Dads are needed. "Different dads are needed, all kinds of dads are important." Holiday script for senior preschool children. Estimated result of the project

It is believed that men remain children for the rest of their lives, only their toys become more expensive. Maybe that's why kids like to spend time with dads so much - they just speak the same language. Dad will teach, and tell, and fix, and again break it down to see "where this extra detail came from."

The son imitates his father and wants (or categorically does not want) to be like him. And for his daughter, the father is an example of what a real man should be and what is his role in the family. But dads are different. What type is your baby's father?

1. Dad is a friend. He communicates with the child on an equal footing, takes part in his games with pleasure, is always ready to listen to him, reasonably explains his prohibitions and is determined to peacefully resolve conflicts.

2. Dad is a judge. Any mistake will be noticed and publicly condemned. Notations, instructions, and sometimes swearing are the main form of communication with a child.

3. Father-breadwinner. His main concern is his daily bread. It is very important for him that the house is "full bowl". But he completely delegates the games with the child, education and household chores to his wife.

4. Father is a psychotherapist. He always tries to be objective. Differs in restraint, a sober view of the situation and rationality of judgments. The main method of upbringing is talking with the child. Usually gives good advice, to which the child tends to listen.

5. Dad-mom. With pleasure to take care of the child: gets up at night, changes diapers, bathes and cooks porridge. His main concern is for the child to be satisfied, so the children of such dads often have problems with discipline.

6. Karabas-Barabas. The only form of upbringing available to such a father is pressure on the child and aggression. Such a dad is usually scared: "If you misbehave, I'll tell your father."

7. Jumping dragonfly. He misses his former free life very much. Family weighs on him, children strain. Married, most likely, "on the fly." He does not want to be responsible for either his wife or children. Doesn't feel emotional attachment to them.

8. Shirt boy... Another child in the family. Relationships with children are going well, as he is always ready to fool around with them, play football and launch a helicopter. Rather, he performs the function of a friend or older brother than a father. With his wife, conflicts often arise on the basis of discipline and lack of responsibility.

9. Die hard. He believes that his opinion is the only correct one. He does not accept compromises and the last word should always remain with him, for the simple reason that he is a man.

10. Neither fish nor meat. This is the dad who decides nothing in the family. The wife treats him without respect, and the same form of communication is instilled in children from the very beginning. Relationships with children usually do not work out, since such a dad is not able to provide them with a basic sense of security, either in the family or in society.

Oksana Soblukova

Under the march of I. Strauss, children enter the hall.

Dear guys, guests! Today we are gathered in this hall to celebrate a special celebration Defender of the Fatherland Day On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army.

Our Army Day today

There is no stronger her in the world.

Hello defenders of the people!

Russian Army.

Children (in chorus).

the same child.

Ships are sailing into space.

Our Army -

the same child child.

Peace and work on the planet.

Our Army -

the same child child.

We are a little more years old

But we are all great.

And we step in step

Like soldiers in the Army.

Song "It's fun to walk together".


And now, I will ask you guys questions, and you try right on them to answer:

Is our army strong? (Yes)

Does she protect the world? (Yes)

Are the boys going to join the army? (Yes)

Will they take the girls with them? (Not)

Are there tankers in the army? (Yes)

Are there miners in the army? (Not)

Today celebrate the holiday? (Yes)

Congratulations to mums and girls? (Not)

World the most important thing in the world? (Yes)

Even children know this? (Yes)


But we know very well that defenders are not only those who serve or work in the army. Of course, for women, for a family, these are, first of all, men, dads... And now we are asking the dads to come out here to check how well they know their children... Contest "Find your child"

Dads are different:

He is silent, and he shouts,

He sometimes hums

The one sticks out at the TV,

He happens to hug

With the warmth of strong hands

He sometimes forgets

That he is his son's best friend.

Dads are different ...

And as the days go by

Their sons grow up

Point to point how they are.

Dramatization of the poem B... Rudenko

"Most the right dad» .

(Children take the necessary attributes, elements of costumes and show scene.)

Under a big, big chestnut,

In the very depths of the yard

Gathered in a crowd of boys -

A heated debate is being conducted in the morning.

My friend Sergey is speaking:

My dad is in charge here.

He is now the director of the firm

Selling vegetables!

But when your dad

Fly on a plane

The pilot will take him

And the pilot is my dad. Here! -

This was stated by Valera,

But Gleb answered him:

What are you guys arguing about?

My dad bakes bread for everyone!

Here Irishka approaches them:

And you are completely wrong!

At least my dad is not a director,

But everyone definitely needs it!

He is on the very border

Serves difficult service.

He protects the whole country

And protects our peace!

All children.

Dads are important,

Dads are needed


Guys, remind me who we congratulate today? (answers children)

That's right, of all men (dads, grandfathers, brothers).

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

Beloved, attentive,

He is affectionate.

I look forward to

Daddy from work.

Always in my pocket

He brings something.

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

Even a difficult matter is up to him.

He is also a mischievous, mischievous and mischievous.

With him every day

Turns into celebration.

Olya sings a song "Dad"

Leading: And now I invite two married couples to compete in the ability to negotiate for the "Collect clothespins" contest

My dad is a wizard.

He's the nicest.

It turns instantly

What you ask for.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But best of all

He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him and quietly whisper:

My daddy, I am you

I love you very much!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

My dad went far away.

Me without dadsto be honest, not easy.

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,

If it's cold, warm it up with your warmth.

Me without dads find it hard to fall asleep.

I will rise and quietly stand at the door,

Dear dad, come back soon.

My dad is the strongest

He can fold the table.

And I want, like dad,

To be just as strong.

My dad wears glasses

Like all professors.

So dad is smart

And that means I am smart!

My dad loves mom

Kiss all the time

And I want the same

Become loving!

Don't believe me? Check it out!

Dad and I are friends.

And I look like daddy

And dad at me!

Have daddy no son, at dads two daughters,

Two girls, me and my sister.

We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs

And we whisper with her until morning ...

Have daddy no son, but how would I like

Give him a ball with someone,

Build a rocket, go fishing

Understand men's problems ...

Have daddy no son, well what to do,

Two girls came out in a row.

And daddy sighs and catches furtively

A neighbor's sympathetic look.

Have daddy no son, well, no and no need ...

Congratulations from us,

Can not be dads are happier in the world,

Than a dad with two daughters.

Our boys are still in kindergarten, but years will pass, and each of them will choose specialty: someone will become a pilot, sailor, tanker, policeman, firefighter. But for this need to learn to be resilient and courageous.

And now we will hold a competition and see how clever you are.

Let's play?

Suddenly Antoshka enters the hall with a big spoon (dances to the song "Antoshka")


And who came to us?


Antoshka has come to visit you!

Here's my big spoon!

I like to have fun

Especially to eat,

Lie on the grass

And watch the cartoon!

What the you have a holiday here,

Songs and excitement?

Where is the cookie, where is the cake

Where is the treat?


Actually, here we are

Do not drink tea with jam,

And show your prowess!

To grow strong!

To go to the army.


Prowess? What is it? Tasty?

Pies with cabbage?

Compote or jelly?

I love everything, believe me!


Well no! Get up quickly!

We'll take care of you now!

A game "Who will spin the hoop longer"

You guys are great!


Wow! Humped sides! This work is not easy!

(Spreads the rug, fits).

Well, now I better lie down!

I value my own health!


You are a future soldier!

How can you hold the machine gun?

Strong muscles need,

Hands are strong are important.

Get to the guys soon,

Hold on tight to the rope!

A game Tug of War with Antoshka.


Hands ache, feet ache

My health worries!

Nothing, it always happens if you don't go in for sports for a long time.

And now we invite dads to the competition. A game "Fast horse"


And now we are conducting an object lesson.

Which of you is the most accurate marksman?

A game "Hit the target"

After children Antoshka makes a hit).


And I did not miss, and also hit the target!


Well done, Antoshka!

You are worthy of praise!

Here are our "girls" (boys in disguise) they want to congratulate all the defenders, including you, Antoshka, and sing ditties about sports.

We are sports guys

Together, we live merrily

And sports ditties

Let's sing to you today!

If you want to be healthy

Do not get sick and do not be depressed,

Remember sports again

You must love him!

If the boy chases the ball

In the morning in a clean field,

This boy, we know for sure

Become a footballer!

The wind is spinning near the birches

And I am tempered:

I run barefoot into the frost -

I go in for sports.

Two flowers bloom

Silver color,

Oh, do not become with such a sprout

I'm a basketball player!

If you go in for sports,

You will become slender and tall

And swing on the horizontal bar

You won't be like a bag!


And I am attentive and I learn very quickly.

Thank you guys for the science, for the game.

Being hardy and dexterous does not bother anyone.

Well, now I have to go, see you soon kids!

Leading. Many good words sounded today in honor of our army, servicemen, dads, brothers. And in conclusion, our children will sing a song "About dad"

And for dads, children painted their portraits

It is very important for every child to have the upbringing of both parents. And the role of the Pope is no less important in the family theater of life.

Dads are different. Their behavior depends on the temperament invested by nature. Having determined the temperament, you can characterize each of them. So, you need to imagine a situation that a child and cereals are handed to dad, and there is a saucepan on the stove. So, father's behavior ...

Dad is a choleric. Chaos in the kitchen. The porridge flows out, dad tries to keep track of the child so that he doesn't get dirty, but in the end, everything is in the porridge.

Dad is sanguine. Dad plays with a laughing child, at the same time talking on the phone, a good mood reigns throughout the apartment. But the smell of burnt porridge still reigns.

Phlegmatic person. The child is chewing on boots in the hallway. The porridge is boiling over. Dad sits at the computer and says: "Now, now I'll cook."

Dad is melancholic. Dad says that he knew how to cook, but for some reason he doubted. And the baby already missed his mother. And he's kind of calm - is he sick?

So, in what situation dad is most recognized, this type of temperament should be considered in more detail.

Dad is a phlegmatic. The nervous system is in perfect order. It can be called balanced. However, he is endowed with a certain slowness. Actions and thoughts are slow. On the face of such a dad, you can never determine emotions - joy or sadness in his soul. He moves slowly, regally. Always walks with the stroller on the same route. Speaks a little. In a conversation with a baby, he is unlikely to find a topic quickly and will worry about it. It may seem lazy from the outside, but in fact it does not consider it necessary to waste energy on non-essential activities. Such a man takes a long time to switch from one case to another. It takes him some time to do this. But such dads do things perfectly. He does not welcome new theories in raising his child, but prefers to use grandmother's methods. He loves order and regime, to which he tries to teach the baby from childhood.

Dad is a choleric. The nervous system can be characterized as unbalanced. Such a dad acts quickly, abruptly, changeable and easygoing. His conversation is accompanied by gesticulatory movements. After emotional outbursts, he is very worried if he offended someone and swears that he will try to keep emotions in himself. Until next time, of course. Doesn't accept criticism. And sincerely believes that he is the best dad.

Dad is sanguine.
Such is proud of his poise. He is cheerful and most often in a good mood. He does all things at the same time. Easily picks up new views in education and tries to implement them. But he lacks organization and persistence. Such a dad is very sociable. While walking, he will get to know everyone he meets. Can't stand monotonous affairs. And he tries to approach everything creatively.

Daddy is melancholic.
Such a dad is vulnerable and impressionable. His movements are constrained, and his facial expressions are meager. The voice is low with intermittent stuttering. This is because he always doubts. Going for a walk with a child, he will spend at least an hour getting ready. Such a dad will never miss more than one speck on the baby's body. Then he will study all the books and diagnose manifestations. He seems to be more knowledgeable than a pediatrician. This is a very devoted family man. He will not be a leader, but the performer is perfect. To cope with any business, he needs clear instructions.

Summing up, we can say that for any child, both mom and dad are equally important - there is no degree of more or less importance. Therefore, dear women, be wise and flexible. Based on these sample descriptions, know what to expect from your husbands and adapt to them. This does not mean that you need to bend and suffer, it means that you need to be able to flow from one state to another, like a river, and at the same time maintain family life. This is possible and will be easy if you have love and respect in your family, and this is initially the work of a woman!

"Kindergarten No. 7" Cherry "

Project on:

"Different dads are needed"

Completed: Educators

2 junior group No. 5

Kataeva M.S., Mamaeva T.E.

Solikamsk 2016


Relevance of the project

Recently, children, as well as adults, are so keen on television and computer games that they forget about joint games and hobbies, about the necessary communication with each other. The games of children in kindergarten, their conversations with each other helped to see a big problem: all children's issues are most often solved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. It has become fashionable to scold today's men. They were brought up in an atmosphere of loss of their father's authority, their infantilism leads to the fact that children grow up practically without a father. The lack of participation of the father in upbringing is a great misfortune of our time, because mothers cannot afford the role of a father. For a child, the feeling of closeness to the father (or another close man) is a feeling of strength, which, while protecting, gives a feeling of invulnerability. If the mother is the source of life, then the father is the source of strength, the first elder friend. For a long time, children cannot distinguish physical from mental strength, but they perfectly feel the latter and are drawn to it. It is necessary to develop in children love and respect for both parents, to promote the development of harmony in relations between children and parents.

Objective of the project

Project objectives

Project type:cognitive - creative

By subject area

"Artistic and aesthetic development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development" "Physical development"

By composition- group

By duration

Project participants - pupils of primary preschool age, teachers of the institution, parents.




Final event form

Stages of project implementation




Choosing a project topic Awareness of the problem situation. Project development, planning of educational and educational activities. Selection of material (visual - didactic, fiction)

Project theme. Goals, objectives. Consultation for parents "The role of the father in raising a child" Perspective - thematic plan.


Project implementation.


Final event.

Project implementation plan.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Stage 2 Main

Speech development

Cognitive development

Conversation on questions.

"Different dads are needed"

Reading poetry: "Like a dad", "

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Stage 3 Final


Appendix # 1.

Memo for parents


Dear dads, remember!

The boy wants to be good, but does not like to be punished bluntly, he is annoyed with words! Educate by deed and personal example!

If the father is always dissatisfied, impatient and irritable towards his son, the boy will feel insecure and awkward not only in his company, but also among men and boys.

The boy needs the experience of success. He can buy it with your help. Create, invent situations for your son, where he will undoubtedly succeed. Notice the success of your son, praise him.

If you want to achieve something from your son, you need to instill it in him, which means that it is best to "infect" your business. You can only achieve what you do yourself.

Boys, no less than girls, need parental affection and physical contact with them. The father can pat the teenager on the shoulder, knock with him, fight. Children who regularly see their parents show love and affection have a more developed sense of inner security. Father and son should have their own male secrets. Joint walks, hobbies, fishing, etc. make the son feel that he is "his boyfriend."

Appendix 2

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"The project" Dads are different are needed! ""

Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Solikamsk

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 7" Cherry "

Project on:

"Different dads are needed"

Completed: Educators

2 junior group No. 5

Kataeva M.S., Mamaeva T.E.

Solikamsk 2016


Relevance of the project

Recently, children, as well as adults, are so keen on television and computer games that they forget about joint games and hobbies, about the necessary communication with each other. The games of children in kindergarten, their conversations with each other helped to see a big problem: all children's issues are most often solved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. It has become fashionable to scold today's men. They were brought up in an atmosphere of loss of their father's authority, their infantilism leads to the fact that children grow up practically without a father. Father's lack of participation in upbringing is a great misfortune of our time, because mothers cannot afford the role of a father. For a child, the feeling of closeness to the father (or another close man) is a feeling of strength, which, while protecting, gives a feeling of invulnerability. If the mother is the source of life, then the father is the source of strength, the first elder friend. For a long time, children cannot distinguish physical from mental strength, but they perfectly feel the latter and are drawn to it. It is necessary to develop in children love and respect for both parents, to promote the development of harmony in relations between children and parents.

Objective of the project

Creation of conditions and a system of work to maintain traditions of respectful attitude towards the father, consolidate traditional family foundations.

Project objectives

    Formation of a positive emotional attitude of children towards their father;

    Increase the activity and interest of parents in organizing games and communicating with children of different ages and gender.

    Fostering love and respect for your family members.

    Promote a relationship of partnership and cooperation between father and child in the family.

    Encourage children to want to protect their family and their homeland.

    Expand children's knowledge of defenders of the fatherland.

Project type:cognitive - creative

By subject area

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Cognitive development"
"Speech development"
"Physical development"

By composition- group

By duration fleeting (15.02.16-26.02.16)

Project participants - pupils of primary preschool age, teachers of the institution, parents.

Estimated result of the project


1. Increasing interest in joint games and hobbies of children and their parents.

2. Formation of ideas about the branches of the Russian army, about those who protect and defend our Motherland.


1.Active and interested project participants are focused on developing the child's need for cognition, communication with adults, through joint games.


Professional development.

Final event form

Sports festival "Future Defenders"

Intended project productExhibition of creative works of children (portraits of dads, stories about their dads "My dad is the most, most ..."); greeting cards for dads, portfolio page.

Stages of project implementation




Choosing a project topic Awareness of the problem situation. Project development, planning of educational and educational activities. Selection of material (visual - didactic, fiction)

Project theme. Goals, objectives. Consultation for parents "The role of the father in raising a child" Perspective - thematic plan.


Project implementation.

Implementation of the planned activities.


Collaboration product presentation

Final event.

Project implementation plan.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Development of an entertainment scenario for children. Planning activities with children: cognitive - speech; artistic and creative; game; joint activities of parents with children. A selection of material for productive activities.

Pick up materials, toys, attributes for play activities, didactic games.

Folder "The role of the father in raising a child"

Purpose: To draw attention to the importance of the role of the father in raising a child.

Stage 2 Main

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Conversation on questions.

"Different dads are needed"

Making riddles. Exercises for

activation of the dictionary and the development of coherent speech: "Name it affectionately", "Daddy's things", "What daddy?", "Daddy's interests." Didactic games: "All works are good", "Who needs what for work?"

Who is superfluous "," What a soldier, sailor, pilot needs ",

Reading poetry: "Like a dad", "

Dad's tale "," Dads are different. "

Reading: "My Family", V. Dragunsky "A Cunning Way", V. Davydov "Army of Peace", S. Marshak "February".

Examining illustrations "Defenders of the Fatherland", depicting the branches of the army and various military equipment. Role-playing games: "Building a rocket", "Helping dad", "Repair shop", "Family", "Factory", "Garage", "Construction", "Office". Observing adult labor (snowblower driver)

Illustrated material on the topic "Defenders of the Peaceful Sky" A set of pictures "Kind of Troops" Various types of military equipment

Album Family album "My dad"

Memo for parents "How to raise a defender ..."

Physical development

Outdoor games: "Minefield", "Snipers", "Helicopters" Finger games: "What are we going on?", "Our friendly family."

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing "Portrait of Pope". Manual labor "Greeting card"

Hearing: "Dad can." Music game: "Airplanes"

Hearing the sounds of military equipment, march.

Stage 3 Final

OUTPUT: The set of actions organized by the teachers to implement the project (raising the status of the father in the family, expanding the knowledge of children about the defenders of the fatherland) has a positive result. Children have formed a system of knowledge about the family, family values, about those who protect and defend our Motherland, about the ways of expressing their feelings to others. The interaction between parents and children promoted emotional closeness, the experience of partnerships between parents and children through joint activities.

Appendix # 1.

Memo for parents


Dear dads, remember!

 The boy wants to be good, but does not like to be punished in a straightforward manner, he is annoyed by the words! Educate by deed and personal example!

 If the father is always not happy, impatient and irritable towards his son, the boy will feel insecure and awkward not only in his company, but also among men and boys.

 A boy needs experience of success. He can buy it with your help. Create, invent situations for your son, where he will undoubtedly succeed. Notice the success of your son, praise him.

 If you want to achieve something from your son, you need to instill it in him, which means that it is best to "infect" your business. You can only achieve what you do yourself.

 Boys, no less than girls, need parental affection and physical contact with them. The father can pat the teenager on the shoulder, knock with him, fight. Children who regularly see their parents show love and affection have a more developed sense of inner security. Father and son should have their own male secrets. Joint walks, hobbies, fishing, etc. make the son feel that he is "his boyfriend."

Appendix 2

Creative works of children "Portrait of the Pope"