The best cosmeceuticals. Medical cosmetics for problem skin in a pharmacy: composition, application, manufacturers. Shampoos that prevent alopecia

Most girls buy facial products at the nearest supermarkets, while others only at pharmacies. What is the difference between cosmeceuticals for the face from ordinary cosmetics? In this article I will tell you about what pharmacy cosmetics are, what properties it has and I will give you a rating of 5 effective products for the face.

Advantages and disadvantages of cosmeceutical products

At its core, cosmeceuticals are a fusion of cosmetology and pharmaceuticals, such products include the advantages of both areas. And if cosmetics work only in the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, providing a masking effect, then cosmeceuticals can penetrate more deeply and affect the problem itself or skin diseases.

The following points of the undoubted advantages of specialized cosmetics can be distinguished.

  1. It does not mask the problem, but treats it.
  2. It has a balanced composition, which includes vitamins, ANA and BHA acids, peptides, seaweed and other effective components.
  3. The production uses scientific developments and innovative technologies.
  4. There are rarely fakes, because its creation is a technologically complex process.
  5. It does not contain fragrances (or contains in small amounts) and parabens.


  1. High price, on average, face cream costs 3-4 thousand rubles.
  2. Products are sold only in pharmacies.
  3. For the selection of funds, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

Consider the best facial skin care products.

EGIA Lightweight Moisturizer

EGIA biocare system - a line of cosmeceutical products of the Italian company EGIA Cosmeceutical. The brand owns a laboratory in which highly qualified specialists - microbiologists and dermatologists develop products. The recipe is based on the latest scientific developments in cosmetology and biotechnology.

EGIA Lightweight Moisturizer is a cream suitable for all types and is designed to maintain the skin's moisture level, improve its regeneration and normalize the sebaceous glands.

The cream has a pleasant melting texture, making it easy to apply and quickly absorbed. The manufacturer recommends the product for all skin types, but I believe that it is ideal for combination and normal, but for dry skin there will be insufficient moisture. Despite the silicones in the composition, it does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe.

Consider the composition in more detail

The following components are rather doubtful.

  •   Dimethicone. Silicone, gives the skin softness and prevents redness, synthetic origin.
  •   Cyclopentasiloxane. The non-greasy ingredient derived from silicone can cause irritation.
  •   Phenoxyethanol. Preservative and antiseptic, moisturizes, but may cause an allergic reaction.

Useful or neutral components in the composition of the product.

  •   Capric / Capric Triglyceride. Natural skin softener.
  •   Aloe Vera Gel Relieves skin irritation, moisturizes and heals.

Yes, harmful components are present, but at a minimum dosage they are harmless, can cause individual intolerance only to owners of sensitive skin types.

Volume: 50 ml

Price: 5050 rub.

Irushka Relax Code Serum Face Serum

Some time ago, the new Irushka brand appeared on the Russian market, positioning itself as cosmeceutical. Founder Irina Nikolaeva, cosmetologist. Brand products are developed by doctors and chemists.

The brand’s lineup has a lot of tools with positive reviews on the Web, but Relax Code Serum is especially interesting. Designed for irritated and skin with acne, suitable as a day and night care.

The product has a pleasant light texture. Liquid in consistency, the serum is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving no stickiness. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, makes it smooth.

Composition Components

The composition of Relax Code Serum is quite pleasant. The dubious component is only one - methylisothiazolinone. It has a synthetic origin, is a preservative, and is at the end of the list of ingredients.

The rest of the composition is natural.

  •   Tamarind extract. The natural polysaccharide penetrates deep into the skin and moisturizes it, neutralizes toxins and has a skin-brightening effect.
  •   Tea extract. Slows down aging and tones.
  •   Blue cypress extract and aloe vera gel. Shrink pores, normalize the sebaceous glands.
  •   Bisabolol. Plant extract, designed to soothe and heal, is an antiseptic and has anticuperose properties.

So definitely, I will recommend Irushka products.

Volume: 50ml

Price: 3500 rub.

SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel Intensive Moisturizing Regenerating Gel

SkinCeuticals is one of the first brands that, back in 1994, began working with doctors to create salon cosmetics. Products are manufactured in the United States, based on antioxidant formulas that protect your skin from premature aging.

Hydrating B5 Gel is designed for intensive hydration and aging skin. Suitable for all skin types, including men's. The product is quite specific - it is a transparent gel of light texture, which when applied tightens the skin (this is due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid), so it must be used in tandem with cream. The product has a cumulative effect and over time, nourishing creams can be replaced with light fluids, as Moisturizing will be enough. The gel is consumed economically, because for one application you need only 3-5 drops.

Analysis of the composition

It contains no silicones, the main component is 0.5% hyaluronic acid, which stimulates regeneration and allows aging skin to replenish its moisture level.

  •   Vitamin B5. It activates the processes of restoration and regeneration of the skin, has healing properties.
  •   Polyquaternium 51. Actively restores the skin, moisturizes the skin twice as intensively as hyaluronic acid.
  •   Trehalose. Disaccharide, a component contained in mushrooms and yeast, which has the ability to maintain cells during dehydration, perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin.

Volume: 30 ml

Price: 3974 rub.

Retinol Night Serum Medik8 Retinol3 TR

Medik8 is a cosmeceutical brand originally from the UK. It features a wide range of drugs designed to combat various skin imperfections. Many are worried about the problem of hyperpigmentation, which nighttime serum with retinol Retinol3 TR is designed to solve.

The product has a slightly greasy texture, is easy to apply and spread on the skin. For one application, 3-4 drops are enough. The serum does not leave a feeling of stickiness or oily, due to the jojoba oil included in the composition, nourishes the skin. However, despite the promises, it brightens slightly and does not have a pronounced smoothing complexion. Unfortunately, the cost of the funds is unjustified.

Composition Components

  •   Jojoba oil. Moisturizes and nourishes especially dry skin. Relieves inflammation on the skin.
  •   Cyclopentasiloxane. A derivative of silicone, is responsible for the feeling of smoothness and lack of grease.
  • Retinol Known as Vitamin A, it has anti-aging and regenerative effects.
  •   Letitsin. Natural antioxidant, softens and tones.
  •   Capric / Capric Triglyceride. Natural softener. Eliminates peeling.

Volume: 15 ml
  Price: 4140 rub.

SesDerma Sesgen 32 Serum Cell Activator

SesDerma is a Spanish company with many awards for innovative products in cosmetology. One such product is Sesgen 32 serum cell activator. This product fights the main signs of aging, is aimed at moisturizing and reducing sagging skin, relieves redness with rosacea, has a regenerating and a number of other properties.

Like many similar products, serum needs to be combined with a cream or fluid. The texture is thick, absorbed medium and leaves a slight stickiness.

It works great and fulfills the manufacturer's promises: lightens the skin, tightens and moisturizes it, reduces the number of inflammations.

Main components

  •   Teprenone in liposomes. It has a rejuvenating effect.
  •   Adenosine. It affects the production of collagen in cells, smoothes the skin, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  •   Hyaluronic acid. Known for its strong moisturizing properties.

  • Volume: 30 ml
  • Price: 4990 rub.

As you can see, cosmeceuticals for the face are an expensive pleasure, but if you evaluate its effectiveness and duration of use of the product, the price is not so high. The main thing is to choose the right product for your skin type.

In the perception of the cosmetic trend, which is commonly called pharmacy cosmetics, there is a standard set of misconceptions that raises very similar questions. Girls and women who are interested in more effective facial skin care products than before want to know:

  • What is the difference between pharmacy cosmetics and professional, luxury and therapeutic cosmetics (if there is a difference at all)?
  • How not to get confused in cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics, parapharmacy and medical cosmetics for facial skin?
  • How deep into the skin of the face penetrates the active substance of pharmacy cosmetics?
  • Which brands and brands in online stores represent cosmeceuticals, and which are pharmaceutical cosmetics? And so on on a long list ...

We will not tell you now how many of the questions just asked about pharmacy cosmetics for the face generally make sense. Let our permanent interlocutor and the head of the cosmetic center, Inna Markovna Ivleva, tell about this ( text transcript of the conversation, see below).

Pharmacy cosmetics is ... The answer to the question: from cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics and parapharmacy to active and laboratory products

I know, Inna Markovna, that you have little time, so let's begin our energetic conversation with the most widespread and unanswered question that our readers ask: is it true that pharmacy cosmetics for face are better than other cosmetic trends?

You called “unanswered” a question that does not find an answer?

Yes. I myself know that I’ve already answered myself, and then some new information on the topic of pharmacy cosmetics suddenly ceases to fit into my knowledge, and I understand that that answer was either incomplete, or ...

Exactly. This is especially often the case when the question is formulated incorrectly. You know what happens when they ask: “which is better: white or large?”. There is a response: “for whom is it better and how can you compare white with big?”

Here the story is similar. Let's break this question down into “spare parts”, and then, Anechka, you yourself will see that in its original form it could not clarify the situation with pharmaceutical cosmetics.


So, firstly, the introduction of the very concept of pharmacy cosmetics causes a lot of objections. Why? Because there is no clearly defined criterion that distinguishes pharmacy cosmetics from any other.

In some cases, pharmacy cosmetics are those brands and brands that are distributed through a network of pharmacies or online pharmacy cosmetics stores.

Here, the main definition parameter is the distribution channel of products. According to this logic, creams and serums that are sold in a store should be called store creams, and those that are distributed through network marketing should be called network cosmetics or cosmeceuticals.

The principle seems to be clear, but it gives us almost nothing. The only thing that is useful in this case is added - the method of storing cosmetics is indirectly determined (hard temperature, for example). But this, by the way, does not mean that the products of cosmetic brands and brands from other trends are stored in violation.

In other cases, pharmacy cosmetics are those brands and brands whose products have the properties of medical cosmetics for the face, that is, they cure any pathology due to the presence of medicinal components in the composition.

In this case, the term pharmacy cosmetics coincides or comes close to the terms medical cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics, parapharmacy.

At first glance, everything is clear, too, but just here the number of reservations and exceptions to the definition makes the very concept of “pharmacy cosmetics” in relation to brands so unstable that makes it meaningless.

Well, for example, the task ... Take some well-known brand, which is considered to be a representative of the trend of pharmacy cosmetics for the face. Part of the products of this brand is aimed at curing the causes of the problem. And part of the product has a completely different purpose - not medical - and, accordingly, it does not even set a goal to cure. Can the whole brand be attributed to pharmacy cosmetics in this case?

Problem - Exception No. 1

And here is another puzzle. Another cosmetic brand, which is considered to be a representative of the luxury cosmetics trend, also releases a line of products once a year in which the type, concentration of the active substance and its delivery method gives a therapeutic effect. Can this brand be attributed to pharmacy cosmetics or cosmeceuticals?

Exception Problem No. 2

Well, and what - there is no official definition of pharmacy cosmetics as products with certain properties, or at least the definition of cosmeceuticals?

“Official” - which one? The term "cosmeceuticals" was introduced by Raymond Reed, it seems, in 1961 or in 1962 (the magazine was published, in my opinion, already in 1962). Raymond Reed was an American. In America, the Food and Drug Administration has the postulate that cosmetics cannot be both medicine and medicine. Therefore, care products containing medicinal substances in the United States, in principle, can not be called cosmetics - neither pharmacy, nor medical. There it is all considered cosmeceuticals.

And we have?

And here, in the Technical Regulation “On the Safety Requirements for Perfume and Cosmetic Products,” the term “cosmeceuticals” is not mentioned. As well as the terms “medical cosmetics” or “pharmacy cosmetics”. Here is “ampoule cosmetics”, for example, there is. But these are not.

That is, the term “pharmacy cosmetics” is optional and not very convenient. For example, I do not mind using the term "cosmeceuticals" or "medical cosmetics" in relation to products at the intersection of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. But not as opposed to other cosmetic trends. And as a way to separate cosmetics with one degree of responsibility in manufacturing from products with a high degree of production control and verification.

With this approach, by the way, in the assortment of one and the same brand theoretically there can be both cosmetic lines and cosmeceuticals. Naturally, I mean solid brands that can afford serious laboratory research, experiments and lengthy testing.

That is, the division into cosmeceuticals (medical cosmetics) and cosmetics exists, but it does not follow the trends (professional, luxury, mass market) and not according to representative brands, but according to a completely different criterion. Therefore, the correctness of the first question from which we started the conversation, confuses me greatly.

You want to say that the division into mass-market cosmetics, professional, luxury cosmetics, cosmeceuticals is wrong?

Technically, this can be divided. But, in my opinion, this classification is devoid of functional meaning. By the way, I don’t know where she came from - uncomfortable and, it seems, only confusing our dear women. And why do we need a classification in which:

  • all concepts are conditional,
  • there is no single criterion for dividing cosmetic trends into groups?

"Depth of penetration" into the skin of the face as a criterion for determining the effectiveness of a cosmetic product

Wait a second, Inna Markovna. And the depth of penetration of the active substance, the amount of substances or its concentration can become those criteria by which it is possible to divide therapeutic, professional, luxury and so on? ..

If you introduce any of these three criteria as the base, then correctly divided into the above trends also does not work out very well. The line between professional cosmetics and cosmeceuticals is constantly being erased. Or between cosmeceuticals and specialized lines of luxury cosmetics.

The quantity or concentration of active substances in itself does not yet determine the properties of cosmetics. It is important to consider how this active substance will be delivered to the working area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face. Even one active element in the composition, successfully “settled in the neighborhood” with transport molecules (for example, liposomes), will give a greater effect than a concentrated substance that cannot overcome the protective barrier. The stability of component forms also plays a role ... In general, there are much more criteria.

In addition, I would also like to clarify the concept of “deep delivery”. No matter how deeply you “rubbed” any cosmetic product, we are still talking about the epidermis. The Convention on the Safety of Cosmetics suggests that if we are not talking about drugs, then the effect of cosmetics is limited by the level of the basement membrane - the layer that separates the epidermis from the dermis.

However, for active care cosmetics there are also wide opportunities. For example, the activation of the basement membrane, which gives rise to new epidermal cells, and they rise through the prickly and granular layers to the stratum corneum, where they peel off. Usually this cycle lasts from 26 to 42 days (individual characteristics determine the exact period), but the rate of regeneration can be increased.

Cosmeceutical brands and brands: which pharmacy cosmetics represent them and why?

I heard you mentioned active cosmetics. I am also familiar with this term. Maybe then it's better to use it?

Well, it’s definitely not worse, in my opinion, than the term “pharmacy cosmetics”. Although, as a substitute for the pharmacy, I propose the more common term “medical cosmetics”.

By the way, please note that Vichy is a brand that, in fact, belongs to the category of pharmacy cosmetics, does not declare itself pharmacy cosmetics anywhere. They call the products of their laboratory active cosmetics or dermatocosmetics. And this does not make their means worse. Go to the official website. Review all pages. Pharmacies are only referred to as distribution channels.

A similar situation with other brands that visitors to our center regularly credited to the category of pharmacy cosmetics:

  • Avene presents itself as a Dermatological Center for Hydrotherapy.
  • La Roche-Posay signs up as a Dermatology Laboratory.
  • According to Lierac or RoC - I do not know if there are already official online stores in Russia. But, as far as I remember, in its main version of the site, the same Lierac generally tries to first circumvent this topic with a philosophical question, such as "why choose between the development of aesthetic medicine, biological research and the power of nature?" And then he calls his products Cosmetic Synthesis or a hybrid of nature and science.
  • By the way, Bioderma (in parallel with the name Laboratory of Dermatology) in online stores directly emphasizes that it sells medical cosmetics, that is, cosmetic products with a therapeutic effect.

Well, but what can we, customers, do with this classification of trends?

Do as you are comfortable, of course. If this separation helps to understand the world of cosmetic products, then please use it for health. Well, maybe, all the same, bearing in mind that you will most likely not find clear lines between trends.

But you do not welcome such a division into trends?

It seems to me not so much bad as non-functional - that is, practically not helping to solve problems of general and specific facial skin care.

Why? Well, because if some kind of face cream or serum solves the tasks, then for me it is no longer fundamental to which cosmetic trend - medical, professional or luxury - this product formally refers. More important is the authority of the brand or brand, the capabilities of research centers, the timing and thoroughness of testing, and so on. In this sense, laboratories of manufacturers of medical cosmetics and dermatological centers attract attention in the first place.

Buy cosmeceuticals: brands and brands in online pharmacy cosmetics stores

Traditionally, we dedicate this part of the article to making it easier for our readers who are interested in cosmeceutical brands and brands. And although you can buy cosmeceuticals not only in pharmacies, we did not take risks - we did not increase the risk of stumbling into a fake - therefore, we focused only on pharmacy online cosmetics stores and on the official websites of brands.

  • An online pharmacy, which next to each product line indicates the expiration date of the product (there are not only parapharmaceuticals, but also dietary supplements, medicines).
  • Everything is convenient, starting with a working intellectual search bar and ending with a detailed description of the composition, action and result of applying a cosmetic product.
  • Cheap.
  • The products of the brands Avene, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Lierac, Bioderma, Neutrogena, Librederm and many others are presented. Of course, not in such an assortment as on official sites. And only in Moscow and the region. However…

Avene, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Lierac, Bioderma, Uriage, Nuxe, Natura Siberica, etc.

  • A solid resource specializing in the sale of medical and professional cosmetics.
  • Advise and help make up a skin care program.
  • All the brands Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Lierac, Avene, Bioderma mentioned in the conversation are presented, and besides them: Inneov, SkinCeuticals, Uriage, etc. They focus on the first four of their lists, so the assortment is quite wide.
  • As for the price: they have a “tricky” button-bookmark “Special Offer” on the website of the online store. And behind it - a few dozen pages with the best offer.

... Residents of Russia should at least look at this tab carefully

Avene, Vichy, La Roche-Posay, Lierac, Bioderma Inneov, SkinCeuticals, Uriage and   dr.

Well, and, of course, a couple of official websites of manufacturers of the most popular medical cosmetics

One of them is a wonderful French brand. with more than30 years of research experience and 25 own patents specializes in cosmetics for sensitive skin. At the same time, the store’s assortment has a full range of cosmeceuticals for all types of facial skin, based on unique thermal water with selenium that can accelerate cellular metabolism.

All developments undergo numerous clinical placebo-controlled studies.

The other is a no less wonderful and also French brand. The therapeutic dermatocosmetics of this brand are based on thermal water from another unique source that arose more than 2000 years ago at the foot of the volcano. Therapeutic dermatocosmetics of this brand not only corrects problems, but eliminates the causes of their appearance, effectively and safely transforming even sensitive skin.

Scroll and click on the slider postcard to learn about the results of testing the work of the online store of medical cosmetics (cosmeceuticals)

Not so long ago, the world first heard about cosmeceuticals. Today, these cosmetic products are the most effective in the fight of a person with skin imperfections, including those caused by age-related changes. Like any other, cosmeceutical preparations have advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about cosmeceuticals.

What is cosmeceuticals?

The term "cosmeceuticals" is derived from the merger of two words - "cosmetics" and "pharmaceuticals". Thus, it can be deciphered as medical cosmetics. The manufacture of cosmeceuticals is based on the use of innovative technologies. Thanks to the latest developments, cosmeceutical preparations have a low molecular weight, as a result of which they penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

Specialists distinguish cosmeceuticals of the first, second and third levels. The classification of drugs is based primarily on the features of the effect on the skin, that is, the depth of penetration of active substances into the skin is taken into account. The degree of complexity of scientific developments that are necessary for the production of funds also matters.

  1. Cosmeceuticals of the first level. This group includes many well-known cosmetics that can be bought at a pharmacy. Although they affect only the epidermis (surface layer of the skin), the effect of their application is superior to the effect of the use of store cosmetics. Level 1 comeseutics is recommended for solving such problems as excessive dryness, the appearance of irritations or age spots, acne, acne, scars;
  2. Cosmeceuticals of the second level. These funds are more complex in composition and effect on the skin. Well-known companies manufacturing second-level cosmeceuticals - ProfessionalSolutions, Mene & Moysystems, NewYouth. Such cosmetic preparations act on the dermis, working at the cellular level. Active substances penetrate so deep into the skin that sometimes even reach the hypodermis. Due to effects at the cellular level, the skin does not get used to the same product. Cosmeceuticals of the second level is considered hypoallergenic, so even people with severe dermatological diseases such as skin eczema or psoriasis can use it;
  3. Cosmeceuticals of the third level. The development of such drugs began in 2004. Today, research is ongoing that is aimed at improving these cosmetics. Cosmeceuticals of the third level has a strong effect on all layers of the skin. However, the high cost of scientific development, the complexity of the production process does not yet allow to make these tools publicly available. Cosmeceutical preparations of the third level today are elite, they are very expensive.

The most often active ingredients of cosmeceuticals are ANA and BHA acids, peptides, vitamins and vitamin-like substances, therapeutic muds, minerals, seaweed, marine collagen hydrolyzate.

Advantages of Cosmeceuticals

The main advantage of cosmeceuticals is the ability of their active substances to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, many problems are solved. For example, the use of these drugs in the treatment of acne is very effective. Special anti-age lines are also in great demand, the products of which often contain phytohormones that are as close as possible to natural ones. They perfectly support youthful skin, prevent its aging and loss of elasticity.

As already noted, cosmeceuticals do not cause allergies, which is important in our time, when the number of people suffering from this pathology is growing. Some girls cannot use ordinary cosmetics because of this problem, and for them cosmeceuticals are a real salvation.

Usually cosmeceuticals have a rather high price. However, it is partially compensated, since this product is very concentrated, a very small dose is sufficient for a single use.

Disadvantages cosmeceuticals

Perhaps one of the main drawbacks of cosmeceuticals is the lack of information about the consequences of its use in the distant future. This area of \u200b\u200bcosmetology is relatively young, so the results of using cosmeceuticals have not yet been tested by time. This explains the alertness of some cosmetologists to such drugs.

Cosmeceuticals are not recommended to be selected on their own. It is advisable to consult with an experienced cosmetologist to determine which remedy is best for you. But since not every specialist has worked with cosmeceuticals, it is sometimes difficult to find a knowledgeable cosmetologist. 5 out of 5 (22 votes)

Japanese masks Lululun and Korean Mimiang, organic products Little Butterfly London and Source Essentielle, as well as Hungarian care Peter Thomas Roth appeared in Russia.

Japanese fabric masks LuLuLun

Lululun was already sold in Russia, but the assortment was short-lived. Now, it seems, the brand has felt the market and decided to turn around in full force.

Masks are distinguished by a dense three-layer fabric to hold as much composition as possible, and a pattern that should close the nose and areas around the eyes and lips as much as possible. And Lululun was one of the first to guess how to sell masks, like cookies, in a big box of 32.

The brand has 5 lines:

  • Regular line - for moisturizing and improving complexion. There are packages of 32 pieces, which is enough for exactly a month (plus one in reserve :);
  • Precious line - anti-age;
  • Premium line - composed of natural ingredients from different parts of Japan;
  • Line One - promise the effect of a salon;
  • Plus line - with natural essences, oils and extracts.


  • Regular - 535 rubles / 7 pcs., 1900 rubles / 32 pcs.;
  • Precious - 535 RUB / 7 pcs., 1900 RUB / 32 pcs.;
  • Premium - 499 rub. / 7 pcs.;
  • One - 2450 RUB / 5 pcs.;
  • Plus - 262-317 RUB / 1 pcs., 1135-1362 RUB / 5 pcs.

Already on sale in the Golden Apple network.

Masha: I tried several types of these masks. No. 1 - really perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Plus (it’s an aroma mask), although it smelled of lavender, didn’t really like it. The most interesting was the Premium line. It was conceived in part as souvenir products that tourists would buy when they visited different regions of Japan. To bring a mask to a friend as a present is great (and not hard).

Hair Products Source Essentielle

Prof. Sub-brand of L’Oreal Professionnel, which has embraced the trend for organics and transparency. In the compositions from 80 to 100% natural ingredients. The compositions are written directly on the bottles - indicating which ingredient is responsible for what. And so that we are finally convinced that everything is very natural, flowers and leaves float in some bottles. By the way, the brand received Ecocert certificates for oils: they guarantee the environmental friendliness of raw materials and production.

4 lines are presented:

  • Daily - shampoo and conditioner for all hair types with extracts of acacia leaves and aloe;
  • Nourishing - shampoo, mask and oil for dry hair with jasmine flowers and Indian sesame oil;
  • Radiance - shampoo, conditioner and oil for colored hair with fig pulp and immortelle flowers;
  • Delicate - shampoo for sensitive scalp with marigold flowers and chamomile flower extract.

Packaging is also environmentally friendly, biodegradable.


  • shampoo - 1360 rubles .;
  • air conditioning - 1440 rubles .;
  • mask - 1760 rubles;
  • oil - 1600 rubles.

Coming soon at Rive Gauche and L’Oreal Professionnel.

Masha: Jars are nice, especially with shampoos: it’s convenient to put one on top of the other, there is even a recess under the cap, as in the designer. This is great for transportation - it saves space in a suitcase (and on a shelf)). The fragrance of all means is light, barely noticeable. I managed to try the oil for shine. Very light, almost weightless. Shine really gives.

Mimiang Fabric Masks

Another mask brand from Korea. It appeared in 2015, is sold in the USA, UAE, China, Thailand and Vietnam. The formulations include swallow nest extracts and snail mucin, favorite by Asians, as well as more traditional ingredients like collagen, honey, hyaluronic acid. The name is responsible for the mimimi factor - Mimiang stands for angel.

Only 4 lines:

Desserts for the skin:

  • mask "Milk and Banana" - moisturizes and soothes;
  • mask "Spring Flowers and Honey" - nourishes and gives radiance.

Two-phase masks:

  • mask with swallow nest and goat milk extract - moisturizes;
  • mask with ginseng - nourishes;
  • mask with snail mucin - fights wrinkles, tightens.

Halloween & Animals:

  • mask "Skull" with a rose and marine minerals - moisturizes;
  • mask “Charming skull” with niacinamide - gives shine;
  • mask "Piggy" - increases elasticity (collagen);
  • mask "Zebra" - nourishes and restores (hyaluronic acid, centella asiatica);
  • mask “Fur seal” - moisturizes (sea water and collagen);
  • mask “Bird Nest Extract” - restores (swallow nest extract, goat milk).

"My first masks":

  • moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
  • mask "For shine" with green tea extract.

Price: 285 rub. at the Golden Apple

Masha: I’m skeptical about animal masks. As a rule, they look terrible on my face, and the effect of them is weaker than that of plantain. But I tried “Seal” and “Charming Skull” - and these are the best mimic masks that I met! They look nice and moisturize very well.

Cosmeceuticals Peter Thomas Roth

Peter Thomas Roth is a Hungarian cosmeceutical brand, created in 1993, as you might guess, by Peter Thomas Rott. In the 20th century, his family owned two spas, so from childhood he knows the benefits of thermal water and healing mud.

The first products of the brand were intended for the treatment of acne, then the anti-age line appeared. Now in the assortment there are more than a hundred products with understandable working ingredients: retinol, glycolic and silicic acids, peptides, vitamin C and enzymes.

Face serum with vitamin C - 9500 rubles. Moisturizing face cream with 10% glycolic acid - 4500 rubles. Mask with pumpkin enzymes - 5900 rub. Mask for inflammation with sulfur - 4800 rubles. Night serum for face with retinol - 6500 rubles. Serum for the face with a neuropeptide - 14 900 rubles.

Best sellers are:

  • Retinol Fusion Nightly Update Discs - fight wrinkles (retinol), exfoliate (glucosamine), even out skin tone (vitamin C) and restore (ceramides) - 5300 rubles.
  • Cotton Swabs 20% Complex Clycolic Solutions Jumbo Peel Pads   - exfoliate at the expense of 20% glycolic acid, used once a week - 4900 rubles / 8 pcs.
  • Anti-Aging Cleansing Gel   - exfoliates (glycolic acid), fights inflammation (salicylic acid), soothes (linden extract), evens complexion (citrus extracts) - 3800 rubles.
  • Mask Cucumber Gel Mask - moisturizes and fights swelling (cucumber extract), soothes (chamomile extract), evens out tone (extracts of orange and lemon) - 5300 rubles.

Already on sale at Cosmoteca stores.

Nastya: I always considered Peter Thomas Roth a mask brand and before I read the release, I had no idea that they had such a serious care line. Retinol, Vitamin C and that’s all - yes, I believe in them. Waiting for me to pick up some jars after shooting.

Masha: A curious character. At least by the fact that he came up with cotton buds for the price of 5 thousand for 8 pieces. What are they impregnated with? Odom?)

Cosmetics for babies and their mothers Little Butterfly London

The brand was invented by the British Gudrun Wurm. She loves cosmetics and for her newborn baby she wanted to find the most safe means. The list of requirements was so long, and the requirements themselves were so strict that Wurm had to launch its own brand.

This is what the founder looks like - and the culprit of the appearance of the Little Butterfly London brand ..

Founder of the brand Gudrun Wurm

Means are suitable for very sensitive skin, the compositions are safe and organic. The brand has several certifications, including Ecocert, Vegetarian Society and Cruelty Free International. But the brand became famous for the fact that once its funds were bought by Kate Middleton. The British adore the royal family, and they are listened to.

Now there are 12 items in stock:

  • Baby Dewdrops At Dawn Body Lotion   - nourishes and protects (2240 \u200b\u200brubles);
  • Bubbles In The Breeze Baby Foam   - cleans, does not dry (1865 rubles);
  • Soft As Moonlight Nappy Baby Diaper Cream   - protects from diaper rash and restores (2430 rubles);
  • Baby bath milk Floating On Clouds Bedtime   - nourishes and sets the child to sleep (2430 rubles);
  • Baby body oil Fall Into Dreams   - relaxes and nourishes (2890 rub.);
  • Baby massage oil Love Eternal   - protects and nourishes (1945 rubles);
  • Cream against stretch marks Cocoon Of Bliss - prevents the appearance of stretch marks, restores (2630 rubles);
  • Scent Of Seas Body Toning Serum -   strengthens, improves elasticity (3770 rubles);
  • Fresh Meadows Cooling Foot Gel   - relieves severity and swelling (2095 rubles);
  • Blossoms In Spring Day Cream   - moisturizes, gives radiance, increases elasticity (4295 rub.);
  • Secrets At Starlight Night Cream   - restores, calms (4960 rub.);
  • Petals And Blooms Face Serum   - brightens, evens skin tone and texture (5345 rubles).

Baby Body Lotion Dewdrops At Dawn Baby Bathing Foam Bubbles In The Breeze Baby Bath Milk Floating On Clouds Bedtime