How beautifully tie light scarves. We beautifully tie a scarf around the neck and stylishly combine with different clothes

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A scarf is an indispensable accessory in autumn and winter, as it protects against cold and wind, creates a feeling of comfort as well as coziness. But do not forget that this element of clothing can complement, decorate the image of a modern lady. We will share with you the secrets of how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully, with what and how best to wear it.

The scarf was created before our era in Ancient China, its main purpose in those days was protection from cold and wind. Over the course of several millennia, this accessory has been improved and today is not only a “shelter” from the weather, but also a fashionable addition to the outfit. Long, short, lush, thin, dense, colored and plain - before women reveals a wide range of accessories. Which one to choose? It depends on the clothes on which the scarf will be worn and, in fact, the individual preferences of the woman.

Choosing a scarf is halfway, it is important to tie it correctly and beautifully, so that it combines with the outfit and emphasizes its beauty. In some cases, this accessory can even replace jewelry, emphasize the femininity, grace of a lady.

There are many ways to just tie a scarf, each woman will choose the options that are right for her. Agree, the female image will become much more interesting and harmonious, and the lady will look elegant and fashionable if supplemented with bright, stylish scarves.

Best ways

Let's look at different ways of tying this magnificent accessory, thanks to which you can look every day in style and taste.

If you have not yet mastered the technique of knitting scarves, then it's time to start learning, you can easily tie your favorite scarf or.

Method number 1

Tying a scarf with this method will pass very quickly, in just a few minutes you will “revive” your familiar look. So let's get started.

Method number 2

Among the many ways to tie a scarf - this one is the most original, the look of the knitted accessory will definitely attract the attention of others.

Method number 3

If you want to know how to tie scarves beautifully, pay attention to the workshop presented below. A couple of minutes of working with the accessory and you will look stunning.

Method number 4

Everyone can beautifully tie a scarf, you only have to try a little. Our photo instruction will demonstrate step by step how to do this for a beginner.

  1. Fold the scarf in half and place it on the neck as in the previous methods.
  2. Thread both ends into the loop.
  3. Pull the loop, form a figure eight.
  4. Thread the ends into the loop. Such an elegant accessory can be worn over a jacket. The thinner the scarf, the more beautiful it will look.

Another option: twist the scarf into a flagellum, wrap around the neck and tie a long end for a short one, as in the photo:

We create a fashionable image: a scarf with a coat, as well as other outerwear

Not everyone knows how to tie a scarf on a coat, and from what material to choose an accessory. We will share secrets with you, women even in the cold season will be able to look mysterious and attractive.

With coat

If your outerwear is made of plain material, then the scarf will become an elegant decoration of your clothes, successfully emphasizing the beauty of the figure.

The easiest way to tie a scarf on a coat without a collar, no doubt, it is incredibly convenient. But you can fix the accessory with your favorite brooch, one of the options is simply to tie the stole beautifully.

For a coat with a collar, choose a fashionable today snood, it can be knitted independently. How beautifully tie a scarf on a coat will tell our photo selection.

If you don’t know how to tie a scarf on a coat, then choose simple techniques - a tunic, a tippet and a hood. Having mastered them, you will look bright and fashionable.

How to tie a scarf on a coat will be prompted by these photos, choose several options for yourself, be new, original every day.

Remember: The denser the fabric of outerwear, the larger the scarf should be.

With jacket

The scarf on the jacket can be tied in different ways (basic, snood, necklace, as well as a twist), each of them is original. Any woman can reveal her mood in this accessory. With chiffon scarves you accentuate femininity.

With a sports jacket, you can wear stoles, snoods, as well as warm knitted scarves. They perfectly complement the sports attire, make a certain novelty. Openwork accessory will make your image romantic.

If you are looking for a scarf on a jacket with a hood, a collar or snood is best. How to tie such a scarf? Yes, very simple, there are no particular difficulties in this. If desired, tie a warm accessory, exquisite patterns will highlight you, emphasize individual style.

With a fur coat

As for the color or print, it depends on your preferences, choose the color scheme that you prefer. But one should not be too zealous with the abundance of colors, the image may look too bright.

Tie a stole

Today, the stole is a fashionable thing that women use instead of the usual cardigan or even a coat.

Checkered stoles are very popular now, at the peak of popularity geometric patterns and floral prints. Fashionable images with such an accessory can be created in spring, summer or autumn.

Asymmetric options over the shoulder are suitable for women who like to experiment, stand out from the crowd. Even a classic outfit with a stole will look bright, in a new way.

Tying a stole can also be varied. In addition to classical techniques, the “under the belt” method is also used; it looks very harmonious on the dress.

Jeans and shorts are also paired with this trendy accessory. Checkered patterns, as well as ornaments organically fit into the image of a stylish lady. In addition, you can not be too sophisticated with how to tie it. It is enough to throw a stole on your shoulders, fix it with a brooch or a belt - the fashionable outfit is ready, you will definitely not freeze in it in the fall.

Take note that a stole of thin fabric can serve as a vest or bolero, choose patterned or plain accessories, they will successfully emphasize the beauty of your outfit. Even a simple dress with an original bolero will look very beautiful.

The video below will help each lady learn how to tie a stole in various ways. Each of the techniques described is not at all complicated. As you can see, the same accessory can be used in different ways. Do not be afraid of experiments, turn fashion trends into reality. You can always look fashionable, bright and stylish.

10 most popular ways to tie a stole

  1. Fold the stole in the form of a triangle, tie it around the neck.
  2. First, you need to fold the accessory in half and collapse, now it can be placed on the neck.
  3. Do the same as in the second method, throw one of the ends back.
  4. Tie the stole to a knot, fix it around the neck.
  5. Fold the tippet diagonally over the shoulders.
  6. Lock the accessory over your shoulders with a belt at the waist.
  7. Tie the ends of the palatine into two knots, put it on the neck.
  8. Double the scarf wrap around the neck, make a knot, straighten the folds.
  9. Do all that is described in method 2, fold in half, throw over the shoulders, thread the ends into the loop.
  10. Tie a twisted stole around the neck, straighten the folds, thread each end into a loop and twist.
How beautiful and easy to tie a stole scarf from our selection with a photo. Discover elegance in simplicity, create your unsurpassed image.

Video bonus: several original ways to tie a stole, scarf, scarf

Video tutorials will reveal the secrets of tying scarves, scarves, and stoles, watch and learn.

Before you beautifully tie a scarf around your neck (photo), you need to choose the right material and color for the style. Depending on their type, the node itself and its location are formed.

Material selection

Before choosing a knotting method, you should carefully select the fabric and color of the scarf itself. After all, with the help of even the most sophisticated accessory, you can destroy a carefully thought-out image if its texture is incorrectly selected. So, fur, thick drapes or knitted fabric absolutely do not combine with thin air scarves, no matter how elegant they may be.

They should be selected in accordance with the general style of clothing. Rough models made of thick fabric or yarn are hardly suitable for a luxurious coat. Only dense silk or light cashmere will blend perfectly with it. For down jackets, you should choose jacquard products or knitted fabrics of dense yarn with embossed patterns.

Advice!Warm and voluminous knitted accessories again at the height of fashion. But ideally they look only with classic things and with sportswear. In an office setting, they will look more than ridiculous. In the cold season, it is permissible to throw only a wide stole on the shoulders. Do not get involved in too voluminous products and fragile girls.

Well, now, finally, we will learn to beautifully tie a scarf around the neck (with a step-by-step photo).

  The simplest nodes

The fastest option is a “necklace” - a double-folded scarf wrapped around the neck, with ends threaded into a loop. The accessory can be complemented with a brooch matching in color and style. A more effective option can be obtained if the fabric is twisted before tying.

You can quickly wrap a fairly long scarf around the neck as follows:

  • At first, its ends are tied.
  • Then the fabric thus closed in a circle is wrapped several times around the neck and evenly spread.
  • This method is called "infinity."

A more complex version of this method is to twist it before donning crosswise. The fabric in this case will be packed denser. This method is an excellent protection against dank wind.

Advice! The fabric from which the scarf is made should always be slightly thinner than the thickness of the fabric of the garment itself.


An ordinary node is not able to “beat” a stylish accessory one hundred percent. How to learn to tie scarves beautifully (see photo) on the neck? Try wrapping it in such a way that it resembles a wreath in shape:

  • To do this, first sketch it so that the ends hang down from behind on the back.
  • Cross them around the neck and then throw them forward.
  • Now take both ends and pass them through the upper part of the loop formed on the neck, stretching the ends out.
  • Another option is to pull the ends not through the top, but through the bottom of the loop.

Advice! The original lightweight scarf is perfectly combined not only with a jacket, but also with a dress or blouse.

Knot “a la tie”

Outwardly, such a knot really resembles a tie. Let's learn to tie it first on ourselves. In the future, the ability can please the spouse or friend. Indeed, for them, for some reason, tying a tie is sheer torment.

But it turns out to be easy to tie it up:

  • The scarf is folded in half, pounced on the neck, and both ends are passed into the loop formed at the same time.
  • Now it remains to wrap them under a loop, lay both ends in the formed ring and pull them out.
  • In a similar way, you can tie not only a scarf, but also a thin neckerchief. Of course, it should be of the appropriate size - it is unlikely that it will be possible to tie a short one with such a knot.

Advice! A rough tie knot will just look ridiculous on a thick scarf. It is better to choose silk fabric or not too dense jacquard for this option.

  Knot with ears

First, you need to throw the fabric and wrap it around the neck 2 times. Moreover, it is necessary to do this so that one end is much longer than the second.

Now the free edge is pushed through one of the layers. Done. It remains only to tie loose ends.

Advice! If you picked up clothes of muffled tones, pick up a contrasting scarf to it. Let him be the main focus.

  How to tie a scarf so that there are no ends?

The beginning of knitting is similar to the previous one. The number of revolutions can be arbitrary depending on the length of the scarf - leave only its small tips. They must be tied in two knots and hidden under folds.

Advice! Canvas with small drawings is more suitable for thin girls or women. A larger picture can be chosen for a woman prone to fullness.

G8 node

"Eight" we get by twisting the node:

  • Fold the scarf in half.
  • Now we will need to wrap it around the neck and stretch both ends into a loop formed after folding.
  • Again, we now stretch one end through the loop.
  • Now we need to twist, turn the loop by hand.
  • We straighten it so that the node looks quite voluminous (although its size can be adjusted at your discretion).
  • We stretch the second tip through the same loop.
  • Pull the ends.

Madeline node

In this case, we almost completely turn around with a wide and long scarf or stole, fixing it on the shoulder with a small knot. To do this, you must:

  • Throw it over your shoulders.
  • Take the edges of the scarf by the corners and tie them with a double knot.
  • Move the resulting nodule on the shoulder.
  • Gently tuck the loose ends inwards.

Option called "Glamor"

The ideal volumetric drapery will turn out if we first put this accessory on the head, then cross its ends and tie them to a knot in the back. It remains to put it on your shoulders and - voila - enjoy the result.

The second method of "glamor" is also uncomplicated. Before throwing the product on the shoulders, fold it in half, and tie the ends. Pull the ends and tuck them under the edges of the clothing collar. This option can be made asymmetric by placing the node on the shoulder.

Advice! Use Lurex models so that they can be tucked under the collar. Otherwise, the foil will rub the skin too much.

Imitate snood (scarf tube)

This option is similar to the “infinity” method, which we described at the beginning of the article. The only difference is that in this case, not the ends themselves are connected, but only their ends. To get the clamp, you must:

  • Twist the scarf.
  • Throw it on the neck.
  • Tie together its ends at the very edge of the canvas.
  • Wrap it around the neck 2-3 times (the number of revolutions depends only on the length of the fabric).
  • Gently straighten it, hiding the knot in the folds.

Advice! A bandanna or scarf can only be combined with plain clothing. Conversely, a blouse or dress with a pattern will only be combined with a plain accessory.

Classic bow

Bow - this elegant knot will hold the knot only if the fabric is dense enough, but not too thick:

  • First, the fabric is worn around the neck.
  • We align it so that one of the ends is much shorter than the other.
  • The short end wraps around the long end to get an Ado loop.
  • Throw the long end around the short one.
  • Now we need to make a loop already at the short end.
  • Turn it at an angle of 90 degrees to a long canvas.
  • Pull the long one through the loop, first a little up, and then inward.
  • Make a second loop at the end of the scarf on top.
  • We should get two loops lying on the same line.
  • Tighten the knot.

Bow Rosette

This method is only suitable for tying thin fabrics. It is quite simple. First, one bow is formed. Then a second one is made on top of it. It remains to smooth the resulting loops.

Advice! If you really like a blouse or dress, but are embarrassed by the deep neckline, hide it with an elegant thin scarf tied to a light knot.

Autumn option

To scarf tightly fit the neck, you must:

  • Wrap it around your neck twice.
  • Tie a knot on it from behind.
  • Then take one of its ends and wrap them with one of the revolutions made on the neck.
  • The second end we twist the second layer, the scarf rotation.


A lightweight but voluminous square scarf or stole can be designed as follows. First they are folded diagonally by a triangle. Then they wrap around the neck, the ends are tied at the back. Now fill the edges under the formed triangle. The scarf with this method lies freely and does not fit too close to the body.

Advice! Have you already used all the options with scarves? Take two contrasting and twist them together, tying a suitable knot. The new image is ready.


This method will not save you from the cold, but the model designed in this way will look very elegant. It is quite possible to replace beads or a necklace.

  • At first, a thin narrow scarf with a length of 160 cm is folded in half.
  • A loop is made at one end. The second, free, is held by two fingers: thumb and forefinger.
  • Now we stretch it through the loop made and slightly stretch it no more than 3 cm.
  • Through a new loop we again stretch the end.
  • Repeat the movement until the chain is ready.
  • We finish the work by tightening the free end.
  • We draw the resulting chain around the neck and tie the ends or fasten them with a brooch.

Advice! A long scarf, just wrapped around the neck with knots tied at the very ends, also looks good. This method is called the "dovetail".

French knot

The method is suitable for narrow short scarves or shawls. They need to start wrapping their neck in front. After one turn, the ends are brought forward and tied in a tight knot.

There is another similar way. It is somewhat similar to the method of tying pioneer ties:

  • The square shawl must first be folded with a triangle, and then put it on your shoulders.
  • The free ends are tied in front, straightened.
  • Now from the ends it is necessary to form a small pocket, and to fill in the second end there.

   Scarf french knot. Step 1-2

Advice!   A strict men's shirt will be combined only with a small narrow scarf or scarf. With a blouse and sweater, you can use more voluminous accessories. Their volume, of course, varies depending on the model of clothing.

Weaving loop

Fold a long scarf, put on the neck. Its ends should be looped in a checkerboard pattern. That is, at first one end is threaded through it. Then the loop unfolds and a second tip is threaded through it. Spread the loop so that it looks as natural as possible.

   Weaving loop. Step 3-4


The fabric for this method should be selected thin, but dense enough so that it can retain the shape of the folds. To create a butterfly effect, you will need a small clip ring. Even an ordinary engagement is quite suitable:

  • A scarf wraps around the neck. Its ends are aligned.
  • Now each edge is folded in the center and folds are formed from it.
  • Do the same manipulation with the second edge.
  • Without spreading the folds, gently pull them through the ring towards each other.
  • Lay the butterfly on the shoulder, spreading the loose ends with folds.

   This option looks very elegant

There are many ways to tie scarves, but as a rule, they are varieties of several basic ones.

A scarf is a multifunctional and extremely important detail of a women's wardrobe. The fair sex pay a lot of attention to such accessories. They do the right thing, because through the decor on the neck you can change the image beyond recognition. This article is devoted to how to tie a scarf around the neck, exquisite options are considered here along with modest ones, so every girl can choose the right ways to transform sets of clothes for herself.

Facts on Women's Scarves

In order to acquire a really useful thing, you should decide on its purpose. Winter scarves serve solely for the purpose of warming, simultaneously realizing the decorative function. Demi-season products with a dense texture, you can wear all the spring and autumn months, and if you want to use them as hats. Summer scarves are a beautiful and weightless complement to the image, designed to hide flaws and highlight the advantages of appearance.

warm accessory implements a decorative function

The skillful combination of regular or cowboy shawls, woolen products, scarves, arafatki, scarves, stoles and scarves with garments is an ability that can be easily trained by actively using these things in all seasons of the year. Do not stop at standard models, consider shawl, bactus, snood, necktie, skate, as well as wool, fur, cashmere, down and lace products. Pay attention to constantly changing fashion trends, take an example from the most stylish celebrities, devote a lot of time to studying style canons and master classes on creating harmonious ensembles of clothes, be sure of your own irresistibility - and you will undoubtedly gain a subtle sense of style. Scarves and other similar items should not be excluded from the wardrobe, since with the help of such gizmos a unique image of a person is created. There is no need to miss the simple and affordable opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

knot made of light light polka dot scarf

step-by-step instructions for creating a beautiful site

white shawl with decor

step-by-step instruction

lightweight neckerchief tourniquet

step-by-step instruction

white scarf with tassels and beads

step-by-step instruction

cozy cape

step-by-step instructions for tying a knot on the back

Effective ways to tie a scarf around the neck

Classic knot

The tips of the scarf thrown over the shoulders should be in front, they must be tied at your own discretion, when creating and tightening the knot, you must proceed from personal preferences. Many mistakenly underestimate this simplest option to wear neck accessories, considering it uninteresting. By adding a suitable accessory, you can transform into a passionate lady or a shy. This method is good because it is implemented quickly, does not require skills and is suitable for absolutely everyone.

complex composition of classic knots step-by-step instructions for forming a system of nodules

exquisite layered knot

step-by-step instruction

Double composition

By introducing a double knot into a women's wardrobe, two needs can be covered at once. Firstly, a decorative effect is achieved; secondly, such an accessory perfectly warms up. To form a double knot, the maximum long scarf is taken, which is twice wrapped around the neck. The ends hanging on the chest should be tied with any knot, then placed on top of the clothes or hidden underneath.

interesting knot on a floral accessory

step-by-step instruction

Famous Ascot

Super feminine sophisticated images are obtained using the ascot node. To create the correct composition on the neck, you will need a square scarf. The material must be folded diagonally and a triangular piece wrapped around the neck perimeter so that an even angle is in front and the free ends are in the back. Cross these ends and move forward. Tie them with a bow or knot. The scarf should fit snugly to the body.

elegant hidden knot, variation of the famous knot “under the tie”

step-by-step instructions for creating and masking a node

Bandana for all occasions

Sports enthusiasts can also find acceptable accessories. To create a semblance of a bandana, you need a square or triangular scarf in attractive colors. In this case, you don’t have to think long about how to tie a scarf around your neck. Refined options for knots can be obtained using items from silk. The triangular accessory is already ready to be fixed on the neck, and the square accessory will have to be folded diagonally. Having spread the scarf on any surface, it is necessary to randomly wrap its wide part, reaching half of the product and leaving the triangular end untouched. If a scarf in this form is thrown over the shoulders, then we get characteristic relaxed folds. The two free ends must be connected by any knot in the front, back or side.

light summer scarf, one of the variations of the bandana

European unisex

The undeniable advantage of the recognizable European knot is the ability to use any scarf and its relevance for people of both sexes, of any age. If you do not know how to tie a scarf to a child so that it does not untie, then this method will be most welcome. Fold the product in half so that the ends are of different lengths. Now throw the accessory over your neck. As a result, on the one hand you will see free ends, and on the other, the opposite edge with a fold. A node is created by threading the ends through a loop. Next, you can proceed with the design in different ways: either tighten it so that the node is located directly under the chin, or leave it free below. The ends of the scarf can be put away under the clothes or lie on top of it.

voluminous leopard accessory

step-by-step instruction

universal double design

step-by-step instructions for combining two scarves

refined and practical loop

step by step instructions for creating a loop

a beautiful way for all occasions

step-by-step instruction

huge exquisite bow

step by step instructions for creating a bow

For strict sets of clothes, use the well-known square knot. Tie scarves with a snake, create all kinds of bows, learn the virtuoso knot technique, make harnesses, decorate neck accessories in any way. Wear scarves and scarves on the head or neck in the form of ties. Having completed a simple practical course of exploitation of neck accessories, in any situation you will accurately determine how to tie a scarf around your neck. Exquisite options for using scarves in a women's wardrobe can be found in the photographs attached to this article.

Women's scarf is a multifunctional accessory that successfully combines two functions: decorative and, so to speak, warming. Today, they choose an accessory based on their appearance, choosing good quality material for the weather, and also carefully study techniques that tell you how to tie a female scarf to look stylish. After all, it is important not only to learn how to combine colors and materials, but also to skillfully choose the right option for a tie for any occasion. And today we’ll look at ways to tie different scarves to your neck. It is beautiful to tie a scarf - this is real art. And we will try to teach you him. 🙂

Types of scarves and how do they differ?

Before you learn how to beautifully tie a female scarf, you need to familiarize yourself with the names and types themselves. This will help you better navigate the material of the article and understand what is at stake.


This accessory is familiar to many, but is often not very popular among young people. But in vain. This shawl is usually square or triangular. For more comfortable wearing, the square is usually folded diagonally. Shawls are knitted from wool yarn.


This is a more common shawl option among youth. As a rule, much smaller. Girls prefer to wear it with a “corner” in front - this allows them to protect their throat and chest as much as possible from cold, wind and wet weather.


In fact, this is not quite a scarf, but rather a fur cape. But it is often referred to as scarves. The boa has gained popularity not so long ago, so now the accessory is just beginning to appear on store shelves.

Arafatka or Palestinian shawl

Everyone has heard about this form at least once in a lifetime. The plaid shawl, which gained popularity a few years ago, still does not go out of style. Initially, the scarf was created from cotton or linen fabric, and served as protection against wind and sand. With the help of an accessory, they often create various images in casual style. Well, in addition to this, a scarf is often used as a bandage on the head by people who are far from fashion. For example, fishermen and hunters who find this accessory more likely practical and necessary than stylish and elegant. 🙂


It is unlikely that at least one true fashionista does not know this look. This is a scarf in the usual sense, but it is quite wide (about 70 cm wide). For stoles used a variety of materials: wool, cotton, silk, they can even be knitted. It is this accessory that can be stylishly tied and beautifully worn not only on the neck, but also on the head.


This species is the most popular today. An interesting feature is that its tails are stitched, so that it is a single whole ring. Often used instead of caps. It is very simple to tie a snood scarf, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to tie a female scarf around the neck?

Now let's talk about why we all gathered here. To the question - how to tie a female scarf - the simplest answer will be - no way. And yes, we are serious. If we are talking only about aesthetics (and not about protection from the cold and wind), then you can always just wind the accessory around your neck, leaving the edges hanging freely in front. But this option is only suitable if the length of the product allows. Or, for example, you can wrap a scarf around the neck in front so that the edges are at the back, where they need to be crossed. Free tails brought forward, we also leave hanging in front. Such options will add negligence, charm to the image with minimal time.

Let's move on to more complex options for tying. To fully understand how to tie women's scarves around the neck, we have prepared many photos and videos for you. In addition, in the article we will discuss how to tie a scarf or scarf on top of the jacket and coat. But first things first.

Advice! This season, at the peak of fashion, voluminous knitted scarves. Combine them with classic or sportswear. Only such a combination will create a complete harmonious image. For a business style, such accessories are categorically contraindicated. An alternative may be the usual wide stole, draped over the shoulders. It is also worth abandoning voluminous products to small fragile girls.

Stylish bow

This method is definitely suitable for a fine romantic nature. The accessory, tied with a bow, goes well with any classic clothes, for example, with a coat. Below is a step-by-step instruction, photos, videos that will tell you how to tie a female scarf around your neck in such a cute girlish way:

  • throw the scarf over the neck so that one edge is longer than the other;
  • form a ring from the longer part, squeeze the center with your fingers;
  • with a short end from the bottom up we knit the ring in the place where it was picked up by the fingers;
  • when the bow is assembled, hide the tail in a knot on the bow;
  • raise the bow a little closer to the throat.

Improvised snood

Remember how it was in that Soviet film: “With a flick of the wrist, trousers turn ... trousers turn ... into elegant shorts!” Here we have something like this. You can create a stylish snood from the usual wide stole in seconds. Only for this, your scarf should be made of soft, thin enough material. Take the two ends of the palatine and simply connect them together. Further, it is important to know how to tie such a female scarf around the neck so that the junction is not visible. You just throw the product in several turns on the neck and hide the bundle under them. A very simple way to tie a scarf, but not many people know about it.


At first glance, it might seem that repeating a similar method of tying is simply impossible. In fact, to tie a scarf with such weaving, you need only a little skill and patience. An image with such an accessory looks fresh and relaxed. Consider the step-by-step instructions on how to tie a female scarf around the neck, and the photos will help us with this:

  1. Take a long loose scarf. Throw the edges back, cross and back forward, leaving the center to sag freely on the chest.
  2. Twist the inside once.
  3. Pass the free left tail into the ring formed in the center on top (this is important).
  4. But the right tail similarly skip into the ring, but from below.
  5. Slowly, gently pull the knots closer to the throat. It will turn out a very nice bundle.

Another similar option with twisting the central loop.

On the gif below you can also see a slightly different way of tying a knot on a scarf similarly.

Infinity knot

Now let's get a little bit on how to stylishly tie a snood scarf. And again, it's better to refer to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Throw snud around the neck, twist in front several times (do not pull too close to the throat).
  2. Holding the twisted scarf so that it doesn’t open, straighten the loops a little (you know how they do it when weaving openwork braids).
  3. Throw the free front loop over your neck.
  4. Next, you just need to spread the fabric a little to give bulk.


Probably the most common option, but some still have not mastered a simple, straightforward technique:

  • tie a scarf around the neck, leaving one tail longer than the other;
  • lift the left corner of the long part to the throat and tuck into the loop;
  • gently straighten the fabric to get the desired “corner”.

Lightweight material is better for this method, and the scarf itself should be wide enough. So you can beautifully tie a light scarf in spring or autumn, while it is still not very cold. This will add femininity and sophistication to your look.


Using this method, you can and should beautifully beat the vibrant colors of the accessory. It will look especially cool if there are several bright colors on the scarf, some kind of abstraction. Does anyone here still want to know how to tie a female scarf in the form of a wreath? Then let's go:

  • throw a scarf so that the edges hang down from the back;
  • cross the ends on the back and back forward;
  • both tails must be passed through the upper part of the loop formed, pulled out;
  • repeat the procedure several times;
  • neatly straighten the loops.

"A la tie"

Great, very easy option. Let's see how it looks in practice:

  • throw the product over the neck so that the ends are in front;
  • tie one knot, but do not tighten it;
  • pass the other end into the loop, and pull the knot closer to the throat.

Advice! Such a rough tie knot will not look on a thick knitted scarf. For this method, choose some kind of light material, such as silk. Or, in extreme cases, not a dense jacquard.

In conclusion, we have prepared a video for you that will tell you how to tie and wear a wide scarf under the outer clothing. By the way, these tips have been prepared for you by fashionable gurus Cosmopolitan, so take a closer look at them 😉

How to combine a knitted scarf with a coat or jacket?

So, all the previous options, definitely, would look good with some kind of light vest or with a light unbuttoned jacket. But how beautifully to tie a warm female scarf so that it matches with outerwear? There are, of course, such nodes. They add femininity, playfulness, charm, attract eyes. In the cold season, knitted accessories can be worn on and under the coat, perfectly combined with a jacket. And now we will tell you several options for how to tie a scarf on a woman’s coat with and without a hood, with and without a collar. Of course, photos and videos will help to understand this issue. In general, it's time to start.

Advice! For clothes of muffled and dull colors (as it happens in the cold season), it is better to choose a bright scarf. It will be he who will become a contrasting spot in your image without overloading it.

For inclement weather

As mentioned above, there are several ways to beautifully tie a scarf on women's outerwear, and this method is particularly practical, as it saves from cold and strong winds. A scarf with such a knot gives special sophistication. Let's see how to achieve the desired result:

  • wrap the scarf around the neck 2 times;
  • tie the knots at the back of the neck;
  • one end must tightly rewind the bottom loop;
  • do the same with the other end, but we already wrap the upper loop;
  • tighten both skeins to the throat and straighten the edges.

Another nice option for cold weather.

Now we will tell you how to tie a scarf on a coat, probably in the most original way. The node that we will learn to make is very difficult. To master the tying technique, of course, you will have to practice, but the result is worth it.

  1. Choose a long scarf from not very dense material.
  2. We wrap the scarf around the neck, and weave the ends on the chest. In this case, make the loop looser, because when weaving the braid, its size will significantly decrease.
  3. Now start weaving an ordinary braid: you have two ends, and the loop on your neck will act as the third.
  4. Weave as long as the length allows. When the braid is complete, tie the ends and carefully hide them.
  5. Twist in such a way that the braid was in front. You can spread the loops of the braid to make the product more magnificent.

Advice! You can quite perform the same manipulations and not on the body. Then, a braided oblique scarf, you can simply put on top of a coat or jacket.

Bright option for gray everyday life

By the way, this option is perfect for warm knitted shawls.

  1. Take a bright accessory (it should not be wide) and put it on your neck.
  2. Now, all that is needed is to tie several loose knots on the chest. Each subsequent node must be passed through the previous loop.
  3. Spread the knots of the scarf.

This option is good purely from an aesthetic point of view. It is he who shows how to tie a scarf on a woman's coat, so that it was beautiful, but not warm at all.

A practical option is a knot

Now you need to talk about how to tie a scarf under a women's coat. There are many options, with a strong desire, you can even choose one of the methods described above. But we want to show you the most practical, in our opinion, technique:

  • fold the scarf in half;
  • it is in this form that you need to attach the product to the back of the neck;
  • we pass the edges of the scarf into the formed loop;
  • draw free ends under the formed node from the bottom up;
  • then from the previous position from top to bottom, threading through a new loop.

And another similar option.

Jacket scarf

A separate topic can be highlighted the question of how to tie a scarf under a women's jacket. A jacket is not outerwear, and it is unlikely that you can go out into the street in extreme cold without putting on a jacket or coat. Therefore, the accessory must be very carefully selected in combination with this thing of the women's wardrobe. But then, if you choose a lightweight material and know how to tie a women's silk scarf or stole, for example, you can wear the accessory even indoors. Let's master the most common technique:

  • wrap a scarf around the neck, so that a complete turn is obtained, but the ends hang down on the chest;
  • we tie the ends into two tight knots;
  • move the knot on its side and straighten.

This is actually the easiest decorative option to knit a scarf. This method of tying will not be possible to repeat with a dense fabric - it will look just ridiculous. But with a light silk scarf it will turn out very cool.

And now let's see a few videos that tell you how you can still tie a woman’s scarf around her neck:

How to tie a scarf so that no ends are visible?

But sometimes I want to wear a scarf beautifully, hide the ends. But it seems to us that such a desire is not connected only with the aesthetic side. Sometimes the ends are hidden and so that, for example, the snake does not “chew” a beloved accessory, does not leave chains on it or does not break at all. We will consider such ways to tie an accessory so that everyone is satisfied.

Advice! It is better for thin fragile girls to choose a product with a small dense pattern, but for dense girls, on the contrary, with a large print or pattern.

Eight Node

To repeat such a knot, you need to stock up on a snood of thin light fabric. Or, you can make a snood yourself by tying the ends of any long scarf. Let's move on to the tying technique without unnecessary preludes:

  • snud must be folded in half;
  • we throw it over the neck at the back so that the ends-loops are in front, on the chest;
  • we pass one end-loop into the formed other loop;
  • further, we conditionally divide it into two ends, and stretch one into the same loop;
  • twist the loop, twisting with your hands;
  • gently straighten the knot, fabric on all sides to add volume (although the volume can be adjusted as you wish).

Node Madeleine

Prepare for training a very wide long scarf, scarf or stole (which fits perfectly). A checkered print of the stole on a plain jacket will look very original. Let's figure out how you can tie a female checkered scarf with a Madeleine knot so that it is warm and comfortable:

  • the palatine should be given a triangular shape and thrown over the shoulders so that the ends are on the chest;
  • wrap the scarf around the neck again, leading the ends forward again;
  • tie them with a double knot and move the knot on the shoulder;
  • gently tuck the tips, hide the inside of the stole.


In this way, a voluminous warm square scarf can be easily imposed. Let's learn a step-by-step technique:

  • as in the previous version, the product must be given a triangular shape and thrown with a triangle on the back, leading the ends forward;
  • in front, the ends are intertwined with each other, and thrown back;
  • make a knot on the back of the head and hide it under the triangle;
  • straighten the scarf, adding bulk to it.

What about men?

And, although our article should tell you how to tie a female scarf, we cannot but pay at least a little attention to our beloved men. Let's not beat around the bush, but immediately consider a few successful options for tying for men:

  1. The easiest way is to fold the most ordinary long scarf in half, throw it on the neck and thread the loose ends into the loop formed.
  2. And you can leave one end longer than the other. Once again, wrap the long end around the neck, tucking it in front under the same turn.

And here are some more options on how to tie a scarf to a man.

As you can see, men are much less concerned with this issue, and even less so are they of little interest to the aesthetic side. It is important for a man to be warm, practical. What else to add here? Never mind. Just love the stronger sex as they are. Fashion - should not be the strength of a real man. 😉


Dear ladies, remember that you are beautiful in any appearance, in any outfit, and your main decoration should be a smile. A scarf is just a stylish accessory that helps emphasize the natural beauty and sophistication. It does not matter what it will be: a delicate silk scarf, a soft knitted snood or a slightly rough wool shawl. It is important that you always be comfortable and cozy in your outfit.

Every fashionista knows that a scarf or shawl is a universal thing in the wardrobe, which can warm in winter frosts or add a twist to coquetry in an outfit, or emphasize the natural beauty.

Warm wool, light silk, gas, chiffon, decorated with braid, beads. There are so many! You can get confused when choosing, it would seem, such a simple accessory. But thanks to this stylistic variety, the scarf for many decades remains a fashion accessory in the wardrobe of both a young girl and a woman. A correctly selected and beautifully knitted scarf can radically transform your appearance.

How to tie a scarf around your neck?

  The first method is “Simple Knot”: it will help you turn a classic work suit into an interesting outfit, and also add charm to a regular turtleneck or blouse.

Any narrow scarf, silk scarf or scarf will do. Wrap the scarf around the neck so that the ends are in front. Tie the ends into a loose knot.

The next option, “European knot with a twist”, is the most popular way to tie a scarf into a European knot, when the scarf is folded in half, threaded through a loop and tightened around the neck, you can tie it in a more original way.

Fold the scarf in half and wrap it around your neck. Pass one end through the loop from top to bottom, and the other from bottom to top. Flatten the knot and gently tighten around the neck.

The third method is the “Lingering unit”. Although outwardly it resembles a man’s tie, it elegantly emphasizes the classic office style. Any square silk scarf or scarf of medium length will do.

Fold the scarf in a narrow strip and wrap it around the neck. Wrap the right end of the scarf around the left end. Pull the right end of the scarf through the hole at the base of the scarf, making a knot. Align the knot so that it is in the middle.

How to tie scarves and scarves nicely?

The next way - "A knot under the coat." It is quite simple and will suit any oblong scarf or pashmina. Fold the scarf in half lengthwise (four times with a wide scarf). Wrap a folded scarf around your neck. Place the end of the scarf under the coat.

How to tie a scarf nicely?

  This is probably the easiest way, and a plain neckerchief is better. Take the scarf and wrap it so that the ends of the scarf are in front. Tie a single knot and move it to either side. Tie another knot. Straighten the scarf and align the knots carefully.

There is another way to tie a scarf with an Ascot knot. Neck scarves or wide square scarves are suitable for him.

Fold a square scarf diagonally into a triangle. Wrap tightly around the neck with the top of the triangle forward, and with the sharp ends back. Wrap the tips behind your back, and then throw them forward. Tie the ends with a simple knot or a beautiful bow.

You can also tie a neckerchief with an original knot. A neckerchief or square scarf will do. Unfold the neckerchief with the wrong side to the skin and wrap it around the neck. Tie in front with a single knot so that the parts of the scarf lie one on top of the other. Form a loop from them, and thread one end of the scarf into it. Pull until the knot of the size you need is formed. Tie back.

The editors of the site offer you another solution for tying a neck scarf or square scarf. Take the scarf and place it with the ends in front so that one end is longer than the other. Throw a scarf or scarf around your neck and make a single knot. Hold the short end at the back, and with the long end continue to wrap the base of the scarf. Tie the knot behind and straighten the scarf gently.

The Harlequin knot is suitable for scarves. Fold a square scarf in the middle. Then place the scarf on the shoulders - with the edges, not the fold of the scarf to the neck. Carefully tie the corners of the scarf with the main knot and bend the outer edge of the scarf up to the middle. Tie the outer ends of the headscarf with the main knot. A scarf with a Harlequin knot can be worn so that the knots are in front, or you can position them a bit on the side.

A no less original way to tie a scarf and very beautiful is the Rose knot. A narrow long scarf, a neckerchief or a medium-length scarf will do.

Tie a simple knot, and weave the loose ends into a bundle so that both ends are the same length. Fold the tourniquet with the cochlea as shown in the diagram. Pull a small crease from the ends of the scarf and thread it through the middle of the cochlea. Hide the tips or leave them so that they look out of the knot like leaflets.

How else can I tie a scarf?

  Any square scarf or scarf can be tied not only on the neck, but also on the body. This option will turn your favorite accessory into a kind of top. To do this, take a regular shawl (can be plain or with a symmetrical pattern).

Sew or knot in the middle of the scarf. The side on which they were fastened is directed to the body. Grasp the edges of the scarf and tie them on the back: top and bottom. The top is ready. Who would have guessed that this top is made of a scarf ?!

Recently, scarves tied on the head are especially popular. They can be tied as a bandage, as a scarf, or to make a semblance of a turban. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize.

How to tie a stole?

  No less popular among scarves are stoles. It would seem that a simple outfit is rectangular in shape, and how elegantly it can emphasize your appearance. Palatines are different in size: very small, barely covering their shoulders, long and covering their backs, wide and narrow. The easiest way is to throw a stole on your shoulders and stab it with a brooch. So you emphasize an evening dress or it will save you from cool weather. For such a simple method, an exquisite stole of an unusual color or pattern is suitable. It will beautifully complement your costume.

Simple knots with which scarves are tied are also suitable for tying stoles. To begin, straighten the stole and throw it around the neck, tie a knot. Wrap the stole around the neck again and tie a loose knot. Pull the ends through the knot and straighten them. This version of the knot can be tied over a coat or sheepskin coat. And most importantly, it will not have to be corrected throughout the day.

You can beautifully tie a scarf around your neck in different ways. Even if you have one scarf in your wardrobe, be aware that there are many ways to tie it. If you still know how to tie scarves, scarves and stoles, we will be glad to know about them.
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