Origami paper swan circuit modules. We make a swan out of paper using the origami technique. Origami swan from a napkin

Paper is a universal malleable material from which you can make the most unusual things. For example, bracelets, hats, earrings, beads, furniture are created from it, as well as unique crafts using the origami technique. It can be flowers, animals, butterflies, dragons and other representatives of flora and fauna. The most beautiful and graceful are paper swans. Do it yourself with your own hands is very simple. Where to start, we will tell in this article.

Simple paper swan

If you've never dealt with origami before, start with the simplest - with the classic paper swan. To make it, take ordinary paper about 10x10 or 20x20 cm in size (choose its dimensions depending on what size the swan is supposed to be made).

Next, fold it diagonally so that you get two triangles. Then expand the square again and fold it in a small bag (as for seeds). You will get two triangles coming from one big one, and a small triangular tail at the back.

At the next stage of work, we turn over our workpiece and gradually fold its lower corners, moving them to the middle diagonally. Now bend the resulting model in half and carefully process all the fold lines with your fingers. At the top we have a triangle, which should be bent down. This will be a small bird's head. Next, bend the figure again in half. Raise and straighten up the head of a swan. We make a small bend for the beak (according to the contours of the small formed folds). So a simple paper craft is ready - a swan. It’s very easy to make such a figure with your own hands. The main thing is to comply with all our recommendations.

How to make a swan from a napkin?

A simple swan pattern can also be used during table setting. For example, with its help it is really possible to make a vivid variety in the design of the festive table. To do this, make a swan from a napkin.

Take a napkin. Fold it in half. Fold again and connect to the fold. Turn the napkin over and press it in half with your fingers. Wrap a corner for your neck and fold it in half again. Then slightly pull the bird’s neck. Correct and straighten your head. Fluff the tail by gradually raising the layers of the product. It will turn out a beautiful swan made of ordinary paper napkin.

Now you know how to make a swan out of paper with your own hands. It is simple, fun and instructive.

How to make a swan from towels?

You can surprise and make a good impression on your loved one by making a creative swan from a towel. What is needed for this? Take a large bath towel. Fold its ends into a triangle (from one side and the other lead to the middle of the product). Then we wrap one and the other side in two tubes. Put them together. We lift up the upper half of the two tubes and form from it the neck and head. Next, gently fluff the tail and body of the swan. The product is ready.

You can make a couple of such swans. Then move them closer together and gently bend the heart-shaped beaks. An original decorative element for a secluded romantic evening is ready.

How to make a modular swan out of paper?

If you have already learned how to make simple shapes from paper, then it's time to try your hand and create something more complex. For example, a modular origami figure is perfect for this. What is needed for this?

Coated multicolored or office white paper is best suited. In order to make a swan, we need a lot of small triangular modules. We will talk about how to make a swan out of paper with your own hands below in the text.

Create Triangular Modules

Making the module, we take a small sheet of paper measuring 7x5 cm, bend it one and the second time in half. Then we expand the sheet of paper, take the two lower ends and lead to the middle, creating two triangles.

Turn the leaf over, bend two triangles on the resulting tail, and hide the excess. It turns out to be a fully closed triangle module. It is from such details that we will get paper swans. With your own hands it is more convenient to make such triangular elements, following the pattern.

In order for the figures to be the same in size, you can perform the following steps:

  • take a landscape sheet, a ruler and a pencil;
  • draw an empty margin of the sheet so that you get equivalent squares with a size of 53x74 mm;
  • cut the resulting rectangles;
  • make a triangle shape out of each.

And finally, you just have to collect all the elements into one.

How to connect the elements?

In order for the product to look aesthetically pleasing and securely fixed, it is necessary to correctly connect all the small details of this peculiar volumetric mosaic.

If you follow these simple rules, you will get beautiful and graceful paper swans. You can make a spectacular swan of classic white color with your own hands or use several colors of the rainbow in the same craft at the same time. For example, to create a bright swan, you need:

  • red triangle for beak;
  • 136 pieces of pink triangles;
  • 90 pieces of triangles of orange color;
  • 60 pieces of yellow parts;
  • 39 pieces of blue elements;
  • 78 pieces of green parts;
  • 36 pieces of blue triangles;
  • 19 pieces of purple details.

So, to connect the elements, start small. Take three parts: two of them should touch each other with walls, and the third - fix them in two of their inner pockets. That's how swans are made of paper with their own hands.

In the next step, take the rest of the details and lay out a circle in a similar pattern. In total, it will take up to 30 small elements to create one circle. At the same time, in each of the subsequent circles 30 triangles of the same color will also be present.

Thus, we will do circle after circle, and in the end we will get a motley swan out of paper. With your own hands, origami is better to try to do, after having studied specialized literature.

Turn the part inside out

When we are ready for the fourth and fifth row, it remains only to gently pull the ends of a large volumetric part that has a round shape, trying to turn it inside out as if. With the right movement, you will get a beautiful vase that visually resembles a football stadium.

Do-it-yourself paper swan: master class (form wings)

Next, we make the sixth and seventh row of the elements obtained. And at the same moment we create a blank for future wings. To do this, in the seventh row, two small spaces should be left due to the careful selection of excess parts. It is because of this that in the seventh row there will be not 30, but 24 triangles.

At the next stage, we make a new and subsequent series, each time eliminating two modules (triangles) from them. Therefore, in the eighth row there will be 22 elements, in the ninth - 20, in the tenth - 18, in the eleventh - 16, etc. The tail is also done using reduction tactics for one triangle in each row. This is how a swan is created from paper with his own hands. How to make a beak and neck for him, we will describe further.

Making a swan's beak and neck

The next step is to put together the elements for the head and neck of the bird. Unlike the previous method, this time two corners of one triangle should be inserted into both pockets of the other. Moreover, if you do not want to see your swan with a forked beak, both parts of the module can be glued together with ordinary PVA. Next, give the bird’s neck a suitable bend and shape, and then fix it precisely between the wings.

How to complement the finished product?

Additionally, the product can be decorated with ready-made doll eyes and a bow. In addition, for greater visibility and beauty, you must put your swan on a pedestal. To do this, separately make two circles, consisting of 36-40 pieces of triangles. In this case, the modules for the stand should be done on the same principle as we previously made the neck.

If you follow our advice, you will get a beautiful paper swan. With your own hands (the product photo is attached), you can make a three-dimensional origami figure, which you can give or just use as a bright decoration of your interior.

How to combine colors when working on the product?

When making a swan, try to follow the pattern and combine the colors correctly. They must be combined and harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the product. For example, the sequence of using colors may be as follows:

  • the first and second row are pink triangles;
  • third, fourth and fifth row - orange details;
  • sixth and seventh row - yellow triangles;
  • the eighth, ninth and tenth are green modules;
  • eleventh and twelfth are blue triangles;
  • thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth are blue details;
  • sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth are purple triangles.

Make a tail of twelve elements of green and three details of blue color. For the neck, use one red, seven violet, six blue, green and yellow elements. Thus, you get a colored swan made of paper. With your own hands (the diagram is shown below) it can be made of any size. The color scheme can always be changed if necessary.

In a word, if you want to make a beautiful decorative element, you can always remember MK about swans. And you can make them from paper, napkins, postcards and even bath towels.

You can learn how to make a small swan from modules using the origami technique from the materials of our article. It takes a little time and materials to make it. Almost anyone can cope with the work, who will have at hand the necessary materials and a simple tool, such as scissors or a clerical knife. A small figure of a swan will be an excellent decoration on your desktop or as an addition to a gift to a loved one.

Origami is a very ancient art form that came to the world with the light hand of the Japanese. Various paper figures were struck by their simplicity and, at the same time, beauty and grace. Especially unique are products made using the modular origami technique. Their expressiveness and realism are pleasant to everyone without exception. For the most part, these are quite large, voluminous products, the production of which takes a lot of time. But there are also small modular figuresnot inferior in anything to their great relatives. In our article we will talk about such small origami. Today you will learn how to make a little swan from modules.

To get started we need to take paper in three colors - white, red and orange. And, of course, scissors. To begin with, we will prepare modules - individual elements, which are the material for building the product. To work, you need twenty-two orange modules. This color is not fundamental, so you can replace it with any other. It is also necessary to prepare one hundred and thirty modules of white color and one of red.

Making modules is easy. We will take an A4 sheet, fold it in half. The resulting version is doubled again and again. Then expand the sheet. Cutting it into folds, we get sixteen modules. So that they are smaller (ideal for our product), we will double-fold the sheet one more time, which will give us the opportunity to get thirty-two modules.

After these actions, with the help of scissors or an office knife, we will cut it into separate parts (sixteen or thirty-two). Then we proceed according to the scheme below.

As a result, we should get these elements - modules.

Each individual row of a small swan will consist of fifteen modules.which we will place as shown in the photo.

We connect them together as follows.

In the process, we will observe just such a picture.

We finish work with the second row of the product and move on to the third.

We will carry out the third row according to the principle already known to us.

At the end of work on the third row, we get just such a cute pointed figure.

We continue to attach modules in subsequent rows (fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh).

In the next row, we proceed to the formation of the wings of our little swan. To do this, we will connect the modules in the following order: one orange module, four white modules, and again one orange module.

In the next row we attach in the order: one module is orange, three modules are white and one is orange.

  • one orange module, four white modules, one orange module;
  • one module is orange, three white, one orange;
  • one orange, two white modules, one orange module;
  • one orange module, one white module, one orange module;
  • two orange modules;
  • one orange module.

An extravagant little thing, right? So rosy swan It will be not only an original element of your home’s decor, but can also be a great gift. To create such a swan is not so much difficult as for a long time, since it consists of a large number of elements (modules), and of course absolutely manual work. You will see a step-by-step diagram of the modular origami swan below.

The Chinese came up with this technology, they were the first to create volumetric figures from triangular origami modules. The composition consists of a large number of elements of the same type (modules). Each module is composed of one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by embedding them into each other.

You can make such a swan origami without glue, the frictional force will not allow the structure to fall apart, but it will be safer to glue the modules together, then the figure can be used as a toy and not be afraid that it will fall apart.

To create modular origami swan you need to connect many modules of different colors, below is their number. It would be nice to make such a complex figure with friends or helpers. You need to take quality paper; color office paper or color coated paper is suitable. Thin paper is better not to use.

As mentioned above, the basis of all origami is the module, let's take a closer look at the scheme of its manufacture.

The module is made from a rectangle of white or colored paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1: 1.5. You can get the necessary rectangles by dividing the A4 format into identical parts. It is necessary to divide the short and long sides of A4 format into four equal parts and cut along the designated lines, then we get rectangles of about 53 × 74 mm.

If we divide the long side of A4 into eight parts, and the short into four parts, we get rectangles of 37 × 53 mm.

You can also collect modules from 1/2 square, using blocks for recordings, which you can purchase in office supplies.

howto doorigami triangular module

1. Put the rectangle to ourselves with the reverse side. Fold in half.

2. Bend and unbend to indicate the center line.

3. Bend the edges to the center. (At this point, we turn the part “mountain” to ourselves and fold the edges to the center from the other side. Everyone can find the most suitable method for themselves).

4. Turn over the workpiece.

5. We bend corners. (Note: a small gap must be left between the folded corner and the upper triangle).

6. Raise the edges.

7. Add the triangle.

The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

How to interconnect modules?

The modules folded according to the indicated scheme can be inserted into each other by various methods and we obtain volumetric figures. Here is one of the valid connection methods:

Build a swan figure

1 red;

136 pink;

90 orange;

60 yellow;

78 greens;

39 blue;

19 purple.

If you wish, you can make a white swan with a red beak, for this, prepare 1 red and 458 white rectangles.
Take the three pink modules and place them as follows.

Insert the corners of the first two modules into the two pockets of the third module.

Take two more modules and attach them in the same way to the first group. This is how the first ring is made. It consists of two rows: the inner row, whose modules are on the short side, and the outer row, whose modules are on the long side.

In each row we have 30 modules. We collect the ring in a chain, carefully holding it with his hands. We close the ends of the chain with the last module.

We take 30 orange modules and collect the third row. Pay attention to the fact that the modules are worn in a checkerboard pattern.

In the same way we collect the fourth and fifth rows, which also consist of thirty orange modules.

Now, holding fingers over the edges of the workpiece, we perform such a movement, as if we want to turn the entire ring inside out. We need to get this form. It resembles a stadium from above.

On the reverse side, the "stadium" looks like this:

We collect the sixth row, which contains 30 yellow modules. Now put them on top. We check that the location of the modules is exactly the same as in the previous rows.

Starting from the seventh row, we proceed to the assembly of the wings. Choose the side on which the swan's head will be. We select one pair of angles (from two adjacent modules). This is the place of the neck. To the left and right of this pair we make a row of 12 yellow modules. That is, the seventh row consists of 24 modules and has two gaps.

We continue to make wings, reducing each further row by one module. Eighth row: 22 green modules (two times 11 each). Ninth row: 20 green modules. Tenth row: 18 green modules.

Eleventh row: 16 blue modules. Twelfth row: 14 blue modules.

Thirteenth row: 12 blue modules. Fourteenth row: 10 blue modules. Fifteenth row: 8 blue modules.

Sixteenth row: 6 purple modules. Seventeenth row: 4 purple modules. Eighteenth Row: 2 Purple Modules. The wings are ready. We give them such a shape that they are convex from the bottom and slightly turned away at the top.

We collect the tail which consists of five rows. In the same way, we reduce the number of modules by one in each row. To collect the tail will go 12 green and 3 blue modules.

In order to assemble the neck, the workpieces must be connected by a different method. We insert two corners of one module into two pockets of another.

We attach 7 violet to the red module. We try to immediately give the neck the necessary bend. If you do not want the swan's beak to be bifurcated, then it is better to glue the corners of the red module first.

Then we attach 6 blue, 6 blue, 6 green and 6 yellow modules. Give the neck the desired shape.

Strengthen the neck at two angles between the wings. Add as desired, details - eyes, bow.

We assemble a stand in the form of two rings. It consists of 36 and 40 modules. We connect the modules in the same way as for the neck.

If desired, we glue the rings and the swan to the stand.

That's it, the origami swan is done. A paper swan as we see it looks very elegant and will be pleasing to the eye for a long time. Having created such a swan for yourself, I think you will not regret the time spent.

Hello dear masters and skilled workers. I present to your attention a master class on making such an origami swan, and I called it “Swan in Pink”. How to make an origami swan? We will make a pink drawing, select the swan with pink modules around the perimeter and put it on a round stand, and also glue small eyes. Please watch this video on making an origami swan. AT […]

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Using origami techniques, you can create art from paper. Just a few additions and in front of you is a real bird.

If you can spend more time and effort, you can create a figure from the modules. Read how to make a swan out of paper.

For children, you should not invent complex structures and tasks. Of the materials you need only paper, cardboard, scissors and glue.

Depending on the age of the child, you can help the baby and draw a template.

Follow the steps for creating paper birds:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard with a simple pencil, draw a silhouette of a swan.

    It is necessary to cut out a template for the application: do it yourself or entrust the scissors to a child older than 3 years.

  2. Now set aside the base, you need to start manufacturing parts. From ordinary A4 sheets, cut strips 2 cm wide and up to 10 cm long.

    Size can be adjusted depending on the pattern: the imitation of feathers can be thinner or longer.

  3. Now connect the ends of the strip with glue. For children, it is more convenient to buy a pencil so as not to stain clothes with an accidentally dropped drop.

    The same manipulations must be done with all strips.

  4. When the blanks are cut, it is necessary to decorate the base of the swan. Draw beaks and eyes with colored pencils.

    Starting from the top edge, glue paper feathers upwards.

  5. Thus form several rows.

Important! Before creative work and during the creation of the bird, explain to the child where the swan lives, how beautiful and noble it is.

You can come up with your own options for crafts. Decorate not only the part where the wings are, but also the neck and head. The beak can be created from another piece of orange cardboard, and the eye can be made black.

In order to surprise the child, help make the baby a two-way option. The paper toy is ready.

Step-by-step instructions for large and small volume swan

Using simple paper tricks, you can create a bird of any size. The larger the sheet of paper, the larger the crafts.

Scissors or glue are not needed to create a small crane.

Just grab a white sheet and follow the directions:

  • From the A4 sheet, cut off the top, leaving only the square base (the sides should be equal). The sizes of the base can vary: from a small shred to the size of a Whatman paper.
  • Fold the sheet with a triangle, fix the resulting general side of the diagonal well.
  • As if folding an airplane, the opposite lower sides should be folded to a common intersecting line.
  • The next step is to bring the lower corners to a diagonal bend.
  • Connect the top and bottom corner. Thus in the hands was a workpiece folded in half.
  • Pull off the sharp corner you get. Shape the head of a swan and beak.
  • Now bend the resulting figure in half again and spread the wings of the bird.

Advice! According to this scheme, you can add not only the classic white swan, but also colored cranes.

Schematic diagram of the modular assembly of a swan from paper patterns for cutting

Using the modular technique, folding, you can create real decor elements: baskets, vases or caskets.

Such items will not last long and will not withstand the severity of sweets, but can become an interior decoration. To create a modular swan, follow the instructions described in the table.

Modular connection - the principle of creating volumetric objects in a special origami technique:

Bird Creation Stage Description
Procurement of parts Take a small piece of paper about 5 by 5 cm in size. Fold the square with a triangle, then fold again in half in height and bend the extra corners inward.

To create a small swan, you will need from 500 elements. Call for help from households and children

Module connection To attach you will need glue. Install the two elements side by side and glue the parts together.
Body making Form a semicircle of parts and add several elements in each row.

The body in 5-15 rows (depending on the desired result) will be over.

It is only necessary to turn the form over to install the following parts of the swan inside

The formation of the tail and neck On opposite sides (you can change the color of the paper to pink or yellow), form a triangle on the neck and tail.
Making wings For a uniform result, it is better to form both wings at the same time. Each wing will need about 5 rows.

Do incremental expansion with modules. At a certain height, it is necessary to sharpen the ends: remove 1-2 modules from each row

Stand It is necessary for stability and a neat appearance. Using paper inverted corners, form the base
Inner wings They are made according to the type of the first wings, but already smaller in size. Make the base 5-6 parts smaller than the body.

After 2-3 rows, form the wings, dividing the sides into two parts. Cut the modules around the edges until the wings are finished

The third important detail The tail needs to be made narrower than the inside with wings. Edges can be highlighted in a different color.
Connection parts It is necessary to insert and fix internal wings into the body with glue. The next step is to install the tail
Neck Using the same rows of paper modules form a bend in the neck. Beak can be made of orange paper.

The swan needs to dry for a while. So that the paper does not deform during operation, it is better to use a colorless glue stick.