Pineapple from a bottle of champagne and sweets step by step. Pineapple made of sweets and champagne. The best sweet DIY gift! We make a great gift - pineapple from sweets - do it yourself

In anticipation of the upcoming holiday, you should think about how to give presents to your friends and relatives. Do-it-yourself gifts will be a great solution for candy gifts for the New Year 2018. Sweets will appeal to everyone and will complement the numerous decorations in the house, while maintaining the appropriate atmosphere.

Candy Pineapple

First of all, on New Year's Eve you can’t do without foamy splashes of champagne under the loud chime of the clock. However, the bottle will not look so monotonous and will make a splash if you hand it in the appropriate packaging. For example, disguising it as a tropical fruit - pineapple, one of the favorite treats on the festive table at this time of year.

To create such a gift, in addition to a bottle of champagne, you will need:

sweets in golden wrappers, approximately 70-90 pieces;
tape-aspidistre (it can be purchased at a florist's shop);
some sisal fibers to taste;
glue gun.
You can take more sweets by offering their guests tea. If there is no glue gun in the house, superglue will replace it, but it’s worth buying a few pieces.

First you need to remove the ponytails. They should not be cut off. It is enough to bend them to the back of the candy and put them on hot glue. It is necessary to work extremely carefully, as you can get burned.

Do not apply a lot of glue. Its excess will give the gift an untidy look, in addition, sweets can melt. After bending the tails, it is recommended to give them time to dry, and then put the candies in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their shape and flow, because in the future they will again need to be applied with hot glue.

As shown in photo 4, glue should be applied a drop to the very tip. For convenience, you can stroke the candy with a pencil, but do not press hard on it so as not to flatten it.

When finished with the blanks, you can start decorating the bottle. Approximately in the center, on the back of the candy you need to apply glue, and until it is frozen, press it to the bottle. It is recommended to start from the bottom, leaving no gaps between the sweets. To hide all the protrusions of glue, you can add sisal fibers. They will also make pineapple more natural.

Photo 8 clearly shows which part of the bottle should be left untouched. With the help of yellow sisal, all the gaps between sweets are filled. This stage is optional, but will give the gift a more elegant look.

Then the tape is cut into pieces of approximately the same length. Instead of tape, you can use corrugated paper or other materials to taste. The edges of each segment should be sharpened.

It is recommended to start sticking leaves from the very top, in the center of the cork, gradually dropping down to the sweets. The top of the pineapple’s magnificent tail is formed of four pieces of tape. Then it is glued with four more sheets, spreading them in different directions and giving splendor.

At the next stage, they glue the neck, covering it with sheets. It will take about seven tiers to convey realistic foliage. Do not do more, otherwise it will look too bulky.

Gift requirements can be very different, but one of them is invariable - the gift must be original. What about the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving an exotic fruit from your favorite treat instead of the usual flowers? So, pineapple from sweets - a master class.

For work you will need:

  • base (polystyrene, plastic bottle, champagne bottle);
  • sweets (in yellow wrappers, at least 700 g);
  • polysilicon green paper;
  • green ribbon aspidistre;
  • double sided tape.
  1. Let's start by choosing the basics. If you decide to make a more solemn pineapple from sweets and champagne, then the bottle of this sparkling drink can easily become the basis. You can use a pot-bellied plastic bottle, or you can use polystyrene, as in this case. We take polysilk green paper, wrap the blank with it and fix it with tape.
  2. At the next stage, cut out the leaves. An aspidistre tape is better than others because it resembles the leaves of a plant, but you can use plain colored paper. We cut the fragments 10 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, give them the shape of pineapple feathers. All you need to do about 20 pieces.
  3. So we came to the stage when it becomes clear how to make pineapple from sweets look like a tropical fruit. The entire base, without missing a single centimeter, is wrapped in a circle with double-sided tape.
  4. We take prepared candies and begin to fix them on tape from the top. Having drawn the first row, we move on to the second, glue the candies into the gaps of the first row, so that the pineapple from the candies turns out to be uniform and similar to the real one.
  5. So the original bouquet of sweets is ready - pineapple. As you can see, it takes very little time to make such a souvenir, and the emotions of a happy recipient will more than cover the effort!

Other unusual gifts can be made from sweets.

And decorations for the New Year, and in particular about the New Year's bow made of satin ribbon. "Cross" continues to prepare for the New Year and today we offer you, our dear needlewomen, pineapple from sweets! Yes Yes! It is such an original and delicious gift that we will teach you to make.

We will combine three (!) Classic attributes of the New Year holiday into one: champagne and sweets in the form of pineapple! You give champagne, and with it - chocolate pineapple!

It will take a little time to create such beauty, and the result will be amazing. In addition, a gift can be made in advance, long before the New Year holidays.

To make pineapple from sweets and champagne, we need:

  • Golden Lily candies - the most ideal option for pineapple
  • Bottle of champagne ("pot-bellied" will give authenticity to the fruit)
  • Yellow floral felt or corrugated paper
  • Universal glue "Russian titanium"
  • Thermal gun
  • Yellow sisal
  • Double sided tape

Bottle preparation

On the bottom of the bottle and neck we glue double-sided tape. We attach a rectangle of yellow felt or paper to these strips: this is how we mask the gaps between the candies. You can glue the candies directly on the glass, but then the effect of the whole yellow fruit is lost - somewhere a hole is formed.

We will prepare each candy for work as follows: we collect both tails in the center and fasten them with double-sided tape. As an option - a piece of electrical tape.

Attention! Thin single-sided tape is not suitable - it will not withstand the weight of the candy.

You need to start gluing a number of sweets from below. We release each piece of adhesive tape from the outer layer, drip a drop of hot melt adhesive and fix it to the base. Between the rows of sweets lay a strip of yellow sisal.

When sticking, make sure that the labels on the labels of sweets are directed in one direction. Then the finished work will look more neat.

Rising from the bottom up the bottle in rows of Golden Lilies, arrange the sweets in a checkerboard pattern - this way the sweets will occupy the maximum space.

Having reached the “shoulders" or the bottleneck - the neck, collect the tail of felt (paper) on an additional tape.

Here is a top view of unfinished, “immature” pineapples.

Pineapple leaves

Leaves are cut out of a floral ribbon called "aspidistra leaf", but you can use ordinary green floral paper. We cut the strips, and from them we cut the leaves.

Glue on the neck, starting from the inside, moving in a circle from top to bottom.

Do not throw away even small scraps of “aspidistra leaf” in the form of thin blades of grass - they will also go into business between large leaves.

Alternatively, part of the neck of the bottle between sweets and leaves can be decorated with a linen rope.

Due to the fact that I have many friends and acquaintances, I regularly encounter the difficulty of choosing a gift for each of them. Often you don’t know what to give, because it seems that a person has everything, and so you want to express your attitude with a gift, to make it exclusive and special.

In addition, recently, sitting on maternity leave, I have had more free time, but much less money for the purchase of unusual gifts.

Here, this miracle of pineapple from champagne and sweets came to my aid.

Gift Pros

Champagne and candy pineapple looks very nice on the festive table and is a wonderful and original gift. Making such a pineapple is quite simple and economical.

Champagne and candy pineapple can be either a gift itself or a complement to it. It will serve as a good alternative to a bouquet of flowers, being not only a beautiful aesthetically pleasing present, but also a useful addition for any feast.

For any reason, such a pineapple will create a special holiday atmosphere and show your attitude to the event.

We develop the creative potential of children

And of course, making such a pineapple from champagne and sweets is an excellent joint activity for children. But here the main thing is to buy more sweets to reinforce children's creativity and to prevent children from working with hot glue.

I made my pineapple from champagne and sweets for the birthday of my 4-year-old daughter. I proceeded from considerations - champagne for adults, sweets for children. And most importantly, such a pineapple will be very interesting for a child.

Materials for the manufacture

The simplest materials are needed - sweets in a gold wrapper of 600 grams (or about 60 pieces), champagne (or any other drink in a bottle), scissors, corrugated paper (or any other green paper), hot melt adhesive, adhesive tape and / or insulation tape.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Preparation of sweets. We remove the tails. I did this with tape or tape. The insulating tape will help maintain the integrity of the candies when using hot glue, but adhesive tape will stick tails better.
We cut the 1x1 squares, first glue one tail, then the second tail with the second square.

Or with a long strip of adhesive tape we glue two tails at once.

So we make about 60 candies.

2. Decor of the bottle itself with sweets. We need sweets and a glue gun. Gently start sticking each candy in a circle in a checkerboard pattern.

3. We make leaflets for pineapple. The material can be varied, I had green corrugated paper at hand, I cut 10-15 cm leaflets (I placed smaller leaflets near the cork) and glued them together on tape.

And then pasted the neck of the bottle with this garland of green leaves in a spiral.

4. Wrap the dividing line with a rope. You can twine or decorative ribbon. I didn’t have anything like this at hand and I twisted the yellow corrugated paper into a tube.

The decor for the bottle is ready - you can go on a holiday.

You can diversify this miracle with various drinks as a basis, as well as various sweets. For the New Year holidays, you can install the made pineapple on a small base, decorating with cones, candles or Christmas toys. For a child, if some other toy comes as a gift, you can attach a toy to the base, as well as make pineapple on the basis of children's champagne.

Would you like to get such a pineapple for the holiday?

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Pineapple - an unusual fruit, an indicator of luxury and sophisticated taste as a gift. In the northern countries of the world, it is not easy to get a real pineapple, so there it is considered a real delicacy. A gift may look especially impressive - an artistically made pineapple made of sweets and a bottle of champagne, made by hand.

What sweets to choose

For pineapple from candies and bottles choose your favorite candy. Hemispherical sweets are most suitable: they fit easily in a checkerboard and circular pattern, similar in shape to pineapple flakes. The color of candy wrappers is selected in a natural shade: yellow or brown.

DIY champagne and candy pineapple

The classic combination of chocolate and champagne is given originality by collecting pineapple in the composition.

To work, you will need tools and materials:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • hemispherical favorite chocolates in the amount of 100 pcs.;
  • special gun with glue;
  • cardboard and a sheet of paper;
  • green ribbon for leaves;
  • crepe and scotch tape.

Ready pineapple will give stability to the substrate under the base. The bottom of the bottle is indicated on cardboard, the first circle is drawn. A circle of larger diameter is drawn around the 1st circle. The outer circle is 1 cm larger than the inner circle, cut out. A circle with a diameter larger than the diameter of the cardboard circle by 2 cm is cut from floristic crepe.

The circles are glued together, the edges of the crepe circle are wrapped, glued. The bottom of the bottle is lubricated with glue along the rim, glued to the side of the cardboard circle partially pasted with crepe.

The bottle is wrapped tightly in paper. The paper is fixed with adhesive tape to a shiny neck. Floral crepe is glued to the paper. When most of the sweets are removed, the bottle will easily come out of shape.

Before assembling the pineapple, the candies must be cooled. They are attached with glue. Glue the first row horizontally on a cardboard substrate. In the 2nd row, sweets are glued to the crepe in a checkerboard pattern. All subsequent rows are performed similarly.

From above it will be necessary to leave a few centimeters of paper free of sweets. If the paper between the rows of sweets is visible, the empty tails of candy wrappers will help to hide the voids.

Lastly, leaves are cut from a green ribbon with pointed upper ends. Leaves straighten with scissors, bend to the upper end. Leaves stick to the edge of the paper, not occupied by sweets. This is done overlapping in a circle. The bottom row of leaves is seasoned with sweets.

Leaves should completely hide the neck of the bottle with the cork. When the work on the top is completed, the pineapple is ready.

Pineapple made from sweets and champagne with your own hands is made differently. A bottle of champagne is wrapped in green shiny paper. Leaves stick to the neck.

Cool the semicircular candies. Tails of candy wrappers stick to the flat base of the candy. Candies begin to stick to the bottle from the base of the leaves, thereby closing their joints. Sweets are arranged tightly in a checkerboard pattern. Having reached the bottom of the bottle, the work is completed.

Pineapple leaves can also be made from sweets wrapped in green candy wrappers.: firmly fasten small candies between themselves by the tails of candy wrappers with wire. If the candy is large, the wire is vertically passed through the holes made in the free parts of the candy wrapper.

From brandy and sweets

A unique original pineapple made of sweets is made not only with a bottle of champagne, but also with a bottle of cognac. Do it yourself with your own hands to create a great gift for a man.

To work, you will need:

  • round bottle of cognac;
  • adhesive tape, preferably double-sided;
  • favorite chocolates;
  • scissors;
  • cling film, colored paper.

At the 1st stage, the bottle is tightly wrapped with cling film. Due to its stickiness and thinness, the film adheres well to the glass and is fixed. The film will help to free the bottle from sweets in the future. On top of the film, the bottle is glued with double-sided tape.

The candies used to create the composition must lie in the refrigerator. The wrappers should be tightly twisted. Heavy candy is advised to tie the ends of candy wrappers with thread. For the 1st row, it is better to make such a chain. Rows will be horizontal.

The next row of sweets is glued to the tape that wrapped the bottle. Sweets are staggered. All subsequent rows are performed in a similar manner. Sweets are best chosen with a cut flat base. You can use several varieties of sweets. It is better to choose sweets of the same shape and size. Candy rows end at the base of the neck of the bottle.

Step-by-step making leaves from paper with silence for pineapple

Now you need to make the pineapple leafy top. For leaves, color double-sided paper is suitable. The contours of the leaves are drawn according to the pattern. Leaf shape: wide below with pointed upper edges.

Glue the leaves to the base of the neck of the bottle on double-sided tape. To hide the joints of the leaves, candies are still glued on top. This is how pineapple is created with your own hands from your favorite sweets and a bottle of cognac.

From a plastic bottle and sweets

Old plastic bottles after carbonated drinks can be used to make decor items or create gift wrapping for sweets. An artistic “candy” pineapple from a plastic bottle is created by one of 2 manufacturing options: candies are inside the bottle, candies are glued to the outside.

Necessary materials for working on the craft according to the 1st manufacturing option:

  • a bottle of plastic;
  • sweets, better with pineapple flavor;
  • double-sided green paper;
  • knife and scissors;
  • colored tape and glue.

A square is cut out of green paper, folded with a cone, glued at the base. The cone will be the basis of the deciduous part of the pineapple. Triangular leaves are cut from green paper. Leaves are cut as close as possible to the leaves of a natural fruit. The cone is pasted over with leaves, starting from the bell and ending with a sharp peak.

Pineapple is made from a plastic bottle. The bottle is cut transversely into 2 equal halves. Both halves are filled with sweets. To make the pineapple look realistic, the color of the candy wrappers is selected in yellow, green or brown. Both halves are connected, fixed with a tape.

The inside of the bottle is lubricated with glue. A previously prepared bunch of leaves is inserted into it. From the outside, the neck wraps with tape. Pineapple is ready! Such an aesthetic fruit will be a wonderful gift for pineapple lovers.

For the second option to create pineapple from a plastic bottle and sweets, you need:

  • bottle and candy;
  • scissors and double-sided tape;
  • cardboard and green paper;
  • thin wire and glue.

Production Instruction:

  1. First, a square of adhesive tape is glued to the bottom of the bottle.
  2. 4 candies connected by a wire, add up in a square. One candy sticks diagonally inside the square.
  3. The square is attached to the bottom of the bottle.
  4. The bottle is wrapped with tape. Sweets are glued in horizontal rows and are staggered. Unoccupied places of candy are hidden behind the tails of the wrappers.
  5. The cardboard is folded with a cone, wrapped with tape and put on the cork of the bottle.
  6. Cut from colored paper leaves stick to the cardboard in circles, starting from the top. Leaves should reach the bottom of the neck of the bottle. The top row of sweets covers the base of the lower leaves.

Sweet composition is ready!

The deciduous top of a pineapple from a plastic bottle can be made of plastic. A green bottle is taken. The bottom is removed. Leaves are cut from the bottom towards the neck of the bottle. The neck remains intact and is attached to the neck of the fruit bottle with tape.

From a glass jar and sweets

For making pineapple from sweets, not only a bottle is suitable, but also an ordinary glass jar, for example, with coffee or tea. The job description is simple.

Video tutorial on creating pineapple from a can of coffee and sweets:

Tools and materials are found in every home, namely:

  • favorite sweets;
  • glass jar of the right size;
  • green paper;
  • rubber;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.

A glass jar is placed in the center of a sheet of green paper, is completely wrapped, paper is fixed with a rubber band on the neck. Sweets can be glued to paper as described in previous examples. It’s better to do it differently: string candies on a thread and wrap a jar. Candy cans also stick to the bottom.

When the thread, with the candies strung on it, reaches the gum, the thread is tied to the gum on a knot. Then the pineapple will not crumble. Leaves are made of green paper. In this case, the paper is either wound up with cones, or the leaves are cut according to a pre-made pattern. Leaves are inserted into a jar. At the end of the work, a number of chocolates are glued to the elastic that tightens the wrapping sheet.

Material Flow Chart:

How to pack a pineapple from sweets beautifully

DIY pineapple made of sweets and champagne is important to properly present. Particular attention is paid to packaging. Today there are many different packaging materials.

The most common packaging option is gift paper. A gift pineapple bottle is placed in the center of the leaf. Paper wraps pineapple up to leaves. Under the leaves is fixed with an elastic band or tape.

The second option for packing pineapple in paper is different: paper, without wrinkling, wraps the pineapple tightly. A long sheet of paper is taken. The width of the leaf should be slightly larger than the circumference of the pineapple. Pineapple lies on the paper closer to the bottom edge. Paper above the pineapple is cut into ribbons.

Pineapple once wrapped in paper, which is fixed with tape on the side and at the bottom. The ribbons on top come together and are tied with a satin ribbon. Paper tapes can hide the leafy top, you can place them lower at the base of the neck.

Pineapple made of sweets and champagne, just like just a bottle of champagne or wine as a gift, can be wrapped in a sweater sleeve

In winter, it will be relevant to pack an artistic pineapple in a sweater sleeve. Old knitwear will come in handy for this. Before packing the pineapple, the sweater is erased, spools are removed from the sleeve. Pineapple is placed in the sleeve, the sleeve is cut off.

For the bottom of the package, a circle of dense fabric is cut. Slices of the sleeve are sewn to the circle. The sleeve cuff covers the neck of the bottle completely, the foliage located on it neatly folds. A thin knitted strip with tassels imitating a scarf is tied at the base of the neck. Buttons can be sewn.

Ideas to give to whom

Who can give such an interesting fake as a pineapple made of sweets and champagne:

  • DIY pineapple made of sweets and champagne is presented for new year holidays and anniversaries. For a New Year's gift, a packaging in the form of a flashlight is suitable. Measure and cut the desired length of paper.

The third part of the sheet of paper is drawn, cut into ribbons. Pineapple is wrapped in paper, fringe is in its upper part. Edges of a leaf stick together vertically to a fringe. Fringe ribbons are bent to the bottom, tied with a cord and ribbon.

  • Pineapple with children's champagne can be presented to the child as a New Year's set of sweets. New Year's, artistically created children's pineapples, pack in original packages. The packages are shaped like snowmen, deer, Christmas trees, bears.

On the gift bag of the required size, the outline of the drawing is applied, cut out. Side cuts are sealed, a cardboard circle lies under the base. Pineapple is placed inside. Fairy-tale characters are cut out and pasted on their nose, ears, eyes, horns, scarves, hats. The package in the shape of a Christmas tree is decorated with carved balls and snowflakes.

If you use an empty bottle when making a souvenir, unfold the sweets, wrap small paper balls in candy wrappers, you get a flower vase as a present for a woman.

  • Gift pineapple for a man with a bottle of cognac can be packaged in a shirt sleeve. A bottle of sweets is placed in the sleeve of the shirt, the neck is directed to the cuff. The sleeve is cut off, a circle of fabric is sewn to the bottom. The sleeve straightens over the pineapple.

It is better not to fasten the cuffs on all buttons so that the foliage is not tightly compressed. The neck is tied with a gift bow or tie, which is an additional gift.

The most common gifts can be made unforgettable. So a bottle of champagne wine, glued with sweets, turns into an artistic pineapple - a wonderful DIY gift.

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

DIY video tutorial on making pineapple from sweets and champagne

Master class on making pineapple from sweets and champagne: