Is a mesoscooter effective at home? Preparations for home mesotherapy. Mechanism of action of the mesoscooter

Manicures, spa treatments, hairdressers, shops - being beautiful and well-groomed is not at all easy. And how much time you need to spend to hit your chosen one in the very heart - it’s better not to remember about it. But there is still work, friends, and sometimes you want to be alone with yourself. Therefore, it’s time to thank those people who invent ways to become more beautiful without the help of professionals from a beauty salon. One of these methods is to use a mesoscooter at home.

What is a mesoscooter and how it works?

A mesoscooter (the second name for this device is a dermaroller) is a roller with the finest steel needles, which is attached to a plastic handle. Some manufacturers do not use pure steel, but its alloys with precious metals - gold, titanium, platinum, silver.

The effectiveness of using this device is based on the principles of acupuncture. By influencing the skin with a mesoscooter, you trigger 2 important mechanisms of skin regeneration:

  1. Stimulation of collagen and elastin production. The needles pierce the skin to a very small depth, but this is enough to enable regeneration processes.
  2. Increased absorption of nutrients from the skin surface. Punctures from the needles of the mesoscooter become original channels through which nutrients from special cocktails applied to the skin before the procedure penetrate into the dermis.

Experts studying the effects of various cosmetics on the skin have come to the conclusion that no more than 3% of the necessary substances enter the dermis. The rest of the cream or lotion covers the epidermis with a kind of film. But if you use a mesoscooter after applying the cream, the amount of absorbed substances increases to 86%. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the cosmetic product increases.

Using a mesoscooter for the face, it becomes possible in a fairly short time to reduce the severity of wrinkles, make the facial contour clearer, and the skin more elastic and smooth.

Invisible channels formed during the use of a dermaroller disappear after 1-2 hours, but this does not mean that this is the duration of the effect of the procedure. While all traces of punctures have disappeared on the surface of the skin, everything is just beginning inside it, because the flywheel of recovery processes has been launched:

  1. Blood circulation in the treated area increases.
  2. The formation of young skin cells is activated.
  3. The required volume of connective tissue fibers – collagen and elastin – is restored.
  4. The composition of the intercellular matrix improves due to the activation of metabolic processes.

Why should you choose a mesoscooter?

The invention of the mesoscooter is considered a revolution in the world of cosmetology. After all, now every woman can see and feel the effect of mesotherapy without visiting a beauty salon. So what is the advantage of using a dermaroller over other cosmetic procedures? Let's list the main ones:

  1. Effectiveness - after the first manipulation, the structure of the skin improves, it looks more toned and fresh.
  2. Safety - the small punctures that the mesoscooter leaves heal after a few hours. Residual effects after laser peeling and other methods that damage the skin last longer - up to 7 days.
  3. The mesoscooter does not destroy the epidermis - the protective layer of the skin.
  4. Attractive price - the cost of a mesoscooter ranges from 20 to 80 US dollars, which is cheaper than 1 session of many procedures in beauty salons.
  5. Ease of use and storage - before the session, the mesoscooter must be treated with a solution of medical alcohol. After use, the roller with needles is thoroughly wiped with a disinfectant solution and stored in special packaging.
  6. Almost complete absence of pain during use. The mesoscooter needles are very thin and short, so the puncture is carried out to a shallow depth. There is no need to use anesthetic creams during the procedure.
  7. This device can be used in particularly sensitive areas of the human body.
  8. The mesoscooter partially replaces such procedures as and.

What effect can you achieve?

Result after 3 sessions of acne treatment with a cosmetic dermaroller

Reducing the severity of periorbital and suborbital wrinkles. The result after a course of procedures.

How to choose?

There are 3 types of mesoscooters - home, cosmetic and medical. The division into classes is based on the length of the needles and the depth of their penetration into the skin.

The length of the home mesoroller needle is 0.2-0.5 mm. Using such a device at home, a woman can be sure that her actions simply cannot damage the skin. A homemade dermaroller will help you fight fine wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, and restore an even and pleasant skin color and texture. For those men and women who suffer from intense hair loss, this device is a must-have.

What cosmetic products should I use for home mesotherapy?

There are two types of mesoscooter medications:

  • Concentrates.
  • Cocktails.

The first type of cosmetics is used to solve one specific problem. Here are some examples of concentrates:

  1. Hyaluronic acid concentrate is used to smooth out wrinkles and moisturize.
  2. Preparations with ascorbic acid whiten the skin.
  3. Collagen and/or elastin will increase elasticity.
  4. For additional hydration and combating inflammation, concentrates with Aloe Vera are used.
  5. Chamomile preparations will help soothe the skin and relieve the effects of allergic rashes.

One of the methods that allows you to look more attractive without resorting to the services of professionals is using a mesoscooter at home. This procedure is a painless alternative to mesotherapy. To get excellent results, you must know how and how many times to use this device.

A mesoscooter is often called a dermaroller, which is another name for it. This device consists of a roller on which thin steel needles are located. The roller is fixed on a plastic handle. Some models use steel alloys with expensive metals.

The effectiveness of this device is based on the acupuncture positions. The mesoscooter, acting on the face, causes significant skin restoration mechanisms to function.

Firstly, although the needles pierce the dermis to a shallow depth, this is quite enough for the recovery processes to start, thereby activating the production of:

  • Elastin;
  • New healthy cells;
  • Collagen.

Also, if you use a mesoscooter, this will increase the absorption of nutrients from the surface of the skin. This happens due to the fact that the punctures become, as it were, conductors for the penetration of useful substances coming from the preparations intended for these purposes. They are applied to the face before the procedure begins.

Into the skin, according to research conducted by experts in the field of the effects of various cosmetic preparations, approximately 3% of the required substances penetrate. The rest of the lotions and creams cover the surface of the skin with a characteristic film.

If you first apply the necessary cosmetic product and then use a mesoscooter, you can increase the amount of substances absorbed by almost 86%. Of course, the effectiveness of this drug increases.

If you start using a mesoscooter at home, then after the procedure you can see positive results on your face in a short time:

  • The outline of the oval will become clear;
  • Wrinkles will be less pronounced;
  • The surface of the skin is smooth and elastic.

The procedure with a dermaroller leads to the appearance of invisible channels, which disappear after 1 - 2 hours, but this does not mean that the effect ends there. After the traces on the surface disappear, regeneration processes begin in the inner layers.

This is expressed in:

  • Increased blood circulation in the treated area, which means the flow of nutrients and oxygen;
  • Exciting the formation of fresh cells;
  • Restoring the required amount of elastin and collagen;
  • Activation of exchange processes;
  • Improving the composition of the intercellular space.

Advantages of choosing a mesoscooter

With the advent of the dermaroller, you can experience and feel the results of mesotherapy without visiting a beauty salon. The use of this device has a number of advantages over other cosmetology procedures. The main advantages include:

  1. The result is noticeable after the first session. The skin becomes tightened and fresh. Its structure is improving;
  2. The presence of minor punctures after using the mesoscooter, which heal after a short time. Whereas damage to the skin surface after other cosmetic procedures is visible on the face for several days;
  3. You can use a mesoscooter for thin, couperose skin. It does not contribute to the destruction of its protective layer;
  4. Easy to use and store. Before you start using the device, it is treated with medical alcohol. After the procedures, the roller with needles should be allowed to dry. Store in specially designed packaging;
  5. There is almost no pain during the procedure. The fact is that the puncture is performed to an insignificant depth, thanks to the short and thin needles of the device. In most cases there is no need to use painkillers.
  6. The dermaroller can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, especially sensitive areas;
  7. The procedure using a mesoscooter can to some extent replace laser dermabrasion and peelings;
  8. During exposure, the epidermis is completely preserved on the surface of the skin.

When purchasing a device, people often do not know how many times they are allowed to use it. The first time you need to use a mesoscooter to perform procedures at home is once every ten days. After the skin gets used to the device, the intervals can be made shorter, up to 7 days. But the needles located on the device’s roller gradually become dull, so if a person feels that they do not penetrate the skin very smoothly, replacement is necessary. This will help protect against injury.

How long it is permissible to use a mesoscooter depends on personal tolerance.

Dermoroller with 1 mm needles can be used for dermal rejuvenation procedures:

  • Bodies;
  • Heads.

If a person has an allergic reaction to medical steel, they should use a mesoscooter with needles made of titanium. They are plated with gold, which helps to minimize the activity of microbes, thereby maintaining their sterility. These needles are stronger and remain in excellent working condition longer.

The procedure with this device does not involve strong pressure on the surface of the skin. Riding on it should be quite soft and careful.

The mesoscooter has the main advantage, thanks to which it becomes an excellent device for combating early withering. It consists in the fact that after it the damage is not visible. Minor marks from needles (redness), including on the face, disappear after 1 - 2 hours, if the skin is sensitive for 1-2 days.

When anesthesia is used, the human body turns off the signal received as a result of the procedures. This helps reduce the resulting effect. The purpose of the mesoscooter is the minor damage caused to the skin by the needles. As a result, the brain sends a signal to the body to restore and form fresh cells.

You can disinfect your dermoroller with various special products that are sold in pharmacies. At home, hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable for cleaning and disinfecting.

Other disinfectants may include:

  • Alcohol;
  • Chlorhexidine.

Before starting the procedure, you need to place the device for 10 minutes in a container with a disinfectant solution. After drying on a clean cloth, it is ready to use. Then, once the procedure is completed, do the same - immerse it in a glass with any of the disinfectants and let it dry.

If there are remains of dried preparations, you must clean the mesoscooter using a soft toothbrush and soap solution. Sterilization of the dermoroller high temperature It is prohibited to carry out this because at this temperature the drum made of plastic will melt.

This device must be stored in a special protective container, which is included in the kit.

There are two subtypes of drugs for the mesoscooter procedure:

  • Concentrates. They must be applied to the skin when you need to solve one specific problem;
  • Cocktails. These products should be applied when several skin imperfections on the face and body need to be eliminated in a single procedure.

When purchasing a mesoscooter, you need to know how to use this device at home.

The procedure is easy to remember.

  1. Right before each procedure, the device is disinfected;
  2. Remove cosmetics using a product intended for this purpose. Next, the skin is rinsed with warm water and dried with a soft towel with gentle, gentle movements;
  3. Treat with chlorhexidine or miramistin;
  4. After this, you can apply the selected cosmetics and begin to move over the surface of the skin. You need to touch the skin lightly, without using force. Movements should resemble a light massage and be performed in the following directions:
  • Diagonals;
  • Verticals;
  • Horizontals.
  1. Re-treat with antiseptic.
  2. Each zone must be treated 3-5 times, after which it must be calmed. Applying a soothing cream or mask to the skin will help with this.

Upon completion of the procedure, the device is processed accordingly and stored in the appropriate place. In order to make the results of mesoscooter therapy more noticeable, it is advisable to follow certain rules.

  1. After completing the procedures, it is not advisable to sunbathe for 2 - 3 days;
  2. Also, a cream that protects from sun rays should be applied to the area of ​​the dermis that has been treated for 24 to 48 hours;
  3. For three days, in the evening, it is advisable to treat the affected area with chlorhexidine or miramistin.

Remember that each of us has our own characteristics. When choosing a device and a product for it, you should not trust advertising, Internet sites or the advice of friends. You need to contact a good cosmetologist who will select for you the required length of needles, product for the device, and also after the procedure. Only in this case the result will please you. Take care of your health.

Mesoscooter for the face: how to choose and use it correctly at home

Are you disappointed in expensive anti-aging cosmetics, but don’t have the time or money to visit a qualified massage therapist? In search of effective and affordable home alternative? Try the mesoscooter and you will be satisfied with the results! You will learn how to choose it and use it correctly, as well as other interesting information on this topic from our article.

What information will you find out:

Operating principle and effectiveness of the mesoscooter

With its help, you will reduce the severity and depth of wrinkles in a short period of time.

A roller covered with the finest needles of various diameters and mounted on a plastic handle is called a mesoscooter or dermaroller. The needles for such a device are made of steel, alloys of silver, gold, platinum and other metals.

Depending on the diameter and length of the dermaroller needle, it is able to affect different depths of the skin layer. The effectiveness of this device is based on the principles of acupuncture according to:

  • stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers through punctures of the epidermis, including the process of active cell regeneration;
  • improving the absorption of the components of the compositions applied to the surface of the skin due to the creation of peculiar channels remaining after punctures with needles.

Specialists who studied the penetrating ability of the epidermis found that only about 3% of all substances applied to the surface of the epidermis penetrate into the dermis layer. The remainder of the composition serves as a film covering the top layer of the skin surface. After exposure to a mesoscooter, this figure increases to 86%, due to which the effectiveness of the cosmetics used increases several times.

With its help, in a short period of time you will reduce the severity and depth of wrinkles, get a clearer contour and a tightened oval of the face, elastic and noticeably smoothed skin.

The punctures remaining on the surface of the epidermis will disappear in about 2 hours, while the following processes will occur deep in the skin:

  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • activation of cell layer renewal;
  • restoration of the required amount of fibers connective tissue due to enhanced synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • improving the composition and quality of the intercellular matrix due to the activation of metabolic processes.

For what purpose do you choose a mesoscooter?

The appearance of such devices is called a revolution in cosmetology, since every woman will be able to experience the effectiveness of mesotherapy at home, without visiting a beauty salon. The advantages of a dermaroller compared to other rejuvenation procedures are:

  • effectiveness, noticeable after the first procedure, consisting in improving the structure of the skin surface, its fresh and toned appearance;
  • safety associated with performing microscopic punctures that heal after a couple of hours. For comparison, residual effects after other anti-aging procedures remain on the face for a week;
  • maintaining the integrity of the epidermis and all its protective properties;
  • an affordable price for everyone, which will be lower than the cost of 1 session of most anti-aging techniques in a beauty salon;
  • ease of use, cleaning and subsequent storage;
  • absence of severe pain, precluding the use of painkillers;
  • Possibility of use on the most sensitive areas of the skin;
  • partial replacement of peeling and laser dermabrasion procedures.

What to consider when choosing

The variety of types of dermarollers sold will be a problem for an inexperienced user in this matter, so we have selected expert advice on their correct choice, from service life to the type of skin being treated.

  • Give preference to devices manufactured by well-known and respected companies (for example, Genosys and DNS);
  • the most durable to use are titanium or gold-plated needles, which also have hypoallergenic properties;
  • if you have thin skin or rosacea, choose dermarollers with diamond or laser sharpening of needles;
  • devices for different areas of the face have different roller widths (for example, narrow ones are intended for treating the skin around the eyes, nose, lips, and wide ones for the forehead, cheeks);
  • If you purchase a device from an online store, then carefully read customer reviews before ordering, and if they are not on this site, study reviews on other sites. When you receive it by mail, carefully inspect it (the packaging must be intact and the roller must be new). If you have the slightest doubt about its quality, refuse to receive it and make a purchase in another store.

How many times can the device be used?

A dermaroller is usually used for as long as its needles remain straight and sharp. If there is minimal visible damage, the device must be replaced, otherwise you can cause significant harm to your skin.

The exact service life of each individual device depends on many factors, including:

  • quality and type of metal used to produce needles;
  • treated areas of skin;
  • number of impacts in each session;
  • frequency of procedures.

A dermaroller equipped with medical steel needles, as a rule, requires replacement after the tenth use, with titanium ones - after an 8-month period, implying use with a frequency of 1-2 times in 7 days.

The mesoscooter must be stored in a special case! It is forbidden to keep it on hard surfaces to avoid damage to the needles! If you drop the device, it can no longer be used!

Existing types of dermarollers

They produce 3 types of mesoscooters - for medical, cosmetic and home use. This division is associated with the length of the needles and the depth of their penetration under the epidermis.

  • Dermarollers for home use equipped with needles, each of which has a length of 0.2 - 0.5 millimeters. They do not damage the skin and are effective against fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven complexion, loss of elasticity and withering of the epidermis.
  • The roller of the cosmetic type of mesoscooter contains needles 0.5 - 1 millimeter long, the use of which is permitted by cosmetologists with medical education due to the existing possibility of damage to the basal type of epidermal membrane. This type of device successfully copes with deep wrinkles around the lips, corners of the eyes, eliminates scars, ptosis, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Medical dermarollers are distinguished by fairly long needles - 1 - 2.5 millimeters, which are recommended to be used along with anesthetic drugs. Only specialists with higher medical education work with them. This type of device improves elasticity, tightens the skin, eliminates deep scars, severe stretch marks, and cellulite.

If you decide to buy a mesoscooter for home use, consult your cosmetologist, who will suggest the best option based on your needs. individual type skin, existing defects and their severity.

When choosing a dermaroller, pay special attention to the number of needles located on its roller. The more there are, the more effective the result will be!

What are the contraindications?

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intended treatment;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the surface of the skin of various origins;
  • blood plasma coagulation disorders;
  • a large number of protruding moles, papillomas, warts on the surface of the face;
  • herpes infections in the acute stage;
  • hypertension;
  • psoriasis;
  • any chronic diseases who are in the acute stage;
  • rosacea.


If you decide to buy a mesoscooter for home use, consult your cosmetologist

Cosmetologists involved in this procedure know all its features, subtleties and a clear sequence of actions, since they undergo special training. For those who bought a dermaroller and don’t know where to start the session, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the correct sequence of steps.

  1. Initially, you should treat the mesoscooter with any disinfectant (alcohol, antiseptic solution) and dry it.
  2. Next, thoroughly clean the skin of your hands and face so that dirt and bacteria do not get inside the pores when performing the manipulation.
  3. Apply to face special remedy for use with a dermaroller (it can be replaced with cosmetic oil).
  4. Now, taking the device in your hands, begin to roll it along the epidermis (strictly along the massage lines). It is best to start with areas where the skin surface is denser (cheeks, forehead, chin). Don't press the handle too hard. Treat each area of ​​the face separately, repeating all movements at least 5 times. Do not forget about the epidermis of the neck and décolleté to avoid subsequent differences in skin quality.
  5. Cosmetologists recommend that at the end of the procedure (if you did not use cosmetics at first) apply a soothing mask or sunscreen to the skin.
  6. Wash and disinfect the dermaroller by placing it in a special case for storage.

In the next 2 days after the session, be sure to protect your face and other treated areas of the skin with a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 35, and also do not sunbathe under direct ultraviolet rays.

What cosmetics can be used for the procedure?

In this case, it is prohibited to use conventional care products, since they contain many chemical components that, during manipulation, will penetrate deep into the skin and can provoke inflammation and allergic reactions.

  1. special-purpose preparations (mesococtails, serums, gels), vitamin complexes, extracts of lavender, aloe, chamomile, hyaluronic acid, elastin;
  2. natural vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing. You can add them essential oils(a few drops each) for disinfection.
  • it is more convenient and easier to move the roller on an untreated skin surface;
  • Cleaning the dermaroller will be much easier after the procedure without the use of oils and other products.

The use of any compositions during manipulation is optional. In addition, using only one mesoscooter without other means significantly delays the onset of the undesirable effect of the skin becoming accustomed to such influences!

Video: Mesoscooter at home - step-by-step procedure

Good luck with the procedure!

Mesoscooter - a tool for carrying out cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating facial skin and eliminating pronounced defects on it. It is used in beauty salons, in specialized beauty parlors/clinics, and at home. Mesoscooter found effective official medicine, but they need to be used wisely.

Read in this article

Preparing the mesoscooter for the procedure

The instrument for facial skin rejuvenation should be for individual use, but even in this case there are a number of rules that must be followed when preparing for the procedure.

The mesoscooter must be disinfected– the needles of the massager make quick and strong punctures in the dermis; failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and disinfection can provoke the penetration of an infectious agent into the subcutaneous layers. This preparatory stage can be performed by lowering the main part of the massager (the roller with needles) into a container with chlorhexidine or medical alcohol.

After 5 minutes, the mesoscooter is removed from the disinfectant solution and placed in such a way that the treated roller does not come into contact with other surfaces. Be sure to wait until the needles are completely dry and only then begin the procedure.

The facial skin is also being prepared for massage. It needs to be cleared of decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt. If the procedure is intended to be carried out with a mesoscooter, the needles of which have a diameter of up to 1 mm, then additional disinfection of the dermis is not necessary. In all other cases, wash the face with warm water and soap, gel or any other cleanser.

The last step is to wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel. Additionally, you can treat them with medical alcohol and wear thin (surgical) rubber gloves.

How to use it correctly at home

The mesoscooter will help not only get rid of small facial wrinkles on the face, but also to solve some other skin problems:

  • increases their tone;
  • makes the dermis more elastic;
  • enhances the production of natural collagen and elastin;
  • makes scars, scars and stretch marks smoother;
  • reduces the intensity of age spots.

How to use a facial massager

One procedure should last a maximum of 20 minutes. For getting desired result you need to complete a course of 15 - 20 procedures with a break of 2 - 3 days. At home, it is important to follow not only the instructions included with the massager, but also the recommendations of cosmetologists.

For face

The procedure is performed using a suitable cosmetic product - it can be serum, mesocotail, or gel with an anti-aging effect. Algorithm for using a mesoscooter on the face:

  1. Apply the selected product to the skin and distribute evenly over the face.
  2. They take the massager into their hands and begin to treat the skin. Movements are performed in three directions horizontally, obliquely and vertically. Each area of ​​the face is treated with a mesoscooter for no more than 5 seconds.
  3. The procedure ends with the application of a soothing mask, moisturizer or products with high protection against ultraviolet rays.

Watch the video about using a mesoscooter at home:

For the belly

The mesoscooter will not only smooth out and hide, make stretch marks and skin folds less pronounced, but will also speed up the process of losing weight in this part of the body. Regular massage procedures will tighten the skin, make it more elastic and remove excess fluid from the dermis.

A massage is performed with a mesoscooter only using a special meso-cocktail - a product that penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and has a positive effect at the cellular level. The movement of the massager is carried out in a horizontal or vertical direction, you can also move obliquely, but without experience it is problematic to do this - you can injure the dermis.

Mesoscooter MNRS 0.5 mm

To get the first results, you need to carry out a course of 10 procedures, each of which lasts no more than 20 minutes. First, you need to use the mesoscooter on the abdomen once a week, then once a month - this will be a kind of prevention of sagging skin and consolidation of the results already obtained.

How often to perform the procedure

It is strictly forbidden to use a facial mesoscooter daily; according to the instructions, procedures are performed no more often than once every 2 to 3 days. The main criterion for subsequent procedures is the complete restoration of the dermis after the previous ones. It is understood that the face should not be red, swollen, with small vessels appearing on the surface. Every day you can use a mesoscooter with a needle diameter of less than 0.5 mm.

Cosmetologists believe that too frequent massage can be addictive. This is especially true if the mesoscooter is used simultaneously with anti-aging, restorative or nourishing cosmetics.

You can avoid this by using a massager in courses of 10 procedures and no more than once every six months.

Serums for the procedure

  • Laura– sold complete with a mesoscooter, the needles of which are made of titanium. The product contains hyaluronic acid, proteins and elastin - components necessary for rejuvenating the dermis. By piercing the epidermis, the serum penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and accelerates natural regeneration processes at the cellular level.
  • Genosis- Korean serum that can stop the aging of the dermis. This product smoothes wrinkles, makes the oval of the face clearer, and stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin in skin cells.

If you have to solve not only the problem of the appearance of wrinkles on the face, but also others, then it is advisable to use mesocotails. They contain hyaluronic acid, bioextracts, peptide complexes, guarana extracts, extracts from seaweed and green tea.

Caring for your mesoscooter after

After each procedure, you need to treat the massager with a disinfectant, dry it and put it in a special storage container. You cannot place the mesoscooter so that the roller comes into contact with a hard surface - the needles may bend.

You need to try not to let the tool for processing leather fall - the needles will already be 100% bent, which poses a health hazard, since when punctured they will “tear” the skin and injure it.

Massaging the skin of the face and abdomen with a mesoscooter is a serious cosmetic procedure, so at home it should be carried out only with strict adherence to recommendations from specialists. Here are the main ones:

  • Without special education, you need to treat the skin with a mesoscooter, the length of the needles is a maximum of 0.5 mm. This will make the procedure painless and not dangerous to health.
  • It is necessary to regularly update the instrument - on average, it is used no more than 10 procedures in a row, but if the massager is equipped with titanium needles and is used no more than 2 times a week, then replacement should occur after 6 months.
  • It is important to carry out the massage without applying any effort - the mesoscooter should roll over the skin gently and not cause pain. If we are talking about the area around the eyes, then you need to be especially careful, or completely abandon the procedure in this part of the face.

Mesoscooters of different diameters
  • Each change in the direction of movement of the massager should be accompanied by its separation from the surface of the dermis. That is, you need to stop its movement, move it to the desired position and only then continue the procedure.
  • Each massage lasts a maximum of 20 minutes, for a full course you will need 15 - 20 procedures, performed with a break of 2 - 3 days. A repeated course can be started after 30 days of “rest”, but it is better to increase this period to six months.
  • If droplets of blood appear on the skin while using the mesoscooter, the procedure is stopped and the injured area is treated with a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. The massage can be repeated only after the integrity of the epidermis has been completely restored.
  • Cosmetics applied to the skin (serums, mesocotail) are not washed off after the massage. You just need to apply a soothing mask or nourishing/moisturizing cream to the dermis.
  • For 2 - 3 days after the procedure, you should not expose your facial skin to sunlight. Scrubs, peelings and any other aggressive cleansing cosmetic procedures are prohibited for the entire course of massage with a mesoscooter.

Mesoscooter– affordable, effective and easy-to-use massager. It can be used at home, but only in compliance with recommendations from cosmetologists and instructions for using the massager. Rejuvenation effect and improvement appearance will be noticeable after the first course of home mesotherapy procedures.

Useful video

Watch the video about tips for using a mesoscooter:

Want to get rid of the orange peel on your thighs, crow's feet under your eyes and dandruff all over your shoulders? You should sign up for a beauty salon, but you have an intuitive, subconscious fear of all these miracle devices modern cosmetology? In this case, it’s time to set up a beauty salon right at home.

Portable devices for rejuvenating the skin of the face, body and head allow you to solve many appearance problems without the help of professional cosmetologists. These include today's popular mesoscooters: the instructions for using this device are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills.

Choosing a mesoscooter

A mesoscooter is a small roller with microscopic needles made of gold, platinum, titanium, steel, and silver. Needles, piercing the skin, stimulate its self-healing. And all kinds of therapeutic serums and cocktails actively penetrate through the formed microchannels. And before you start studying the instructions for using mesoscooters, you need to find out which one is worth buying - after all, there are quite a lot of varieties. Focus primarily on the problems that you will solve using this device:

  • to improve the condition of the scalp and hair, to treat seborrhea (dandruff) and alopecia (baldness), purchase home rollers with needles from 0.5 to 1 mm;
  • to care and rejuvenate facial skin, you will need a home device with needles ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.5 mm;
  • for the treatment of thin, sensitive, rosacea skin, it is recommended to use models with laser sharpening (for example, Gold Elite or DNS London);
  • To eliminate stretch marks and cellulite, you need a home or cosmetic mesoscooter with needles 0.5 to 1.5 mm long.

If you are lost and can’t decide which mesoscooter to choose, you can buy a universal one - used for both the face and body at the same time. You can purchase a device specifically for treating the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds: they are narrow rollers with several rows of needles. Body appliances are double wide.

The right choice will allow you to competently use the mesoscooter at home without any harm to your health. When purchasing a device, pay attention to what comes with it. Some manufacturers immediately include products that will penetrate the skin through micropunctures made by the roller. However, in most cases, these drugs will need to be purchased separately. And here again you will have to face the problem of choosing from a variety of offers.

Products for mesoroller

Today, a variety of medications for mesoscooters are produced - from simple active substances to serious medications. In order not to injure your delicate skin and not suffer from any allergic reaction, the best option would be to consult a dermatologist or professional cosmetologist. Given your problem, it will tell you how to do right choice. The variety of cosmetics for a mesoscooter is not universal: individual products perform only certain functions. The main violin is played directly by the active substance:

  • cocktails: draining, for weight loss, against stretch marks, for hair growth;
  • serums with hyaluronic acid smooth out wrinkles and moisturize;
  • serums with vitamin C whiten;
  • collagen hydrolyzate rejuvenates;
  • elastin makes the skin elastic;
  • alginate collagen masks with aloe vera extract have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect;
  • a mask with collagen and chamomile extract is an excellent anti-allergen with soothing properties.

Although it should be taken into account that for the mesoscooter you will also have to purchase:

  • painkillers for the use of needles longer than 1 mm: EMLA cream, for example;
  • soothing masks;
  • creams with SPF factors: “Clinique”, “DayWear Plus” from “ Estee Lauder", "Hydra Zen Teinte Neurocalm" from Lancome and others;
  • solutions for roller sterilization: “Bacillol”, “QuikDes”, etc.

All these products for the mesoscooter can be purchased at the same store or pharmacy where you purchased the cosmetic device itself. Please note that it is better not to save money in such an important matter, because expensive drugs will provide the skin with proper care and will not disappoint with their results. Once you have become the happy owner of this wonderful device, it’s time to try it in practice, and this will require studying the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for use

Any device you purchase will contain instructions that will answer all your questions about how to use the mesoscooter at home effectively and safely.

  1. Remove makeup and wash.
  2. If the needle length is more than 1 mm, apply anesthetic for 50 minutes.
  3. Apply the purchased product to the skin.
  4. Start treating the desired area of ​​skin with the roller. The pressure on the device should be uniform, light and uniform, the movements should be soft and sliding. Draw 5 vertical, horizontal and diagonal imaginary lines across the skin.
  5. Apply the active substance again for 20 minutes (the duration of action of each of them should be indicated in the instructions for them).
  6. It wouldn’t hurt to soothe the skin from the stress it has suffered with some soothing mask for 20 minutes.
  7. Next, apply a special moisturizer or nutritious cream with SPF factors.
  8. It is recommended to use a mesoscooter for the face at home 3–5 times a week, for the body (against cellulite, for example) - at least every day. But sometimes the stress on the skin is so great that redness and minor irritation remain on the second day after the procedure. It usually behaves like this sensitive skin. Therefore, it is better to let her calm down and recover completely and only then repeat the rejuvenating course.
  9. The course of treatment is 15–20 procedures, after which the skin should be allowed to rest for at least 2–3 weeks.
  10. Active use of a mesoscooter at home; requires careful handling of the tool. Therefore, end each procedure by sterilizing it in a special solution.

Now you know how to use a mesoscooter at home. At first, it may be somewhat scary to touch the mysteries of hardware cosmetology within the walls of your own home. However, after the first use of this unique device, it turns out that in fact it is a simple but effective, painless and profitable procedure, which is an excellent alternative to salon peelings, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.