How to prevent a pregnant woman from getting a cold. Treatment and prevention of colds during pregnancy. Fever and pain

For every woman, the health of her child is important. Therefore, you need to take care of it from the very planning or the onset of pregnancy. Throughout the period, doctors strongly do not recommend the expectant mother to take any medications. But sometimes it is simply necessary.

Modern manufacturers of medicines produce a variety of means by which the prevention of colds is carried out. During pregnancy, such drugs are not always allowed. Every expectant mother should remember the main rule: no medications can be taken independently. If you have signs of the disease, then you should seek the help of specialists.

Watch out in the cold season

During pregnancy should always be carried out. But special attention is paid to it in the cold. If the street is damp and windy, then you can easily catch the infection. Note that viruses spread most well in the cold, but not frosty period. If the window is minus temperature, then the chances of getting sick are reduced significantly.

It is very important to pay attention to your clothes. Choose it according to the weather. Do not try to dress warmer: you can easily sweat and catch a cold. If your journey takes a lot of time, then take a thermos with you in a warm drink: tea or fruit drink. Hardening is a good way to increase immunity, but only before conception. If you are already pregnant, then it is worthwhile to turn out from such events.

Protect yourself from infection

Medicines for prevention are usually not recommended for use. Therefore, the expectant mother gently take care of her health independently. Try to avoid crowded places, during epidemics it is worth staying at home. But here it is important to follow certain rules: ventilate the room as often as possible, the air surrounding you should be moist and cool. Be sure to refuse to receive guests.

If you cannot afford to sit out the epidemic at home, then use masks. They need to be changed every two hours. Infection is inevitably transmitted through contact with a person: through the air, handshakes, documents. You can catch the disease even in a store, a bus, your own entrance. Therefore, it is so important that you thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap when you get home. Use hand sanitizer gels throughout the day. Do not bring brushes to your face and, of course, do not eat with dirty hands.

Use folk remedies

The safest prevention of colds during pregnancy is folk remedies. But in this you need to know the measure. You should not drink decoctions in liters and eat honey in kilograms. This can lead to allergies. It is worth noting that such a reaction develops not only in expectant mothers, but also in their babies. Subsequently, the child is born an allergic person. So, what can be done to prevent colds during pregnancy?

  • Herbs: chamomile, calendula, mint, eucalyptus. Gargle with decoctions of these plants. They will have a bactericidal, antiseptic, antiviral effect. In low concentrations, you can make tea from these herbs, but always be careful.
  • Onion and garlic. These two plants are considered. There is a myth that garlic should not be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors are skeptical of this statement and assure: within reasonable limits - it is possible.
  • Sources of vitamin C: orange, lemon, parsley, cabbage. These products make up for vitamin deficiencies in the body and help boost immunity. It is important to eat them raw.
  • Ginger tea. This drink is considered a natural immunomodulator. You can use it, but it is worth limiting the volume and concentration. Start your morning with a cup of light ginger tea with a spoon of honey, and your immunity will become much stronger.

Nasal lavage - a sure cold prevention

Use a variety of saline solutions and drops. They are introduced into the nasal cavity in order to cleanse, moisturize, relieve swelling. The presence of salt helps to draw excess fluid out of the mucous membranes, which makes breathing easier. In addition, the solution promotes the regeneration of inflamed and damaged tissues. If you come into contact with an infection, then the nose and throat become a passage for it into your body. Therefore, upon returning home, it is necessary to clean these mucous surfaces.

The virus is not able to hit its target in a few hours. You can easily get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, which helps prevent infection. Saline solution can be prepared independently or use well-known sodium chloride. The pharmacy also sells special devices that simplify the cleaning process: Dolphin, Rinostop, Humer, and so on.

Drugs for prevention: immunomodulators

Prevention and treatment of colds during pregnancy can be carried out with the help of drugs that increase immunity. If previously you had to use those without a doctor’s prescription, now it is prohibited. Many medicines of this nature also have an antiviral effect. Indications for the appointment of immunostimulants are frequent colds, accompanied by complications, a high probability of infection, sluggish bacterial pathologies.

You need to remember the list of medications that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy: “Immunal”, “Isoprinosine” or “Groprinosin”, “Cycloferon”, “Bronchomunal”, “Proteflazid”, “Amiksin” and so on. You can list dangerous drugs endlessly. It is much easier to say what can be used. Prevention of colds during pregnancy can be carried out by the following means: Oscillococcinum, Magne B6, Viferon (from 14 weeks), Arbidol.

If you get sick ...

What if the prevention of influenza and the common cold during pregnancy was ineffective? At the first symptoms of infection, treatment should be started immediately. Its basis is the mode:

  1. Give up work and stay at home: rest more and lie down, keep peace.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. It can be plain water, tea, fruit drink. Do not abuse raspberries (especially in the first and last trimester). If possible, replace it with cranberries.
  3. If there is no appetite, do not force yourself to eat. Do not worry that the baby inside you will remain hungry. Now it is much more important to regain good health.

Many expectant mothers do not want to see a doctor and try to eliminate the disease on their own. Such an approach is possible, but once again it is worth recalling the prohibition of any drugs. It is imperative to appear to a specialist in the following cases:

  • Body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
  • Coughing, headache, photophobia torment you.
  • There is abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  • Runny nose acquires a thick consistency, discharge becomes green.
  • You do not feel better for 2-3 days.

Fever and pain

Prevention of colds during pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is not always successful. The reason is a natural decrease in immunity. It is necessary so that the body does not reject the fetus. If the infection did occur, and you have a headache, then it is permissible to take an antispasmodic. The safest and most popular are No-Shpa and Drotaverin. Expectant mothers are not contraindicated.

If the body temperature rises, then it must be controlled. It is worth taking antipyretics if the mercury on the thermometer has risen to 37.6. The safest medication in this situation is Paracetamol. It is permissible to use Ibuprofen. “Analgin” and “Aspirin” are strictly prohibited. These drugs can cause fetal damage.

Runny nose and nasal congestion

Prevention of colds during early pregnancy does not always bear fruit. Every third expectant mother in the first trimester suffers a runny nose. This phenomenon in itself is not dangerous for the baby in the womb, but it is unpleasant for the woman. A safe and proven remedy for the common cold is the spray and drops of Grippferon. It is worth noting that they can be used for prevention. This medication is allowed to expectant mothers throughout pregnancy. It has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

With a cold of a bacterial nature and protracted chronic rhinitis, “Pinosol” is prescribed. The composition of this drug includes only natural plant components. Note that for women with a tendency to allergies, it is better not to use it. All vasoconstrictor drugs are prohibited (especially in the first trimester). But if the swelling in the nose is such that the expectant mothers are forced to breathe through the mouth - drugs can be prescribed in minimal doses.

How to relieve sore throat?

What other means can prevent colds during pregnancy? In the early stages, as later, you can use the Miramistin solution. This drug has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Spray is effective in all diseases. If infection has occurred, then the drug needs to be irrigated with a throat up to 6 times a day or use a diluted rinse. "Miramistin" perfectly disinfects and treats, but it does not have an analgesic effect.

You can get rid of perspiration and discomfort with the help of “Hexoral” and “Tantum Verde” preparations. According to the doctor’s prescription, it is permissible to use “Ingalipt”, “Gedelix”, “Doctor Mom”. Frequently gargle with decoctions of chamomile and sage.

Antibiotic use

Prevention or early on - not so important) is never done with antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed for indications only. They are strictly prohibited until 14 weeks. Later, medications are prescribed only after examination. The doctor, before prescribing a medicine, weighs the pros and cons. Antibiotics are indicated in the following cases:

  1. High temperature persists for more than 5 days.
  2. A cough with wheezing in the bronchi and lungs joins her.
  3. The secret released from the nose takes on a green color.
  4. There is purulent plaque in the throat.

There are not many antibiotics allowed during pregnancy. The most commonly prescribed penicillin preparations are Flemoxin, Amoxiclav. Less commonly prescribed macrolides "Sumamed", "Aziromycin".

Text: Alena Poroshina

Prevention of the common cold is an important and necessary matter, and especially during pregnancy. Indeed, in this case, an organism whose immunity is already weakened should protect not one, but two lives at once. What are the basic rules for preventing colds during pregnancy?

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy is a matter of life

Question prevention of colds during pregnancy  extremely important. First of all, because the “interesting position” itself dramatically reduces the immune defense of the future mother’s body. This process of inhibition of immunity is conceived by nature in order to protect the fetus from rejection, because in fact it is a “foreign body” for the woman’s body. The risk is especially great to catch a cold in the early stages of pregnancy. And since it is during this period that the formation of the most important organs of the unborn child takes place, it is in the early stages of pregnancy that the common cold is the most treacherous enemy.

Prevention Rules for Pregnant Women

Since taking most medications during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is extremely undesirable, the prevention of colds for expectant mothers is based mainly on traditional medicine recipes and basic safety rules:

  • In the midst of colds, go out into the street, wear a medical mask. And best of all - if possible, avoid visiting crowded places, and try not to use public transport;

  • Upon returning home, rinse the nasal cavity and gargle with all kinds of decoctions or soda solution to avoid the multiplication of viruses;

  • Make sure your food is rich in vitamins that help cope with viruses. If this is difficult - take vitamin supplements, after consulting with your doctor;

  • If you suspect that the flu or a cold has nevertheless attacked the body, begin treatment with folk remedies. During pregnancy, it is extremely important to start treatment as early as possible.

  • Ventilate the apartment regularly and make sure that the air in the room does not stagnate;

  • At the first manifestations of cough or runny nose, take a course of inhalation;

  • Also, for the prevention of the common cold with colds, pregnant women are often advised to instill aloe juice in their nose diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1;

We all must treat our health with attention and care. But pregnant women need to carefully follow the rules of prevention for flu and colds. After all, the consequences of colds are very dangerous for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Take care of yourself! And remember: during pregnancy, the best way to protect your future child from colds is to protect yourself.

03.09.2016 3434

In the Russian climate, a cold is a common occurrence in pregnant women. A cold symptom is not a cause for frustration. But the prevention of colds in pregnant women, done on time will help to avoid problems.

What is pregnancy prevention for?

Prevention is important, especially in the initial stages. Women should be careful about their state of health. In the early stages, it is worth avoiding crowds, not overcooling and not allowing contact with patients.

You need to dress according to the weather. During pregnancy, you need to consume fresh vegetables and fruits and steamed food.

The disease in the early stages threatens the health of not only the mother, but also the child.

The first trimester is characterized by the formation of important body systems and fetal organs.

A cold during pregnancy can cause complications such as miscarriage, hypoxia, or developmental pathologies.

Hypoxia manifests itself at the end of the term.

At the first sign of a cold, the expectant mother should consult a doctor.

Prevention of colds is carried out at the stage of planning conception. The body is strengthened with vitamin therapy, bowel cleansing and hardening procedures.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, it is necessary to be in a calm state and not succumb to depressive moods. In a depressed state, the treatment is delayed.

If the following symptoms appear, consult a doctor:

  • feeling unwell for several days;
  • swelling appears on the face and legs, wheezing and shortness of breath occur;
  • temperature rises over 38 degrees;
  • swelling of the larynx occurs;
  • rashes are observed.

Symptoms like this require action. Sometimes it takes place in a hospital.

Consulting a doctor will help to avoid complications and harmful consequences for the fetus.

Prevention Rules

Prevention of colds and flu will help prevent the development of the disease.

The following prevention rules should be followed:

  1. Do not visit public places with crowds. And reduce the circle of friends. You can’t visit people with infectious diseases.
  2. It is recommended to take walks every day for at least two hours. Pregnant women need to walk a lot. This is the optimal type of load in a given period. Walking is important for the oxygen supply of the unborn child. After all, its lack provokes hypoxia.
  3. Prevention of colds in pregnant women includes in the list of rules - ventilation of the room. If it is cold outside, then when opening the windows you should leave the room.
  4. Households must observe preventive measures: take vitamin complexes. If relatives are sick, it is recommended that a pregnant woman instill interferon.
  5.   suggests a balanced diet. Vegetables and fruits account for the share of consumed products.
  6. During epidemics, when visiting crowded places, a special mask is put on, and the nasal cavities are smeared with oxolin ointment. It is worth remembering that the mask changes every three hours, and the nose is smeared with medicine every four hours.
  7. After returning home, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, it is also recommended to wash your nose and throat with sea water or saline.
  8. If someone caught a cold at home, then water containers are installed in the room, into which chopped onions and garlic are added.
  9. Prevention of cough involves moisturizing the room. Wet cleaning is performed regularly, and in some cases an air humidifier is purchased.
  10. It is necessary to consume warm drinks if there is no tendency to swelling. Pomegranate juice or cranberry juice helps reduce puffiness.
  11. Not worth the period in the nose. This drug causes contractions in the uterus.
  12. It is impossible to prevent hypothermia or overheating. Do not drink too cold drinks.
  13. Respiratory diseases are prevented with vitamin therapy. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take a lot of ascorbic acid, but a decoction of rose hips will supply the body with all the necessary substances. It contains vitamin C and other beneficial trace elements.

If a woman is sick, early treatment of ARVI in pregnant women requires special attention to reduce the risk of complications. In this state, the following rules are true:

  1. Bed rest is observed, you need to rest as often as possible. In the early days, you should cancel all business and lie down.
  2. Without examination by a doctor, medications are not accepted. during pregnancy alone is dangerous.
  3. The consumption of large amounts of fluid helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Caution should be exercised in edema.
  4. The throat is treated with herbal infusions, but there should be no allergy to the selected plants.
  5. The nose is washed with saline or aquamaris. When thickening the mucus, menthol oil is used.

It is worth remembering that cause negative consequences in the development of the fetus. All drugs are taken after a doctor’s examination.

The doctor is informed about the infection. Some diseases cause toxic effects on the fetus, so you will need to take tests for the presence of infection and the virus.

Proper prevention of colds during pregnancy involves a careful study of the instructions. If you have any questions, consult your doctor.

It is difficult to treat ARVI in pregnant women, therefore, reinforced measures are taken to prevent an unpleasant disease.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women is carried out not only with safety measures, but also by maintaining an active lifestyle. Gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga exercises, swimming or walking will strengthen the immune system and create a positive mood.

Effective remedies

Not only all kinds of preventive measures, but also proper nutrition will help protect yourself from colds and flu.

The diet contains healthy foods that are enriched with healthy elements:

  • About two liters of pure water are drunk per day to remove harmful substances. It is important that the fluid consumed is free of gas and impurities. The optimal amount of fluid contributes to the normal secretion of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. With severe edema, this rule is revised.
  • Drinks with the addition of currants, lemon or ginger. The substances contained in them are a means to prevent colds and increase immunity.
  • Sour-milk products in which live bacteria are added to the diet. Biokefir has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Prevention of colds during pregnancy is carried out with the help of vitamin complexes. Vitamins are best obtained from natural products. During pregnancy, citrus fruits are useful. It is worth including cabbage, carrots, garlic and onions in the diet.
  • Of meat dishes, liver, beef and chicken broth are consumed.

A medicine is taken to prevent colds. The doctor will help you choose the right remedies.

Synthetic immunomodulators, antibiotics, and drugs containing ethyl alcohol are not safe during pregnancy.

  1. Safe nasal drops for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections are flupferon. The medicine has an effect on stimulating the immune system and has antiviral qualities. Protects against infection.
  2. The use of ascorbic acid should be agreed with the doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. This remedy resists viruses and helps the body cope with existing ones.
  3. Used for the prevention of colds. It is indicated for use even in the first trimester. The tool has protective actions and increases the capabilities of the immune system.
  4. Oxolinic ointment for the prevention of flu and colds is effective. It is applied if necessary visiting crowded places.
  5. Moisturizes the mucosa and protects it from the penetration of aquamaris viruses.
  6. Aromatherapy oils for colds are used. Lemon oil and menthol possess antiviral properties. Coniferous aromatic oils are recommended for pregnant women.
  7. St. John's wort herb is endowed with antiseptic properties. Inhalations and decoctions are made of it.
  8. Calcium gluconate is used during pregnancy. It gives strength and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  9. An excellent remedy for prevention is Alpharon. It is prescribed for pregnant women.
  10. Helps resist aquamaris viruses. It moisturizes the mucous membrane, making it difficult for pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.
  11. Oscillococcinum is considered an effective drug. He is a homeopathic medicine. It is taken after a meal.
  12. For preventive purposes, inhalations are used. Solutions for them are prepared not only with the use of aromatic oils, but also from herbal preparations and a decoction of potatoes.

Timely preventative measures are effective during epidemics and in winter. Expectant mother needs to take care of her health in order to give birth to a healthy baby.

The period of pregnancy is very important in the life of any woman. The future mother has a huge responsibility, because she is responsible not only for her health, but also for the future baby. The most common ailment during gestation is the occurrence of colds. To avoid this, you need to think about the prevention of influenza and SARS from the first days of conception.

Prevention of a cold during pregnancy should be carried out without fail, otherwise the disease will harm the expectant mother and her baby. Such measures will minimize the risk of infection and protect against medication.

As a result of this, doctors identify several important rules.

  1. In autumn and spring, when there are sharp jumps in temperature indicators, you need to think about clothes. Particular attention should be paid to shoes. In autumn, the ground is already starting to freeze, so it's better to wear another warm socks. In spring, snow melts. Therefore, in order not to wet your feet, it is best to purchase rubber boots. It is also necessary to wear a hat, scarf and gloves. Such a process will avoid overcooling.
  2. During colds, it is worth refraining from visiting crowded places in the form of cinemas, cafes and shops. Better to walk outdoors more often.
  3. It is very important to observe hygiene measures. Each time after the street, you must thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap. If the house has laundry soap, then they can use the cotton flagellum to clean the nasal passages.
  4. Before traveling by bus or visiting the store, you can use a special antibacterial soap or gel. This will reduce the number of penetrated microbes on the hands.
  5. After the street, the nasal passages and throat must be cleaned with saline or herbal infusions.
  6. To increase the immune forces, you need to normalize the diet. It should include fresh fruits and vegetables. You can use various stewed fruit or fruit drinks from berries. Every day, doctors advise drinking a decoction of rose hips.
  7. Also, the prevention of colds in pregnant women consists in the mandatory intake of fortified complexes. During this period, the female body works for two, so twice the amount of vitamins and minerals.
  8. Conducting daily wet cleaning in the room where the expectant mother is regularly located. For such purposes, you need to use disinfectants.
  9. Do not forget about ventilation and humidification. Ventilate the room at least twice a day for fifteen minutes. To humidify the air, you can purchase a special device or use wet diapers and towels.
  10. Before going out, you can lubricate the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment. The procedure should be done no more than twice a day.
  11. It is generally accepted that a weakening of immune function occurs precisely when the expectant mother sleeps little. Therefore, sleep should be at least nine to ten hours a day.

Drug preventative measures to prevent colds during pregnancy

Also, the prevention of colds during pregnancy should be the use of local medications. Their action is aimed at increasing the production of interferon in the human body. These drugs include:

  1. Grippferon. A drug that comes in the form of drops. It can be used to treat influenza and SARS during pregnancy, and also as a prophylactic during colds. The composition of the drug includes ready-made interferon, which protects the nasal mucosa from the penetration of microbes. The action of Grippferon is aimed at stimulating the immune function, and also has an antiviral effect. Interferon is considered to be an inexpensive analogue. It costs two times cheaper, and the effect has exactly the same.
  2. Vitamin C. This drug can be used as a separate source of vitamin C in the form of tablets. The action of ascorbic acid is aimed at preventing infection within the body. It also fights well with acute viral respiratory infections that have already occurred.
  3. Viferon. The drug is available in the form of an ointment. It is prescribed as a prophylactic to prevent the development of influenza and SARS in pregnant women. This product has a protective and immunomodulatory property. It is enough to lubricate the nasal cavity two to three times a day before going outside.
  4. AquaMaris. The drug is available in the form of a spray and drops, which include sea salt. It also reduces the risk of infection, cleanses the nasal passages and moisturizes the mucous membrane. It can be used for a long time, without causing addiction in the body.

Alternative methods for the prevention of colds

Since expectant mothers are forbidden to use medicines, at the onset of a cold and as preventive methods, women are advised to resort to alternative methods. They practically have no contraindications and do not cause side effects.

Treatment and prevention of influenza in pregnant women is:

  • in carrying out inhalations. This method is considered the safest, but effective. For the procedures, you can use hot steam or a special device in the form of a nebulizer.

    For the implementation of steam inhalation, essential oils are used in the form of eucalyptus, lavender or juniper, herbal infusions of calendula, sage or chamomile, or potato broth. The duration of the procedure should be from seven to fifteen minutes.

    To perform inhalations using a nebulizer, you can use saline, a solution of sea salt or herbal infusions. The duration of such manipulations should be from fifteen to twenty minutes;

  • gargling. Many expectant mothers regularly complain that they have a sore throat. To prevent the development of tonsillitis or pharyngitis, it is enough to gargle twice a day with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage;
  • in washing the nose. For such purposes, you need to use a saline or soap solution. Such manipulations wash all viruses and bacteria from the nasal cavity and create a protective film, which helps prevent the development of rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • in the use of warm milk with honey at night. This method avoids sore throat, tickle and cough. It also helps the body develop strong immunity.

Treatment for colds during pregnancy

If a woman feels the first symptoms in the form of malaise, general fatigue, weakness, nasal congestion and perspiration, it is urgent to visit a doctor and begin treatment.

With an increase in temperature indicators to 38 degrees, it is impossible to take antipyretic drugs. It is better to provide a plentiful drinking regime. To lower the temperature, I will approach fruit drinks from lingonberries, cranberries or currants. If there are no allergic reactions, you can drink a drink of lemon and honey.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, chills and pain in the head are observed, then paracetamol can be taken.
It is also important to provide the expectant mother with bed rest and rest.  At the same time, warm wool socks should be worn on the legs and a throat should be tied with a scarf.

Nutrition during illness should not contain highly solid foods. Better to include cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, soups on chicken broth.
  On average, a catarrhal illness passes within five to seven days and does not pose a strong threat to the fetus.

But in some cases, serious diseases arise in the form of:

  • influenza infection. High temperature indicators usually reach 39-40 degrees, while there is a strong febrile condition, chills, severe pain in the throat and abdomen;
  • rubella and measles. These diseases lead to a sinking fetus. Often they are characterized not only by an increase in temperature indicators, but also by rashes on the skin;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis or sinusitis. These types of diseases occur when a secondary infection occurs, when a woman is not treated at all.

Any of the above diseases leads to the development of pathological processes in the fetus and mother. It can be congenital malformations, premature birth or miscarriage, sinking or stopping the development of the fetus, infection of the baby.


It is dangerous for a future mother to get ARVI or the flu in any trimester, especially in the first weeks, so a cold during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications that will harm the unborn baby, disrupting the development of its vital organs. Serious danger is even a slight runny nose. During pregnancy, other treatment methods and certain drugs are used that do not affect the health of the baby and mother.

What is a cold during pregnancy

A cold is understood as a disease provoked by an influenza virus or SARS. You can catch a cold in any period of a person’s life, including during pregnancy. The peak incidence is observed in the cold season: in winter and early spring. A cold can also be the first sign of pregnancy. It all depends on how long the symptoms appeared. Each trimester is characterized by certain consequences of the disease. To avoid a cold, it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first symptoms. The doctor will prescribe adequate therapy depending on the diagnosis.


Signs of a cold in pregnant women practically do not differ from symptoms in other people. Initially, mild malaise, headache and fatigue appear. The condition gradually worsens during the day. Further, a common cold in pregnant women is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • cough;
  • sneezing
  • loss of appetite;
  • sore throat, swelling and redness;
  • chills;
  • fever condition;
  • tearing;
  • nasal itching, mucus secretion.

The cough is often dry and moderate, and the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, if the disease is not too serious. With the flu, the symptoms become more pronounced compared to the common cold caused by other viruses. After 2-3 days, the signs of the disease gradually regress. This is due to the end of the active period of the common cold. Its symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases, such as pneumonia, sinusitis, or bronchitis. For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor at the first manifestations.


It is more difficult for pregnant women to protect themselves from colds. The reason is that the fetus is perceived as foreign by the body of a woman. So that it is not rejected by the body, the latter specifically reduces the functionality of the immune system. This prevents the conflict between mother and baby. A similar process is called immunosuppression. It is absolutely normal, but at the same time increases the woman's vulnerability to viral diseases, so the main reason for their development is reduced immunity. Private factors for the development of the disease are:

  • stress
  • prolonged stay outside in cold weather;
  • smoking;
  • eating a lot of fatty foods and sweets;
  • contact with an already sick person.

What is dangerous

A cold during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby’s vital organs or lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Dangerous consequences are considered intrauterine infection and fetal death. With influenza, the risk of bacterial infections is high, which in the future also causes malformations or miscarriage. Still, you should not panic, because according to statistics, 75% of pregnant women suffer a cold, but only a few patients have serious consequences. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

A cold is also dangerous for the pregnant woman herself. In the future, she may develop serious complications during or after childbirth. These consequences include:

  • massive blood loss during childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • amniotic fluid output ahead of schedule;
  • chronic infections;
  • complications of the postpartum period.

How does a cold affect the fetus?

Less dangerous is herpes on the lips. In the future, the child simply develops immunity to this virus. The common cold leads to serious complications. They depend on the state of health of the woman before conception, the presence of concomitant somatic diseases and the duration of pregnancy. Among the most dangerous complications are:

  • fetal death;
  • developmental delay syndrome;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • serious malformations;
  • oxygen starvation - hypoxia;
  • accession of secondary infections.


The most dangerous cold in the first trimester. The reason is that during this period the most important egg formation occurs with its transformation into a human embryo. At this stage, the nervous system, sensory organs, esophagus, limbs, heart are laid. If before the 10th week of pregnancy a viral disease has affected the embryo, then the risk of miscarriage is high. Also at this stage, fetal malformations occur.

Dangerous is not only a cold, but also treatment with antibiotics, hormones, immunomodulators, enzyme and other drugs. Their future mother can consume, not knowing about her situation. In the second trimester (from 12 to 24 weeks), the baby is already slightly protected thanks to the formed placenta. She is a shield from all dangers, but to catch a cold during this period is still dangerous. The consequences include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency, which can cause a lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • premature birth with a high degree of dystrophy and low weight;
  • violation of the development of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • miscarriage at week 14;
  • violation of intrauterine oogenesis, which makes future girls infertile.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a cold is also dangerous, especially in the later stages. This increases the risk of contracting a baby with a viral infection and premature birth. The baby is threatened with hypoxia and developmental delay. Among the other consequences of a cold in the late stages of pregnancy are:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • difficult postpartum period;
  • early discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • high risk of birth injury;
  • infectious diseases of the internal genital organs of a woman;
  • threatened abortion.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

The methods for treating a cold during pregnancy are slightly different from the usual. Some traditional medicines can not only not be beneficial, but also adversely affect the fetus. First of all, it is important to maintain peace, lie down at home for a couple of days, canceling all things. Bed rest also involves the abandonment of household chores. To speed up recovery, you must adhere to a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Drug treatment for colds during pregnancy is determined depending on the duration of pregnancy.

1st trimester treatment

When the first signs of a cold appear, you should immediately call a doctor at home or go to the clinic. Only a specialist can prescribe a safe and effective therapy. The common cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is treated with the following methods:

  1. Drink plenty of water. It is recommended to drink more tea with honey or raspberry jam.
  2. Flushing the nasal passages. For this, you can use saline or Aqualor and Dolphin preparations. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is possible no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Antiviral immunomodulating therapy. Pregnant women are allowed medications such as Grippferon and Alpharona.
  4. Protection of the throat and pharynx from bacterial complications. For this, Hexaspray and Bioparox are used.
  5. Antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol and Aspirin are contraindicated in pregnant women. You can only take Ibuprofen once. Instead of medicines, it is better to use a cold compress and rubbing with vinegar.

2 trimester

Almost the same methods will help cure a cold in the second trimester. Therapy for the common cold and cough is similar to that used in the first weeks of pregnancy. Instead of immunostimulating drugs, it is better to take echinacea. A large amount of vitamin C, which are contained in the broth of rose hips, cranberries, citrus fruits and currants, will be useful. If the throat hurts, then rinsing with chlorophyllipt, calendula, chamomile, saline will help. A severe runny nose is well treated with drops of aloe juice or honey, diluted with water, menthol oil.

3 trimester

At 39-40 weeks of gestation, most expectant mothers with a cold are placed in a hospital to avoid undesirable consequences. Among therapeutic measures, washing the nose with decoctions of herbs or saline, inhalations, and drinking plenty of fluids are used. At high temperatures (from 38 degrees), you can take Paracetamol, which will help the body fight the virus. From a cold, Nazivin or Pinosol are allowed, and from cough only homeopathic medicines:

  • Dr. Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Plantain Syrup;
  • Lazolvan.

Cold medications during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can not drink any medications without consulting a doctor. The reason is that most of them are prohibited at this stage of life, because they can harm the baby. The following safer drugs are used to treat certain symptoms of the common cold:

  1. From the heat. To lower the temperature, Paracetamol, Viferon (from the second trimester), Panadol (at any stage of pregnancy) are allowed.
  2. Against cough. You can take Coldrex broncho, ACC, Tantum Verde, Lazolvan, Stopangin or use Hexaspray.
  3. From a cold. For washing the nose, Dolphin and Aquamaris solutions will help. With strong and thick discharge from the nose, Sinupred in tablet form is suitable.
  4. From sore throat. To eliminate this symptom, Hexoral, Ingalipt, Pinasol sprays or Miramistin and Chlorhexidine solutions help.

In the first trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is undesirable to take even the most harmless drugs. Instead, it is worth using preventive measures and folk remedies. With an increase in temperature, you can still take a tablet of Paracetamol or Panadol. From the moment you feel the first symptoms of colds, it is recommended to use Oscillococcinum 2-3 times a day. It is allowed to be taken throughout pregnancy. The following medicines are considered relatively safe during this period:

  • Coldact;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Tusin;
  • Coldrex broncho;
  • Aqualore;
  • Aquamaris.


This drug is prescribed to pregnant women as a protective therapy, but it is allowed only from 7 months. In the first trimester, the medicine is strictly prohibited. If necessary, take Interferon previously use its analog Viferon. It is allowed from the 14th week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, Interferon is used strictly according to the doctor’s testimony. Until the 35th week, half the standard dose is indicated, and from 36 you can already take the usual amount for an adult.

Folk remedies

The main method of treating colds in pregnant women is folk recipes. At the first symptoms, they can easily cope with the disease, but self-medication is still not worth it. Effective folk remedies are:

  1. With a runny nose. Washing the nose with a saline solution consisting of 200 ml of water and 0.5 tsp. salt. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.
  2. From temperature. Effective are wiping the body with a mixture of water and vinegar, tea with lemon, from raspberry leaves, currants or other medicinal herbs.
  3. Against cough. In this case, inhalation over boiled potatoes or water with essential oils helps.

What methods of treatment are prohibited during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths, including for the feet. Unnecessarily, you cannot start taking antibiotics. This is especially true for chloramphenicol, streptomycin and tetracycline. Alcohol tinctures that increase blood pressure fall under the ban. In no case should you take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid, because they thin the blood. Derivatives of co-trimoxazole - Biseptol and Bactrim are prohibited. The following drugs or treatment methods should not be used:

  • Indomethacin, sharply increasing pressure in the pulmonary arteries;
  • hormonal and sleeping pills, causing pathologies of the development of the limbs and organs of the child;
  • vasoconstrictor drops that have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system (allowed with caution only up to 1-2 times a day if necessary);
  • warming with woolen socks and other warm things, as this causes overheating.


The best cold prevention is to increase immunity. This will help a healthy lifestyle, the elimination of bad habits and proper nutrition. It is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, do light gymnastics, and avoid hypothermia in cold and rainy weather. In the home, it is necessary to do airing more often, conduct wet cleaning. Garlic and onions, which are worth introducing into your diet, have antiseptic properties. It is also necessary to limit contacts with already sick people.


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