What can be done to prevent colds during pregnancy. Prevention of colds in pregnant women by means of official and traditional medicine. Infectious drugs

For every woman, the health of her child is important. Therefore, you need to take care of it from the very planning or the onset of pregnancy. Throughout the period, doctors strongly do not recommend the expectant mother to take any medications. But sometimes it is simply necessary.

Modern manufacturers of medicines produce a variety of means by which the prevention of colds is carried out. During pregnancy, such drugs are not always allowed. Every expectant mother should remember the main rule: no medications can be taken independently. If you have signs of the disease, then you should seek the help of specialists.

Watch out in the cold season

During pregnancy should always be carried out. But special attention is paid to it in the cold. If the street is damp and windy, then you can easily catch the infection. Note that viruses spread most well in the cold, but not frosty period. If the window is minus temperature, then the chances of getting sick are reduced significantly.

It is very important to pay attention to your clothes. Choose it according to the weather. Do not try to dress warmer: you can easily sweat and catch a cold. If your journey takes a lot of time, then take a thermos with you in a warm drink: tea or fruit drink. Hardening is a good way to increase immunity, but only before conception. If you are already pregnant, then it is worthwhile to turn out from such events.

Protect yourself from infection

Medicines for prevention are usually not recommended for use. Therefore, the expectant mother gently take care of her health independently. Try to avoid crowded places, during epidemics it is worth staying at home. But here it is important to follow certain rules: ventilate the room as often as possible, the air surrounding you should be moist and cool. Be sure to refuse to receive guests.

If you cannot afford to sit out the epidemic at home, then use masks. They need to be changed every two hours. Infection is inevitably transmitted through contact with a person: through the air, handshakes, documents. You can catch the disease even in a store, a bus, your own entrance. Therefore, it is so important that you thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap when you get home. Use hand sanitizer gels throughout the day. Do not bring brushes to your face and, of course, do not eat with dirty hands.

Use folk remedies

The safest prevention of colds during pregnancy is folk remedies. But in this you need to know the measure. You should not drink decoctions in liters and eat honey in kilograms. This can lead to allergies. It is worth noting that such a reaction develops not only in expectant mothers, but also in their babies. Subsequently, the child is born an allergic person. So, what can be done to prevent colds during pregnancy?

  • Herbs: chamomile, calendula, mint, eucalyptus. Gargle with decoctions of these plants. They will have a bactericidal, antiseptic, antiviral effect. In low concentrations, you can make tea from these herbs, but always be careful.
  • Onion and garlic. These two plants are considered. There is a myth that garlic should not be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors are skeptical of this statement and assure: within reasonable limits - it is possible.
  • Sources of vitamin C: orange, lemon, parsley, cabbage. These products make up for vitamin deficiencies in the body and help boost immunity. It is important to eat them raw.
  • Ginger tea. This drink is considered a natural immunomodulator. You can use it, but it is worth limiting the volume and concentration. Start your morning with a cup of light ginger tea with a spoon of honey, and your immunity will become much stronger.

Nasal lavage - a sure cold prevention

Use a variety of saline solutions and drops. They are introduced into the nasal cavity in order to cleanse, moisturize, relieve swelling. The presence of salt helps to draw excess fluid out of the mucous membranes, which makes breathing easier. In addition, the solution promotes the regeneration of inflamed and damaged tissues. If you come into contact with an infection, then the nose and throat become a passage for it into your body. Therefore, upon returning home, it is necessary to clean these mucous surfaces.

The virus is not able to hit its target in a few hours. You can easily get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, which helps prevent infection. Saline solution can be prepared independently or use well-known sodium chloride. The pharmacy also sells special devices that simplify the cleaning process: Dolphin, Rinostop, Humer, and so on.

Drugs for prevention: immunomodulators

Prevention and treatment of colds during pregnancy can be carried out with the help of drugs that increase immunity. If previously you had to use those without a doctor’s prescription, now it is prohibited. Many medicines of this nature also have an antiviral effect. Indications for the appointment of immunostimulants are frequent colds, accompanied by complications, a high probability of infection, sluggish bacterial pathologies.

You need to remember the list of medicines that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy: “Immunal”, “Isoprinosine” or “Groprinosin”, “Cycloferon”, “Bronchomunal”, “Proteflazid”, “Amiksin” and so on. You can list dangerous drugs endlessly. It is much easier to say what can be used. Prevention of colds during pregnancy can be carried out by the following means: Oscillococcinum, Magne B6, Viferon (from 14 weeks), Arbidol.

If you get sick ...

What if the prevention of influenza and the common cold during pregnancy was ineffective? At the first symptoms of infection, treatment should be started immediately. Its basis is the mode:

  1. Give up work and stay at home: rest more and lie down, keep peace.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. It can be plain water, tea, fruit drink. Do not abuse raspberries (especially in the first and last trimester). If possible, replace it with cranberries.
  3. If there is no appetite, do not force yourself to eat. Do not worry that the baby inside you will remain hungry. Now it is much more important to regain good health.

Many expectant mothers do not want to see a doctor and try to eliminate the disease on their own. Such an approach is possible, but once again it is worth recalling the prohibition of any drugs. It is imperative to appear to a specialist in the following cases:

  • Body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
  • Coughing, headache, photophobia torment you.
  • There is abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  • Runny nose acquires a thick consistency, discharge becomes green.
  • You do not feel better for 2-3 days.

Fever and pain

Prevention of colds during pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is not always successful. The reason is a natural decrease in immunity. It is necessary so that the body does not reject the fetus. If the infection did occur, and you have a headache, then it is permissible to take an antispasmodic. The safest and most popular are No-Shpa and Drotaverin. Expectant mothers are not contraindicated.

If the body temperature rises, then it must be controlled. It is worth taking antipyretics if the mercury on the thermometer has risen to 37.6. The safest medication in this situation is Paracetamol. It is permissible to use Ibuprofen. “Analgin” and “Aspirin” are strictly prohibited. These drugs can cause fetal damage.

Runny nose and nasal congestion

Prevention of colds during early pregnancy does not always bear fruit. Every third expectant mother in the first trimester suffers a runny nose. This phenomenon in itself is not dangerous for the baby in the womb, but it is unpleasant for the woman. A safe and proven remedy for the common cold is the spray and drops of Grippferon. It is worth noting that they can be used for prevention. This medication is allowed to expectant mothers throughout pregnancy. It has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

With a cold of a bacterial nature and protracted chronic rhinitis, “Pinosol” is prescribed. The composition of this drug includes only natural plant components. Note that for women with a tendency to allergies, it is better not to use it. All vasoconstrictor drugs are prohibited (especially in the first trimester). But if the swelling in the nose is such that the expectant mothers are forced to breathe through the mouth - drugs can be prescribed in minimal doses.

How to relieve sore throat?

What other means can prevent colds during pregnancy? In the early stages, as later, you can use the Miramistin solution. This drug has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Spray is effective in all diseases. If infection has occurred, then the drug needs to be irrigated with a throat up to 6 times a day or use a diluted rinse. "Miramistin" perfectly disinfects and treats, but it does not have an analgesic effect.

You can get rid of perspiration and discomfort with the help of “Hexoral” and “Tantum Verde” preparations. According to the doctor’s prescription, it is permissible to use “Ingalipt”, “Gedelix”, “Doctor Mom”. Frequently gargle with decoctions of chamomile and sage.

Antibiotic use

Prevention or early on - not so important) is never done with antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed for indications only. They are strictly prohibited until 14 weeks. Later, medications are prescribed only after examination. The doctor, before prescribing a medicine, weighs the pros and cons. Antibiotics are indicated in the following cases:

  1. High temperature persists for more than 5 days.
  2. A cough with wheezing in the bronchi and lungs joins her.
  3. The secret released from the nose takes on a green color.
  4. There is purulent plaque in the throat.

There are not many antibiotics allowed during pregnancy. The most commonly prescribed penicillin preparations are Flemoxin, Amoxiclav. Less commonly prescribed macrolides "Sumamed", "Aziromycin".


In the season of colds and exacerbations of viral infections, all expectant mothers should think about such a comprehensive event as the prevention of colds during pregnancy. After all, a pregnant woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the health of the unborn child. To know how best to protect yourself from a cold, you need to consider in detail all the possible risks and solutions to problems.

Prohibition of self-medication

  All future mothers should be aware that taking any medications is prohibited during gestation, because each of the drugs has its own contraindications. Any adult should take the medicine carefully and with the advice of the attending physician, not to mention pregnant women. For the fetus, the uncontrolled intake of drugs by the mother, especially those prescribed on their own, can lead to serious consequences.

Drugs that are approved for use by pregnant women can be recommended by a doctor in cases where you simply cannot do without it, for example, with a viral or infectious disease.

    If it is impossible to cure the disease without taking antibiotics, then in such cases most often prescribed:
  • Penicillin.
  • Ampicillin.
  • Amosin.
  • Flemoxin Solutab.

The list of such drugs is small, and they must be used with caution, strictly at the dosage calculated by the doctor. The safest intake of drugs during pregnancy is considered to be the time on the terms of the second trimester. It is at this time that medical treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in pregnant women is carried out, if infection still occurs.

Seasonal clothing

Microbes tend to actively reproduce precisely in cool and damp weather, when the air temperature has not reached minus. At temperatures below zero, pathogenic bacteria die, so in winter there are no such outbreaks of respiratory infections, as in the spring-autumn season.

It is during the cold season that you need to dress warmly, especially in wet weather. To be zealous is also undesirable, because if you dress warmer than necessary, you can sweat and, conversely, increase the risk of getting sick.

If a pregnant woman is dressed for the weather, but she has a long way to go, you can take warm tea or fruit drink in a thermos with you in order to periodically warm up.

Infection protection

  To prevent infection, a pregnant woman should avoid places where a large number of people accumulate. It is better to reduce the number of trips in public transport, but if you still have to use it, you must definitely wash your hands immediately upon arrival. After all, holding onto the handrails, you can pick up many diseases, including infectious ones.

If the expectant mother works in a large team where several people are already infected with SARS, it is necessary to use gauze dressings for the prevention of the disease. They need to be changed every couple of hours.

Can be applied to the nasal mucosa Oxolinic ointment, which is known for its antiviral properties. During the day you need to use wet wipes to maintain clean hands, use alcohol-based sprays for external processing and, of course, you can’t eat with dirty hands.

Infectious drugs

  Prevention of acute respiratory infections during pregnancy may involve the use of certain medications. Their list is not very large, and the use should be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

    Here is a list of drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza for pregnant women:
  1. Oscillococcinum
      This is a drug from a series of homeopathic medicines. Available in the form of a granular powder, soluble in water. It has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. It is used to prevent acute respiratory infections, including influenza. If the disease has already occurred, then taking the medicine Oscillococcinum will help to quickly relieve well-being, reduce the temperature and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The drug should be taken in pregnant women after it has been prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Arbidol
    It is successfully used both for prophylaxis and for the treatment of viral infections. It has an effective antiviral effect; in case of an onset disease, it eliminates the symptoms of the disease and the cause of the disease - the virus. The dosage of the drug and the regimen for pregnant women is determined exclusively by the doctor.
  3. Viferon
      In pregnant women, it is allowed for use only for a period of more than 14 weeks. Available in the form of ointments, gel and suppositories. The advantage of suppositories is that the systemic effect is on the body, bypassing the liver, without overloading it and without having side effects on the body. The effect of the drug is due to the attraction of immune cells to the inflammatory focus, which allows the body to successfully overcome an already spread infection, or to protect itself from infection initially. Suppositories are also enriched with vitamins A and C, which have an antioxidant effect and enhance the antiviral activity of the drug.
  4. Magne B6
      Magnesium, known for its ability to exert a strengthening effect on the human nervous system, is very necessary during pregnancy. After all, it is not only the mother's nervous system that needs to be strengthened, taking the necessary amount of this element per day promotes the proper fusion of the ends of the neural tube in early pregnancy, and at later ones prevents the risk of intrauterine defects. Its use for the prevention of influenza and SARS has long been recommended by doctors. This is explained by the general strengthening effect on the body of the expectant mother, relieving her of stress and nervous overloads, which is already a good prevention of infections.

If earlier for preventive measures a woman did not have to consult a doctor before taking immunomodulating drugs, now this is becoming a prerequisite.

Immunostimulants that are harmless to be taken outside of pregnancy can become dangerous for expectant mothers. These are Immunal, Bronchomunal, Isoprinosine, Proteflazid.

Rinse nose

Prevention of colds in pregnant women includes such an effective procedure as washing the nose. After all, it is known that pathogenic bacteria that invade the body, first accumulate on the nasal mucosa, and then are spread everywhere with blood. It is possible to rinse with saline solutions and the throat, because inhaling air through the mouth can also lead to illness.

A solution for washing the nose can be prepared independently by adding the right amount of salt to boiled water. The solution should not be too salty.

Mineral water boiled for several minutes is well suited for these purposes. By boiling, excess gases come out of the water, and salt and the necessary minerals remain in place.

    You can buy ready-made drops and nasal sprays at the pharmacy:
  • Aqua Maris.
  • Morenazal.
  • Marimer

You can treat the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with these sprays several times a day, as well as before going out to protect yourself from the common cold during pregnancy.

When a cold starts, these solutions will help clear the nasal cavity of mucous secretions and facilitate nasal breathing.

The use of folk remedies

  It is possible to apply traditional medicine recipes during pregnancy to those women who choose how to protect themselves from a cold initially, and during the first symptoms of the disease. It is allowed to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs, to make tea from them.
    In addition to medicinal plants, root vegetables and vegetables rich in volatile and vitamins can be eaten. This will be a good preventative measure to protect against a virus attack:
  1. Herbal tea based on medicinal plants - chamomile, peppermint, calendula, eucalyptus. A mixture of such herbs, infused in a water bath and filtered, is ready for use in the form of tea. The drink will have a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory effect on the body and will stimulate the immune system to protect itself from viruses and infections. Also, you can gargle with this decoction - this will produce a good bactericidal effect.
  2. Tea with ginger - an active immunomodulator of natural origin, ginger, will increase resistance to infections, strengthen the body. It will be most useful to drink ginger tea in the morning, after adding a spoonful of honey to it.
  3. Garlic and onions are natural antiseptics and antioxidants. They have the ability to kill various types of pathogenic bacteria. You can eat them starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Overdoing the use of garlic and onions is not worth it.
  4. Fruits, sources of vitamin C - lemons, tangerines, oranges. The use of these fruits in food helps to saturate the body with vitamin C in the right quantities and increase resistance to viral infections.

The fact that eating honey and drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs is good for health is a fact. But moderation is needed in everything, especially a pregnant woman. Excessive consumption of honey and herbal decoctions can lead to the development of an allergic reaction not only in the mother, but in the future in the child.

If infection does occur

First of all, a pregnant woman who nevertheless caught an infection needs to forget about self-prescribing drugs, especially antibiotics. Consultation with a doctor and the strict implementation of his recommendations will be the key to a speedy recovery.
    What can be done to quickly eliminate the symptoms of a cold on your own? Here are the main measures:
  • it is forbidden to warm your feet with hot baths - it is better to wear warm socks made of natural wool;
  • inhalation should be authorized by a doctor;
  • a plentiful warm drink is recommended to get rid of intoxication of the body;
  • freshly made cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks will help to cope with a virus attack faster;
  • the implementation of a complex of breathing exercises helps to activate the body's defenses to fight infection.

The effectiveness of treatment consists not only in the action of medications, but also in the mood of the future mother. If a pregnant woman is constantly nervous and worried due to a viral infection, this will do more harm to the fetus than the possible side effects of the drugs. Therefore, you need to stay calm, regularly visit your doctor and observe the simple rules that require the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. If you protect yourself from infections in advance, this will help protect every expectant mother from the negative consequences of not only herself, but also the baby.

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy: how to protect yourself?

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03.09.2016 3434

In the Russian climate, a cold is a common occurrence in pregnant women. A cold symptom is not a cause for frustration. But the prevention of colds in pregnant women, done on time will help to avoid problems.

What is pregnancy prevention for?

Prevention is important, especially in the initial stages. Women should be careful about their state of health. In the early stages, it is worth avoiding crowds, not overcooling and not allowing contact with patients.

You need to dress according to the weather. During pregnancy, you need to consume fresh vegetables and fruits and steamed food.

The disease in the early stages threatens the health of not only the mother, but also the child.

The first trimester is characterized by the formation of important body systems and fetal organs.

A cold during pregnancy can cause complications such as miscarriage, hypoxia, or developmental pathologies.

Hypoxia manifests itself at the end of the term.

At the first sign of a cold, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

Prevention of colds is carried out at the stage of planning conception. The body is strengthened with vitamin therapy, bowel cleansing and hardening procedures.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, you must be in a calm state and not succumb to depressive moods. In a depressed state, the treatment is delayed.

If the following symptoms appear, consult a doctor:

  • feeling unwell for several days;
  • swelling appears on the face and legs, wheezing and shortness of breath occur;
  • temperature rises over 38 degrees;
  • swelling of the larynx occurs;
  • rashes are observed.

Symptoms like this require action. Sometimes it takes place in a hospital.

Consulting a doctor will help to avoid complications and harmful consequences for the fetus.

Prevention Rules

Prevention of colds and flu will help prevent the development of the disease.

The following prevention rules should be followed:

  1. Do not visit public places with crowds. And reduce the circle of friends. You can’t visit people with infectious diseases.
  2. It is recommended to take walks every day for at least two hours. Pregnant women need to walk a lot. This is the optimal type of load in a given period. Walking is important for the oxygen supply of the unborn child. After all, its lack provokes hypoxia.
  3. Prevention of colds in pregnant women includes in the list of rules - ventilation of the room. If it is cold outside, then when opening the windows you should leave the room.
  4. Households must observe preventive measures: take vitamin complexes. If relatives are sick, it is recommended that a pregnant woman instill interferon.
  5.   suggests a balanced diet. Vegetables and fruits account for the share of consumed products.
  6. During epidemics, when visiting crowded places, a special mask is put on, and the nasal cavities are smeared with oxolin ointment. It is worth remembering that the mask changes every three hours, and the nose is smeared with medicine every four hours.
  7. After returning home, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, it is also recommended to wash your nose and throat with sea water or saline.
  8. If someone caught a cold at home, then water containers are installed in the room, into which chopped onions and garlic are added.
  9. Prevention of cough involves moisturizing the room. Wet cleaning is performed regularly, and in some cases an air humidifier is purchased.
  10. It is necessary to consume warm drinks if there is no tendency to swelling. Pomegranate juice or cranberry juice helps reduce puffiness.
  11. Not worth the period in the nose. This drug causes contractions in the uterus.
  12. It is impossible to prevent hypothermia or overheating. Do not drink too cold drinks.
  13. Respiratory diseases are prevented with vitamin therapy. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take a lot of ascorbic acid, but a decoction of rose hips will supply the body with all the necessary substances. It contains vitamin C and other beneficial trace elements.

If a woman is sick, early treatment of ARVI in pregnant women requires special attention to reduce the risk of complications. In this state, the following rules are true:

  1. Bed rest is observed, you need to rest as often as possible. In the early days, you should cancel all business and lie down.
  2. Without examination by a doctor, medications are not accepted. during pregnancy alone is dangerous.
  3. The consumption of large amounts of fluid helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Caution should be exercised in edema.
  4. The throat is treated with herbal infusions, but there should be no allergy to the selected plants.
  5. The nose is washed with saline or aquamaris. When thickening the mucus, menthol oil is used.

It is worth remembering that cause negative consequences in the development of the fetus. All drugs are taken after a doctor’s examination.

The doctor is informed about the infection. Some diseases cause toxic effects on the fetus, so you will need to take tests for the presence of infection and the virus.

Proper prevention of colds during pregnancy involves a careful study of the instructions. If you have any questions, consult your doctor.

It is difficult to treat ARVI in pregnant women, therefore, reinforced measures are taken to prevent an unpleasant disease.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women is carried out not only with safety measures, but also by maintaining an active lifestyle. Gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga exercises, swimming or walking will strengthen the immune system and create a positive mood.

Effective remedies

Not only all kinds of preventive measures, but also proper nutrition will help protect yourself from colds and flu.

The diet contains healthy foods that are enriched with healthy elements:

  • About two liters of pure water are drunk per day to remove harmful substances. It is important that the fluid consumed is free of gas and impurities. The optimal amount of fluid contributes to the normal secretion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. With severe edema, this rule is revised.
  • Drinks with the addition of currants, lemon or ginger. The substances contained in them are a means to prevent colds and increase immunity.
  • Sour-milk products in which live bacteria are added to the diet. Biokefir has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Prevention of colds during pregnancy is carried out with the help of vitamin complexes. Vitamins are best obtained from natural products. During pregnancy, citrus fruits are useful. It is worth including cabbage, carrots, garlic and onions in the diet.
  • Of meat dishes, liver, beef and chicken broth are consumed.

A medicine is taken to prevent colds. The doctor will help you choose the right remedies.

Synthetic immunomodulators, antibiotics, and drugs containing ethyl alcohol are not safe during pregnancy.

  1. Safe nasal drops for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections are flupferon. The medicine has an effect on stimulating the immune system and has antiviral qualities. Protects against infection.
  2. The use of ascorbic acid should be agreed with the doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. This remedy resists viruses and helps the body cope with existing ones.
  3. Used for the prevention of colds. It is indicated for use even in the first trimester. The tool has protective actions and increases the capabilities of the immune system.
  4. Oxolinic ointment for the prevention of flu and colds is effective. It is applied if necessary visiting crowded places.
  5. Moisturizes the mucosa and protects it from the penetration of aquamaris viruses.
  6. Aromatherapy oils for colds are used. Lemon oil and menthol possess antiviral properties. Coniferous aromatic oils are recommended for pregnant women.
  7. St. John's wort herb is endowed with antiseptic properties. Inhalations and decoctions are made of it.
  8. Calcium gluconate is used during pregnancy. It gives strength and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  9. An excellent remedy for prevention is Alpharon. It is prescribed for pregnant women.
  10. Helps resist aquamaris viruses. It moisturizes the mucous membrane, making it difficult for pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.
  11. Oscillococcinum is considered an effective drug. He is a homeopathic medicine. It is taken after a meal.
  12. For preventive purposes, inhalations are used. Solutions for them are prepared not only with the use of aromatic oils, but also from herbal preparations and a decoction of potatoes.

Timely preventative measures are effective during epidemics and in winter. Expectant mother needs to take care of her health in order to give birth to a healthy baby.

A pregnant woman is prone to colds due to weakened immunity and stress caused by the growth and development of the baby in the womb. Coughing, runny nose, sore throat, high fever when carrying a baby cause panic: in the 1st trimester and at all stages of pregnancy, medications are contraindicated, and if not treated properly, they can cause fetal developmental pathologies. Learn how to deal with acute respiratory infections during pregnancy and not harm your baby.

ATTENTION! The article is for guidance only. In case of illness, especially during the period of bearing a child, contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Brief information about ARVI

The common cold (acute respiratory viral infection) is a disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract caused by viruses.

The clinical picture is standard, but in patients the disease manifests itself in different ways. The main symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection are sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, sore throat when swallowing, coughing, headache, decreased performance, muscle pain, weakness.

Manifestations of the common cold:

  • the introduction of the virus into the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
  • intoxication due to the multiplication of the infectious agent and its penetration into the blood;
  • lesions of the respiratory tract virus.

If ARVI is not treated, a bacterial one joins the viral pathology - tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, as well as various diseases of other organs and systems occur.

When a pregnant woman begins to cough, sneeze and fever is not treated - the lack of treatment endangers not only herself, but the future baby.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

The right conditions in the room contribute to a speedy recovery:

Safety apartment for pregnant

  1. Limit visits to other people.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. Monitor air humidity (put a humidifier, an air purifier, put a bowl of water). In the heating season, eliminate overheating: overlap the batteries, hang a thick blanket or a wet towel on them (the ideal environment for the virus to multiply is dry and warm).

Within 5 days you need to observe bed rest (take a disability sheet, ask relatives to do household chores).

Drinking mode

To drink often, in small sips, warm clean water. Do not consume fruit drinks and juices - acidic liquid irritates the gastric mucosa. To replenish vitamin C in the body - a weak broth of wild rose in a small amount (1/2 cup), if there are no contraindications.

Pregnant nutrition for colds

If you don’t feel like eating, you don’t need to take food by force. The baby in the stomach receives nutrients through the blood. If mom wants a snack, the right food is preferred.

What medications can be used during pregnancy?

In case of high temperature during pregnancy, you can not take:
  • Aspirin;
  • Nimesil;
  • Analgin;
  • preparations based on them.

Antipyretic during pregnancy can not be used until the temperature rises to 38.5 C. Exceptions:

  • heart disease in a pregnant woman;
  • history of seizures;
  • neurological diseases;
  • inability to tolerate heat.

At a pregnant woman’s temperature in the first trimester, 500 mg of Paracetamol (Panadol) is prescribed once.

In the third trimester during pregnancy from Nurofen   should be discarded: it provokes premature birth.

Before taking antipyretics, use physical methods to lower the temperature.

The non-drug methods of reducing heat during colds in pregnant women include:

  • rubbing with warm water;
  • airing the room;
  • warm compresses on the forehead and wrists;
  • plentiful warm drink.

Consider treating the main symptoms of ODS during pregnancy.

Runny nose in pregnant women

Important! The use of any vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) is prohibited. They provoke spontaneous abortion. They include Xylene, Tizin, Nazol, Naphthyzin.

  • NaCl 0.9% in banks of 200 or 400 ml: through a syringe we collect a solution and instill in the nose. If the option with a syringe does not fit - transfer saline into a jar from under the nose spray.
  • AquaLor, AquaMaris, Dolphin, Quicks. Use the "watering can" to rinse the nose. NADRAN Aqua Maris - a way to effectively clean the nasal cavity.

Do not prepare the saline solution yourself (recipe: 0.5 teaspoon of finely ground salt per 0.5 liter of boiled water), use a sterile solution.

  • To facilitate breathing and discharge of mucus, use an inhaler with alkaline solutions (Kashinskaya, Borjomi).
Can pinosol be used during pregnancy?

If there is no individual intolerance to the components of the drug, and the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus, yes. There are no ingredients in Pinosol that can somehow negatively affect the baby, but still be careful with this medicine in the first trimester.

Sore throat in pregnant women

Sore throat indicates an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis or an acute inflammatory process. It will be manifested by reddening of the arches, the appearance of purulent plugs on the tonsils. With an increase in body temperature and the appearance of white plaque, consult an ENT specialist: in a hospital, the doctor will rinse and prescribe treatment.

For sore throat, use Lizobact or Faringosept - these are relatively safe drugs during pregnancy. However, any drug should be agreed with the attending physician and gynecologist.


Useful for the procedure:

  • a decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • Miramistin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Rotokan.

If necessary, use Tantum Verde for irrigation of the throat in a dosage of 0.255 mg after examination by a doctor /

Pregnant cough

Expectant mothers are not allowed:

  • take antitussive drugs;
  • put banks and mustard plasters;
  • do warming up.
  • warm, plentiful drink;
  • inhalation with alkaline solutions.
  • drinking mineral water (open the lid first to let the gases out of the bottle).
  1. Inhalation through a nebulizer using alkaline solutions, Ringer's solution or saline. Means for inhalation (for example, Lazolvan) are not allowed to expectant mothers!
  2. Take cough tablets for pregnant women (Mukaltin), Stodal vegetable syrup.

Be careful with decoctions of herbs and folk recipes: they can cause allergies or damage the fetus.

What can not be pregnant with a cold?

  1. Antibiotics. Their use is justified only in the second half of pregnancy, if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the baby /
  2. Immunomodulators. Various interferons, so fashionable and popular, with ARVI have no proven benefit.


It is difficult to treat colds in pregnant women - they can’t do most of the drugs, and it’s easy to get ARVI complications if the disease is not treated

  1. Avoid crowds.
  2. Ventilate the premises every 2 hours, maintain optimal humidity (at least 40%).
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Adhere to proper nutrition: a serving of protein food in the morning is better than a medical mask to protect the body from viruses and bacteria.
  4.   before the start of the season.
  5. Take care of your baby: at the first sign of a cold, call a doctor at home and do not go to work.

When a woman is about to become a mother and is already carrying a baby under her heart, I would like to wish her, first of all, health. However, it is not always possible to avoid such common diseases as a cold for nine months.

Doctors believe that in tier infectionsespecially in early pregnancy   (up to 12 weeks), can be dangerous for the baby. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to do not get a cold or the flu, after all, pregnant women are not allowed to make vaccines against influenza. So it's time to do preventionthese harmful infections.

One of major preventive measures   is to supply the body with enough vitamins. Eat garlic and onionthat contain antimicrobial agents that protect against colds. Good in anti-virus quality lemon and cranberries.

You can conduct a course vitamin therapyduring which you canmultivitamins for pregnant women. Vitamins during pregnancy   should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, and if you decide to conduct a course fortificationbe sure to contact a specialist.

For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and fludoctors advise lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment   or ointment "Viferon"   before leaving home. Note that you can follow this recommendation in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the use of drugs is undesirable. You can also every evening rinse your nose with a solution of water with salt   (can be marine).

If one of your household is sick, put a few cloves of finely chopped garlic or onion in the patient’s room. The volatile contained in garlic and onions will protect the house from infection. To disinfect air in the apartment, you can also use aromatic oils: tea tree oil, fir and and orange oil.However, be careful: follow the instructions so as not to overdo it with the number of drops. And then, there may be a reaction to some oils in pregnant women.

Also very important for prevention of acute respiratory infections and SARS make sure that the room in which you sleep (and preferably all the rooms in the apartment) are ventilated. You need to monitor this at any time of the year, even in winter.

If you still catch an infection, do not delay with treatment.   See your doctor as soon as you feel a slight malaise. Naturally, taking medications during pregnancy should be limited, so in no case should you self-medicate.

But something to relieve unpleasant symptoms of a cold   can be done without consulting a specialist.

To start forget about antibiotics and antibacterial drugs.Safest During Pregnancy l cuddle folk methods .

Remember that carry out inhalation or warming up   can only with the appointment of these procedures by a doctor.By the way hot foot baths during pregnancytaboo.   But don’t worry, they will be replaced warm wool socks.

To drive the virus out of the bodyneed a lot drink warm liquid   (however, the amount of fluid consumed should be monitored in the third trimester, when there is a danger of edema). “Hot drink” is especially effective when the temperature rises. You can drink tea with milk, cranberry juice or a rosehip broth. Green tea is very effective against the disease.

The onset of the disease is the time boost immunity. Therefore, if you have not yet begun a course of vitaminization, finally, get down to business. And don't forget about "Natural" vitaminscontained, for example, in citrus fruits.

To reduce heat, you can use linden flower tea. But with raspberry leaves   should be careful - decoction   of them can provoke a reduction in the walls of the uterus - it is even taken to speed up contractions. Better drink decoction of dried apples. A sore throat   will help calm a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it. The throat is also allowed to rinse with decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark, tincture of calendula, sea salt.

Folk remedy against cough - tea from the leaves of coltsfoot, plantain and black currant.But the main cough suppressant is warm milk with honey and butterbut honey can cause allergies.

An effective remedy for colds during pregnancymay become yoga.   Some breathing exercisesand wise (finger yoga)   contribute to increase immunity and the prevention of colds and acute respiratory infections.

Recall that today one of the dangerous varieties of acute respiratory diseases is considered the so-called swine flu. And, although scientists already know drugs for treatment and prevention swine flu, it is still better for a future mother to take care of herself, and not to go abroad.

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  the source text was not changed, taken for informational purposes.