How to understand a woman fish. How to like a girl and a woman Pisces? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep the girl and woman Pisces? What gifts, compliments do Pisces girls and women like? What guys and men do Pisces girls like

Girl Pisces in a relationship.

The most mysterious of all the zodiac signs is the one that closes the zodiac circle - the sign of Pisces. It includes people born in the period from February 19 (20) to March 20. Patronize Pisces powerful Jupiter and the distant unexplored Neptune. Perhaps the representatives of this zodiac are so mysterious and incomprehensible.

Pisces girl, woman: what is she, what character?

By nature, women Pisces inherent in such qualities:

  • Femininity is the most important feature of girls born under this sign. She is completely alien to the principles of emancipation, she always strives to be just a Woman. Next to Rybka, every man feels like a hero, a knight, a superman. This young lady will never try to rule the world, she is not interested. She will gladly hand over the reins to a man.
  • Ability to love - Fish is created for Love and can wait for it even for a lifetime. The nature of such a young lady is such that she has an urgent need to be loved and to love herself. Without this, it simply cannot exist.
  • Sensitivity and vulnerability - perhaps not a single zodiac sign has such a fragile and reverent soul. Offending her is very easy.
Pisces Girl
  • Self-doubt - these ladies are extremely shy and timid. It is very difficult for them to make any choice in all spheres of life - love, study, work. As soon as they encounter an obstacle, they immediately get lost and try to get away from problems, preferably behind someone's powerful back.
  • Kindness - the girl has a very sensitive and tender heart. She always helps people and seeks to give others much more than to take for herself. Often, these ladies do charity work or choose a profession related to helping those in need.
  • Suspicion - From any trifle, Fish will make a huge problem. She experiences and worries about everything in the world, is prone to exaggeration, and therefore is often depressed.
  • Weakness - such a woman is absolutely not able to fight for her happiness, because the very concept of “struggle” is alien to her. She just will sit and wait when luck smiles at her. And if someone tries to take something from Rybka, she will simply step aside and suffer in silence. However, it is surprising, but often the strength of this young lady lies precisely in her weakness and defenselessness. And Fish, not fighting, sometimes achieves what other ladies desperately have to fight for.
  • Loyalty to the family - the first place for a woman of this sign is always her children, and only they. She adores her children, surrounds with care, seeks to maximize their creative and spiritual beginnings. Children consider their mother the best friend and trust her in everything. However, due to its mild nature, Fish is simply not able to teach its children discipline. She often puts her husband on a pedestal and dissolves in him completely.
  • Attractiveness and charm - the representative of the sign of Pisces is always sweet with everyone and just exudes charm. Few of the men can resist her spell. Moreover, this girl conquers the hearts, without resorting to coquetry or outright sexuality.
  • Self-criticism - this girl, like no one else, is very critical of herself. She is often dissatisfied with herself - her appearance, actions, lack of education. And only himself blames all troubles.
  • Caution - Fish are so vulnerable that they try their best to avoid difficulties in their lives. Sometimes they even pretend to be a mask of coldness and indifference, so that no one could penetrate their soul and injure it.
  • Delicacy and peace - having a delicate soul, the young lady Pisces is very afraid of offending anyone. She rarely argues, and when a conflict arises, she prefers to leave quickly, while smiling politely and sweetly.

Character Girls Pisces
  • The love of comfort and material wealth - the representative of this zodiac is panicky afraid of poverty. Therefore, he tries to maximize his future and works diligently for this. That is why, despite the fact that she is not peculiar to careerism, she can quietly advance up the career ladder. However, if a man can provide her, Rybka will gladly quit her job and will be engaged in the house, creating a cozy atmosphere.
  • The ability to adapt to a loved one is one of the main qualities of Lady Pisces. She can very easily change for the sake of her man, if she is sure that he will always protect her from all problems and provide her with a comfortable, comfortable life.
  • Heartiness and compassion - Fish, like no one else, can listen to the endless complaints of their friends and relatives. She sincerely worries, consoles, tries to help. Often people use this and use the girl as a "vest" too often. She shoulders a lot of other people's problems. Therefore, others often abuse its kindness, since the Fish is panicky afraid to respond to a person with a refusal and offend him.
  • Sentimentality and romance - the young lady seemed to have descended from the pages of novels of past centuries. Believes in noble knights, true love, princes. She is very trusting and looks at the world in surprise and through pink glasses.
  • Modesty and simplicity - this watermark does not like to stick out and brag. With such a woman reliably and calmly, you can not be afraid of unpleasant surprises.
  • Developed intuition - The fish sometimes has simply mystical abilities, accurately predicting the course of events. She is also able to unravel the true essence of man, no matter what face he put on himself. From the representatives of this sign we get excellent psychologists who can give advice and help in difficult life situations.
  • Cheerful disposition - as a rule, such a lady has an excellent sense of humor and the ability to joke. Often, however, she simply hides behind her jokes her self-doubt and excessive vulnerability.
  • Daydreaming - at any age Rybka lives in dreams. The world of illusions for her is no less real than life itself. Such a girl is prone to fantasies and plans much more than to specific actions.
  • Creativity - this sign often has artistic or musical talents. In addition, this girl is very artistic and can successfully shine on stage.

Characteristics of a Woman Pisces
  • Striving for harmony-Pisces - aesthetes. They adore everything beautiful, and try to surround themselves with elegant things and works of art. They also try to make their world as harmonious as possible.
  • Propensity for mysticism - often such a woman believes in the destiny of Destiny and is fond of occult sciences. Most fortunetellers and magicians are representatives of this particular sign.
  • Variability - mood swings happen so often that people around her may even consider her strange. After all, she can laugh cheerfully, and after a minute feel sad and even cry. This happens because of the huge influence of the moon on the emotional state of Pisces: on the full moon, this sign is cheerful and active, and on the new moon it is sad and often falls into depression.

The symbol of this zodiac is two fish swimming in different directions. So the girl of this sign enters one way, then the other. The nature of Pisces is contradictory and duality:

  • on the one hand, this young lady is very fragile and weak, who is afraid of problems and will gladly shift them to someone else's shoulders. But in a really difficult situation, she will show unprecedented strength of mind and will, which not every man has
  • despite its airiness and ephemerality, Fish is endowed with great worldly wisdom and practicality
  • with his great love for comfort and luxury, he can adapt to any circumstances and everyday hardships
  • being infinitely kind and not able to remain indifferent to other people's troubles, Fish often pretends to be cold, and even arrogant
  • with equal success, this lady shines both in a respectable society of wealthy and influential people, and among extravagant representatives of bohemia

Advantages and disadvantages of Fish

Pisces also has disadvantages, the main of which are:

  • laziness - this gentle representative of the water element prefers to dream about those things that she will do, rather than take specific actions to achieve her goals
  • dependence on other people's opinions - the desire to please and please everyone makes Rybka very vulnerable
  • indecision - excessive suspiciousness prevents a girl from living for real and not being afraid of reality
  • tearfulness - this young lady is crying for any reason. This often repels men, as they are all afraid of female tears.
  • inability to resist temptations - often Pisces are prone to adultery, alcoholism or drug addiction
  • suggestibility - because of her gullibility, a lady often falls under the influence of others
  • absent-mindedness - Pisces are simply not able to be focused for a long time, and are distracted

How to attract the attention of a girl and a woman of Pisces?

Many men fall under the charm of the feminine Rybka and try to achieve its location. And with all this young lady is equally sweet and welcoming. In order to draw attention to his person and stand out from the crowd of numerous fans, a potential gentleman needs to develop a certain strategy:

  • Conquer the Fish with your gallantry. This lady has a weakness for men with good manners. Read a couple of books and show off the knowledge of the subtleties of etiquette.
  • Show the girl that you have a lot in common with her. Guess the films and books she quotes, mention the exhibition where her favorite artists are exhibited.
  • Ask her to help in some trifling matter. Fish is not able to refuse, and you will have a reason to talk with her closer and thank you for the service provided. But in no case do not overdo it! You can ask only once and really about the little things. Otherwise, the girl will suspect you of self-interest and try to avoid in every possible way.

Attract Pisces Woman
  • Take the initiative in the conversation. At the beginning of the relationship, Rybka is mostly silent and looks closely at the interlocutor. Therefore, tell us something that can demonstrate your intelligence and broad outlook. Fish simply adores people who know a lot and know how to talk about it interestingly.
  • Sincerely show interest in her. Since the girl of this sign is very shy and indecisive, encourage her with interested looks and friendly gestures.
  • Show your sense of humor, Fish loves to laugh. But avoid seeming familiar, as at the beginning of a relationship these girls tend to keep their distance.
  • Take advantage of the fact that the representatives of this zodiac love to learn and explain. Ask them what they are good at, and then just listen with delighted open mouth.

What kind of guys and men do Pisces girls like?

Since childhood, romantic Pisces have been dreaming of love and are waiting for their prince. Throughout their lives, they carry in their hearts a clear image of the ideal man.

It is interesting that the dual nature of this sign is also manifested in the choice of a partner. Dreaming of a beautiful, strong and even a little brutal male, Rybka will marry a more modest and complaisant man. And in order to avoid future problems with too bright a satellite. And yet there are a number of mandatory, from her point of view, qualities that her prince should possess.

Men for women Pisces

So, the man of her dreams:

  • strong physically and spiritually
  • practical
  • subtle
  • kind and compassionate
  • wise in life
  • generous
  • resolute and firm
  • erudite
  • consistent
  • having hobbies and hobbies

How will a girl or woman like Pisces?

The variable nature of Pisces is very difficult to understand. Therefore, it is simply impossible to predict how she will behave in a particular situation. Everything will depend on her emotional mood at this particular moment. However, there are still the main rules, following which you will be able to like such an incomprehensible young lady:

  • Watch your words carefully - any word that you carelessly uttered can offend this vulnerable lady.
  • Never be rude to her, even as a joke. This subtle nature does not physically tolerate vulgarities and rudeness. Even if a girl doesn’t show her mind, one rude gesture towards her or others can completely extinguish an already kindled fire of love. Be nice to everyone: with a waiter in a cafe, with a driver in a taxi.
  • Show the girl your willingness to help. Encourage her to support her in any difficulty.
  • Be decisive. An ever-wavering and suspicious Fish will appreciate your confidence and firmness. She will be extremely grateful to you for making decisions.

How Fish will like it
  • Try to look good. The delicate lady, of course, will not make comments if the appearance of the gentleman is far from perfect, but she will appreciate the neatness and grooming.
  • Be interested: listen carefully to the girl, ask clarifying questions.
  • Avoid impressing a person with a bunch of problems. Despite the rare compassion for all kinds of losers, Pisces attracts people who are positive and successful.
  • Surround her with care. Believe that your modest gestures (cover with a blanket, make coffee, turn on her favorite music, help remove shoes) will not go unnoticed. Pisces will thank you and return everything a hundredfold.
  • Do not be too intrusive. No need to call five times a day and demand daily meetings. The fish tries to stay at a distance the first time, and excessive perseverance will frighten it away. In addition, this girl loves men with self-esteem.

Keep in mind that this person is very afraid of hurting someone else’s feelings. She cannot directly say that she doesn’t like someone. Therefore, it prefers to disappear without explaining anything. So if the Fish stopped responding to your calls and disappeared from your eyes, release it and do not insist on a meeting.

How to fall in love, conquer, conquer a girl or woman Pisces to a man and a guy by the signs of the zodiac?

For the representative of the Pisces sign, the main thing in life is Love. For her sake, the girl is ready to sacrifice a lot. However, she falls in love infrequently, and she can love, only clearly understanding who and for what specifically.

To conquer Lady Pisces, read the advice of astrologers and go for it!

  • Aries - opposites are known to attract. But in your case, relations threaten to turn into an eternal struggle and misunderstanding. Your assertiveness and too hot temperament can scare Pisces. Moderate your ardor and learn to compromise.
  • Taurus - your passion for the girl Fish is not surprising. Mild and gentle, she is the embodiment of your ideal life partner. To ensure that your relationship always remains strong and passionate, do not seek to subjugate the girl completely. After all, then you yourself will accuse her of spinelessness. And do not be too economical and do not blame the young lady for squandering.
  • Gemini - sociability and openness, which are characteristic of you, may interest this closed woman. But you need to consider that it focuses on home comfort more than on noisy friendly companies. And in life, she needs romance and attention. Do not forget to give the girl flowers, say compliments. And you also need to learn the responsibility and commitment that you are so afraid of.
  • Crayfish - just be as you are and show your best qualities: caring, discernment, family orientation and love of comfort. Being representatives of one element, you and Pisces are ideally suited to each other. That's just how you will have to learn how to earn money and be responsible for material well-being, since the girl Rybka understands financial matters even less than you.
  • Lions - in the eyes of a romantic young lady you will always be surrounded by a halo of heroism and nobility. Your care, generosity and ability to admire the chosen one will be gladly received by Lady Fish. But try to curb your powerful temper and dictatorial inclinations. Also, do not be focused only on your interests and thoughts. Consider the opinion of a discerning girl, listen to her words.

Pisces with other signs.
  • Virgo stars indicate that it will be difficult for you to win the girl of the sign of Pisces because of the dissimilarity of characters and life priorities. Your earthliness and pedantry can warp it. Try to accept it for what it is. Do not criticize for impracticality and inability to organize your life. Your tactics should be soft, and then Fish will appreciate your common sense and practicality.
  • Libra - a mutual love of beauty, the ability to dream and a delicate aesthetic taste can become the basis of a strong relationship. But you need to learn how to make all the important decisions yourself, since it is this quality that men value the sign of Pisces.
  • Scorpions - you have every chance to conquer and forever tie this lady to yourself. Your inner strength and constancy simply delight the girl. It is easy for you to understand the depth of her soul and the motives of her actions. Just be more flexible and pay more attention to the young lady, do not go into yourself too often.
  • Sagittarius - the common patron of Jupiter has given you much in common - the nobility of the soul and the eternal search for truth. But your, sometimes rude, straightforwardness will annoy and upset the delicate Fish. Do not be so self-confident. And more often ask about your girlfriend’s opinion. She can give you really wise and practical advice. In addition, it will demonstrate how you value and need it.
  • Capricorn - an alliance with a woman of the Pisces sign can be ideal for you. She is exactly the girl you need, complaisant and gentle. Your main advantages (ability to protect and care) will always be appreciated with gratitude. Just do not get annoyed because of her absent-mindedness and forgetfulness and do not try to accustom to punctuality. Such is the nature of this young lady. Pamper her, become for her a fairy-tale prince saving his princess from evil dragons. You have all the necessary qualities for this.
  • Aquarians - do not forget that the object of your sympathy is nature is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Your carelessness and unwillingness to let into your world will make her unhappy. She will think that you just do not need. Often arrange pleasant surprises for the girl and do not be lazy to bring romance into the relationship.
  • Pisces - you, like no one else, understand the mysteries of this girl’s nature, since you yourself have a delicate and sensitive soul. However, it will be difficult enough for you together - you are too fixated on your inner world. In addition, you, like a chosen one, are not distinguished by practicality and determination. Therefore, in order not to get bogged down in everyday life, take the main decisions and the material support of your union.

As you can see, to conquer and conquer Lady Pisces, each sign needs to make considerable efforts. However, it’s worth fighting for her love. After all, having achieved this woman, you will receive a devoted life partner, ready for everything for you.

How to seduce a girl or woman Pisces?

The transition from platonic to intimate relationships is an extremely serious step for the girl Pisces. For her, sex is a kind of confirmation of confidence in a man. Therefore, if you do not plan a long-term relationship, do not try to drag Rybka to bed. Do not break her heart.

In the event that your intentions are serious, to seduce such a shy creature, use our recommendations:

  • Earn her trust. And know that the Fish can arrange for you numerous checks to make sure the sincerity of your intentions.
  • In no case do not put pressure on her, do not force her to sex, and do not try to convince her that "everyone does it."
  • Share your dreams with the girl, even if they are not destined to come true. The fish is always in a fantasy land and your imaginary world will be happy to plunge. General plans and goals will bring you closer together.

Seduce Pisces
  • Convince her that she is the girl you have been waiting for your whole life. Invite to keep you company, wherever you go, say compliments and make a declaration of love. Only your words should be sincere, these ladies will immediately feel the falsity.
  • Make a romantic date in some picturesque place: in a flowering garden, pine forest, night beach under the stars. Just make sure that the fish does not freeze in advance.
  • No need to commit any folly and original feats. Look after traditionally: flowers, walks, timid touches.
  • Do not try to buy a girl Fish with expensive gifts or going to a restaurant. For her, only trust and confidence in a partner are of paramount importance.

What do women and girls like Pisces in bed?

The sexual addictions of a woman of Pisces are very difficult to describe, since sensual pleasures are not for her the meaning of life. Intimacy and emotion are much more important than physical love. That is why such young ladies can stay with a gentleman for a long time in a platonic relationship.

Lady Pisces sexuality can be described as follows:

  • Sex as a physical discharge for these ladies is not peculiar. They enter into intimacy, only being sure that between you a serious relationship
  • Because of their shyness, Pisces does not like to hug and kiss in public. Therefore, they can give the impression of cold women. However, behind a closed door they are very relaxed and emotional.
  • This is not to say that these ladies are very passionate, but the natural desire to please allows them to give their sexual partner everything he wants

Like Pisces in bed
  • As in life, in sexual relations, Fishes prefer to give initiative to a man
  • Due to their natural artistry, young ladies easily get used to any role in your sex game
  • Women of this sign are quickly excited. Erotic scenes easily arouse desire in them. Often they are not averse to repeating in bed what they saw on the screen
  • Ladies Fish are always ready to learn something new in order to satisfy the desires of their partner

Woman and girl Pisces: how to understand that she is in love, that she likes you?

Surprisingly, such lovely and pleasant in conversation, Rybka girls, in the presence of a man they like, begin to be shy and lose all their charm and charm. And the more she likes the man, the more constrained she feels.

So, if you notice that when she meets you, the girl becomes silent, blushes and cannot connect two words - rest assured, she is deeply in love. Keep in mind that Pisces is very afraid of rejection and will never take the first step in a relationship. So you have to take all the initiative into your own hands.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces will support her beloved man in everything, surround him with care and protect him in front of the others, no matter what he does.

Get the sympathy of Pisces

To understand whether your soul mate loves you is very easy:

  • More than anything, Fish wants her partner to be happy. Therefore, it will take an active part in your life, even if you are not very happy about it.
  • She will strive to control you. But not because he wants to dominate, but to be sure that everything is fine with you.
  • The representative of this sign loves to give gifts to loved ones. So if you get small presents not only on holidays, but just like that, do not hesitate - you are loved and appreciated.

How to keep a girl or woman Pisces?

The woman of the Pisces sign has a character that is very convenient for almost all men. She always supports her husband, trying to adapt to his ideals. Living next to her is easy. She never seeks to command her husband, supports him in everything. Such a woman rarely decides to divorce, especially if the man feels compassion or pity. She goes on a break if she believes that she has become unnecessary to her partner.

So you can keep it, observing simple proven rules:

  • Assure your beloved that she is the main person in your life, that you are ready for everything and even more for her. Show it every day throughout your life together. As soon as you stop paying attention to Rybka, she will immediately decide that she has stopped loving and will suffer.
  • Become a real stone wall for her, able to protect her from any adversity and misfortune. Believe me, this woman is very grateful to someone who provides her with a calm life and solves her problems.
  • Talk to the girl. Rybka is really interested in what happened to you in childhood, what you dream about, and what worries you. If you do not share your thoughts and plans with her, she will think that you do not trust her, will feel miserable and unnecessary.
  • Consider its excessive sensitivity. Do not forget that even innocent, in your opinion, words or actions can seriously injure her.

Hold fish

The fish are very accommodating, but extremely touchy. Therefore, we list what should not be categorically allowed in relations with these ladies:

  • Do not speak in an orderly tone - this offends and hurts a sensitive nature. The girl closes in herself and will suffer.
  • Do not force her to do what she does not want. At first, the Fish may submit, but then, unexpectedly for you, it will simply leave. After all, fish are slippery creatures, the stronger you squeeze in your hands, the stronger the likelihood that it will slip out.
  • Do not criticize - even if it seems to you that you are doing this for the good of your beloved, refrain from commenting. From frequent criticism, by nature unsure of herself, the woman Pisces begins to get completely lost and becomes unable to do anything. It only needs to be praised.
  • Do not get annoyed when the beloved has another attack of spleen or depression. She herself suffers from this. Be understanding and help her get out of this state: arrange a sortie into nature, go to the theater, and go on a small trip.
  • Do not scold her for wastefulness. Fish is a well-known spender, and all attempts to teach her how to save will end in failure.
  • Do not mock the girl’s fantasies, even if they are completely unrealistic and impractical. With your neglect, you mortally offend her, and she will no longer trust you.
  • Do not give a reason to doubt your fidelity. Do not try to warm up Pisces' interest in your person by showing signs of attention to other women. Nobody will fight for you, you will simply be ceded to an opponent. And Fish will never forgive and never forget treason.
  • Do not try to trick this woman. She has a very developed intuition, and she feels insincerity a mile away. You will not be able to regain confidence in yourself.
  • Do not forbid your girlfriend to help friends and acquaintances. This is her nature. Be prepared for the fact that she will constantly console someone, save and wipe their tears.
  • Do not forget about her birthday, wedding date and other memorable dates. This will cause a huge mental wound that you will never be forgiven (or it will cost you much more than you expected).

What compliments do Pisces girls and women like?

Pleasant words are needed for the girl Fish, like air. This insecure person must constantly be praised and admired. What compliments does she like? Yes, any! And believe me, there are not many of them in the case of such a girl.

But especially like such compliments:

  • greet Rybka with words about how good she looks
  • tell me that you really like spending time with her, that with her is always interesting and never boring
  • admire her wisdom and discernment. Note that she helped you solve a very complex issue, and without her advice you would never have managed
  • pay tribute to her warmth and altruism, praise her kindness and willingness to help everyone

What gifts do Pisces girls and women like?

Choosing a gift for Lady Fish is not a simple matter. This unpredictable person herself does not know what she wants. And what she rejoiced yesterday, today can cause disappointment and resentment.

You need to know that this girl spends a lot of time and energy when choosing a gift for her loved ones. It gives her great pleasure to see the reaction of her beloved people to what she has prepared for them. And deep down she expects the same from you.

Therefore, wishing to please such a young lady, be guided by the following main rules:

  • grandiose gifts Fish do not need. She may see in this some kind of secret intent or desire to arouse in her a sense of duty
  • the representative of this sign adores purely personal gifts showing how you are attentive to her words and desires (the book she mentioned; tickets for the play, the poster of which she saw; an easel and paints, which she dreamed of as a child)
  • rybka is absolutely indifferent to the technique. Even very expensive new-fangled gadgets or the latest phone model will not cause any joy in it. She just does not understand this
  • do not give household appliances or standard business gifts. Fish hates very practical gifts
  • don't be afraid to go too far with romance. In the case of Fish, the more sentimentality and touching - the better
  • be sure to take care of the packaging. Fish loves the moment of anticipation and expectation. Packaging should be beautiful and layered
  • avoid standard “on-duty” gifts that can be bought at any store. This upsets the young lady who thinks that you just want to get off. She recognizes only that which is chosen with the soul and for her
  • presenting a gift, do not utter very loud, pathos words. The girl will be embarrassed or suspect you of insincerity

Gifts for Pisces

What can please a woman of the sign of Pisces:

  • rybka always makes a cozy aquarium from her home, in which she hides from the outside world. Therefore, it will be very pleased with graceful and lovely home decoration.
  • the representative of the water element loves water. Feel free to give bathroom accessories
  • usually Rybka gladly plants flowers. She will be extremely pleased to receive an exotic rare plant as a gift.
  • this woman has an artistic taste. Give her exquisite art
  • since this sign is prone to mysticism, “magic” gifts will become appropriate: amulets and amulets, tarot cards, a crystal ball, feng shui symbols
  • all women love jewelry, including Fish. However, it’s quite difficult to guess what exactly she likes. Therefore, it is better to give a certificate to a jewelry store
  • Fish loves to take care of themselves. She will like cosmetics for face and body, as well as perfumes. But first, you should ask what products the girl prefers.
  • pajamas or a nightdress from natural, pleasant to the touch fabrics will always be appropriate
  • lady Fish loves a change of scenery. But she is too lazy to organize travel. In addition, the girl is very difficult to decide where, after all, she wants to go. So the young lady will be happy if you save her from such a “difficult” task and give a tourist ticket
  • many representatives of this sign adore music and are well versed in it. A great gift will be discs with records of your favorite artists

Finally, I want to say that when choosing gifts for such a controversial lady, be guided by the main principle: "Give her a dream or just something beautiful."

Video: Fish in a relationship

How to conquer a girl-fish

Instruction manual

Do not overtighten the blanket. Do not try to be too strict with the Fish Girl, she will not appreciate it, and the more actively you command her, the more she will resist. Such a girl is very freedom-loving, appreciates the opportunity to have her own opinion, so you will have to learn to listen to her. In the company she is always in the spotlight, do not try to compete with her, but rather support the rest. Try a new one. A girl born under the sign of Pisces loves to live, as they say, to the fullest, enjoying every minute. It’s great if you have some interesting hobby with which you can attract and share it with her. If not - learn, master new horizons. She will appreciate your impulses, regardless of whether it is cooking, photography or skiing. Be creative. Girl-Fish loves art in all its manifestations. She enjoys going to museums, listening to classical music and at the same time she adores modern cinema, paints her clothes with modern prints and takes modeling lessons in the evenings. If you are not inclined to independent creativity, let her draw yourself into her hobbies, it will give her great pleasure.

Appreciate freedom. Girls who were born under the sign of fish, not only love freedom, they also choose the same freedom-loving people as partners. This tendency can manifest itself in different ways. This girl will argue with you every time your opinions differ, fill up all your free time with meetings and entertainment, get out on the nature at the weekend. She will not force you to do the same, but if you want to be with her, learn to share her interests.

Cheer her up. For such a girl, laughter is the best rest and cure for all diseases. After a busy day, when she is tired, in a bad mood or does not feel well - make her laugh, and she will remember this for a long time.

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The Pisces Girls are very sentimental, they have a very kind heart. By nature, they are very trusting, easily vulnerable. To achieve the heart of such a girl can anyone who awakens in her a sense of pity and compassion.

Useful advice

If you are a boyfriend in love, then you are surely puzzled by the question of how to conquer a woman of fish. Not so simple. Remember the most important thing. If a girl of fish immediately brought you into the zone of friendship, then there is almost no chance of getting into the zone of love. So, regular shaving of the corresponding parts of the body, daily washing of things. It should smell good from you, sweat will drive the girl fish crazy, she will not even want to be friends with you. The fish girl loves flowers and romantic little things.


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How to fall in love with a fish girl

Before sorting out the question: “How to fall in love with a Pisces woman?”, We note that men whose object of adoration is Pisces risk plunging themselves into a passionate and painfully sweet relationship. Women with the zodiac sign Pisces are extremely vulnerable, but meanwhile feminine and sexy. Like spiders, they skillfully weave a web of their beauty, enveloping it only worthy and confidently standing men. It is not uncommon for men to hesitate to approach such girls and suffer from the question: how to conquer a Pisces woman?

But in vain! The first steps can and should be taken precisely by the man. This is only at first glance a woman with a fish sign an impregnable fortress. In fact, she never dares to be the first to start a conversation, but she longs for communication, compliments and a lot of attention to her person. If you decide to meet a representative of this zodiac sign, then you will find a journey into the world of fairy-tale fantasies, a sense of ongoing holiday and enchanting sleepless nights.

Many men wonder how to fall in love with a woman Pisces. The usual methods of winning a woman do not work - do not insist too much, call several times a day, invite you to a date 5 times a week. Despite the fact that many men are 100% sure that they know how to conquer a Pisces woman, in the real world this is not so simple. To build a relationship with such a woman, you should never rush. Let it not surprise you or offend you that at first you won’t succeed, in fact Pisces needs to make sure that the partner is who he claims to be.

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I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem like me, a simple teacher, to marry a millionaire? However, this story can inspire faith even in those who have already despaired. I hope she inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at the age of 19, and for almost 10 years I lived with an absolute loser. At first he seemed nice and good, but after giving birth, he washed down and turned into an alcoholic, lowering my meager salary to vodka. Read the article.

Compatibility horoscope: the zodiac sign of the fish how to conquer a woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Women born under the sign of Pisces are extremely feminine in everything: in appearance, character, manners and interests. They will never strive for leadership in a relationship; they are completely uninterested in commanding a man or competing with him in anything. Women Pisces are dreamy and romantic, often their thoughts are in an illusory world, they are completely unsuitable for an aggressive outside world and rarely seek leadership work. Women-Pisces do not know how to save money, save something or deny themselves expensive and pleasant things.

They are always well-groomed, gentle, sentimental, vulnerable, love secular and friendly communication. They become wonderful mothers, surround their child with affection and attention. As for relationships, the Pisces women are primarily interested in the emotional aspect, even in sex they need languid looks, a long kiss, hugs and tenderness. From a man they expect care, guardianship, strength and reliability.

To conquer the Girl-Fish, become for her the very “prince on a white horse”: give flowers, a nice little thing in a beautiful package, walk with her hand, kiss at sunset. She appreciated the touching letters and message, romantic recklessness, feats in her honor. Rude, rudeness, lack of manners can push a woman away from this sign. Also, she will not tolerate pressure and criticism, insults and reproaches. Do not rush her, “swim” slowly, because the Woman-Fish must be sure that you are not impersonating someone else and do not deceive her expectations. Let her feel that she is significant, desirable and necessary as air.

What to do to conquer a woman Pisces

More often than not, the ideal for her is someone who can protect her from any danger, will listen to her stories and give her romantic gifts. These women are trusting, vulnerable and sentimental and more than anything they want to love and to love them.

Women Pisces are very attractive, so it is not surprising that you want to win her heart. However, it is necessary to take into account that these charming creatures are changeable, like spring weather: on one day they can be gentle, and on another - the standard of coldness will turn.

It’s unlikely that one can manage without a certain strategy, therefore, men who decide to win the representatives of the Pisces sign will have to have patience and wisdom. But in the future you are unlikely to ever regret your efforts.

If you find yourself in the same company, try to chat with Fish and be sure to give her the opportunity to speak out. As a rule, she enthusiastically joins interesting conversations. And if you show sincere interest in what she tells, the Fish will begin to look more closely at you. Take the initiative, be active in order to conquer the Pisces woman, but do not allow any aggression. Never forget that Pisces are peaceful and gentle people.

It is very likely that your chosen one will try to play inaccessibility and indifference, experiencing the force of influence on you her charms - succumb and do not back down. The process of seduction gives women Pisces indescribable pleasure, so do not refuse her this pleasure.

Pisces love mysticism and various secrets. If you want to conquer a woman, Fish, try the following trick: start telling something fascinating, and then stop at the most interesting place. Without attention after this, you are sure that you will not stay - trying to find out how it all ended, the Fish will follow you on the heels.

If you invited your Fish on a date, never forget that the main thing for them is the romantic atmosphere. While expensive gifts and treats, as a rule, are secondary to them.

Bear in mind that Pisces women are merciless to those who betray them and never forgive this. And do not hope that you can atone for guilt - Pisces cannot forget the insult. Therefore, be extremely careful and try not to give your chosen one a reason to doubt you.

Pisces Woman with Other Zodiac Signs

How to conquer a girl-fish

Before you know how to conquer the Girl-Fish, a man should think very well, because such women are very passionate and tireless in their desires.

How to conquer a girl-fish

In order to start your conquest of beautiful Pisces, you need to know what they are. They are endlessly dreamy and their imagination has no limits. If the matter concerns amorous matters, then first such a woman will entice, and then let go, and at the same time she will pretend to be inaccessible. Pisces girls adore flirting and easily make contact with men if they themselves dictate the rules of the game. They are easily stupefied by romantic settings, whether it's Christmas celebrations or the heady aroma of the night sea ...

In love, such a woman does not restrain herself in anything! It is offered to feelings completely, plunging headlong into their relationship, not thinking about prudence and common sense. And only with time, prudence returns, and she very reproaches herself for such negligence.

Fish are very vulnerable, but at the same time, this does not prevent them from being insanely sexy and remaining very feminine at the same time. Often, such an explosive mixture makes men shy, because how to approach such a beauty? Although in fact it is he who must take the first step in the relationship! It just seems that the Pisces women are not bouts and do not need anyone, in fact they are just eager to find someone who would be stronger than them. They really need constant compliments, good communication and sufficient attention to themselves.

If you have not changed your mind and still ask yourself the question: how to conquer the Pisces girl, then be prepared, such a woman will forever change your life. She will open for you a wonderful and inimitable world where you will become the center of her universe, she will turn every day into a holiday filled with crushing events, and your every night will be sleepless.

To conquer such a woman needs a special approach.

· She does not tolerate excessive perseverance, she does not need to be called many times a day, it will quickly tire her.

· Frequent dates will lead to her becoming tired of such a stubborn admirer.

· Relationships need to be built to show how indifferent you are and that you are always ready to help.

· A very important detail - gifts, women Pisces love surprises, and therefore it is worth pampering them periodically with various cute trinkets.

· It is imperative that you remind her how beautiful she is and how lucky you are that such a woman is with you.

· Swim to the Fish need to be smoothly, bearing in mind that this is a very gentle and touching creature.

  •   Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  •   Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  •   Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  •   Cancer June 22 - July 22
  •   Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  •   Virgo 08/24 - 09/22
  •   Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  •   Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  •   Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  •   Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  •   Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  •   Pisces 21.02 - 20.03

Woman Pisces, how to like and win her heart?

Looking at this charming, feminine creature, which can give the impression of a naive person, it is difficult to believe how selective this woman is in love. Not every man will be interested in her, but only one who, along with other virtues, is able to become her reliable life support. Despite the fact that the Woman-Pisces, which is controversial in everything, sometimes still chooses a male person who is weak in physical development, she is much more often interested in gentlemen with fighting qualities, strong in both spirit and body.

With regard to women of this zodiac sign, the principle that the lack of attention to a lady arouses her interest works very well. Indifference of a man can turn him into a desired object for her. However, you should not look for the answer to the question of how to fall in love with a Pisces woman, to conquer her, in an excessively unemotional, deliberately cold behavior: if you go too far, you will frighten her away forever.

The typical path of love relationships in Pisces women most often begins with the usual friendship, friendship, slightly tinged with romantic tones. The Cautious Fish will be frightened if they try to take it with a fight, taking too active actions. A woman of the Pisces sign cannot submit to a person whom she does not trust yet, and she begins to trust only after a certain period of acquaintance. There is no cause for alarm if such a woman sees you as just a friend - on the contrary, this is an encouraging sign.

You will not be able to please the Pisces woman if you flirt with other ladies before her eyes, trying to arouse jealousy and interest in her. Jealousy really wake up, but at the same time ruin the rudiments of nascent sympathy, if any. Winning a woman Fish will be much easier if you let her know that she, and only she is interesting to you as a lover. Get ready for a provocation in the form of her coming to meet an attractive girlfriend: a woman of this sign will look for a way to make sure that you are mentally stable.

One of the main rules of behavior for men who are considering how to like and conquer a Pisces woman is a very attentive, kind attitude to her and emotional sensitivity. Well, of course, do not forget about the compliments, especially since making them, you are unlikely to sin much against the truth.

How to conquer women of other zodiac signs

  •   Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  •   Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  •   Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  •   Cancer June 22 - July 22
  •   Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  •   Virgo 08/24 - 09/22
  •   Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  •   Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  •   Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  •   Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  •   Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  •   Pisces 21.02 - 20.03

zodiac sign Pisces how to conquer a woman

If you liked the Pisces woman, then first think about why you need her. If you just rely on easy flirting, then it’s better to leave this venture, because these women are so trusting and decent, so vulnerable and kind, that it’s a sin to offend them.

If you want a serious relationship, then remember that the main thing for them is love. They want to love and be loved, and they also need care and constant attention. Pisces are very fond of all kinds of secrets, mystical stories, so tell them more often, and never tell to the end, stop in the middle, then she will run after you like a little dog to find out what's next. If you can touch her, pity her sympathy, then consider that you have already done half the work.

In that case, if you want to win the heart of a Pisces woman, then try to look after her beautifully, especially invest more romance in your courtship. Pisces has a changeable character, today it can be tender, and tomorrow it is cold as ice, do not worry about it. All this is done in order to extend the courtship process, and for her it is most interesting. In addition, if your goal is to conquer the Pisces woman, surround her with warmth and care, meet her after work, give her flowers, and gifts can

to be not very expensive, but with a twist. Feel free to kiss her on the street, generally more tenderness, attention, write her gentle, touching SMS-ki, she appreciates this most. Moreover, the emotional component should be in everything, even in the vicinity she needs kisses, tender words and affection, for her this is important. In addition, if you want to conquer the Pisces woman, then tell some compassionate story from your life. For example, tell us how you suffered when your lover abandoned you,

and if this was not the case, then think of something in this spirit, only more sincerity, since she will catch the falsity immediately.

After all, Pisces is a very compassionate nature and someone else’s grief takes them for their hearts. She will always render help to such a person, and care and attention, sometimes even to the detriment of herself. And in general, let her feel her strong shoulder, if she understands that you can surround her with care and attention, that in you she has found her protector and support from all the life troubles, then consider that she is yours. But keep in mind that she does not tolerate most of this rudeness, rudeness and betrayal, she will not forgive betrayal to you either, she will leave immediately, she will take

children and leave and there will be no return. Fish do not forgive such things.

In that case, if you manage to win the heart of a woman of Pisces, you will receive a faithful loyal, reliable girlfriend who will walk along your life shoulder to shoulder, will be your best assistant in all your affairs and endeavors, a beautiful, tender mother and a magnificent, prudent mistress . Under the words prudent do not understand stingy, not at all, she just got used to live within her means and save some for the future.

Woman Pisces. How to win a lady?

Attractiveness and seduction are a special feature of this sign. Women Pisces even unintentionally attract the eyes of men. They are emotional, tender and sensitive. Dreaming and living in an illusory world is a favorite pastime of such girls.

Representatives of the sign prefer strong, strong-willed men. Quickly get their heart will not work, it will require patience and ingenuity.

Woman Pisces. How to conquer?

Pisces has a good enough character; they are open to new acquaintances. But in order to attract attention immediately after meeting you need to start an interesting conversation. Men in the background are not interested in them. You need to intrigue with your intellect and education. To lay the foundation for future relationships, you must become her good friend.

This dreamy, romantic nature. She likes men who can look after beautifully. Therefore, compliments and flowers should be an integral part of the relationship.

Knights still exist in the imagination of fish girls. No need to disappoint her. Elementary rules of etiquette will come to the rescue: open the door for the girl, pay the bill, give a hand. The sense of tact should be on top.

The honesty and straightforwardness of female fish is valued above all. Simulated romantic evening, these persons will not appreciate. They are more important than a frank, meaningful conversation. Relations should be crystal clear, without ulterior motives. Insincerity will be immediately revealed, which will lead to a break in relations.

Support, understanding and talking about everything

Girls of this sign in a guy are looking for support and understanding. Having met a confident man who combines these two qualities, a woman of Pisces will be able to connect her life with him.

How to conquer this representative of the water element? Despite the fact that this is a rather compassionate, sensitive and emotional nature, she is very demanding. Being able to adapt to circumstances and go with the flow, only when she wants it, the rest requires strict observance of its rules.

How to conquer a woman Fish? With such a girl, you should always talk about everything. After all, a woman of Pisces wants to know everything about her chosen one.

How to win the location? Gifts with meaning will help in this matter. Having presented instead of sweets tickets for the concert of her favorite artist or a book that she admired, you can show your serious intentions.

Support and understanding - this is what the Pisces girls are looking for in their chosen one. She needs a strong wall that will protect in any life situation. They do not tolerate criticism and negativity. She needs to feel full confidence in understanding and support.

How to conquer a woman Fish? Be respectful of her feelings. The compassion and sensitivity of these girls has no limits. They are ready to give their love and care to everyone around. If you use her kindness to your advantage, the relationship will end quickly.

Romantic and dreamer in life

It is better to dream together, discussing the future in detail. And it doesn’t matter if it becomes a reality or not. That is why the girls of this sign are creative natures. Art allows you to take to the world of dreams and dreams.

Impressions woman loves Pisces. How to conquer her? Of course, unforgettable impressions. At this sign, a sense of beauty comes first. Have a picnic in nature when the trees bloom or the whole area is strewn with wildflowers, and then enjoy the beautiful sunset together.

When she realizes that you are the one she needs, she will openly show her feelings. Shameless and absolute love will be clearly visible in behavior.

Woman Pisces. Sign Compatibility


Now you know how to conquer the girl Pisces. We gave valuable advice to men. We also touched on the topic of compatibility with this zodiac sign.

How to Conquer and Hold a Pisces Woman

The representative of the zodiac sign Pisces is incredibly feminine. This is manifested not only in appearance, but also in character, manner of behavior. She is well-groomed, gentle and sentimental. Such a woman does not have the goal of leading the relationship. In the face of a man, she chooses for herself a reliable support and protection. Only occasionally, a contradictory young lady gives preference to physically weak gentlemen.

How to Conquer a Pisces Woman

The strongest and most confident fan is most likely to win a Pisces woman. A good move in attracting the attention of such a lady is ostentatious indifference. In this matter, it is important not to overdo it. Excessive coldness of a man can push her away. You should not cause jealousy in a woman. Such tactics will not give the desired result. To stand out among other fans, a man can start a conversation with the lady of the heart about the "high." Woman-Pisces will gladly support the conversation about poetry, art, theater. In these matters, she is strong, so the interlocutor must be thoroughly prepared so as not to hit the face with dirt.

After the young lady “pecked at the first bait”, it's time to start conquering her heart. To do this, fill your sweetheart with compliments and let her know how interesting she is. A man should be sensitive, attentive and good-natured. Do not take too active actions so as not to frighten off the prey. It is common for a Pisces woman to start a love relationship with friendship. If she sees a reliable friend in the fan, then this will become an encouraging sign for him.

How to keep a Pisces woman

The feminine and sentimental representative of the zodiac sign Pisces needs custody and reliability on the part of men, as well as the constant manifestation of love and care. She will not tolerate rudeness and indifference. For such a woman, the emotional aspect is important in a relationship: tenderness, languid looks, kisses, hugs and tenderness. To keep such a lady, the gentleman will have to tirelessly demonstrate feelings. He should be attentive, sensitive and follow every word. After all, a young lady with a fine mental organization is easy to offend. Woman-Pisces needs a partner to feel all the subtleties of her changing mood. Emotional intimacy with such a lady should be combined with a reasonable amount of detachment and mystery. To the cavalier, whom she studied up and down, she will quickly lose interest.

The representative of this zodiac sign gravitates to everything mystical. She is inclined to perceive the connection with a man as something special, born at the highest level. Do not contradict the young lady in matters of mysticism. The Pisces Woman is overly sentimental and enthusiastic. She appreciates sincere feelings much more than expensive gifts. If a couple has “their” romantic place, this will allow the fire of love to flare up even more.

The representative of the zodiac sign Pisces sometimes wants to be alone. A man needs to subtly feel the moment when a lady should be left alone with her thoughts, and not try to drive her into the framework.

How to get Pisces woman back

Woman-Pisces outwardly gives the impression of a balanced lady. But during a quarrel, she recalls to the partner all the accumulated grievances and claims. To return a representative of this zodiac sign, a man should be as considerate as possible and carefully choose expressions. A conciliatory conversation on the part of the lady will certainly be accompanied by jokes and reproaches. She will begin to point to the man on his “shoals”, which can provoke a new quarrel. Therefore, the partner needs to squeeze the will into a fist and not break into reciprocal rudeness.

The humane and kind-hearted woman-Pisces will gladly forgive the one to whom she is truly attached. To do this, show her how much she is loved, and demonstrate her reliability. But it’s better not to bring the case to the collected suitcases. The representative of this zodiac sign is easier to keep from leaving than to return.

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Men who want to understand how to conquer a Woman-Fish need to understand that this may not be as easy a task as it seems at first glance.

Woman Fish Character

The fish are always very friendly and polite. They have many good friends, but they are really close with just a couple of people. Pisces do not like conflicts and try to stay friendly with everyone, sometimes sometimes hiding dislike for a particular person.

The fish are curious and active, but at the same time quite conservative and poorly perceive everything new. They are not too easily attached to people, although they seem outwardly open with everyone. The fish are quite optimistic and rarely give in to despondency; they prefer to see the same attitude towards life among others.

As a rule, Women Fishes are fans of art and enjoy visiting museums, exhibitions and concerts. They like to talk a lot about what they like and appreciate very much when they sincerely and enthusiastically listen.

In a relationship, Pisces is looking for a man who can balance their not always calm character and bring stability and reliability to their life. Not being a careerist, she wants, however, to be next to a wealthy man.

How to like Fish

If a man is not interested in family life, and he is not ready to sacrifice some things for the sake of a high financial situation, Pisces will not pay attention to him as his potential partner.

However, if the boyfriend turns out to be too active, the girl of this sign may well either lose interest in him or start a game, ignoring her fan and checking how much he likes her, and what he is ready for for his unassailable passion. In order for such a game not to turn into real cooling on the part of Pisces, a man should himself step aside a little and pretend that his interest is lost. If he is indifferent to Pisces, she will immediately rush into battle, taking the initiative in terms of meetings and further development of relations. It is important not to overdo it: too cold or even rude behavior will push it away even more than overly obsessive courtship.

For Pisces, as has already been said, the financial situation of her chosen one plays a considerable role: she loves comfort and considers the situation in which she herself will not have to try to achieve material wealth to be the highest degree of manifestation. Young people who prefer to have equal responsibilities with a woman and want to see a successful wife next to them should immediately understand that such a relationship will not work with Fish. Such women, for the most part, prefer the household to a career, although they cannot be called boring: Pisces are always well-read and have a lot of interesting knowledge in various fields.

By the way, ideally, their chosen one should also be interested in these areas and be able to maintain a conversation about them. It doesn’t matter, however, if the inspired Fish knows everything about the Impressionists, and you are well versed in motors, but do not distinguish Manet from Monet: as already mentioned, these women like to talk more than listen, so it’s not at all scary if you just let tell her about everything that she loves.

If you are ready for something more serious than romantic walks and periodic meetings, be sure to show it to Fish. She appreciates reliability and a sense of security in men next to them, so she will be very glad to know that you are going to put some of her worries on your shoulders and be her support.

What you should not do

It happens that men, especially young ones, begin to look after several girls at once, choosing a companion based on some comparison. This behavior kindles excitement in some girls: they want to bypass the rival at all costs, but such a situation will push Fish away once and for all: she will reasonably judge that it makes no sense to fight for a man who does not feel special feelings and pays attention not to her alone .


FISH Fishes are always looking for love, because without this very love they feel pulled out of the water. True, for some reason they consider love a cocktail of frenzied passion and immense suffering, they literally love to rupture the aorta, they choke with love - as if they were pulled out of the water, yes. If Pisces feels that the current romance does not involve any tragedy and doesn’t succeed in suffering hurt, she will come up with a secret love for herself and begin to stubbornly play the love triangle.

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    Woman-fish: a love horoscope for harmonious relationships

    Often, each person thinks about his actions, spoken or unsaid words, about the choice made or not made once. Emotions or circumstances do not always become the cause, sometimes stars move us. They can influence the formation of our character, our thoughts, actions and behavior in various situations.

    In order to find out the background of their actions, people study psychology and engage in astrology. Horoscopes can be of any kind - for tomorrow and next year, horoscopes of different nationalities, as well as business, comic or love ones. Let's talk more about the latter.

    People in love usually turn to a love horoscope when they want to better understand themselves or their partners. We can say that all people are unique, but no one will deny that people with the same zodiac signs have a certain similarity. It is on the basis of this similarity that forecasts and analyzes are made in a love horoscope.

    In this article, you can find a review on the female love horoscope of Pisces. After all, Fish is a dreamy, romantic and sentimental nature and, like no other, is interesting for love astrology.

    Tastes of Women Fish in Love

    The sign of Pisces is very sensual and vulnerable. Woman-Fish, like Assol from "Scarlet Sails", is ready to wait a long time for her man, to be faithful and humble to him. She will treat him with special trepidation and respect. True, if a man answers her the same. Pisces cannot stand "superficial feelings" and quickly lose interest in relationships in this case.

    The Fish Woman needs a man who will become her life support, protection and wall. She prefers to see next to her a practical and self-confident man who is subject to any life difficulties.

    The fish are sacrificial. Due to their inherent peace, they do not leave people who cause them troubles. That is why they can be pursued by relationships that bring them suffering themselves.

    Fish Woman in Love and Her Behavior

    Naturally, it is impossible to compose an exact love horoscope for everyone separately, but the main lines of behavior of Rybka in love can be distinguished. If we take into account her sentimentality and romance, is it worth saying that her behavior is a complete reflection of her partner’s actions. She will be affectionate, gentle and caring, will become an excellent listener, and at some points will idealize her partner. But Pisces is a dual sign and there is another type of Pisces Women who behave somewhat differently. Often they just wear a mask of sacrifice and kindness, but in reality they do everything for the benefit of their own interests. Although they themselves, quite sincerely, may not notice this.

    Woman Fish and Jealousy

    If you analyze information about the astrological elements, and not just the love horoscope - Woman-Fish in this horoscope will be represented by the ocean. The Pisces sign refers to signs from the water element, but if Cancer is more like a fast river, and Scorpio is a dark pool, then Pisces is the ocean. Huge and bottomless, with the ebbs and flows. That is why, sensing the ocean inside, Woman-Fish seems to say with its appearance “inside me, there is too much power to spend it on trifles”. Jealousy in understanding Pisces is a trifle. She does not experience an overwhelming sense of ownership and does not conceive sophisticated plans for revenge, as Scorpio does, she does not rush about in search of new partners, as Leo would do. If there was a betrayal in the relationship, and they are dear to Fish, then the wise Fish will turn a blind eye to this.

    But only for the first time ...

    This is not a sign that will forgive time after time, because Pisces’s patience is not as bottomless as the ocean inside them.

    How to captivate a Fish Woman

    Emphasis should be placed on her romance, sentimentality and vulnerability. This is exactly the type of women whom verses used to be composed of and which serenades sang. If you create a fairy tale for her, then she will never forget it. With her you need to be unobtrusive, active, but not aggressive, and skillfully take the initiative. Call out dates in the rain, read lines from a battered collection, invite to sessions in the cinema.

    Her interlocutor should be intelligent and educated, have a sense of humor, be attentive and educated. Know when to give her a hand, how to take a coat in the wardrobe and when to open the door in front of her. After all, Rybka in her dreams long ago drew the “prince” and now she is just waiting to meet him on her way.

    The prospect of a relationship with Fish Woman

    According to almost every horoscope of Pisces love, Woman-Fish will be a faithful support throughout her life. If she sees that they are showing attention, care and pleasantly surprise, then she will answer the same. The fish will surround with its care and affection, and these are very good qualities for a long and strong relationship.

    Fish is an absolutely sincere sign, it can listen and support. Of these signs come loyal wives and friends, caring mothers. Children are a very important part of life for Pisces. They will never dare to have children if they know that they will miss something. For Pisces, children are everything and for their sake, Woman-Fish is ready to renounce almost everything. She leaves her husband, relatives and friends and plunges into children, because the well-being and health of her own children means a lot to her. It is here that her need to “give” is most clearly manifested.

    All horoscopes are interpreted and copied in one way or another, you can either trust them or not trust them, but not trusting the everyday experience is more difficult. If you look at relatives and friends, it becomes clear that the Zodiac circle is not a fiction. Gemini has a really changeable mood, Aries are stubborn, Scorpios are jealous, and Lions love to attract attention.

    They say that “someone else’s soul is dark”, which is why horoscopes can be excellent helpers in order to better understand what is happening in the soul of a partner. They can be an excellent bridge for maintaining relationships with relatives and friends.

    Useful (0) Useless (3)

    How to Behave with a Woman Fish

    The personality of the Pisces woman is characterized by dreaminess, romance, optimism and some naivety. Although, in reality, she is quite rational and businesslike, wise, endowed with experience and strong willful qualities, and her qualities are even better developed than that of a man of the same sign. This is a rather unstable nature, possessing a soft, flexible character, emotional and sensitive. Her actions and actions cannot be predicted, no one knows what mood she will have in 5 minutes, what emotions she will experience, joy or sadness.

    Women Pisces in love can be selfless and completely surrendering to this beautiful feeling. She always knows who and why she is in love with. She used to live the minutes spent with her beloved, she dissolves in him, can not stand the time without him. In the case when her chosen one is not perfect, she is tormented and worried, but continues to love him. Over time, she plunges into herself, but does not leave her beloved until the moment when her feelings are still cool. Pisces woman is endowed with such a nature, because of which she can not adapt to any person or fact. She is very good-natured and responsive, relations with her will be calm and joyful. She will become a good wife and a wonderful mother for her child, surrounding him with care and attention.

    Pisces woman is very vulnerable and touchy. Any minor detail can upset her, any words or actions. When this happens, it is a sign that at the moment she needs help and support. There are times when she feels weak and defenseless, and then she needs to feel reliable and safe.

    How to communicate with Pisces - a woman?

    The girl - Rybka is graceful, romantic, complaisant, loves comfort and luxury, and will gladly give a man the right to provide for her life, completely abstracting from earthly financial issues. She does not strive to compete with a man at all, which greatly flatters his vanity. Before communicating with a woman - Pisces, check: have you accidentally forgotten a holiday? This young lady is insultingly insane - a trifle trifle can cause a flood of tears and reproaches. In a word, before you is a typical Woman, capricious, sensitive, spoiled and unpredictable. And very, very tender, capable under favorable conditions to create a calm, comfortable, joyful life for you - a real paradise. You will have to create conditions.

    Earthly Fishes have a way to protect themselves from the harsh troubles of this world. They have a certain inexplicable gift of foresight, they often dream prophetic dreams, and often they can only by looking at a person understand what he is. Pisces subtly sense a lie, even though they themselves like to make a lie. Be sure to heed the warning of your boyfriend / girlfriend born under this sign. An unpleasant dream of him / her on the eve of your trip is a good reason to postpone the trip.

    Fish in love and sex

    People born between February 19 and March 20 may have very different behaviors in love and intimate relationships. Pisces according to the zodiac sign can loyally love one person all his life or throw himself from a novel into a novel. Relations with Fish are complicated by their isolation from reality and secrecy. What secrets do you need to know to live happily with a representative of this sign?

    How to Conquer a Pisces Man

    The guy of this zodiac sign attracts the attention of romantic girls. He may seem like a wonderful prince due to the fact that he shows such character traits in a relationship:

    • sensitivity and romance;
    • high appreciation of the woman's personality;
    • respect and courtesy in communication;
    • intuitive understanding of female psychology.

    Winning the heart of the Pisces guy is quite simple, it is much more difficult to build strong harmonious relations with him.

    How to pay attention

    A girl who wants to fall in love with a man Fish should be ready to be active from the first minutes of meeting. And acquaintance often occurs on her initiative.

    Representatives of this zodiac sign are attracted by confident, rational and smart women. Screaming looks or defiant behavior will only frighten away the guy Fish.

    A man of this zodiacal period will like a girl with good manners, a pleasant voice and a pretty appearance. Fish are attracted by ladies who have earned the respect of others and are able to provide for themselves. He does not like problems: when he encounters a woman with children or financial difficulties, Fish will most likely immediately push her away.

    How to build a relationship

    Pisces wants to find the perfect partner for herself, so the girl in love with him should be ready to match the romantic image that developed when meeting her. This can be very difficult, as Pisces' mood and behavior can often change. The man of this zodiac sign is difficult to understand, he needs a lot of time to start trusting his beloved and open before her.

    When a woman decides to win the heart of Pisces forever, the main thing she needs is patience. You can’t put pressure on this man; he will not tolerate criticism either. Therefore, any influence should be invisible and soft. In moments of weakness, the sign needs support in order to feel strong and confident again. At the same time, astrologers do not advise a girl in love to pretend that she noticed the weakness of Pisces. In fact, she will have to become his personal psychologist without the right to make a mistake.

    You can conquer a man Fish by care and affection. He does not need a burning flame, but a warming light. You need to arrange romantic quiet evenings more often, talk about your love and show it in every possible way. Fish loves holidays and memorable dates. When he is congratulated and praised in the presence of other people, he simply melts. In response, a man in love will give his beloved a maximum of love, affection and tenderness.

    In bed, the sensual guy Fish behaves very carefully in relation to the desires of his partner. He is able to quickly understand what she wants and give her that. Despite the full return in sex, Pisces does not mix intimate affairs and true love, so you can not get a serious relationship with him through bed.

    Family life

    Pisces man is not eager to get married, although he dreams of a cozy house and a strong reliable rear. Here, a girl in love will have to take the initiative when she feels that the partner has "matured" to create a family. It requires attention, but not obsession. It is advisable to provide Fish with enough freedom so that he happily returns home.

    The following errors can lead to quarrels and even severance of relations with a representative of this zodiac sign:

    • rudeness in communication;
    • indifference or selfishness;
    • pickiness;
    • jealousy and limitations of personal space.

    The wife of a man of this sign will have to be strong, taking on the solution of many domestic and material issues. But when she can find the right approach to her husband, then with her help he will achieve a lot. Sometimes Pisces behave somewhat strangely: plunge into the world of their fantasies or avoid communication. Usually this period passes quickly if you give the Fish a little time to be alone.

    How to Conquer a Woman Fish

    A beautiful representative of this zodiac sign sometimes behaves like the heroine of a romance novel. Girl Fish dreams of an ideal man, in a relationship with whom she will be safe. In love with Fish is ready to give up all efforts to ensure that her chosen one was happy. But even with such a seemingly ideal young lady, problems can arise.

    How to interest

    Pisces girl is naive and gullible, but she is very picky in her relations with guys. Sometimes, because of her compassion and kindness, she can pay attention to a weak or insecure man, but most often she can be won by a strong, energetic and reliable person.

    A violent onslaught or excessive detachment can scare a woman out of Pisces. A friendship with a touch of romance works best. When a sign learns to trust a man as a friend, only then will he consider it as a candidate for his heart. Do not cause jealousy in Pisces, it just steps aside and does not begin to fight with rivals.

    How to conquer the girl Fish and become for her a real prince? To win the representative of this sign of the zodiac, you need to see in it not so much a sexual object as an interesting personality. Fish will appreciate the ability to maintain a conversation on the subject of art or literature.

    Romantic period

    The woman of this zodiac sign is very sensitive to words, so an unsuccessful joke or phrase thrown in a fit of anger can lead to a lot of resentment and even separation. To strengthen relations, Fish needs to feel loved: compliments, words of love and beautiful actions will help. It is important to immediately establish emotional closeness with the girl and try to gain her trust.

    Rudeness or dryness in communication will repel Fish, a man in love should understand that the sentimentality and vulnerability of the representative of this sign are not played, but are inalienable character traits. And you need to treat them with respect.

    The guy should be ready from the very beginning of the novel to solve the minor and major problems of his chosen one, because this is what she expects from him in the first place.

    Women in love of this astrological period can not imagine sex without romance. Candles, rose petals, beautiful music - all this affects her very excitingly. In everyday life, Pisces are altruistic, but in bed they often do not think about the pleasure of a partner. Astrologers note a certain tendency of the ladies of this zodiac sign to profligacy in the absence of constant strong relationships.

    Relationship in marriage

    Many astrologers believe that the woman Fish is simply created for family life. In marriage, she realizes her desire to take care of someone. A wife with this zodiac sign can make almost any man successful. She awakens in him the best qualities and motivates for new achievements. When the husband will have difficult times, the Fish will find the strength in himself to support him.

    The girl of this sign will not tolerate disrespect or disregard. She does not like quarrels, so she hides her displeasure to the last. In a quarrel, Fish often does not control himself, but quickly leaves and regrets his behavior.

    In the family, Fish needs not only romance, but also a sufficient level of comfort. The husband will have to take on the material support of the family and most of all domestic issues.

    Fishes accumulate and dissolve their skills, abilities, life experience, external reality and a fabulous inner world, uniting into a homogeneous mass. The state of mind is their own reality, despite what is happening in the external environment. They know how to be harmonious in everything, adequately perceive the opposite opinion, eat and digest these thoughts.

    Feel free to bring the Fish girl to any company, she will find a common language with the guests and quickly get comfortable in an unusual environment. Pisces do not share good and evil, accepting everything as it is: inside there is mixing and evaluation based on personal intuitive impulses and emotional outbursts. Remember, Pisces can love as highly as possible, and at the same time they will not distinguish between your actions on the positive and negative. If the Fish falls in love with you, then the manifestations will be subtle, the person will radiate incredible charm. For a loved one, she can go for self-sacrifice and great return. You need to understand that the girl is soft and sentimental: almost never is cruel and rude. Fish needs love and a good partner. If after the wedding you will be able to maintain a spark and rekindle passion over the years, then the girl will not go beyond the family. She is able to devote herself to your joint home and engage in everyday life. Despite the maximum return to the necessary daily tasks, a happy smile can hide a powerful desire to plunge into the inner world, because the most important processes take place there. Do not provoke the Fish to do bad things, its consequences do not worry much. How high she can raise you, so calmly leave, completely forgetting about you. If you do not become one, then know, Fish can punish you for trying to bind it. In a situation where her support is very necessary, she will seem to be nearby, but it will not help anything - mentally she has already left. Do not pity Pisces and do not ask for sympathy, they get tired of this load and can disappear at a critical moment. Do not let the girl Fish become discouraged, in such situations they are often saved by alcohol and drugs. Fill the life of Pisces with happiness and positive moments. Give flowers, arrange pranks. In troubled situations, these women melt from prying eyes heartache, anguish, anxiety and anxiety. Humanity and self-sacrifice are their essence. Such people are not ambitious and do not seek to control others. They are not interested in material wealth, and money can only be found if they have passed by inheritance or together with her husband. Do not impose on her the idea of \u200b\u200bwealth, a typical Fish has a foreign feeling of greed. The fish goes with the stream, wherever it is directed. Do not try to oblige her with something, Pisces does not care about the opinions of others. Do not force her to do what she does not want, despite the weakly expressed character, she still has it. Water and alcohol can soothe and lull fish, they like this feeling of security and serenity, but this cradle is dangerous. Regardless of the fact that communication with Pisces is not always simple and pleasant, try to listen to her advice, they are endowed with the opportunity to anticipate events.