The design of the summer plot in kindergarten. "Territory of fantasy." Making areas of the kindergarten with your own hands. Decorative elements for decoration

Morning mornings are taking place in preschool institutions, on which teachers and parents paint fences and porches, plant seedlings - they do everything to make the kindergarten site look bright, lively and interesting in the summer! Among other things, you can decorate a kindergarten site in the summer on your own and at no extra cost.

We will tell you how this can be done by the example of one courtyard in the city of Alekseyevka, Belgorod Region. And help us in this TANICHEVA Irina and Golovanenko Eduard.

All we need is old plastic bottles, screws, a tire, paint and, of course, a desire to make kindergarten plot in summer   interesting.

Kindergarten plot in summer   can be decorated with such a frog princess.

The frog frog is made of cement.

We cover the old pot with a cement mortar. After the cement dries, we sculpt the head, eyes, mouth and paws. We make cuts at the top of the eye and insert eyelashes cut from a piece of a plastic bottle. As eyes we use bottle caps. We make an arrow from a stick, the tip is cut out of a plastic bottle.

After the cement dries, proceed to painting.

We screw a crown on a head cut out of a plastic bottle from under the forfeit.

We plant our frog on a balloon. We make flowers from plastic bottles.

Decent princess-frog will make the princess-swan. True, it is made not entirely of royal materials.

The swan is carved out of a car tire, and the reeds are made from plastic bottles. The water is laid out with broken tiles.

On the kindergarten plot in summer   You can also invite a zebra with a giraffe.

A zebra with a giraffe is made of wood, a body from a car is used as a body, bottle caps were used for the eyes.

Looked at   kindergarten plot in summer   and pink flamingo.

The legs are made of shovel cuttings. As a body, a plastic five-liter bottle was used, to which feathers were attached with a stapler. They are carved from plastic bottles.

A plastic pipe was used for the neck. Nose and mouth made of small plastic bottles.

The cock is made of a teapot, the wings are carved from plastic bottles and screwed with screws.

The bright company at the fence will be diluted with a motley parrot.

The parrot is cut out of the tire, the beak is cut out of wood.

Lilies of the valley bloom only once in the spring. We can come up with such lilies of the valley that will bloom year-round and decorate kindergarten plot in summer.

Lilies of the valley are made of plastic bottles screwed onto a cut rim from a bicycle.

Kindergarten plot in summer   can be inhabited by charming piglets.

Pigs are made of large plastic bottles painted with paint.

And this tree is just like a real one, except maybe not spiny.

In order to "plant" a Christmas tree on the Sadovka plot, a plastic bottle is needed. We cut the bottom off it, cut the bottle up to the neck into strips and dress it on a stick in such a way as to make a tree.

Near the Christmas tree alley there is a mushroom meadow.

Mushrooms are made of old wood. Hats are screwed to a stick, holes are made in the tree and sticks with mushrooms are inserted.

Two swans live near the well.

Under the barren Christmas tree, the barren hedgehog settled.

Hedgehog made of cement. A wire is inserted into the base, on which a plastic cover is attached.

Flowers can be planted in flower beds.

The flowerbeds are carved from the tire, and the patterns are stenciled.

To grow such flowers, it will take 1-2 seasons. We offer a faster option.

In the used paint can, we pour the earth. We plant our flower on it on a stick cut out of a plastic bottle and painted with paint.

ON A NOTE. Sand sets, shovels, carts at low prices in a specialized store "Kindergarten" -

Today, a summer cottage is used not only to grow fruits and vegetables. This is a welcome place to relax, where you can have a good time in nature with friends and family.

The design of the garden should be carefully thought out. If you approach the design of the site correctly, then the beautiful landscape created by your own hands will look harmonious.

Site planning

To realize all your ideas for garden design, be sure to make a plan of the site. It is necessary to display on paper where residential buildings, arbors, beds, trees, flowers, paths will be located.

Division of a site into zones will help to cope with the planning task:

  • territory adjacent to the house;
  • garden;
  • relaxation area in the garden.

It is necessary to highlight the nuances of their design.

House territory

Typically, this area includes a front garden. Making a garden with your own hands is one of the most crucial tasks. In front of the house, it is better not to plant tall plants. The best solution is to break the flower garden there. Low-growing shrubs can also decorate the facade.

The canopy in the yard provides good protection from the scorching sun. If you put a table under it, you can have lunch in the fresh air.

It is better to fence off the yard from the rest of the plot. As a fence, you can build a wicker fence. This design blends perfectly with the rustic exterior.


How to arrange a garden is the business of every summer resident. The owner can plant fruit or ornamental trees.

Whatever the garden, there should be bushes with flowers in it. They are planted between trees, which makes the site more attractive.

There is a seating area in the garden. On the lawn you can put a gazebo and make a decorative pond. Shish kebab lovers make room for a barbecue. The lawn is decorated with ornamental shrubs and flower beds.

A hedge is arranged along the perimeter of the summer cottage. The green fence will hide from prying eyes.

Attention! Garden decoration involves the systematic arrangement of bushes and trees. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the site does not turn into impassable thickets.


Sometimes the owners of summer cottages enthusiastically take for the beautiful design of the garden, not paying due attention to the garden, which does not fit into the overall design of the landscape. This approach must be abandoned.

If you correctly execute the planning, the design of the garden in the summer will be in harmony with the design of the garden. You should plan in advance which plants to plant and how to arrange the beds.

There are vegetables that look like decorative flowers, not inferior to them in the richness of the color palette and the variety of shapes.

Decorative paths are another important element. Paths are made not only for the purpose of decoration, they facilitate access to any garden. The beds can be fenced so that they are combined with paths.


Decorative elements for decoration

A variety of ideas can transform the landscape. Photos of garden design will help you choose the right design solutions.

Flower beds

Effective decoration of the site are flower beds. Practical owners make them from improvised materials.

  • Car tires can take on a new life. Figures are cut out of this material, and flowers are planted inside.
  • Natural stone, if they overlay a flowerbed, is an excellent option for fencing it. A multi-level flowerbed looks spectacular, where in the neighborhood there are flowers with undersized shrubs.

  • Old barrels can be used as decorative elements. Putting them nearby and decorating, you can make a train that will become a pleasant place of rest, especially for children.
  • Waste furniture is an opportunity for creativity and unusual flower gardens. And you can arrange them throughout the site.

Garden sculptures

Funny figures and sculptures enliven the garden with a garden. There is a large selection of garden decorations on the market. The owner will be able to choose what will be combined with the style of the landscape.

Garden sculptures are made from the following types of material:

  • wood;
  • gypsum;
  • copper;
  • polyuston.

Figures in the garden and the garden should not be too many. A pile of sculptures can spoil the impression of the landscape.


Funny figures are obtained from car tires. You can cut them yourself.

A stuffed animal is a decorative element that has a practical function. Old dishes can also be used in the garden. The stump will become a mushroom, on the hat of which you can draw white circles and turn it into a pretty fly agaric.

Artificial pond

If you put a gazebo near a small pond, then you can spend time in it when you want. Near an artificial reservoir, as a rule, you can arrange friendly gatherings.

DIY garden decoration photo


DIY kindergarten decoration with photo

The territory of the kindergarten is a place for cognitive development, games, sports and recreation for children
  Creation of emotionally favorable conditions for a comfortable stay of children in a preschool institution through the improvement of the territory and the organization of cognitive, creative, health-improving activities of children during their stay in the air in the kindergarten during the warm season.
  - Identification, promotion, promotion and dissemination of the experience of teachers in this direction.
  - Activation of the creative potential of teachers and parents.
  - Creation of a single space for children, teachers, parents.
  - Expansion of children's ideas about the world, the formation of labor skills, the development of environmental culture.
  - Organization of leisure for students.

Summer wellness period is a seasonal period of time in which a system of measures is implemented aimed at improving the health and physical development of children. The main task of adults is to fully satisfy the need of a growing organism for relaxation, creative activity and movement.

A well-planned system of health-improving, cognitive, entertaining events, as well as a rich and safe subject-spatial development environment, helps to ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children.

The walking area of \u200b\u200bthe group is also part of the developing space within which free motor and game activities of children are carried out. Since in the summer the children spend the whole day in the fresh air and it is very important that these small corners filled with entertainment and a place for fun games are also attractive from the point of view of landscape design, because you can develop good taste and a sense of beauty in children .

Our kindergarten is a system for the comprehensive development of the child, in the organization of which both adults and children participate. We are constantly updating the equipment and design of the group rooms and sections of the kindergarten, carefully considering what equipment to use so that the daily stay in the kindergarten would be safe, interesting for children, and the environment would delight, surprise them and teach them to learn, explore, and experiment.

In the photographs presented, you can see how to creatively approach the process of designing sites in a preschool educational institution with DIY equipment.

To make the space on the site interesting and attractive for the pupils, we use figures of cartoon and fairy-tale heroes, on stumps and trees you can see nests with chicks, magic bells, a friendly family of bees and visit Kuzi.

Floral arrangements delight the eye with its indescribable beauty and aromas of fragrance, but be careful! Here you can meet fabulous heroes!

Of great interest to children is the "Forest School" - these are stumps that serve as tables and chairs for creative activities in the open air. Here, after all, you can not only write, sculpt or draw, but also play games that are not mobile, but logical, developing quick-wittedness and quick reaction.

Not only plants, but also all kinds of domestic animals attract curious babies, but because of this, this is not a real farmyard. To satisfy the need for knowledge, we use crafts made from plaster, plastic bottles, sea stones.

Everything that we offer children today is created competently, with love, in the best traditions of the kindergarten.

  "There, on unknown paths"

  "Visiting the hedgehog"

  "Happy family"

  "Bluebells are flowers, very kind, and you?"


  "We ride, ride, ride!"

  "At the pond"

  "Visiting the Kuzi Domen"


  "Waiting for mom"

  "Ship of childhood"

  "Maya the bee"

  "Visiting Winnie the Pooh"

  "Happy family"

  The Young Lady Peasant

  "Duck Farm"

  "Merry caterpillar"

  "One step, two step"

  "Forest School"

  "Princess Frog"


  "Peppa Pig"

  "I, funny bun"

  "Bird Farm"

  "Drink, children, milk - be healthy!"
  It employs people who know and love their profession, enthusiasts, creative personalities. They are young, full of original ideas, ready for everything new, they learn, grow up with the kids, remaining direct and open to the world, but, most importantly, THEY LOVE CHILDREN and the children pay them the same: the reward is a child’s laughter that doesn’t keep silent over a little a country, a paradise of a happy childhood under the name Kindergarten "The Seagull"!

  Irina Pogorelova

The long-awaited summer has come. I really want to the kindergarten site looked bright in the summer, lively and interesting! To stay on plot   always pleased children, encouraged to play, attracted to a variety of activities, physically healed in a preschool every year a competition is held "The best site design» . Participation   in the competition is a great opportunity for educators to decorate on their own or with the help of parents without extra costs plot   various junk crafts and realize their   Creative skills.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention photographs of creative registration of plots   our DOU teachers and parents.

Beautiful lilies of the valley and flowers decorate plot   Shestopalova Elena Nikolaevna.

The stump turned into a good forest man.

And this smiling little bun made for children the husband of Elena Nikolaevna.

The wonderful Smeshariki Krosh and Losyash appeared last year on plot   Sanjieva Nadia Patikhovna thanks to her parents. It’s a pity, of course, but one morning when I arrived at kindergarten, we saw that Krosh was left without ears, and Losyash without horns. It was not possible to find the culprits and now, during the repair, the Smeshariki will have restoration.

Well, at least the crocodile vandals could not cope.

On a walk in the summer, children not only play outdoor and role-playing games, develop your physical data, but also in the order of individual work, numbers up to 20 are fixed with Uncle Score, letters with aunt Alphabet are taught. Turtles are my work. I made them their construction helmets, the head - plastic balls, paws and a tail - aluminum spoons.

Many thanks to all the parents who took participation   in the competition and showing their talent and creativity.

Tsarevna - a swan is watching the sunset.

A fabulous bird sings about his native land.

The African guest is a giraffe.

Cheerful bunny.

Good-natured clubfoot bear.

There’s no way to do a bear without honey, so I did "Beehive and bees". I bring to your attention a small master - a class of its manufacture.

I needed:

Plastic eggs for making bees - 4 pieces, 2 large - adult bees and 2 smaller - children.

Plastic bottle 5 liters.

Yellow enamel.

Black insulation tape.

Glue - gun and screwdriver.

Eyes - buttons, screws, bees nose, spirals from an automatic handle - antennae.

Synthetic or any durable thread for bees.

1. Let's start with making bees.

It is necessary to paint the plastic eggs in yellow. I painted in 2 layers.

Now, using black insulating tape, we make strips for our bees.

We fasten the nose with a screwdriver and glue the eyes.

We cut out the wings from plastic bottles, immediately tie the ropes, for which we will hang our bees.

I screw the wings with a screwdriver onto a self-tapping screw.

The bees are ready. The result was a friendly family of mom, dad, son and daughter.

2. We begin to make a hive.

Cut a hole in the bottle and apply paint in 2-3 layers.

The roof is an old wicker basket. Apply a thick glue to the bottle cap and glue the roof. Our summer composition is ready. Let's go decorate plot! Now this friendly bee family has settled on kindergarten sitedelighting adults and children.

The comfort and beauty of our plots   not only develops curiosity, creativity, communicative and physical abilities, but also allows you to solve educational problems, involving children in the process of cognition.

Dear Colleagues! I would be very glad if someone took note of our ideas! Have a good summer mood!

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Kindergarten is a special institution, practically this is the second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

Kindergarten is a place where a child develops, learns and plays. When choosing a preschool for their child, parents pay attention not only to the situation in the group, but also to the design of the kindergarten site. We want to give some advice on its improvement.

Kindergarten can be considered the second home for babies, because here they spend most of their day. Probably, every teacher and parent wants the child to be surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers, swings and slides, pavilions and horizontal bars.

All this must be immediately planned at.

Unfortunately, in many kindergartens there is now poor funding, but this is not a reason to give up. After all, it is enough to apply your imagination, skill and work to change the territory beyond recognition without investing money.

Indifferent and active parents are in any kindergarten, and if you still attract children, the work will boil.

Let's look at what should be in the kindergarten:

  • trees, shrubs and flower beds;
  • paved paths;
  • pavilions or arbors;
  • swings and slides, sandboxes;
  • playground.

Green spaces

There is no doubt that a large number of trees, shrubs and flowers should be on the territory of the kindergarten, but this matter should be approached responsibly.

Remember safety

The essence of landscaping is to create a favorable microclimate, reduce dust and gas contamination, increase humidity and shade in the territory.

When choosing certain types of vegetation, one should not forget about the safety of life and health of children, as well as about their environmental education. In other words, you need to know.

Plant selection

Thinking over the landscape design of the territory of the kindergarten, we have the same types of trees along the alleys. Guys so easily remember the name and appearance of seedlings.

  • Along the fence, it is best to plant tall trees - maple, poplar (which does not give fluff), ash, birch. These species look good at any time of the year and will protect the garden from the winds. To create shade on the plots, you can plant oaks and acacias.
  • Fir trees will look beautiful at the main entrance to the kindergarten, but it is not recommended to plant them on the playgrounds.
  • Under them, you can beautifully lay pebbles painted in different colors and plant animals made of wood or concrete. Empty places in the shade of trees, where nothing grows, can be decorated with various figures. Even an ordinary stump in skillful hands will turn into a fairy-tale hero.
  • If you decide to plant fruit trees, select the territory under the garden. Such trees require special care and timely harvest, do not allow the site to become contaminated with fallen fruits.
  • Thinking through landscaping in kindergarten, you can use the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing playgrounds into sections using shrubs. To do this, they are planted in a line around the perimeter. The green hedge is ready! For kindergartens, viburnum, jasmine, lilac, chokeberry are suitable. Importantly, do not forget to trim them on time.
  • The improvement of flower beds is an interesting and fascinating matter. For these purposes, you can attract children of senior and preparatory groups.
  • If you take the old slopes and cover them with earth, then paint the rubber with paint, you will get beautiful flowerbeds. We arrange them along the route to the buildings and around them.

When choosing seeds and seedlings, we pay attention to the flowering period and plant life. Flowers should bloom from early spring to late autumn. Choose not only annuals, but also perennials, for example, petunia, calendula, pansies, irises, peonies, roses.

Advice! When choosing plants, make sure that they are not toxic and suitable for this climate. If you are unsure of their safety, do not take it!


Kindergarten paths

All main paths in the kindergarten should be paved or tiled.

On sections of the path, you can sow decorative grass or sprinkle with sand. Considering the design of the kindergarten, you can choose an orthopedic pebble path for the sports field.

To create a path, select a place, enclose it on the sides (so that the pebbles do not crumble) and fill it with medium-sized sea pebbles. A little cost - a big benefit. In summer, children will walk barefoot on it to prevent flat feet.

Pavilions and gazebos

The main component of the playground is a structure in which you can hide from heat or rain. Most often, pavilions and gazebos are built for this.

The main requirements:

  • security;
  • natural materials;
  • one blank side;
  • the presence of shops.

Buildings are painted in bright colors. Hangers or rattles can be hung above the entrance to the gazebo or under the roof of the pavilion. Arbors are located under tall trees, this will give additional shade and coolness.

Swing and stuff

Flowerbed in kindergarten

Naturally, the design of the kindergarten playground provides for swings, slides and sandboxes (game equipment). Choosing them, you should worry about the safety of structures.

Swings and slides should be appropriate for the age of children, be safe and reliable. After the winter, all moving parts must be lubricated and checked for damage.

All designs are painted with bright colors. On the seats of the swing and on the sides of the slides and sandboxes, you can draw fairy-tale characters or flowers.

We place the swing and other structures so that they do not interfere with each other and the child who has come down the hill does not fall under the swing. It is best to place them in different corners of the site.


In any kindergarten there should be a sports ground. We have horizontal bars, a Swedish ladder, a log and a basketball hoop on it.

All sports equipment should be adapted for different ages of children, be safe and convenient. It is also painted in bright colors. Choosing a place for the site, give preference to the shaded area.

Advice! For a sports ground, you can use old car tires, for this they are half buried in the ground.

As you can see, choosing the landscape design of a kindergarten site, the main attention is paid to the safety of structures and the brightness of colors. The arrangement itself is a simple matter, but requiring responsibility and desire.

To summarize

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