How to recover with the power of thought. Self-healing with the power of thought. Medical publications, journals, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the Medical Association of America are all full of evidence of the placebo effect.

With the help of thoughts you can not only get what you want, but also be cured of any disease. By using certain techniques, you will forget about your health problems forever, and happy life will become the norm for you.

We all know from our own experience that when you don’t feel well, nothing gets done. And if the disease is chronic and constantly reminds you of itself, then you don’t even dream of any success, love and happiness, because the only thought that is spinning in your head is the desire to get well and not to hurt anything. At such moments you think that if your health had not failed you, you would have long ago been able to achieve everything you have dreamed of for so long.

Very often, ailments arise from negative thinking and negative emotions. It is clear that when nothing is felt except pain, no one is able to analyze their behavior. But the fact remains: if you really want to be cured once and for all, you need to work on your attitude towards life.

When we experience emotions such as anger, anger, irritation, hatred, condemnation, and the like, we broadcast negativity and rejection into the world not only of others, but also of ourselves. We all live on the same planet and consist of the same cells and atoms. By broadcasting dissatisfaction with life, we show the Universe our reluctance to develop further.

Techniques for healing diseases

This technique will help quickly heal any disease and get rid of pain. However, it will not save you from negative thinking, since it only affects the physical level. You have to work with your inner world on your own.

Find a comfortable position and relax. It is important that no one distracts you from the process. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths in and out. Now focus on your problem or pain. Imagine what form it can take in the body and where it is located.

When a clear picture appears before your eyes, look at it for a while and study it. Then imagine that a golden ball appears nearby. At first it is almost imperceptible, but it gradually begins to grow and emit light and warmth. And so it becomes larger than your drawn image, and literally fills it with its essence. Feel how the golden glow permeates your entire body, and the disease simply dissolves in its rays. Stay in this state, grasping all the purity and harmony of your soul and body, and open your eyes.

This exercise should be done until the disease completely disappears. The number of repetitions will depend on how serious your diagnosis is. There are no special rules for using this exercise. Use this technique whenever you see fit, and as often as your heart tells you.

In order to get rid of negativity, watch less TV and engage in spiritual practices. Trust yourself and the world, then all illnesses will bypass you, and success and abundance will become constant companions of your life. Love yourself, give kindness and don’t forget to push the buttons and

10.11.2015 00:40

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina determined the relationship between people's life expectancy and their belonging to one or...

Famous singer Zhanna Friske is seriously ill with cancer. This became known a few days ago when...

August 13th, 2015

Renowned physician and scientist Lissa Rankin shared in her TED talk what she has learned through years of research into the placebo effect. She quite seriously believes that our thoughts affect our physiology. And that with the power of thought alone we are able to recover from any disease.

Rankine found concrete evidence that our bodies have their own innate system for self-maintenance and repair.

She conducted a study involving 3,500 people who were diagnosed with an incurable disease: cancer, HIV, cardiovascular disease, etc. They all had nothing to lose. All of them mentally said goodbye to life.

Lissa started giving them placebo pills. Only the volunteers didn’t know this: they thought they were being given a new, ultra-effective cure for their illness. And many of them managed to recover!

In this lecture, she talks about Mr. Wright, who used a placebo pill to cut the size of his cancer tumor in half. It decreased only because he himself believed that it should decrease!

Can people heal themselves using consciousness?

Unfortunately, there is no translation into Russian

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera

Here are the main points from her 18-minute lecture.

Can consciousness heal the body? And if so, is there evidence that would convince skeptical doctors like me?

I researched placebos throughout the last years of my scientific career. And now I am sure that this is what research has proven before me over the past 50 years: consciousness can truly heal the body.

The placebo effect is a thorn in the side of medical practice. This is an unpleasant truth that may prevent doctors from producing more and more new drugs and trying more and more new treatment methods.

But I think placebo effectiveness is good news. For patients, not for doctors, of course.

Because this is ironclad proof that inside each body there is hidden a unique self-healing mechanism, unknown to us so far. Perhaps God gave it to us!

If you find this hard to believe, you can study one of the 3,500 stories about how people themselves, without medical care, got rid of “incurable” diseases. We are talking about medical facts, not beautiful journalistic stories.

Stage 4 cancer disappeared without treatment? Have HIV-positive patients become HIV-negative? Heart, renal failure, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid diseases, autoimmune diseases - all this disappeared!

An excellent example from the medical literature is the case of Mr. Wright, studied in 1957.

He had an advanced form of lymphosarcoma. The patient's affairs were not going well, and he had little time left. He had tumors the size of oranges in his armpits, neck, chest and abdominal cavities. The liver and spleen were enlarged, and 2 liters of cloudy fluid accumulated in the lungs every day. They needed to be drained so he could breathe.

But Mr. Wright did not lose hope. He learned about the wonderful drug Krebiozen and begged his doctor: “Please give me Krebiozen and everything will be fine.” But this medicine could not be prescribed under a research protocol by a doctor who knows that the patient has less than three months to live.

His doctor, Dr. West, couldn't do it. But Mr. Wright was persistent and did not give up. He continued to beg for medicine until the doctor agreed to prescribe Krebiozen.

He scheduled the dose for Friday of the following week. Hoping Mr. Wright doesn't make it to Monday. But by the appointed hour he was on his feet and even walking around the ward. I had to give him medicine.

And after 10 days, Wright’s tumors had shrunk by half from same size! They melted like snowballs in a hot oven! A couple more weeks passed after starting to take Krebiozen, they completely disappeared.

Wright danced with joy like crazy and believed Krebiozen was a miracle drug that cured him.

He believed this for two whole months. Until a full medical report on Krebiozen was released, which stated that the therapeutic effect of this drug has not been proven.

Mr. Wright became depressed and the cancer returned. Dr. West decided to cheat and explained to his patient: “That Krebiozen was not purified well enough. It was of poor quality. But now we have ultra-pure, concentrated Krebiozen. And this is what you need!

Wright was then given an injection of pure distilled water. And his tumors disappeared again, and the fluid from his lungs was gone!

The patient began to have fun again. All of two months until the Medical Association of America ruined everything by releasing a national report that definitively proved that Krebiozen was useless.

Two days after Wright heard the news, he died. He died despite the fact that a week before his death he was flying his own light aircraft!

Here is another case known to medicine that looks like a fairy tale.

Three girls were born. The birth was attended by a midwife on Friday the 13th. And she began to claim that all children born on this day are susceptible to damage.

“The first one,” she said, “will die before her 16th birthday. The second is up to 21 years old. The third is up to 23 years old.”

And, as it turned out later, the first girl died the day before her 16th birthday, the second - before her 21st birthday. And the third, knowing what happened to the previous two, the day before her 23rd birthday, ended up in the hospital with hyperventilation syndrome and asked the doctors: “I’ll survive, right?” That same night she was found dead.

These two cases from the medical literature are excellent examples of the placebo effect and its opposite, nocebo.

When Mr. Wright was cured by distilled water, this is a good example of the placebo effect. You are offered inert therapy - and somehow it works, although no one can explain it.

The nocebo effect is the opposite. These three girls who were “jinxed” are a prime example of this. When the mind believes that something bad can happen, it becomes a reality.

Medical publications, journals, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the Medical Association of America are all full of evidence of the placebo effect.

When people are told they are being given an effective drug, but instead are given saline injections or regular sugar pills, this is often even more effective than actual surgery.

In 18-80% of cases people recover!

And it's not just that they think they feel better. They actually feel better. It's measurable. By using modern devices we can observe what happens in the bodies of patients who take a placebo. Their ulcers heal, the symptoms of intestinal inflammation decrease, the bronchial tubes expand, and the cells begin to look different under a microscope.

It is easy to confirm that this is happening!

I love Rogaine's research. There's a group of bald guys, you give them a placebo and their hair starts growing!

Or the opposite effect. You give them a placebo, call it chemotherapy, and people start vomiting! Their hair is falling out! This is really happening!

But is it really just the power of positive thinking that produces these results? No, says Harvard scientist Ted Kaptchuk.

He argues that care and concern for patients on the part of health workers influences even more than positive thinking. In other words, any sick person can recover only if not only he himself, but also his family and his attending physician believe in victory over the disease (even if better lie than telling the bitter truth). This is also proven by research.

What should a “self-healing first aid kit” be like?

To be able to heal ourselves, to be a healthy person and to function at an optimal level, we need more than just a good diet or exercise. It's not enough to just get a good night's sleep, take vitamins, and visit your doctor regularly. This is all good and important, but what we need even more is healthy relationships. a healthy work environment, the opportunity to lead a creative life, a healthy spiritual and sexual life.

Inner wick.

In order to be a normal, healthy person you need what I call your “inner wick.” This is your inner compass that always knows in which direction you should move. You must know what you are living for and what should await you in the end.

Wide circle of contacts.

Additionally, your relationships are critical to your health. People with strong social networks are half as likely to suffer from heart disease as those who are lonely.

Married couples are twice as likely to live long life than unmarried people.

Healing your loneliness is the most important thing preventative measure, which you can do for your good health.

This is more effective than quitting smoking or starting to do exercises.

Spiritual life.

She matters too. Churchgoers live on average 14 years longer than non-churchgoers.


And she is important. In Japan, people often die on the job. This is called Karoshi syndrome. People who don't take vacations are three times more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Your attitude towards life.

Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people. An optimist is 77% less likely to develop heart disease than a pessimist.

How it works? What happens in the brain that changes the body?

The brain communicates with the cells of the body through hormones and neurotransmitters. The brain identifies negative thoughts and beliefs as threats.

You are lonely, pessimistic, something is wrong at work, a problematic relationship... And now, your amygdala is already screaming: “Threat! Threat!". The hypothalamus turns on, then the pituitary gland, which, in turn, communicates with the adrenal glands, which begin to release stress hormones - cortisol, noradernaline, adrenaline. Harvard scientist Walter Kennett calls this the “stress response.”

This turns on your sympathetic nervous system, which puts the body into a “fight or flight” state. It protects you when you are running away from a lion or a tiger.

But in Everyday life in the event of a threat, the same rapid stress reaction occurs, which must be turned off when the danger has passed.

Fortunately, there is a counterbalance. It was described by Herbert Benson of Harvard University. When the danger passes, the brain fills the body with healing hormones - oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins. They fill the body and cleanse every cell. And the surprising thing is that this natural self-healing mechanism is activated only when the nervous system is relaxed.

In a stressful situation, the body has no time for this: it needs to fight or flee, and not heal.

When you think about it, you ask yourself: how can I change this balance? One report states that we face approximately 50 stressful situations every day.

If you are lonely, depressed, unhappy with your job, or have bad relationship with a partner, this amount at least doubles.

So, when you take a pill, not knowing that it is a placebo, your body starts the relaxation process. You are convinced that the new medicine will help you, a positive attitude is there, and you are properly cared for medical worker... It relaxes the nervous system. That's when the miraculous self-healing mechanism kicks in.

Research shows that there are several effective ways relax and run it:

  • Meditation;

  • Creative self-expression;

  • Massage;

  • Yoga or tai chi;

  • Walk with friends;

  • Doing what you love;

  • Sex;

  • Playing with an animal.

Basically, all you need to do to heal yourself is just relax. It's really good to relax. Do you have the courage to accept this truth that your body already knows? Nature can be better than medicine! And, as you already know, there is evidence of this!

we don't find it.

Most often, consciousness helps us change our lives, our beliefs and established daily rituals. But it's worth asking yourself, what else is available to our consciousness?? Could we use it to influence our physical state? According to modern research, they could. In our conversation we will touch on various experiments that prove that our body is in tandem with our consciousness.

So, today we will get acquainted with the following topics:
  • How to use consciousness to control the health of your body.
  • How can we speed up our body in the fight against disease.
  • How to delay the aging of our body.

The most important thing is health. A healthy, energetic person can reach any heights.

The body is controlled by our consciousness

Example of health restoration

One day, one person, Frank, was diagnosed. One of the types of throat cancer, which, unfortunately, cannot be cured. At that time he was 61 years old. Frank has lost weight. His weight was 44 kg. He also found it very difficult to breathe and could hardly swallow. Doctors determined that radiotherapy would give only a 5% chance that Frank would not die. Such treatment has serious consequences on the human body, the chances of improvement are extremely small.

Nevertheless, the doctors decided on radiotherapy. By a happy coincidence, the director of the Dallas Cancer Center, Dr. Carl Simonton, took part in the treatment.

He was able to influence Frank and convinced him that the disease was subject to Frank’s consciousness, that he could control it. The doctor taught him to use some exercises to help him relax. They were based on thinking in images.

How to heal with imagination

What the patient had to imagine...

  • It was important for the patient to imagine images of how many charges of energy, through irradiation, fight cancer cells.
  • It was also important to imagine how the cancer cells lost their strength, became weak and could no longer recover. On the contrary, healthy cells became stronger, displacing sick cells.
  • Imagine how white blood cells eliminate weak cells, move inside them and thereby prevent the disease from progressing.
  • How internal organs remove dead deadly cells from the body.

Nobody expected what happened in the end. It was a stunning result. This result is almost impossible to achieve with conventional radiotherapy, especially after just one course. Radiotherapy did not worsen the patient's condition in any way. The usual phenomena for such therapy - damage to the skin and mucous membranes - did not affect Frank. And within 2 months after the course of therapy, Frank regained his kilograms, became stronger, and the cancer receded.

Frank wasn't the only one who was able to heal through visualization. Many cancer patients have been cured or improved their condition in Simonton Cancer Center(

At one of the Silva congresses, Dr. Simonton said: “Regarding the Silva system, I must say that it is the single most powerful move, which I offered to my patients." And his wife Stephanie, also present at the convention, mentioned her successes in this area in her clinic. In her words: “Probably the single most important tool we have is mental imagery technique". Stephanie Simonton said that every person can be responsible for their own well-being, that this is necessary. She says that "It is necessary for us to apply the technique that you all learned in the Silva courses and apply it regularly."

Today we will learn more about several Silva techniques. They are designed to help us become healthier, accelerate the healing of our bodies and help fight disease.

The very first term that we will encounter when studying this issue is the placebo effect.

Placebo effect - what is it?

2. You need to create a visual image of your current state of health.

How to create a visual image is written in the article "Can you control 'luck'?" .

You need to create a visual picture of your body. You also need to imagine your pain points. Everything that bothers you. To do this, you don’t need to know anatomy and imagine what our body actually looks like from the inside. You can simplify everything by imagining organs in the form of balls, rectangles, various forms. Your ailments and the emotions that are associated with them need to be superimposed on your picture.

3. It is necessary to imagine the process of healing, strengthening the body and general health.

You need to imagine how the disease gradually disappears. You need to imagine how this happens, the process itself.

Let's say:

  • If you have kidney stones, just imagine how they turn into powder, which gradually leaves the body;
  • You can only overcome a tumor by presenting it as a clumsy, defenseless spot that is constantly attacked by the army represented by your white blood cells;
  • A sore muscle can be bathed in a soft, soothing light, eliminating pain and restoring your muscle to its former functionality.

It is not necessary to accurately reproduce images of organs, diseases, or cells. This is not important. You can create an image based on associations, familiar and close things. Everything is symbolic. This makes it easier for the subconscious to receive the desired signal.

4. The last thing you should imagine is yourself healthy.

You need to imagine joy, feel the energy that is inherent in a healthy person. You need to realize that you are already healthy.

You can say something nice, for example:
“I am completely healthy in body and spirit”

“I am completely cured, this illness no longer bothers me.”

5. You need to let the disease go away

You need to allow the disease to recede and believe that you are able to finally get rid of it. After this, you can go to the alpha level. We must believe that healing has begun.

Your self-medication with consciousness is in no way a reason not to go to a qualified doctor. Especially if there are serious problems. Mental healing can only be done as a supplement to your main course of treatment. Under no circumstances should it come to the fore. Modern medicine has achieved incredible things; it cannot be neglected.

The program "Live in the rhythm of Silva" complements any type of medicine. Either traditional medicine, surgery, or alternative treatments: yoga, acupuncture, different kinds massages.

“What if the disease subsides?”

If your health is normal, you can still meditate. When meditating, you should always imagine yourself as a healthy person without any problems. It never hurts like good remedy additional prevention.

What will the Silva Method seminar give you?

In addition to the opportunity to heal yourself, at the seminar you can master self-healing techniques at a more advanced level.

Students form pairs, one of the students is a healer, the other is a guide. The guide says nothing about the person in need of treatment. Except for the name, age and where he is located. This person just needs to be treated.

The person who will be healing must dive into his alpha level. He needs to obtain information about the patient, his illness and condition, both mental and physical.

The result of such activities most often exceeds all expectations. Students generally correctly determine the details of the disease and the patient’s well-being. Sometimes they are so correct and accurate that you begin to doubt that they were simply guessed right. This exercise is necessary to believe and feel what our consciousness is capable of.

This is called ESP - extrasensory perception. It allows you to see across kilometers. Next time we will talk about the discoveries of Jose Silva, and figure out how you can develop your psychic abilities.

Healing in Action

In conclusion, I would like to give stories real people who have completed our courses. Some of them went through a program designed for homeschooling.

Both the seminars and the program are more extensive and contain more techniques than this program. For good results This program is enough, but in this case you need more practice. At first, you need to set goals that are not very difficult. On the path of building your faith, the most important thing is to go slowly but surely.

"Solution to skin problems"

“I used to suffer from acne. I couldn't get rid of them for 5 whole years. Then I found information that skin can be very easily treated with consciousness. I began to imagine my skin as it gradually became perfect. The mental screen technique using the Silva method helped me. After 3 weeks, new acne no longer appeared. For 7 years I no longer know what acne is.”

"The Silva Method and Maintaining Health"

“Even though there are many facts and evidence, I will simply say that it works! I use this method for health prevention, as well as for obtaining material benefits. I'm only a little over 50 years old. And at my age I can play sports, participate in competitions, even win.”

~ Pakhomov Ivan Vasilievich, Kursk, Russia

“The most important thing is health”

“The most important thing I have achieved is my health. While I was still in the army, I had an accident. According to doctors' forecasts, I would have to remain confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life. The situation was serious - the pelvis was broken and 3 vertebrae were displaced. Despite the constant pain, I fought on. I was scared. It's scary to take the wrong step, to turn the wrong way. Pain became my constant companion. I started meditating. Gradually, I believed that I had not felt pain for a long time and that I was a healthy person. Now I even practice aikido and other martial arts. And as you know, martial arts are a constant load on the spine and legs. There has been no pain for a long time.”

~ Alexey, Russia

“Helps in the fight against excess weight”

“I’ve been on various diets for a long time, trying to lose weight. Thanks to this I lost 17.5 kg. But lately the weight has frozen and won’t go away. I decided to try your method and this morning I discovered minus 500 grams. It's amazing!"

~ Nadezhda, Almaty, Kazakhstan

“Sleep has returned to normal”

“Meditation for balance helped cope with insomnia. As a result, I sleep soundly and don’t even have dreams. Sometimes, in order to cheer up, you even manage to sleep during the day. And most importantly, thanks to solving the sleep problem, another problem that had been bothering me for a long time was completely unexpectedly solved.”

~ Olga Kovalenko, Ukraine

“The spine no longer hurts”

“I recently had surgery on my spine, after which it became difficult to sit. I read the recommendations, listened to the meditations. And when I got up, the pain went away!”

~ Natasha, Kazakhstan

“It was as if my head never hurt”

“Once, I was flying on a plane. I had a very bad headache. Then I decided to try this course to get rid of my headaches. After all, everyone talks so much about him. The audio recording helped me. I listened to it and imagined how the headache went away. It was easy enough. And my head doesn’t hurt anymore.”

~ Larisa Lukyanova, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

“I self-medicate and treat loved ones”

“I can heal myself and my loved ones in just 2 minutes thanks to the glove anesthesia technique. I have used it more than once, and I resort to this method quite often. One of my friends suffered from a skin disease; for more than 2 years the doctors could not do anything. The disease was accompanied high temperature. The laboratory technician helped me. In just 3 sessions the problem disappeared. And I myself no longer suffer from colds, my head has stopped hurting completely.”

~ Klyushkin Yuri, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

I sincerely hope you enjoyed these stories.

Irina Khlimonenko
and the Silva Method team

P.S. Have you managed to cope with any diseases using the Silva method? Share your successes with others - give inspiration with your story!

P.P.S. Perhaps the article made you think about something important, did you receive interesting information? Let your friends read this useful text - share with them on

Healing with the power of thought.

“There are no incurable diseases, only incurable patients” - Hippocrates.

What biochemical processes give rise to a person’s belief in his own recovery has yet to be studied, but it is quite obvious that the brain gives the command to launch this complex mechanism.

The technique that now gathers halls was born precisely then in 1943 out of despair.

The twenty-two-year-old boy did not want to die.

All he had at his disposal was the thirst for life and willpower. Georgy Sytin began to repeat several dozen times a day: all my ailments go away, my body is completely renewed. I don't have any pain at all.

All blood vessels, brain and heart are washed. All salts, all toxins, all metabolic products are washed out of them. Biologically pure blood circulation is born.

Georgy began to study how they acted when village grandmothers spoke of a hernia or skin inflammation.

The art of healing with the help of words has long been the destiny of narrow circle dedicated. The texts of the conspiracies were revealed only to selected students, often on their deathbeds.

And sometimes they took it with them to the grave. Sytin showed persistence. He recorded what the healer grandmothers whispered on a tape recorder and then deciphered it.

As it turned out, the formula with which the beautiful witch in Kuprin’s story stops bleeding, in reality could sound like this: she’s going

Michael the Archangel is on a horse, the horse is brown, and you can’t bleed. And it stopped the bleeding. In the twentieth century, mysterious conspiracies of diseases were declared superstition.

Now scientists have no doubt that village healers really knew how to fight many ailments and, in particular, charm blood.

What is the secret of Georgy Sytin’s mood. The author himself believes that their basis is psychological. Thought acts directly on matter.

Healing with the power of thought

Thought is spiritual matter that completely and limitlessly changes physical matter. A person's possibilities are endless.

The explanation lies in a more materialistic area for perception. The phenomenon of Sytin, just like the phenomena of healers of past centuries, lies in the ability to use words, in a certain construction of texts.

The uniqueness of Sytin's conspiracies is justified by physiology. Dr. Sytin's moods definitely fall into the category of hypnotic texts.

Just like those that have come down to us folk conspiracies village grandmothers. Now the professor is actively working on the formula for youth.

Thought has an unlimited influence on the human physical body. Perhaps our contemporary will discover the secret of eternal youth, something that people could only dream of for a long time.

The whole soul is filled with young, cheerful, happy thoughts, filled with young, bright, bright feelings. The whole soul is filled with divine pure thoughts

The design of any autopilot provides for a transition to manual control mode. If necessary (illness or severe fatigue), you can force your brain to conduct an internal examination of the body and patch up the holes in it. This is not as unattainable as it might seem at first glance. You just need to know something about alpha states.

The theory is this. In essence, the brain is something like a radio receiver. Nerve cells operate in different wavelength ranges. When you sleep, low-frequency biocurrents predominate - delta and theta. When you are awake, high-frequency beta waves occur. When you're on edge, gamma currents dominate. And when you enter a state of sleep, an alpha rhythm appears, in which the body begins to restore itself.

The trouble is that a typical modern city dweller spends most of his life in a gamma state. Gamma waves are produced in the brain under the influence of stress. You could even see them if an encephalogram was given to everyone who wants it, and not just to those who have completely reached the end of their rope. However, you can feel a gamma storm without any technology. You're really good at telling when your boss, boyfriend, or... best friend are out of sorts. A subject who has fallen into a gamma state smells of irritation and aggression from a mile away. This negativity is very dangerous for health: it is estimated that up to 95% of all diseases originate in the body when it functions in gamma mode. On the contrary, in alpha mode the brain has the ability to self-heal.

Something similar was observed by the director of the Center for Strategic Studies of China, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Alexei Maslov, who spent several years in the Shaolin Monastery. “Once before my eyes, the monks went out in the evening to train outside the walls of Shaolin, and in the dark one of them accidentally cut his hand with a sword,” says Alexey. “A sea of ​​blood, the bone was exposed... In the nearest tavern, the victim’s wound was bandaged with the first rag they could find without any disinfection. Then he sat down in the corner and, despite the noise, began to meditate, plunging into the alpha state. The next day, a reddish scar remained at the site of the wound, as if a whole month had passed since the injury!”

Let's go to nirvana

That’s all there is to it: in order to nip an incipient disease in the bud, you need to accustom yourself to regularly leave the gamma zone and plunge into the alpha state. Every day, every two hours, right at the workplace. Turn your back to the computer, relax all your muscles, close your eyes and mentally draw a recumbent figure eight - an infinity sign.

The main thing is to stay on the edge and not fall asleep. In order not to accidentally doze off, try to concentrate on breathing: inflate your stomach - inhale, tighten it - exhale. While you are focused on completing some task, you will definitely not have time to sleep. Nevertheless, the body will begin to rest and recover. Believe it or not, ten minutes on this edge is equivalent to two hours of sleep.

Bitter experience
An organism in an alpha state is easily suggestible: you can “order” yourself both health and illness. Just one example: while describing the murder scene in the novel “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin,” Gorky fell into an alpha state - a common thing for creative person. And then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Lifting his shirt, the writer discovered a crimson stripe in the very place where he had just stabbed his heroine with an imaginary knife! This incredible story included in Gorky's biography. It’s a pity he didn’t think to write a couple more pages about how the knife wound was healing. Then the mark on his skin could well disappear as suddenly as it appeared.

Mantras or prayers help you enter the alpha rhythm, depending on what you like. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the meaning of the sacred text or not. It doesn't even matter whether you understand it. Rhythmic speech itself is mesmerizing, causing the brain to generate alpha waves. And besides, it displaces all your disturbing thoughts from your consciousness.

The same result can be achieved if you put your hand on the vein pulsating in your neck and count its beats - this is one way to induce the alpha state in yourself. It is the rhythm that is important, not the essence. It’s not for nothing that healers, muttering some kind of crazy transcendental things like “Zarya-lightning, red maiden, midnight owl, a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, Limar at the bottom,” manage to charm toothache and stop bleeding.

Among the so-called psychics, there are many who only know how to help people switch to alpha mode. And then nature takes its toll. I saw with my own eyes how the rough scar from an army bitumen burn on my husband’s hand disappeared after Kashpirovsky’s TV show.

I think it would be equally possible to broadcast an alpha wave generator invented by the Japanese. They are known to be the biggest workaholics in the world, and therefore experience an acute deficiency of alpha activity. A replenishing device in Japan is installed in offices, institutes, spa centers and fitness clubs to help people quickly calm down and recover when they are irritated, tired or unwell.

Brotherly help
The effect of animal therapy is based on the ability of animals to produce healing alpha waves. By the way, you do it every time you pet a cat or dog or watch fish in an aquarium. One American TV channel, which closed for maintenance, instead of the traditional screensaver, broadcast undersea world. When broadcasting resumed, viewers demanded the return of the fish, because they had a calming effect on the audience - no tranquilizers needed!

Playing with imagination

Modern man too busy (or too lazy) to give yourself enough time. After all, taking a pill takes 2 seconds, entering the alpha state takes 20 minutes. Again, if the pills don't help, doctors and pharmacists are to blame. If self-healing doesn’t work out, no one is to blame but you. It's a shame, right?

Don’t you think that many so-called miracles of healing - when doctors did not help, but faith saved - have a completely scientific basis?

A friend of mine managed to avoid a complex gynecological operation for an ovarian tumor, for which she had been treated for a long time and unsuccessfully. The day before the intervention, she asked the doctor what exactly should happen in the body so that she does not have to go under the knife. And then she curled up on the hospital bed, closed her eyes and began to imagine how the tumor was dissolving. The head of the department, who examined her the next morning before the operation that never took place, simply gasped in amazement turning into shock when she realized that there was nothing left to cut out! “This was my first and only experience of self-healing,” says Marina. “I don’t think I could remove a wart or callus in this way, but I did an amazing job with the tumor!”

The alpha effect has worked: for the sake of life, it is sometimes worth forcing yourself to balance all night on the edge of sleep and reality, looking through the body with your inner gaze. But why do most of those for whom the scalpel cries fail to repeat this experience? Either their alpha activity is rather low, or their imagination is rather weak, or they have little medical knowledge. To repair your car's engine, you need to understand how it works. But in the body everything is much more complicated! Therefore, if something happens, ask your doctor in detail about the causes of the disease and, most importantly, how to eliminate it. And when left alone with yourself, close your eyes and try to visualize the problem. That is, translate it into visual images and correct it. If it doesn't work out, you don't lose anything. It was worth a try anyway!

Good spirits
The limbic system, the brain's kitchen of emotions, reacts acutely to smells. It is enough to inhale the aroma of roses, the smell of mint tea or homemade baked goods with a hint of vanilla to feel inner comfort. This means that the brain has begun to produce alpha waves! They also have the ability to switch the nervous system into alpha mode. essential oils orange, leuzea, rose, fir, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, myrrh, myrtle, mint, neroli and sage. Have this in mind.

Are looking for good man

If we assume that the brain works like a radio receiver, then, of course, with some effort, you can tune it to the desired wavelength. However, one cannot discount the “factory settings”: in some people alpha activity predominates by nature, in others beta activity, and in others gamma activity.

Choleric gamma beauty with perfect figure in men's eyes it often loses to alpha-active phlegm with an ordinary appearance and fat around the waist. Because you can't be beautiful like that! And most importantly - so excited. This causes discomfort for young people, so they cling to alpha chubby people, next to whom they feel calm and comfortable.

And you yourself have probably repeatedly wondered why, next to a typical alpha male - strong, courageous, adventurous and aggressive - you do not feel completely protected. But because, within the framework of wave theory, it is not alpha at all, but gamma. Adrenaline rushes through it, and the currents of stress hit you. A real alpha active person is a completely different matter. He can be of any size and any level of fitness, but you feel safe next to him. Such people instantly put you at ease; you somehow immediately begin to trust them. They exude peace. And even your head hurts less if you place it on the shoulder of a real alpha.

Test your alpha activity

  • Do you live in a metropolis?
  • Do you stay late at the office after work?
  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • Are you constantly in a hurry and late?
  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
  • Not enough fresh ideas?
  • Are you easily irritated?
  • Do you feel like a C?
  • Have you become distracted and forgetful?
  • Lost interest in sex?
  • Do you often have a headache?
  • No time to rest at all?
  • Feeling anxious and/or depressed?
  • Having trouble finding your way around your hometown without a navigator?
  • Can't quit smoking?


ALL ANSWERS “NO”. Your alpha activity is fine.
UP TO 5 “YES” ANSWERS. Mild alpha deficiency.
FROM 6 TO 10 ANSWERS “YES”. Moderate alpha deficiency.
MORE THAN 11 ANSWERS “YES”. Noticeable alpha deficiency. The more affirmative answers, the less the brain produces healing alpha waves, the higher the stress level and the higher the susceptibility to disease. Learn to reach the alpha state!

Irina Kovaleva, psychoneurologist