What to wear with women's socks. Men's socks - how to wear and what to combine. The most underrated piece of men's wardrobe. Fashionable looks with socks and stockings

This summer, the representative of the domestic socks brand St.Friday Socks announced that a simple truth was revealed to him: many customers who bought St.Friday socks do not wear them, but put them on the shelf, because they do not know with what, how, when wear them. We then left this "recognition" without attention, because we decided that the problem was far-fetched and raised for the purpose of brand PR. There are many stylists around with their advice, and catalog shots of manufacturers are a visual "instruction for the use of fantasy" socks! But it turned out that we were wrong, and the problem of "wear cannot be thrown away" is especially relevant for socks.

"Wear can't be thrown away" problem

Our readers regularly provide us with various kinds of materials (thanks for that!), And this is what we got:

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Who is not familiar with the suddenly surging feeling of the need to urgently purchase a particular thing? Passion for shopping manifests itself in this way - it covers instantly, we cannot think about anything else, including how we will fit a new thing into our own wardrobe. At such moments, the most correct thing is to hold back and postpone the purchase at least until the morning - you need the night to pass - but this is difficult to the point of impossibility.

In fact, in a moment of surging passion for shopping, our secret self is absolutely right: we are really able to figure out how and with what to wear an unusual thing, we just need to abandon the usual stereotypes.

Many of those who dress, as they say, "stylish" and adhere to the classics, in fact, use a set of simple rules. Over time, this set of rules becomes uncomfortable, constraining the manifestation of the personal, framework, and we subconsciously strive to go beyond them. This is manifested in the spontaneous purchase of some bright and unusual thing for our "style".

The emergence of non-standard wardrobe socks or other "little things" suggests that our "style" either bored us to the point of impossibility, or it never met the requirements of "necessity and sufficiency." Remember the story about Olenka and the collar that changed her life? This is how socks can affect your life, so don't underestimate their potential! For example, they once influenced mine.

What to wear with unusual socks

The tip with what and how to wear unusual socks was at the very beginning: browse catalogs of manufacturers, pages of stylists and fashion bloggers. However, the latter, who know how to handle socks, can be counted on the fingers: usually the "blogger" is enough only to put on a bright dress, high-heeled shoes, make up and do hair. Fitting socks or tights into this “image” is too difficult, right?

Legs are half of our body. But we often seem to forget about them, decorating only the top. And at some point we spontaneously buy socks with bows or red tights, subconsciously trying to compensate for this gap ...

How To Wear Socks With Bows or Ruffles

Ruffles and bows may not necessarily be present only on children's socks. These decorative elements can turn simple socks into feminine and flirty. They can be worn with classic shoes and sandals.

How To Wear Lace-up Socks

Unusual women's socks with lacing or with ribbons criss-crossing on the leg like ribbons on pointe shoes, or unusual design socks should be worn with simple shoes. The color of the shoes should be in harmony with the color of the socks. But it doesn't have to be a tone-on-tone shade - complementary tones can be great!

How to wear fishnet socks

Philippe matignon

Now black fishnet socks are successfully replacing stockings in evening looks. Wear these socks with elegant shoes! An option for a non-trivial and fashionable combination is leggings, which should end a few centimeters above the socks. Pants or leggings can be fashionably tucked into socks, but only they must be thick!

How to wear tulle socks

Tulle (aka tulle) socks came from bridal fashion. These are transparent or translucent socks with a loose top that falls down the legs in casual light folds, or with a gathered top.

These socks will last at least until spring, so take a look at them! They can be worn with sneakers or elegant shoes! And you can also wear such socks over tights and wear the entire structure with sandals!

Most unusual socks go well with the clothes that almost everyone has, regardless of their style. These are jeans or jeggings, leggings under the skin or leather. And remember, you don't need to buy fancy shoes: classic shoes will do! Plus, now there is nothing to prevent you from wearing comfortable sneakers along with feminine socks!

For me, socks are the funniest wardrobe item. For some reason, I always remember Carlson, who was chased by his grandmother with the requirement to change his socks.
Funny striped socks are cool. But you don't always want to look funny. And even more so, you rarely want the man next to you to look funny. I want him to look stylish and courageous. Like James Bond, for example. He already knows how and what to wear socks.

There are a huge number of men's shoes that are supposed to be worn on bare feet. Moreover, if we look at the shooting in men's magazines, photos from the shows, we will see that often even classic shoes are presented with a bare ankle. Of course, it's hardly worth wearing a formal suit without socks - this technique involves a relaxed atmosphere and a fairly free approach to your appearance.


But often there is a certain problem: you want to be relaxed, but it is uncomfortable to wear shoes on bare feet. Here special models of cropped socks come to the rescue, which are practically invisible from under the shoes. In Soviet times, the female version of such socks was called under-heirs. They still exist. But I'll talk about women a little later, let's get back to men for now.

Moccasins, sports shoes, espadrilles, loafers, slip-ons - all can be worn with an open ankle and this type of socks. It will be convenient, comfortable (shoes rub less with socks), hygienic and stylish. The main thing is to choose socks so that they do not look out, but are completely covered with shoes.

This is not a very good option.

I don't think it's worth specifying that if you wear open sandals, you shouldn't even combine such micro-socks with them (Although, when I see the condition of the legs of some men in transport, I want to advise them the opposite). Most of all "gets" when a man puts on shorts, and to them long socks, reaching the middle of the calf. First, your legs immediately start to look ugly. And secondly, this is some kind of, sorry, botanical version. Shorts - only with bare legs.

Even with sneakers, we put on short socks - and everyone will be happy.

Now about the girls. There are two options for attitudes towards socks (however, this thesis also applies to men): either we approach the issue creatively and deliberately emphasize socks, or we don’t wear them, or we wear a shortened version that no one will guess. Yes, yes, those same heirs, only in their modernized form.

They are also good to wear with loafers, moccasins and other shoes that came from the men's wardrobe.

However, with closed boats, they will look good too. At least it's definitely better than bad nude tights or regular length socks. It is best to choose thin seamless ones for feminine shoes.

That's so bad.

They can be called the Napoleon of the men's wardrobe: something small, but at the same time significant enough to be the cause of great success or complete failure. However, most men still ignore the importance of this garment and treat it with disdain. Indeed, this takes place and sometimes gives rise to completely absurd cases. I'm sure not a day goes by that you don't meet a man in sandals and socks on the street in the summer. Or worse, white sports socks with a classic suit. It looked bad both in the 80s and today. So, unless you are Michael Jackson, white socks with a suit are not acceptable. A common truth, you say, but in this article I would like to talk exactly about the basic things - simple rules, how to wear and what to combine men's socks with.

It's time to recognize the importance of this menswear item in your wardrobe hierarchy. The wrong pair can kill the most impeccable look. Or completely transform you from Cary Grant to Steve Urkel. In a business setting, wearing socks the wrong way can make you mistrustful as a business person before you even say a word.

Perhaps there is no simpler rule than the rule of "how to wear socks"... All the more puzzling is the fact that very few men follow it. You don't need to have them in a cage, diamond pattern, or cucumber to add sparkle to your outfit. In fact, most of us would not hurt to be a little more attentive to the choice of this piece of clothing, for some reason we simply do not want or are too lazy to be distracted by what and how we are dressed. All we need is to know a few simple principles in order to be confident in our appearance.


The color should roughly match the color of the trousers or pants. It is not critical if they are exactly the same color, but if there is a difference, it should be in the direction of lightening. For example, if you are wearing a dark gray suit, light gray or just gray would be appropriate. Your task in this case is to provide a smooth visual transition from your shoe to your head. This means that the gaze slides easily without getting stuck on foreign, unnatural elements. There is another opinion: socks should match the color of the boots. However, in this case, you should remember this: socks to match the trousers visually lengthen the leg, make you slimmer; to match the shoes - reduce your height.

If you are experienced enough and feel the harmony of certain color combinations, take one different from trousers, provided that the shades do not conflict with each other.


How long should you wear your socks? ... It should be large enough not to expose your leg when you are sitting. This moment serves to achieve our priority goal - to create a harmonious chain "shoes - socks - pants". Consider also - in any case, people around should not be witnesses to an unaesthetic sight in the form of a suddenly opened area of \u200b\u200bskin.

When socks are out of place

That, how to wear socks, to the same extent applies to the fact how not to wear them... It has long been a commonplace that can'twear them with sandals. The sandals are designed to be worn on bare feet. And not even because socks and sandals look vulgar. The point is that it just looks bad... Also, I would not advise you to wear long socks with shorts (either short or no socks at all). If you are in hot weather, it is best not to wear socks.

With an image

Some important platitudes

And finally, a few obvious things. But, again, not everyone remembers this.

So, cleanliness and absence of holes is not discussed at all. Instead of darning them, just buy a new pair. The second point is that they must be the same. I'm not just talking about color, but also about fabric and texture. There are tons of guys who open their drawer with a pile of black socks and pull out the first pair they come across, regardless of the fact that the texture of one is different from the other. Or one is faded (due to longer wear) and the other is not. Remember, socks must live and die as a pair.

There are even more interesting materials in our groups.

A new trend is socks and knee-highs. How to explain such a triumphant appearance on the podium?

It would be quite logical to refer to the fashion of the 40s, when socks with shoes and sandals were worn by everyone. Although if you dig a little deeper, it becomes clear that such a fashion in those years was dictated by quite practical considerations.

A bit of history

It was a difficult time, and not many could afford the luxury of having demi-season shoes. But, wearing socks, one could feel quite comfortable. And Madame Fashion came to the aid of the beautiful ladies of those years, making this version of the bow a trend. Well, since fashion tends to return, we will assume that this is a greeting from the last century.

But if everything is so vague and mysterious with the origins of fashion trends, then how and with what to wear socks and knee-highs today, designers know for sure and clearly demonstrate this to us in their spring-summer 2019 fashion collections.

The most interesting thing is that a couple of years ago, some designers suggested that men should abandon socks in their men's collections, even in combination with a suit. So today's fashion for socks in women's bows can be considered a kind of compensation for this approach. In the collections of the new season, socks are combined with almost everything - dresses, skirts, trousers, jeans, etc.

Of course, in order not to look ridiculous and absurd, but fashionable, stylish, sometimes cute and elegant, you still need to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe combination of things in a bow, because even the motto "combine the incongruous" has its own rules.

So, let's consider the options for images where the socks will look relevant, stylish and harmonious.

How to wear knee-highs and socks in a new way?

  1. If the pros and cons are still fighting in your soul, then start with the simplest bow possible - jeans, jacket, loafers and socks. These can be black mesh socks, for example. Instead of loafers, an option with oxfords or sneakers is possible. At the very least, it will be very convenient and practical - ideal for everyday bows. And we will not be surprised if soon after the first experiments you diversify this look with retro-style shoes or even pumps.

2. Pants and trouser suits will also be an excellent field for experimentation. At the same time, socks can be perfectly combined with sandals. If it is warm enough outside - above +12 degrees, then feel free to wear your favorite sandals, socks and a trouser suit. If it's a little cooler outside, then replace the sandals with cropped ankle boots, and again you will be in trend.

3. Socks with a dress is a very fashionable bow. For starters, you can create a relatively uncomplicated look without layering. Choose a little black dress, complement it with classic sneakers or ankle boots and, of course, don't forget about socks.

4. Pay attention to the platform shoes - sandals, shoes, ankle boots, etc. will look great in combination with a dress or pencil skirt.

5. Do not forget about the style of the 40s. It can be retro sandals with socks that perfectly complement a mid-length dress and an elongated jacket.

6. A more modern bow - black socks over black tights combined with sneakers and a cropped sheepskin coat. The bottom can be presented in the form of a mini-skirt or shorts.

Fashionable looks with socks and stockings

Knee-highs in the new collections are very widely represented. Therefore, try to find a place in your wardrobe for this piece of clothing to look stylish and fashionable next spring. The designers offered us bows with both elongated, high golfs and knee-length or lower golfs. Therefore, we will consider both options.

  1. Long knee-highs are an excellent element of a youth bow with the characteristic notes of youthful maximalism and rebelliousness. They will complement well short shorts or a plaid short skirt. Shoes can be chosen on the platform and complemented by a black business bag with a long handle.

2. Girlish romantic image with long socks is also a reality. It is enough to choose a short fluffy skirt in light colors, add a top in the same tonality, but a lighter tone, and black long knee-highs.

3. Another spring bow that is ideal for cool weather is a light knitted dress, long knee-highs with boots or ankle boots. And accessories in the form of a black bag and a hat will be a harmonious addition and finishing touch.

4. Important! Choosing long knee socks and a skirt that is too short, you run the risk of creating a catchy, but slightly vulgar look. To avoid this, you should not allow too much exposed area between the skirt / dress and the hem of the golf. The minimum distance looks especially mysterious - literally a thin strip. As a result, when walking, the hem develops slightly, slightly opening the legs, but this does not look vulgar at all.

5. Over-the-knee knee-highs in grunge style - a very relevant solution for lovers of this style. All you need is to complement your usual skirt-based look with high knee-high boots. You don't have to change anything, in this case the knee-highs will perfectly fit into such a bow.

6. White and gray warm knee-highs are the hit of winter 2020. They even look cozy and warm, and, in fact, perfectly provide this feeling. Combine them with long knitted sweaters, skirt shorts or skirts, knitted dresses. You will look great and feel great even in bad weather. Embossed models of golf with a large knit look great. At the same time, their texture is quite compatible with various types of outerwear - leather, fur, etc.

7. Socks that do not cover the knees are versatile. A short fluffy skirt, a dress of medium length, shorts and skirt-shorts, short raincoats and coats - such knee-highs are suitable for all these outfits. Complete the look with original shoes with or without heels, platforms, and your fashionable look is ready!

8. Try to combine knee-highs with a hat - this is the main sign of French chic. The choice of things for the ensemble will help to consolidate this effect. Opt for a classic polka dot and stripe print.

9. Make loaches an accent in your look - even a monochrome bow can become original if you use knee-highs that contrast in color. First, insert the knee socks into color-neutral outfits. For advanced fashionistas, you can risk pairing lemon-colored knee-highs with a coral outfit.

10. Set with a sweater dress - knitted knee-highs will ideally complement a sweater dress and will not leave indifferent any man! At home you can wear golf pants with pom-poms, ruffles and bows.

It's hard to find a more versatile item in your wardrobe than knee-highs. We are sure that you will find a worthy use for them, and our photo selection will help you with this!

How to wear socks and knee-highs for girls - photo

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As soon as we had time to wean ourselves from the comical look of sandals with socks, the stylists threw in new puzzles: sneakers, brogues, monks, oxfords. Is it worth stocking up on a suitcase of plain socks or can all shoes be worn on bare feet now?

We are in website decided once and for all to understand the rules for combining a pair of "shoes - socks", considered the sockless trend, and at the same time found out which clothes are suitable for each model.

1. Moccasins

Moccasins are a weightless "cocoon" for feet made of leather or suede. They were invented by the American Indians for quiet movement on long excursions. This type of shoe is perfect for walking on warm days when there is not a cloud in the sky.

With or without socks? Without, especially if the surface of the shoe is perforated and the fabric will be visible through the holes. In other cases, you can afford inconspicuous socks.

What to wear with?Trousers, breeches or knee-length shorts in light shades from natural materials: cotton, linen.

2. Topsiders

This shoe has a characteristic difference from moccasins - circular lacing around the heel, which tightens in front. On a slippery deck, for which topsides were designed (topside means "top deck"), this will prevent the shoes from slipping off. The sole surface is always grooved.

With or without socks?Exclusively without. Boatmen often have to put on their shoes after swimming when their feet are still wet - just imagine how uncomfortable it would be to pull on your socks in this situation. So we don't want to think about it.

When the city gets too hot, a man doesn't have to switch to open sandals. Espadrilles are shoes invented by the Spaniards, exhausted by the constant heat, in the XIV century. It is easily recognizable by a woven jute sole and a durable canvas upper, a closed toe on classic models.

With or without socks?Without. Espadrilles are breathable so they don't sweat much.

What to wear with?All types of summer men's clothing are suitable for such shoes, except for beach and classic business. You can wear light-colored jeans, chinos, with cuffs or ankle lengths, breeches or shorts.

5. Slip-ons

Surfers' shoes appeared in 1997. Features of slip-ons - the complete absence of lacing (it is replaced by two elastic inserts), a solid, flat sole without a heel. Modern models can be made from leather, suede, fabric or high-tech fibers.

With or without socks?Without. Since slip-ons are “near beach” shoes, wearing socks is a sign of bad taste.

What to wear with?Fans of slip-ons have access to a wide variety of combinations: beachwear, casual, relaxed business suits. True, it is better to choose leather models as an addition to a suit or dark tailored trousers. Suede and textile slip-on sneakers will complement the look with shorts, chinos, bright and light jeans, stylish shirts.

6. Low-top sneakers

What to wear with?They offer complete freedom of choice of clothing - from purely sportswear to casual style and elements from the 90s such as huge bomber jackets and dummy jeans. However, there is still one rule: low-top sneakers look better with tapered trousers, and not with straight ones.

7. Sneakers

Sturdy, open-lacing, heavy leather shoes were first designed for the obese Earl of Derby. In 1872, they were talked about in the press as the most popular and convenient model. Derby shoes are now closely related to classic shoes, but less formal. Brogues are a type of derby with a perforated surface.

With or without socks?In most cases, shoes are designed with high socks to mid-calf. An exception is the combination of a derby on a sports sole with light-colored chinos or jeans.

What to wear with?Dark smooth leather shoes can be paired with a business suit, but not a tuxedo. Models of light or saturated colors are suitable for any trousers and jeans. Derby shoes with dark brown double soles are worn with tweed suits, corduroy, wool clothing, jackets and raincoats. Brogues are perfect with parkas, leather, flannel and denim.

9. Monkey

A pair of shoes with solid buckles instead of laces is an option, formally equal to the derby. Monks (from the English monk - monk) owe their name to the history of creation: it is believed that it was the clergyman who invented the shoes with a closed back and buckles. These shoes are divided into 2 types: single monks (with one buckle) and double monks (with two). The first option is considered more formal.

With or without socks?Depends on the season, material and model. Light or bright suede monks can be worn barefoot, dark classic single monks require socks made of fine wool or silk, informal leather monks with two buckles look great with contrasting high socks.

What to wear with?Any tapered or turned-up trousers, unpaired suits, blazers are perfect. It is not worth zealous with bright unusual elements of clothing - monks are so self-sufficient that it is better for them to play the role of a highlight. Smooth leather single monks in dark shades are paired with business suits, with the exception of a tuxedo.

With or without socks?Only with socks. For a strict business meeting, it is better to choose socks to match the trousers, an informal meeting and smart casual style allow for contrasting options from under cropped or rolled up trousers.

What to wear with?Oxfords are good because it is impossible to go too far with the classics: choose a formal black tuxedo, an aristocratic gray or chocolate shade of a business suit, as well as all options for discreet smart casual. You can even wear suede oxford shoes with a short-sleeved shirt and dark skinny pants, but this is a departure from the rules.


The sockless trend is hardly synonymous with comfort: shoes can chafe or squeeze bare feet. We suggest not to sacrifice comfort and to prevent all unpleasant situations.

  • Before leaving the house, wash and dry your feet with a towel to remove sweat and unpleasant odors.
  • Use a quality deodorant or foot powder to absorb excess moisture and deodorize your feet.
  • In the summer, at least once a month, do a hygienic pedicure to get rid of calluses and calluses, to prevent ingrown nails.
  • If the shoe is chafing in a specific area, silicone foot inserts will help.

We examined the classic rules for combining men's shoes with clothes and socks, which are relevant in any situation. Now you can go even on a trip on a yacht, even at an appointment with the queen, and at the same time look impeccable.

What rules do you adhere to when combining shoes with clothes?