Causes of fever in the third trimester. The temperature during pregnancy. Temperature increase during pregnancy Temperature 39 in a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester

The fact that during pregnancy you need to protect yourself from colds and viral diseases, every expectant mother knows. Any virus or infection is dangerous to the developing fetus, especially in the 1st trimester. But not everyone succeeds in protecting themselves from the disease, especially in the offseason. Therefore, every woman should know how to quickly and effectively bring down the temperature during pregnancy, since temperature is a threat to the unborn child.

Typically, the temperature begins to rise against a cold or a viral infection. At the same time, a short-term rise in temperature to 38 degrees is not considered threatening.

The risk is a temperature of 38 degrees and above, not falling over several days. In this case, the process of coagulation of protein compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the fetus begins in the body of a woman. That is why it is necessary to lower the temperature during pregnancy immediately and with the help of a doctor.

The temperature can rise for various reasons. These can be pathologies of the organs of internal secretion, inflammatory processes, infections, neuropsychiatric disorders and intoxication of the body due to poisoning.

But most often, women are faced with fever due to the following reasons:

  • In the 1st trimester: colds, flu, physiological fever.
  • In the 2nd trimester: respiratory infections, flu.
  • In the 3rd trimester: acute appendicitis, intrahepatic cholestasis, viral infections.

Every woman should remember that regardless of the cause of the temperature increase, a doctor should treat her during pregnancy.

Of the conditions that were listed above, 3 main groups can be classified:

  1. physiological condition;
  2. pathologies that can be treated on an outpatient basis after a medical consultation;
  3. pathologies that need emergency medical care.

The representative of the first group is hyperthermia of pregnant women. It develops against the background of an increased level of progesterone in the blood, which is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy in the first trimester until the placenta is formed.

Hyperthermia of pregnant women is a physiological state, while body temperature fluctuates at the border of 37 degrees, but does not increase more than 37.5.

The second group includes conditions that can be cured at home after a doctor's examination. These are acute respiratory viral diseases, respiratory tract infections. Symptoms of these diseases are sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and fever.

The third group includes diseases that require emergency medical care. The list of these pathologies includes:

  • Pregnant pyelonephritis is a kidney disease of an infectious or bacterial nature, which first appeared against the background of gestation. The causes of pregnant pyelonephritis are frequent colds, caries, furunculosis, tonsillitis. Microbes from the source of infection with common blood flow into the kidneys, provoking the development of the inflammatory process. Pyelonephritis of this type is usually diagnosed in the 2nd trimester. Symptoms of the disease: high fever, pain in the lumbar, impaired urination.
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis is an infection that affects the biliary tract in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms of pathology: subfebrile condition, while the temperature does not exceed the value of 37.5 degrees, severe skin itching, yellowness of the skin.
  • Acute appendicitis develops during pregnancy due to weakened intestinal motility and pressure from the growing uterus on its walls. Symptoms of appendicitis are pain in the iliac region, nausea, fever.

If a pregnant woman has the above symptoms, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Self-medication at elevated body temperature is excluded.

When are antipyretics needed and which ones?

Doctors say that you need to bring down the temperature in the following cases:

  • In women 1-2 trimesters without concomitant pathology, they begin to bring down temperatures above 38 degrees.
  • In women in the 3rd trimester, it is necessary to lower the temperature from the first signs of its increase, not allowing the mark of 38 degrees to avoid additional stress on the cardiovascular system.
  • In women with concomitant pathologies (diseases of the kidneys, heart, thyroid gland, etc.), the temperature is knocked down from 37.5 degrees, to exclude exacerbations.

Paracetamol and its derivatives (Panadol, etc.) are an antipyretic drug during pregnancy. Take Paracetamol 3 times a day for 1 tablet. You can not take this drug without a doctor’s recommendation for more than 3 days.

Medications such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen are prohibited for pregnant women at any time. Aspirin can cause bleeding in a woman, and Ibuprofen negatively affects the development of the fetus. Therefore, to bring down the temperature with these drugs is contraindicated.

Is it possible to do without drugs?

Non-drug methods do not give a quick result, but cause fewer side effects, unlike pharmacy drugs, therefore, are more acceptable during pregnancy.

Temperature can rise in the red and white scenarios.

"Red hyperthermia"   characterized by an increase in temperature against the background of vasodilation. In this case, the skin becomes pink, moist and hot to the touch.

How in this case to bring down the temperature during pregnancy: ventilate the room, wipe the body with cool water and put a moist compress on the forehead. To avoid spasm of blood vessels, the water should not be cold.

You also need to provide a woman with a plentiful drink: fruit drinks, compotes. All drinks should be at a cool temperature.

It is forbidden to use rubbing with vinegar and alcohol, since the active components of these funds enter the body and can cause unwanted effects.

"White hyperthermia"   manifested by an increase in temperature against a background of vasospasm. In this case, a woman develops chills, hands and feet dry and cold to the touch.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with the detection of "white hyperthermia"? Treatment includes plenty of hot drink and body warming.

Plants that can be used by pregnant women to lower the temperature:

  • linden blossom;
  • chamomile;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • raspberries.

It is forbidden to use coltsfoot, marigold, oregano, ivan tea and St. John's wort at high temperatures. These plants have an adverse effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

By no means always pregnancy proceeds without any disturbances in the state of health of the future mother. And if, subject to a healthy lifestyle, serious complications can be avoided, then no one is safe from high temperature.

An increase in temperature is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms of an ailment. If the temperature rises during pregnancy in the third trimester, then the woman’s body reacted in a similar way to the development of the disease.

The most common causes of fever in the final three months of pregnancy are:

  • Infection of a pregnant SARS or the flu.
  • The inflammatory process in the female body, for example, with diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder, etc.
  • Food poisoning, accompanied by intoxication.
  • Overheat. So, in the summer months, a temperature increase is possible due to a long stay on the street. The reason may be stuffiness in the room, transport, etc.
  • The approach of labor time. An increase in temperature to 37 or even to 37.2 degrees is a completely normal phenomenon just before the birth of the baby. Not all women react in a similar way to the approach of labor, but it is noted that anxious and suspicious women are more prone to this manifestation. This is a kind of reaction to stress and fear of the birth process.

The exact reason for the change in well-being and fever can be reliably known only when visiting a doctor, if necessary having passed the required examinations.

What temperature is considered normal in the third trimester

Often, expectant mothers worry about an allegedly high temperature, although in fact this figure is normal. A pregnant woman who is too suspicious can panic if she sees 36.7 on the thermometer, and not 36.6 ideal.

What indicator is considered normal, and when should you worry and consult a doctor?

The normal temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester can range from 35.8 to the maximum possible 37 degrees. Most often, this indicator ranges from 36.2 to 36.8 degrees.

It should be noted that some cyclical change in body temperature occurs during the day. So, in the morning the thermometer can show 36.2 degrees, and closer to the evening - 36.7 degrees. As a rule, the minimum temperature is observed at night and in the morning on the eve of awakening, and the maximum is about 16 hours.

Thus, if the temperature does not exceed the maximum allowable for a healthy person 37 degrees, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. You also need to be able to determine this indicator correctly, namely: to measure the temperature not immediately, but only some time after eating, drinking hot tea or intensive work (physical activity). If this recommendation is neglected, unreliable results can be obtained due to a short-term (and quite physiological) increase in temperature under the influence of physical factors.

Temperature 37 in the third trimester: what to do?

Quite uncertain is the situation when the expectant mother's temperature rises exactly to the level of 37. Is this the norm or an alarming symptom?

If a woman has no signs of a catarrhal disease (and the onset of such an ailment is almost always accompanied by discomfort in the nasopharynx), there are no noticeable pain sensations, then such a temperature can be a reaction to overheating of the body due to heat, stress and overfatigue, to physical activity. In this case, you need to find the opportunity to relax, providing the maximum possible comfort, including the recommended temperature of the air around you.

In the event that the temperature 37 during pregnancy in the third trimester occurred shortly before the upcoming birth, you should carefully prepare for the upcoming important event and tune in for a successful outcome.

If the thermometer shows 37, and women usually have a lower temperature even during pregnancy, this is an occasion to beware and pay attention to your condition. Perhaps this is a symptom of some process of inflammation, for example, pyelonephritis. Maybe this is how the onset of influenza or SARS manifests itself. In this situation, you should consult a doctor and establish the cause of such a violation.

The danger of fever in the third trimester for women and fetuses

When a febrile state or even a slight increase in temperature indicator, you should think about what consequences such a violation can have for the body of a future mother and a developing fetus. You need to know what the temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy is dangerous and what measures it is desirable to take to stabilize this indicator.

In itself, elevated temperature does not pose a particular danger, unless, of course, it does not reach high values \u200b\u200b(39 degrees or more). Tangible harm can occur due to the consequences of the underlying disease that caused the fever, whether it is flu or kidney inflammation.

Particularly dangerous is a temperature above 38 degrees, because in this case undesirable changes can occur in the environment where the fetus is located. Fortunately, in the final three months of pregnancy, all the organs of the unborn baby are already formed, so a febrile state can no longer cause malformations in its development.

Nevertheless, the effect of temperature on the fetus in the 3rd trimester can be quite negative, and the degree of this effect depends on the manifestations of the ailment, due to which the body temperature has increased. So, if this is usually an ARVI, then the baby is not in any danger, but the same flu may well cause undesirable consequences.

At high temperatures, dehydration often occurs, which can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus and the development of hypoxia. The functions of the placenta are impaired, which can accelerate the onset of childbirth or lead to the detachment of this organ.

In order to prevent the onset of such negative consequences, a temperature above 38 degrees should be immediately reduced by available harmless means. A doctor who is aware of the health status of the expectant mother and the features of the course of pregnancy will help pick them up.

How to lower the temperature in the third trimester

Despite the fact that the list of drugs approved for the future mother in the final trimester is more extensive than at the beginning of pregnancy, caution should be exercised in the use of each medicine.

In the ideal case, it is better to check with the doctor than to bring down the temperature during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. A specialist can recommend some drugs, most often paracetamol.

The specified tool is approved for use in the third trimester, therefore, it is often almost the only salvation from high temperature. Do not just exceed the dosage of paracetamol - just one tablet is enough. The frequency of taking the medicine should not exceed 3-4 tablets per day, and the maximum dose for this period should not be higher than 3000 mg of the active substance.

You can take paracetamol in the form of soluble effervescent tablets - it acts faster. You just need to make sure that the drug does not contain other components that are prohibited during pregnancy. For this reason, two-in-one or three-in-one complex medicines, which have a powerful antipyretic and analgesic effect, are strictly prohibited for expectant mothers.

Paracetamol during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester at a temperature of more than four days is undesirable. If during this time the woman’s condition has not returned to normal, urgently need to contact the hospital to prescribe a more effective treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Third-Trimester Home Remedies

If the high temperature in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is due to a cold, in addition to the main treatment, you can use home remedies, such as:

  • Tea with lemon: it should not be drunk too hot (preferably warm). Such a drink will saturate the body of a pregnant woman with vitamin C, but you will have to refuse a lemon if the woman is allergic to citrus fruits.
  • Raspberries: suitable for use in the form of preserves, compotes. Frozen or fresh berry is perfect. Of course, a woman should also not have allergic manifestations to this tasty product.
  • Cool compresses on the forehead. The compress cloth can be dampened with plain cold water. You can also add vinegar to the water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Natural cooling of the body to reduce temperature. It is especially important to cool the armpits and inguinal folds, because important main vessels pass through them. To lower the temperature of these parts of the body, you need to lie down with an “asterisk”, with arms and legs spread wide to the sides. Such a procedure will reduce the temperature by 0.4-0.6 degrees.

How to reduce the temperature in the third trimester

Trying to quickly lower the temperature, a woman can make a mistake and take a seemingly harmless, but actually dangerous drug during pregnancy. One such medicine is aspirin.

Aspirin for expectant mothers should be strictly prohibited! This medicine, as you know, thins the blood, so it is even used to prevent thrombosis. During pregnancy, aspirin can provoke uterine bleeding, which can cause fetal death.

It is undesirable during an illness accompanied by a febrile state to heat the room too much. On the contrary, the room should be cool. Classic room temperature 18-20 is quite suitable. Acceptable is an indicator of 20-22 degrees in the apartment, but not higher. Excessive heat in the room only worsens the condition of the woman and slows recovery.

To get rid of the symptoms of a cold and, in particular, from a high temperature, you can not use any thermal procedures for the expectant mother. You can’t soar legs, use mustard plasters, apply hot compresses.

If there is a need for taking antibiotics, this issue should be discussed with a doctor. Perhaps the situation is so critical that only such drugs will help get rid of the infection, but treating them independently is unacceptable for a pregnant woman.

Of course, it is better to completely avoid getting colds, especially since the immunity of the expectant mother is already not at a high level. In the same case, if the temperature rises, despite the precautions taken, you need to be treated only with the help of medications prescribed by a specialist, and then the disease will not be able to harm the unborn baby. In most cases, it is possible to normalize the condition without the use of potent drugs, which will preserve the health of the unborn man and improve the condition of the woman.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy often worries expectant mothers. And rightly so - a serious increase in the numbers on the thermometer means that there is a problem in the body that, on the threshold of childbirth, can harm the baby.

During pregnancy, the 3rd trimester is an important time when all the resources of the mother’s body are aimed at preparing for childbirth. At this moment, the immunity in pregnant women is strained, a large number of cytokines and antibodies are released into the bloodstream, which should overcome possible infections. These substances interact with the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus.

Therefore, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, a slight physiological increase in the numbers on the thermometer is possible. It should not bother a woman and a doctor. The temperature during pregnancy in the third trimester of 37 degrees is absolutely normal.

Do not bring down subfebrile numbers with folk and medication. It can only harm the body of mom and baby. However, it is worth monitoring the readings of the thermometer, because over time they can seriously change and take a pathological character.

If in the third trimester the temperature is 37 degrees, but there are additional symptoms of the disease, then it is already considered dangerous. In addition, with high values \u200b\u200bof the thermometer (38 degrees and above), serious pathology is likely.

Reasons for the increase

The temperature during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can increase in various pathological conditions. At this time, they carry a rather great danger to the baby and the period of childbirth. Therefore, it is important to know the main causes of the symptom:

  1. Acute respiratory viral diseases.
  2. Pneumonia and ENT pathology.
  3. Obstetric and gynecological diseases.
  4. Pyelonephritis pregnant.

There are other possible causes of fever, because during pregnancy any chronic disease can worsen. However, statistically it is these diseases that most often cause fever.

Even the temperature of 37 during pregnancy, together with the symptoms of these conditions can be the cause of serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to exclude these diseases or treat them in time.


Both during pregnancy and outside this condition, the most common cause of a person’s fever is a common respiratory viral infection. The causative agents of this disease are numerous and surround us everywhere, so getting ARVI is quite simple.

In the third trimester, the immunity of a woman tries her best to protect the body, but sometimes he does not succeed.

Manifestations of the disease are known to everyone:

  • Abundant catarrhal phenomena in the nasal cavity.
  • Cough and sore throat.
  • Raising the temperature to low numbers.
  • Weakness and headache.
  • Discharge from the nose and sputum with a cough of a mucous character.

It is necessary to treat such ARVI, but use exclusively symptomatic agents. A pregnant woman should rest from any work, be in a well-ventilated but warm room, and drink plenty of fluids. The body itself will cope with the infection if you create a protective regime for it.

Distinguish ARVI from flu. This infection is much more dangerous and can harm the baby. Symptoms of influenza are characterized by a pronounced temperature reaction at the beginning of the disease, scanty catarrhal phenomena. The flu is characterized by muscle and joint pain. In severe flu, doctors prescribe antiviral agents that can be used in pregnant women at high risk of complications from the disease.

ENT pathology and pneumonia

Acute respiratory viral infections do not pose a serious risk to pregnancy outcomes on their own. However, they are dangerous in that they reduce immunity and damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. In these conditions, acute purulent pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis often occur. And also chronic variants of these diseases are aggravated.

Symptoms of ENT pathology:

  • Sore throat, redness, formation of an opaque coating.
  • Discharge of white or greenish color.
  • The second wave of fever is a repeated increase in temperature after it drops.
  • With tonsillitis in acute and chronic forms, tonsils enlarge and become painful.
  • With sinusitis and rhinitis, nasal breathing is disturbed, purulent exudate is abundantly secreted.

The bacteria that cause these diseases rarely cross the placental barrier. However, they deplete the body of the expectant mother, cause a severe inflammatory response. Under these conditions, the maturation of the baby is impaired.

Another serious respiratory infection is pneumonia. Doctors call this condition pneumonia. It can occur after the previous ARVI or without it. Manifestations of the disease are fever and cough with purulent sputum. Pneumonia is a serious disease and requires the use of antibiotics, not all of which can be used during gestation.

Obstetric complications

The most dangerous reason for the successful completion of gestation are obstetric diseases. These include:

  1. Chorioamnionitis.
  2. Vulvovaginitis.
  3. Cervicitis
  4. Endometritis.
  5. Trichomoniasis

Most often, in the third trimester of these diseases, chorioamnionitis occurs.

Manifestations of obstetric pathology are:

  • Marked fever.
  • Weakness and headache.
  • Purulent discharge from the genital tract.
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the walls of the vagina.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cramping phenomena.
  • An increase in white blood cells in a general blood test.
  • High respiratory rate and heart rate.

Obstetric pathology often requires immediate caesarean section surgery. Sometimes pathology is stopped conservatively with antibiotics, if there is no serious risk of infection of the fetus.


During pregnancy, an infection in the renal pelvis is often exacerbated. Doctors even emit a condition such as gestational pyelonephritis. This disease can cause temperature at the end of gestation.

A growing uterus causes partial obstruction of the urinary tract. Compression of the bladder contributes to the retrograde flow of urine into the renal calyces, which leads to the development of infection.

Manifestations of the disease:

  • Fever of varying severity.
  • Pain in the lower back, often one-sided, pulling in nature.
  • Weakness, decreased performance, nausea and vomiting.
  • Detection of bacteria and white blood cells in the general analysis of urine.
  • Leukocytosis in a blood test.

Pyelonephritis not only causes intoxication of the body, but can also cause sepsis. This complication is characterized by the spread of infection to various foci in the body, which is fatal for a pregnant woman.

Therefore, obstetrician-gynecologists take urinary infection very seriously. For treatment, antibiotics and uroseptics are used. Detoxification of the body of the expectant mother is very important.

If signs of this disease are found, consult a specialist immediately for detailed treatment recommendations.


Why should the temperature at the end of pregnancy be stopped? Fever and its causes can cause a number of dangerous complications:

  1. Premature birth. At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, the fetus is still underdeveloped. Sudden birth can harm a baby who is not yet ready to be born. Tocolytic therapy can prevent childbirth, but this does not always happen.

  2. Fetoplacental insufficiency. Fever promotes intoxication of the body, this condition disrupts the transport of oxygen and nutrients from mother to baby. Especially often, FPF is observed with specific obstetric infections.
  3. Preeclampsia and eclamsia. These conditions are dangerous not only for bearing the baby, but also for the health of the pregnant woman. Against the background of high temperature, seizures, oxygen starvation of the brain and death can occur.
  4. Infection of the placenta and membranes of the fetus. This complication is not caused by the fever itself, but by its causes. Bacterial infections are dangerous for the development of sepsis. Bacteria penetrate the amniotic organs and infect the baby's body.
  5. Immaturity of the cervix. In the face of an active fight against infection, the reproductive system stops preparing for childbirth. Sometimes, due to the immaturity of the genital tract, it is necessary to deliver the woman operatively.
  6. Postpartum infections in the mother and fetus. On the part of the woman, endometritis is often found, inflamed seams diverge. The baby's eyes, respiratory organs become infected, and in some cases, newborn sepsis occurs.

This list of effects of fever in the third trimester can be continued further. You need to fight not only with the symptom, but also with its causes.

Non-drug treatment

From the foregoing, we can conclude that not any temperature during gestation should be reduced. So, in the third trimester we knock down the numbers of the thermometer if:

  • Thermometer values \u200b\u200bexceed 37.5 degrees.
  • The temperature rose rapidly in a short time.
  • Fever is accompanied by symptoms of these diseases.
  • Sometimes you need to reduce and low-grade figures, if recommended by the doctor.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy? It is worth starting antipyretic therapy with the help of folk remedies:

  1. Profuse alkaline drink. Compotes and fruit drinks at room temperature help relieve intoxication of the body.
  2. Sweet black tea with lemon and honey or raspberries helps reduce fever.
  3. Tea from plantain, coltsfoot and raspberries.
  4. Weak or diluted decoction of chamomile and linden.
  5. Cold compresses on the forehead and wiping with a wet towel.

The funds listed in moderation are safe for the fetus and pregnant.

Drug therapy

How to bring down the temperature if folk remedies do not help? There are a fairly large number of antipyretic drugs, but not all of them can be used in pregnant women:

  • You should not take aspirin during pregnancy for an antipyretic effect. The dose necessary to lower the temperature can harm the baby. Aspirin causes bleeding and fetal malformations.

  • Paracetamol-based drugs can be used during pregnancy. You should always use the funds first in half the dose, perhaps this will be enough to reduce the numbers of the thermometer.
  • Indomethacin and other NSAIDs may be used, but only as a last resort. They lower the temperature worse than paracetamol, and there are much more side effects from pregnant women.

After taking the medicine, you should call a doctor or consult a gynecologist yourself. It is important to find the cause of the disease and treat it with antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

Pregnancy is full of surprises, among which are pleasant moments associated with expectation and rainbow thoughts, as well as unpleasant ones caused by discomfort and poor health. It is known that the immunity of a future mother needs constant nourishment, since a baby developing in the womb takes away many nutrients from the body, increasing the woman's chances of catching an infection.

A cold during pregnancy is completely undesirable, since taking antipyretic drugs, and other drugs, can adversely affect the development of the fetus. But what if the temperature is high, what should I do?

Why does the temperature rise in pregnant women?

The first reason is the most obvious - a cold, one of the main symptoms of which is an increase in body temperature, which occurs against the background of general weakness, drowsiness, cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc. you can catch the infection anywhere, sometimes a couple of minutes spent in a draft are enough. Therefore, future mothers are advised not to neglect warm clothes and make sure that their legs are always warm, since a lot depends on them.

Another reason for the increase in temperature during pregnancy in the first trimester is a reaction to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, so if there are no other symptoms of a cold, you should not rush and take any medications.

An increase in temperature in late pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning of the term, since by the third trimester all vital organs and systems have long been formed, which means that taking pills will not have a significant effect on the development of the fetus. However, taking care of yourself is still necessary.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

It is believed that if there is no cough, sore throat, runny nose and other manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections, and there is only an increased body temperature (up to 38 degrees), there is no need to take medicine. Perhaps the reason lies in the increase in the level of progesterone in the blood or banal fatigue. If you face all the symptoms of a viral disease, you should not self-medicate in any case! Immediately call a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications and determine the dosage of each drug.

Paracetamol in small quantities is considered to be the only suspended drug during gestation, and breastfeeding (the dosage is specified by a specialist after examining the patient). You can also replace it with medicines, where paracetamol is the basis. Will fit:

  • Panadol
  • Paracetamol Extra.

Non-drug methods

It is believed that it is necessary to try all non-drug methods of lowering the temperature during pregnancy and only with a negative result take on a first-aid kit.

Bed rest and plenty of water are what will make you feel better. However, it is worthwhile to be careful about decoctions of chamomile and calendula, they can adversely affect the development of the fetus. It is best to drink warm tea and compote.

All kinds of rubbing with alcohol and vinegar are also contraindicated, despite the fact that they are considered a sure way to reduce heat, since the harmful substances contained in solutions can be absorbed through the skin and harm the unborn baby.

Aspirin is also contraindicated as an antipyretic, since acetylsalicylic acid can cause a miscarriage in the early stages, and during the third trimester lead to heavy bleeding and complications during childbirth.

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Temperature during pregnancy in 1,2,3 trimester

During pregnancy in the early stages, a slight increase in body temperature is often observed, which may be accompanied by a slight malaise, some nasal congestion, drowsiness. It seems to the woman that she is about to get sick, but further deterioration of well-being does not occur. All these are the first and true signs of pregnancy associated with an accelerated metabolism, a complex change in the hormonal background and the production of hormones that support the development of the fetus.

Body temperature in pregnant women

In the female body, progesterone is produced intensively, and it will affect the center of thermoregulation of the female and children's brain. Because of this, normal heat transfer is reduced, and pregnancy temperature in 1,2,3 trimester   rises a little. After two to three weeks, usually everything goes away. This period can sometimes be delayed, but there is nothing dangerous in it.

But in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the main hormonal changes have already ended, so the increase in body temperature has another reason.

During pregnancy, fever is not always physiological in nature, conditions that are dangerous for the fetus and the pregnant woman can occur. A strong increase in body temperature should not be allowed, since this raises the temperature of the environment surrounding the child. This can cause damage to his tissues or lead to the development of defects in the central nervous system. Raising the body temperature to a critical level contributes to premature aging or detachment of the placenta and can cause premature birth. In addition, at a high body temperature, a woman's blood vessels expand, her blood pressure drops sharply, which can lead to insufficient blood flow to the placenta.

Reasons for low temperature

First of all, you need to clearly find out why there was an increase in temperature. Often this is due to seasonal infections - SARS and the flu. Exacerbation of other diseases, including chronic ones, is not excluded.

If, in addition to a sharply elevated temperature, pain, severe malaise, obvious signs of intoxication or clear symptoms of any dangerous diseases occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. It should be noted that with the onset of an ectopic pregnancy, body temperature can also increase, and this is very dangerous not only for health, but also for the woman's life.

If the thermometer readings have passed the mark of 380C, it is time to take appropriate measures.

How to bring down the temperature in a pregnant woman?

It is not necessary to bring down the temperature below 380C with medications. The body entered the fight against infection, blood cells are formed that suppress the causative agents of the disease, which caused such a temperature reaction. It is necessary to drink more warm liquid - a decoction of dried fruits, compote, weak tea. To sweat, you can drink tea with raspberries. When a person sweats, his body temperature drops. Just don't get too wrapped up! With chills, you can not undress, since the temperature during pregnancy in 1,2,3 trimester will become higher.

Of the medications, only paracetamol or a drug with this active substance is allowed. Paracetamol is effective, but it should be taken according to indications. In the first trimester with medications should be especially careful.

In the second trimester, when the temperature rises in the mother, the placenta already protects the child from negative external influences. By the end of pregnancy, the placenta is no longer so reliable, because by the third trimester it begins to age - to wear out.

Actually, the heat itself during pregnancy is not so terrible, where the big negative consequences for the body of the future mother and child are brought by the disease itself, which caused a similar immune response.

  • Respiratory infections (bacterial and viral)
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnant women;
  • Acute appendicitis.

All pregnant expectant mothers should remember: for whatever reason, hyperthermia is ALWAYS a reason to consult with your doctor.

Of the above conditions and diseases, 3 groups can be distinguished:

2. Conditions that can be treated at home after consulting a doctor.

3. Diseases requiring emergency medical attention.

Physiological norm

Hyperthermia of pregnant women

After ovulation of the egg, a yellow body forms in its place. It secretes a special hormone - progesterone. If fertilization has not occurred, then by the end of the menstrual cycle, the functions of the corpus luteum fade and it resolves. If fertilization occurs, then the secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum continues until 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, when the formed placenta takes on this function. One of the biological effects of progesterone is the effect on the thermoregulation center. Elevated levels of progesterone lead to physiological hyperthermia - the normal state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester. At the same time, body temperature can fluctuate at the level of 37.0 degrees. C? .. But it never rises above 37.5 C ?.

Conditions that can be treated at home after consulting a doctor

Acute respiratory infections.

The embryo is half alien to the mother’s body because it contains the genes of both parents. Therefore, in order for pregnancy to continue and rejection does not occur, the immune system is suppressed in the body. This protects the fetus, but leaves the pregnant woman unarmed in front of viruses and bacteria. The causative agents of acute respiratory infections are most often the culprits of the disease. Pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis are frequent companions of pregnancy. The main symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections include: hyperthermia, pain and redness in the throat, sneezing, nasal congestion and nasal discharge, cough. After consulting a doctor and prescribing appropriate drugs, it is possible to continue treatment at home.

Diseases requiring emergency medical attention

Pyelonephritis pregnant

Gestational pyelonephritis   - This is an infectious and bacterial kidney disease that first developed during pregnancy. The growth of the uterus and its compression of neighboring organs, the restructuring of the hormonal background and the immune system are predisposing factors for the development of the disease. Pregnant pyelonephritis develops with a focus of chronic infection in the body - carious teeth, inflammation of the tonsils, purulent diseases of the soft tissues (furunculosis). Microorganisms from the focus of inflammation with the flow of blood and lymph penetrate the kidneys, causing inflammatory reactions. Gestational pyelonephritis most often develops at 22-28 weeks of gestation. The main complaints are lower back pain, fever, and urination problems.

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnant women

Since the bottom of the growing uterus in the III trimester rises more and more towards the hypochondrium, ideal conditions for the development of congestive phenomena in the biliary tract are formed. Symptoms are characterized by subfebrile temperature (up to 37.5 ° C), persistent skin itching, may be accompanied by mild or moderate jaundice.

Acute appendicitis Under the influence of progesterone, the tone and motility of the intestine decreases, constipation appears. The contents stagnate in the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract, creating conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. As the uterus grows, the position of the sections of the large intestine changes. The disease begins suddenly with pain in the epigastrium (under the pit of the stomach), which then moves to the right iliac region, nausea, vomiting, and fever are possible.

If a woman finds at least some of the symptoms listed above, it is urgent to contact a specialist. Self-medication in these cases is unacceptable.

To knock down or not to knock down the temperature

When the doctor diagnosed, prescribed the necessary treatment, and the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus is not a threat, then you can be treated at home. Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of how to reduce the use of chemicals. Is it possible to replace pharmacology with natural means, and can it even endure - lie down. If in relation to etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at the causative agent of the disease) it is impossible to make changes on your own or to completely refuse in any case, then you can try to replace the temperature drugs with more “natural” ones.

Not every temperature needs to be knocked down. Although it is considered to be one of the constituent parts of the disease, in fact, temperature is an assistant to the body in the fight against infection. Doctors have a saying: temperature is the best medicine. Hyperthermia up to 38 C? It is a natural activator of immunity, stimulates the multiplication of protective cells, and increases the synthesis of antiviral proteins of interferons. By depriving the body of fever, a person gives a chance to a disease.

Doctors of obstetrician-gynecologists have general principles for the management of pregnant women with hyperthermia:

  • in women without concomitant pathology in the I and II trimesters, the temperature is up to 38.0 C? no need to reduce;
  • in pregnant women in the III trimester, it is better not to allow the temperature to rise to the level of 38 C, so as not to overload the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnant women with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, kidneys, with manifestations of gestosis reduce the temperature, starting from 37.5 ° C, so as not to provoke exacerbations.

Non-drug temperature control methods

At home, it is preferable to start fighting temperature with non-medications. Since these methods, unlike drugs, do not cause a quick effect, they can be used without waiting for the maximum permissible level of hyperthermia. These include: methods for enhancing heat transfer (physical methods) and medicinal herbs ("traditional medicine").

Physical methods to reduce the temperature during pregnancy

Physical methods are based on enhancing heat transfer from the patient. In order to use them correctly, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between “red” and “white” hyperthermia.

"Red hyperthermia" is a condition of elevated temperature, in which the blood vessels are in an expanded state. The skin becomes hot, moist, juicy pink. To reduce the temperature, you can use lightweight clothing, airing the room (without drafts), a cold compress on the forehead, large joints (on the bend of the elbows, in the popliteal fossae), rubbing the body with water at room temperature. For a compress and for wiping, one should not use too cold water, this will lead to spasm of the vessels of the skin. It’s better not to use water-vinegar, and especially water-alcohol rubdowns, which are popular with the older generation, since the active substances are absorbed through the skin and can lead to negative consequences. Necessarily plentiful cool (not cold!) Drink: sour fruit drinks (cranberry, lingonberry), dried fruit compotes, weak tea with lemon. The menu should be dominated by light foods without saturated fats and large amounts of carbohydrates.

"White hyperthermia" is an increase in temperature, accompanied by spasm of blood vessels. It is characterized by chills, pale cold hands and feet. In this case, physical cooling methods cannot be used! Treatment consists in hot drinking (tea with raspberries, honey, milk), warming the body and limbs (wool socks, wrap in a plaid, etc.).

The use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of temperature during pregnancy

Many plants used in folk medicine have antipyretic properties. Decoctions and teas from them can be used to combat hyperthermia.

However, there are herbs that are forbidden to use during pregnancy due to the possibility of adverse effects on the fetus. These include: coltsfoot, oregano, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, Ivan tea.

The following are considered permitted: chamomile, linden flowers, wild strawberry leaves, raspberry leaves and fruits.

Examples of herbal preparations with antipyretic effect:

  • A decoction of wild strawberries - 2 tablespoons of leaves and flowers of wild strawberries, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, remove from heat, close tightly with a lid, insist for 1 hour. Take 1 glass after each meal. You can add honey to improve the taste.
  • Mix equal parts of raspberry fruit, burdock root, linden flowers, take 2 tbsp for 1 cup boiling water. collection, heat in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat, cool, strain through a strainer, add boiled water to its original volume. Divide into equal parts and drink during the day after a meal;
  • Equal parts of thyme, linden and chamomile flowers. Brew 1 teaspoon of the collection in 1 cup boiling water, like tea. Strain. Take several times a day, regardless of the meal;
  • Linden tea - take 1 teaspoon per linden blossom in 1 cup of water. Put the flowers in a glass jar, a thermos, pour hot water (95 C?), Close tightly, wrap, insist for 20 minutes. Drink as tea.

Pharmacological drugs for controlling temperature during pregnancy

If, despite all efforts, the temperature continues to rise or remains at a critical level, without falling, then the time has come to turn to official medicine. The best solution is to take the antipyretic drug prescribed by your doctor. In other cases, you should use the following recommendations:

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is prohibited for use in pregnant women as an antipyretic at any time;

Dosage forms of ibuprofen (nurofen) are absolutely contraindicated in the III trimester, in I and II trimesters only in extreme cases, when the benefit to the mother exceeds the harm to the fetus;

The only authorized drug for temperature during pregnancy is paracetamol (Panadol, Kalpol and others)

Paracetamol is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day (every 8 hours) after a meal. Please note: it can not be taken without a doctor’s prescription for more than 3 days.

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What should be the temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in connection with the development of the fetus, a woman has numerous, but subtle problems. For example, because of the large abdomen, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep; difficulties arise when walking. There is a state of fatigue, and unpleasant sensations appear due to the enlarging uterus. Often in the third trimester of pregnancy, one more is added to the listed symptoms - fever.

Rising temperature - is this normal?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the body temperature of pregnant women can reach 37.5 degrees Celsius. Most often this is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

It should be noted that the body temperature of a woman is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the production of the hormone progesterone occurs, which leads to a sharp change in the hormonal background. Many doctors don’t bring the temperature down to 38 degrees, since raising the temperature to the level of 37 - 37.4 degrees is considered normal.

Still, caution should be exercised, since temperature in the third trimester can be a sign of an infectious disease. Only a specialized doctor can determine why a pregnant woman has a fever. But do not worry about an increase in body temperature - everything is in order if, when registering for a antenatal clinic, you passed all the tests and you were not sent for an additional examination.

How to deal with fever?

If the analysis showed that you are not infected with an infectious disease, it is recommended to lower the temperature in the room to an acceptable level. The hotter the worse - if the street is warm, open the windows. Put on light clothing - it will help bring down the increased body temperature.

If you have a temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy, in no case try to lower it by folk methods. It is forbidden to rub with vinegar, vodka or alcohol - this will help restore normal body temperature, but toxic substances penetrate the skin and blood, which can lead to fetal intoxication.

One of the best ways to get rid of fever is to drink more warm liquid. So, unsaturated compote or a decoction of dried fruits, weak tea help perfectly. If you wish, add sugar to the drink - glucose is good both for you and for your baby. Since you must sweat, try to drink drinks still warm.

Pregnancy makes a woman closely monitor her health. Sometimes women, with or without reason, begin to measure body temperature, and notice that she is confidently held at around 37 ° C. The first question that arises in my head is: “Norm or pathology?” To avoid unnecessary excitement, it is better to seek clarification from a doctor, only he can say with accuracy what is normal in your case and what is the manifestation of the disease.



During pregnancy, a number of hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. An emerging placenta produces a large amount of progesterone. It is progesterone that is the hormone that affects the change in body temperature in the direction of its increase.

Information   In the first trimester of pregnancy, body temperature can reach subfebrile numbers (from 37.0 to 37.4) - and this is considered the absolute norm. In some pregnant women, such indicators can remain throughout the gestation period.


Do not forget that a woman has a physiological decrease in immunity during pregnancy, so her body can easily become a "target" for bacteria and viruses that can cause any disease (from SARS to pyelonephritis).

As you know, the main manifestation of infectious diseases is an increase in temperature, which means that the body began to fight with an infectious agent. In this case, body temperature rises above 37.5 ° C, a pregnant woman begins to feel general malaise, weakness, appetite decreases, chills or fever may appear.

Important   body during pregnancy is fraught. So in the early stages of pregnancy it can result in spontaneous miscarriage, and in the late (after 30 weeks) - premature detachment of the placenta.

What to do?

What should be the temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in connection with the development of the fetus, a woman has numerous, but subtle problems. For example, because of the large abdomen, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep; difficulties arise when walking. There is a state of fatigue, and unpleasant sensations appear due to the enlarging uterus. Often in the third trimester of pregnancy, one more is added to the listed symptoms - fever.

Rising temperature - is this normal?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the body temperature of pregnant women can reach 37.5 degrees Celsius. Most often this is caused by hormonal changes in the body.

It should be noted that the body temperature of a woman is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the production of the hormone progesterone occurs, which leads to a sharp change in the hormonal background. Many doctors don’t bring the temperature down to 38 degrees, since raising the temperature to the level of 37 - 37.4 degrees is considered normal.

Still, caution should be exercised, since temperature in the third trimester can be a sign of an infectious disease. Only a specialized doctor can determine why a pregnant woman has a fever. But do not worry about an increase in body temperature - everything is in order if, when registering for a antenatal clinic, you passed all the tests and you were not sent for an additional examination.

How to deal with fever?

If the analysis showed that you are not infected with an infectious disease, it is recommended to lower the temperature in the room to an acceptable level. The hotter the worse - if the street is warm, open the windows. Put on light clothing - it will help bring down the increased body temperature.

If you have a temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy, in no case try to lower it by folk methods. It is forbidden to rub with vinegar, vodka or alcohol - this will help restore normal body temperature, but toxic substances penetrate the skin and blood, which can lead to fetal intoxication.

One of the best ways to get rid of fever is to drink more warm liquid. So, unsaturated compote or a decoction of dried fruits, weak tea help perfectly. If you wish, add sugar to the drink - glucose is good both for you and for your baby. Since you must sweat, try to drink drinks still warm.

Do not go under a warm duvet and don’t wear woolen socks - your body temperature will rise a few more degrees, which will lead to significant risks. Do not drink aspirin - it is better to replace this drug with safe paracetamol. Often aspirin causes uterine bleeding and miscarriage. Be very careful with medications - in the third trimester, the use of any medication can lead to an unexpected reaction.

Temperature 37 during pregnancy

Never in her life does a woman treat her health as carefully and attentively as with the onset of pregnancy. Responsibility for the physical well-being of the unborn baby forces her to respond to any changes in her body, and there are many of them now. It is sometimes difficult to determine which of them may be the norm, and which should be the reason for going to the doctor. For example, many expectant mothers begin to worry when their temperature rises to 37-37.2 degrees during pregnancy. What to do in this case?

Temperature 37 during pregnancy: is this normal?

There are not so few people for whom a body temperature of about 37 degrees is an absolute physiological norm. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, subfebrile condition is kept in such people constantly, and at the same time, they remain healthy and feel good.

But in most cases, the so-called subfebrile temperature - in the range of 36.8-37.4 ° C - indicates violations in health and requires a search for the cause that caused them.

Nevertheless, if there are no other signs of a probable disease, then in the vast majority of all cases, a temperature of 37 during pregnancy is the absolute norm! Moreover, many women do not even suspect that their temperature increased with the onset of conception, because they do not feel any malaise, and therefore do not measure the temperature.

Meanwhile, in some cases, low-grade fever during pregnancy can be a signal of the onset of the disease or indicate some kind of pathology. Therefore, if a woman does not feel very well or notices dangerous signs during pregnancy (such as spotting spotting, pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, dizziness or severe bouts of nausea, etc.), you must tell your doctor about this. A temperature of 37-37.2 ° C during pregnancy can only be one of the signs of the disease.

Temperature 37 during early pregnancy: in the first trimester

The least worrying about this is in the first trimester. Because often the temperature of 37 during pregnancy rises already in the very early stages, and usually even before conception. The hormone progesterone, whose level rises during ovulation, is “to blame”. The corpus luteum is actively producing it, and this process continues if the egg has been fertilized and pregnancy has begun. It is with increased production of progesterone that is primarily associated with an increase in temperature in the early stages, and very often it can be the very first sign of pregnancy.

In addition, heat transfer during child bearing deteriorates (you may have noticed that pregnant women are hotter all the time than others), and this also contributes to an increase in body temperature.

On top of that, a woman’s immunity naturally decreases, which is necessary to fix the fetal egg, otherwise the mother’s body will reject it, perceiving it as a “foreign body”.

However, for the same reason, a pregnant woman becomes vulnerable to infectious and viral diseases; very often, against the background of a weakening of the protective functions of the body, chronic diseases worsen. And any of these ailments can be accompanied by fever, even so insignificant.

Read also:

  • Nifedipine during pregnancy

Temperature 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester

Usually, if the temperature of 37 ° C during pregnancy is caused by an inflammatory or other pathological process in the body of the expectant mother, then other signs of the disease are observed. With influenza and SARS, this is mainly chills, body aches, runny nose, cough, sore throat and others. In diseases of the genitourinary tract - increased urination and discomfort during emptying of the bladder, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, vaginal discharge. Similar signs can also be observed with the existing threat, and the vaginal discharge has a color or blood impurities. But such conditions more often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. The second in this regard is less risky and more calm.

Even in the second trimester of pregnancy, the elevated temperature associated with hormonal changes can remain at subfebrile marks, but 37 ° C, as a rule, does not exceed. Fear should be caused by a temperature combined with other painful symptoms, as well as a temperature reaching and exceeding 38 ° C: high temperature during pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus.

Temperature 37 during late pregnancy: in the third trimester

By the third trimester, body temperature during pregnancy usually returns to the norms inherent in the body of a particular woman before pregnancy. But under the influence of external factors, it can also increase to 37-37.2 degrees or higher. For example, the cause of this can be overheating if the expectant mother abused the sun, went to the sauna, or simply was in a stuffy room for a long time.

However, there is another reason why the temperature in the third trimester very often rises - this is the upcoming birth. If there is very little left before the expected date, and you begin to feel their imminent approach (belly dropped, instinct for nesting, decreased appetite, the child became less active, etc.), then this is most likely the reason.

Do not worry about this. The temperature of 37-37.2 ° C before childbirth is a completely normal and quite common phenomenon. Moreover, if you have a fear of childbirth, if you are worried and worried, then the temperature will rise with a higher probability. Sometimes it happens that a woman feels severe tiredness and fatigue, it seems as if she was completely ill, and the temperature does not exceed 37 degrees.

This is a reaction to stress and excitement, but you must pull yourself together and calm down: childbirth is inevitable, and your attitude, your proper participation in them will largely determine their course and outcome. Therefore, drop all doubts - now is not the time for them. The kid needs your help and support - do not forget about it!

Temperature 37 during pregnancy: a cold

In most cases, as we have already said, subfebrile temperature during pregnancy does not bode well and is only a reaction of the female body to the changes that occur with it. But it also happens that a cold occurs with a low temperature. In this case, other symptoms of malaise appear: headache, fatigue, feeling of weakness, body aches, weakness, lack of appetite, runny nose, cough, a woman has a sore throat or even the whole body. With enteroviruses, vomiting or diarrhea is added.

The most dangerous cold during pregnancy in the first trimester, when the baby's organs are laid and formed. The main threat lies in the high temperature (above 38 ° C) and the drugs used, especially if the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant and resorts to the usual medication.

From the second trimester, when the placenta is already fully functioning, the fetus is under better protection, but the treatment of the common cold during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor. You should know that they do not bring down temperatures up to 38 ° C. You need to fight the disease with plenty of warm drink (and not everyone can drink during this period!) And bed rest. Symptomatic treatment is prescribed only by a doctor! Please note that any thermal procedures during this period are prohibited! But if the temperature rises, then it will certainly need to be reduced! The only acceptable synthetic antipyretic during pregnancy is Paracetamol, but only if indicated and prescribed.

High temperature is also a threat in the third trimester, since it can provoke premature detachment of the placenta. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has a cold and a fever appears, even if only 37 degrees, then all further actions should be coordinated with a doctor.

Colds in late pregnancy: 2-3 trimester

  July 7, 2013058316 Heading: Pregnancy

Every woman who gets sick during pregnancy always experiences how her illness affects her baby. This is natural, because caring for the health of your baby is the most important task for parents. At different stages of pregnancy, a common cold affects the baby and the mother in different ways. Consider what could cause a cold during pregnancy in the second trimester.

Cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks after conception. During this period, you can breathe a sigh of relief, since viral infections can no longer inflict such a severe blow to the baby's health as in the first trimester. The fact is that the fetus is already protected by the placenta, which serves as a conductor of nutrients, oxygen, this is a kind of barrier from the negative effects of the outside world. But a cold can strike this shield. There is a feto-placental insufficiency, in which the transmission of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus is difficult. A baby can be born prematurely, with a weight below the norm. In the second trimester, the baby may suffer from the nervous system, since during this period it is actively developing.

What else is dangerous colds in the 2nd trimester?

If you get a cold at week 14, then there is a chance of a miscarriage or change in the endocrine system. If this happens at 16-17 weeks, then the fetus may not properly form bone tissue. When a woman is waiting for a girl, then special attention to her health should be shown in the period of 19-20 weeks. At this time, egg formation occurs, and the virus can disrupt the correct process, which will lead to infertility of future women.

Sometimes future mothers, without hesitation, begin to take antibiotics and antipyretics with a cold. This can never be done, because the medicine will definitely harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman falls ill in the 2nd trimester, then she should not make any attempts to self-medicate, but consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. A common mistake of pregnant women, in addition to taking antibiotics, is the uncontrolled use of homeopathic medicines. It is believed that herbs cannot harm the body, but this is not always the case. Many herbal preparations have side effects and can provoke a miscarriage or agitation of the mother’s nervous system.

The consequences of a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and its danger

A comforting factor is that a cold at the end of pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning. For example, if a cold at the 31st week of pregnancy will provoke a premature birth, then with the help of modern technologies the baby can be saved. But still, colds should be avoided, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

A cold at the 30th week of pregnancy can also happen and you should not treat this with neglect. Colds in late pregnancy greatly affect the condition of the placenta, it begins to age prematurely and the fetus loses protection. In general, the whole danger of contracting a viral infection in the third trimester is associated with the condition of the placenta.

As you know, it is she who protects the baby throughout pregnancy. But already in recent weeks, it is aging and becoming permeable to all kinds of viruses. That is, the child cannot get sick, but toxins, medicines that her mother takes during the illness, can penetrate him. So with a cold at 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s undeveloped immune system and the placenta do not protect him sufficiently from infections, so the fetus becomes very vulnerable to diseases.

A cold at 34 weeks of gestation can disrupt the hormonal background, which at this time begins to activate the production of breast milk. The fact is that the hormones of the placenta, which experiences a tremendous load with a cold, are responsible for this.

A cold disease at 35 weeks of gestation is associated with a risk of premature birth and complications of their course. At the 36th week of pregnancy, colds and fever can cause complications such as placental abruption and premature discharge of amniotic fluid. And already at the 37th week of pregnancy, a cold becomes dangerous because infections can penetrate the amniotic fluid, which the child often drinks.

A cold is dangerous in the ninth month of pregnancy, because after birth, the baby will immediately fall into the world of viruses and he will have to fight them. In addition, a viral cold disease at 39 weeks of pregnancy is very unpleasant for mom.

A cold during pregnancy at 38 weeks requires a lot of attention. The baby is still protected by the mother’s body and a meeting with a foreign infection, which he faces during childbirth, is completely useless. Therefore, if a woman has a cold, it is important to recover before childbirth, so as not to endanger the crumb too much.

The fact is that all women in labor who come with ARVI are placed in a temperature in the department where women who are not registered for pregnancy are lying. After childbirth, the baby is isolated from the mother, and this deprives the long-awaited beautiful first minutes of communication with her daughter or son. If a woman gets a cold at the 40th week of pregnancy, then the baby will inevitably become infected, and sometimes a weak childish body can not cope with the infection, which can lead to the most dire consequences.

Treatment of colds in the second and third trimesters

No matter how the woman takes care, the danger of infection still exists. And if viruses have penetrated the body, then you need to sound the alarm. Disturbing symptoms cannot be ignored; it is better to consult a doctor right away. It is strictly forbidden to bear a cold on your feet. Full rest and bed rest is required. Self-medication during pregnancy is undesirable, this applies to both drugs and herbal preparations.

The common cold is accompanied by fever, runny nose, cough. And it is necessary to treat them competently, avoiding drugs if possible. Be sure to consult a doctor.


An increase in temperature in the 2nd trimester is quite common. This is due to the release of a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which affects the center of thermoregulation located in the cerebral cortex. If the temperature is increased slightly (up to 38 degrees), then there is no need to bring it down. And when the thermometer shows above 38, then it is necessary to begin treatment. To begin with, a woman should try traditional methods: tea with raspberries, warm milk, sweatshops. Do not forget about the infusion of linden blossom, which is a leader in the treatment of colds, especially during pregnancy. Perfect broths from rose hips, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes.

Temperature is a sign of so many diseases, both viral and infectious. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary tests and, based on their results, identify the causative agent of the infection. If the temperature lasts for a long time, this can provoke pathology of the placenta in the second trimester and even pose a risk of infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize a future mom in a hospital, under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Runny nose

A runny nose is dangerous for pregnant women because the baby will lack oxygen. But nasal drops can be used only under the strict supervision of a physician. Initially, you can try to lubricate the nasal passages with tea tree oil or eucalyptus. There are also rinses for the nose, which very well relieve the common cold.


You should also get rid of this scourge as soon as possible. Here, too, folk remedies such as honey will come to the rescue, with the help of which they make inhalation (dissolve 1 part of honey in 5 parts of water at a temperature of about 49 degrees. Inhale the vapors one by one of the other nostrils, then with the mouth). With a dry cough, it is necessary to gargle with decoctions of sage, eucalyptus and calendula herbs mixed in equal parts. Even simple soda inhalation will perfectly relieve dry cough, and sputum will begin to separate effectively.

Drug therapy is contraindicated for women in position, but sometimes the risk of viral infections is much greater than that of drugs, so there is a need to choose pills that are safer. For example, aspirin, ascofen, lead to blood thinning, which can lead to bleeding. Chloramphenicol can cause cardiovascular collapse in newborns if the expectant mother took it in the last months of pregnancy.

Cold Prevention

How to protect yourself from a cold in the 2nd, 3rd trimester?

Prevention must begin even before conception. No matter how trite it may sound, it is important for a future mother to drink a complex of special vitamins, cleanse her body, and lose weight. But this is not enough. It is necessary that immunity throughout the pregnancy can cope with viruses. This can be done with a contrast shower, which should be taken every day, alternating cool and warm water. Finish with cool water. After water procedures, you need to rub with a hard towel until pleasant warmth appears. This seemingly simple procedure, familiar to everyone since childhood, can improve the condition of the body and strengthen immunity.

In addition to a contrast shower, the likelihood of an infectious disease can be reduced as follows:

  • avoid overcooling and overheating. It is always necessary to dress according to the weather and it is better that the clothes are made of natural fabrics.
  • enrich your diet with vitamin C. This can be done with the help of a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, and natural products should not be neglected.
  • make daily walks in the fresh air, in a forested area, on the banks of a river; Such walks will help saturate the body with oxygen, and even the expectant mother will receive a lot of positive emotions from contemplating the beauty of nature, from the sounds of waves or the rustle of foliage. And the mom’s emotional upsurge will necessarily be passed on to the baby.
  • limit contact with potential carriers of viruses. Try not to visit unnecessarily crowded places (shops, public transport). Particular care should be taken during exacerbation of colds.