What to do if the umbilical cord of a newborn has disappeared. What to do if a newborn has a belly button. Navel with umbilical cord: when it disappears, how to handle, what to do with the dropped umbilical cord

Having a baby is not only boundless joy in the life of young parents, but also a tremendous responsibility that begins outside the hospital. In addition to basic things, such as swaddling and feeding the baby, from the first days of life it is important to be able to process the wound of the navel of the baby, otherwise non-observance of elementary rules can lead to serious consequences.

How to care for the navel of a newborn baby?

Navel Care

A recently cut umbilical cord is a wound on the baby’s body that needs to be closely monitored. Since the immunity of the newborn is still weak, it is important to prevent infection from entering the body. That is why you need to treat the navel with various solutions every day. The most demanded are hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and zelenka.

If there is a clothespin on the navel of the baby, you should not be afraid, for 3-4 days the navel process with the clothespin will fall off on its own, leaving a small wound. In other cases, this process is cut off by the surgeon in the hospital, and the baby is sent home with a sterile dressing that closes this wound. The difference in care is only that if you have a clamp, you can bathe a child, and with an open wound it is better to do with rubbing with wet baby wipes.

IMPORTANT!!! It is strictly forbidden to seal the wound with adhesive tape or something else, since under any dressing microbes can accumulate that can cause inflammation. Therefore, the navel is best kept open for free access of oxygen.

How to handle the navel of a newborn?

To care for the wound, several items are required:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • pipette;
  • cotton buds;
  • potassium permanganate or brilliant green;
  • boiled water;
  • additional funds: chlorophyllipt, baneocin.

In the old fashioned manner, children's doctors recommend bathing the newborn in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then treating the navel’s wound with peroxide and ordinary green. But at present, there are more modern and convenient means for these purposes. But in order to properly care for the wound, you need to know a certain sequence of manipulations.

Processing the navel with potassium permanganate.

For the treatment of wounds, a 2-5% solution of potassium permanganate is used, bought in a pharmacy, which is usually diluted “by eye” with boiled warm water. Parents are guided by color - it should be bright pink. Moreover, before processing, the solution must be filtered through cheesecloth to remove excess crystals.

Processing of the navel with peroxide.

After water procedures, you need to dry the wound with ordinary cotton wool. After that, drop peroxide from the pipette onto the navel, waiting until it stops foaming. The disappearance of the foam indicates the softening of the crusts that form on the surface of the wound. Next, you need to carefully push the umbilical ring and a cotton swab, carefully remove the same crusts. No need to strive to remove everything at a time, such procedures are carried out every day for the first 2-3 weeks to achieve the best result, preventing pathogens from entering the wound. At the end of the treatment, the wound is greased with brilliant green.

Treatment of the navel with chlorophyllipt.

Chlorophyllipt is a natural herbal preparation that contains in its composition an extract from eucalyptus leaves. The action of this medication is aimed specifically at the destruction of staphylococcal infection. For the treatment of wounds, a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt is used. Unlike potassium permanganate, it does not dry and does not burn the baby's skin, which is the advantage of this drug.

Treatment of the navel with baneocin.

Baneocin is an antibiotic made in Austria, which is available in powder form. He is an indispensable assistant not only in the postpartum period, but also with the first symptoms of wound infection. The difference is only in the frequency of use of the drug. Baneocin is used as a prophylaxis once a day, and is applied to the wound after it has been treated with peroxide and dried. In inflammatory processes, the frequency of use is increased up to 5 times a day.

How long does the navel in a newborn heal?

  The average wound healing time is approximately 3 weeks. For about 3-4 days, the "tail" of the navel falls off on its own if it was not cut off in the hospital. With poor-quality care, infection and severe inflammation of the navel are possible, up to the formation of exudate. With this course, the healing period may increase for an indefinite period. At the same time, a pediatrician consultation and serious treatment are necessary.

Diaper and belly button

For a child, it is best to buy models of diapers that have a cutout for the navel, or simply bend the top edge. This is done specifically so that the diaper does not injure the baby’s wound, otherwise it will heal longer. In addition, she needs a constant supply of oxygen so that pathogenic bacteria do not multiply.

Bathing and navel in a newborn baby

You can bathe the baby during the healing period of the navel if boiled water with diluted potassium permanganate is used for the bath. After water procedures, it is necessary to treat the wound with peroxide with brilliant green or more modern drugs.

In the first days, after the "tail" of the navel has disappeared, you need to refrain from bathing. The baby should be wiped with special baby wet wipes, not forgetting about wound care. It is impossible to throw over the navel treatment, as dangerous microorganisms that can cause severe inflammation can get there. If you do not pay attention to alarming symptoms, then inaction is fraught with infection of the blood of the child and serious consequences.

Will the navel of a newborn become wet or bleeding?

The appearance of sacrificial secretions is a normal phenomenon that lasts several days. This happens due to a tear of crusts, since the wound has not yet healed to the end. If the baby’s navel is bloody and gets wet for a long time, then you need to look at some symptoms:

  • the appearance of redness (hyperemia) of the skin and its swelling;
  • temperature rise;
  • prolonged bleeding that is difficult to stop;
  • purulent (exudative) discharge with an unpleasant odor from the wound;
  • moodiness of the newborn.

These signals indicate that dangerous microorganisms that caused inflammation settled in the wound. Here you should not postpone going to the doctor, as a slight inflammation can turn into a serious infection of the baby's body. Only a pediatrician can choose the right treatment after establishing a bacterium that annoys not only the child, but also his parents.

The navel of a newborn fell off: what to do?

Parents are faced with the fact that the extra "tail" of the navel of the newborn falls off on its own in a few days. This phenomenon scares many young dads and mothers, but there is no need to be afraid, because this is a normal process through which all people have passed. Part of the navel can be thrown out or left as a keepsake that each parent decides independently.

Trouble with your belly button?

Navel Fungus
The navel fungus in newborns is characterized by the proliferation of pathological tissue around the navel, due to which a mushroom tumor may appear. Such a disease occurs in children with weak immunity. In the presence of such growths, you should consult a doctor for qualified treatment. Usually it consists in cauterization of formations with 5% solution of silver nitrate, which will need to be done every day until complete healing. If, nevertheless, any discharge from the navel is observed, then a pediatrician should be visited. After cauterization, the wound is treated first with peroxide, as described above, and then with green.

Umbilical hernia
  An umbilical hernia is most often painless and harmless to the health of the newborn. It is characterized by a soft protrusion in the navel, not exceeding 2 cm in diameter. Usually, treatment of this phenomenon is not required, since it does not bring harm. It rarely happens that a hernia ruptures. In this case, the patient has nausea, vomiting, hyperemia and pain in the navel. The treatment consists in surgical intervention under general anesthesia, if the hernia itself has not resolved by the age of 5 years. Usually, there are no complications, it is only important to monitor the wound, it should be clean and dry. If redness, pain, or strange discharge is noted, then the child needs to be taken to the doctor.

Navel fistula
  Fistula of the navel in newborns is divided into 2 types - complete and incomplete, the latter form is more common. An incomplete form occurs when the ducts are not overgrown, and a complete fistula is caused by the connection of the navel and the intestinal loop. The main symptom is the constant wetting of the wound and the release of intestinal contents that have an unpleasant odor. Incomplete forms after a while are closed and overgrown independently, and only surgical methods are used to treat a complete fistula. During healing, the wound should be treated with peroxide and brilliant green.

Parents note

It is important from the very first day of life to monitor the health of the baby, which is still too weak to cope with everything on its own. One of the first problems is the umbilical wound, which must be constantly treated for the first couple of weeks. At the same time, it can not be sealed with adhesive tape or anything else, as this can cause inflammation. And if something went wrong, then you should immediately call a doctor to prevent serious infection.

Video: handling a newborn's navel

As you know, during the entire period of the baby’s stay in the mother’s tummy, these two organisms are connected by a kind of thread - the umbilical cord. It is through her that the unborn baby receives the necessary nutrients and, first of all, oxygen.

After birth, the umbilical cord still continues to throb. First, medical workers put a special clamp on it, and after a short period of time they carefully cut it off. During joint births, it is often proposed to do this to a newfound father so that he, therefore, takes part in the birth of his son or daughter.

Most often, if the baby was born on time, and during the birth process there were no complications, the mother and baby are discharged home with a small amount of the umbilical cord. This piece should fall off spontaneously, in no case should he be helped. In this article, we will tell you when the umbilical cord falls off in a newborn baby, and what to do after it has happened.

When should the umbilical cord fall off in a newborn baby?

Most often this happens approximately 10 days after the birth of the baby. Meanwhile, in some cases this may happen a little earlier or, conversely, later. The acceptable range is from 4 to 14 days after the birth of the crumbs.

You should not try to speed up the approach of this moment, because this is a completely natural process, and it must proceed spontaneously.

The only thing you can do is to provide free access to the baby’s belly button. Thanks to the air baths, the remainder of the umbilical cord dries out a little faster and, accordingly, disappears a little earlier.

In place of the umbilical cord, the baby has a small open market, which is very important to care for.

What to do when the umbilical cord is dropped?

A patronage nurse will tell you how to properly care for the umbilical wound. She will be able to ask all your questions and consult if you are concerned about the state of the navel of the baby.

The well-being of the baby largely depends on how parents care about its hygiene. How to carry out these procedures?

Before the birth of the baby and his mother, a special education, which is called the umbilical cord, binds. Its significance for the fetal life is enormous. But the child was born - and the umbilical cord was cut. In order to accelerate the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is needed.

The umbilical cord is a combination of three blood vessels - a vein (along it arterial, rich in oxygen and nutrients, blood flows from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries through which the "used" venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by gelatinous substance, which prevents their possible damage.

After the birth of the baby, the need for communication between the mother and the baby through the umbilical cord disappears. The child gains the ability to breathe independently, receive nutrition in the form of mother's milk, and secrete unnecessary substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after removing the crumbs, a special clamp is applied to the umbilical cord, and it is cut. Blood flow through the umbilical vessels stops.

Navel handling in a maternity hospital

While the baby and mother are in the delivery room, the remainder of the umbilical cord is further processed. As a result, only a small area of \u200b\u200babout 2 cm remains from the umbilical cord. On the remainder of the umbilical cord is a plastic or, less commonly, metal clip.

Some maternity hospitals are now using the open cord cord management method. This means that a bandage is not applied to it, just every day before the discharge of the baby and mother from the maternity hospital, the umbilical cord residue (and after it falls off - the wound) is treated with antiseptic solutions (usually hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate - the so-called "potassium permanganate") .

Every day, the umbilical cord residue above the bracket becomes more and more dry, in other words, it is mummified, and daily processing of the umbilical cord residue also contributes to its drying. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day in most infants, the umbilical cord looks like a patch of dry, dense, non-living tissue. Soon, with the clamp, this fabric "falls off." There remains a wound, which is called the umbilical. In babies with an initially “thicker” umbilical cord, the remainder of it can dry out for a rather long time, for 6-7 or even more days.

Many maternity hospitals have adopted other tactics for the management of the umbilical cord, when usually on the second day it is cut off with a blade or sterile scissors. With surgical cutting, the healing of the umbilical wound proceeds faster. A pressure dressing is applied to the wound to prevent bleeding, which is usually loosened after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Some babies have a so-called "skin" navel. With it, the skin, passing from the anterior abdominal wall, covers the portion of the umbilical cord, and the impression of a "long" navel is created. It should be noted that after the umbilical cord falls off or is removed, the tissues of such an umbilicus are retracted and, as a rule, the umbilical region is no different in the future from the usual one.

The umbilical wound gradually heals, becoming covered with a hemorrhagic (dense "bloody") crust. If the child continues to be in the maternity hospital at this time, then the umbilical wound is treated in the same way as before the umbilical cord - once a day. With a wide umbilical wound, possible mild abnormal discharge, the doctor may prescribe a more frequent treatment. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears. If healing proceeds well, then after the dense crust falls off, there is no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), allocation of blood droplets may be noted, the wound “corrects”. Usually in such cases, an additional (2-3 times a day) treatment with solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is sufficient to apply once to the wound, is enough.

Navel handling at home

At home, the umbilical wound is treated for 7-10 days until it is completely healed daily 1 time per day after bathing. If the umbilical cord residue in the maternity ward has been removed surgically, it may take less time to treat the wound at home. Sometimes, for example, with a slow formation of a crust, the presence of small secretions from it (“weeping”), it is recommended to treat the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcoholic solution of brilliant green - "green". "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared, for example, with "potassium permanganate" due to the lack of the need to prepare this solution. It is sold at any pharmacy.

For the treatment of the umbilical wound, a 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt may also be suitable, containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves. This solution is colorless, which allows you to detect signs of inflammation, since the wound is not painted over.

In order to avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin with a chemical preparation (up to a skin burn!) Avoid contact with the solution on the skin around the wound.

If there is a crust on the wound that has already begun to exfoliate and does not hold firmly, it is best to remove it first by soaking it with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The finished preparation of hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy. It must be borne in mind that its shelf life is limited! It’s not worth it yourself to prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the desired concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be doubtful.

The crust, as a rule, after it becomes softer, and it is easier to remove from the wound. Of course, if this is a newly formed crust on a wide wound, then efforts to surely remove it should not be made. It is convenient to handle the umbilical wound at home with cosmetic cotton buds. When treating a wound with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, they press on the tissue near the navel so as to "maximize" the navel region for examination and more thorough processing.

When there is a prolonged "wetness" of the wound, bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you must consult a doctor!

If you doubt the correct handling of the baby's belly button, consult a nurse who should visit every day in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals now practice early discharge of newborns. Moreover, by the time the baby is at home, the umbilical cord residue may still not fall. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations at discharge, then you can bathe a child with an "unreleased" umbilical cord, as well as with an umbilical wound, on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before falling off the umbilical cord at home is treated 1 time per day with an alcohol solution of diamond greens.

For bathing infants, you need to use a baby bath. During the first two weeks, the water used for bathing the baby is better to boil first, and then cool to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. To complete healing of the umbilical wound, a solution of "potassium permanganate" is added to the water until the water is slightly pink. Remember that "potassium permanganate" must first be completely dissolved in a separate bowl, such as a cup, in order to avoid burns to the baby's skin with grains of potassium permanganate.

What can not be done with the navel

Do not be afraid to touch the umbilical cord or the umbilical wound when processing them! At the same time, kids may experience some discomfort, but it doesn’t hurt them. Care for the umbilical wound should be especially thorough, since it can serve as an entrance gate for infection, as a result of which catarrhal and then purulent omphalitis can occur - inflammation of the tissues near the umbilical wound.

In those cases when there is a prolonged "wetness" of the wound (more than 2 weeks), bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you must consult a doctor! Do not try to treat the baby yourself: this may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as this makes it difficult to dry the crust, provokes weeping and thus prevents the wound from healing quickly and contributes to the possible attachment of infection. Sometimes there is additional irritation of the skin of the umbilical region. To avoid this, the disposable band should be bent so that the navel area remains open.

Usynina Anna, neonatologist, associate professor of the Department of Neonatology and Perinatology
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk

So the long-awaited baby appeared. Now a young mother has many questions regarding the care of a small miracle. And it is natural that the majority will inspire uncertainty and fear. Children are usually discharged from the hospital with a clothespin on their belly button. What to do with it and what processing to produce, this will be discussed further.

On what day does the clothespin fall off the navel?

When mom and baby are discharged home, and the clothespin on the navel is still left, you should know about the rules of care. Otherwise, bacteria enter the umbilical wound, and this will not end well. If possible, it is recommended to purchase diapers that are designed for wounds and clothespins. Contact with a navel that has not yet healed is painful for the baby.

After how many days does the clothespin from the navel fall off?  After the umbilical cord is cut, its small piece, which was left above the clothespin, dries and the clothespin from the navel falls off. There remains an open wound, it needs to be taken care of. Usually, for 4-5 days, a clothespin from the navel disappears. The healing process can stretch for a longer period, up to 10 days, this is determined by the thickness of the umbilical cord and other individual factors.

Can I bathe with a clothespin on my belly button?Opinions are rather ambiguous. Some do not advise swimming until the wound is completely healed, citing the fact that pathogenic bacteria are in the water.

Others give recommendations for bathing, as this helps to ensure that the crusts formed on the navel are easily softened and can be removed without difficulty. In any case, if a newborn is bathing with a clothespin on his belly button, the wound should be carefully treated.

When bathing, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • the bathroom should be small, designed for children;
  • water should be boiled until the wound is healed;
  • you can add a little solution of potassium permanganate, previously dissolving it in another container.

Upon completion of the bathing procedure, the navel must be allowed to dry a little, and then carry out the treatment.

How does a navel drop in newborns with a clothespin?

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, then it is clamped with a clothespin. The first days she is on the baby’s navel, falls off for 3-10 days, it all depends on individual factors.

Many parents unknowingly begin to worry about the fact that the clothespin from the navel in the newborn has come off. A small, deep wound forms in this area.

The navel after falling off the clothespin should be regularly treated to prevent infection.

For several days, the wound bleeds. It is considered normal if everything returned to normal after two to three weeks. In the event of bleeding at the end of this period, you should consult a pediatrician.

At home, the wound must be treated for 7-10 days, every day, at the end of bathing. When a crust appears on the navel or the formation of secretions, the number of daily treatments can be increased up to two times. It is all smeared with brilliant green. A 1% solution of chlorophyllipt can also be used.

What to do with a belly button with clothespins from a child?  Often, mothers are wondering what to do with a fallen baby clothespin. In this case, everything depends on preferences. Some are kept as a keepsake in a beautiful box with tags and other items of memory. Most are simply thrown into the trash because storing such things is unpleasant.

What to do if a clothespin on the navel fell off

In a situation where a clothespin on the navel has fallen off, nothing needs to be done.

Handle the navel if the clothespin has fallen off, it is necessary as follows:

  1. With a pipette, you need to drop 3% hydrogen peroxide on the navel, wait a bit until it stops hissing.
  2. Next, using cotton buds, you need to remove all soaked crusts, it is important not to miss them in inaccessible places. This can trigger an infection.
  3. Smear with green. If the peroxide does not hiss already when it hits the navel, this means the wound has completely healed.

If the navel dries under the clothespin, the following points should alert:

  • discharge in the form of pus, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling and redness of the skin near the navel. This may be a symptom of omphalitis, treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician;
  • a weeping navel wound for three weeks. Most often, this is an umbilical fistula.

If such symptoms are identified, a pediatrician consultation is required.

Quite often, in the first days of a newborn’s life, a mother may notice that the navel is bleeding. This is due to a variety of mechanical damage to the tender spot. Blood vessels pass close enough, and this causes blood. In view of this, this symptom can be observed until the wound heals completely. If a baby clothespin has fallen off, but the navel is bleeding, this is normal.

What to do with bleeding from the navel:

  • soak a cotton swab in a solution of peroxide;
  • to treat her with a bleeding place;
  • the place where the wound is located is well wet with a sterile cloth;
  • apply a thin layer of brilliant green.

All manipulations are performed with caution to prevent even greater trauma to this area. Actions must be carried out with clarity and certainty. Repeat treatment is recommended twice a day. If there are at least some crusts, they must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.

The umbilical cord connecting the baby in the womb with the mother is cut at birth and a small part remains with a clothespin, which after a few days should separate on its own. Let's understand in more detail when the navel of a newborn disappears, and what care is needed for the umbilical wound.

Questions about the correct treatment of the umbilical wound and the remainder of the umbilical cord concern each mother.

Umbilical cord  - the only source through which the baby receives nutrients. After the baby is born, it begins to breathe and eat on its own, and there is no need for other food sources, it is pinched and cut.

Recently, a phenomenon such as "Lotus birth" when the umbilical cord is not cut, and left with the last until it dries and falls off on its own. But this option is very dangerous, because through the umbilical cord, the baby doesn’t need the food he needs, but the infection from the decaying afterbirth.

Traditionally, one of two methods for cutting the umbilical cord is used.

At the first navel of the newborn is fixed with a clip, without an additional bandage. In the period of time that a woman in labor with the baby is spent in the maternity hospital, the remainder of the umbilical cord is treated with potassium permanganate (solution) and hydrogen peroxide, daily.

After about 5-8 days, when the clothespin from the navel falls off, a wound remains on it, which requires observation and care until complete healing.

The second method assumes that a day after birth, the remainder of the umbilical cord is removed, and a special pressure bandage is applied to the newborn's navel, after a few hours it is made weaker. After about a day, the dressing is removed, and just like in the first case, you need to treat the wound with peroxide and potassium permanganate.

What to do at home - how to handle it correctly?

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, a thorough, daily treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn in any case will be necessary. To carry out the treatment in a children's medicine cabinet must be:

Hydrogen peroxide;
  brilliant green or fucortsin;
  cotton buds;
  if the navel in a newborn with a clothespin - you will need a pipette.

The time during which the healing of the umbilical wound occurs, depends not only on care, but also on the thickness of the umbilical cord. But, in any case, if there are no complications, then everything should heal within a month.

If you were discharged already without a clothespin, and with the part of the umbilical cord dropped off, then care is extremely simple - you need to process the navel of the newborn once or twice a day (morning and evening during the daily toilet).

  Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide, gently moisten the wound (without trying to press hard) and remove the crusts. Take a dry cotton swab and pat it dry. Then dip a clean stick in Fucorcin   and apply it to the wound. Pediatricians recommend using this solution instead of brilliant green, as it dries better and healing is faster.

At first, the umbilical wound may bleed or get wet a bit - this is normal, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound is quite extensive and deep, and a large number of blood vessels pass through it, but after about one and a half weeks, this should not happen for two weeks.

How to care for a navel with a clothespin

Care for the navel of the newborn with a clothespin must be very carefully to prevent the possibility of infection. Explain to you whether the pediatrician of the maternity hospital or the foster nurse, who will definitely visit you with the baby the day after discharge, should explain to you. You can ask a nurse all your questions regarding baby care. If you are not sure of your abilities or that everyone understood correctly, ask her to show how to properly process.

For processing you will need:

  Cotton buds;
  Diamond greens or fucorcin.

Since, if the delivery took place without complications, they are discharged from the maternity hospital on the third day, then the remainder of the umbilical cord still does not have time to fall away and it will be necessary to process it on its own. This is somewhat more complicated than with discharge without a clothespin, but everyone can handle it.

First of all, you need to draw hydrogen peroxide into the pipette and carefully moisten the place under the clamp, and if necessary, drip the clamp itself. Then with a cotton swab, gently remove the softened crusts; you do not need to rub it much, do everything carefully. Although the baby this procedure does not cause pain or anxiety. After the crusts are removed and the wound is neatly dried with a cotton swab or swab, in the circle of the wound you need to apply brilliant green or fucortsin.

  The first two or three times of course to do this is scary, but then you will act more confidently.

The navel should fall, depending on the thickness of the umbilical cord, after 1-2 weeks, it can happen 3-4 days after birth - everything is individual.

After the umbilicus has disappeared, the wound remains in the newborn, which also needs to be carefully treated until complete healing.

What else do you need to know about the navel of a newborn?

It is a subject of particular concern to a young mother. In addition to the need for constant processing, a lot of questions remain.

Is it possible to bathe and how to dress until the navel of the newborn has fallen off?

Regarding bathing, in the first month, while the navel dries up and the wound heals, you can, but if you are worried, it is not necessary - it will be enough to wipe the baby with wet wipes.

If you decide to bathe, then it is advisable to boil the water or make a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. After bathing, the remainder of the umbilical cord must be thoroughly dried and processed.
  After the clothespin has fallen off and the wound has dried, bathing can be carried out in warm water with the addition of chamomile or a string in the form of a decoction.

In addition to the treatment, many mothers still have questions about how care for the umbilical wound of a newborn will be combined with diapers and clothes. At first, while the navel dries up, you can use special diapers with a notch, or tuck the edge of the diaper so that the navel remains open. The baby's clothes should be clean, ironed, free enough, make sure that the navel of the newborn is not rubbed or pinched with elastic bands or seams.

Possible complications

It is not difficult to look after the navel of a newborn with a clothespin, therefore, any serious complications are not often. During the first days, blood may be released from the wound - this should not scare you. The main reason is damage caused by clothing, a diaper, or heavy crying. In some cases, the insect can stand out during the entire healing period, but if the treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn is carried out regularly and there are no other alarming symptoms, then do not worry.

Of course, there are difficulties in the process of wound healing, and if you notice one of the following symptoms:

Prolonged and frequent bleeding;
  If the blood does not stop flowing;
  Redness or swelling of the umbilical region;
  Unusual liquid oozes from the wound or an unpleasant odor is present;

With any of them, you should immediately consult a doctor. It should alert you too long healing of the navel.

Causes of Long Navel Healing

The wound healing time depends not only on the treatment, but also on many other factors.

The thickness of the umbilical cord affects the time;
  The health status of the newborn;
  Ingestion of a foreign body.

If the wound becomes wet or bleeding for a long time, then this may be a sign of the development of diseases. Most common Fistula. A non-healing hole is formed between the umbilical ring and the intestine, through which the contents of the intestine constantly leak, interfering with healing and infecting the umbilical wound. If you suspect that a child has a fistula, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, since the treatment in this case is only surgical.

Fungus is also called granuloma, it is a convex red and wet area in the center of the umbilical wound. A pediatrician can help you determine the treatment.
  Omphalitis is most often caused by improper care and, as a result, infection of the wound. A sign of this disease is the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

It is necessary to treat the navel with a clothespin and a wound after falling off until complete healing. It is possible to determine that everything has healed by the appearance of the navel. The peel on it should align in color with the body of the child. If the peroxide no longer sizzles, does not foam - then the navel has practically healed.

Other care rules

  After answering the question of how often you can, other care rules should be voiced that can help speed up the healing process.

Ventilate the child’s room more often;
  Let the baby take air baths - this is useful not only for the navel, but also in general for the health of the child;
  Make sure that the baby’s clothes are made of natural fabrics;
  Be sure to regularly and carefully treat the wound;
  The first time, until the remainder of the umbilical cord has fallen off, it is desirable that the clothes and diaper are not pressed tightly to the navel of the newborn;
  Try not to wet the wound unnecessarily, if the liquid gets in, carefully dry and process the navel.

The process of forming a newborn's navel is natural and occurs without your intervention - do not try to disconnect the umbilical cord or somehow affect the shape of the navel. This can not only lead to an increase in the healing time and the appearance of scars, but also cause infection of the wound, as well as the development of concomitant diseases.

Anxiety you should cause a strong protrusion of the navel during crying - the formation of an umbilical hernia is possible.

You only need to provide proper care for the wound.

After the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, continue processing the area - make sure that there are no suppuration or inflammation. Watch the process - if something worries you or causes concern, consult a doctor immediately.