What is the adaptation of a child kindergarten. Adaptation of a child in kindergarten: advice from a psychologist. We protect against infections in kindergarten

Where does the kindergarten begin? Oddly enough, the kindergarten begins with parting, with the mother's farewell to the baby, from the moment when he is left alone with a foreign aunt and unfamiliar guys. Therefore, we, parents, need to prepare both ourselves and the child for this difficult test.

Let's start with ourselves. The fact that the baby is crying and does not want to let go of her mother’s hand is often our own fault. We are very sorry for him, mentally we draw sad pictures: here he is crying, here he is not playing with anyone, and so on. We are indecisive; we are not leaving at all and are waiting for something. Stop! Set yourself up positively, even if your own experience at kindergarten was far from joyful. In the end, kindergarten is a necessary “school” of life, and in it, as in life, there will be joyful and sad moments.

Indisputable advantages

The main advantage of the kindergarten is that the child gets the opportunity to communicate with peers. He does not just play, he receives invaluable experience of interaction, empathy, empathy, collective creativity and cooperation. All this prepares the child for later life. It is at this time that character formation takes place, the basic principles of life are laid.

Inevitable cons

In addition to the positive experience of communication, the child receives negative behaviors: some children learn to sneak, suck, others learn to command and indicate, and others learn to obey. 8 hours of extreme stress of all forces, a small person simply can not stand it. He becomes aggressive, irritable, tearful. As a result of such an overstrain, the child becomes ill. Frequent colds are the inevitable companion of a kindergarten child.

Of course, it would be ideal to bring a child aged 4-5 years to kindergarten for half a day. But, unfortunately, few working mothers can afford this today.

Getting ready for the first day

Start from afar. The idea of \u200b\u200bkindergarten, the need to attend a child must be prepared in advance. But this does not mean that you need to talk about it every day, do not turn this event into a problem.

Tell the kid about the kindergarten, that there are a lot of children, new toys, swings, etc. If there is such an opportunity, go there, play on the playground, meet the teacher. Create a mood of joyful expectation in the baby. At the same time, prepare him for the upcoming separation: practice a short separation (to the store, to work). Come up with your ritual of farewell. The child must be sure that you always come back! In the early days, stay with him for some time in kindergarten, do not leave immediately. And when parting, be sure to say that you will come back for him. As a rule, many children get used to new conditions in a few days.

Before entering kindergarten, it is important to form a child’s sense of self-confidence, and this is impossible without the development of independence. Observe the baby, whether he knows how to dress, sit on the pot, eat, play. Help him learn all these things. Play the game “Let's meet, play” with your child, role-playing games teach the baby to communicate, express their thoughts, build sentences. Of course, all children are different. Sociable and smiling baby in the kindergarten may be a silent person. It is impossible to unequivocally predict what the child’s reaction will be and how this difficult period in his life will turn out.

How soon will the child get used to the kindergarten?

The average period of adaptation to kindergarten, according to experts, is 7-10 days at toddlers, 2-3 weeks at 3 years, and 1 month at senior preschool age. In short, the older the child, the longer he gets used to new conditions. Psychologists believe that the characteristics of a child’s addiction to a new environment depend on many factors: the type of nervous system and health status, personality traits, family atmosphere, and conditions of stay in kindergarten. The greatest difficulties in adaptation are experienced by children with poor health, quickly tired of noise, having difficulty falling asleep during the day, and having poor appetite. Overly patronized children with no self-care skills and anxious are getting used to kindergarten. It is easier to adapt to new conditions of sanguine and choleric, harder - phlegmatic and melancholic.

It is important for parents to know that some children cannot get used to kindergarten like that. Alarming signals that indicate the child’s emotional distress, that he suffers greatly in kindergarten conditions, is difficult to part with his mother, are persistent unwillingness to attend kindergarten, crying, moods in the morning, frequent illnesses, poor appetite, restless sleep. In older preschool age, poorly adapted children may even have nervous symptoms in the form of nail bites, ticks, stuttering.

Why do children get sick so often in kindergarten?

In addition to psychological preparation, your baby should be ready for this difficult test and physically. Before going to kindergarten, each child must undergo a medical commission and be tested. So. The pediatrician has given you the conclusion that your child is ready to attend kindergarten. Excellent! But this does not mean that the baby will not be sick. All mothers are interested in the answer to the same question: “Why do children get sick so often?” Why are they sick, this is understandable. The children's body is found with unfamiliar bacteria, viruses. The immune system is formed, and this process is accompanied by SARS, runny nose. Thus, there is a "training" of immunity. But why does this happen so often? Psychologists will answer this question. Adaptation is usually difficult with a lot of negative changes in the child's body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. The baby is in a special condition, which psychologists call the "third state" between health and illness. This means that not today, tomorrow your child will either just really get sick, or will become herself again. It all depends on the severity of stress. If it is minimal, you will soon forget about the negative changes in the adaptation process and what is bothering you today. This will indicate an easy or favorable adaptation. If the severity of stress is high, the child will obviously have a breakdown, and he will apparently get sick.

How to strengthen a child’s defenses?

The best way to avoid numerous colds during the adaptation to kindergarten is tempering. It is best to start hardening procedures in the summer. This is easiest to do: let the baby spend more time in the fresh air, bathe in natural reservoirs, and run barefoot. It’s important not to abandon this “good deed” when the summer is over. Let the child walk barefoot at home, wash the dishes, play with water. When going for a walk, dress him in the weather. Great if you arrange regular pool visits.

Psychologists advise parents during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten:

1. Set up the child in a major mood. Inspire him that it is very cool that he has grown to the garden and has become so big.

2. Do not leave him in the preschool team for the whole day, as soon as possible to take home.

3. Create a calm, conflict-free climate for him in the family.

4. Spare his weakened nervous system.

5. Do not increase, but reduce the load on the nervous system. Reduce watching TV shows.

6. As soon as possible to inform the doctor and caregivers about the personality of the baby.

7. Do not wrap your child, but dress him as necessary in accordance with the temperature in the group.

8. To create a regime for him on Sundays at home is the same as in a child care facility.

9. Do not respond to the child's antics and do not punish him for the vagaries of children.

10. If there is a change in the normal behavior of the child, contact a pediatrician or psychologist as soon as possible.

In conclusion, I want to say to all parents: your love will help the child survive this difficult time. Let the baby feel that he is the most precious creature in the world for you, and not for a minute let him doubt it.

Why is it difficult for children to get used to kindergarten and how can parents help them?

The question of kindergarten - to give or not to give, when is it better to give, how to help in adaptation - at some point arises in every family. Usually, parents in such matters rely on personal experience, or examples of relatives and friends. Undoubtedly, visiting a kindergarten has its pros and cons, but, due to the parents' busyness and the inability to devote all their time to the child, most families nevertheless tend to the option of “giving to kindergarten”. Perhaps mom needs to go to work, and there is no one to sit with the baby. Or just parents want to socialize their baby as early as possible, teach him to communicate with other adults and children, in addition to his family. Whatever the case, the reasons may be different, but as a result of the crumbs, they still lead to kindergarten.

And here the fun begins. Your, so obedient and good earlier, the kid suddenly begins to throw up tantrums, to be capricious, refuses to fall asleep on his own. Or, on the contrary, it closes in itself, cries quietly, ceases to be interested in previously favorite toys and fairy tales. What is going on with your child? Will all of this pass, or is it still necessary to take it from the garden? When will the baby get used to the kindergarten? And, most importantly, how to help him?

We will try to find answers to all these questions in our article.

Adaptation is an addiction, adaptation of an organism to external changing conditions, that is, to a new environment. Such changes do not pass without a trace for the psyche and the adult, which is already there to speak of a small child. After all, no one will argue that for a crumb, a kindergarten is a completely new, unfamiliar space in which new people and new relationships await it.

Let's try to understand in more detail the adaptation process itself. Firstly, it requires considerable expenditures of mental energy, therefore, it often provokes tension and even overstrain of the physical and mental forces of the body. Secondly, new conditions "break into" a previously stable and measured life of a child:

  • the absence of the closest relatives - mothers, fathers, grandparents;
  • the need to observe a clear daily routine;
  • constant contact with a large number of peers previously unknown to the crumbs;
  • a sudden decrease in the amount of personal attention to the baby - now it is no longer the “center of the universe”, as it was before for the mother, and even the most humane and loving teacher is hardly able to devote a lot of attention to each child;
  • the need for submission and obedience to a previously unfamiliar adult - educator.

Already these few factors are enough to assert that the life of a child is radically changing. And, in addition to external changes in living conditions, the adaptation process entails a large number of mainly negative changes in the body of crumbs. These changes occur at all levels, and in all systems. We usually notice only the tip of the iceberg - a violation of the behavior of the baby. But in fact, in the soul and body of the crumbs, radical changes occur during this period - the baby is constantly in a strong nervous tension, he feels intense stress or on the verge of stress. In addition, such violations are often observed:

  1. Sleep disturbances. The baby may refuse to fall asleep alone, or wake up at night.
  2. Decreased or loss of appetite.
  3. Speech regression - sometimes a baby already perfectly able to speak with complex sentences, suddenly plunges into infancy again, begins to use lightened words and monosyllabic sentences.
  4. Loss of self-care skills. It also suddenly turns out that the baby “cannot” dress, undress, wash, eat, use a handkerchief on its own. And this despite the fact that earlier he easily coped with all this.
  5. Change in motor activity. Previously, a cheerful and active baby may suddenly become "inhibited", slow, insecure. Or, on the contrary, the child becomes uncontrollable, hyperactive, which was not previously observed.
  6. Loss of interest in the new. You can observe that your previously curious “little girl” ceases to be interested in new toys, does not want to get acquainted with other children. He seems to fall into hibernation, and his cognitive activity is dying away.
  7. Decrease in social activity. The kid may refuse to make contact with peers and the teacher. Even optimistic and sociable children become closed, tense, non-contact, restless.
  8. Change of emotional background. In the first days of visiting a kindergarten, a child usually has more pronounced negative emotions: whimpering, crying - both “for company” and paroxysmal, fear (going to kindergarten, fear of the teacher, worries that mom will not come for him), anger, aggression. It may seem that the child has no emotions at all. But the positive from the crumbs is unlikely to have to wait: a smile can arise only in response to a new bright stimulus (non-standard toy, fun game).
  9. Decreased immunity. During the adaptation period, the body's resistance to infections decreases, as a result of which the baby can get sick in the first weeks and even days of visiting the kindergarten.

Parents should understand that all these changes are not a whim of the child, but rather objective reactions to a changing environment, independent of the will of the baby. And, as soon as the adaptation is over, all these negative shifts will go away. Many mothers are waiting for this to happen in the early days in the kindergarten, and may be disappointed or even angry with the baby when this does not happen. But, according to experts, the average duration of adaptation to a kindergarten is at least 3-4 weeks, and sometimes it can stretch for 2-4 months. Remember that your child is individual and do not rush things!

Now we know what happens to the baby when we give it to kindergarten. But, nevertheless, there are children who get used to the new conditions relatively quickly, there are those who need more time, and, finally, those who are practically unable to do this. Similar differences indicate different types of adaptation. So, psychologists distinguish:

1. Easy adaptation   - is 3-4 weeks. Almost half of the children experience this type of adaptation. Kids visit the garden without much loss, and there is even a desire to go there. All the changes that we described earlier are usually short-term, pass quickly and do not cause illness.

Such a child:

  • enters the group calmly, carefully inspects;
  • looks into the eyes of the teacher when he turns to him;
  • may ask for help if necessary;
  • able to make contacts;
  • it can occupy itself, in the game it uses substitute items, that is, it plays "make-believe";
  • is in a stable calm or cheerful mood;
  • moderately emotional, his emotions are easy to recognize;
  • accepts established rules of conduct;
  • normally responds to approval or comment, and then independently changes its behavior;
  • knows how to be friendly to other children, play next to them.

  2. Adaptation of moderate severity.   Children in this group often begin to get sick, but it doesn’t come to nervous disorders. Such a reaction of the baby’s body is understandable: in the kindergarten, children begin to actively “exchange” various infections, which for some can be completely harmless, and for others dangerous. Therefore, many children in the period of adaptation to kindergarten begin different ARI and ARVI. In this case, the doctor can help the baby - timely measures will reduce the risk of crumb disease, and its adaptation will approach favorable.

Toddler undergoing moderate adaptation:

  • agrees to communicate when he likes the actions of the educator;
  • after the first minutes of tension, gradually ready to make contact with other children, can deploy the game;
  • adequately responds to incentives and comments addressed;
  • can conduct a kind of experiment, violating the norms and rules of behavior.

Adaptation of this type takes an average of a month and a half, sometimes in the process of getting used to the child gets sick. But, as a rule, the disease does not give any complications.

3. Heavy adaptation.   In such cases, the baby is inclined to react to a change of situation not only with colds, but also with a nervous breakdown. This option, of course, is the most unfavorable.

With this type of adaptation, the baby:

  • does not make contact, or agrees to communicate only with the help of parents;
  • alarmed, closed;
  • does not hold attention to toys, moves from one to another;
  • cannot deploy the game;
  • frightened in response to the remark or encouragement of the teacher, seeks the support of mom, or does not respond at all.

A pediatrician and a child psychologist, in some cases a neuropathologist, can help a crumb surviving a difficult adaptation. And, of course, do not forget about the important role of parents in this difficult process of addiction.

Of course, all these types of adaptation are very arbitrary. After all, each kid in his own way gets used to a new life in the kindergarten. Someone needs only a week to adapt, someone a month, and someone, maybe six months. The length of the addictive period depends on many factors, including:

  • temperament of the baby. Typically, choleric and melancholic adapt to new conditions worse and longer than sanguine;
  • health conditions of crumbs;
  • family environment;
  • the level of readiness of parents (yes, that's right!) for such an important event in the life of the crumbs.

To help your child adapt successfully in the kindergarten, listen to the simple recommendations of specialists:

1.   Before you start visiting the kindergarten, carefully prepare yourself by teaching the baby the skills of independence. The kid should be able to:

  • eat independently, using a spoon, fork, mug;
  • wash your face;
  • dress and undress;
  • use the potty;
  • use a handkerchief.

When the baby masters all these tricks, his adaptation process will be much easier.

To make it easier for the baby to undress and dress himself, buy him comfortable and practical things without extra fasteners and zippers. It is better if they are fastened with buttons than with buttons. Then the child will be able to easily cope with dressing himself, without involving the educator once again.

The same convenience requirements apply to shoes. It should hold well on the leg, not push, not fly, and be fixed with Velcro. Then the baby will be able to change shoes alone. Before you take your clothes to the kindergarten, practice dressing-shoeing with the tiny baby at home. If the baby is already used to such a dress, it will be easier and faster for him to change clothes in the garden.

2.   Tune your baby in a major mood. Tell him how great it is that he has already become so big and has grown to a kindergarten. Explain to the little one where he will go, what he will do there, read fabulous stories about visiting the kindergarten, play “in kindergarten” with toys, take a walk in the garden. If there is such an opportunity, introduce the child to the teacher in advance - then when she enters the garden, she will no longer be a “strange aunt” for him.

3.   Try to observe a clear regime of the day, as close as possible to the "garden". It is advisable to begin such training at least a month before visiting the garden. That is, approximately your daily routine should be like this:

  • 7-30 - we rise, wash, brush our teeth, dress;
  • 8-30 - time of arrival in the kindergarten;
  • 8-40 - reception of breakfast;
  • 10-30 –12-00 - walk;
  • 12-15 - 12-45 - lunch;
  • 13-00 - 15-00 - daytime sleep,
  • 15-30 - afternoon tea.

Of course, this schedule is approximate, and it is better to clarify exactly your regime in the garden.

To easily get up in the morning, it is best to lie down in the evening no later than half past eight or nine. So you can prepare the crumbs for the regime, and when you enter the garden, this will not be stress for him. By the way, and then, when the baby will already go to the garden, do not change his regime on weekends. Of course, you can let him sleep a little longer, but you should not significantly shift the daily routine.

4. In the evening after the kindergarten, share your impressions of the day with the little one. Ask him how his day went, what he did in the kindergarten, who he played with, what he liked the most. Tell him about your day that pleased you. And be sure to pay attention to the complaints of the baby. If the child complains about the teacher and because of her does not want to go to the garden, carefully ask the baby what he does not like. It is possible that the baby is a little fantasizing, this is quite characteristic of the children's psyche at an early age. Try to talk with the teacher - discuss with her the upbringing and behavior of your crumbs. In most cases, you can correct the situation together. In addition, no one forbids you to look at the teacher, for example, taking the baby a little earlier than usual. Pay attention to how she communicates with the children. If something worries you, you can always transfer the baby to another group in the garden.

If your child seems tortured and nervous, do not panic ahead of time. Such a reaction is quite natural for the first days of adaptation. After all, the baby is not yet ready for so much new information and emotions. Give him time to get used to without scolding for bad behavior, ignorance of the rules or unwillingness to follow them. Not all at once. Give the baby the opportunity to "discharge" at home - to fool around, make some noise and run around.

5.   In the presence of a child, always speak positively about carers and kindergarten. Even if you didn’t quite like something, don’t say it out loud when you are a child. Your assessment for the baby is very important, and it will be much easier for him to go to kindergarten, respecting carers. You can tell your friends what a good kindergarten you have chosen for your crumbs and what wonderful people work there.

6.   Speak to the baby when you take him home, and be sure to keep your promises. If the baby knows that mom will come after dinner, or after a walk, he will be calmer and more confident. But do not deceive the trust of your child - do not be late, do not come later than promised.

7.   Do not overload the nervous system of the crumbs during the adaptation period. No need to wean him at this time from "bad" habits, for example, from the nipple. He has so many changes now, and there is no need to add more tension. It is also worth temporarily stopping trips to visit, to the theater, to the circus, transfer vaccinations, reduce the viewing of television programs.

8. Create your child a conflict-free and relaxed atmosphere at home. Do not forget about the constant manifestations of love: often hug the baby, say gentle words, stroke the head. Be sure to celebrate his success, praise. After all, the baby now most of all needs your support and warm participation!

9.   When leaving, part with the crumbs quickly and easily. Long farewells will cause additional tears, and your worried face will alarm the baby that something might happen to him in the kindergarten.

10.   Come up with your ritual of farewell - kiss, say bye-bye, wave your hand. Such constancy will help the baby to get used to new conditions faster.

11.   If it’s very difficult for a baby to part with his mother, worry about dad or grandparents taking the baby into the kindergarten for the first few weeks.

12.   Bring your baby to the kindergarten a little earlier or a little later than other parents. Thus, unnecessary tears “for the company” can be avoided.

13.   Give the baby in kindergarten his favorite toy. Holding something soft, reminding him of the house, the baby will become much calmer.

14.   Get ready for kindergarten in the evening. Speak what toy the baby will take with him, what he will put on, put everything in a bag and put it in the corridor.

15.   Tolerate the whims of the baby. Remember, they appear from overloading the nervous system. Better hug the child, calm him down, play along.

16.   And in the kindergarten and at home, talk with the crumbs confidently and calmly. Be friendly and persistent when changing clothes, waking up to kindergarten. Sound all your actions. Such simple recommendations will help the baby to believe that everything is fine, and nothing will happen to him in the kindergarten.

17.   Dress your baby as needed according to the temperature in the group. Excessive wrapping does not contribute to health.
  18. If you notice strong deviations from the usual behavior of the crumbs, seek the help of a doctor or child psychologist.

19.   Teach the kid to the kindergarten gradually. At first it’s enough to leave it in the garden for 1-2 hours. After a week or two, the time spent in the group can be increased. After another two to three weeks, you can leave the baby in the kindergarten before bedtime. And only after all this, try to leave him in the kindergarten for the whole day.

20.   If you notice the first signs of infection in the baby - sneezing, runny nose, cough - immediately take him home and call a doctor. So you can avoid possible complications.

21.   Ask your doctor what measures can be used to prevent ARI. Perhaps these will be sprays based on seawater, or other drugs.

22. If possible, strengthen the immunity of the crumbs with the help of stabbing and walking. Ventilate the rooms regularly, leave the window open at night.

23.   Remember: the cause of persistent colds is most often hidden in the psyche. Experts call this phenomenon "flight into illness." This does not mean that the baby deliberately catches a cold. No, the baby does not give himself an account in this, but the body begins to weaken, easily lends itself to negative influence. Therefore, it is important not only to carry out physical measures to improve the health of the baby, but also to help him restore mental harmony.

Taboo List for Parents

  1. You can not punish, scold, shame the child because he cries and does not want to go to kindergarten.
  2. You can not compare the behavior of crumbs with the behavior of other children. Better show him how you love him!
  3. You can not scare a kid with a kindergarten. After all, a place that is scary is unlikely to become once safe and even more beloved.
  4. You can’t coax a baby with gift promises if he agrees to go to kindergarten.
  5. You can not speak negatively about kindergarten and caregivers with a child. So you will only increase his anxiety, and he will begin to think that the kindergarten is a bad place with bad people.
  6. You can not deceive the baby, promising him that you will come very soon, and leaving him for the whole day in the kindergarten. Let him know better that he will have to wait for his mother for a long time, than he will lose his trust in you forever.
  7. Do not drive a sick child into the kindergarten.

And most importantly, remember:   Until the moment when a trip to the kindergarten becomes a joyful and familiar thing for the crumbs, a lot of time can pass. Undoubtedly, the period of adaptation to kindergarten is not easy for not only the baby, but also the mother, because it is not very easy to immediately entrust the education of your child to strangers. Do not expect addiction to go very quickly. It is possible that the crumb in order to get used to the absence of a mother nearby and the need to contact a large number of peers will need its own, a certain amount of time. Give him that time!

  Anna Kutyavina

Adaptation of a child to the garden is an addiction or adaptation of the child's body to a new environment. For the kid, the kindergarten appears as an unknown space, with frightening new relationships and surroundings. The baby needs time to adapt to a new life. Adaptation of the child to the garden requires increased costs of mental energy, stress, as well as the physical strength of the body.

Features of the baby’s behavior during the adaptation period often scare adults so much that they often think about whether the child will ever be able to adapt and when this “horror” will end? Those behavioral concerns that concern parents are often typical of all babies who are in the process of adapting to the garden. It was during this period that most mothers believed that their child was “non-Sadovian,” while other babies feel much better and lead in the kindergarten. However, it is not. Usually, adapting a child to a kindergarten is very difficult with negative changes in the child's body. These shifts are noted in all systems and at all levels.

It’s not easy for children of all ages to start attending a preschool. Each of the kids goes through a period of adaptation to kindergarten. During this period, his whole life is radically changing. Changes break into the existing, familiar life of the baby in the family: the absence of loved ones and relatives, a clear daily routine, the constant presence of other children, the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults, and reduce the amount of personal attention.

A new environment for the baby appears as a neuropsychic stress, as well as stress, which does not stop in the first days for a minute. The baby changes during adaptation to kindergarten. For the first time, while in kindergarten, each child has very pronounced negative emotions: whimpering, crying for company or constant paroxysmal crying.

The manifestations are vivid. The kid is often afraid of meeting unfamiliar children, of an unknown situation, afraid of new teachers, and also that his parents will forget about him when he leaves the garden. The child thinks that he was betrayed and will not come for him in the evening, therefore, against the background of a stressful state, anger flashes outward. Arriving in the garden in the morning, the baby does not allow himself to undress, rolls up, and often hits an adult who is going to leave him.

Adaptation of a 2-3 year old child to kindergarten

Addiction to preschool is marked by a decrease in social activity. Even optimistic, sociable children become restless, tense, withdrawn and uncommunicative. Parents need to remember that children 2-3 years old play next to each other, but not together. The plot game in such children is not yet developed, so do not be nervous if the baby does not interact with other peers.

The fact that addiction is successful, we can draw conclusions on how the baby every day more and more willingly responds to the requests of the teacher, interacts with him, follows the regimen moments.

Adaptation of a 2-3 year old child to kindergarten is marked by a decrease in cognitive activity or its complete absence. It happens that a child is not interested in toys, does not dare to play them. Many children prefer to sit aside in order to orient themselves.

In the course of successful adaptation, the baby gradually masters the space of the group, and sorties to toys become the most frequent and bold. The child begins to ask questions to the teacher of the cognitive plan. For the first time days of adaptation, a child under the influence of new conditions of stay is able to lose self-care skills for a short time. Successful adaptation is determined by the fact that the baby not only uses all his home skills, but also learns something new in the kindergarten.

In some children, the vocabulary is impoverished or the baby uses simple words, as well as sentences. Parents don’t have to worry. The crumb's speech will be enriched and restored when the adaptation is complete.

Some children become inhibited, while others become uncontrollably active. It directly depends on the temperament of the crumbs. Home activity is also changing. A sign of successful adaptation is the restoration of previous activity at home, and then in the garden.

Leaving the crumbs in the garden for an afternoon nap, one must be prepared that for the first time days the dream will be bad. Children during sleep sometimes jump up, and, falling asleep, wake up with crying. Also, a restless dream can be observed at home, which by the time the adaptation is complete is sure to normalize.

At first, a 2-3-year-old baby has a decreased appetite. This is associated with unusual food (for taste and appearance), and with stressful reactions - the child simply does not want to eat. A good sign of adaptation will be the restoration of appetite, even if the child does not eat everything, which is suggested on a plate, but he already begins to eat on his own.

Adaptation of the child to the garden and illness often begin with the first visits to the preschool. The reason for this is stress, which reduces the immunity and resistance of the child's body to infections. Some children begin to get sick in the first week, others a month after visiting the kindergarten. It often happens that the cause of colds and chronic acute respiratory infections is a psychological factor. One of the well-known psychological defense mechanisms is flight to illness. But this does not mean that the baby is specially ill to stay at home, he does it unknowingly. The body easily obeys such a hidden tendency: showing amazing weakness, refusing to resist a cold.

Often, having achieved emotional balance, the propensities to diseases are overcome. However, most mothers expect that negative moments in behavior, as well as response, will disappear for the first time, so they get upset and angry if this does not happen.

Adaptation of the child to the garden is carried out by the end of the 4th week, however, it happens that it is delayed for 4 months.

In the period of adaptation to kindergarten, the baby is so vulnerable that everything is for the child. Cases of manifestation of depressive reactions, inhibition of emotions are frequent. The first days in the garden pass without positive emotions, the baby is very upset about parting with her mother, as well as with her usual environment. If the baby smiles, it is often a reaction to a bright stimulus or novelty (an unusual game, a bright toy).

Separation from mother for a child is a stressful situation. The child perceives the kindergarten as a new terrible atmosphere with unfamiliar children who do not care about him. In order to survive in the new circumstances, he should behave differently and not like at home. However, not knowing a new form of behavior and suffering from it, the baby is afraid to do something wrong. Children's fear supports stress - separation from the mother.

Adaptation of 3-5-year-old boys to kindergarten is more difficult than for girls. During this period, the boys react painfully to separation from their mother, because they are very attached to her.

The crisis of three years, layering on the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, often complicates its passage. One part of the children easily adapts to the garden, and the negative moments disappear in the 3rd week, others are more difficult, and the adaptation drags on for up to 2 months. If the baby is not adapted after 3 months, then this adaptation is difficult and needs the help of a specialist psychologist.

It is especially difficult for those kids who have not been told about the upcoming visit to the preschool, and this is a surprise for them. Parents can help their baby adapt to new conditions faster. A set of measures includes creating a home in a caring environment that spares the child’s nervous system.

- in the presence of the baby should always speak positively about the teachers and the garden itself, even if something is not like. The child will have to go to this garden, and respecting the teachers is easier to do;

- talking about the garden with the baby, you need to tell someone else in his presence about what a wonderful garden the kid now goes to and what good teachers work there;

- on weekends, it is necessary to observe a clear regime of the day of the child. You can let him sleep a little longer, but you do not need to let him sleep off for a very long time. During the period of adaptation, the baby should not be overloaded, because he has life changes, and he does not need to stress the nervous system.

In the adaptation period of the child to the garden, parents need to be patient. Negative emotions will certainly give way to positive ones, indicating the end of this period. Some babies will cry for a long time after parting, but this does not indicate poor adaptation. If the baby calms down after leaving her mother after a while, then addiction is good.

How to adapt a child to the garden

Parents need to prepare the baby in advance for visiting the garden: a few months before this event. Preparation includes reading fabulous stories about visiting the kindergarten, playing “kindergarten”, walking near the kindergarten, telling the kid about coming soon to this place and making new friends for joint games.

If parents had the opportunity to introduce the child in advance to the carers, then the crumb would be easier psychologically. It is especially important that at this moment a mother is present, and the child walks around the group, communicates with the teachers.

Adapt the child to the garden will be easier if he is physically healthy, without chronic diseases and without a predisposition to colds. Since the period of addiction is marked by tension, then all the forces of the body are directed to adaptation, and if the body does not spend energy on the fight against diseases, this will serve as a good start.

Adaptation will be successful if the baby has the skills of independence in the following moments: partial dressing, using a pot, self-eating. If the baby knows all this, then he will not spend energy on urgent training in this and will use the existing skills.

It is easier to get used to those kids whose regime is close to the sadovskim regime. A month before entering the kindergarten, parents should bring the child’s regime to kindergarten. To do this, you should pre-determine the schedule of the day of the preschool, and for easy recovery in the morning, you should put the baby to bed no later than 20:30.

It is difficult for those babies in the period of addiction, in which several or one of these conditions are not met.

It is necessary that the home was surrounded by a quiet atmosphere. Most often, the baby should be hugged, speak affectionate words, pat on the head, note his improvement in behavior, success, and also praise more, because he needs the support of his parents. Parents should be tolerant of the vagaries that arise from overloading the nervous system. Hugging the child, you can help him calm down and quickly switch to other activities.

Having agreed with the teacher, you should give the baby a small soft toy in the garden. Often, babies need a toy as a substitute for their mother. The child will be much calmer when he presses something soft, which is a part of the house.

Having come up with his parents’s tale of a little bunny who first went to kindergarten, and how he was a little scared and uncomfortable, but then friends appeared, and it became fun, he would allow the baby to walk more confidently into the preschool. Psychologists advise losing this tale with toys. The key moment in the fairy tale, as well as in the game, is the return of the mother after the baby, so until this moment comes, you can’t interrupt the story. All this is conceived so that the baby understands: mom will definitely come back.

It is noted that most of all the child and the parent are upset together when they part. How to organize the morning so that both mother and baby will have a successful, and most importantly calm day?

Psychologists advice: calm mother - calm baby. Mom's uncertainty is passed on to the child, and he is even more upset. Both in the garden and at home it is necessary to talk with the baby confidently and calmly. Benevolent perseverance should be shown in the morning when waking up, then when dressing, and in a preschool when undressing. You need to talk with the baby not in a loud, but firm and confident voice. Often, when waking up, a good helper is the very favorite toy that the baby takes with him to the garden. Seeing that the bear “really wants to go to the garden”, the child will become infected with a good mood and his confidence.

Psychologists advise taking the baby to that adult, with whom it is easier for him to part. It has long been noticed that a child can part with one of his parents quite calmly, and with another it’s hard, continuing to suffer after his departure. It is important to identify and tell the child when they will pick him up: after lunch, after a walk, or how he will sleep.

It’s easier for Kroha to know that his mother will come for him after some regimen moment, than to wait for her every minute. Parents should not be late, but should fulfill their promises. You need to come up with your ritual of farewell: kiss, say “bye”, wave your hand. After that, you should immediately leave: without turning around and confidently. The longer the adults show indecision, the more the baby experiences. Adults often make serious mistakes that make adaptation difficult.

Parents should not do the following during the adaptation period:

- You can’t be angry or punish a baby for crying at home or when parting after mentioning the need to go to a preschool. The kid has the right to such a reaction, but a strict reminder of the child’s promise not to cry is not effective. Kids of this age still do not know how to "keep their word." It’s better to tell the baby about your love and that you will definitely take it;

- you should avoid talking with other family members about the tears of the child in his presence. Children at a subtle spiritual level feel their mother's concern, and this further enhances their anxiety;

- You can not scare the garden, because this place, therefore, will never be loved;

- You can not speak negatively about the garden and educators with crumbs;

- You can’t deceive, promising that you will pick it up soon, and the baby waits for half a day, losing confidence in a loved one.

Parents also need psychological help, since entering the kindergarten is a test not only for children, but also for parents experiencing intense excitement. Parents need to be sure of the need to visit the kindergarten, then the baby, seeing the confidence of the mother, adapts faster. It must be believed that the child is actually not a weak creature at all, and his adaptive system will survive, and he will cope. It is much worse if the child does not cry at all and is squeezed by stress. Crying acts as an assistant to the nervous system, preventing it from being overloaded. Therefore, do not be afraid of crying and getting angry at the baby. In severe cases, you can take the help of a child psychologist who will tell parents how the adaptation works and assure that really attentive people work in the garden.

Often, parents really need to know that their baby calms down quickly and easily after they leave, and this information is provided by the psychologist and educators who observe the children in the process of adaptation. Adults should also seek support from other parents whose babies attend kindergarten. Supporting each other, it is important to celebrate and enjoy the success of babies, as well as themselves.

How comfortable a child will feel in kindergarten, mainly depends on the success of his adaptation to the conditions of this institution. However, are future pupils and their parents ready for it?

Let us take a look at this problem through the eyes of an experienced educator, who daily encounters a mass of rather sad stories.

Episode One: Baby and Prolonged Breastfeeding

The pink-cheeked Katyusha entered the nursery four months before her three-year anniversary. Crying a little while parting with her mother, she was soon comforted and carried away by the game with other children. The first alarm bells sounded immediately after breakfast: a whimpering little girl loitered around the corners, defiantly sucked her finger and continuously called her mother.

Having decided that adaptation was the fault and not telling her mother about the daughter’s behavior, two hours later the young teacher said goodbye to the cheerful pupil. Over the next few days, the teachers continued to observe the same picture: after breakfast, Katyusha cried inconsolably, flatly refusing to play with her peers, and still demanded her mother. Finally, one of the teachers, intrigued by the strange behavior of the child, asked her mother how she could explain her daughter’s whims.

Mom’s answer put everything in place. It turned out that the girl, who had been breast-fed for a long time, was weaned from her mother’s breast two days before visiting the nursery. “It's okay,” my mother assured, “Katyusha has already grown enough. Sniff a little and get used to it ".

Responsible parents should remember that for a tiny baby, weaning from the mother’s chest is in itself a huge stress. That is why specialists in breastfeeding at this moment advise not to expose the baby to any additional experiences.

In the situation described by us, it turned out that the mother, who initially cared about the health and psychological comfort of her Katyusha, suddenly decided that her three-year-old daughter had become so adult that she would easily get used to her unusual environment.

Teacher tip:

A baby who is breastfed should either be weaned from her mother’s breast two months before the start of the visit to the nursery, or not be weaned until he finally adapts to new conditions and the daily routine in the preschool.

Breastfeeding and kindergarten - is it possible to combine?

As a breastfeeding consultant, I often hear this question from a nursing mother when she is 2 years old: “How to wean a baby from the breast, because we will soon go to kindergarten?” Do I need to wean the baby from the breast in front of the kindergarten? -

Episode Two: Nastya the Inept

Tiny Nastya was sent to a nursery due to the fact that her young mother, paying a loan for purchased housing, was forced to urgently go to work. An hour later, the teacher stated with despondency: the girl was not taught anything.

A one and a half year old baby, not accustomed to the pot, constantly urinated in panties (), could not eat with a spoon (), drink from a mug (), wash her hands and was not able to at least show what she wants, did not want to play with other children.

After talking with her mother on the phone, the teacher found out that the girl is still drinking from the bottle and continues to suck the nipple (). To the reasonable question of the educator about why the baby does not possess elementary skills, the answer was received: “I don’t even know, but had to be taught?”

Just think for a moment: is the educator and his assistant able to feed twenty babies at once who don’t know how to use a spoon? Even if there are three or four such “ineptties” in the group, they will remain half-starved, since it is very difficult to fully feed each baby in the time allotted for food.

A one and a half year old healthy baby, who does not have developmental disabilities, is able to independently eat with a spoon, ask for a toilet, show what he wants (or where he has pain) and be interested in communicating with other children.

Teacher tip:

A kid entering kindergarten should have basic self-care skills (regardless of age of admission). This will make life easier for him and his parents and kindergarten employees. Adaptation of a prepared child is much more successful.

Episode Three: Andryushins Fears

The first two days spent by Andrei in the kindergarten were successful: he really liked it. However, after the weekend the child was unrecognizable: the mother literally pushed into the group, sobbing and resisting Andryusha, and the teacher had to work hard to keep the boy eager for the leaving mother.

This went on for several days. After the mother left, the sobbing Andryusha sat alone in the corner, calming down only towards the end of breakfast, but hourly pestering the teacher and the nanny with the question: “Will mom come after me?”

Mom's note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I write here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The reason for this behavior was found out quite by accident. The teacher, who looked into the locker room, heard how the mother, dressing the boy, reproached him with reproach: "You will not obey me - I will leave you to spend the night in a kindergarten with a watchman."

What normal child after such words wants to voluntarily stay in kindergarten?

Teacher tip:

Never scare your baby yourself and do not let anyone else do it. Neither the evil aunt, nor the Baba Yaga, nor the policeman (and even more so the kindergarten) should be responsible for children's fears. All these horror stories, composed for the mythical one-time benefit, are not so harmless for the fragile children's psyche.

Episode Four:   Sonya and her hardworking mom

Sonya first came to kindergarten on Monday. Being an intelligent and sociable child, she immediately found a common language with most of the children in the group. The time allotted for the first day of adaptation was fun and unnoticed for her. Mom, who came for Sonia, warned the teacher that two days later she needed to go to work, so on Thursday the girl would stay in the group for the whole day.

“Why didn’t you come early to give Sonya the opportunity to get used to the new conditions for her?”   - the surprised teacher asked. Mom’s answer was rather strange: “I wanted my daughter to stay at home as long as possible.”

The result was logical. On Thursday, after the children had lunch, Sonechka began to worry, asking the teacher when they would take her home. A sincere woman tried to reassure the girl, explaining to her that her mother, forced to go to work, could pick her up only in the evening.

By evening, the yearned baby could no longer hold back her tears. The next morning, the scene with tears repeated: the irritated mother led the sobbing daughter into the kindergarten, explaining for the hundredth time how she needed this work. The adaptation, which began so successfully, was practically frustrated.

There is no greater test for the psyche of a child who is accustomed to staying with his beloved mother all the time than her sudden absence for many hours and her replacement by some unfamiliar people, coupled with a radical change in her usual way of life.

Caught in this situation, the baby believes that he was simply abandoned due to the fact that he did not please his mother with something, who would not come for him again. Mom’s explanation regarding the need to go to work is nothing more than a set of obscure phrases for him, and he perceives the current situation as a real betrayal.

Teacher tip:

Adaptation (the process of a child’s leisurely phased adaptation to the children’s team, to the new regime of the day, to carers) is necessary in order to protect the vulnerable child psyche from the influence of a strong stressful situation.

If you make it gradual, you can avoid many unpleasant moments: nervous breakdowns, tears, tantrums when saying goodbye to mom and the anxious expectation that haunts the baby for a whole day.

We read also: adaptation of the child to kindergarten -

How to wake a child in kindergarten without vagaries -

Loving parents during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten should surround him with their love, care and understanding, showing maximum tact and parental patience.

Watch a video on how to properly prepare a child for kindergarten:

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