reading the text, we leave the place of the conspiracy and right to the house, until you cross its threshold, you are not talking to anyone. Speak - all in vain!

Other options for conspiracy for a new job are read over a glass of water, three times, and then all the water is drunk before the interview - the text can be found on the Internet. You can still speak bread for this purpose. I need it fresh. Cut a large chunk and mash again three times:

“I want to be treated the same way as bread - the head of the table.”

Eat up and notice that everything is getting better, because luck in the bread spell now accompanies you in everything related to work.

Pure thoughts

All of these conspiracies are kind in their own way. You do not want anything bad in them, just ask the Almighty for the people around or standing above you to become kinder, more courteous, treat you the way you really deserve it. Since no curses or evil will be pronounced in their direction, therefore, there will be no rollback to you or your descendants.

In general, to get along with work in all respects, be a professional in it - develop, improve your abilities and skills in a particular industry. A capable worker simply can not help but notice. Do everything that is relevant to you, but morally ethical, so that the boss loves. But, at the same time, try not to praise your merits, be objective. The latter applies not only to themselves, but also to those around them, because they also work for the common good (in particular, for example, additional bonuses or bonus to the bet).

Help, if asked for your help, do not meddle, if not asked. Participate in the public life of the team, even outside of work, even if you are their immediate boss. And it should work out that way. If it doesn’t work out, then a conspiracy to be loved and respected at work will help you!