What to take with you to the hospital for childbirth (4 photos). What you need to take with you to the hospital: an exact list of necessary things for mom and newborn What you need in the hospital 4

Instructions for a beginner, a cheat sheet for the experienced

Collecting bags becomes a real challenge for many. What to take? What not to take? Will I have time to collect everything? And if I forget something ?! Our material will help you to make your packing easier and more enjoyable: just follow the instructions.

When to start collecting?

Many mothers-to-be begin to pack their "troubling suitcase" almost after seeing the coveted plus sign on the test. Others, on the contrary, postpone these exciting chores until the last moment. Let's agree: there is nothing wrong with these training camps, on the contrary, these are very pleasant cares that help to tune in to childbirth and a meeting with a future baby. Even if you forget something, nothing terrible will happen, all vital things in the hospital are available by default, and your loved ones will be able to bring everything you need for your personal comfort.

Important! A good time to start fees at the hospital, provided that you are not shown prenatal hospitalization, is 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

How to pack?

It is most convenient to divide all things into three groups:

  • (your relatives will bring it to you later).

Accordingly, you will need to collect not one, but three "emergency suitcases" at once. But you will be sure that everything is in place and you do not have to lug a heavy bag.

Important! All things should be packed only in plastic bags! In most maternity hospitals, cloth or leather bags are prohibited for hygiene reasons. Tip: take three bags of different colors or make noticeable labels so as not to get confused.

Sibmoms tell

On the eve of the birth, I packed my things in identical bags from the supermarket and folded them in the hallway. So not only was my husband almost carrying my "disturbing suitcase" along with the trash, so in the end we mixed up the packages and arrived at the maternity hospital with contractions armed with an embroidered blanket and dress for discharge. Fortunately, we live nearby, my husband quickly went, exchanged them while I was being registered.

Willingness # 1: delivery package

This package is the most important, because these are the things you will take with you to childbirth, where no one from your loved ones with an insurance package will be allowed to pass.

So, in this package we will put:

  1. Documents: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, generic certificate, exchange card. If the husband is present at the birth, then a package of documents is needed for him too: his passport, marriage certificate, results of fluorography (the list is better to check in the hospital);
  2. Rubber slippers - it is convenient to take a shower in them and they are easy to wash - this quality will be useful in the postpartum department;
  3. Disposable diapers - it is better to take a large package (15-20 pcs) - they will be useful during the discharge of water and discharge during childbirth and in the postpartum period.
  4. Still water - sometimes very thirsty during childbirth.
  5. Thick socks - it can be chilly in the delivery room.
  6. Toilet paper or wet wipes;
  7. Bathrobe and oversized T-shirt (however, in most maternity hospitals their own clothes are prohibited - they give out sterile "overalls" of cheerful colors).
  8. Hygienic lipstick.
  9. Additional package in order to put clothes in which you arrive at the hospital
  10. Mobile phone and a charger for it.

Sibmoms tell

I never thought that chapped lips could cause me such discomfort in childbirth. In maternity hospitals, the air is always very dry due to constant quartzization, and the intense "breathing" of contractions dries the lips even more. Next time I will definitely take lip balm with me.

The first days in comfort: "postnatal" package (Second package)

Here you need to pack the things that mom and baby will need. Only the essentials! Why would you drag a heavy bag to the hospital? On the first day after giving birth, if you find that you are vitally lacking a table lamp or your favorite silver spoon, your loved ones will gladly bring you everything you need.

Things for mom:

  1. Hygiene supplies: toothpaste and brush, soap, shampoo, moisturizer, comb, hair clip);
  2. Disposable postpartum panties 5 pcs;
  3. Special postpartum pads or regular softest super absorbent 2 packs;
  4. Postpartum slimming bandageif you plan to wear it
  5. Nipple healing cream or ointment;
  6. Personal utensils: mug, spoon, you can take a small thermos;
  7. Brafor feeding and inserts for it.

Sibmoms tell

With such gratitude, in the postpartum period I recalled my husband, who "smuggled" a small thermos into my bag! Milk arrived badly, I wanted a warm drink all the time. A thermos with tea was very helpful, especially at night.

Things for the baby:

  1. Baby soap(more convenient liquid with a dispenser) and wet napkinsfor wiping priests (both are useful);
  2. Child creamand powder;
  3. Diapersfor newborns (the package must be marked 2-5 kg \u200b\u200bor "Newborn");
  4. Clothes and diapers: maternity hospitals usually provide clean, sterile diapers, but you can bring your own if you wish. You can also grab a couple of sets of seasonal clothing: undershirts, romper or pajamas, a pair of socks, a hat.

Going home: package for discharge (Third package)

You will not be lucky at the hospital with this package - it will be delivered to you before discharge by your relatives. And this is an important reason to treat his fees with all responsibility - it will be a shame to stay on the eve of discharge without cosmetics or a ribbon for the baby's envelope.

Things for the baby:

  1. Pajamas or undershirt with sliders, hat, socks;
  2. Or diaper: thin and flannel if you are going to swaddle your baby;
  3. An elegant bedspread, blanket or warm envelope - depending on the season.

Things for mom:

  1. Smart and comfortable clothes(best of all - a spacious dress, in jeans you will most likely be uncomfortable), outerwear and shoes;
  2. Cosmetics: to feel more confident and enjoy posing for the first photo with your baby.

Sibmoms tell

Girls, be sure to collect the package for discharge! And then my friend was not "confused" and my husband forgot to bring her ... boots. I had to check out in my grandfather's bots of 42 sizes.

1 .06.2015

Then you will definitely not lose it!

It is impossible to get ready for the hospital right the first time. It will certainly turn out that half of the bag is occupied by completely unnecessary things, and what is desperately required, relatives will carry half a day, which will seem to you an eternity!

Therefore, it is better not to rely on the official list of the maternity hospital, which is too general, standard and outdated, and, of course, cannot take into account the needs of different girls.

I advise you to study as much information as possible on the topic of what you need to take, especially the reviews of experienced women in labor who have visited the hospital more than once, and know exactly what the hospital can do without, and what will only take up space.

It is better to collect the bag in advance, from about 34 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, arm yourself with a pen, and write down the most complete list of things in the hospital.

To begin with, get ready for the fact that you will not have to pack things in bags, but in bags. This rule in 2017 and 2018 applies to all maternity hospitals, district and regional, as well as perinatal centers and is due to SanPin.

According to this document, various reusable bags can be too dirty, and also be the source of all kinds of infections, which is dangerous for newborns with immunodeficiency, as well as other disorders.

Therefore, the universal requirement is that all things for the mother and the baby are put in plastic bags by the woman in labor.

These items should be put in a separate bag. You will take it with you for registration in the delivery room, leaving all other things in the ward. So, what to take to the hospital in the first place:

  1. Personal documents: passport, policy, SNILS (with copies).
  2. Medical documents: exchange card and birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic).
  3. Accompanying documents (if childbirth is joint): passport and fluorography no later than six months before childbirth.
  4. A bottle of water during labor and the first time after childbirth.
  5. Stockings from varicose veins (if it began to appear during pregnancy).
  6. Cellular telephone.
  7. A disposable diaper (it will be put on the baby immediately after birth).
  8. Cotton jumpsuit or bodysuit (if you plan not to swaddle, but to dress the baby in regular clothes right away).
  9. A hat and socks (the nurses ask, however, we didn’t wear either).
  10. Disposable postpartum kit (mesh panties and a huge pad).

List of things in the postpartum ward

These things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby, will wait for them in the ward and are designed to create the comfort of being in the hospital.

  1. Packaging of disposable diapers for newborns (for a weight of 1-4 kg).
  2. Packaging of disposable absorbent diapers (and for a mother to put in for the first time when the discharge can leak, and for a baby instead of a diaper if it is very hot or just ventilate the ass).
  3. Two overalls or bodysuit. If you give birth in the fall or spring, when there is no heating or not yet, it can be cool in the hospital, so a cotton jumpsuit with closed legs and handles is desirable. If you are giving birth in hot summer months or in winter when the heating is hot, it is best to have lightweight baby clothes with you.
  4. Liquid soap for children from the first days of life (and wash the child if necessary, and wash your hands more often).
  5. Baby wet wipes (wipe the bottom at night so as not to get up to wash, or if the water is turned off).
  6. Dry napkins (wipe your mouth if spit up with milk).
  7. Cotton pads (wipe wrinkles).
  8. A 0.5 bottle of plain still water (soak a cotton pad to wipe the folds).
  9. Four packs of panty liners of the largest size (maxi or night for postpartum discharge, it is better to immediately take more of them, so as not to save money, but change more often, because dryness and cleanliness in intimate places is one of the conditions for quick healing).
  10. Washable slippers or flip-flops (if something spills or leaks on them, they should be easy to wash and put on immediately).
  11. Panties (3-4 pieces, no less, because at first they can easily get dirty with blood).
  12. Two bras special for breastfeeding (with wide straps, underwired, comfortable and not crushing). Two because during the rush of milk, one of them can get wet through, and you will have to wash and dry it, while wearing the second one.
  13. Breastfeeding inserts (you cannot do without them during milk flow - everything will get wet).
  14. Dressing gown (usually put on when leaving the ward, and removed, entering the ward, thus contacting the baby in a clean shirt).
  15. Nightgown (this needs to be clarified at the hospital - in mine they were given out and there was no need to take your own).
  16. Shampoo, shower gel (to save space, it is ideal to wash both body and hair, that is, 2 in 1).
  17. Your personal care products (gel / milk wash, toner, cream).
  18. Toothbrush and paste.
  19. Antiperspirant solid, odorless (as hypoallergenic as possible, so that it does not irritate the newborn either with its sprays - therefore, not a spray, nor odors - therefore, odorless).
  20. A razor (you can spend about five days in the hospital, so you may need it).
  21. Glasses, contact lens kit (if you use).
  22. Hair ties (according to the requirements of many maternity hospitals, the hair must be collected in a bun).
  23. Magazines, book.
  24. Pen, notebook (you will have to sign many documents, questionnaires, you may be asked to measure and record the weight gain of the child, the names of medications, etc.).
  25. A mug and spoon (to drink tea or water at any time).
  26. A charger for a cell phone (you took the phone for childbirth, so it is already with you).
  27. 2L bottle of water (drink more to ensure there is enough milk in the breast and for more frequent urination to minimize the risks of urinary tract infections after childbirth).
  28. Soft toilet paper.
  29. Dry rations (granola bar, biscuit biscuits, yogurt in a jar stored at room temperature, an apple - in case you give birth at night, and before that you spend the whole day without food - it is quite natural that you may want to have a snack).
  30. Breast pump.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

I know girls who did a great job without it and do not include this device on the list of necessary ones. And I also know those who almost died without him. After the first birth, I was among the second group. After the second birth, the breast pump was immediately with me, and this solved all my problems with milk.

Will you find yourself among those who will not need it, or among those who will praise him, only time will tell. I definitely recommend having it with you right away.

I explain how it should be used in a maternity hospital, especially if this is your first birth. When milk arrives (2-4 days with natural childbirth, and a little later with cesarean section), your breasts will be rattled to incredible sizes.

This will be followed by two problems. Firstly, it will be difficult for a child to grasp the nipple, because it will become stone and huge. As a result, the baby will not be able to eat well. Secondly, the breast will be bursting with pain from a huge amount of milk.

After the first birth, these two problems cost me a day of hysteria and tears. The child screamed nonstop because he could not take such a breast. I was in a panic with a huge chest, which was wildly aching, rushing about the room in tears, and could not understand what was wrong and what I should do so that the baby would finally calm down and so that the chest would stop hurting.

I got a fever, they gave me antipyretic drugs. A breastfeeding specialist came and said to knead the nipples and try to pump with your hands (oh, it was a hell of a pain, and practically no result).

I was even given a referral for an ultrasound of the breast with a diagnosis of lactostasis.

But then my husband brought me a breast pump, and I decided to try to express milk with his help. Imagine my surprise when just a couple of minutes later 300 ml of milk poured out of me without any unpleasant sensations, and my chest became soft again.

The kid took it without any difficulty, ate, calmed down and fell asleep for a long time. I breathed a sigh of relief: now I knew what to do.

If my breasts began to burst very strongly, I also pumped out and just poured out the excess milk. This period of formation of lactation, when all these procedures are required, takes about five days.

Then the breast pump goes to the shelf, and your body already adapts to produce milk according to needs. But how many nerves can be saved during these five days!

I do not know what mastitis, lactostasis, cracked nipples are. My second Lyalka did not cry in the hospital. Absolutely. It's hard to believe, but it is. Other children were eager for the entire corridor. The picture was the same as my first time.

So take your breast pump with you by all means. Any. Some in pharmacies cost 50-60 rubles. the simplest design. It's better than hands anyway. And if you start something similar to what I described, you will know what to do.

What not to take to the hospital

Save space in packages by excluding:

Checkout list

This is the very moment when decorative cosmetics come in handy (you can ask to bring it to you the day before). In the end, I want to look like a happy mommy for loved ones and in the photo, and not a pale toadstool.

To look slim and fit, you cannot do without a postpartum bandage - this is a special wide belt that tightens a sagging belly.

Clothing for the child should be suitable for the time of year and weather conditions, as well as practical. That is, it should be cute and smart clothes, but one that you can later wear on.

No lace blankets or cotton envelopes! Surely, you will be met by car, which means that the baby will stay on the street for 5-10 minutes. If you dress him too hot, he will overheat and notify you about it with a loud cry.

The due date is approaching, and the expectant mother begins to get ready for the hospital. It is better to prepare everything you need in advance than not to put something in a hurry, and then get upset. Until the exciting moment comes, let's figure out what to take to the hospital to feel comfortable there. The list consists of the necessary items and documents. Let's conditionally divide it into three bags: for childbirth, after childbirth and for the baby. The fourth bag, intended for discharge, can be collected both for admission to a medical facility and brought by relatives at the time of discharge from it.

It is advisable to put things for the baby in a separate bag or even ask relatives to bring them after giving birth

Which bag is best to put your things in?

According to the sanitary norms and rules (SanPin), it is forbidden to take bags made of leather, fabric or wicker to the hospital. Such materials can spread germs and viruses. It is advisable to pack things in plastic bags. The bag should also be transparent so as not to dig into it for a long time in search of the right thing. The hypothetical "three bags" cannot be taken literally. The staff of the institution will hardly allow you to bring 3-4 trunks.

Stock up on one roomy bag, put all the prepared things in it, breaking them into sectors so that you know where everything is. By the way, you can purchase a ready-made bag in the store if you find one that suits you. If you or one of your relatives knows how to sew, make your own version of the "emergency suitcase" for the woman in labor. For some mothers, ordinary plastic bags with handles are enough.

What documents do I need to take with me?

During the entire pregnancy period, you have acquired a large number of medical documents and certificates. Some of them should be taken to a medical facility. Starting from 32 weeks, make it a rule for yourself to carry documents with you - the period set by the doctor may change at the request of your baby. If all goes well, by week 36, go shopping, pack a "disturbing suitcase" with things. Put the following documents in it:

  • the passport;
  • exchange card of a pregnant woman with full information about the course of pregnancy and test results;
  • medical insurance policy giving the right to medical care;
  • if you have a contract with a medical institution, make sure to put it in;
  • receipts for payment for a separate ward and for joint delivery, if you decide to use these services.

The exchange card will give the obstetrician all the information about the course of pregnancy, therefore, at a later date, you must carry it with you at all times

By the way, regarding joint childbirth. Your significant other also needs documents. Doctors will require your husband's passport and health certificate. This is done for the safety of the baby.

Calculate the amount of money you may need to buy a medicine or pay for services. Put large and small bills in your wallet. Realizing that the moment a new person is born is an unpredictable business, be sure to keep your mobile phone in your purse or pocket in order to quickly call an ambulance and notify your family.

What things to prepare for childbirth?

The list of items that will come in handy during childbirth is small. The service regulations in the maternity hospital imply the provision of necessary clothing to women in labor, however, you can take washable slippers. However, each obstetric institution sets its own rules, you better find out about their existence in advance. In theory, you should collect:

  • nightgown (loose fit);
  • drinking water (1 liter or more if you feel like it);
  • towel (you can have two);
  • baby soap (liquid);
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • warm socks (not wool);
  • you can grab a camcorder or photo camera if you want to save a joyful historical event in the life of your family on them.

Add to the bag with your belongings and equipment for the newborn, which will be worn by the staff after birth. Some establishments use their own baby diapers to change the baby. Find out this question in advance - you may not have to collect an outfit for a newborn, only for discharge. Stock up on the following:

  • vest, bodysuit or blouse;
  • diaper;
  • you can put sliders;
  • cap.

Some maternity hospitals provide their own diapers and clothes for the newborn - this issue needs to be clarified in advance

Mothers who are going to give birth for the first time often wonder if they can bring food with them. Believe me - giving birth, you will definitely forget about any food. If you want to take something for a snack, you can stock up on dried candied fruits or fruits, cookies, croutons. Boiled eggs and broth will do. Do not overload your emergency suitcase so that you cannot lift it.

Checklist for mom after childbirth

After giving birth, mom spends about 3-5 days with her little treasure in the hospital. What to collect for this period, what items will be appropriate for a nursing mother? List some wardrobe items. Be sure to put in the products that you use for personal hygiene. Stock up on water and food you ate before giving birth. If you want to look attractive - grab a cosmetic bag, but be sure to read our additional explanations in a separate review block. We have prepared the necessary list for you.


  • Clean nightgown, bathrobe, slippers. Choose a cutout model for comfortable breastfeeding. Some maternity facilities provide their own clothing, please ask in advance. Put on two pairs of warm socks if you're giving birth in winter.
  • You need a special bra for breastfeeding, equipped with detachable pockets on the nipples. This product will provide you with comfortable feeding of your baby.
  • If the hospital does not issue underwear, take disposable underpants (cotton, 3-5 pieces) and postpartum pads.
  • You will also need pads under the bra, which perfectly absorb leaking milk. If they are not taken, all clothes will be stained, which acidify and begin to smell bad.
  • Take care of your figure - grab it.

Using a bandage immediately after childbirth will help you restore your figure faster.

Hygiene products

  • The usual set for daily care: toothbrush, shampoo, soap, body care cream, deodorant (roll-on), shower gel (see also:). Disposable toilet seats. Mothers whose labor ended with sutures may ask a loved one to bring them the softest type of toilet paper.
  • The remedy against. Choose one that does not require rinsing. Cracks appear in many mothers and cause pain when feeding. The reason is the incorrect attachment of the newborn to the breast. Buy Bepanten or D-Panthenol cream.
  • Glycerin candles. Help with stool problems.

Food, cutlery, leisure items

The items presented in this section may not be taken with you on the day of admission to the hospital. Any of them can be reported to you by relatives when visiting. Utensils can be limited to a mug and a teaspoon. You can make notes on your cell phone. We have compiled a rough list:

The question about medicines is often asked. A maternity hospital is a medical facility where you will be given any remedy for headaches, nausea, or more serious medication if needed. Mothers who know that they will have a cesarean section should check the list of necessary medications with the doctors of the maternity hospital or perinatal center.

Additional explanations of important items

We will answer the questions that inevitably arise in mothers who are going to the hospital. People often ask about panty liners, wondering which ones are better for postpartum hygiene. Pharmacies offer special postpartum pads, which may be called postoperative or urologic. Made of material that maximizes moisture absorption. One package is enough. If you think you can get by with regular "night" pads, take them.

Picking up a bathrobe, find out if the institution is issued sterile items of clothing. If you can bring your own clothes, choose a lightweight cotton robe with a zipper or a wrap-around one - these clothes will not restrict your movements and will ensure comfortable breastfeeding. It is desirable that the product has pockets for various women's little things (hairpin, hairpin, hair tie, handkerchief, telephone).

In listing things, we talked about soap. Do not use a lot of detergents. You can take liquid baby soap with you, which is enough for both you and your baby.

There is one more nuance and it is connected with the recommendations of doctors. Doctors advise a woman who has given birth to wash her genitals with laundry soap. Please note that the procedure should be superficial. Wash the outer seams and surface of the body with soap, never use it to wash the interior. Lye, which is part of laundry soap, has a negative effect on the vaginal mucosa, especially when it is inflamed or damaged during childbirth.

Ordinary laundry soap is perfect for intimate hygiene of a woman in labor.

List of things for a newborn

Collecting clothes and accessories for a newborn is the most enjoyable moment for a mom. Sorting through children's clothes, she lives in anticipation of immense happiness. An approximate list looks like this:

  • ... Product size 0 or 1 (by weight 2-5 or 3-6 kg). A 28-pack is enough.
  • The soap is, of course, baby. You can take a liquid one, for a solid one grab a soap dish.
  • Hygienic cotton wool products (discs, sticks with a stopper). It will be needed to clean the ears and nose of the crumbs, to lubricate the umbilical wound.
  • Wet baby wipes or disposable handkerchiefs.
  • ... Since you cannot predict the baby's reaction to the remedy, take the cream in a small tube.
  • ... As a rule, they are issued in maternity hospitals. If you think that you trust your own things more, take 2 of cotton and 2 of flannel (size - 60x90). Allow financial opportunities - buy disposable diapers.
  • Soft towel.
  • Undershirts, blouses, bodysuits. Choose models with outside seams. Take them at the rate of one for each day, about 4-5 pieces.
  • If the sleeves of the blouse are open, put on anti-scratch gloves.
  • Cotton rompers or overalls, 4-5 pieces.
  • Cotton or flannel cap - the choice of fabric depends on the season. Buy 2 pieces of the same size.

Let's take a closer look at diapers. Doubts about their number, size, brands torment many young mothers. Forget about gauze, reusable diapers and diapers right away, stop only on disposable diapers. Choose a brand according to your own taste, the quantity - limit yourself to a small package. Buy what you like, but based on our recommendations. When you return home with your child, pick up better diapers.

For the maternity hospital, disposable diapers are perfect, which you can choose to your taste

What things to take for discharge from the hospital?

The selection of things for discharge from the hospital depends on the season. Most of all, women are worried about the outfit of a newborn.


In the summer, you can get by with a cap, undershirt or a light blouse and sliders. Additionally, wrap your baby in a thin blanket or envelope. For a trip in a car, put on a cotton jumpsuit for your baby.

Autumn / Spring

A joyful event happened in the off-season - be guided by the weather with the equipment for the baby. Pick up a demi-season jumpsuit for your baby, wearing warm underwear under it. If you are discharging in early winter or spring, use the cold season set we described above. The main thing is not to tangle the newborn so that he does not overheat, stick to a reasonable decision.


Now let's see what you need to take a baby born in winter. Add a warm hat, an insulated envelope or overalls (preferably a transformer) to your summer set of underwear. It is better to transport the baby in the car in outer clothing, since it is difficult to thread the belts of the infant car seat under a blanket or envelope. Remember - the rules for transporting children in a car require the use of a special car seat. Sliders, a vest and a cap, which are worn under outerwear, take flannel.

Mom's clothes should be comfortable and appropriate for the weather. You probably won't be able to easily squeeze yourself into jeans that you wore before pregnancy. The belly has not left without a trace yet and tight clothing will cause you discomfort, even if it fits. Choose loose clothes for your own outfit: skirt, dress, cardigan, sundress. Take shoes with or without a small heel. Let them bring the cosmetic bag from home - you want to be beautiful in memorable photos.

What should not be brought to the hospital?

Remember that your stay at the hospital is limited to 3-5 days. There is no need to pack up as if you are going to the sea for a month. Decorative cosmetics is a child safety issue. Contact with a baby who has just come into this world should be absolutely safe for him. Powder, eye shadow, lipstick can get on the baby's body and cause allergies. The most you can afford is to tint your eyelashes a little.

Strong fragrances should not be used. The baby should feel the smell of his mother, which he recognizes as dear and protective. Feeling the natural maternal aroma, the baby sleeps calmly, eats well, comfortably gets used to the new environment for him. Forget about the pacifier if you plan to breastfeed your baby. The nipple in the hospital is an extra accessory. The baby sucks well and is quite happy.

The thrill of childbirth is familiar to most women. Experiencing and rejoicing at the same time, you are preparing for the greatest sacrament. Practicality is good and you will of course take all the essentials with you. However, the most important thing that you bring to the hospital is a great love for the one who should be born. We wish you the easiest birth, so that your treasure will be born healthy and strong.

Around the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to decide what to take to the hospital. It is necessary to do this in advance so that by 36–37 weeks the necessary things are ready. After all, childbirth may begin earlier than expected. And fees on the day of childbirth are fraught with the fact that you can forget many important and necessary things. Before you start getting ready, you can check with your maternity hospital what you need to take with you and what is unacceptable to take. Each hospital has its own rules and recommended lists.

Basic principles

  • Collect the necessary documents in a separate folder or file.
  • You need to collect things strictly in plastic bags or bags. According to the sanitary and epidemiological regime in maternity hospitals, it is unacceptable to bring things in fabric or leather bags.
  • We prepare 3 packages for the maternity hospital: for the delivery room, the postpartum ward and for discharge. Such distribution will help you quickly find the right thing at every stage of your stay in the hospital. It will be even better if the bags are transparent.
  • Put a list of items in each bag.
  • You can leave the package for discharge at home and tell your relatives to bring it on the day of the special event.
  • If we plan to give birth together with a relative, then we are preparing a clothing package for him.

List of required documents

We take with us:

  • Identity document (passport).
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance).
  • An exchange card issued in the antenatal clinic with all analyzes and examinations.
  • Generic certificate. It is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist of a antenatal clinic at 30 weeks with a singleton pregnancy. If the pregnancy is multiple, the certificate is issued at 28 weeks.
  • Sick leave, opened in the antenatal clinic. It is usually issued together with the generic certificate within a specified time frame.
  • Contract for paid management of childbirth and the postpartum period (if the contract was concluded on an individual basis).

Putting together the first package: what should you take with you to childbirth?

This group includes things necessary for a woman during childbirth and for a baby immediately after birth.

For ourselves we take the following:

  • Cotton robe and chemise. You can purchase the kit immediately.
  • Two pairs of warm socks (not woolen). Chills often appear during childbirth. They can also come in handy after childbirth.
  • Washable flat shoes.
  • Pure drinking still water. We take 2 bottles of 0.5 ml. You can take a thermos with herbal tea, if it is not prohibited by the rules of the maternity hospital, as well as light food. But, as a rule, there is no particular appetite during childbirth.
  • Small towel (terry). Useful for rubbing your face with cold water.
  • Hygienic lipstick. During childbirth, the lips dry very much, and lipstick will help to avoid drying out and the formation of microcracks.
  • If your hair is long, remember to put on an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Elastic stockings or bandages for the lower extremities. Especially if there are varicose veins in the legs.
  • Disposable Toilet Seat Covers.

We take to the delivery room for the child:

  • Diaper size NB (for babies up to 5 kg).
  • A cap with ties or a thin hat.
  • Anti-scratch socks and mittens.
  • Flannel diaper.
  • Bike blanket.

Baby things are needed immediately after the birth of a baby. They must be washed and ironed on both sides, except for the diaper.

If childbirth is planned with a partner, then he needs to take the following:

  • The passport.
  • Conclusion of fluorographic examination. Other tests may be needed. This should be clarified in the hospital in advance.
  • Clean clothes (light pants, T-shirt or surgical suit), change of shoes.
  • Disposable mask and cap.
  • Camera or camcorder (optional).

Putting together the second package: things for stay in the postpartum ward

In 2 hours after successful delivery, the mother and the newborn are transferred to the “mother and child” ward, in which they are kept for about 3 days. For this period, you need to take with you the following:

What to take with you for your child?

Some maternity hospitals prohibit bringing any supplies for the newborn, and only allow disposable diapers and creams. But many institutions do not prevent this, and even recommend bringing personal belongings for the child, up to diapers.

Therefore, it is better to check in advance in the hospital what you can take with you. If there are no special restrictions, then for a newborn we take the following:


  • hats or caps - 3-4 pcs;
  • anti-scratch mittens and socks - 2-3 pairs;
  • thin and warm undershirts - 4 pieces each;
  • sliders or semi-overalls (thin and warm) - 4 pcs;
  • bike blanket.

All things for the baby must be washed and ironed on both sides.

If the estimated weight of the child fits from 3 to 3.7 kg, then the size can be taken as 56. If the baby is expected to be large, then it is better to take things one size larger (62).

Putting together a package for discharge

For a newborn, we prepare:

Things for mom:

  • cosmetic bag with decorative cosmetics;
  • hair dryer or curling iron (according to preference);
  • odorless gel or hairspray;
  • hairpins, elastic bands, hair ornaments;
  • we take clothes (better for looser), shoes;
  • perfume or eau de toilette should not be taken, they can cause allergies in a newborn.

It is imperative to take care of the transportation of the newborn from the hospital home. Purchase in advance a child seat or an infant car seat for children from birth.

If you plan to transport your child by taxi, you need to notify the dispatcher about the need for a child seat.

When leaving the hospital, do not forget to take all personal belongings, and most importantly, documents:

  • medical birth certificate for registration of a newborn in the registry office;
  • discharge epicrisis from the history of the development of the newborn for the district pediatrician;
  • an extract from the birth history for the gynecologist from the antenatal clinic.

If childbirth began unexpectedly, and the packages have not yet been collected, then you should not panic. Many maternity hospitals provide women and newborns with everything they need. The main thing is to take the necessary documents for admission to the hospital. The rest of the things can be collected by relatives and brought a little later.

So the happy time of pregnancy is coming to an end, but there is another equally happy moment ahead - childbirth. Soon, the little miracle you have been waiting for will be born. Now you need to think about what to take with you to the hospital, what things you will need, and which ones will not be useful at all.

Let's start with the fact that the expectant mother definitely needs to have documents with her. In addition, the hospital needs to collect the so-called "3 packages": 1 - for childbirth, 2 - postpartum, 3 - for the baby. You can also immediately prepare a package for the baby for discharge, but it is not necessary to take it with you, you can ask your family to bring it to you on the eve of discharge.

It is better to start packing things in advance, at about 36 weeks of pregnancy, so that you can take bags at any time and quickly go to the hospital. But it is worth noting that the future mother should carry the package of documents with her from 32 weeks.

What bag should I put things for the maternity hospital?

According to SanPin standards, it is forbidden to take bags made of fabric, leather or wicker to medical institutions, since such bags are a source for the spread of harmful bacteria. Therefore, things must be packed in ordinary plastic bags.

Do not take a large number of packages with you to the hospital. Division by 3 - conditional, all things must fit in 1 - 2 bags. If suddenly something does not fit, then one of your relatives can bring it to you after giving birth.

List of required documents in the hospital:

1. Passport
2. Policy of compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance
3. Pregnancy card or as it is called - exchange card. It must contain the results of ultrasound and analyzes.
4. If you were registered with the LCD, then do not forget to take the birth certificate with you to the maternity hospital.

If you signed a contract for childbirth, then you must also take it with you.
For partner childbirth, you will need fluorography, tests and a dad's passport.

List of things you need to take with you to the delivery of things:

1. Slippers (preferably rubber)
2. Shirt
3. Drinking water not less than 1 liter
4. Towel
5. Soap
6. Stockings for women in labor (sold at the pharmacy) or regular nylon stockings.

For the kid:

1. Clothes that will be put on him immediately after giving birth. It can be a vest, bodysuit or slip.
2. Pampers
3. Sliders
4. Bonnet
5. Diapers
6. Disposable oilcloths (if suddenly they are not given out at the hospital)
7. Baby soap
8. Wet wipes

"Postpartum" package:

1. What a young mother plans to sleep in
2. Gaskets. Please note that either special pads are needed - they are sold in pharmacies, or ordinary, but certainly MAXI.
3. Items for oral hygiene
4. Toilet paper
5. Comb
6. Scissors for manicure
7. Hygiene products, shampoo, soap, etc.
8. Breast pads
9. Nursing bra, but you can also use a regular one.
10. A healing ointment such as "D-Panthenol" or similar.
11. Plate, mug, spoon

If suddenly, you need something else, then ask your loved ones and they will bring you. You should not fill the bags to the top, because many things may not be useful to you at all.

Happy childbirth and joyful meeting with your baby!