Contractions in the second birth sensations. Fighting time. How to find out that the birth process has begun

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Before the approach of childbirth, any woman is embraced by a variety of fears and worries. She thinks about how long the delivery lasts and how much this process is painful, worries about the baby's health. In order to dispel all doubts and worries, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the upcoming event and tune in only to positive.

The duration of labor usually depends on which they are. The more children you have, the faster, as a rule, the baby is born. There are also such concepts as rapid and protracted labor, for which you also need to be prepared in order to agree to stimulation or a cesarean section if necessary.

Remember that childbirth is an absolutely natural process and during pregnancy your body manages to fully prepare for it. Therefore, you should not be afraid of anything, it is better to tune in to an early meeting with the baby and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Any birth takes place in several stages, the duration of which is individual for each, but nevertheless there is a certain time frame for them. Let's find out how long they last.

Stages of labor

Stage number 1 - fights

At this stage, the cervix should fully open up to 10-12 cm. This period is also divided in time into several intervals. The first woman may not even feel, it is called latent (early, hidden). Contractions at this time can be confused with training and they can be almost imperceptible. But if they increase and the gaps between them are gradually reduced, then even at 37-38 weeks this is an occasion to gather in the hospital.

The duration of this period depends on several factors:

  • woman's ability to relax;
  • hormonal background of a pregnant woman;
  • cervical preparedness.

The latent period usually lasts from 4 to 6 hours, but sometimes it can reach 12 hours. This period of time is best spent on the move. A woman can stand or walk slowly. But if she is very tired, then you can try to sleep, how much it will work out.

Contractions are usually not painful and occur after a considerable period of time, which gradually decreases. In order for the neck to open faster, you need to regularly empty the bladder. And if suddenly at this stage you are not yet in the hospital, you should urgently go there.

In the active period of contractions, pain gradually increases, and the interval between them is less than 5 minutes. The fruit falls, the baby is almost ready to be born. This stage usually lasts from 4 to 8 hours and ends when the cervix is \u200b\u200b10 cm wide.

You need to know that when applying epidural anesthesia, this period takes longer, and stimulants, on the contrary, accelerate the process. The main thing is that at the stage of active labor, a woman tries to relax and does not panic. The most painful is the opening from 8 to 10 cm, when the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot yet ready to the end, and attempts are already beginning. This time is best spent lying down, and in no case push. It can be from a few minutes to several hours. Depending on how many children you have.

Stage number 2 - attempts

So, the uterus opened by 10 cm and the most crucial moment begins - attempts. It will require a lot of strength and endurance from you. At this point, you should be fully focused, listen to the doctors and follow all their directions as much as possible. The intervals between contractions will become a little longer, which will provide an opportunity for rest. At the first birth, the baby will be born gradually and it is very important to listen to the advice of the midwife so as not to harm him.

Do not panic! The faster you calm down, the sooner the baby will be born. Attempts usually last from a few minutes to 1 hour, depending on the presence of stimulation and the order of delivery. Finally, you can meet your baby.

Stage number 3 - the birth of the afterbirth

This period can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Some time after the birth of the child, attempts again begin, which require significantly less effort, as a result of which the last is born. After which the child is first applied to the chest and all painful sensations are instantly forgotten.

Duration of first birth

First birth is always a very exciting event. A woman is very worried, because she does not know exactly what she has to go through. She asks herself a whole series of questions. How long does the first birth last? How to behave? How painful is this? In fact, there is nothing to worry about.

It was previously believed that the first birth should last no more than 24 hours. True, now these terms are slightly reduced. The doctors consider the period up to 18 hours a normal time for the birth of the first child. But on average they occur within 11-12 hours.

The total time is calculated from the moment the contractions begin to the birth of the afterbirth. Fights usually last about 10 hours and at the initial stage can pass unnoticed by the expectant mother. The second stage takes no more than an hour and at its end a baby is born. Then comes the third, which lasts no more than 30 minutes and does not require special efforts from the woman in labor.

If the first birth occurs within 4-6 hours, then they are called fast. If the period is even shorter, then swift. But if their duration is more than 18 hours, then the birth is protracted. In this case, doctors usually resort to stimulation or decide on caesarean section.

How long does a second, third or subsequent birth

It would seem that once having given birth to a baby, a woman no longer needs to worry about how the second birth will take place. She knows how to behave, remembers all the sensations and emotions. But still worried about her baby. Do not worry. The body is completely ready and already familiar with the process of labor, you just have to relax as much as possible and tune in for a quick acquaintance with the baby.

The second, third and subsequent births, as a rule, pass much faster than the first. The second birth occurs 2-3 hours faster. The norm for them is considered to be from 7 to 8 hours. In this case, fights usually last 6-7 hours, attempts last no more than 30 minutes, and the last is born 15 minutes later, after the birth of the baby.

Still others last even faster, like all subsequent ones. This is due to the fact that the cervix once experienced labor activity opens faster. Normally, the third birth lasts 6-7 hours, and sometimes less. At the same time, labor continues for 5-6 hours. Attempts can end in a few minutes, depending on the behavior of the woman in labor. The fact is that a child, as a rule, is not born gradually, but immediately. And the more a woman will listen to doctors and push properly, the faster a newborn will be born. The placenta is born in about 10 minutes.

If you are planning a second, third or subsequent birth, it is better to go to the hospital in advance. Because there is a risk that after the start of fights you may simply not have time to get to it.

What is the danger of prolonged labor?

Firstly, if the contractions last long enough, the woman is very tired. She loses her strength and panics. Because of what, the chances of giving birth on their own become less every hour.

Secondly, if the water flowed back in the first hours of labor, and the attempts did not begin for a long time, there is a risk of infection in the child. In this situation, the doctor is forced to prescribe antibiotics in order to maintain the health of the baby. Thirdly, if the baby is entangled in the umbilical cord, he experiences oxygen starvation and if it is not possible for the woman to give birth naturally, the doctors make a decision to complete the delivery as soon as possible and have a cesarean section.

What are the dangers of fast or swift labor?

Such childbirth threatens to injure the baby and the birth canal of the mother. Very strong contractions of the uterus, as if pushing the baby’s head into the birth canal, which can lead to damage to the fetal cervical spine. In addition, the soft and mobile bones of the child’s skull during rapid childbirth can move incorrectly, which will lead to the development of various deviations in the child.

As a result of a very fast delivery, a mother can get tears of the cervix and perineum of varying degrees, which doctors will suture immediately after delivery. That in the first month after birth will bring a lot of inconvenience. In addition, serious breaks threaten significant blood loss, which can adversely affect the health of the mother.

In what cases is stimulation used in childbirth?

If the mother runs out of energy or labor is not strong enough to avoid complications, doctors have to resort to medication stimulation of labor. This decision largely depends on the condition of the woman, the conditions of the hospital, as well as the qualifications of the doctor conducting the birth.

With the introduction of stimulants, contractions become stronger and more painful, which leads to the need to use painkillers in childbirth. But there are cases when it is impossible to do without stimulation. For example, if there is no labor after the discharge of water.

You should not be afraid of any of these situations. These are more of an exception than a rule. In most cases, both the first and subsequent births are normal for everyone. But you need to know these nuances in order to be prepared for the fact that at some point you may need medical intervention that will help keep you and your baby healthy. And no matter how long your birth lasts, the main thing is that they pass without complications and you finally see the desired baby.

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In order to make it easier for a woman to have childbirth and labor, she must have a good understanding of how this process occurs, how long this or that stage lasts, and also behave correctly during childbirth, following the instructions given by her midwife or doctor. Only if the woman in labor will be absolutely calm, and will not panic, can we guarantee that everything will end completely safely, and most importantly, quickly enough. Let's find out how to determine the contractions and how long the contractions last?

What are contractions and how do they start

The onset of labor is noted by involuntary contractions of the muscles that make up the walls of the uterus. These contractions are called contractions, which a woman begins to feel. Contractions last until the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully opened. On this, the first stage of childbirth ends.

If you have started contractions, it is necessary that you accurately record the start time of the first fight, how long it lasted and the time it ended. It’s best to carefully record the start and end of each bout on a separate piece of paper. This is necessary so that the doctor can correctly determine whether your labor has slowed down or if its weakness has occurred - this is a condition when the intervals between contractions begin to increase, and they themselves become shorter. By the way, this will help you to pay less attention to pain.

Fixing contractions will also help you to tear apart whether it is really labor pains or so far only their precursors - false contractions. In the latter case, contractions will be irregular, with different intervals, which will increase instead of contracting.

Quite often it happens that before the contractions begin, amniotic fluid is poured out. If this happens, be sure to record the time when your water has moved and quickly pack up in the hospital. This also needs to be done if the waters have not completely discharged, but have just begun to leak. The fact is that it is the amniotic fluid, together with the bubble, that protects the child from infection, and if more than 12 hours pass from the moment of their discharge, the baby may be infected.

What are preliminary pains?

Preliminary pains are painful pulling sensations that sometimes occur before childbirth in the lower back or in the lower abdomen. This is not a fight, they are not wave-like and do not have a pronounced beginning and end. If you have any preliminary pains, try a couple of no-shpa tablets and relax, maybe fall asleep. If this does not help, then consult a doctor, since the development of preliminary pain can lead to a weakening in the future of labor and labor in general.

How long are the contractions

It was previously believed that normal childbirth can not last more than a day from the time of labor. Today, this time has been significantly reduced, and modern women in childbirth manage this important matter in less than 18 hours. If labor continues for a woman longer, then childbirth is already considered protracted.

As a matter of fact, childbirth is divided into three periods and contractions, which are the first period for them, last the longest. On average, during the first birth, the duration of labor is about 10 hours, in multiparous babies this happens somewhat faster - 4-6 hours. During this time, the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully revealed, and the baby begins to move along the birth canal, usually with his head forward.

Carefully listen to what the midwife tells you, do not start pushing ahead of time, even if it seems to you that the contractions last long enough and it's time. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot fully open, you can not only tear it, but also injure your unborn baby.

It is believed that the second birth is less painful and faster in time, compared with the first. But the birth of a second child is accompanied by psychological problems for each member of the family. Mom feels more fear for the baby’s health than during the first pregnancy. Let us consider in more detail the features of the course of the second pregnancy and childbirth.

Second pregnancy and childbirth: women's fears

Subsequent pregnancy is not easy for all women. Firstly, the mother has already heard about many diseases and complications during pregnancy, possible pathologies of the development of the fetus, therefore there is a fear more for the baby’s health. The pregnant woman monitors her every sensation, constantly asks for ultrasound diagnostics, meticulously interrogates the gynecologist about the condition of the fetus. And closer to the deadline she learns about the second birth: how it goes, whether there will be complications, which doctor to consult.

If the first pregnancy in many young mothers is carried out on the trust of the doctor (the doctor said it must be done), then the second time the woman will meticulously read the instructions of the medicine, consult with other gynecologists, look for reviews with similar cases.

Such meticulousness may be due to the fact that a woman does not feel quite well. For example, there are health problems, less than two years have passed between the first and second births, after the first birth there were abortions or miscarriages. Therefore, the woman’s body is not ready to give birth to a healthy baby. The lack of certain minerals will lead to serious diseases (for example, iron deficiency - to anemia, vitamin deficiency) during pregnancy and weak labor.

Secondly, fear of childbirth arises if the first ones have passed with complications, tears. A woman initially sets up herself that the latter will be the same. Fear will be if the first-born was born using a caesarean section, and the second time a natural birth is scheduled. Also, if the time period before the first and second births is more than five years, then the pregnant woman experiences her position as a primiparous, despite the fact that there are already children.

Thirdly, a woman does not know how the life of her family will change with the birth of her second child. She is more concerned about the psychological microclimate of relations, possible problems (children's jealousy, marital misunderstanding).

If the mother is more than forty years old, then involuntarily thoughts come about the baby’s future and his health. This is especially true for families where the pregnancy was unplanned. A global question remains for a woman about how she will raise a child when there are material, financial, housing problems.

That is why the second pregnancy and second birth require prior preparation. Take a full examination to find out about your health, cure all chronic "sores", tighten your muscles with physical exercises, switch to proper nutrition, and replenish the body's vitamin-mineral balance.

Talk to all family members about having a second child. By the third trimester, sign up for pregnant courses to find out how other mothers feel, find friends, like-minded people. And also constantly adjust yourself to positive thoughts.

How will the second pregnancy go?

Whatever the pregnancy in turn, each woman experiences her ailments, feelings, emotions. However, we will try, on the basis of reviews of multiparous children, to consider how the second pregnancy went, the second birth.

A woman already knows what pregnancy ailments she may encounter, so she takes this calmly. In this case, toxicosis can bypass it, since the hormonal background will be different than before the first birth. Breast tenderness may not be felt, but milk may be released from the first trimester.

Culinary preferences will not be the same as during the first pregnancy. They may be weirder or, conversely, adequate. In any case, the woman treats them more rationally, tries to negotiate with the baby, and does not send her husband on a winter night for peaches.

With a second pregnancy, almost every second woman may experience varicose veins and hemorrhoids. If you have health problems, then you may feel worse. For example, a woman with diabetes mellitus, heart disease or endocrinological problems will be more often observed by a gynecologist and specialist specialists than a healthy pregnant woman.

Despite the fact that more often the second pregnancy is easier, the woman will also feel tired, weak, irritated. Since housework, the eldest child, the spouse are added to her position. The younger the child, the more things mom has.

But the second pregnancy can be more difficult than the first if there are the following parameters:

  • a woman is more than forty years old;
  • the break between the first and second birth is more than ten years;
  • chronic age-related diseases;
  • the presence of abortion, miscarriage after the first birth;
  • negative Rh factor;
  • serious gynecological diseases;
  • lack of physical fitness.

Alas, in this case, the doctor needs not only to help bring a healthy child to the deadline, give birth to him, but also to maintain the health of the mother. If at least one of the above factors takes place, then the woman will have to take tests and examinations an order of magnitude higher than during the first pregnancy in order to exclude the risks of fetal abnormalities and malformations of pregnancy. By the way, these indicators burden the second birth (reviews of women in labor confirm that the time of labor is increasing, requires the intervention of qualified specialists).

What is the danger of varicose veins during the second pregnancy?

More often a woman thinks that varicose veins are determined by a mesh venous pattern and bruises. However, these signs already indicate the presence of varicose veins. At the stage of nucleation of this complication, there will be other symptoms:

  • swelling, heaviness, pain in the legs;
  • calf night cramps;
  • skin without a pattern of venous vessels.

You should not wait for the appearance of varicose veins, which can lead a woman to thrombophlebitis or an ulcer on the skin above the venous node, and the fetus to premature birth, as oxygen delivery with nutrients is difficult. By the way, with varicose veins, the second birth will not be easier than the first, since the pressure extends to the vessels.

When the first signs of varicose veins appear, and preferably at the beginning of pregnancy, visit a phlebologist who will explain how to avoid varicose veins and make you feel better. If there is a disease, he will pick up knitted compression underwear, prescribe medication, and direct him to physiotherapy exercises.

Varicose veins can also be said on ultrasound diagnostics for the state of blood flow. The presence of asterisks on the skin is more often the result of hormonal changes. Such telangiectasias disappear after childbirth, without causing the woman to have varicose veins.

What is the danger of hemorrhoids in a second pregnancy?

Pregnancy, childbirth, a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition become the causes of primary hemorrhoids. Signs of a mild illness are slight bleeding, tolerable pain when going to the toilet, discomfort in the rectum. On examination, the doctor sees hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum.

If you ignore the first signs of hemorrhoids, then unpleasant sensations are added to them: discharge, itching, prolapse of nodes, pulling pains in the rectum. The pains can be so strong that they capture the region of the lower back, sacrum. If you ignore these ailments, it will develop severe hemorrhoids, where surgical intervention is required.

Hemorrhoids bring a pregnant woman severe pain, which distracts her from the fetus. She simply misses the first harbingers of the second birth, as she is tormented by severe pains. Women who underwent childbirth with untreated hemorrhoids recommend treating the disease at the initial stage, since the duration of labor activity increases significantly, proctologist intervention is required, and the disease does not disappear after the birth of the child.

Thus, it is important for a pregnant woman to begin treatment at an initial stage. Firstly, therapy will take place at home with the help of suppositories, ointments, creams, which anesthetize, relieve inflammation, constrict blood vessels, weaken stools and do not harm the fetus. Secondly, avoid surgery. Thirdly, cure this ailment before childbirth, since hemorrhoids complicate the process of labor.

What to take to the hospital?

With a second pregnancy, many women are in no hurry to the hospital. Some say that they themselves know when the second birth will begin (reviews of most mothers confirm this fact), while others do not know where to put the oldest child for several days. Therefore, such women in labor are often brought by an ambulance hastily dressed. To avoid this, you need to prepare for the hospital initially.

  • If there are contractions, call an ambulance and specify which maternity clinic on duty takes the woman in labor.
  • If this is not the hospital where you were assigned from the antenatal clinic, then call and specify what things to take with you. Since some hospitals require clothes for a newborn, while other departments require only diapers and necessary things for a woman in labor.
  • Take the necessary things: personal hygiene products, nightgown, bathrobe, slippers, dishes.
  • Collect documents: passport, policy, patrimonial certificate, exchange card.
  • It is allowed to take water without gas from drinking. The list of other products is checked by the doctor, since with a complication or cesarean section, a five-day diet is followed.

The spouse or relatives can give all other necessary things after delivery at the reception hours. If the birth was difficult, then a nurse or nurse can transfer things. More practical mothers carefully select a maternity hospital and obstetrician in advance. At the first contractions, they inform their doctor to get to him. Next, the doctor informs the pregnant woman when to come to give birth.

How will the natural birth take place a second time?

The second birth is easier than the first in terms of the fact that they pass faster. So, the first-born is born in about twelve hours, and the second baby will be born on average after eight hours. The stages of the birth are the same as in the first. The only difference is in the readiness of the female body for labor.

Recall that childbirth consists of three stages:

  1. Opening the neck takes twelve to sixteen hours.
  2. The expulsion of the fetus stretches for an hour.
  3. The postpartum period lasts approximately half an hour.

However, there are exceptions when childbirth can be delayed for two days, or can pass in two hours. Fast and painless childbirth is more likely to occur in athletes whose muscles are elastic from training, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bmore elastic from the first birth. In the second birth, the birth of a child may take only a few minutes if the woman does everything correctly.

The mistake of many multiparous lies in their self-confidence. They wait until the last (the interval between contractions is a couple of minutes, the outflow of amniotic fluid) and call an ambulance. In this case, childbirth often takes place on the threshold of the hospital without observing the necessary sanitary standards.

Second birth: how do they begin?

Labor begins with labor pains. As soon as they become regular, you need to see a doctor. Even if the woman was placed in the hospital in advance, the doctor will take her as soon as the interval of contractions is five to ten minutes. This time will be enough for the pregnant woman to prepare for labor.

Contractions contribute to the opening of the cervix. Muscles press on the fetal bladder, due to which there is an outflow of amniotic fluid. The first contractions in the second birth are tolerable, similar to muscle cramps that appear by the third trimester of pregnancy. During this time, the cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened and smoothed. Amniotic fluid may flow prematurely, at the onset of labor or after the birth canal is fully opened.

Further, the opening of the cervix begins actively. In a few hours, contractions become rhythmic, painful, and the cervix should open ten centimeters. In multiparous women, active labor (when the neck reaches a ten-centimeter size) is more intense. Many multiparous mothers note that the second birth is easier than the first.

During contractions, do not pinch, as this will only increase the duration of labor. Multiparous women, compared with primiparous, endure painful contractions persistently. They walk, stand on all fours, lie down, change their position, try to relax during contractions, remembering that this condition lasts only a few seconds.

Characteristic of the second period

The second period of labor begins with the moment of full disclosure of the cervix. The interval between contractions is three minutes, and attempts are added to them. This is due to the fact that the fetus presses on the anus, because of which there is a urge to bowel movement. However, at this moment one still cannot push, since the child has not yet taken the correct position.

Multiparous women always listen carefully to the midwife, follow her recommendations so that the second birth passes without ruptures and injuries for the child. Childbirth takes place on a special bed, where a woman rests her feet on the coasters, and bends her arms at the elbows, holding on to special handles.

You need to push only during fights. To do this, inhale more air, hold your breath and push. Only then smoothly exhale. For one fight you need to push three times. The harder you push, the faster the baby will be born without birth injuries. At the same time, you need to listen to the midwife so that your actions do not lead to tears or harm the baby.

The characteristic of the third period

At the third stage, a second child is born to the mother, childbirth comes to an end. The newborn is placed on the mother’s stomach, the umbilical cord is cut. Next, the pediatrician examines the baby, and the pregnant woman leaves a child's place. In this case, there is a pulling pain in the inguinal region and a feeling of effort. Usually a child’s place leaves at the first attempt to push. But sometimes a woman is greatly weakened, then a doctor helps her.

A few hours later, the doctor examines the woman in childbirth. If there are tears, then they are sutured under local or internal anesthesia. While the woman in labor is in the hospital, she will have a daily examination in the gynecological chair and injections that help the muscles of the uterus to return to their original position. Some mothers of a sports physique advise to swing a press, then by the time of discharge the stomach becomes flat. However, these tips are not suitable for everyone, because you need to look at how the second birth went, what is the physical fitness of the woman, are there any health problems.

After childbirth, a woman in labor may be disturbed by bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen or perineum, problems with stools, hemorrhoids, engorgement of the mammary glands. But these are the usual ailments that a woman feels after childbirth. Feeding a newborn helps to reduce pain, accelerates the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

How does a cesarean section go?

So, we examined how the natural second birth took place. How does a cesarean section begin? If a woman has already undergone surgery, she experiences less fear than the first time. Firstly, she already knows what she is faced with. Secondly, he knows what type of anesthesia to choose. Third, there is less concern about the operation.

Caesarean section is performed only on the recommendation of a gynecologist or narrow specialists (optometrist, endocrinologist, phlebologist, cardiologist). Such a pregnant woman is placed in the hospital in advance, watching her and the fetus. A woman passes all the necessary tests, undergoes an ultrasound, examinations of a gynecologist-obstetrician.

A couple of days the doctor monitors the condition of the woman and the fetus, appoints the day of the operation. It often happens that a pregnant woman is sent home after receiving good tests, and at night she is already being taken to give birth urgently. The reason lies in stress and overload: due to the joys of the mother, the fear of childbirth disappears, she clutches at all household chores, overwork and does not notice the start of labor.

Caesarean section is not appointed prematurely, even if it is the second birth. How do they go in this case? The doctor is waiting for the first signs of labor (contractions, attempts). As soon as the pregnant woman starts to run frequently to the toilet, she is sent to the shower, her intestines are cleaned, then before the operating room she is again sent to the shower.

A catheter and anesthesia are introduced into the operating room, and after a few minutes (on average half an hour), the mother is pumped out of anesthesia and allowed to see the child. For several hours, the woman is under the supervision of a nurse and a doctor. If necessary, the doctor “pushes” blood from the uterus with strong shocks. These painful actions are necessary to avoid inflammation.

After the second birth has taken place using cesarean section, after two to three hours they can bring the baby to the first feeding. It is better to ask the nurse for help, as there may not be any strength to rise from the woman in labor. After eight to twelve hours, the woman will be forced to walk around, and after a day they will be transferred to an ordinary ward. With a crowded maternity hospital, a child can be brought immediately to the mother, and not three days after the operation.

After childbirth, a special diet awaits the woman on the broth and decoction of dried apricots to earn the intestines, since after suturing it is impossible to squeeze. Her medical examination is completely different, her surgical nurse examines her seam in the ward.

Thus, the second pregnancy is as exciting as the first. The second birth, with its normal course, lasts less than the first time. But the older the woman, the more health problems she has, therefore, complications during childbirth can occur more often.

Women who re-bear a child are already more prepared for the upcoming process. But it is not always possible to recognize the contractions during the second birth, perceiving the true moments as false.


The uterus muscles contract throughout pregnancy, but some women begin to feel it closer to the 9th month. Such contractions are called prenatal contractions and are training the body for the upcoming delivery. The purpose of false contractions is to prepare the uterus and cervix for the baby to be born, an adjustment is being made to the position of the baby in the womb of the mother.

The intensity and absence of pain symptoms suggests that training fights have begun before the second birth. Cramps last no more than 60 seconds, are irregular, deliver only inconvenience. At these times, a pregnant woman can practice breathing techniques and mastery of painkillers poses.

Signs of real contractions are also observed during training contractions, if the mucous plug goes ahead of time. This is provoked either by vaginal examination, or sexual intercourse. With false spasms, the cork has a brown tint with no signs of blood.

With the culmination of preparatory muscle contractions, the pain focuses only in the lower abdomen. When it begins to spread to the back, this is the beginning of true fights. Cramps occur at any time of the day, but more often labor activity begins closer to the night, when the body produces oxytocin.

If the duration of contractions does not increase, and the interval between contractions does not shorten, these are false signs. At this stage, irregular spasm is characteristic. When a woman begins to move, then the training stress will weaken or completely stop.


How to understand that the contractions began during the second birth?   The main indicator of labor contractions is their frequency. Cramps are already more frequent, rather painful and last several hours.
  An experienced woman can easily understand the sensations during the second pregnancy. Already the sign that the expectant mother has become easier to breathe, testifies to the omission of the abdomen, which previously pressed on the diaphragm. This baby’s head sank into the upper pelvis.

How are the contractions during the second birth:

  1. the baby begins to move more actively;
  2. the frequency of spasms and relaxation lasts more than 40 minutes;
  3. in the abdomen and back, a woman feels painful contractions;
  4. contractions begin gently, reach a climax and gradually subside.

Each subsequent contraction of the uterine muscles is more intense than the previous one, which is a sign of the opening of the cervix. Muscular tension push the baby forward. But initially, a mucous plug that resembles a pinkish jelly will come out.

It is possible to determine that the contractions began, by the fluid flowing down the legs - this burst the fetal bladder. In parallel, the body begins to cleanse, so a pregnant woman has gastrointestinal tract disorders, accompanied by not only diarrhea, but also vomiting.

Other concomitant sensations appear before 2 births. Some pregnant women experience fatigue, lose their appetite, and shiver. Others, on the contrary, have a surge of energy and high spirits. A woman at a subconscious level manifests nesting syndrome, she tries to restore order in the house.

The timing

Is it possible to skip contractions in the second birth?   Yes, it’s real if the waters didn’t drain completely because of an unexploded bubble. Women before the second birth are waiting for the presence of all signs, so muscle tension without the passage of water is perceived as false.

Contractions in the congenital are not manifested as in the first appearance of the child. The uterine muscles are already more elastic, the body in a short period becomes soft and supple, so everything happens quickly.

If the water has drained completely and there are no signs, the first contractions of the uterus may appear when childbirth is already progressing. In order not to miss the main point, they call an ambulance during contractions or their absence at the stage when the liquid began to ooze. This will avoid subsequent infections, asphyxiation of the fetus.

But if everything goes according to the standard scheme, then the pregnant woman still has time to prepare for delivery. The process of the baby's birth is accompanied by periods of labor. At the first stage, the cramps are not so strong, not long-lasting - everything is going on dynamically, in increment. The phase lasts several hours.

How long does the labor during the second birth last?   When it was possible to recognize birth cramps, a woman should control their frequency. If contractions occur every hour, and the relaxation period lasts no more than 20 minutes, it is too early to worry, at this stage delivery is slow.

If the time of contractions was reduced to 10 minutes, and spasms last 40-50 seconds, ascertain the period of neck opening. But if contractions are observed after 2 minutes, and each takes 90 seconds, the baby is already able to leave the uterus, since the cervix is \u200b\u200bfully open.

When to go to the maternity hospital if labor has begun during the second birth?   Too frequent cramping, with a period of less than 10 minutes, is already a reason to call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your own transport. If in the primiparous phase the exile takes about an hour, then in women giving birth again, everything happens in a shorter period.

Waiting for transport, there is the possibility of well-being, doing breathing exercises during contractions. In the interval between spasms, it is advisable to relax, relax, waiting for the next wave. Massage is practiced, which is a natural anesthetic.


Sometimes the first phase of labor lasts for several hours, or even days. If a woman is already ready for the process, you can accelerate the birth of a child with stimulations - shower, massage of the nipples, exercises. But with pathologies of labor, any independent manipulations are prohibited.

Swift. Usually, in the second-ordering stages, they occur rather quickly, immediately passing from one phase to another. When the process takes less than 4 hours, they say that childbirth was rapid, and considered abnormal. This is due to violations of the contractile functions of the muscles of the uterus. Rapid delivery occurs if the pregnancy has passed with pathologies (severe toxicosis, pyelonephritis, inflammation), or there is a genetic predisposition to myocytosis.

With early deliveries, premature detachment of the placenta occurs, which threatens the baby's life due to a lack of oxygen. Complications arise in the mother - the rapid advancement of the fetus leads to tissue breaks in the birth canal. Heavy bleeding is possible, which can not always be stopped in time.

Breaks. Even a woman who is giving birth again can have tears not only in the perineum, but also in the muscles inside the vagina. This occurs not only with rapid delivery, but also with the appearance of a large fetus. Deep gaps are not always diagnosed, it is very difficult to suture, this leads to infection of the woman. Inaccurate sutures make the muscles less elastic, which will affect subsequent childbirth, as well as causing inconvenience during intercourse.

To avoid tears, the obstetrician dissects the perineum, freeing the way for the baby. This is done at the stage when the baby's head is at the exit of the vagina and there is a risk of ruptures.

Cesarean section.   After waiting for the start of the first stage of contractions, the pregnant woman is prepared for the procedure. Sometimes the operation is not planned and becomes the final stage of complex natural childbirth.

A woman after the appearance of a newborn will be weakened, discomfort from the seams causes severe pain, which can be relieved medically. To avoid the development of infections after cesarean section, mom is prescribed potent antibiotics. Because of this, the baby is not immediately transferred to breastfeeding.

The birth of twins.   Multiple pregnancy entails many problems during childbirth. The uterus is overstretched and will not contract as it should. In such a situation, a woman can not always find out true contractions, because the birth of babies occurs earlier than the appointed time. The duration of the process depends on the presentation and the number of amniotic blisters.

At the birth of the first twin, the traditional stages of delivery are observed, but the second child will appear much faster, since the path has already been prepared. But if there are problems with the release of the first baby, then the second develops hypoxia.

Postpartum period

The final stage of labor is the appearance of the newborn, the exit of the placenta and membranes. But up to this point, a woman will still have to spend energy on trying, helping the child move out.

The birth process with 2 births:

  • the appearance of the top of the baby from the vagina;
  • after a couple of contractions, the whole head is already outside;
  • first comes one shoulder, then another;
  • a few attempts - and the baby is finally born.

A woman for some time feels contractions after the second birth. The uterus continues to contract strongly to tear off the placenta from the inner wall. Mom will have to work hard to complete the process, which usually lasts no more than 5 minutes.

If the rejection is delayed, the woman in labor is given an oxytocin injection to stimulate active contractions. Mechanical effects are also used. As soon as the placenta slips out of the vagina, it is examined to verify its integrity. Not counting at least one lobule, they make a control cleaning of the uterus to avoid infection.

Incomplete detachment of the placenta leads to blood loss, as the remaining pieces inside prevent the blood vessels from closing. This is especially important at the birth of twins, when the uterus is overstretched, and muscle tone is weak. An improperly fixed placenta changes the position of the uterus, which entails further problems for the woman. Therefore, the midwife will have to immediately return the uterus to its place, correcting it manually.

For the multiparous, the description of the contractions is already familiar, but each subsequent pregnancy is still perceived as the first. Some processes are completely unlike the others, and can even confuse an experienced woman. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know in advance and remember everything about the second birth and labor.

What sensations indicate the approach of childbirth

With a grip on childbirth - periodic cramps in the muscles of the uterus, characterized by increasing dynamics and intensity. Understanding the mechanism of this process and its purpose will help overcome fear and consciously act during childbirth.

In modern practice of obstetrics, childbirth begins precisely with the appearance of rhythmic uterine contractions of increasing intensity. It is important to know the difference between true contractions in order to be in the hospital in a timely manner.

According to obstetricians, the behavior and mood of the woman in labor has a noticeable effect on the course of labor. The right attitude for a woman gives an understanding of the processes occurring in her body. Contractions, indeed, are one of the most difficult periods in childbirth, but they are the force that contributes to the birth of a child. Therefore, to perceive them is a natural state.

Training, precursor or prenatal contractions

From the fifth month of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience episodic tension in the abdomen. The uterus contracts for 1-2 minutes and relaxes. If at this moment you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel that it has become hard. Often pregnant women describe this condition as “petrification” of the uterus (stone stomach). These are training contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions: they can occur constantly until the end of pregnancy. Their characteristic features are irregularity, short duration, painlessness.

The nature of their appearance is associated with the process of gradual preparation of the body for childbirth, but the exact causes of the occurrence have not yet been clarified. In addition, there is an opinion that “training” is provoked by increased physical and emotional activity, stress, fatigue, and they can also be a response of the uterine muscles to fetal movements or sexual intercourse. The frequency is individual - from once every few days to several times per hour. Some women do not feel them at all.

The inconvenience caused by false contractions is easily eliminated. Need to lie down or change your pose. Braxton-Hicks contractions do not open the cervix and do not cause any harm to the fetus, so they should be taken only as one of the natural moments of pregnancy.

Approximately from the 38th week of pregnancy, the period of precursors begins. Along with the prolapse of the uterine fundus, weight loss, an increase in the number of secretions and other processes noticeable to a pregnant woman, he is distinguished by the appearance of precursor or false contractions.

As well as training, they do not open the uterus and do not threaten pregnancy, although by the strength of the sensations they are more vivid and can quite inspire excitement to primogenous women. Harbinger contractions have intervals that do not decrease with time, and the strength of the cramps that compress the uterus does not increase. A warm bath, sleep or snack can relieve such contractions.

Real or labor pains cannot be stopped by rest or by changing posture. Contractions occur involuntarily, under the influence of complex hormonal processes in the body, and are not amenable to any control by the parturient woman. Their frequency and intensity is increasing. In the initial phase of labor, contractions are short, lasting approximately 20 seconds and are repeated every 15-20 minutes. By the time of the perfect opening of the neck, the interval decreases to 2-3 minutes, and the duration of the contractions increases to 60 seconds.

CharacteristicBraxton Hicks ContractionsHarbinger FightsTrue fights
When they start to feelFrom week 20From 37-39 weeksWith the onset of labor
FrequencySingle abbreviations. Occur occasionally.Approximately every 20-30 minutes. The interval is not shortened. With time they subside.Roughly every 15-20 minutes in the first phase and once every 1-2 minutes in the final delivery.
Reduction durationUp to 1 minuteDoes not changeFrom 20 to 60 seconds, depending on the phase of labor.
SorenessPainlessModerate, depends on the individual threshold of sensitivity.It increases with childbirth. The severity of pain depends on the individual threshold of sensitivity.
Localization of pain (sensations)Uterine anterior wallLower abdomen, ligamentous region.Loin. Tinea pain in the abdomen.

In order to make sure at the beginning of these fights, it is worth correctly calculating the interval between them. As a rule, false contractions are chaotic, the interval between the first and second can be 40 minutes, between the second and third - 30 minutes, etc. While in the process of real fights, the interval becomes stable, and the length of contractions increases.

Description and functions of contractions

Contraction is a wavy movement of the muscles of the uterus in the direction from the bottom to the throat. With each spasm, the neck softens, stretches, becomes less convex, and, thinning, gradually opens. Having reached a disclosure of 10-12 cm, it is completely smoothed, forming a birth canal, uniform with the walls of the vagina.

Visualization of labor pain can help deal with pain and uncontrollable emotions.

In each period of labor, spastic movements of the organ are aimed at achieving a certain physiological result.

  1. In the first period, contractions provide disclosure.
  2. In the second - along with attempts, the function of grasping contractions consists in the ejection of the fetus from the uterine cavity and its advancement through the birth canal.
  3. In the early postpartum period, pulsation of the uterine muscles promotes the separation of the placenta and prevents bleeding.
  4. In the late postpartum period, cramps in the muscles of the uterus return the organ to its previous size.

After attempts arise - an active contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm (duration 10-15 s.). Arising reflexively, attempts to promote the child through the birth canal.

Phases and duration of labor before delivery

Several types are distinguished: latent, active, and deceleration phase. Each of them differs in the duration of the period, intervals and the fights themselves.

CharacteristicLatent phaseActive phaseDeceleration phase
Phase duration
7-8 hours3-5 hours0.5-1.5 hours
Frequency15-20 minutesUp to 2-4 minutes2-3 minutes
Bout duration20 secondsUp to 40 seconds60 seconds
Degree of disclosureUp to 3 cmUp to 7 cm10-12 cm

The given parameters can be considered averaged and applicable to the normal course of labor. The actual time of labor depends on whether the woman gives birth for the first time or whether it is a second birth, her physical and psychological readiness, anatomical features of the body and other factors.

Contractions before the first and subsequent birth

However, a common point affecting the duration of labor is the experience of previous births. This refers to a kind of "memory" of the body, which determines the differences during some processes. In the second and subsequent births, the birth canal opens on average 4 hours faster than in the first. This is due to the fact that in women giving birth to a second or third child, the internal and external pharynx open simultaneously. At the first birth, the opening occurs sequentially - from the inside to the outside, which increases the time of labor.

The nature of labor before repeated births may also differ: women in labor note their intensity and more active dynamics.

A factor smoothing out the differences between the first and subsequent births is the time interval dividing them. The likelihood of prolonged disclosure is higher if more than 8-10 years have passed after the birth of the firstborn.

In articles on the topics of motherhood and pregnancy, there is information that the contractions before the second birth often come not before, but after the water has passed, and this happens not at 40, but at 38 weeks. Such options are not excluded, but there is no scientifically confirmed data indicating a direct relationship between the serial number of the birth and the nature of their onset.

It must be understood that the described scenarios are just options, and in no case an axiom. Each birth is very individual, and their course is a multifactorial process.

Sensations in contractions

In order to determine the beginning of contractions, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the pain: before childbirth, they look like menstrual. Pulls the lower abdomen and lower back. You may feel pressure, a feeling of fullness, heaviness. It is more appropriate to talk about discomfort, and not about pain. Soreness occurs later, with increasing contractions. It causes tension of the uterine ligaments and opening of the neck.

The localization of sensations is quite subjective: in some women in labor, the spasm has a girdling character, its spread can be clearly associated with a wave that rolls from the bottom of the uterus or from one of the sides and covers the entire abdomen, in others the pain originates in the lumbar region, in others - directly in the uterus .

However, in the vast majority of cases, the peak of spasm is experienced by women as contraction, strong contraction, “grasping”, which follows from the name of the contractions.

Can you not notice the contractions?

Not all women in labor have uterine muscle tension causing unbearable pain. How a woman tolerates it depends on the threshold of sensitivity, emotional maturity and special preparation for childbirth. Someone suffers fights, for someone they are too painful to contain a scream. But it’s impossible not to feel the fights. If they are not, then there is no labor activity, which is an integral condition of physiological labor.

Some uncertainty in the expectation of expectant mothers can be made by the stories of women who have given birth, whose birth began not from labor, but from the discharge of water. You need to understand that this scenario in obstetrics is considered a deviation. Normally, at the peak of one of the contractions, the intrauterine pressure pulls and tears the membrane of the fetal bladder, amniotic fluid is poured out.

Spontaneous discharge of water is called premature. This situation requires immediate medical attention, waiting for fights at home is unacceptable.

The mechanism of action at the beginning of contractions

It is important to understand what should be done at home in the event of labor and impending labor. A few recommendations:

  • The first is not to panic. Incompetence and unconstructive emotions make it difficult to concentrate and lead to unreasonable actions.
  • Having felt the beginning of contractions, it is necessary to determine their type: is it really a contractions before childbirth or precursors. To do this, using a stopwatch or special applications in a mobile phone, take the time and calculate the duration of the intervals and fights. If the frequency and duration do not increase, then there is nothing to worry about. Harbingers usually completely subside within two hours.
  • If the cramps become regular, the pause time between them is clearly defined, you can start to gather in the hospital. Departure should be planned so as to be examined by a doctor by the time the frequency of contractions reaches once every 10 minutes. In the normal course of labor, this will happen approximately no earlier than after 7 hours. Therefore, if the contractions began at night, it is worth trying at least a little rest.
  • You can take a shower, do hygiene procedures.
  • With repeated birth, you should go to the hospital immediately after the contractions become regular, without waiting for the reduction of their interval.