How to attract husband’s attention? How to get husband’s attention and refresh relationship

To maintain and maintain interest in the eyes of a husband for many women is a whole art. Especially for those who have long been married and tried many ways. To learn how to always be attractive and alluring for your beloved spouse, you should try ...

Relations with the husband. Reboot

It's no secret that over time, even the most passionate relationships gradually subside. Even if at first you could not live without each other and feelings flashed like fire, as soon as you looked at each other, then a few years later, especially after marriage and the advent of children, feelings gradually fade away and spending time together becomes ordinary. Plus, when you get tired of work, and at home you still need to redo a bunch of things, romance disappears instantly ...

But you really want to relive the happy moments together, the feeling of love and excitement when you first met. And not only to you, but also to your husband, also dreams of this, even if he does not say anything about it. But, unfortunately, turning back the clock is beyond our power ...

In your power it is quite possible to create that atmosphere and atmosphere in which you can both relax, be alone and experience new, stronger emotions. It does not have to be a romantic evening. Because for someone, a simple evening spent together is commonplace. But going to the movies or going to friends will bring variety. In any case, do not spend the evening as usual. If your usual daily routine takes place at home with your child, break out for the weekend somewhere. And if, on the contrary, you don’t have enough time to be together at home, give your child to your grandmother and arrange a romantic evening in a pleasant atmosphere. In a word, refresh your feelings, reboot. To get even closer, you need to experience strong emotions together. ... Remember when the last time you had to do this? The wedding, the birth of a child and then everything is smooth and calm.

A few ideas to help bring something new:

  • Travel together. Even a short trip for one or two days will give a lot of impressions. Choose places where you two will be interested. For example, a recreation center in the summer or a beautiful city with interesting sights in which you have never been before. A change of scenery and relaxation together will allow you to forget about household chores, freshen up relationships and get closer.
  • Karting, paintball or skydiving. Make your beloved husband an unusual gift in the form of any extreme vacation. It is important to choose entertainment that your man will definitely enjoy. Perhaps even this will be fishing or a test drive of the car, which he has long dreamed of. Discuss in advance the day on which the surprise will be presented, so that it doesn’t happen that the husband decides to sleep in his only day off, and you drag him to fish for fishing carp.
  • Make a date. But unusual, and one that will remind you of your first meetings. Recall in your memory those moments when you were just starting to meet and remember how and where you liked to spend time. Arrange everything exactly so that your husband immediately guesses that your date is associated with that time. Perhaps feelings will wake up again, and together you will experience pleasant moments.

Why do men lose interest in women?

When a man ceases to pay attention to a woman, this means that she is no longer interested in him. In order to keep this interest constantly, it needs to be supported in every possible way. After all, the girl must have some kind of mystery that I want to solve.

A woman must constantly surprise and attract a man. It takes care of its beauty, neat appearance, always be positive and bring something new in sexual relationships. But when she becomes his wife, it becomes much more difficult to maintain interest. Because, living in the same territory, it is impossible to constantly look 100%. And it’s interesting how to preserve the riddle when you know all the habits and habits of each other by heart? It seems that there is nothing to surprise. ... That is why over time, many men begin to stare at other women, because they are more interesting, mysterious and inaccessible. ... If you feel that your husband has gradually begun to lose interest in you, urgently take action to correct the situation.

  1. A stupid wife takes care of her husband, and a smart one follows herself. This wisdom is important for every woman who wants to have a happy and strong marriage. You need to take care of yourself constantly, regardless of how your husband treats you. Instead of sawing your husband for constant delays at work and climbing him on the phone to re-read his messages, take care of yourself. Go to the hairdresser, sign up for a fitness room, or master the skills of oriental dancing. Believe me, very soon the husband himself will begin to be interested in where it is you constantly disappear and for the sake of whom you made a new haircut ...
  2. Self-develop. Read interesting books, attend continuing education courses, and find yourself a new hobby. Even if you are on maternity leave and spend at home every day, this is not a reason to focus only on home life and caring for a child. Always find time for your favorite activities, thanks to which you develop spiritually, emotionally or physically. If you are interested in yourself, then your husband will always be interested in you.
  3. Admire your husband. Even if you know that he is far from ideal and that he has a lot of bad habits. Respect his opinion and try to compliment more often. All men love to be valued. And if a wife constantly cuts her husband, because he does everything wrong and constantly belittle his dignity, then you should not count on him to look at her with loving eyes.
  4. Develop your femininity. No wonder they say that the strength of a woman is in her weakness. Any man wants to see next to him a beautiful, fragile, loving and gentle woman. And not gloomy, angry, and at all offended by the grymsu, who periodically “saws” him. It even happens that a girl looks very attractive in appearance, but for some reason her behavior repels men. Therefore, if you feel that your communication skills with men or sexuality are not sufficiently developed, try to develop these skills in yourself. Be weak sometimes, ask your husband for help. Thus, he will feel his worth and he will want to protect you and take care of his beloved wife.

In fact, there are many ways to attract the attention of your own husband and return a warm relationship, the main thing is that the feelings are mutual. Thus, if you really love your spouse and he, too, but for some reason forgets to remind you of this, take the initiative in your own hands and you will succeed!

First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out whether your spouse actually got cold to you. Perhaps the fact is that he is overworked at work or does not feel very well, and that is why he has no strength left for you.

It is also necessary to take into account that a man can show his attention in different ways: some people give gifts, take them to movies and restaurants. Others are not capable of such acts, so they help with household chores, take care of their wife and children, thereby showing their love and attention. Of course, the ideal man must combine all these qualities, and be caring, and romantic, and courageous.

Do not compare your man with others. Even if friends tell you how their husbands shower them with flowers and diamonds, and your spouse pleases only with cleaning the apartment, this does not mean at all that his interest in you has been lost. It's just that his love is shown to you through care and chores, and not through expensive gifts.

The reasons for the inattention of the husband

Any disease begins to be treated with the correct diagnosis. Therefore, a woman must first find out what exactly are the prerequisites for the spouse’s inattention. The reasons can be completely different:

The confidence of a man that his woman will never leave him;
- male selfishness, when he believes that the wife should pay attention to him, and not vice versa;
- treason, passion for another woman;
- harm, the husband is simply tired of being good;
- spouse his wife.

If you study the features of your husband’s character well, you can easily determine for what reason his attitude towards you has changed. But, whatever the reason, everything can always be returned. To do this, it’s worth being a little tricky and patient.

How to deal with it?

In such a situation, many women reproach their men for not having enough attention, affection, perhaps even beginning to suspect him of treason. Such reproaches irritate husbands very much and instead of warmth and affection they bring down their aggression on their spouse.

As you know, men love with their eyes. Therefore, pay attention to yourself, change something in appearance, change the image, adjust the figure, update the wardrobe. Review your behavior recently, become more attentive and affectionate in relation to a man. After all, only with love and understanding can the correct result be achieved.

Women who are married and in a relationship can notice periods when a beloved man changes: he stops paying attention to his wife and becomes indifferent. If the partner’s feelings have cooled, they need to be revived. The first thing you need to understand is whether the husband really changed his attitude or whether any external causes influence his behavior. For example, difficulties at work or feeling unwell.

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      Reasons for the loss of interest

    Every woman at least once thought that her husband does not pay enough attention to her. After the wedding, the newlyweds think that a happy family life will continue for many years, but this opinion is erroneous.

    All men show attention in different ways. Some give life companions flowers, buy new things, take them to a restaurant. Others take on part of household duties and take part in raising children. Therefore, if the spouse does not give flowers, but helps around the house, then the woman should not regard this as coldness on his part.

    Indifference is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship.   To again draw the attention of the husband, you must first find out the reasons for his cooling. They may be as follows:

    • passion for another woman;
    • problems at work, stress and fatigue;
    • the impact of previous conflicts - if you can’t cope with the insult in time, it can ruin the relationship;
    • confidence that the spouse will not go anywhere;
    • adherence to principles;
    • lack of intimacy.

    A woman who has lived several years in marriage has well studied the character of a man and his psychology, so she is not difficult to find out the reason. But whatever the reason for the indifference on the part of the spouse, love can always be returned by making an effort.

    The husband does not want to work

      How to attract husband’s attention?

    Most often, the wife, seeing the husband’s coldness, begins to blame him for one purpose - to return attention, but achieves the opposite effect. Scandals do not contribute to improving relations, but only exacerbate the current state of affairs.   After a quarrel, the wife becomes less desirable. In such a situation, the best thing a spouse can do is to channel energy in a different direction. Men love affectionate, well-groomed and optimistic women, and she will become just that.

    A woman can attract the attention of a partner in various ways.

    How to get rid of a husband

      Get down to business

    Some wives do not have their own occupations, their whole life is focused only on men and children. Such a spouse will be boring and predictable. A woman who has her hobbies becomes more desirable.

    What to do if a husband has a lover psychologist advice

      Talk openly with a partner

    No need to accumulate resentment in the soul. You need to talk frankly with your husband about what is worrying. Without reproaches, scandals and scenes. Together, the spouses will be able to find a way out of this situation and build relationships.

      Have a romantic evening

    To reanimate cooled feelings after a quarrel, you can go on a date with your husband. And it does not matter who takes the initiative. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a woman herself will invite a man to a restaurant, to a movie or for a walk.

    The ideal option is to go on a joint trip, for example, to the nearest city for a couple of days. A change of scenery will benefit both partners.

      Demonstrate interest in his affairs

    If a woman wants to return the love of a man who has cooled for her, she must first of all be interested in him. After the spouse comes home from work, it is recommended not to sit in front of the TV, watching the next series, but to ask him about affairs, about how the day went, and so on.


    The key to family happiness lies in mutual respect. A woman must learn to restrain negative emotions without breaking evil on a man.

    If she is upset, offended or afflicted, then she is advised to pull herself together and under no circumstances to stoop to insults and assault. This will further distance the spouses from each other.

      Pay attention to your appearance

    You can radically change the familiar image. Changing the image in most cases is always beneficial. A woman is recommended to choose a different hairstyle, update the wardrobe, after consulting with a stylist, find better makeup options, go in for sports or sign up for dancing.

    All this will have a beneficial effect on both her self-esteem and her relationship with her partner.

      See life with different eyes

    To be attractive to men, it is important to learn to remain optimistic, no matter what. A gloomy and irritable wife can push anyone away. A woman is advised to fight negative thoughts and smile more often. She should forget about the imperfection of her husband and stop complaining about life.

      Delight in culinary delights

    You can regain your husband’s attention with the help of cooking. Everyone knows that the path to a man’s heart lies through his stomach, and a woman can take advantage of this for her own purposes.

      Surprise in bed

    In order to regain her husband’s attention and start the relationship anew, the woman is recommended to become active in bed. For a change, you can arrange, rent a hotel room, play role-playing games, buy new lace underwear, have sex in an unusual place, etc. A rich intimate life helps to strengthen relationships and spiritual rapprochement.

      How to return the feelings of a spouse after the birth of a child?

    During pregnancy and after the first-born in the family, the woman becomes different, and relations between spouses undergo changes. And not always for the better. Many couples cannot cope with problems and responsibilities and forget about tenderness and love. Young mothers, as a rule, stop caring for a man and themselves, devoting all the time to a newborn child. The result is a chilling spouse.

    To again, you can follow the advice of psychologists:

    1. 1. Take care of yourself.A woman is advised to remember what she was before giving birth, and to restore relations before it is too late. The first thing you need to start with is appearance. The wife should get rid of extra pounds, abandon old and unattractive clothes and buy chic underwear.
    2. 2. Talk about problems with a man.   It is necessary to calmly, without tears and tantrums to find out all the disturbing moments. It is recommended to evenly distribute responsibilities for caring for a child. A woman should also have personal time, which she will devote entirely to herself.
    3. 3. Maintain comfort in the house.   A man is unlikely to want to return to where dirty diapers are scattered everywhere and yesterday's dinner is on the table. From time to time it is recommended to arrange a partner by candlelight. This will add a sense of novelty and fuel the interest of a life partner.
    4. 4. To have sex.   A regular intimate relationship will have a beneficial effect on the development of relationships. A woman can buy an erotic costume and play an unusual role for her man. Sexologists recommend a joint view of the Kamasutra. A man will appreciate it.

    Relationships need to be worked on, and more often than not, this is a woman’s concern. She is the guardian of the hearth.

    A woman who feels cold from her husband can make many mistakes trying to capture his attention.   In no case should you perform the following actions:

    1. 1. Swear. It is better to try to minimize the number of quarrels. You need to learn to control yourself, stop getting annoyed, taking out the anger on your partner.
    2. 2. Change.   A woman with a wounded pride is unpredictable. In order to feel herself desired and attractive again, she can decide on treason. Such a move can destroy the family. The girl must remember: no problem is an excuse for betraying a loved one.
    3. 3. Offended without a reason.   Men are annoyed by women who accumulate resentment. This does not contribute to strengthening the union, but only harms relations.
    4. 4. Use blackmail.   Some wives blackmail a man with sex or food. This method is strictly prohibited. Manipulation is a bad way to regain husband’s love.
    5. 5. "To saw".   A man had bad habits before marriage. You should not bother him with eternal grunts and discontent on any occasion. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the spouse watches television at night or scatters things throughout the apartment. Just do not focus on this, because the ideal people do not exist.

      How to attract the attention of a spouse, focusing on his zodiac sign?

    In addition to psychology, you can use astrology and try to rekindle the love in a partner, focusing on his zodiac sign.


    The self-confident Aries in the soul are unusually vulnerable and defenseless. They need to feel the support and approval of their woman. To capture the attention of a man and attract him to you, you need to become smarter and more interesting. You can enter into a small dispute with such a husband, but this should be done subtly and unobtrusively.


    A man born under this sign is wealthy and straightforward. Regardless of social status, he behaves royally. To melt a husband’s heart, it’s enough to give him a sincere compliment and focus on the merits. A confident and relaxed woman in bed can attract Taurus.


    Such a person will be fascinated by a wife who knows how to listen. Men are attracted to easy relationships and unlimited freedom. In order to attract the attention of a spouse, it is recommended to become an interesting interlocutor for him, who is able to maintain a conversation on any topic. In bed, Gemini likes role-playing and variety.


    People born under this sign are vulnerable and shy. Re-conquering Cancer is not easy. To attract the attention of a spouse, if he has cooled, a woman must learn to be gentle and soft. Sincere praise and generous affection will help to become desired. In sex, a man tries to give pleasure to a partner.

In life, sometimes a distinction arises between how it should be and how it turned out. Several eventful years of marriage pass unnoticed, and a woman discovers a well-established routine: flowers twice a year, a birthday present, a new hairstyle and culinary efforts remain unnoticed, you can talk only with friends.

All this means that it takes a woman for granted. Perhaps, before marriage, she too often took the initiative, decided whether to be sex or go to the cinema, prepared romantic dinners and called him herself. If your husband seems indifferent to you, stop paying him so much attention. Do not hang around a man complaining that you have no one to talk to and he is not paying attention to you. No need to wait for favors from nature, you can pay attention to yourself. Let's see what to do.

Work on your appearance

We will conduct an audit to see if a few extra pounds have been gained. If the husband says, they say, and so well, do not try to relax and believe. For a husband to consider his wife beautiful and sexy, you need to become beautiful and sexy. Go on a diet, buy a simulator, start doing exercises, but it’s better to start going to workouts. Look at other women - get additional motivation. You need a manicure, pedicure, well-groomed hair, stylish clothes and elegant clothes for every day. Not in the closet for a special occasion, but put on immediately and begin to enjoy life. When the husband notices the changes taking place, you will be rewarded.

Live your life

Fill your life with meaning. After all, life is only a relationship with your husband, but also your friends, relatives, hobbies, work. If you have the habit of retelling in the evenings in detail what happened to you during the day, or asking for advice about it or not, then even the most polite man will begin to hide behind a newspaper or monitor. Why should he, instead of resting, listen to what Tanya said or what varnish to choose - pink or lilac. Try reading a book.

Do not talk about relationships

Just a little bit wrong, and right away - let's discuss how we got to this life. And the Friendship chainsaw is turned on. Men hate talking about relationships, especially if you are going to prove to him that he was guilty, wrong, or offended you. They hear only claims and immediately begin to defend themselves or from conversation.

Let it lie where it lay

If a man decided to relax in the evening, do not move him like furniture. I wash the dishes - help wipe. Let's set the table together. Take off the curtains - I want to wash them. Some wives act like evil bosses. I just sat down, as she specifically finds her husband an occupation. A husband, like a wife, should have personal space and personal time.

Stop nagging

The more a wife complains about life, the more useless and helpless her husband feels. He says that the husband and the girlfriend bought a fur coat, brought it to the resort ... Perhaps the wife wanted more, this is her problem. A man makes efforts, works, which means he is worthy of praise and a pleased expression on his wife’s face. A little positive will not hurt anyone. Even if the complaints are substantiated, sawing you will not achieve anything. It will turn out: naughty, scolded, forgiven. Try asking him for something. Do not wait until he offers help, and then, without waiting to be offended, but agree in advance. And do not forget to thank your husband. Give thanks and praise at every opportunity.

Let him want romance

Forget the words "marital duty." Where there is debt, there is a favor. You can arrange a romantic dinner, try to seduce him and so on, but answer: can you accept the refusal if the man is tired, his head is full of business and you just want to relax? The husband may not be in the mood. What woman can easily give up tender plans? Therefore, in order not to put yourself in an offensive position and not to declare him a soulless log, wait until he is the first to take the initiative. And be sure to invite you somewhere - to the theater, to the forest for a walk, to the cinema to be together with you.

Do not be jealous or angry

Let's say you're away. You are not each other's property. There is no need to scan with what facial expression he is talking with another girl, so that later he can make a spree. No need to control when he left work and after how much he will be at home, read his mail and SMS. It is not necessary to remember and, on occasion, quote what his mother or friends said. Even if the husband has a conflict with his relatives, take a neutral position. If his friends or relatives are not pleasant to you, never criticize them in the presence of your husband. Do not complain about their behavior.

Be careful

Neatness and cleanliness is sexy; it is conducive to relaxation and pleasure. It just seems that the man doesn’t care if the apartment is cleaned or not. A neatly dressed wife arouses desire. You will respect yourself more, and your husband will respect you more. Paying time to yourself, pay attention to your apartment, create an atmosphere of cleanliness and celebration.

Apologize first

Not a single household quarrel is worth declaring a cold war. Even completely quarreling (although shouting, scandalizing and blaming is wrong), you can’t go to bed in different beds and fall asleep without reconciling. Try to be the first to take steps towards reconciliation. It is difficult for a man, even if he is wrong, to step on the throat of his vanity. See, he will appreciate your generosity. Show that all this is nonsense, little things of life. Anyway, he has you, you have him. Do not make an elephant out of a fly. If he commits an awkward act, he will choose flowers poorly or give kitchen appliances for his birthday.

More private

Often children appear, and comes to naught. Both mom and dad have a new sexual desire - to sleep. You have to make love quietly so as not to wake the children. The balance between the time spent with the children and the time spent with the husband is important. For babies, you can invite a nanny, you can take them to visit your grandmother or friends, you can enroll in early development courses. There is always someone with whom to leave the child, if you need to get to the store or clinic. For grandmothers, this is an iron argument. So why the desire of spouses to spend an evening together can not be the same good reason?

Be polite

Watch the speech. If you want to be heard, speak in a whisper. Screaming, scandal, clarifying relationships, recalling mistakes and troubles - this is a reaction of despair. Remember the law of physics: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. The more you press on the man, the more likely that he will do the opposite. Strength, pressure is not a female weapon. Women have more effective tools - a gentle look, a friendly smile, long legs, a kind soul and golden hands.

Don't let yourself get bored

This option is also possible. The wife at the whole parade, a sumptuous dinner, the house is clean and comfortable, the husband comes in, quickly dines and rests in the laptop. Waiting until they notice you and those more offended is pointless. But it’s premature to draw conclusions such as “Does not value, does not like”. Come up with a hobby, a hobby, sign up for courses, sports or training. A new team, new goals and opportunities will allow you not to confine yourself to your experiences. Live, rejoice, develop.

Hello everyone! What is a family - it's not only the nights spent together, joys and fun, emotional conversations and support of each other. The family as well as the person may experience a certain crisis, and people are disappointed, tired, misunderstood. Unfortunately, even between deeply loving people, a crisis can happen. Their complexity depends on the cause that caused the problems. But to cope with it, it is necessary to work on relationships, find out the truth that led to the crisis, and take measures that will correct the situation. Today's article will be devoted to women, wives who have noticed that their other half has ceased to pay attention to them, perhaps even cooled. The tips are simple enough, but you need to remember that each family is individual, so rely on your feelings and experience with a person. And my task is to tell you how to attract the attention of my husband.

Why did the husband stop paying attention to you and get cold?

The worst test that can happen with a woman, and with a man in a relationship too, is indifference. For many, the slightest manifestation of feelings, even if not quite the ones you are waiting for, for example, jealousy or resentment, is already to say that a person is not indifferent. He experiences feelings that result in a result. But indifference, it’s like the unknown, what will happen next, that a loved one thinks how he will behave in the future. And the main task of solving the problem is to find out the reason. Why the husband has cooled, why he has ceased to open, to show that he loves you, maybe even become isolated.

The main thing in this matter is not to panic, not to arrange jealousy and scandals. You won’t get anything. You should have a head on your shoulders, moreover adequate and reasonable. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation and ruin everything.

The reproaches and discontent that a wife usually shows to her husband in this situation will also lead to nothing good. Following, as a rule, irritation and mutual discontent arise. Talking about how you miss him, lack communication and affection, you need to in a suitable environment, in a friendly tone, and not when he is in a hurry to work, and next you shout to him about your grievances.

You should also take into account the temperament and character of the person with whom you live. One is quite emotional, eccentric, capable of an insane act, vividly and with passion showing his feelings. Others are taciturns and show their love, taking care of you, helping around the house, gently kissing. Still others prefer to prove love with gifts, expensive presents, trips to countries.

One should not expect more from a person with a passionate character, for which he is usually much more likely, as well as from a silent person, to wait for a serenade under the window. Each person is individual and learn to accept what they give you, the main thing is that it should be from the heart and with love.

And so, carefully analyze the situation, compare all the facts and think about what could be the reason for your husband’s inattention to you, which served to cool the senses. For instance,

  • Fatigue.   This is one of the most common reasons. If your husband works a lot, has little rest or does not get enough sleep, it is only natural that he does not need anything else, except that no one touches him and does not get it.
  • Previous conflicts. Think about it, maybe you had disagreements not so long ago, or even a quarrel happened, after which he changed his behavior strategy. Perhaps your words or actions have alienated you from him. Resentment can completely ruin a relationship if you can’t cope with it on time.
  • Another woman.   The worst case scenario. He, perhaps, does not need comment at all.
  • Principle.   There are many people who often behave stubbornly and principledly. “My wife did not meet me from work as she would like, now I will show her where the crayfish hibernate.” And it doesn’t matter what the reason for the wife’s lack of attention was - illness or lack of time, employment or just laziness.
  • Self confidence.   Oddly enough, but this feeling can also offend the spouse. And this applies not only to husbands, but also to wives. The exact realization that the other half will not go anywhere, as they say, give great self-confidence. Why try and show extra attention, if everything is so good? Candy - a bouquet period has passed ...

How to get husband’s attention

Let us now turn to the answer to the question asked at the very beginning. If the reasons why your husband stopped paying you attention that you would like to be completely harmless, that is, he has no other woman and love is still in his heart, then I offer you the following solutions to problems.

And remember, your task is to remind your spouse that you love each other and refresh your feelings. Men love self-confident women, purposeful, gentle, and beautiful. Therefore, pay special attention to yourself.

Well, if you are clamped, insecure, scared and sloppy, alas, everything may turn out to be hopeless. Set yourself a goal and follow it. And the goal is to attract the attention of her husband and.

Here are the steps to help you. You can use both all and some individually. The main thing to consider is the nature of your husband, his preferences and temperament.

Give yourself confidence, believe in yourself will help external changes. For example, dye your hair and make a haircut, buy a pair of dresses in which you will look attractive. And even if you are a housewife and do not often go out, home clothes and home appearance are very important. Take care of yourself. Men love neatness and accuracy.

Get busy. No matter how strange it may sound, your busyness will not only give strength in the struggle for your husband, but also show him that you are an independent individual who has his own interests besides work or raising children. It can be a favorite hobby, or a completely new field of activity. The main thing is that you want to do it and not leave it in the near future.

Intimate talk.   Sometimes a man does not understand the hints and signals that we give them. Sometimes it’s easier to say directly and openly about your feelings and thoughts. But this must be done correctly and delicately. Arrange for your husband. It can be both in the restaurant and at home. Get out for a walk, have some fun. Ideal if you are planning a trip. Then on one of the hot evenings, hugging each other, say that you really miss, and would like to see him more often. Perhaps you will also find out for yourself why your husband stopped paying attention to you. A heart-to-heart talk in 99 percent of cases ends with compromises if people respect and value each other.

Take an interest in his affairs and talk more often. No need to be silent every time at dinner, staring at the TV. Talk with your husband, learn about his affairs, constantly participate, if possible, help. The common cause always brings together.

Respect your husband.   In my opinion, mutual respect is the key to family happiness. Even if you are on the brink, resentment and tears are choking you, a simple misunderstanding threatens to turn into a scandal, in no case do not insult each other, do not call names, do not throw yourself or hysterics. Try to control yourself, and the conflict will exhaust itself much faster if you show wisdom and restraint.

What's next?

If the husband loves you, and his coldness is a consequence of fatigue, then he should hear you and understand how you miss him. Another question is if the relationship has stopped at the same level, and there is no progress. Here the idea arises, but is it worth fighting for a person who does not care? He continues to keep his distance and does not notice your attempts to build relationships.

Many in such situations either diverge or continue to live in alienation, enduring such an attitude towards themselves, and taking it for granted.

If in doubt, all the same, I think, it is worth fighting for love, because you once had reciprocity, you spent time together and had the most tender feelings for each other. Every family has crises, but this is not a reason to get divorced and lose all ties. It’s better to try, but if it doesn’t work out, then there will be no views for not even trying to save love.

In any case, make decisions for you. After all, each couple is individual, there are no identical relationships and characters of the spouses. Tolerate or not tolerate the indifference and coldness of a husband is everyone’s choice. But the bright mutual relations of people loving each other are the key to happiness and harmony.

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