Why does the stomach drop before childbirth? How does the abdomen sink before childbirth? Understand that the stomach is stiff before birth

The expectant mother can learn about the approaching birth in about a week or two, if she listens to her body, which is actively preparing for the culmination of pregnancy. The results of this preparation are manifested by the so-called precursors of childbirth. True, one can never say exactly how many days or hours after the appearance of a particular sign, childbirth will begin.

The belly is "falling"

About 2 to 3 weeks before giving birth, a woman who gives birth for the first time may notice that her stomach has moved down. In a repetitive woman, the abdomen usually lowers immediately on the eve of childbirth. Moreover, as a rule, lowering the abdomen is very noticeable: if earlier it started right under the chest, now you can place a palm between it and the beginning of the abdomen. Many note lowering and visually. Most women have a navel protruding. The abdominal “lowering” occurs due to lowering and inserting the preceding part of the fetus (usually the head) into the pelvic entrance, as well as stretching the lower segment of the uterus and deflecting the uterine fundus (upper part) anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. So the child finds a comfortable position for entering the small pelvis and settles in it. The baby’s head is installed approximately in the middle of the future mother’s small pelvis. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the head is initially low, so there is no noticeable omission. In some cases (and this is within the normal range), the baby may “wander” or be relatively high in the pelvis until the very moment of birth, and “lowering” the abdomen does not occur at all.

Breathing is easier

Immediately after the child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic area and the pressure on the chest, diaphragm and internal organs decreases, the mother experiences relief: it becomes much easier to breathe. Most often, heartburn goes away, as the space for the stomach increases and there is no reverse reflux of contents from the stomach to the esophagus. However, this increases the pressure on the lower abdomen and becomes a little more difficult to sit and walk. It is also possible that after the fetus is shifted down, the expectant mother will have difficulty sleeping, since at this time it is difficult to find a comfortable pose. In addition, numbness of the legs is possible, which is due to the lowering of the child’s head, which can pinch the nerve endings - numbness can occur in the supine position.

Urination and bowel movements become more frequent

The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, as the pressure on the bladder increases. Under the influence on a woman’s intestines of biologically active substances produced in her body by the end of pregnancy, a certain thinning of the stool and acceleration of peristalsis occur, which leads to diarrhea and mild abdominal cramps. This condition is comparable to the “bear disease”, well known to many students and occurring before the exam. It is believed that the occurrence of frequent soft stools is not accidental: this leads to the cleansing of the intestines of the mother, and at the same time free up space in the small pelvis to facilitate the passage of the child. Sometimes this process is so pronounced that it causes serious panic, as women take it for food poisoning. So, if there were no significant reasons for digestive disorders, then you can confidently perceive such a disorder as a harbinger of childbirth.

Lower back pain

After dropping the child, a woman may experience uncomfortable sensations and pains in the lumbar region, accompanied by a feeling of tiredness and heaviness. These sensations may be similar to pain before menstruation. At the same time, it is difficult to comfortably settle in any particular position for a certain period of time. In order to eliminate discomfort during sleep, you can use several small pillows, placing them under the lower back, under the knee.

The kid is less likely to "push"

Most women note a slight decrease in the motor activity of the child before childbirth, due to the fact that by the end of pregnancy, the fetus with a body weight of about 3 kg is already quite crowded in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the baby's movements can cause even slight discomfort and be painful for the mother.

Appetite decreases and weight drops.

Most often, before the birth itself, the appetite decreases slightly. Even if the whole pregnancy was hungry, then a few weeks before giving birth, women eat little. With regular weighing, the expectant mother may notice a slight decrease in body weight before childbirth (by about 1–2 kg), depending on increased excretion of water from the body. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth: the body must be flexible and plastic.

“Laughter, then tears”

Curious changes occur in the psyche of women. The future mother has a peculiar “inhibition” and “calmness”. This is due to the fact that inhibition of the cerebral cortex predominates, and the woman becomes somewhat absent-minded, forgetful, less worried. All this has its own natural validity. Such changes are necessary so that extraneous thoughts and emotions do not interfere with the concentration on the birth of the child and the formation of the so-called “patrimonial dominant”.

Frequent change of mood, characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy, is especially pronounced before childbirth. This is due to the processes occurring during this period in the central nervous and endocrine systems of the pregnant woman. The state of fatigue and inertia can unexpectedly give way to periods of violent activity.

Some women have a tendency to “nesting” shortly before birth: they clean, wash, clean, and wash everything. In addition, the term “nesting” means such a behavior of a pregnant woman when she becomes introverted closer to childbirth, avoids prying eyes and literally wants to hide from the whole world in some cozy warm corner of the house. It also happens unconsciously, instinctively.

"Test" fights

These are the so-called “rehearsal” fights; they are also called Braxton-Higgs fights. Such contractions prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming work, and also contribute to the gradual softening and smoothing of the cervix. Such training contractions as tension of the abdomen are felt: it seems to “reduce” it, a need may arise to bend a little.

The stomach becomes tougher to the touch than usual (“stiffens”, “rises with a stake”), and pulling sensations may occur in the lower abdomen or lower back. Of course, preparatory contractions are not as painful and regular as during childbirth and, as a rule, do not cause the expectant mother significant discomfort. They usually appear after the 30th week of pregnancy. A woman can feel certain contractions even a few weeks before giving birth. Very often they are taken as the beginning of childbirth. If a regular and prolonged rhythm is not established and the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then this is not the beginning of labor. Doctors call this period preliminary (preparatory). Both normal and pathological course of this period are possible. Prenatal contractions can be quite long (more than a day) and painful, which leads to fatigue of a woman and prevents the development of normal labor. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and conduct appropriate treatment.

As already mentioned, preparatory contractions are not accompanied by painful sensations or their soreness is insignificant, but even with preparatory contractions, you can practice proper breathing and relaxation skills.

Some pregnant women do not have such “false” contractions at all - this is very individual.

The appearance of discharge and the passage of the mucous plug

About a week before birth, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, vaginal tissue loosens, softens, and the amount of colostrum flowing from the chest increases.

As the cervix is \u200b\u200bsmoothed and thinned, the so-called mucous plug may leave, keeping the birth canal closed during pregnancy. A mucous plug is a discharge from the vagina of cervical mucus, which can be colorless, yellowish or pinkish. It can look very different: a dense clot of mucus, transparent or with bloody streaks, or very voluminous liquid mucous secretions, and sometimes these are separate small dense mucous pieces.

Loss of cork mucosa is a sign of labor. However, the passage of the mucous plug is not a reason to go to the maternity hospital, as it can leave 2 weeks before the birth, and maybe 3-4 days, and even in the midst of labor. But if water drains or bleeding from the genital tract appears, it is urgent to go to the hospital, as this can lead to serious complications and requires medical examination and observation.

To distinguish a cork from water, it is necessary to use a white woven pad (diaper), having previously ironed it. You should observe the discharge: if it is very plentiful (one laying is not enough or if the discharge lasts for half an hour), you need to think that it is water and go to the hospital. The mucous plug is released simultaneously, and in this case, the discharge will stop within 30 minutes.

Manifestations of precursors before childbirth are very individual for each expectant mother. Sometimes they may not be at all, and in some cases 2-3 signs appear, so if you do not have precursors, you should not worry. And if the precursors of childbirth still appeared, it is necessary to strictly observe general hygiene rules and prepare everything necessary for admission to the hospital, because childbirth can begin at any time.

Many expectant mothers are interested in: how does the abdomen lower before childbirth? After all, this is the most obvious and obvious sign that pregnancy is coming to an end and the baby is about to be born. However, it is sometimes not so easy to determine visually whether the abdomen has lowered. Much, here, depends on the constitution of the woman, the weight and position of the fetus, and many other factors.

When does the stomach drop?

As a rule, the abdomen sinks at 35–38 weeks. However, there are also cases when this did not occur until the time of birth. After all, each pregnancy is individual and proceeds in its own way. The earliest and most noticeable process of changing the shape of the abdomen is observed in multiparous women, while women who are expecting the birth of their firstborn may not wait for the moment when the abdomen lowers. This is primarily due to stretching of the muscles and tissues, which are more malleable in multiparous.

Woman's feelings

The fact that the stomach has already lowered is not always noticeable visually. Sometimes this process goes so smoothly, taking more than one day, that a woman may not notice external changes at all. The fetus moves down, pressing the head against the bones of the pelvis, while reducing pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. The expectant mother may notice such improvements in her well-being, such as easier breathing due to the release of free space. There is heartburn, heaviness in the stomach after eating, etc. But on the other hand, such unpleasant symptoms as increased urge to the toilet due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, unpleasant bursting sensations in the pelvic area, discomfort when walking fully manifest themselves.

How to check: did your stomach go down?

If this is the first pregnancy, and you still do not know how the abdomen descends before childbirth, then it is worth using several tips to help you more clearly see the changes that have occurred. To begin, stand straight and put your hand between your chest and stomach. If the palm fits easily at this gap, then the stomach has already lowered. However, this method of determination is not suitable for everyone. Too fragile girls, or expectant mothers waiting for the birth of a large child, may not notice a prolapse of the abdomen until the onset of childbirth. Another way to visually identify this phenomenon is to look at your profile in the mirror. When the abdomen is lowered, the location of the navel changes. That is, it is as if directed not clearly forward, but somewhat downward. In addition, the shape of the abdomen changes. Now it is not oval, but pear-shaped, expanding downward.

Medical record

The most reliable sign is the data of a gynecological examination. At each appointment, the doctor measures the height of the bottom of the uterus. All received data are clearly recorded and recorded in the exchange card, entered in a special table. Throughout the duration of pregnancy, the figure indicating the height of the bottom of the uterus only grows, increasing day by day. However, at 34–37 weeks, it can change sharply in the opposite direction, for example, decrease by 2-3 cm. In this case, it can be said without a doubt that the stomach has lowered.

When changes are invisible

The absence of any obvious visual changes in the outline of the abdomen is not a pathology. The abdomen can go down already during pregnancy, or not go down at all, right up to the moment of the beginning of active labor. Both cases are the norm. Therefore, if you do not notice any changes, do not worry. There are many reasons for this: constitutional features, a large fetus, a narrow pelvis, etc. The main indicator that doctors are guided by when examining is the entry of the baby's head into the area of \u200b\u200bthe bones of the pelvis, which indicates the readiness of the fetus for an early birth. The baby moves down, occupying a comfortable position in which he will remain until the beginning of active labor.

All mothers, without exception, are concerned about the date of the upcoming birth. And it is precisely to him that one cannot give an absolutely accurate answer. Even if a woman knows the date of fertilization up to an hour, it is still impossible to take into account all the factors affecting the birth of a child.

Doctors believe that a normal pregnancy lasts 280 days. Based on this period, they calculate the date of birth. There are several ways to calculate the date of birth of the baby. For example, this can be easily ascertained by menstruation. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are taken and 7 days are added. This will be a possible date of birth.

There are also such methods of calculating the day of the upcoming birth, which are available only to the doctor. For example, by the size of the uterus, its location and volume of the abdomen. However, these methods do not give complete confidence in the correct determination of the date of birth of the child.
  Now doctors are increasingly inclined to the conclusion that dividing children into full-term and premature infants does not make sense. They explain this by the fact that if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without pathologies, then there will be nothing to worry if the baby is born a little earlier or a little later than the due date. The main thing is that the child should be physically ripe for this moment to be born. Therefore, a pregnancy occurring between 35 and 45 weeks is now considered normal.

Harbingers of Childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will occur soon.

Breathing is getting easier. As a result of moving the child down, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach. Breathing is getting easier. Heartburn may pass. This increases the pressure on the lower abdomen. Sitting and walking is getting a little harder. After the baby is pushed down, a woman may have difficulty sleeping, at which time it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Change in appetite. Appetite may change just before delivery. More often, appetite decreases. It is good if a woman at this time will trust her intuition more when choosing products. Do not eat "for two."

Weight loss. Before giving birth, a woman may lose some weight. The body mass of a pregnant woman can decrease by about 1-2 kg. So the body naturally prepares for childbirth. Before giving birth, the body must be flexible and flexible.

"Descent" of the abdomen. A woman may notice that her stomach has shifted down. Abdominal “prolapse” occurs due to lowering and inserting the preceding part of the fetus into the pelvic entrance and deviating the fundus anteriorly due to some decrease in the tone of the abdominal press. The child begins to sink deeper into the pelvic area. In primiparas, this is observed 2–4 weeks before birth. In re-births - on the eve of childbirth

Unexpected mood swings. A woman is looking forward to "her time." She is impatient to give birth ("Hurry, too."). The mood may “suddenly” change. The change in mood is largely associated with neuroendocrine processes occurring in the pregnant woman before childbirth. Explosions of energy are possible. A state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly be replaced by violent activity. The instinct of the "nest" is manifested. A woman is preparing for the meeting of the baby: she sews, cleans, washes, and tidies. Just please do not overdo it.

Frequent urination and bowel movements. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, as the pressure on the bladder increases. The hormones of childbirth also affect the intestines of women, causing the so-called preliminary cleansing. Some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and diarrhea. A bit like before an exam.

Pain in the lower back. After the child is moved down, the woman may experience uncomfortable sensations in the lower back. These sensations are caused not only by pressure from the child, but also by an increase in the stretching of the iliac-iliac connective tissue.
  Change in motor activity of the fetus. The kid can either calm down a bit, then move very actively. He seems to choose the rhythm and the most suitable moment for his birth.
  Irregular contractions of the uterus. After the 30th week of pregnancy, false contractions may appear. Tangible, but irregular contractions of the uterus in this preparatory (preliminary) period are mistaken for the onset of labor. A woman can feel certain contractions even a few weeks before giving birth. If a regular and continuous rhythm is not established, if the intervals between contractions are not reduced, then they usually do not mean the beginning of labor.

There are three main signs of childbirth:

The birth is considered the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus - contractions. From this moment, a woman is called a woman in childbirth. Rhythmic contractions are felt as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity. The uterus becomes heavy, pressure can be felt throughout the abdomen. The importance of the sign is not in the fact of reduction itself, but in its rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes (another frequency is also possible). Gradually, the intervals decrease: contractions begin to repeat every 3-4 minutes. In the period between contractions, the stomach is relaxed. When the stomach is relaxed, you need to try to relax.

Vaginal discharge of cervical mucus - cork mucosa. The mucous plug can go 2 weeks before birth, and maybe 3-4 days. This usually occurs after the start of uterine contractions to expand the cervical canal - thus displacing the mucous plug. The mucous plug keeps the canal closed during pregnancy. Loss of cork mucosa is a definite sign of the onset of labor. Colorless, yellowish, or slightly stained blood, mild mucous discharge may occur.

Water discharge. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water slowly flows out. It may burst suddenly, then the waters “flood with a strong stream”. This happens from time to time before the rhythmic contractions of the uterus begin. More often this occurs in multiparous. When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt. If the waters diverted immediately, before the onset of rhythmic contractions - you should go to the family home immediately!

Childbirth, as it happens

For every woman, childbirth begins differently. Some women give birth "classically", that is, contractions develop gradually, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease and there is a desire to push. Others give birth "swiftly", that is, contractions are immediately active and the intervals between them are short. In the third, the prelude to childbirth is delayed. Although all women give birth and develop their own way, there are some points that are the same for most women

  Has it really begun?

The long wait should soon end - mom will be able to press the baby to her chest. She is happy, but as her time approaches, her anxiety grows. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Can pain be relieved?

A young woman who has not given birth before has a great many questions about the upcoming birth. Naturally, each of these processes takes place individually. Many pregnant women the day before the onset of labor begin to feel anxiety, sometimes there is a heartbeat, fever or headaches. Some people may get worse or appear for the first time painless contractions of the uterus. There may be an upset bowel or increased pressure, or soreness in the back, lower abdomen, or in the bones of the pelvis. Most have an increase in mucous secretions, including with a sacrum - the discharge of the so-called mucous plug.

It comes on suddenly

However, there may not be any harbingers - in some cases, childbirth begins suddenly, with the appearance of contractions. Contractions are contractions of the uterine muscles that contribute to the opening of the cervix and the gradual advancement of the baby along the birth canal. They make themselves felt by periodic pulling pain in the lower back or in the lower abdomen, which is becoming more regular and stronger. If the contractions are repeated regularly and often, then it's time to get together at the hospital. If the maternity hospital is far away, go there at the first sign, don’t try to waste time waiting, for example, your husband (or mother) from work - immediately call a specialized ambulance.

  It is important

Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdomen gradually push the baby’s head through the uterine pharynx and the birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus is a rather painful and difficult stage of childbirth, but, experiencing it, the woman gains confidence that the matter is energetically moving forward. When attempts to join the fights, the final period of the birth of the child begins. During the attempts, the woman in labor feels an irresistible desire to push her best (at this moment she needs to carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor who is giving birth) - her muscles literally push the baby out.

Most women want to have a baby naturally, without any medical intervention. It is clear that contractions can be quite painful. However, midwives and doctors know the means and methods of alleviating pain.

Dispel fears

Some women in labor fear that they will not be able to cope with birth pains, and therefore they ask for anesthesia in advance. As with an ordinary headache: some try to relax, get distracted, go out into the fresh air, others immediately grab onto medication.

It is good that today doctors have many opportunities to help a woman during labor. And future mothers in the delivery room do not behave passively as before - they can consciously influence the birth process. It is important for a pregnant woman to thoroughly find out in advance what kind of help a particular clinic can offer. In addition, it is worth talking about your wishes and fears with a gynecologist. It is likely that he will dispel your fears and inspire strong confidence in a successful outcome.

In anticipation of the baby being born, expectant mothers are worried about everything that happens to them during pregnancy. The closer the date of the meeting with the baby is approaching, the more questions associated with the approaching birth arise in pregnant women. One of the forerunners of an early delivery is the omission of the abdomen. Obstetricians call this phenomenon the formation of the fetus or the prolapse of the uterus. The period for which abdominal prolapse occurs is individual for each woman and depends on the course of pregnancy, age, physical form of the expectant mother, and also on what kind of birth will be. How to understand that the stomach fell before childbirth, why this happens, and how much it remains to wait for the cherished moment, the birth of the baby, we will tell in this article.

Bearing a baby is a difficult and lengthy process, in which a woman undergoes global changes, mainly the changes affect the abdominal cavity. Starting from the 7th month, the location of the stomach changes, as a result - the expectant mother experiences heartburn, in some cases her appetite disappears. Before childbirth, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the body gradually rebuilds and intensively prepares for delivery. The size of the fetus increases with each week, and the uterus grows. The child occupies the correct location in the uterus, convenient for exiting the womb — head down, and with it the uterus in the small pelvis, about 4-5 cm below its usual position that it occupied during pregnancy, falls. In this position, the fetus will be until the birth. The woman notices that during pregnancy her stomach fell, she began to feel more comfortable and she began to worry about the most important question: "when is the birth?"

The abdomen, that is, the enlarged uterus begins to fall in the third trimester, it is impossible to determine the exact time of pregnancy and it is impossible to determine the exact week of pregnancy, in every pregnant woman this process proceeds in its own way. Some women notice that the tummy began to lower already at 29-30 weeks of pregnancy, long before the birth, while others claim that their stomach fell only at 39 weeks - 2-3 days before the birth. There are women whose belly did not go down at all, they did not notice any changes in its location. And yet, how much before birth does the abdomen fall? According to gynecologists, despite the individual characteristics of each expectant mother, the formation of the fetus occurs from 2 days to 4 weeks in pregnant women preparing for childbirth for the first time. In subsequent births, the abdomen will lower much earlier.

When does the belly of multiparous descend?

Women who have already become mothers and have a second or third baby should prepare for childbirth for up to 38 weeks, in multiparous births, as a rule, the process of delivery is faster and earlier in time. Accordingly, their tummy will begin to lower earlier, from 34-35 weeks of pregnancy. Do not panic and worry, the early lowering of the abdomen in multiparous is a natural and physiological process, which is the norm.

How the abdomen falls before childbirth - signs

During the preparation of the body for childbirth, when the abdomen is lowered, the woman feels a number of common signs characteristic of this phenomenon. Both external signs of an approaching birth appear, and the internal feelings of a future mother change.

The main signs of the process of abdominal prolapse:

  1. The pregnant woman notes that she has completely no heartburn, which has caused so much torment in recent months. This is due to the fact that the uterus, having taken the correct position at the bottom of the small pelvis, no longer exerts pressure on the stomach. All organs of the digestive tract begin to work in normal mode.
  2. Along with the lack of heartburn, a pregnant woman has a new unpleasant sensation - rapid urination, the cause of which is the pressure of the lowered uterus on the bladder. Frequent urges to bowel movements or constipation are also possible, as the uterus exerts pressure on the rectum.
  3. Shortness of breath, which was in pregnant women during the third trimester, disappears after lowering the abdomen, it becomes much easier to breathe fully.
  4. An increased tone of the uterus before childbirth can cause whitish discharge, reminiscent of thrush. If the color of the discharge has a reddish or brown tint, this should alert the woman.
  5. The fact that soon there will be a birth, and the abdomen lowered, a woman can notice by a decrease in the activity of the baby in the womb. The fetus, which occupies all the space in the uterus, behaves calmly, since it does not have enough room for stirring.
  6. After the abdomen has lowered, a woman may experience unpleasant pain and discomfort when walking or sitting, as the fetus, which has become large and increased in weight, puts pressure on the bones of the small pelvis. Drawing pains can occur in the lower back, perineum, in the legs - the head, dropped down the pelvis, puts pressure on the nerve endings.

What does a lowered stomach look like during pregnancy - external signs

The tummy that has descended is noticed not only by the future mothers themselves, but even by those around them. Now it is not located high below the chest, as before, but moves lower to the navel. How to understand that the stomach fell? To make sure that the body is ready for childbirth and the belly has dropped, it is necessary to place a palm between the chest and the protruding belly: if your palm fits freely - the belly has lowered, wait for the quick contractions. In addition to obvious external changes in the location of the abdomen, the gait of the pregnant woman changes. Due to the change in the position of the fetus and the location of the uterus in the small pelvis, it becomes more difficult for her to move around, her gait becomes awkward, people call her “duck”, the woman seems to waddle.

Sometimes, in rare cases, the abdomen can fall completely imperceptibly to the expectant mother, without any special changes in the appearance of the abdomen and its location. But at the same time, the pregnant woman will feel much better. Often this is observed in pregnant women with a narrow pelvis or with poorly developed abdominal muscles. It can also occur in a pregnant woman with initially low presentation of the fetus, the baby simply has nowhere to move down, abdominal prolapse will not occur.

There are several external signs that the stomach has lowered:

  1. First of all, the shape of the abdomen changes. The tummy takes a more elongated shape and stretches forward. It is noticed that in women carrying a girl, the tummy is stretched in the region of the sides, and in moms of boys - stretched forward.
  2. The lowered stomach seems to hang down, located below the level of the hip bone, and becomes heavier.
  3. The tummy becomes very hard, in some women the number of stretch marks increases significantly.
  4. The area between the lowered belly and chest becomes larger, you can already see the waist of a pregnant woman.
  5. After the stomach is fully lowered, it will take a pear-shaped form.

It is more visible to see how the figure changes when the belly of a pregnant woman falls, you can see in the photo.

Belly down - photo

Belly down during pregnancy - what to do?

When a woman is convinced that her stomach is down, she has a natural question - when to give birth? First of all, abdominal prolapse should be reported to the gynecologist conducting the pregnancy, who, according to additional analyzes and signs of an approaching birth, will be able to establish a more accurate date for the appearance of the baby. In some cases, if there is evidence, a pregnant woman can be sent for preservation and put in a hospital. By the time the tummy goes down, the woman should be ready at any time to go to the hospital, so the necessary things for the hospital should be collected. A pregnant woman should understand that right now she needs a good full rest and sleep in order to gain strength for a safe delivery.

When to sound the alarm?

An alarm should be sounded and a woman should immediately seek help if the abdomen descends earlier than 35 weeks, and at the same time the pregnant woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by a tonus of the uterus. This condition may mean the beginning of the approaching preterm birth, in this case urgent hospitalization is necessary. At the hospital, pregnant women will be prescribed medications that help relax the uterine muscles and maintain pregnancy until the due date.

A lowered belly can be considered the first signal for preparing for childbirth - preparing things for the hospital, arranging the nursery. If there are no problems with pregnancy, you can be at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, expect a long-awaited moment. During this period of expectation, a woman should be as calm, relaxed as possible, try to rest more and get enough sleep. It is not recommended to overeat and perform physical housework, which can prematurely cause contractions and early childbirth. Allow the baby to be born on his own, at the time laid down by nature.

Video about how your stomach goes down

At this moment, the expectant mother feels “relief”, since the pressure of the uterine fundus on the chest and diaphragm decreases, it becomes easier to breathe, and the space for the stomach increases. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the head is initially low and no tangible omission occurs. In some cases, the baby may “wander” or be relatively high in the pelvis until the moment of birth. The baby’s head is installed approximately in the middle of the future mother’s small pelvis.
  2-3 weeks before giving birth, women begin to feel precursor contractions. Unlike true contractions, they do not lead to the disclosure of the cervix. There are pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back, the uterus is as if stony - if you put your hand to your stomach, you can clearly feel it. The same, in fact, happens during labor pains, so precursors often scare women giving birth for the first time. Fights are also possible before going to bed in the evening, and with a full bladder.
  Frequent soft stools mistakenly taken for an upset stomach can also be a harbinger of an approaching birth. It is caused by the production of prostaglandins, which facilitate the emptying of the intestinal tract to free up additional space while the baby is moving through the birth canal.

Numbness of the limbs (especially the legs) is possible, due to the lowering of the child’s head, which can pinch the nerve endings.

The week before birth, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, the amount of colostrum flowing from the breast may increase.

About a week before birth, the cervix softens (becomes jelly), lips swell on the face, which is interconnected.

Forgetfulness and distraction appear. As a harbinger, it is often called a "nesting instinct." This term is not entirely clear, so it is often misinterpreted. The desire to equip a "nest", to prepare things and a crib for a baby, to renew their housing comes much earlier, approximately in the middle of pregnancy, and has nothing to do with the "nesting instinct." A sign of a close delivery is considered the appearance of a woman's desire to hide from prying eyes, to hide in a cozy corner of a sofa or armchair, where she feels as comfortable as possible. By analogy with the animal kingdom, where the female is looking for a quiet and safe place for offspring to be born.


In the uterus, a thin bag is formed from the membranes, in which the child and amniotic fluid are located. Amniotic fluid protects the child from external influences, and the fetal bladder - from the penetration of infection. Sometimes the fetal bladder bursts even before you feel contractions or the mucous plug has passed. In many pregnant women, this happens at night. You can wake up in horror at the feeling that you have committed a "children's sin" - what a horror! - straight to bed.
  How to distinguish amniotic fluid from urine?

   - amniotic fluid is colorless;

   - they have a sweetish, and not a specific ammonia odor;

   - whitish flakes can often be found in amniotic fluid: this

Vernix is \u200b\u200ba whitish lubricant covering the skin of a newborn.

If the water has passed, there is no need to be afraid that now the baby will be born “dry”. Amniotic fluid production occurs every three hours, and in addition, the child delays them, blocking the head from the uterus. Pain usually does not happen. Each woman has a different amount of amniotic fluid, an average of one to one and a half liters. Moreover, in some women, amniotic fluid leaves "drop by drop" as a lung. For others, it resembles a wave that cannot be restrained.
  Water can drain either before the birth, or during the opening of the uterus. After the outflow of water, the probability of infection penetration increases, so you can not take a bath or have sex. Sometimes childbirth begins only after a few hours, and sometimes days, after the water has passed. If water began to drain, then even in the absence of contractions, a woman needs to go to the hospital. The discharge of water means that the fetal bladder is damaged and does not protect the child from infection. A prolonged anhydrous period (more than 12 hours) threatens the health of the child also because a pressure difference is created and the underlying part (usually the head) experiences an increased rush of blood, which can subsequently lead to problems on the side of the nervous system.
Of great importance is the color of the amniotic fluid. Normal is the clear or whitish color of amniotic fluid. Yellow waters are rare in the Rh conflict of the mother and fetus. The green color of the water indicates that meconium has got into them, which may be a sign of a postponed pregnancy or oxygen starvation of the fetus. Mekonium is the first bowel movement of the child, it is black and green. If the amniotic fluid is greenish or brownish, you should immediately inform your doctor, even if you find it at three in the morning. If the waters are pinkish, then the woman should be immediately taken to the hospital. This shade gives the water blood that got there as a result of the begun separation of the placenta. And this means that the child does not receive oxygen, and emergency measures must be taken to save him. In this case, waiting for an independent start of contractions is more than unreasonable.
  Another, more relaxed scenario of the onset of labor is the appearance of contractions before the discharge of the waters. If the fetal bladder is intact, the woman in labor can be at home during the entire first phase of labor, provided that she feels confident and is ready to go to the hospital at any time.
  The body of each future mother is absolutely individual, therefore the appearance of precursors in different women can differ significantly. For some, they may go unnoticed, others feel some discomfort in connection with the approaching birth, but, dear future mothers, each of these, perhaps, not very pleasant sensations brings you closer to the moment of delivery, and therefore to a meeting with your long-awaited baby!


What most often frightens a young woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time (or what is she most often frightened of? The answer is a fight. Expecting pain can cause more panic than the pain itself. Are you afraid of contractions? So let's figure out what it is.

In medical terms, birth pangs are involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, along with attempts to belong to the generic expelling forces.
  Contractions indicate the birth has begun ..
The first, preparatory, period of childbirth takes, on average, 12 hours, if a woman gives birth for the first time, and 2-4 hours less for those whose births are not the first. At the beginning of the second period of childbirth (the period of the expulsion of the fetus), attempts are added to contractions - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. In addition to the fact that different muscle groups participate in contractions and attempts, they have another important difference: contractions are an involuntary and uncontrolled phenomenon, neither their strength nor frequency depend on the woman in labor, while the attempts to a certain extent obey her will , she can delay or strengthen them.


For many expectant mothers, pain that may be in childbirth is a real "sore subject." “Horror stories” of grandmothers and girlfriends wander from mouth to mouth ... I have already written a lot in different themes, that a lot depends on our mood. Birth pain is fundamentally different from pain from injuries, diseases and other unpleasant incidents. It is not enough to say that childbirth is a pleasant occurrence, it is a holiday, it is a sacrament. And fights and attempts are a way to a holiday. Just to make the holiday a success - you have to work hard. “Labor”, “work” refers to the period of fights in English and French. To think of them as a difficult way to the joy of meeting a baby is the first step to ensure that it does not hurt. And joyful acceptance of contractions is almost one hundred percent pain medication. But this is a feat of motherly love ...

   - No tears, heartbreaking screams and tantrums. (You need to scream only in cases when no one is coming to you, and you feel that it’s time. And still, breathe evenly. - Keep your mind sober and control the situation, because if not you, then who? Who will give birth for You? Maybe a doctor ??

   - Exactly follow the commands. You can’t push - it means restrain, most likely, they will tell you what to do for this, try to breathe, calm breathing is the key to success in all periods of childbirth !!!

   - Obey absolutely. It is said to push - push very hard with the abdominal muscles (!!), namely the press, and not the face, fists, legs or teeth. Squeeze only the abdominal press on a deep breath, and leave everything else relaxed.

   - A good welcome is to smile at the touch. Everyone will talk to you along the way, no one will leave you, listen carefully and follow through.

   - It is said to push even harder - do not yell “Mommy, I can’t take it anymore”, but take and push even harder. Remember: you are acting up, and your child is suffering at this time.

No need to be afraid of pain. She needs to understand, get along with her, give in to her. DO NOT NEED TO FIGHT MENTALLY WITH IT, as with the enemy! After all, this pain is a good sign. She is not your enemy, but a friend.

By the way, during the release of the child you will not feel pain, you will not even feel friction or tears. Nature took care of this.

Remember that there will be no higher task! There will be work that is exactly on your shoulder. In addition, 12-15% of women experience labor pain weakly, labor pains are almost not noticeable, only their tummy feels tensed ... There is a chance to be among them!