Pregnant on vacation at sea. Sea and pregnancy: when, where and is it worth it? Means of transportation during pregnancy

Doctors say a healthy pregnancy is not a reason to give up travel. Pleasant emotions, rest and generally good mood will only benefit the expectant mother. True, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of the "interesting situation" and correctly plan the trip.

Where and how can you go to rest during pregnancy?

Safe period for travel 9 months of pregnancy is conventionally divided into three trimesters:

    the first - from the first to the 13th week of pregnancy;

    the second - from the 14th to the 27th week;

    third - from 28th to 38th week (until the moment of delivery)

Many women find the first trimester to be the most convenient time to travel on vacation. Of course, the tummy is still not so big and it is convenient to hide it under a loose T-shirt, it is not hard to walk yet and you can actively spend your leisure time. But doctors do not agree with this opinion. In the first trimester, the body of the expectant mother is very sensitive to any changes: food allergies, food and odor intolerance, motion sickness, toxicosis, etc. appear. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a high risk of miscarriage, so exertion and stress are contraindicated. At this time, gynecologists are advised to refrain from long-distance travel. Only short trips within the country are allowed.

The safest for travel on vacation obstetricians-gynecologists call the second trimester. At this time, the woman is already getting used to her "special" position, and the fetus begins a stable period of development of internal systems. If there are no contraindications, then you can travel abroad.

Where should a pregnant woman go?

The problem of choice with today's variety of services offered by travel agencies in your case should be limited to the following considerations.

First, the climate: if the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you can rest in any climatic zone, although in the last trimester, a sharp change in climate is still undesirable.

Second, the temperature air in your selected country or region. In countries such as Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, India, in May - June the air temperature exceeds 30 ° C. It is desirable that travelers "in position" take care of themselves from the heat. It is better to choose a country for a vacation where the summer temperature is close to that which is familiar to you, and it is not worth going there in the hottest months (that is, not in July or not in August). The conditions of the resorts of the Baltic countries, Croatia, Turkey, France, Spain, Switzerland are good.

Thirdly, what about the love of exotic? It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether pregnant women can travel to exotic countries. This issue should be resolved individually, after consulting a doctor. For example, a trip to Africa is fraught with the danger of contracting serious infectious diseases, so everyone who leaves must be vaccinated against yellow fever, and then take an antimalarial drug for prophylactic purposes. Naturally, pregnant women should not do either one or the other. The doctor decides on vaccination in each case individually. In the first trimester, vaccination against influenza and all tropical infections is prohibited, so as not to harm the health of the developing fetus. In addition, exotic countries (Cuba, Mexico, African countries, island states) are too far away, and the upcoming long flight (sometimes with a transfer) will be extremely tiring for any person, not to mention the expectant mother.

Which sea to choose for a vacation during pregnancy?

Finally, the longed-for sea or ocean splashes invitingly at your feet and you are ready to surrender to the will of the waves. What should be kept in mind while doing this?

It is very useful for pregnant women to swim, especially in seawater, saturated with salts and microelements that heal the body. This natural hypertonic solution very well relaxes muscles, tones up the nervous system, and helps with stress. In the water, the expectant mother does not feel the heaviness of her own body, she relaxes and refreshes her body on a hot day. Plus, swimming is a great workout for the respiratory and muscular systems of the body to help prepare for childbirth. Swimming is very helpful for varicose veins as it maintains muscle tone. Therefore, swim for pleasure, but avoid overloading, do not arrange competitions, do not dive.

And more about the exotic. In the southern seas, there are often coral reefs right off the coast, around which colorful fish of extraordinary beauty frolic. Remember that you cannot step on corals (there are special slippers for this, you can buy them in advance in the store): stepping on the corals with your bare foot will provide yourself with problems for the rest of your rest. The same can be said about the "goldfish" and other representatives of the marine fauna - they should not be touched in any case, as they can be poisonous.

If the temperature of the sea water does not seem very high to you and you feel chills when entering the water, listen to your feelings and do not overcool - in this case, you should prefer a pool to the sea, where the water temperature is much higher.

Important tips for pregnant women:

    Choose the first row of seats near the aisle;

    If possible, get up every 30 minutes and walk around the cabin for 2-3 minutes;

    Take with you or order a dietary menu in advance;

    Keep lozenges and necessary medications on hand;

    Before the flight, you can take a light, safe sedative.

Rules for the rest of pregnant women:

    Ride accompanied by relatives or close people;

    Have on hand the phone number of the gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy;

    Carefully eat fruits and generally unfamiliar foods;

    Avoid stress and hypothermia;

    Do not walk a lot, refuse any walking and bus excursions;

    Do not sunbathe, wear a hat and sunglasses;

    Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes;

    Choose an indoor swimsuit for the beach;

    Always have non-carbonated drinking water on hand;

    Use a sunscreen for pregnant women;

    Refuse spicy and spicy foods, exotic dishes.

Spring destinations

Spring in terms of rest is the most problematic period: slush, rains, thunderstorms ... In March, the Arab Emirates are suitable for rest by the sea, which begin to warm up by the middle of the month.

In April-May it is good to go somewhere south, where it is already warm, there is sun and warmth. The main thing is to be in the fresh air for at least four hours a day, otherwise the trip makes no sense and does not have problems with toxicosis. It is recommended to arrange rest during the hours of maximum solar activity.

    UAE (mid-March - early May)

    Crimea (closer to May)

    Italy (April-May)

    Spain (April-May)

    Israel (closer to May the already warm sea in Eilat)

Summer destinations

Summer is not the time to travel to hot regions. Our baby will not approve of such drastic climate changes. It is better to pick up something in your climatic zone - to settle on the shore of the lake, do swimming exercises for abdominal muscles, walks through shady forests, in a word, something pastoral.

    Czech Republic (mountainous part);

    Mountain lakes in Austria (Zell am See-Kaprun is a very beautiful place!). By the way? there are also special hotels for pregnant women;

    Northern Italy with its lakes (Lugano, Dicamo, Garda) (specialized hotels);

It is important to choose the right time for beach destinations so as not to get into extremely hot conditions. You can relax by the sea in these countries:

    Crimea (June);

    Bulgaria (June);

    Greece (June);

    Cyprus (June);

    Baltics (July-August);

    Spain (June, end of August);

Autumn destinations

Autumn is almost the perfect time to relax. Some people like to inhale the smell of dead leaves while hiking through more or less cleared forests (so as not to expose themselves to the risk of tripping and falling!), Others will just now get out to the southern countries, there is enough warmth, but there is no sweltering heat. You can swim in the sea or the pool, and take a walk in the evening along the embankment, and eat exotic dishes, temper, relax. Affectionate sun, friendly staff, a cozy hotel room, an opportunity to take a break from pots and ironing shirts - what else does a woman need to be happy?

September (warm sea + excursions):

  • Bulgaria (until mid-month)

  • Malta (beach holiday only)


    Spain (first decade)


Where to spend your winter holidays:

    Spa tours in sanatoriums

Ski vacation - we discard it right away. If you just stand next to the slide and watch others ride. But there is too great a risk of catching cold, getting cold, or worse, slipping. Do you need such a risk - decide for yourself.

Rest by the sea is complicated by the remoteness of warm regions. More or less warm sea and sunny weather in winter - this is only Egypt and the UAE. The weather conditions are almost perfect.

November, December, January - the best months for a holiday in the United Arab Emirates for weather conditions. Moreover, the water cools down since November, so at the beginning of winter the water is warmer, and in February you can forget about swimming.

The weather peak in Egypt is in October, but in winter there are very comfortable conditions for pregnant women to relax, provided that there is no toxicosis, of course. In January, the water is already quite cool, but the air is very comfortable and there is enough sun. The minus of Egypt is all sorts of security risks, a low level of service in hotels and an incomprehensible level of medical care, therefore, choosing between these two options, it is better to choose the Arab Emirates.

Take care of your wardrobe too. During the sundial, light, light-colored clothing with sleeves is the safest. It will protect you from burns, and if the clothes are made of natural materials - cotton or linen, then also from allergic reactions, which most often manifest themselves in the sun. Don't forget about the headdress. To avoid overheating, do not wear tight-fitting clothing - it interferes with the natural cooling of the skin and promotes overheating.

We hope this article was helpful to you. You can leave your request on our website and our managers will help you choose the best tour for you.

Is it possible for pregnant women at sea? Expecting mothers expecting a trip to Primorye, anxiously and anxiously ask this question to their doctor. They are doing it right.

For pregnant women it is very useful to get positive emotionswhich no doubt the richness of summer vacation at sea. However, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons before making the final decision.

Sea water has the most beneficial effect on humans. In addition to table salt, the content of which reaches 78%, sea water is rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium salts. It also contains iron and copper ions. The most valuable "ingredient" of sea water for a pregnant woman's body is iodine and selenium... As you know, iodine has a positive effect on the development of the mental abilities of the unborn child, and selenium, or rather its lack, can provoke many complications of pregnancy.

Due to its high salt content, sea water irritates the skin, as a result of which small vessels dilate. It promotes development effective skin respirationwhen our body gives off carbon dioxide and oxygen is absorbed by the skin cells. Metabolism improves, blood sugar levels decrease, blood pressure normalizes, edema goes away - this does not end with the positive effect of sea water on the body of the expectant mother.

Is it possible for pregnant women at sea? The answer is obvious - can... However, there are some guidelines to follow.

Can pregnant women go to the sea? Safety regulations.

The beneficial effect of being in sea water on the body of a pregnant woman is undeniable. However, before going to sea, read these tips:

A trip to the sea will have a positive effect on your health, if your pregnancy is proceeding without complications.

Pregnant women are not recommended to travel on vacation at sea. less than 12 weekswhen vital organs and placenta are forming, and over 34 weekswhen the risk of preterm birth increases.

Those who like to rest as "savages" are better off taking care of more comfortable living conditions. You can choose from numerous seaside resorts, recreation centers or rented houses.

It is better to refrain from swimming if the sea is cool - the water temperature must be at least 22 ° С... Otherwise, bathing can provoke uterine muscle tone. Also protect yourself from overheating in the sun.

Give up various water activities, even if you still have a very small tummy. Regular short swimming is best for expectant mothers. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy.

After bathing, you do not need to immediately run into the shower. Allow the sea salts that have coated your skin to fully penetrate your pores and continue to provide beneficial effect on your body and the body of the unborn child.

While in the water, listen to your feelings - if you develop goose bumps, which is the first sign of hypothermia, stop bathing. If you feel tired in your muscles, take a break from a comfortable beach.

Burmama recommends that you consult your doctor before deciding on a vacation. So, is it possible for pregnant women at sea? - You can, but be careful. Let your vacation at sea bring you only positive emotions.

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Many pregnant women are concerned about whether it is possible to sunbathe and swim in the first trimester. After all, in the summer you want to relax by the sea or a river, to improve your health. But there are worries, will the sun, water and bathing harm the unborn baby, especially in the early stages of pregnancy?

First of all, it depends on the state of health of the mother herself and the course of pregnancy. An important factor is the duration of pregnancy: in the early stages it is more difficult to endure the road and heat than in the second half. Let us dwell on these points in more detail.

The sea and early pregnancy can be combined, but all the risks for pregnant women must be taken into account. Indeed, it is in the first trimester that all important organs and systems of the fetus are laid. At this time, miscarriages are common. Therefore, if you are planning a summer vacation during pregnancy in the first trimester, try not to go very far from home.

Is it possible to swim in the sea in the first trimester of pregnancy? Benefits of the sea

The expectant mother on the seaside will not only be able to relax, but also prepare for the upcoming birth and improve her health. The sea air will help to strengthen the immune system, so the risk of catching a cold in the future will be significantly reduced. The sun will give vitamin D, which is needed by both the expectant mother and the child. Bathing has many benefits: soft waves are a wonderful massage. Also, relaxing by the sea will help get rid of depression and calm the nervous system.

So, pregnancy and the sea in the first trimester are compatible with the normal course and good health of the expectant mother. But it is important not to forget that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby.

When a vacation at sea is contraindicated

There are cases in which the expectant mother categorically cannot plan a vacation, because it is necessary to be under the constant supervision of doctors. These include:

  • Placenta previa. With its low position, even a slight load can increase the risk of bleeding. In this case, both long trips and bathing are contraindicated.
  • Early toxicosis.
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy - in this case, the woman is shown bed rest.
  • Serious allergic reactions.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathology.

In such cases, the expectant mother may need qualified medical assistance, so there is no need to risk traveling with it.

Of course, it is best to plan travel after the 14th week of pregnancy, because it is during this period that the body gets used to the new state. In addition, the risk of a threatened miscarriage is reduced.

How to behave during your vacation at sea?

In order for a seaside vacation to bring maximum benefit, and there are no unpleasant "surprises", it is necessary:

  • To get into the water at its temperature not lower than 21-22 degrees.
  • You should not go into the sea in strong waves, as they can knock you down.
  • Stay in the water for about 10 minutes; longer stays are not recommended. Therefore, you can swim often, but not for long.
  • Sunbathe in the morning and evening using sunscreen. A headdress is required.
  • You cannot be on the beach between 12:00 and 16:00, as the sun is at its maximum at this time.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Remember to get at least 8 hours of adequate sleep. Forget about nightclubs and discos.
  • It is not recommended to try new dishes and exotic fruits, as they increase the risk of indigestion.

The benefits of swimming

Swimming is good for the expectant mother:

  • Allows you to relieve the load on the spine. It is important for a woman in a position to relax him, because the uterus, as it grows, begins to put pressure on him and over time this can provoke various disorders.
  • Improves the activity of the cardiovascular system. Those women who regularly swam during pregnancy were less likely to experience high blood pressure and swelling. They also give birth more smoothly. because water teaches the expectant mother to breathe correctly.
  • Helps to strengthen muscles. Swimming involves all the muscles in the body. This is a great opportunity to maintain their tone and prevent stretch marks.

What should you be afraid of when traveling to the sea during pregnancy?

During a vacation at sea, it is worth limiting the following factors:

  • Places of large crowds.
  • Food of unknown origin. You can not buy perishable food, handicraft sweets, fried pies. Poisoning during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.
  • Do not overcool. Sometimes in the middle of summer, cold currents can cause the sea temperature to drop. During this period, you should not swim, and during rest it is better to limit yourself to walking.
  • Swim only on clean coastal territory, because dirty water can harm the health of the expectant mother and baby.

Tanning rules during pregnancy

Resting at the sea, you cannot exclude exposure to the sun. Therefore, when sunbathing, it must be remembered that during pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes. As a result, the body produces more estrogens - hormones responsible for the pigmentation of the skin and the formation of sunburn. This must be taken into account in order to exclude the possibility of skin burns, because in women in a position, tanning occurs earlier than in others.

Therefore, so that the skin does not burn and the sun does not harm, it is necessary to take into account such simple rules:

  • Sunbathe gradually until noon and in the evening, when the activity of ultraviolet rays is reduced and the risk of sunburn is minimized.
  • It is better not to go to the beach if the air temperature is above 30 degrees, as the heat can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, direct sunlight is contraindicated, so it is better to sunbathe in the shade. In this case, a tan will turn out no worse than in the sun, and the risk of sunstroke and skin burns will not threaten.
  • You can't go to the beach hungry, but you also don't need to eat tightly. In both cases, fainting is possible.
  • Beachwear should be made of light natural fabrics, breathable and spacious. Of the hats, you should choose a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  • It is imperative to use sunscreen, taking into account the type of skin: the lighter the skin, the higher the protection factor should be. But in any case, for pregnant women, the amount of SPF should be at least 20.

The benefits of tanning for expectant mothers

Many women have a question, is tanning in the first trimester of pregnancy harmful? But pregnancy is not a disease, therefore, with its normal course, moderate exposure to sunlight is useful for the expectant mother and baby. Tanning in the first trimester is important for the proper development of the fetus. Under the influence of the sun, the production of vitamin D3 is activated, which is essential for the absorption of calcium. With a deficiency of this vitamin in the body of the expectant mother, even with the regular use of calcium preparations, teeth deteriorate, hair grows dull and begins to fall out, nails exfoliate. Receiving vitamin D3 in synthetic form in the warehouse of special multivitamin complexes, the body assimilates it in an insufficient amount for this period. Therefore, pregnant women need to be in the sun to replenish the reserves of this important element. Considering the fact that it is in the first half of pregnancy that the baby's skeleton is formed and his future teeth are laid, then during this period a woman is obliged to receive healing sun baths and be in the fresh air. Only in everything there must be a measure. And the tanning issue is no exception.

Possible effects of sunburn

In the female body during pregnancy, hormonal changes occur. Very often a hormone is activated that affects pigmentation. Therefore, because of this, age spots may appear on the skin of the expectant mother, the number and size of which depends on exposure to sunlight.

Open areas of the body are most susceptible to pigmentation. The development of this process occurs imperceptibly, and a few months after the birth of the baby, the spots become paler and gradually completely disappear. To prevent pigmentation, you should try to stay in direct sunlight as little as possible, wear clothes that can protect you from the sun, and use special creams. In addition, in pregnant women, in addition to the above, other consequences are possible:

These points must be taken into account while under the open sun. Moreover, having decided to combine pregnancy and the sea in the first trimester of pregnancy, find out the opinion of doctors about this. A gynecologist observing you will help eliminate possible contraindications for such a trip.

How long to go to rest

So, you have already agreed with your doctor whether it is possible at sea in the first trimester and if there are any contraindications to this. Now you need to choose a resting place. Of course, in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth resting closer from home so as not to create a risk to your health and your baby. You should not choose tours during this difficult period, for example, to the countries of the Mediterranean or hot Africa. After all, a sharp climate change, as well as a long trip, can be harmful. To enjoy the trip and not get tired during it, it is better to plan your vacation for 10-14 days. The trip should be planned between two doctor visits. And remember that health should come first - yours and your baby's.

Choice of transport

It is very necessary to approach the choice of transport for the trip very seriously. It is best to immediately exclude travel by boat (risk of seasickness) or by plane (pressure drop). In addition, traveling during pregnancy on such types of transport for the first time can cause stress in a woman, which is extremely dangerous during this period.

It is possible to travel by bus during the first trimester of pregnancy, but for short distances. This is because during such a trip a woman will be in one position for a long time, and this is extremely undesirable. Even the best sitting can cause muscle pain. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the quality of modern roads is not very good and this can harm a woman in position.

Most families today own a car. This type of transport is a little better already because at any time you can stop, get out of the car and warm up, take a walk and just get some fresh air.

The most reliable and safe mode of transport for pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy is the train. After all, at any moment a woman can lie down, walk around the carriage. At the stations, you can breathe air, and if necessary, get medical attention.

First aid kit for pregnant

Pregnancy is an unpredictable period. Therefore, even if you do not have any chronic pathology, and the gynecologist does not object to a trip to the sea, you should definitely take medicines with you on the road. A first-aid kit for a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester at sea should contain the following groups of drugs:

The success of a trip to the sea "in an interesting position" depends entirely on several factors: well-being, correctly chosen destination and means of transportation, attention to the needs of one's own body and, most importantly, a positive attitude. Today the site will tell you how to take into account all these factors and spend time at sea without risking yourself and your future baby. Remember, you deserve your vacation and you need it now more than ever before!

Any journey of the expectant mother should begin in the office of an obstetrician-gynecologist. After a thorough examination, the doctor will give you a certificate stating the gestational age and the absence of contraindications to air travel and train travel. In addition, the doctor will note the undesirability of X-ray examination.

“If the expectant mother feels good, she can safely travel until 38 weeks of pregnancy. But there are a number of conditions in which it is not recommended to go far from home, regardless of the term, ”says Elena Mikheeva, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Family Medical Center. - These conditions include severe toxicosis, hypoxia, bleeding from the vagina, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, miscarriages and a history of premature birth. It is better not to take risks in the case of a low-lying placenta - in flight with a pressure drop, there is a possibility of its detachment.

Best places to stay during pregnancy

It is advisable for the expectant mother to rest in places with familiar climatic conditions, but not necessarily. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the doctors do not mind, you can go on a more exotic trip - to the seaside or to the mountains.

“The sea climate has a beneficial effect on health,” says Elena Mikheeva. - Still, countries where the daytime temperature rises above 40 degrees, it is wiser to avoid. Mountain air activates the body, but it should be remembered that the higher the altitude, the less oxygen. This can have a bad effect on the condition of the expectant mother and baby. "

Rest in the mountains should not last more than 7 days. Keep physical activity to a minimum during this time.

When planning your vacation, carefully consider the choice of the resort. Pay attention to European countries with a mild Mediterranean climate and a developed tourism industry - Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria. But with trips to Thailand, Mauritius, Cuba and Goa, it is better to postpone. The service in these countries is different from the European one, and the flight is too long and tiresome for the expectant mother. In addition, the danger is posed by large climatic changes, unusual cuisine, exotic flora and fauna.

A good place for a mother-to-be vacation is Bulgaria, the Riviera resort, located north of Varna. The Riviera is located in a picturesque place by the sea, surrounded by a beautiful park, and has its own beach. Low prices are also an advantage of holidays in Bulgaria. The best months to travel are July and August, when the sea warms up well.

The Spanish resorts of Blanes, Loret de Mar, Tossa de Maar offer inexpensive comfortable rest. An interesting option can be Andalusia - the coast of Almeria. This area has recently become a resort area, so all hotels in Andalusia are new. There are unique nature reserves here, in particular, the Cabo de Gata Park, famous for its volcanic rocks and beautiful pink flamingos.

Croatia and Montenegro have the mildest Mediterranean climate in Europe and ecologically clean nature. True, there are few hotels with their own beaches, most of which are rocky or pebble. But the sea is warm and clear, and the weather is almost always great.

The Greek Islands and Cyprus are top tourist destinations. Crete and Kos, as well as the Halkidiki peninsula, are best suited for rest in an "interesting position". The heat is more easily tolerated here, since the air humidity is low. There is no intense heat in Cyprus. Lots of greenery and endless beaches with fine golden sand. The most popular places are Limassol and Larnaca.

A good alternative to overseas countries is the resorts of the southern coast of Crimea, for example, Anapa, Yalta, Gelendzhik. It is quite possible to get here by train or car. In addition to hotels and the private sector, there are numerous boarding houses and health resorts at your service.

Traveling during pregnancy: choosing transport

Bulgaria or Spain, Greece or Crimea - wherever your destination is, you need to get to it somehow. The choice of a means of transportation depends largely on your pregnancy period.


Vacation at sea and pregnancy, risk assessment

The mother-to-be will be accepted on board the plane until the 36th week for a single pregnancy and until the 32nd week for a multiple pregnancy. More recently, doctors strongly advised their wards to refrain from air travel in the first trimester. It was believed that solar radiation can negatively affect the formation of the fetus. But recent research has not confirmed this assumption. Radiation really affects a person in some way, but on condition that he flies often - at least 2-3 times a week.

Let's take measures:

The duration of the flight should not exceed 4 hours. The air in the aircraft cabin is characterized by a reduced amount of oxygen. “If the flight takes place for a long time, the pregnant woman may experience dizziness, deterioration of her general condition,” warns Elena Mikheeva. "The baby can also suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients."

Wear compression stockings before flying to prevent blood clots. At altitude, the blood thickens, especially in pregnant women. Compression stockings promote blood circulation by maintaining normal blood flow in the veins. It is recommended to take off your stockings some time after landing.

To prevent muscle leakage and blood stagnation, walk around the cabin every hour for 5-10 minutes. You can do simple exercises while sitting in a chair. Move your feet in different directions, bend your knees and straighten.

Place the seat belt under the abdomen, over the pelvis, so as not to put unnecessary pressure on the fetus.

The air in the cabin is dry enough. To avoid dehydration, drink still water (at least 1.5 liters). Tea and juice are not suitable - tea has a diuretic effect and dehydrates the body even more, juices are more food than drink.


Vacation at sea and pregnancy, risk assessment

In the case of a single pregnancy, you can use the railways until the 38th week, and for multiple pregnancies, up to the 35th week. Ideally, the trip should not last more than 12 hours, in extreme cases, more than a day.

Otherwise, the precautions are the same as for air travel. Do not forget to move every hour for 5-10 minutes, do simple exercises and drink enough water. For severe varicose veins, use compression stockings.

Road transport

Doctors have nothing against this vehicle, but they recommend expectant mothers from the 28th week of pregnancy to sit only in the back passenger seat and fasten with a lap belt.

However, not everything is so simple with motor transport. For example, American scientists believe that the "filling" of cars is quite harmful, especially for pregnant women. "Car interiors contain a real toxic cocktail — about 275 chemicals are concentrated in a confined space," said Jeff Geerhart, head of research at Michigan's nonprofit environmental center. "The most common toxins are bromine and brominated flame retardants, chlorine and lead."

Antimony and other heavy metals are also present in the vehicle interior, long-term inhalation of which can cause health problems - disruption of the thyroid gland, decreased attention and allergic reactions. The highest concentrations of these substances are found on the steering wheel, dashboard, armrests and seats. Unfortunately, the regulation of the level of toxic emissions by car manufacturers is not yet carried out.

Vacation at sea and pregnancy, risk assessment

Let's take measures:

The basic rule of safe travel by car is to wear a seat belt. Make sure that the belt is located diagonally above the stomach, strictly under the chest, and its waist is on the hips, as low as possible. It should not move upward so that in the event of an accident, the fetus does not suffer from strong squeezing.

Do not forget that while traveling, you should stop for 10-15 minutes every hour to get out of the car, move around and stretch stiff muscles.

Sun, air and water

The best time to go to the beach is in the morning before 11:00 and in the evening after 16:00. The sun is the least active during these hours. The temperature of the water also matters - it should not be lower than 22 degrees. It is undesirable to even rinse your feet in cold water - you can get hypothermic.

Swimming is very beneficial for the mom-to-be, but don't aim for records. Swim calmly for a short time - no more than 15-20 minutes. In the water, the body cools down, and you may not feel that you are already very tired, but here you are not far from complications: a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, fainting. Take your time to go into the water after a hearty lunch, wait 1.5-2 hours.

If swimming in the sea you prefer swimming in the pool, strictly follow the rules of hygiene. The main danger is not water - it is reliably cleaned with antiseptics, but showers, sides and handrails in the pool are places where fungal infection spreads.

Vacation at sea and pregnancy, risk assessment

To minimize the risk of infection, do not walk barefoot, take a shower, wash and dry your feet thoroughly after each use of the pool. Never use someone else's shoes. It is advisable to treat the nails with an antifungal drug. A dermatologist should choose it for you: the safety of such funds for the fetus has not been experimentally confirmed.

Inquire about how to treat your pool water. It is good if it is ozonation, quartzization or ultraviolet treatment. Be vigilant if chlorine is added to the water to disinfect. It can cause allergies. In addition, the specific smell of bleach can cause bronchospasm and even an attack of suffocation.

Don't forget sunscreen. When choosing a drug, pay attention to the light protection factor (SPF). This number means how many times longer than a safe time can be in the sun, if the skin is covered with a product, compared to unprotected skin. The time is considered safe until the skin begins to redden under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

If the sun protection factor is 15, applying the cream to the body, you can stay in the sun (15x5) for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The choice of sunscreen depends on your skin type. If she is rather dark, it is not necessary to apply a cream with a protection level of 35, you can completely limit yourself to a protection index of 20. But for a white-skinned blonde woman, 20 protection units will not be enough.

Sunscreens should be applied to the skin in a sufficient amount - 2 mg per 1 sq. cm. This is approximately 4 tablespoons of cream per body. Many manufacturers produce sunscreens in the form of cream, milk, spray. This is done for convenience. Milk is used for large surfaces, cream or gel is used for the face, and the spray is applied to the legs and arms.

Monitor your health

So that your vacation is not overshadowed by poor health, keep your diet under control from day one. It is the problems with the gastrointestinal tract that cause the most ailments in expectant mothers.

Ideally, you need to prepare in advance for traveling to other countries. A few days before the trip, it is good to drink preparations containing natural intestinal inhabitants - live lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, which regulate and restore it. In the first days of vacation, do not neglect enzyme preparations - they will help you better cope with food that is unusual for the stomach.

“Above all, be careful with the delicacies of the local cuisine. It is not known how the body will react to gastronomic experiments, says Elena Mikheeva. To avoid intestinal problems, eat more vegetables and fruits, cereal dishes. Don't eat too fatty foods, such as pork. Your diet should include beef, veal, chicken. And don't forget to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. "

A trip to the sea is a source of positive energy. Of course, the expectant mother, like any other person, wants to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the warm sand, the smell of the salty wind, the sound of the surf and, of course, swimming. In this article, we will analyze whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the sea, what type of transport is better to choose for travel (train, car or plane), and also what the consequences of the trip may be.

Naturally, first of all, everything depends on the health of the mother, her condition and how well the pregnancy is going. The gestational age is also an important factor, since a trip to the sea for pregnant women in the early stages is more difficult to transfer than in the second trimester. An important aspect is the advice of the gynecologist accompanying the pregnancy. But first things first.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the sea: the benefits of the trip

Let's start with the most pleasant - let's talk about the benefits of the sea for a pregnant woman. If the pregnancy passes without complications, then the doctor will not mind your trip to the sea. On the seaside, mom can not only relax, but also improve her health and prepare for childbirth.

Sea air will strengthen immunity and forget about colds for a long time. In addition, the air and sea water are saturated with iodine, which is so necessary for a woman in labor. The gentle sun is also able to improve the health of the mother, feeding her vitamin D, which is equally necessary for the expectant mother and the baby.

Bathing also brings a lot of benefits - it is a strengthening physical activity for the legs and abs, the measured development of which is useful for labor. The gentle excitement of water will replace the best massage, as a result of which you will forget what swelling is. Your tissues and your child's body will be saturated with oxygen, and the blood will run faster through the veins.

An important aspect is the psychological state of the woman in labor and the sea in this is the main antidepressant. Walking along the seaside will calm the nervous system, problems and stress will leave you not only during your vacation, but also for several weeks after it.

Avoiding excessive physical exertion and dosed stay in the open sun is important during a sea holiday. Do not forget that not only your own health depends on you, but also the well-being of a small, unborn miracle.

Contraindications for swimming in the sea for a pregnant woman

Rest at sea is not always able to bring exceptional benefits, therefore, in some cases, the question of whether pregnant women can go to the sea is especially acute. There are contraindications for which the long-awaited vacation will still have to be postponed:

  • pay attention to gestational age... Traveling early in pregnancy and in the third trimester is not recommended. In the first case, it threatens a miscarriage (especially if the mother does not feel very well), and in the second, there is a risk of premature birth.
  • A complication of pregnancy such as placenta previa it is also a contraindication not only to all kinds of long trips, but also to swimming in sea water. With such a diagnosis, a woman in labor should be under the vigilant supervision of specialists.
  • With hypertension and other forms of late gestosisaccompanied by swelling and an increase in blood pressure, travel is also prohibited. This can lead to a worsening of the mother's condition.
  • If a woman in labor has chronic diseases, then during pregnancy they may worsen. During such periods, it is better to be as close to the doctor as possible and to closely monitor your health. So, you should also forget about a trip to the sea.
  • There are also other complicationsthreatening termination of pregnancy. In this case, you also need to refrain from moving. Climate change and the stress of travel will exacerbate the situation and the threat may become a reality.

What type of transport is better to go: car, train, plane

There are no contraindications, things have already been collected, it remains to decide the issue of transport, on which you will go to the long-awaited coast.

Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the sea by car

Today, the vast majority of families can afford to maintain a car. Of course, this is a very convenient transport for pregnant women when it comes to short distances. However, it is not recommended to travel by car towards the sea. To begin with, the road is long, and it is very difficult for non-pregnant women to sit for a long time in one position. Of course, you can stop more often, take walks, warm up, but the total travel time will only increase from this. The quality of the roads also leaves much to be desired, and it is not recommended to shake the expectant mother too much.

If you nevertheless decide to go by car, carefully check the technical condition of the transport and get an experienced driver behind the wheel.

Is it possible for pregnant women to travel to the sea by plane

Before you go by plane, it is also worth considering. Especially if you are flying for the first time. Pressure drops and low oxygen content in the air will not make travel comfortable. In addition, each airline has its own requirements for pregnant passengers. You need to familiarize yourself with them and adhere to without fail, otherwise you will simply not be allowed on board the plane. Traveling by plane is acceptable only if you cover very long distances.

Is it possible for pregnant women to travel to the sea by train

The best solution to this problem is to travel by train. This is the safest and most reliable transport. It is very convenient because at any time you can walk along the carriage or lie down. At the stations, the woman in labor will not only get some air, but will also be able to receive the necessary medical care.

Train is the best means of transportation for a pregnant woman

Additional advice for pregnant women planning a trip to the sea

  • Take a trip in the second trimester. This is the safest time for travel and climate change.
  • As a place of rest, choose densely populated cities with developed infrastructure or sanatoriums specializing in maternity care. Thus, you can always take advantage of highly qualified medical help if something happens.
  • Do not be lazy to stock up on your own first-aid kit, which must necessarily contain antispasmodics.
  • The trip by car should be accompanied by frequent stops (about once every three hours) and long walks (at least fifteen minutes). When traveling, place the seat belt in the lower abdomen so that it is comfortable not only for you, but also for the future baby.
  • Swimming in seawater is permissible only if its temperature is above 22 degrees.
  • Be careful with the sun's rays, try not to go out into open areas. In this case, it is best to purchase an umbrella.
  • Pay attention to food. Don't eat suspicious or exotic foods. It is unknown how your body will react to them.

Pregnancy is the beginning of responsibility not only for your health, but also for the life of your beloved child. Therefore, from this moment it is necessary to treat yourself with great attention and exclude all kinds of risks. We hope this article will help you decide whether it is possible for pregnant women to travel to the sea by car, train or plane, and spend their vacation for the benefit of themselves and their baby.

When and where to go to rest for a pregnant woman (video)

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