Fashionable images for obese women. Stylish clothes for overweight. Photo: gallery of stylish bows for girls in the body

In no case should girls with a curvy figure wear shapeless dresses or long tunics all the time. In their wardrobe there must be such a primordially feminine garment as a skirt. Among all the existing variety of models (long, narrow, flared, etc.), there will certainly be such styles that will transform your figure, create a wonderful silhouette. In this article, we'll show you how to choose a skirt for girls with full hips. Pencil skirt Pencil skirt is a popular trend in modern fashion. This is a tight, hip-fitting skirt with a tapered hem. Its length is just above or just below the knee. A pencil skirt is perfect for full girls, as it favorably highlights the buttocks. At the same time, the belly appears to be more toned. Thanks to the narrowing ...

The strip is fashionable, stylish and relevant. Today, we can say with confidence that the strip is an eternal classic that never goes out of fashion. And with its help, you can skillfully adjust the figure, so for overweight girls it is recommended to definitely include striped things in your wardrobe. But in order for the strip to be to the face and to the figure, you need to learn how to choose it correctly .. Types of stripes Speaking about striped clothes, we will immediately determine that the strip can be different. If we start from geometry, then they distinguish: a horizontal strip; vertical strip; diagonal strip. Also, quite often, a striped pattern is combined in clothes ...

Denim clothing is truly considered universal, being the basic element of the wardrobe of many women. It is widely believed that jeans are only suitable for slender young ladies, but this is not so. For owners of curvaceous forms, denim things will look very stylish and modern. The main thing is to choose them correctly. What can plus size girls wear jeans with? The days when jeans were an essential part sports style and were worn exclusively complete with a T-shirt / T-shirt and sneakers, have long since sunk into oblivion. The versatility of current fashion trends allows you to combine denim trousers with a wide variety of clothing, including blouses made of thin flowing fabrics, as well as warm chunky knits. And that's not all ...

Once upon a time, owners of wide hips were considered the standard of female beauty. But fashion is a changeable thing, and today girls with roundness in this area of \u200b\u200bthe figure often experience complexes. But what if you try to correct your silhouette with modern fashion and proudly flaunt your luxurious thighs? Moreover, against the background of full hips, with the right choice clothes, the waist will look much narrower. And this is already the notorious silhouette of an hourglass, which no man can resist. Basic wardrobe rules for beauties with wide hips To keep full hips from being conspicuous, their owners should choose a wardrobe that would visually correct non-standard body proportions. What should be worn in this ...

Any hairstyle has an important task: to hide or divert attention from the minuses and emphasize the pluses of facial features. In the case of a round face perfect haircut should make it visually more elongated and add volume at the crown. Today, the site about fashion and style for lush beauties will tell you how to choose the perfect hairstyle for plus size girls. Short hairstyles for lush beauties Short hair is not the best hairstyle option for mouth-watering girls, especially for those with a short neck. But one of possible options can be a bob with a length to the cheekbones. This hairstyle should be styled with a hat. However, if you make this haircut longer - chin-length, then the face will be ...

Splendor of forms is a luxury. And luxury must be skillfully "decorated" by decorating what you are proud of, and by hiding what you consider your disadvantage. It is the corrective underwear that is designed to "decorate" and hide and decorate, and not just hide and remove, as is commonly believed. The site about fashion and style for lush beauties "" has prepared for you useful tips how to choose shapewear for overweight women and girls to emphasize luxurious forms and hide figure flaws. Let's decide on the goal: what are we going to correct? As with any type of underwear, the choice of oversized shapewear should also be taken seriously. It also has its own rules. First you need to decide which ...

Female beauty difficult to fit into any strict framework - it is unique and multifaceted. Nevertheless, many overweight girls believe that dressing beautifully, stylishly and femininely with their forms is almost impossible. This is a huge misconception! Today, on the pages of, using the example of ten fashion bloggers, we will tell you how beautifully, stylishly and organically women with curvaceous shapes can dress, if there is a desire;) Gabi Gregg (Gabi Fresh) New York blogger Gabi Gregg does not pay attention to fashion trendsbecause he likes to experiment. She is a master of unexpected combinations and original ideas, which is confirmed by 300 thousand subscribers on her Instagram ( One of the last summer lookscreated by her ...

Young plus-size beauties often have nothing to worry about their appearance in a swimsuit: an abundance of interesting styles, colors, all kinds of tricky inserts are able to advantageously present the figure from the very side that you need;) But what about older women? After all, they often cannot afford frivolous bold decisions and are looking for a more solid and classic option? There is an exit! In this article, a site about fashion and style for fat beauties, the site will reveal all the secrets of choosing swimwear for fat ladies. So are you ready? A woman in a swimsuit is beautiful! It is absolutely wonderful if you decide to love your body the way it should be, in your opinion. And let the opinion of other people ...

Style for obese girls and women is the same set of rules and little tricks as for owners of compact forms. Your figure is not something to hide. Slimness does not mean thinness at all, and external charm does not depend on the conditional size.

A set of stylistic solutions “works” for a woman and a girl with curvaceous forms, which are designed to emphasize all the advantages of the figure, to reveal the possibilities of your appearance and to the necessary extent to smooth out what you do not like first of all.

We will describe ten simple rules, following which will allow you to demonstrate yourself in the best light and be attractive to the extent of your desire, need and readiness. So, the first five elements or style rules for a curvy lady are in this article.

Element one. Drawings and textures in clothes for obese women

The slenderness is emphasized by the variegated fabric. It has a visual effect no worse than black, which is considered to be "slimming". If you pick up a dress, jacket, blouse or windbreaker with a small geometric pattern in black and white color scheme, the silhouette will be “lost”, the volume that you want to hide will become invisible. Don't believe me? Just pay attention to the "digital camouflage" technique that the zebra uses. Try to see its outline and estimate its true size!

Feel free to wear a colorful dress, short or medium - and you will see that the perception of form has changed. But do not forget that colorful prints and ripples are paid attention to. Don't let this be a source of tension - you are attractive! Wear colorful overalls with wide trousersthat effectively reshape the hips.

Element two. The strip does not fatten at all!

Remember that the strip is the same ripple, only brought to order. She is able to effectively hide some excess volume, but less noticeably, not so conspicuous. If you don't want to attract attention with variegation, add rigor and organization - longitudinal and diagonal stripes will do the trick.

Large stripes on a long skirt "to the floor", on a classic coat - this is the same principle of camouflage, which blurs the outlines and gives the eye the opportunity to "complete" your forms in the most attractive version. Agree that style is always a little trick, a little demonstration, a little secret. And the strip is a great style tool for obese women.

Element three. Matte light tones in a look for full

Soft tones - elegant contours for a full figure

Forget about plumping up light colors. If you use fabrics with a matte texture, then the effect of a blurring of the outline occurs. This technique was invented by Leonardo da Vinci - in his paintings, faces and parts of bodies always have a blurred fuzzy outline. The great painter understood how our eye perceives outlines, and found a way to give the contours in portraits liveliness. The technique called "sfumato" also works in clothing - matte light tones "blur" outlines, smooth out the perception of size.

Light matte fabrics can be thin or dense, tight and loose - it doesn't matter if you can find the shade you need without shine, which can actually visually increase the volume of individual parts.

The fourth element. Lightness of fabric and outlines

Thin and light materials tend to create the effect of inconspicuous surroundings of the figure, they hide excess volumes, hide details and allow you to feel confident in any setting. Lightweight materials do not give glare and shine, and we have already described how important this is above.

A shirt or blouse made of fine cotton is almost the perfect summer solution. Not hot, free and easy. Thin fabrics “unfold” in the image, create an unobtrusive relief, free the contour from details. Take advantage of their opportunities in the summer!

Fifth element. Black is not monotonous

Dark colors and bright details - stylish clothes for plump

You shouldn't make a semblance of a uniform or a monastic robe out of black. Black fabric, in contrast to light materials, should play with texture, relief, and now there are just a lot of opportunities for this. The ability of black and dark clothes “Slim” is revealed in contrast to white - in precisely defined contours.

Drapery, relief, texture, embellishments and bright details on a black background are your every day decision if white is for some reason inappropriate.

Five more style rules - we'll talk in the next article

Fashion and style for obese women and girls are not restrictions and trying to hide something. Any style, any tendencies have an important purpose, they should emphasize and reveal something, and soften something and take out of the field of attention.

Follow the simple rules of style, which we will continue to talk about in the next article, and you will see that a curvy figure has its own charm and slenderness, special attractiveness and the ability to please the eye!

There is an opinion that it is quite difficult to find clothes for girls with shapes, supposedly all of it emphasizes excess weight. However, if you figure out how to dress fat girls correctly, and approach this issue competently and wisely, then there will be no problems with choosing an image. In fact, dressing a fat girl who knows the rules is no more difficult than dressing a thin one.

Rules for choosing clothes for overweight

First of all, the owner of magnificent forms must adequately assess her parameters, i.e. do not try to squeeze into a thing 2 sizes smaller. Do not build a tragedy that XS is not your case, always choose clothes by size, then they will fit much better.

Do not get carried away with superminis - the recommended length of skirts and dresses starts from the “knee-deep” mark, and its lower limit is not limited. Often a fat girl in long dress looks better than a thin one in the same outfit, so pay special attention on the "maxi". This length only emphasizes the become and is ideal for overweight. In addition, it visually lengthens the silhouette.

Love for "animal" prints will not bring a girl who is overweight to any good. And in general, you should be especially careful with any pattern. This does not mean that you should completely abandon them. An unambiguous "no" sounds only towards all kinds of leopards, tigers, zebras, giraffes, etc. Also, all small prints fall into the forbidden list for the simple reason that they will be lost on a full figure. Ideally, plain clothes should prevail in the wardrobe, but for the sake of variety, you can have several pieces with a medium to large print.

As for the style, do not be tempted to multi-layered (due to ruffles, lace and other decorative finishing) and things narrowed downwards. The former will make you visually even larger, and the latter will create the appearance of a disproportionate figure, because the top will look too bulky. Classic cut with a straight silhouette will look great on a full figure.

The color scheme for overweight girls should be selected based on individual characteristics. Everyone knows about such a concept as a color type - here it has not been canceled either. And the conviction that one should wear only dark clothes was dispelled long ago! Pastel, soft tones have an amazing feature, as if to blur the boundaries of the image, which makes it more delicate, sophisticated and weightless. This plays into the hands of girls with forms, thereby they become visually slimmer.

Styles that make the belly less visible

Separately, you should dwell on the styles that hide the belly. It is his presence that is often the reason for the complexes of overweight girls, and they do their best to hide it. But here it is important to keep the line, otherwise you can turn into a kind of shapeless spot.

Oddly enough, but they perfectly "cope" with the stomach robes, or as they are also called wrap dresses. This is due to a shift in emphasis. things of this style usually have a deep V-neck. A fat girl will definitely have something to show in it, because all attention is concentrated on the neckline, and not on the stomach. But even if the gaze of the beholder falls on his stomach, he will be draped with folds of fabric or a belt, which is an integral attribute of a dress-gown.

If you are looking for blouse or t-shirt, then only options should be considered loose fit... The material can be any - jersey or chiffon, the main thing is that the top of the image is not tight. And again, it is worth paying special attention to the cutout - free models look quite simple without it. If you find, for example, a flying blouse made of chiffon with a round neckline, then it will not only perfectly hide the belly, but also become an ultra-fashionable wardrobe item, combined with a variety of skirts, trousers and jeans. Wherein no need to buy low-fit modelssince they will nullify all efforts to hide the belly. The perfect match is a loose blouse and high waist trousers.

Also masks the belly well classic suit, where the jacket should be fitted, with a V-neck and slightly cover the hips. The matching pants were mentioned earlier.

What shoes to choose if you are overweight

For overweight girls, shoes with square and round toes, as well as those with a massive thick heel or stiletto heel, are contraindicated. This is due to the fact that only shoes with a pointed toe (a slightly pointed one will suffice) lengthens the legs. The height of the heel is also important - ideally it is 7–9 cm, however, variations in both directions are allowed.

Stylish looks for donuts

Casual look

Overweight girls also want to wear jeans, what could be more comfortable than them? And jeans can be worn if they are light blue, blue or black, with a high fit and optimal length. Please note that turning them up, the girl visually lengthened her legs. True, the right shoes played an important role in this. The loose-fitting T-shirt is identical in color to the boats. A khaki windbreaker is thrown over the top, which organically complements the whole image. How stylish it all looks together, but, in addition, it will be comfortable in such things!

Image for work

Ideal pantsuit - classic style with trousers that have a flared knee and a fitted jacket with a deep cut. It is clearly the size of its owner, so it emphasizes everything that needs to be emphasized and skillfully hides flaws. The color accent is a purple jacket with a V cutout. Shoes, as expected, with a pointed toe - it is interesting that they have a small amount of leopard print on them. Such shoes are a real gift for those who cannot refuse animalistic print, but due to their size cannot afford to dress up in it. Accessories are discreet, but stylish - a brooch and a necklace around the neck do not distract attention, but competently complement the image.

Evening look

Are you planning a date or just going out? As Coco Chanel said: “Small black dress should be in every woman's wardrobe. " This is true at all times and for girls of all sizes. Another question is that you need to find a little black dress that is perfect for your body type. This option will look good on full ones: the waist is emphasized with a belt in the color of the dress; the skirt only slightly hugs the hips, and falls below the knees in flowing folds; there is a straight neckline on top, an additional decorative element is a translucent lace insert that passes into the sleeves. It looks very elegant! The advantage of this image is that it can be supplemented with absolutely any accessories.

These are the rules that full girls should adopt. We recommend that you also look at our image gallery and choose options for your wardrobe.

You can hear a few more tips for creating a wardrobe for fat girls below:

Photo: gallery of stylish bows for girls in the body


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

The variety of styles and trends of clothing presented in the modern world of fashion leaves little chance of choosing the right wardrobe capsule, even for a standard figure. What can we say about non-standard sizes, when a woman considers herself too plump and tries to disguise excess weight under a variety of gray and black hoodies. This does not add naturalness and attractiveness. Fashion wardrobe for obese girls and women it can be very attractive if you approach its formation armed with basic knowledge of style, proportions and expediency.

So how should it be basic wardrobe and how to dress stylishly and correctly for fat women different ages and girls - we will try to give practical recommendations in this regard in the proposed article. In the meantime, look at the photo ideas - how to dress plump girls in various situations:

Finding a basic capsule wardrobe for overweight is the basis

The unique combination of all the things at the disposal of the girl is the basis for the fact that for each occasion you can easily create the desired image and supplement it with current accessories. By the way, most of the accessories can very elegantly and effectively hide some flaws and emphasize advantages. You can choose a wardrobe for obese women yourself. But for this it is important to learn some common truths familiar to every stylist. First of all, it is worth realizing that the basic wardrobe for a full girl should in no case include things "for growth", that is, smaller ones or which are supposed to be used sometime later, when the cancer whistles on the mountain. This assortment should be disposed of as soon as possible. He makes the whole subsequent process extremely difficult. Moreover, the tight pants in size 44 constantly remind of the former beauty and current imperfection of the body. Why are there extra reasons for depression?

No matter how simple it may seem, it is the capsule wardrobe for obese women that allows you to form a suitable image and save its owner from the daily painful thoughts about what to wear today. No, everything should just be as comfortable for them as possible. Look at the photo examples of images of full stylish girls - doesn't it, it looks very attractive:

What is included in the basic wardrobe of a fat woman after 40 years?

What should be included in the list of necessary things? Yes, do not be scared, to make up the basic wardrobe of a fat woman after 40 years should first be done with a sheet of paper and a pencil in hand. What is included in everyday familiar bows? What is missing to complete the picture? Let's try to disassemble all this, as they say, bit by bit.

Let's start with a list of places that are visited at least once during the month. There should be work (taking into account the dress code adopted there), places of rest, meetings with friends and relatives, outdoor activities, trips to the country and out of town and home clothes. The table should be divided into seasons (spring-autumn, summer, winter). In each season, it is worthwhile to provide for 1 set of clothes for visiting the places listed above.

And now the magic begins. Here it is worth turning on the head and thinking about each thing - where else can it be used besides its direct purpose. A striking example is turtlenecks, which are suitable for both an office jacket and under. The main task is to reduce the available list of things to the minimum possible.

Then we have to work with the colors for each season. Without exception, all things in the assembled capsule for the summer should be combined with each other in colors and styles. The same can be said for autumn, spring and winter. You shouldn't get a yellow down jacket if you don't have orange boots and a matching hat for it.

It's also worth picking two comparable styles and trying to combine them for everyday use. Let's talk about colors and styles further, but for now, look at the photo for examples of correctly selected images for obese women after 40 years:

How beautiful to dress full girls - cut and color matter

You can make full use of your natural advantages and stateliness only with the right choice of the model and the fabric from which it is made. How beautiful it is to dress overweight girls if you want to look much slimmer without exhausting yourself with diets and physical exercise? The basis is to put a good combination of cut and color. If we talk about styles, then in them all vertical lines should be preferred and horizontal cuts should be minimized. If you take a dress, then the best choice there will be a non-cut model along the waist line with a flare to the bottom of the hem. The length of the dress and skirt should reach mid-calf or end mid-knee. It is these proportions that visually stretch the silhouette. Avoid wide and decorated belts. They focus attention on the waist line, emphasize the volume in the abdomen. Falling drapery with light knitted pleats will be optimal. Look at the photo - cut and color really play a huge role in forming a wardrobe for a fat girl:

Before moving on to colors, let's dwell on the texture of fabrics. Glossy and glittery (e.g. satin) can add extra volume. Boucle and other fleecy materials make you look fat. Give preference to matte, dense and knitted fabrics.

The color range can be different. You shouldn't take a word for those who say that the eternal lot of a magnificent lady is black and constant gloom. Give up this stereotype completely. Any colors and their shades can be used, but it is worth knowing how to combine them correctly. You should not make up flashy and frankly defiant images. Use tables of color combinations.

Sample look: jeans, tunic and cardigan

An example of a casual look for spring and early summer consists of basic items such as jeans and a cardigan. How to pick them up? There is such a rule for the tunic. It should be loose and made of easily draped soft fabric. Length to mid-thigh. Colors: blue, white, light blue, gray, small floral print or vertical stripes. You can choose a cardigan in a lighter or darker shade than a blouse. Its length should reach the knee. The preferred style is with folds along the shelves. Fitted jeans with a high rise will support your belly line and help you stay youthful. Don't buy flared models, go for simple dress pants. For cool weather, you can offer a white sweater to this set. And for hot summer days Get knee-length capri pants and a white alcoholic T-shirt 2 sizes larger than yours.

Suitable styles of skirts, dresses and shirts (with photo)

It is very difficult to choose the right dress for the basic wardrobe of a fat woman. There can be absolutely no decorative elements, flounces, patch pockets and other "charms". Choosing oversized loose-fitting styles made from lightweight, practical knitwear. Pay attention to the models that decorative elements are located 10-15 cm below the waist line. These can be zippers, inner pockets, dropped belts, embroidery and much more. It is they who are able to lengthen the silhouette and visually reduce the volume. Suitable styles of skirts, dresses and shirts for overweight are strict emphasized vertical lines and business style. Look at the examples in the photo:

If you go back to the style of the skirt, then several things are important at once:

  1. the length should be strictly to the knee and not higher;
  2. the size should be selected as accurately as possible;
  3. the color should be either solid, or a large cell, narrow vertical stripe or rib is allowed.

A fluffy, flared skirt or a pleated model is appropriate only in a few cases. They can be used by overweight women with a pear-shaped figure. They have wide hips and a narrow waist. It is in this version that the bell skirt will help hide the excess fullness of the hip line. For everyone else, stylists recommend the classic cut of a pencil skirt, light year or straight knitted styles.

When choosing a shirt, tank top, T-shirt or blouse, make sure that it is not sleeveless. Usually, in overweight women, the problem area is the forearm. Therefore, it is important to hide it with a sleeve, at least to the elbow. The cut is offered simple. It is better to choose 1 size larger than it actually is. Due to the free fit, the impression of fragility of the upper body will be created.

There are certain subtleties and nuances that tell about how stylish and fashionable to dress overweight girls and women. First of all, pay attention to the shoes that you wear in everyday life. Avoid bulky models with square heels and powerful toes. They only add heaviness to the image. Beige mid-heeled pumps and gladiator sandals are the perfect summer shoe for any chubby girl. Autumn and winter should choose the right boots. The optimal shaft length is only to the knee. Anything below - do not wear, the fullness of the calves is emphasized.

The ideal option for a complete look is a properly selected trouser suit, complemented by a pencil skirt. Choose dense suiting fabrics with a rich natural shade. Green, red, blue and gray pantsuits combined with a white tunic or blouse can visually reduce the perception of a girl by 4-5 sizes.

Wear capes, coats, vests, and sleeveless jackets over any outfit. Layering combined with oversized style creates an impression of lightness and grace.

Hello lovely women. Most often, fat ladies are jealous of thin women for their ability to dress beautifully. How to dress overweight women in a diverse and spring-like fashion, we will consider in this article.

Benefits of fat ladies

A well-groomed, attractive little girl has an advantage over thin young ladies. Don't believe me? Look: the beauty of a plump girl is full of vital energy, she has more warmth, natural liveliness.

Her beauty is real, compared to the cold, boring, unnatural beauty that is often found in thin young ladies. This means that chubby beauties can also be fashionable and charming!

Secrets of a "complete" wardrobe

Both thin and plump women are preparing for the onset of spring. In spring, regardless of weight, everyone wants to be fashionable, elegant. How can this be achieved? It is important to choose your style correctly.

You often hear the expression “ stylish woman"," Stylish outfit ". Often any fashionable thing is called "stylish". However, they are not the same, although the concepts are interrelated.

The style of clothing is, first of all, the unity of the image and form, expressed in the cut of the silhouette, the colors and texture of the fabric, accessories, and jewelry.

How to look fashionably curvy fashionistas? Stylists suggest following ten rules and that's all, you don't have to worry: you will look stylish, fashionable, modern!

Chubby and short, so what!

Short beauties should dress according to the shape of the silhouette.

Age is not a hindrance to beauty!

Do you want to look attractive at 50, but overweight gets in the way? Go for a classic style. In your wardrobe should be two skirts - a year and a pencil skirt, up to mid-calf. Stylists suggest giving preference to dresses.

Top up your wardrobe with a wrap dress, a classic little black dress, a sheath dress and a shirt dress. Don't forget the sweater dress, you can wear it with straight jeans. Flawless style must conquer everyone around.

Fitted long jacket, long tunic, white shirt, black trousers with arrows, slightly flared at the bottom - will make up the basic part of your wardrobe. The classic style is also suitable for women over 60. The main thing is not to look young, but also not to look like an aunt.

A woman in her 40s should look especially flawless. A little black dress, business trouser suit, pencil skirt, strict blouses should "settle" in your wardrobe. Fabrics must be of high quality and expensive. An impeccable business style suits a working lady.

Style for obese women

Boho style has become a real salvation for ladies with voluminous forms. What is its peculiarity? In layering and multi-tiered. At first glance, he may seem like some kind of bad taste in clothes. Yes, boho requires a special approach so as not to slip into negligence.

It will easily hide large volumes, help you stay stylish and feminine. Stylists recommend choosing a special cut with vertical reliefs, luxurious drapery, with a minimum of decor, and small and not bright prints.

Boho are characteristic long skirts, dresses and skirts, in which the young lady will look taller and slimmer. Careful with colors. Don't wear multiple flashy outfits at a time.

Try on tiered fluffy skirts and dresses, then you will see a romantic feminine image in the mirror.

For summer, choose fabrics:

  • linen, silk,
  • denim, jersey,
  • wool, leather, velvet.

Colors can be calm natural shades, bright designs are also allowed:

  • floristic,
  • cell,
  • ethnic pattern,
  • ornament.

Volume will hide volumes!

Oversized style involves the choice of wardrobe items on purpose bigger sizethan required. Emphasized loose, even baggy style will help to hide extra pounds.

They say that it is easier for young men to meet a girl dressed in an oversized style than with a young lady in a luxurious dress. Do not forget that a girl should only wear one baggy thing, the rest should be matched to size.

Convenience and comfort

The casual style will help to combine these two concepts. To create a casual look, you need two basic pieces - a jacket and jeans. If you have several of these items, then you can combine them with each other, be always different.

Complete your wardrobe with straight-leg jeans, a pair of bell-bottomed jeans - especially fashionable this season, as well as an elongated vest, jackets in different colors. Buy T-shirts, sweatshirts, tops, cardigans; from shoes - sneakers, boots, loafers, in a word, everything that is comfortable to walk in.

For overweight ladies, Cajuel is a real find! In your wardrobe should be a shirt, such as a man's, an elongated vest, straight cut jeans, several blouses and dresses.

Clothes for all time

The sports style has its own characteristics - clothes should not fit the silhouette, but carefully highlight it. If you are wearing leggings, then the jacket should cover your hips. Sleeves should be loose fit.

Sports dresses, breeches, trousers with loose legs are in fashion. If you have a tummy, then pick up a T-shirt with a V neck and a loose bottom... A blouse with a flared bottom will help to hide wide hips.

Athletic doesn't mean baggy. You must choose a sporty, elegant style. A perfect example: jeans or leggings with a tunic that should be just below the hips.

What to come to the office

Many, having heard the expression “office style”, immediately imagine a boring combination: a black skirt and a white blouse. This is no longer the case.

The most feminine piece of office fashion remains a dress, namely a sheath dress. It must be made of expensive material. Try on a model with side panels in a contrasting color, you will see how those extra pounds have disappeared.

Another correct solution is a wrap dress. It will highlight the waist, making it thinner. and - the required part.

Overweight girls should choose straight or slightly flared trousers with an arrow or tapered 7/8. Elongated jackets, fitted blouses, cardigans will complement your unique look.

Dear ladies, now you are convinced that being magnificent and fashionable is possible!