When the holiday is the lark. For what holiday are dough "larks" baked? Note: * - according to recipes marked with an asterisk, you can cook on fast days

Natalia Pershina

On March 22, the day of the vernal equinox, the Forty Forty holiday is celebrated. In Russia this day they bake " larks"and my children and I will meet migratory birds for the holiday and bake such" larks"

"Larks" in nest:)


« Larks, arrive!

Spring - bring red

Teacher of the logogroup of the MDOU DSKV №18, Yeysk Pershina N. T. 2013.

Program tasks:

Give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe traditions of celebrating the meeting spring... Tell about the day of March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox. Continue to acquaint with folk signs, be able to draw conclusions about relationships and interdependencies in nature, observe plants and animals, draw the attention of children to the peculiarities of the appearance of birds.

Continue to introduce children to folk games, develop agility and coordination of movements.

(The teacher, together with the children, from ready-made yeast dough, or from sandy dough, mold figures « larks» and put them on a greased baking sheet, then carry it to the kitchen and place it in the oven for baking.)

Children in folk costumes enter the festively decorated hall and stand around the Spring Tree.

Leading: Happy holiday close spring is considered arrival birds to their native nests. March 22 is the day of the vernal equinox. Children's holiday was celebrated in the villages on March 22 "Forty forties"... People say that by this day forty forty birds arrives from overseas countries... According to an old tradition, on this day, figurines of birds were baked from rye dough 0 « larks» - singers of the fields, especially kind to the soul of the peasant. And the guys sculpted birds from clay, made from paper, ran with them along the street, called spring.

1 child Larks, Larks

Come to us.

Bring to us

Spring - red.

Winter is boring

I ate all the bread.

2 children Larks, larks!

Come to us!

Bring us summer,

Fly into the field

Bring health

The first is cow

The second is sheep,

The third is human!

3 children Larks come fly!

Larks come fly,

Take away the cold winter,

Heat bring spring:

We are tired of winter

I ate all the bread with us,

And I picked up a straw

And lifted the chaff.

Already you, kulichi - larks,

Fly, clink.

4 children Lark, lark!

Take your winter

Give us spring.

Take yourself a sleigh

Give us the cart.

5 children Larks, larks,

Give us summer

And we winter for you,

We have no food!

6 children Larks, larks,

Come to us,

Bring us Spring-red,

Red sun,

Warm nest!

7 children Larks, arrive,

Bring Red Spring.

Bring Spring on your tail,

On a plow, a harrow,

On a sheaf of oats.

Ved. - Entertainment village youth were freckles - special songs with round dances and games.

Reb. " Spring, spring red

Come spring with joy

With great joy.

With rich mercy.

With high flax.

With a deep root.

With a deep root

With abundant bread! "

(Children stand in a circle, perform a round dance « Vesnyanka» )

« Vesnyanka»

1. Oh, the water is running in a stream,

No snow, no ice.

Oh water, oh water.

No snow, no ice!

2. The cranes have arrived

And the nightingales are small.

Cranes, cranes,

And the nightingales are small.

Ved. - Of course, at Forty forties not all forty birds arrived... Behind the Rooks will arrive starlings and at the birdhouses their cheerful whistle will be heard.

Name the signs spring which talk about birds.

Rook on a clearing - a starling on a clearing.

I saw a starling - know spring at the porch.

Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.

Where the swallow does not fly, but to come again in spring.

Swallow spring begins, the nightingale's summer ends.

The first swallow does not make spring.

Ved. - That's how many spring signs you know.

Can you guess riddles, and even find this bird in the picture?

Listen carefully puzzles:

He winds his nest in the field,

Where the plants stretch.

His songs and flight

We entered the poem. (Lark)

Who in a beret is bright red,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker)

is he arrives every year

Where the house is waiting.

He knows how to sing someone else's songs,

All migratory birds are black

Cleans arable land from worms. (Rook)

Ved. - Well done boys! You know our bird friends.

And now, kids, a Russian game is waiting for you!

A game "Keys":

Burn, burn clear

In order not to go out.

Look at the sky!

Birds fly

The bells are ringing

Once, given, three - run!

Ved. - The swallows have arrived, starlings, swifts They began to build nests, hatch chicks. And for starlings, people make special houses. What are their names? (Birdhouses).

People hang nesting boxes so that the starlings settle nearby and protect the crop from pests.

The game is being played "Birdhouses".

(Hoops are birdhouses. Each starling has a child. The number of players is odd. Alone without a home. Children run around to music "Birdhouses"... At the signal, they occupy the houses. Whoever is left without a house is out of the game. And so on until there is only one winner.)

Ved. - So we played games. I saw how fast, dexterous, dodging you are. Now I will check your attention. I will read a poem, and you try to clap your hands when you hear a word that does not mean a bird.

Birds have arrived:

Doves, tits.

Flies and Swifts.

Birds have arrived:

Doves, tits.

Storks, crows.

Jackdaws, pasta.

Birds have arrived:

Doves, martens,

Birds have arrived.

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, swifts,

Jackdaws and siskins.

Mosquitoes, cuckoos

Birds have arrived:

Doves, tits.

Jackdaws and swifts.

Lapwings, hedgehogs.

Cuckoo storks,

Owls and cheesecakes.

Ved. - Enough, little white snow,

Lie on thawed ground!

Time, little white snow,

Time to melt, disappear.

To drain into the valley

And feed the earth to the cheese!

Larks, arrive.

Spring - bring red!

The spring drops are already ringing outside the window.

Song "Drops are dripping loudly"

Drops dripping loudly

Near our yard.

The birds sang merrily

Chiv-chiv-chiv, came spring!

We found a snowdrop yesterday

On a forest thaw.

Delicate blue flower

Smells like sun and in spring!

Ved. -Well, guys, while we sang songs, played, spring called, our the larks are already baked... It's time for us to help ourselves larks!

The popular name for the day of remembrance of the saints 40 Martyrs of Sebastia.
Customs, beliefs, signs and observations
Spring Russian holiday, accompanied by folk games and dances.
On Larks, day and night are measured. Winter ends, spring begins. Russians everywhere believed that forty different birds fly from warm countries on this day, and the first of them is a lark.
On Larks, they usually baked "larks", in most cases with outstretched wings, as if flying, and with crests. The birds were handed out to children, and those with shouts and ringing laughter ran to call out to the larks, and with them spring.
They put the baked larks on long sticks and ran out with them on the hillocks or put the birds on poles, on wattle sticks and, huddled together, they shouted: “Larks, fly in, / Take the cold winter away, / Bring the warm spring: / Winter to us tired, / I ate all our bread! "
After the baked birds were usually eaten, and their heads were given to the cattle or given to the mother with the words: “Like a lark, it flew high, so that your flax was high. What is the head of my lark, so that there is flax with a big head ”.
With the help of such birds, a family sower was chosen on Larks. To do this, a coin, a splinter, etc. was baked in a lark, and men, regardless of age, pulled out a baked bird for themselves. Whoever got the lot was the one who scattered the first handfuls of seeds at the time of the beginning of sowing.

Larks call spring

purpose: Introducing children to the origins of folk culture

Educational tasks:
- to acquaint children with the ancient customs of welcoming spring.
- To continue to introduce children to the cultural heritage of the Russian people through chants, songs and omens, to memorize chants about spring and the round dance "Vesnyanochka".
- Offer children to learn how to sculpt traditional buns for this holiday - "larks"

Course of the lesson
The spring equinox - March 22 - is the ancient Slavic holiday of the Lark. It has its own interesting meaning, its own history and its customs. Where did he come from and why is he so remarkable?

History of the Larks holiday
In Russia, it was believed that it was during the spring equinox that larks fly from warm countries, and after them all migratory birds. It was on March 22 that spring finally replaced winter, and day was compared with night. And this event meant that field and other chores could be started. People themselves associated the arrival of larks with the beginning of arable work, saying: "Lark plows the sky." The reason for the special flight of larks is that they first soar up and then fall down.
In addition, according to mystical beliefs, on the day of the vernal equinox, human energy changes, becomes stronger, and the body is filled with heat and the ability to new achievements. And what is field work for a villager if not new achievements?
Larks holiday customs
For the holiday, buns were baked in the shape of larks to increase the yield of their farm next year.
In Russia it was believed that if the farm has swallow's nest - it will be rich in harvest. That is why people, when they first saw the swallow, tried to feed it with a piece of bread. It was believed that in this way the harvest was invoked.
To chickens They rushed better, did not go to other people's yards and did not get sick, the hostesses in the morning on the Larks holiday baked koloboks from unleavened dough, after which they made small nests of straw and put the baked koloboks there. After that, the nest with koloboks was placed in the poultry house.

The main thing on the holiday is baking buns made of unleavened dough in the form of larks. Children were also involved in baking, who then ran out into the street with freshly baked larks, tossed them up or placed on rooftops. And since the lark is a symbol of the field and meadow, because they live only in these places (and not in the forests, like most birds), the baked larks were also planted on poles and ran with them in the field.

Children make larks out of dough.

In Russia, when the birds were sticking, they called out to the larks and called for spring. Children tell the chants:
Larks, come fly!
Drive the cold winter away!
Bring warmth in the spring!
We are tired of winter
I ate all our bread!

Oh, you larks, larks!
Fly to the field, bring health:
The first is cow
The second is sheep,
The third is human!

Larks were handed out to children with the obligatory words: "Larks flew in - they sat on their heads." Thus, the children were blessed and had good health and happiness in the coming year.

The hostesses, baking buns and gingerbread, were sure to hide in some some kind of surprise. The ring predicted an imminent marriage or marriage, a coin - wealth, a piece tied in a knot symbolized the imminent birth of a child. And some of the larks were simply left empty. After that, all the buns and gingerbread were put in a basket or on a dish - and all family members and acquaintances had to choose a treat for themselves. What the first lark or carrot that came along predicted should have come true.

But the birds on the Larks holiday were also not eaten completely. The heads were usually given to livestock to be eaten or simply handed over to their mother, saying: “Like a lark it flew high, so that your flax was high. What is the head of my lark, so that there is flax with a big head ”. Sometimes buns and gingerbread were crumbled and scattered over the fields "on all four sides" so that the birds who had arrived could treat themselves to them. And the girls sometimes threw baked larks across the barn to see which way it pointed. It was believed that the girl would have a groom on the other side.
The Lark Festival was accompanied by various weather signs. There was such a sign for the summer: if after the holiday it will be frosty for another 40 days, you can wait for a hot summer. Another sign for the summer called to pay attention to the nesting of birds. If the nests were on the sunny side, a cold summer could be expected.

What did they do with the larks. Spring songs.

... When they took out the baking sheet from the oven, they looked: were the "larks" baked well, were they not burnt? And then the quality of the baked goods was used to judge the welfare of the family.
… The baked birds were handed out to children, and they ran to "click" Spring and its messengers - migratory birds.
... Children had to place "bread larks" "high". To do this, they were hung on mountain ash, birch, oak, apple, wattle; put on a long stick; put on the head; or tied with threads to a pole to be swayed by the wind and seemed to be "flying".
... At the same time, the children sang lyrical songs of the awakening of nature, which were called "vesnyanka".

Round dance "Vesnyanochka"

Tea party with larks.

Hello dear visitors of the Orthodox site "Family and Faith"!

On the spring equinox, March 22, the day of remembrance of the saints, there is an ancient Slavic holiday - Larks, which many no longer remember. The Holiday of the Lark has its own interesting meaning, its own history and its own customs.

In Russia, it was believed that it was during the spring equinox that larks fly from warm countries, and after them all migratory birds. It was on March 22 that spring finally replaced winter, and day was compared with night. And this event meant that field and other chores could be started. People themselves associated the arrival of larks with the beginning of arable work, saying: "Lark plows the sky." The reason is in the peculiarities of the flight of the larks - first up and then down.

Due to the fact that the larks, in fact, led all the other birds, the holiday of the Lark was also called the "Magpies". But the name "Magpies" was given not in honor of forty birds, but in honor of the forty martyrs of Sebastia, whose memory is celebrated on March 22nd.

These forty martyrs were executed for their faith, thanks to which they went down in history. And, although the arrival of the larks had nothing to do with the death of the Sebastian martyrs, the number "forty" was firmly entrenched in the holiday of the Lark. The people even said: "The lark brought forty birds with him."

The main attribute of the Lark holiday was considered to be the baking of buns made of unleavened dough in the form of larks. Both children and adults were involved in baking, because this is a great opportunity to get the whole family together for an interesting activity, to discuss the meaning of the festive event, to please their loved ones.

The Lark Festival was accompanied by various weather signs. There was such a sign for the summer: if after the holiday it will be frosty for another 40 days, you can wait for a hot summer. Another sign for the summer called to pay attention to the nesting of birds. If the nests were on the sunny side, a cold summer could be expected.

The following sign helped to determine the weather for Easter: if snow falls on the holiday of the Lark, then Easter week will most likely be cold; if the weather is dry on the Lark, there will be no rain on Easter either.

Despite the fact that the holiday of the Lark is not as popular among the people as, for example, Maslenitsa, this does not make it less beloved by those who know about it. If only because it is always pleasant to enjoy delicious freshly baked cookies and rejoice at the arrival of spring, not only on the holiday of the Lark!

Pdough ticks can be made in different ways. For example, roll out a small rope and tie it into a knot. Form one end of the knot in the form of a head with a beak, attach eyes - raisins, or berries from jam, or nuts. The other end must be flattened and cuts made with a knife, the so-called "feathers".

Another option: mold a head with a beak from a piece of dough, roll out the rest, cut into 3 parts - two wings and one tail. Fold the wings one on top of the other, and mark the feathers on the tail.

The simplest is to use a commercially available puff pastry or regular yeast dough. If you want to make the dough yourself, then here are some recipes:

Sweet honey dough recipe

1 tbsp. flour 0.5 tbsp. hot water 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid honey 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil a little salt

Dissolve all the ingredients except flour in water, add flour and knead the hard dough, mix well and add more flour if necessary.

Lean yeast dough recipe

(which also works for pies)

At 2 st. flour - 1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp. fast-acting yeast 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l. a pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients and let the dough come up a little. Use sweet strong tea to lubricate larks and other sweet foods before putting them in the oven.

The ancient Slavic holiday Larks are celebrated on March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox. It was believed that on this day larks return to their homeland, and other migratory birds fly after them.

Upon arrival of the larks, they determined when to plow and begin other spring work. Once the lark has arrived, then spring has come. The lark's song is soft and pleasant. The flight of the lark is peculiar: the bird first rises up and then falls down, and the song changes accordingly. "The lark plows the sky" - they say among the people.

On Zhavoronkov, in villages, and sometimes in cities, rituals with obvious pagan roots were performed: early in the morning, the hostesses baked birds from dough, round gingerbread and koloboks. Then they made small nests of straw, put the balls in them and put them in the poultry house - it was believed that this would help the chickens to carry better and not get sick. It was customary to treat everyone with round gingerbread. The children put larks with outstretched wings on poles, ran with them into the field or seated dough birds on the roof, while singing songs that attracted larks, and with them - spring:

Larks, come fly!
Drive the cold winter away!
Bring warmth in the spring!
We are tired of winter
I ate all our bread!

In round gingerbread, and somewhere in larks with folded wings, they hid various little things in order to guess by them. Whoever gets the ring will get married or get married, whoever gets a penny will earn good money this year, whoever has a small rag tied in a knot will have a child.

However, in addition to good omens, it was imperative to blind larks with sad predictions, and empty larks - otherwise good ones would not come true. The first eaten lark was considered significant, important. Of course, the hostesses were cunning in their own way and gave the "unlucky" birds to the kids with a strict order - not to eat, but to leave them on a pole in the field, or to move them deeper under the "safe" birds.

The Christian tradition did not completely replace the pagan larks, but in a bizarre way intertwined with them. The holiday of the Lark began to be called also "Magpies". Not in honor of the white-sided ravens, but in honor of the forty martyrs of Sebaste. These were Christian soldiers who were martyred for their faith; their memory is celebrated on March 22. Larks had nothing to do with the warriors, but the number of forty firmly rooted in the holiday. "The lark brought forty birds with him."

The traditions of our ancestors. Rites of meeting birds and Spring

March 22 according to the national calendar is the day of the Lark. According to popular beliefs, the first forty birds arrive on this day and bring spring on their wings.


In Russia, they have always been very serious about the time preceding the summer - the beautiful Spring. Spring was always expected, met, called out, hooted, so that it would come with warmth, with good weather, with bread, with a rich harvest.

Spring was called out when nature itself showed it: the snow is melting, it is dripping from the roofs, the birds come and start singing like spring.

March 22 - this day coincides with the astronomical day of the vernal equinox - the day when Spring comes, the day when the length of the daytime is equal to the length of the dark time of the day. It was believed that from this moment on, light and heat begin to arrive, and darkness and cold leave. On this day in Russia, the holiday of the Lark was celebrated.

The Russian people say that birds bring a real, warm spring on their wings. Russians everywhere believed that forty different birds would fly from warm countries on March 22, and the first of them was the lark or sandpiper.

Ritual tree

The Spring Festival was held at the ceremonial tree, which was decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, and bells. The ritual tree was carried around the village, so that everyone could decorate it, and then the decorated tree was brought to where the spring is called.

Baking larks

To bring the arrival of spring closer, the housewives on this day baked from fresh or sour dough birds - "larks", which were called children or brothers of migratory birds, they were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks.

Baked birds were sent to relatives and friends so that spring, light and warmth would come to them.

The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and laughing to call out to the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were put on long sticks and ran out with them on the hills or they put the birds on poles, on a fence, thrown up and shouted songs-chants.

Round dance "Stream"

The round dance-game "Stream" is an old ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, babbling streams ran everywhere.

You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and lift them up to make a trickle. While singing (music), the presenter enters the stream and takes a pair for himself. Whoever is left alone drives, choosing whoever he wants for a round dance.

So the stream runs forward and forward. And along with this run, Spring is approaching ...

Skylark dough recipe

800 g flour
1 egg,
5 tablespoons of granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
50 - 70 g softened butter,
500 g warm milk
30 - 40 g yeast,
1 pack of vanillin

Dough preparation:
Dissolve the yeast with warm milk and sugar.
Sift flour 2 times.
Add salt, sugar, vanillin to the flour. Stir.
Stir in, gradually adding milk, egg, butter, yeast to the flour.
Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Put the dough in a warm place.
After about 1 hour, stir again and put in a warm place again.
After another 1 hour has passed, the dough should be ready.

Note: Feel free to knead the dough with your hands. The dough is very fond of it.

Making "Skylarks":

And now you can start creating - sculpting a wide variety of birds. The easiest option is a rolled dough sausage tied with a simple knot. At one end, a beak is molded to form a bird's head. From the second end, by flattening it and cutting it, we get a tail. You can use raisins for decoration - birds get wonderful eyes from them.

But, do not get attached to forms, create. Larks can be anything ...

Brush the birds with either a beaten egg or sweetened water before placing them in the oven.

The rite of letting birds go

Another holiday associated with birds falls on April 7, when Spring is called again. In Russia, spring was awaited with great impatience and believed that birds could speed up its arrival.

Therefore, since ancient times, there was such a beautiful custom on this holiday to let the birds go free, so that together with the birds, nature would find complete freedom from winter, so that, along with the free life and the sonorous singing of birds, spring fully entered into its rights. When they released the birds, they said:

Titmouse sisters
Tap-dancing aunts,
Red-throated bullfinches,
Goldfinch fellows,
Thieves sparrows!
Fly at will
You will live on freedom,
Bring the spring to us as soon as possible!