Sinusitis during pregnancy: how to identify and neutralize. What you need to know about the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy? The effect of sinusitis on the fetus during pregnancy

Sinusitis can be acute and chronic. Launched in the treatment of the disease, it goes into the stage of chronicity, and it becomes impossible to completely cure it. Pathology is quite serious, and causes great discomfort, especially to women of an "interesting" position.

What is the maxillary sinus and its inflammation

The maxillary or maxillary sinuses are located in the maxillary region under the orbits on both sides. Relate to the nasal sinuses.

They are a small bone-carrying air cavity.

The lower processes are located in close proximity to the nasal passages. Connect with them using the airways.

The cavity is lined with ciliated epithelium, which helps to eliminate mucus due to its own cilia.

If the process is disturbed, mucus accumulates in the sinuses, and conditionally pathogenic microflora provokes a bacterial infection.

The inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is called sinusitis and occurs in every third person to a greater or lesser extent. The accumulated mucus does not exit the cavities and continues to accumulate in the bone cavities.

Bacteria that circulate with air through the hematogenous pathway penetrate the paranasal region. Once in favorable conditions, the active division of microorganisms begins, clinically manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process.

Causes of the disease

The development of maxillary sinusitis is affected by 2 factors:

  1. Reduced immunity;
  2. Pathogenic microflora.

During pregnancy, a change in the hormonal background and the consistency of blood is observed in the woman’s body, which ultimately leads to its thickening.

Detachable mucus becomes thicker, its usual discharge is difficult.

With the addition of a bacterial infection, an inflammatory phenomenon develops with severe pain.

The main causes of the pathological process include:

  • Decreased immunity after suffering colds;
  • Chronic rhinitis diagnosed before the onset of pregnancy, or lasting more than 1 month during the gestational period;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Sinusitis of bacterial etiology;
  • Adenoiditis;
  • Hypertrophy of the tonsils;
  • Curvature of the nasal septum due to the anatomical structure or trauma;
  • Neoplasms of undiagnosed etiology;
  • Tumor-like processes;
  • Overdrying of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Caries and other types of dental pathologies associated with inflammation of the pulp or gums.

In pregnant women, the occurrence of sinusitis can be associated with a change in hormonal balance. In this case, a temporary course of the disease of a physiological nature develops, characterized by short duration.

In most cases, inflammation develops as a result of an exacerbation of a chronic form of pathology that is in the patient’s history.

What is dangerous sinusitis during pregnancy

The susceptible organism of a pregnant woman reacts sharply to such processes.

The main functions of the maxillary sinuses (participation in breathing, the formation of smell and voice formation) are impaired.

Violation of nasal breathing leads to the development of chronic hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the brain.

Frequent, affecting the course of gestation develop.

In addition to inflammation of the sinuses, the inflammatory processes of the nearby sinuses, in particular the frontal sinuses, join.
  Chronic runny nose can cause hypertension, psycho-emotional disorder and lead to impaired memory.

Sinusitis can adversely affect the health of the future baby, so it is extremely undesirable to start the treatment of inflammation.

Symptoms of sinusitis in pregnant women

Inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinuses is characterized by vivid symptoms, which complicates the process of bearing a baby.

The following symptoms are observed in a pregnant woman:

  • Congestion of one or both nostrils;
  • Sniffling;
  • Change of voice - says "in the nose";
  • A sharp rise in temperature. For an exacerbation period, a body temperature of 39.0 - 40 ° C is characteristic, with a chronic form - not more than 38 0;
  • Swelling of the space between the orbits and upper lip;
  • External hyperemia;
  • A sharp headache, the epicenter of which falls on the frontal lobe;
  • Lomota
  • Nervousness;
  • Sleep disturbance and dry superficial.

Mucus excretion in sinusitis of the paranasal sinuses may be absent.

The nature of the mucus depends on several factors:

  1. Source of infection;
  2. The causative agent of bacterial inflammation;
  3. Main diagnosis;
  4. Nasal patency.

Separated from the nose can acquire a thick consistency with streaks of pus yellow or green. Adherent specific odor is the main indicator of a bacterial infection.

In most cases, the causative agents are the following types of microorganisms:

  • Streptococci;
  • Staphylococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Haemophilus influenzae.

Less commonly detected viruses and fungi. Flora can be represented by several bacteria at the same time.

Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

According to statistics, in pregnant women, sinusitis occurs several times more often. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to a natural decrease in the body's defenses in combination with hormonal changes.

In most cases, the pathology develops in the second or third trimester. In 1 - much less often.

There are several ways to diagnose a disease:

  1. External examination and palpation. It is carried out by the otolaryngologist.
  2. Diaphanoscopy - transillumination of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.
  3. Using a thermal imager to confirm or refute the diagnosis;
  4. Ultrasound examination. Of these methods, ultrasound is more informative, because it allows you to accurately determine the accumulation of exudate in the cavities and their anatomical structure.

Such diagnostic methods as radiography and computed tomography during pregnancy are not used due to a possible negative effect on the fetus.

In addition to hardware diagnostic methods, a maxillary sinus puncture is used to aspirate purulent contents with a needle.

The method is proven and will not bring harm to either the mother or the child.

Separated fluid from the nasal passages is sent to bacterial culture and to establish sensitivity to the antibiotic group for the selection of high-quality and adequate treatment.

Treatment of the disease in pregnant women

The oiled symptoms of sinusitis can easily be confused with a chronic runny nose or runny nose of pregnant women. Only ENT can identify and prescribe treatment.

The therapeutic manipulations of women in an interesting position and other categories of citizens have no differences.

Treatment is carried out according to the established scheme, but only after determining the pathogen and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

To eliminate the ailment, the following methods are used:

  • Sinus rinsing;
  • Vasoconstrictor therapy;
  • Homeopathy;
  • Alternative medicine;
  • Surgical intervention.


For better evacuation of mucus, washing of the sinuses is used. For this, a furatsilin solution is collected in a 5 ml syringe and injected into one nostril.

The head should be tilted.

All fluid is poured into the nasal passage, and furatsilin with an admixture of mucus flows through the other nostril. The same thing is done with the other part of the nose.

Manipulation is easy to perform and can be done at home.


The main method of washing the sinuses in a hospital. It is performed under local anesthesia.

The essence of the method is to “pierce” the cavity for the outflow of purulent contents. The needle is inserted through the nasal passages into the cavity, exudate is sucked off and then sanitized using antimicrobial agents.

The method is effective and is the main in the treatment of sinusitis of any pathogenesis.

Antibiotic therapy

Antibiotics are prescribed with great care, taking into account the patient’s position, but without them, treatment will not bring the desired result.

In the treatment of inflammation, topical preparations are used, such as Isofra, Polydex or Bioparox.

Vasoconstrictor therapy

Nasal drops and sprays are used to eliminate edema. In view of the patient’s position, preference is given to milder means.

An approximate treatment regimen for pregnant sinusitis in a conservative way:

  • Antiseptic irrigates the nasal cavity. Instead of an antiseptic, you can use a solution of salt water or physical. solution.
  • Nazivin, Naphthyzine or another vasoconstrictor drug is instilled into each nasal passage.
  • After 15 minutes, an antibiotic is applied.


Surgery is indicated for severe swelling, which manifests itself externally and in a bright syndrome of general intoxication.

Surgical intervention involves opening the paranasal cavity, which is unacceptable at the time of gestation, since general anesthesia is used.

Other methods of treatment:

  1. Homeopathy is a popular treatment for various diseases. Of the drugs used, the most suitable are: Sodium Moore, Vomica and Sinupret. Homeotherapy is aimed at raising local immunity, and is part of a comprehensive treatment.
  2. Recipes of traditional medicine are used to increase the immunity of a pregnant woman. These are mainly infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is not recommended to instill folk preparations in the nose, as an allergic reaction may develop.
  3. Antipyretic drugs are necessary to eliminate the symptoms of pathology. Nurofen and paracetamol act as painkillers.

Treatment can be carried out at home. Mandatory adjunctive therapy is the use of vitamin complexes and probiotics to prevent fungal infections.


  • difficult adaptation in extrauterine life.
  • Sinusitis, despite its prevalence, is a rather dangerous disease in the gestational period, because it can lead to fatal consequences. However, the disease lends itself perfectly to therapy and is completely cured in an acute form.

    Prevention of the disease in pregnant women

    To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to observe several important rules:

    1. Dress according to the weather, especially in the cold season.
    2. Do not neglect headgear
    3. Upon arrival from the street, flush the nasal passages with a weak solution of salt.
    4. Accept .
    5. Do not run.

    The rules are easy to implement and do not require much effort. It is important to remember that sinusitis can go into a chronic form and it will be almost impossible to cure it.

    Video: how to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

    When there is nothing to breathe and the head breaks as if a crowd of blacksmiths with hammers and a hard place has settled inside, it's time to turn to a qualified doctor for help. All these symptoms can talk about the development of sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. During pregnancy, this condition is especially dangerous for its complications, threatening both the mother and the fetus. How does the disease develop and how can I help the expectant mother?

    Sinusitis: causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease

    The maxillary sinuses occupy almost the entire maxillary bone. In healthy people, they are filled with air, and only with the development of the disease the sinus cavity is filled with pus. The cause of the disease may be a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dangerous agents enter the maxillary sinuses through the nose with a common cold. The source of infection can be inflamed tonsils with chronic tonsillitis, as well as carious upper teeth that have not been cured on time.

    Factors that provoke the development of sinusitis include polyps of the nasal mucosa, allergic rhinitis, as well as the curvature of the nasal septum as a result of a trauma. During pregnancy, the situation is complicated by weakened immunity of expectant mothers. In itself, a decrease in the activity of protective factors of the body is the norm for women in the situation, otherwise it would be impossible to bear and give birth to a child. With the normal functioning of the immune system, the body would perceive the baby as something alien and would try by all means to get rid of it. But with the development of sinusitis, reduced immunity only worsens the condition of the future mother and significantly lengthens the course of the disease.

    Symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy

    Sinusitis can develop only on one side or capture both maxillary sinuses. With the development of inflammation, the expectant mother feels pain in the region of the maxillary sinuses. Pronounced nasal congestion develops, purulent discharge appears. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in sense of smell, lacrimation and photophobia. A severe headache joins - spilled or localized in the forehead and temple.

    Expectant mother notes a decrease in appetite, severe weakness and fatigue. When filling the sinuses with pus, a dull aching pain appears in the cheek area, aggravated by tilting the head forward. If untreated, swelling of the eyelids and parts of the face appears. Often the temperature rises to 39 degrees, chills join. In severe cases, consciousness is disturbed, delusions and convulsions develop.

    What threatens sinusitis during pregnancy?

    Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. In the absence of adequate therapy, pus melts the sinus wall and leads to infection of the meninges. The development of meningitis is accompanied by severe headache, fever, intolerance to loud sounds and bright light. During pregnancy, this condition is quite difficult to treat, because many antibiotics are prohibited for use while the baby is waiting.

    No less dangerous is the transition of inflammation to the eyeball. Retinal edema, eye socket infection - all this can cause vision loss. Immunity reduced during pregnancy only worsens the situation, contributing to the rapid progression of complications.

    Acute sinusitis, which first occurred during pregnancy, quickly becomes chronic. In this case, the expectant mother will have a constant runny nose that interferes with normal breathing. Usually, inflammation lasts for a long time only on one side, and then moves on to the other - and everything starts all over again. Against the background of chronic sinusitis, general weakness and fatigue become constant companions of the future mother.

    How does sinusitis affect the fetus?

    The disease itself does not directly affect the fetus. With local infection, the viruses and bacteria that cause sinusitis are not able to penetrate the placenta and somehow harm the baby. But only the constant nasal congestion reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood of the expectant mother, which means that it can adversely affect the condition of the child. The development of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus is one of the most common complications of sinusitis. That is why it is so important to detect the disease in time and take all measures to eliminate it.

    With the development of sinusitis complications, the expectant mother may have to undergo surgery or other invasive interventions. Severe intoxication of the body, like general anesthesia, does not affect the condition of the fetus too well. Any intervention in the mother's body can cause premature birth and the birth of a child with a low body weight. Timely treatment of the disease avoids such complications and in the shortest possible time restore the health of the expectant mother.

    Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

    After examining and identifying complaints, the doctor sends the patient to an ultrasound examination of the sinuses. This method makes it possible to see pus in the affected area and to determine the extent of infection. A much more informative way is considered to be a radiography of the maxillary sinuses, but during pregnancy it is carried out only according to strict indications. If necessary, take a picture of the sinuses, the belly of the expectant mother is additionally covered with a special protective apron.

    Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinuses is done at any stage of pregnancy. During the procedure, pus is pumped out of the affected cavity and taken for bacteriological examination. Then, a drug that destroys the infection (usually a broad-spectrum antibiotic) is injected into the sinus. After the procedure, the expectant mother immediately feels relief. Nasal congestion is reduced, normal breathing is restored, headaches disappear. In rare cases, the puncture has to be repeated if the first procedure failed to achieve the desired result.

    Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy: the selection of safe means

    Therapy of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that not all drugs are allowed in anticipation of the baby. The selection of antibacterial agents is carried out by the attending physician. The choice of antibiotics depends on the suspected infectious agent, the severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies. All drugs prescribed for expectant mothers should be safe for the fetus and not interrupt the course of pregnancy.

    In addition to antibiotics, a pregnant woman is prescribed antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs that relieve swelling and inflammation. To restore breathing, various nasal sprays are used. It is worth noting that vasoconstrictors during pregnancy are prescribed only according to strict indications and their intake should not last more than five days. For washing the nasal cavity, solutions with local antiseptic action (nitrofural and others) are used.

    Simultaneously with the treatment of sinuses of the nose, future mother is prescribed, according to indications, agents that contribute to the preservation of pregnancy. With pronounced toning of the uterus, the gynecologist selects drugs that reduce the risk of premature birth. In the early stages, no-spa is prescribed, after 16 weeks - ginipral and other effective drugs. After recovery, the expectant mother must be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Monitoring the condition of the fetus is carried out according to indications.

    In addition to drug treatment, a pregnant woman is recommended rest and sleep. It is not necessary to observe bed rest, if there is no high temperature - just do not overwork yourself unnecessarily. Food should be balanced rich in vitamins. Walking in the fresh air is allowed after improving the condition and removing the main symptoms of inflammation.

    Can sinusitis be treated with alternative methods?

    Traditional medicine offers many ways to heal sinusitis using medicinal herbs. Many expectant mothers are afraid of the side effects of antibiotics and other drugs prescribed by a doctor, and therefore prefer home treatment methods. It is worth remembering that alternative medicine can be used only in combination with doctor's prescriptions, but not replace them.

    Of the folk remedies allowed during pregnancy, nose washing with antiseptic solutions has proven itself well. It can be sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, peppermint and other medicines. The main thing is that the nose breathes during the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of a complication in the ears in the form of purulent otitis media.

    Sinusitis is a serious infectious disease that is dangerous due to its complications, and self-medication is not appropriate here. During pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful in choosing a method of therapy, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn child. Timely treatment started allows the expectant mother to quickly get rid of the problem and avoid adverse consequences for her baby.

    Sinusitis during pregnancy is considered one of the most common and dangerous ailments. The fact is that during the bearing of a child the woman’s body becomes especially weak and vulnerable, and few manage to survive this period without colds and infectious diseases. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that. But since it is undesirable for a future mother to take medications, treatment of even the most harmless disease becomes difficult and lengthy.

    A pregnant woman rarely pays attention to constant nasal congestion and headaches, considering these symptoms to be the norm. Indeed, during the period of gestation, the blood vessels expand and provoke constant breathing problems. However, sinusitis is often hidden under the guise of a common cold.

    Untimely or incorrect treatment will lead to the fact that the consequences of the disease will affect not only the expectant mother, but also her baby.

    For mother

    Pregnant women with acute sinusitis risk the following complications:

    • inflammation of the brain;
    • tissue abscess of the eyeball;
    • chronic sinusitis;
    • meningitis;
    • renal failure;
    • myocarditis.

    In addition, sinusitis during pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: headache, malaise, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose. All this adversely affects the well-being of a woman and leads to a constant feeling of discomfort.

    For a child

    Shortness of breath, accompanying the development of sinusitis, causes discomfort not only to the expectant mother. Chronic lack of oxygen in a woman's body leads to the development of hypoxia in a child. As a result, the fetus develops incorrectly, and in severe cases dies.

    A great danger to the child is also the treatment of the disease with medications. Any aggressive drug exposure can lead to serious consequences. How such treatment will affect a child is impossible to predict.



    Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is carried out only under the guidance of a doctor. If the disease can be “intercepted" at the initial stage, then it can be treated at home; if pus begins to form in the sinuses, it is advisable to place the expectant mother in a hospital.

    Treat sinusitis with the following medicines:

    • vasoconstrictor drugs (s) that relieve swelling of the mucosa and restore breathing freedom;
    • local antibacterial drugs (aerosols and sprays) that destroy pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane of the sinuses;
    • general antibiotics (during pregnancy are prescribed only in exceptional cases, we advise);
    • medicines that dilute mucus and facilitate its removal from the sinuses;
    • antihistamines that eliminate swelling;
    • antipyretic drugs to normalize body temperature.

    All of the above drugs are selected by the doctor. But since, in most cases, drug therapy during pregnancy is contraindicated, other methods of treatment are used.

    To minimize the harmful effects of treatment, give up drinking and sprays. Replace them with rinsing your nose with antiseptic solutions. This procedure will destroy the pathogens that caused the disease, but will not affect the baby's health.


    In acute sinusitis, a completely safe and familiar “cuckoo” procedure is usually prescribed. Its advantage is high efficiency: after 5-6 sessions, the maxillary sinuses are cleared, and the patient feels a significant improvement.

    Warming up procedures and laser treatment are carried out at the initial stages of the disease or at the rehabilitation stage, since exposure to high temperatures during purulent inflammation increases the risk of complications. But during an exacerbation, you can carry out cool inhalations using a nebulizer.


    A good alternative to medical treatment is surgery - a puncture of the maxillary sinus wall. The doctor inserts a needle into the sinus clogged with pus, brings the contents out and disinfects the nasal cavity.

    Do not be afraid of surgery. Puncture is considered the safest treatment for sinusitis during pregnancy. It will not harm the fetus and will not affect its development.

    Folk remedies

    Many pregnant women, fearing for the health of their baby, refuse to treat sinusitis with pharmacy drugs and turn to alternative medicines. The benefits of such a replacement are doubtful.

    The fact is that a doctor prescribes drug therapy, taking into account all the features of the patient’s body. Treatment with folk remedies can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous due to improper dosage.

    However, some methods are still worth adopting:

    • lavage of the sinuses with a decoction of chamomile or saline;
    • inhalation using herbal decoctions or essential oils;
    • warming the nose with hot eggs (only during the period of remission);
    • the use of vitamin tea with rosehip or mint.

    Be careful when choosing healing herbs. Many plants have a toxic effect or a diuretic effect, so their intake should be agreed with your doctor. The doctor will evaluate your general condition and help you choose the most harmless treatment tactics with folk remedies.

    It is difficult to cure sinusitis during pregnancy: most effective drugs for the expectant mother are contraindicated. Therefore, doctors have to resort to surgery, physiotherapy, and even unconventional methods to save a woman from sinusitis. Do not neglect the advice of the ENT: if you perform all the prescribed procedures, the disease will not affect the baby’s health

    The protective abilities of the body during pregnancy are weakened. He becomes more vulnerable to various infections. One of them is sinusitis. It is dangerous for its complications, which may not affect the development of the fetus in the best way. Therefore, at the first suspicion, you should consult a doctor, and start treatment as soon as possible. The choice of treatment methods should be approached carefully, avoiding the "aggressive" means that can harm the unborn baby.

    What is sinusitis

    Sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) - purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The inflammatory process can be one-sided (inflammation of one sinus) and two-sided.

    By the nature of the flow, such forms of the disease:

    • acute - lasts no more than 5 weeks;
    • subacute - more than 4 weeks;
    • chronic - more than 6 months.

    Depending on the pathogenthat caused the infection, sinusitis happens:

    • viral;
    • bacterial;
    • fungal;
    • traumatic;
    • allergic.

    Causes of sinusitis in pregnant women

    Most often, the development of rhinosinusitis during pregnancy associated with a significant weakening of the immune system  due to the restructuring of the hormonal background. Various infections can easily enter the body, causing inflammation.

    A common cause of sinusitis is bacteria, chlamydia, fungi, viruses. The disease can be a consequence of a poorly cured cold or rhinitis, as well as a complication of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A factor contributing to the development of infection in the maxillary sinuses can be a curvature of the nasal septum due to trauma or congenital anomalies.

    Characteristic the first signs of an ailment are:

    • persistent nasal congestion;
    • pain in the frontal and nasal sinuses;
    • yellow-green discharge from the nasal cavity;
    • headache.

    With an acute form of sinusitis in pregnant women, body temperature can increase. A typical symptom for chronic sinusitis is a suffocating cough at night, which does not go away after traditional treatment. Patients may experience signs of conjunctivitis.

    Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

    It is difficult to detect sinusitis at an early stage, since it symptoms are very similar to a common cold. To diagnose the disease, use radiography and computed tomography. But these diagnostic methods are contraindicated for pregnant women (especially in the 1st trimester) due to the harmful effects of radiation.

    The diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy can be determined based on such studies:

    • diaphanoscopy (sinus translucence);
    • puncture (puncture of the maxillary sinuses).

    How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

    If you do not start treating sinusitis during pregnancy in time, it can lead to serious consequences for both a woman and a child. From a lack of oxygen due to nasal congestion, kidney pelvis develops, myocarditis, meningitis, and brain abscess develop.

    Therapy of rhinosinusitis includes a complex of measures that suppress the focus of infection and restore the drainage function of the nose. How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy?

    Treatment consists of three approaches:

    • lavage of the nose;
    • taking medications;
    • puncture.

    The complex of therapeutic measures is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the particular state of the pregnant woman and the type of sinusitis.

    Sinus Rinse

    One of the few acceptable procedures for the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy at home is to rinse the maxillary sinuses by moving the disinfectant solution (“cuckoo”). It is necessary to lie on your back so that the head is below the level of the body. The healing fluid is poured into one nostril, and from the other it is aspirated together with purulent mucus with a special device.

    At home, you can wash your nose with saline or herbal infusions (chamomile, peppermint).

    Drug treatment

    Medicines for pregnant women are selected with great care. Preference is given to local drugs that eliminate swelling of the mucosa and relieve inflammation. It’s better to start treatment with salt drops:Aquamaris, Humer, Nosol.

    It is better to refuse vasoconstrictive drops and sprays during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs that are approved for use in infants.

    The choice in the treatment of sinusitis is given homeopathic and herbal preparations.  Pregnant women are allowed to use: Cinnabsin, Euphorbium compositum, Sinupret, Sinuforte. Doctors recommend using homeopathy as an auxiliary element of complex therapy.

    If the effect of the use of the above funds does not occur, in some cases they resort to taking antibiotics (with the bacterial nature of sinusitis).

    Drops with antibiotic:Isofra, Polydex, Bioparox.

    Systemic antibiotics:Azithromycin, Augmentin, Cephalosporins 3 generations.

    It must be borne in mind that in many drops for the nose there are substances that contribute to an increase in vascular tone. Their use can lead to uterine hypertonicity, which will increase the risk of miscarriage.

    Puncture of the maxillary sinuses

    it   the most effective and safest way to treat  rhinosinusitis in pregnant women. Using a special needle, the maxillary sinuses are punctured and purulent contents are removed from them. Then a disinfectant solution is introduced into the cavity. After the procedure, the patient comes with significant relief, nasal breathing is restored.

    The main way to protect yourself from sinusitis is to treat a cold and a runny nose in a timely manner.

    Preventive measures to prevent the disease:

    • Avoid hypothermia.
    • In winter, go outside in a hat.
    • Do breathing exercises to stimulate air circulation in the sinuses. Close one nostril and inhale deeply, exhale with your mouth. Do exercises at least 8 times a day.
    • Balanced and eat right.

    Video about sinusitis

    We offer you to watch a video about sinusitis and methods of its treatment - advice from Dr. Komarovsky.

    Sinusitis is a dangerous disease, especially during pregnancy. Its consequences can harm the future mother and fetus. Therefore, at the first signs of SARS, you must visit a doctor. He will prescribe effective and safe means for treatment, which will prevent the development of sinusitis, and maintain a normal pregnancy.

    Nasal congestion or a mild runny nose often accompanies pregnancy, these unpleasant conditions are caused by grandiose changes in the body of the expectant mother. Doctors say that this phenomenon is temporary and is not a cause for excitement. Another thing is if sinusitis was detected during pregnancy, the choice of how to treat it is complicated by the “interesting position” of a woman.

    Sinusitis is a disease that is characterized by the presence of infection and inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are responsible for the sound of a person’s voice, and their face depends on their anatomy. But the most important function of the maxillary sinuses is the filtering and heating of the air inhaled by a person through the nose.

    It is not enough to say that with sinusitis this function is violated. The proximity of the sinuses to the brain poses a risk of infection.

    Depending on whether only one sinus or both is affected by inflammation, sinusitis happens:

    • one-way;
    • two way.

    Depending on the duration of the course of the disease, it is classified into:

    • sharp;
    • chronic

    Sinusitis during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs for the following reasons:

    1. In sinusitis can develop out of a cured incomplete ARVI, one of the symptoms of which was rhinitis. This happens very often, because in connection with the bearing of a child, the woman’s body weakens, her immunity decreases.
    2. Often, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs in expectant mothers with a violated anatomy of the nose: a history of fractures, congenital defects of the nasal septum, etc.
    3. The disease has a bacterial nature, it is provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, other conditionally pathogenic bacteria, the titer of which increased due to changes in the hormonal background and weakening of the immunity of a pregnant woman.

    Sinusitis in pregnancy can be suspected by the following symptoms:

    • rhinitis that does not stop for a week or more;
    • purulent nature of discharge from the nose (mucus from greenish yellow to brown, streaks of blood and an unpleasant odor may be present);
    • difficulty in nasal breathing;
    • a feeling of pressure in the area of \u200b\u200bany;
    • headache;
    • fever.

    The disease is diagnosed in expectant mothers by symptoms and on the basis of ultrasound of the sinuses.

    What is scary sinus inflammation during pregnancy?

    Negative consequences for the future mother and for the child can occur both due to the very infectious nature of the disease and its symptoms.

    1. The infection that accumulates in the maxillary sinuses can spread throughout the body of a woman with blood flow, affecting the kidneys, heart and, worst of all, the brain. It is not excluded infection of the fetus through the placenta.
    2. Difficult nasal breathing results in hypoxia of the body, unacceptable during pregnancy. Oxygen is not enough not only for the woman herself, but also for the fetus.
    3. Due to difficulty breathing, a pregnant woman may experience high blood pressure, which is very dangerous for the baby.
    4. If the disease is not treated, it passes into the chronic stage, which often requires surgical intervention. Such procedures while waiting for the baby are extremely undesirable.
    5. Sinusitis during pregnancy at extreme times creates considerable discomfort during childbirth.

    How to cope with an ailment?

    The goals of treating this insidious disease in expectant mothers are:

    • suppression of the focus of infection;
    • restoration of respiratory function;
    • elimination of the symptoms of sinusitis.

    The treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with antibacterial drugs is widely practiced. Usually, these are broad-spectrum antibiotics that are safe for the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. These include drugs based on penicillin (amoxiclav, ampicillin), cephalosporin (cefadox, ceftriaxone, ceftazimide, etc.), erythromycin. These substances either do not penetrate the placental barrier at all, or are absolutely harmless to the fetus. Some antibiotics can be used topically.

    However, antibiotics for pregnant women with sinusitis are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. In parallel with them, he will recommend vasoconstrictor drugs and tell you how to use them. You need to know that not all of them are suitable for expectant mother. Also, the course of their use should not exceed three days.

    The condition of the pregnant woman should improve on the second or third day of taking antibiotics.

    Also, the doctor may suggest a puncture. Through a puncture to thin bone tissue, he “pumps out” pus with a syringe and injects a disinfecting medicine. Symptoms of sinusitis fade away almost immediately after a puncture: the temperature begins to decrease, headaches are released, breathing through the nose is restored.

    Symptomatic treatment of sinusitis is as follows:

    • the use of antipyretics if necessary;
    • the use of drugs that stimulate the immune system;
    • the use of antiseptic solutions for washing the nose.

    Concomitant treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with folk remedies is also possible. Many women are so afraid of strong drugs that they are trying to cure the disease, relieve sinusitis at home exclusively by natural means. Unfortunately, this is a mistake. Alternative methods, herbal remedies are able to relieve some symptoms of sinusitis, relieve the condition of a pregnant woman for a while, but are unlikely to help fight infection and prevent its spread throughout the body. Doctors call such tools auxiliary and call for use in parallel with traditional, basic ones.

    So, at home, a pregnant woman can rinse her nose:

    • saline solution;
    • decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile or mint.

    To increase the body's resistance, the expectant mother can drink warm herbal teas, the components of which are not contraindicated during pregnancy, tea with honey and lemon. It boosts immunity, helps fight rosehip broth with infections.

    A common mistake is made by many pregnant women with sinusitis. Following the "advice of the grandmother," they roll out the nose and forehead with hot boiled eggs. This should not be done. Perhaps the procedure will improve nose breathing for a while. But it is impossible to “warm up” sinusitis categorically, otherwise pathogenic organisms will multiply even faster.

    When practicing treatment with folk remedies, the expectant mother with maxillary sinus inflammation must necessarily stipulate all the methods with the attending physician.

    Video about the treatment of a disease from the program Live healthy with Elena Malysheva