Name of fashion boutiques. How to come up with a name for an online store

The secret of a successful business lies not only in the business acumen of the entrepreneur, a large assortment of goods or gigantic capital investments. A correctly formed store name is easy to remember and attracts customers like a magnet. A bad name can be a real disaster and negatively affect the company's reputation. So how do you come up with a store name?


The easiest, but most expensive way to come up with a successful name is to turn to technologists in the field of “naming”. People who work in this field are professionally engaged in selecting interesting (attractive, meaningful) names for companies, boutiques and stores.

The services of professionals will cost you a lot, but in some cases it’s worth investing in a catchy name. A bright sign and a catchy, memorable company name are key factors influencing sales volume and the number of customers.

A bright sign and a catchy, memorable company name are key factors influencing sales volume and the number of customers.

Dictionary to help

A good option to choose a melodic, beautiful name for your store is to consult a foreign language dictionary. The name of the product or service offered may sound interesting in English, French or Italian. Such names are memorable, sound new and stylish.

If you have decided on a name, be sure to consult with a specialist who knows the rules of grammar of the chosen language (especially if the language is oriental). It will be a shame if you order a beautiful sign with an original name, which means something completely different from what you wanted to say.

Favorite characters

Interesting names of characters from fairy tales or cartoons set clients up for a positive wave right from the door. Remember your childhood, your favorite characters - perhaps you will immediately find a suitable topic. For example: a children’s toy store can be called “The Little Mermaid” or “Cinderella”, a point of sale of electrical goods can be called “Elektronik”, making keys to order can be called “Golden Key”.

How to come up with a name for a store? This can happen spontaneously, as the famous Steve Jobs did. He announced to his colleagues: “If you don’t come up with a name for the future company, I will call it...”. And he looked at the apple that was in his hand: “I’ll call her apple...” And he took a bite. We all know what came of it.

Let's remember the geography

Animals, natural objects, cities, plants can become the original name of your business. For example, the Jaguar spare parts store, the New York clothing boutique, and Vodopad home goods.

When choosing an interesting name, you can take legends, traditions and interesting stories a certain region. The main thing is to understand the essence of the name, to work through all possible options and associations. After all, it is clear that the name “Titanic” today is not associated with power and strength. The unfortunate ship that sank in 1912 immediately comes to mind.

What is your name?

You can name the store using your first name, your last name, or old, melodious names. However, signs “At Elena’s” or “Visiting Fedor” will not surprise customers; they only make them think of roadside cafes. In order for the name to stand out among the mass of similar companies, it is important to approach the process with a creative spirit.

In order for the name to stand out among the mass of similar companies, it is important to approach the process with a creative spirit.

Let's try to look at the variations of first and last names in a foreign way. Men's clothing store "Smirnoff", shop "Pani Monika". Translate, look at beautiful names in foreign languages, combine several options - the original name will definitely come.

Remember the rules

You can easily choose a name for your store, taking into account the basic rules outlined by experts. In searching for consonant names, we adhere to the following basics:

  1. Easy to remember. Visual memory is well developed in almost all people. A potential client, looking at an attractive store sign, will immediately remember it and wonder what’s inside.
  2. Conciseness. Do not make complex names that combine a group of words. Maximum quantity – 2-3 short words. The sign “You can buy pork here” will seem stupid and ridiculous.
  3. We take into account the translation. In some countries, Russian words mean unexpected and often unpleasant things. Over time, your company may expand internationally, and foreign partners may be shocked by the name of your company. For example, among the Arabs, “Kis-kis” means a call for sexual action, and the Russian name “Galina” means “chicken” in Italian.
  4. Associations. It is important that the name of the store matches its theme. Having seen the name of the store for fishermen “Olympus”, many will be interested in what is sold at this point. But the name “Carp” or “Catch” is immediately associated with fishing.
  5. . It’s sad, but many people forget to check how many companies with a similar name already exist in the city. And if this is acceptable for a big city, then two Antoshka stores located on the same street in a small town are clearly too much. Use legal expertise or don’t be lazy, type your “original” name into the search bar and look at the results.


If the name of the store is already ready, do not rush it - take your time. Perhaps in a week you won’t like it or will cause negative associations, and it will be too late to correct the situation. It is important to adhere to common sense and not be too sophisticated in originality - the name of the store may turn out to be such that you will neither be able to pronounce nor remember it.

Go ahead and remember: what you name the ship... Perhaps the name “Fortune” is not very original, but it brings good luck!

When creating a business from scratch, an entrepreneur must think through each stage and foresee possible failures and risks. Among these important points Special attention You should pay attention to choosing the name of your store, even if it operates in an online format. It significantly influences the process of attracting customers and the formation of a positive reputation of the enterprise.

How to name a women's clothing store - options

Choosing a name for a women's or men's clothing store is an important task, which is often given too little attention, considering this aspect far from paramount. It is best if the name is developed by professionals in the field of naming and branding. But if the financial condition of a beginning entrepreneur does not allow them to pay for their services, you can try to create a name for your clothing store yourself. It is always worth remembering the mandatory requirements for names (they are also relevant for entrepreneurs who decide).

  1. Positive perception.
  2. Easy to remember.
  3. Beautiful style and originality.
  4. Positive associations.

Names that consist entirely of letters whose outline extends beyond the line, for example, a, o, p, s, t, k, are visually poorly perceived. It is better to select names that contain letters with elements protruding upward or downward - f, p, b, d. It is believed that the presence, predominance of the vowel “i” in words creates the impression of second-rate, insignificance. If the name consists of more than 5 characters, it will be difficult to assimilate. To ensure sales growth and ensure accurate staff work, special attention should be paid. Most often, a linear-functional one is chosen (only one dominant person can manage it), and it includes a director, accountant, senior salesperson, driver, cleaner, and sales consultants. But this is an indicative diagram; each owner creates an organizational structure for the concept of his enterprise.

Choosing a name for the store women's clothing, you can use the following approaches:

  • combine syllables from the surnames of the founders (MarCo);
  • add the prefix off to the surname or noun (Creatiff, Bryukoff);
  • create an abbreviation or shorten a word (Tata from Tatyana, TIK - You and Beauty, BTB - Be the Best or Be the best);
  • come up with a descriptive name that evokes a positive perception (Fashionista, Your Style, Mister Chic, Elegant, Luna);
  • connection to geography (Malibu beachwear store);
  • use a play on words (“MaRUSiya” – emphasis on the root “rus” by analogy with the word Russia and the Russian name Marusya);
  • create a neologism (it is important to take into account that new words, although they will be 100% original, will be remembered worse - Rassana, Majestic).

To choose nice option names for a women's clothing store and increase the chances of success, an entrepreneur should not use some approaches:

  1. Take as a basis the names of loved ones (Elena store, Karina showroom).
  2. Coming up with a complex name that is difficult to pronounce or remember, if not everyone can understand its meaning (Minerva is the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, Miscellaneous - translated from in English means "mixed").
  3. Change the sound of brands, imitating the process of creating a neologism (for example, Abibas).
  4. The name should not evoke unpleasant emotions or ambiguous interpretations (a debut may be associated with incompetence, lack of experience in successful work, the name of the women's or men's clothing store "Teremok" does not inspire confidence, a fairy tale, children's entertainment is immediately remembered, you should not choose names such as Corrupt Soul , Tsatsa).
  5. The name of the store must correspond to its profile, status (the Royal sign will not harmonize with an industrial area, a shabby facade of a building or a semi-basement), as well as the place, time and concept of the enterprise (when choosing the name Passage, you should know that this is the name of an indoor gallery with a row of shops , connecting 2 streets, and if this condition is not met, then you should not choose such a name).
  6. Use foreign words that have long become commonplace and banal (Chercher la femme, Violette).

In addition to a good name, it is advisable for the owner to think about a creative one. It should be concise, interesting, and encourage the client to buy.

What do you call a men's clothing store?

Choosing a name for men's store clothing, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience, to focus on what will evoke positive emotions and trust. To find out how well the option was chosen, you can conduct a small test among potential clients. You need to name the store so that the name is in harmony with the assortment, concept, style of the enterprise, corresponds to the pricing policy of the establishment (naming a small retail outlet World of Style is not a very good idea) and does not cause bad associations (examples of unsuccessful options are Dude, Egoist, Alphonse, Favorite , Macho, Provocateur). It is also better to avoid banal names: Cavalier, Don Juan, Fashion for Men, Men's Clothing Store, Look. The men's clothing store can be called, for example, Stilyaga, Estet, Casanova, Your Style, Forward, El Bravo, Oscar. clothing will give you the opportunity to start your own business with the support of an experienced franchisor and not have to think about choosing a name (for example, you can cooperate with 7 Camicie, TOM TAILOR, VD one, etc.).

List of clothing store names

If you ask a person how many clothing brands he knows, about a dozen will probably be named, but only 2-3 will come to mind first. The same applies to specialized enterprises that clients visit in their city. It is important to choose a name that is easy and at the same time memorable. Of course, for successful promotion of a clothing store and brand recognition, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective advertising campaign, because a good name in itself is not the key to success.

We propose to consider several original options for the names of women's and men's clothing stores (they can also be used for online trading platforms):

The name of a women's online clothing store must be laconic, succinct, positive, and not cause ambiguous associations: House beautiful, Сarino, Best Brand, Lady Mart, Brand Factory, 4 seasons, Fashionista, Charm, Fashionable thing. But besides this, it is important that the name corresponds to the price level, the assortment of the virtual trading platform, and that age and social factors are taken into account. It is important to register variant spellings of a domain name. Many people decide

How to come up with a name for a store or trading company is a problem that every entrepreneur faces. The first impression of the chain of stores and the further formation of the image of your brand depend on the correctness of the chosen name.

How to come up with a name for a chain of stores, let's figure it out together.

DIY store name

In order to give a name to the store, which will contribute to its successful development and promotion, you can use already proven in practice in effective ways naming.

Use of foreign words

One of the most common methods of developing a title, for one simple reason - most of the most common words translated into foreign language sound more stylish and beautiful. For example, if you translate the phrase “ Good water" on French you get the melodic name “BonAqua”. And the name of the youth clothing store chain Oggi means “Today” in Italian.

Name from a combination of words

A popular name development technique. For example, the trading company of elite varieties of tea and coffee “Chaikoff” was formed by a combination of words that reflect the essence of the store - “tea” and “coffee”.

Using a person's name in a title

The simplest way of naming is to name your store or commercial enterprise a common name, in honor of the owner of the store or his relatives, a famous person, for example, “At Masha’s”, “Svetlana”, etc. However, such a name will not make your store memorable and recognizable . A more successful option is to develop a name from the surname - Korkunov, Tinkoff, Dovgan, or take a closer look at foreign names.

Use of fictitious names or surnames

Such names, as a rule, are based on the name of the store’s main product group. For example, a chain of bakery stores was named “Pirogov”, a flower and floristry store was named “Tsvetkoff”, etc.

Application of natural names

Such names include: names of rivers and lakes, mountains, geographical objects, plants and animals, etc.
For example: the Bavaria beer store, the Malibu clothing store, the Stork store for newborns, etc.

Names fairy-tale heroes or literary characters

For example, a very successful name for a confectionery shop would be “Buratino”, for jewelry store- “Ryaba Hen”, for a clothing store with large sizes - “Kolobok”.

Rules for creating the name of a chain of stores

You can get a beautiful and sonorous name that your consumers will appreciate and remember by taking several basic naming rules as a basis:

  1. Laconic name. The name of the stores should consist of one, maximum two words.
  2. The name of the stores should match the business theme trading company.
  3. Memorability. Your name should be easy to remember, easy to pronounce, and stick in the consumer’s memory the first time.
  4. Sonority and aesthetics of writing a name in a foreign language. This rule applies to those retail chains that plan to expand the geography of their activities internationally.
  5. Uniqueness. After you approve the name option for the store, you need to conduct an examination of the name for its uniqueness and degree of similarity to existing names.

Beautiful store names - examples

To make it easier for you to choose the optimal name for a chain of stores, we bring to your attention a list of beautiful store names on different topics:

- Grocery stores: Food Fair, Shopping, Meat Feast, Thrifty, Homemade.
- Furniture: Royal mansions, Furnishings, Azalea.
- Flower shops: Scarlet Flower, Fleur, Flower Island.
- Household chemical stores: CleanHouse, Hostess, Atmosphere.
- For electronics stores: In touch, Eight bits, Electronics, E-market
- Construction: Constructor, Toolkit, Samodelkin, DreamHouse
- Women's clothing store: Goddess, Cleopatra, Fashionista.
- Children's clothing stores: All for kids, From 5 to 15, Toddler.
- Men's clothing : Elegant, Victor, Egoist, Mister Chic.
- Specialty coffee shop: Coffee tree, Arabica, Coffee aroma.
- Pet supply store: Pet, Fauna, In the animal world, Nora.

If you need professional help in developing the name of a store or trading company, the KOLORO branding agency will be happy to help you. We have accumulated considerable experience in creating successful names. You can get a free consultation and ask your questions right now.

How to come up with a store name is a problem that almost all entrepreneurs face. How to choose a beautiful name for a store among dozens various options? About this and much more in this article!

I think that no one will dispute the fact that advertising is one of the most important factors success of any business. Popularity depends on advertising, which means the number of visits, orders, applications, requests. Creating an advertising image requires more than one year of work by an entire team of marketers, huge financial investments, and an inexhaustible supply of patience. But it all starts small - with the name.

What to name a store, company, foundation, LLC, etc. - a problem that every entrepreneur faces. After all, a person’s first intuitive impression of your establishment depends on the name. A significant role here is also played by the color background of the sign, the font and size of the letters, and the creativity of the electronic ticker or light display. But we'll talk about this some other time. Today we will learn how to come up with beautiful store names, it doesn’t matter whether it’s offline sales or online trading.

It would seem that a rather simple task baffles those who strive to make their business ideal, starting from the name and ending with the color of the railings near their outlet. And, on the contrary, many do not set this process as a priority task. That is why in our country there are so many stores named after their owners.

Usually these are women's names - Olga, Natalie, Svetlana, etc., or men's names and patronymics - Palych's, Seryoga's, Ashot's shawarma, and there are other, no less colorful signs.

Walk around your city, you will definitely see signs “Groceries”, “Fresh Bread”, “Telephones”, “Electronics”, “Books” - short and succinct, but for some reason buyers are in no hurry to see them. But in some “Little Red Riding Hood” (an excellent name for a store selling baked goods), the doors simply won’t have time to close.

Although there are pleasant exceptions. For example, Steve Jobs told his entourage when they were trying to come up with a name for the future “electronics giant”: “If by five o’clock you don’t offer anything better, then I will name the company ... apple.” At the same time, he looked at this fruit that he was holding in his hand, took a bite of it, and... you already know the rest.

Several rules for creating names for a store

There is even a special technology for creating sonorous names for brands - “ naming». It is here that several rules for composing names have “ripened”, which can be successfully used in such a matter as finding a beautiful, sonorous name for a store.

  1. Laconic name– one, maximum two short words. Agree that such a sign as “ Modern technologies installing windows and doors” is overkill.
  2. The name coincides with the theme of the business. Fish store “Edelweiss” or store for hunters and fishermen “Parnas” – what do you think? Same for me too! Of course, I’m exaggerating somewhat, but I’m sure you understand the meaning.
  3. Ease of remembering. The name for the store should be pronounced easily and naturally (don’t forget that many people have various speech impediments), etched into memory at first sight.
  4. The sound and spelling of a name in a foreign language. Who knows, maybe you will go international, or, more likely, you will have goods supplied from abroad. For example, the name “kitty-kitty” for residents of Arab countries will mean a call for sexual activity, and if an Arab goes into such a store, it will certainly not be for cat food. And what would a store with the word “sewing” in its name sound like in English? For those who speak the language it should already be funny.
  5. Employment check. To do this, you can use a paid legal examination. For example, there are as many as 36 stores in Moscow with the name “The Little Mermaid”! For such a large city, this may not be much, but 6 of them are located in the same administrative district, and 3 are on the same street. Moreover, this is not a retail chain.

It is also noted that the influx of buyers is ensured by a name that contains categories of the target audience. For example, “Everything for newlyweds”, “Student cafe”, etc.

If you have chosen a name for your store, do not rush to register it. Wait a week or two, even a month - suddenly the name, as they say, “will not get used”, or you will not like it at all. After all, it will be difficult to replay everything back. Try to use these simple rules, and you will definitely succeed. Well, if not, and there is no one to help you, write your problem in the comments to the article, we will help “with the whole world.”

Using brainstorming

In the 40s of the last century it was invented interesting method solving complex problems together – “ brainstorm ", which consists in the fact that several people must come up with as many solutions as possible to a given problem over a certain period of time. Then the most interesting and practical answers are selected from the entire list.

This method can be successfully applied in searching for a name for a store. Ask your friends, relatives, acquaintances to take part in the process, set a time, for example, 15 minutes. And then choose the most appropriate name from all those proposed. Although you can do the same thing yourself.

The essence of brainstorming is that after all standard answers have been exhausted, the brain begins to generate creative ideas. They are, as a rule, most often correct.

Beautiful store names - examples

I offer you examples of what I think are beautiful store names.

  • Grocery: Shopping, Food Fair, Thrifty, Meat Feast, Homemade
  • Furniture: From the hallway to the bedroom, Furnishings, Royal mansions, Azalea
  • Floral: Scarlet Flower, Flower Island, Chamomile, Fleur
  • Household chemicals: Hostess, CleanHouse,, Atmosphere
  • Electronics: Eight bits, In touch, Electronics, e-market
  • Construction: Constructor, Toolkit, Samodelkin, DreamHouse
  • Women's clothing: Cleopatra, Goddess, Centipede (shoe), Fashionista
  • Children's clothing: Karapuz, Everything for kids, From 5 to 15 (an example of the target audience in the title), Filippok
  • Men's clothing: Victor, Mister Chic, Elegant
  • Coffee specialty store: Arabica, Coffee tree, Coffee aroma
  • Pet products: Pet, Burrow, In the animal world, Fauna

How to choose a name for an online store

Besides general rules for naming, which I talked about above, it’s not bad if the name of the online store is:

  • Matches the domain name. Example: the Navigator online store on the domain is a rather unfortunate combination. It would be more acceptable to use or at least If a suitable domain name is taken, you can experiment with spelling the word in Latin. Fortunately, the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation allow this. Or look at the domain occupancy in other domain zones: .рф, .com, .net, and others.
  • WITH In general, you can do various creative “stuff”. For example: net,, or something like that.
  • Will be protected by patent, in order to avoid the appearance of clone sites that will significantly reduce your flow of visitors.

And if your store has its own slogan, then your brand will be even more recognizable. Just try to keep your names, slogans, logos, etc. coincided with reality, because creating a name is much harder than losing it.

There are plenty of ideas for names for an online store floating around on the Internet. Most of them suffer from repeated repetitions on many web resources. And when you open your own business, you want something unique and, most importantly, effective. What, for example, should be a suitable name for an online clothing store? After all, the phrase “What do you call the boat...”, despite being hackneyed, has not lost its relevance.

A sonorous and original name for an online store should be chosen once and for all. It is highly not recommended to change it along the way. Let's determine the main factors that require attention when choosing.

The peculiarity of online stores is that each of them has a domain. That is, the address of the site that is the “working platform”. A domain is indicated in the address bar as a specific set of letters, and the name of your brainchild should be selected with this factor in mind.

How to choose?

Let's look at the main criteria that should not be neglected when choosing. And they are:

  • The name of your resource must completely fit the target audience.
  • Exactly match the products you are going to sell.
  • There should be no problem remembering due to the complexity.
  • The factors of associativity and eloquence have not been canceled in the same way.
  • Of course, the name must be unique.
  • Don't forget about the concept of a stop list.

What does all of this mean?

Now let's decipher all of the above in a little more detail. What does it mean to reach the target audience? This is to bring your idea into line with a number of factors, including age and gender, price and social (that is, belonging to a certain group or stratum).

As for the price category, there are basically three of them. Low - products from the cheap market segment, medium - somewhat more expensive, and high - with an emphasis on quality and prestige of the brand. Most stores, including virtual ones, are aimed at middle-class buyers.

Your task is to clearly decide to whom exactly you will sell your product. The name for an online store should convey the feeling of its price category. Thus, economy class goods will look organic under a comic playful sign that is quite casual and simple. If your goal is to create an expensive and prestigious online store, you should choose a more pretentious and exclusive name.

Differences based on gender imply a focus on the gender of the buyer. Titles women's online stores- graceful, flirty, gentle. Products for men should be sold under an official, strict sign. The name for the children's online store is comic, evoking associations with fairy tale characters.

Big and small

Let's consider the division of clients by age. There are also several categories here:

  • Teen audience (under 21 years old).
  • Buyers of young active age (21-30 years old).
  • Middle-aged clients (approximately 30 to 45 years old).

You should imagine that shopping in a virtual environment is typical mainly for the younger generation - under 30 years old. If you are selling products to middle-aged people, your sign should be calm, dignified, and harmonious. The name for an online store of youth products may contain a colloquial phrase with elements of slang.

Other nuances

Taking into account the social factor is even more difficult - after all, it involves division by interests, lifestyle, preferred religion and even subcultures.

To ensure that the name matches the product as fully as possible, the principle of associativity is widely used. Thus, perfumes for many people mentally evoke an image of tenderness, and underwear - sexuality. Having achieved the necessary associations in the buyer’s brain, you will make a giant leap towards your goal.

Under no circumstances should the name be too complex. By being too clever, you run the risk that the buyer simply won’t be able to remember it. Not to mention the problems with SEO optimization.

Another key point is uniqueness. It’s a big mistake to simply copy competitors’ signs. Your case is absolutely isolated, remember this.

The peculiarity of the language is that all domain names are written in Latin. Meanwhile, many people find it difficult to perceive foreign words. Unfortunately, this is another trap. By creating a name with a complex letter combination, you risk ruining the idea in the bud.

What is a stop list? Try once and for all to abandon the words that are on the list that have become boring a long time ago and cause nothing but irritation. Most often, these are the prefixes best, vip, elit, shop, top, or product designations gift, perfume, books, CD, which have been imposed on everyone.

We are looking for a name. How and where?

Here are some tips that will make this difficult task easier for you:

  • You can come up with the name of an online store based on the name of the best-selling main product.
  • Long-dead brands are coming into use - their signs are getting a second life.
  • Try contacting the namers. Who are they? Specialists who, for a fee, will write you a name for anything - a company, a brand, a store, and so on.
  • It’s trite, but it works - go through famous beautiful combinations of foreign words. Sometimes it sounds quite stylish.
  • Use your real last name. This is what many currently promoted brands did. As a rule, such names are the easiest to remember and do not have problems with uniqueness. Difficulties can only arise when trying to write in transliteration. Not every user will type correctly the right words in the search bar. That is why not every surname, even a beautiful and sonorous one, will be appropriate as a sign for an online store.

What else?

  • Use the main group of products as a surname. Example - we call a flower shop "Tsvetkoff". Although quite banal, it looks very advantageous.
  • If nothing comes to mind, resort to natural names. Take some exotic place on earth - an island, a river, a mountain - like Fiji or Malibu. This name always sounds impressive.

  • Sometimes you have to play with words creatively, sometimes even making an “accidental” typo within reason.
  • Often the name of a product (shoes, clothing, etc.) is translated into another foreign language (Spanish, Italian, French). The meaning is the same, but the sound is completely different, mysterious and enigmatic.
  • Name words are supplemented with unexpected prefixes or suffixes (podarkos).

Name of online stores: list of approximate options

Here are the most win-win words that are suitable always and everywhere:

  • Name for an online clothing store (women's) - "Lady", "Glamour", "Lik", "Versailles", "Chic", "Pretty", "Coquette", "Ecstasy", "Eva", "World of Beauty" .
  • For men, the following options are suitable - “Gentleman”, “Esthete”, “Big People” (for “royal” sizes).
  • The name of the online children's clothing store is “Top-top”, “Baby”, “Krokha”, “Bambi”, “Pups”, “Casper”.
  • In the name of a shoe store you can use the words “Shoe”, “Step”, “Top-top”, “Botik”.
  • When it comes to lingerie - “Ecstasy”, “Cleopatra”, “Magnolia”, “Eve”, “Tenderness”, “Temptation”, “Intimacy”, “Orchid”.

  • For a furniture store - “Interior”, “Elite”, “Comfort”, “Continent”, “Your Home”, “Empire”, “Comfort”, “Harmony”, “Corner”, “Aesthete”.
  • For floral - “Lotus”, “Gardenia”, “Oasis”, “Flower world (or paradise)”, “Camellia”, “Flora”, “Edelweiss”, “Fantasy”, “Orchid”, “Flamingo”, “Florence” ".

Other examples of online store names

  • If you are going to trade household chemicals - “Shine”, “Snow White”, “Alternative”, “Sorceress”, “Cinderella”, “Freshness”, “Lotus”, “Clean”, “Shine”, “Moidodyr”, “Fairy” , "Aroma".
  • For an online gift store, suitable words are “Marvel”, “Casket”, “Positive”, “Present”.
  • Options for those who sell computers and office equipment - “Bit”, “Omega”, “Byte”, “Ultra”, “Hacker”, “Virus”, “Spectrum”, “Portal”, “Forum”, “Enter” .
  • Those who sell building materials - "Megastroy", "Decor", "Host", "Eurostroy", "Pyramid", "Economy Builder", "Master", "StroyGid".

The task of coming up with a name is to successfully combine a suitable word with a convenient transliteration of it in the domain name. The problem is that most of the existing domains have been occupied for a long time. Many people try to buy a suitable name at any cost. If you are one of them, then know that specialized agencies can provide such a service.

How to choose a domain name?

When choosing it, owners make many serious mistakes. The main thing is that it matches the name of the store. Then the address of your resource will be easier to remember and enter into the search bar.

Is it possible to do without a name at all, limiting ourselves to, say, an IP address? At the same time, you can save on a domain name!

Numbers, as a rule, mean nothing to the client and are extremely rarely remembered. By spending on purchasing a decent domain with a sonorous, memorable and easy name, we will do a lot for our online store.

It's no secret that shorter names are easier to remember. Cybersquatters (domain name hunters) buy up high-sounding and short names and then resell them for very decent money. A long name is only suitable when a site with an extremely narrow topic includes the main key query. In this case, you are guaranteed good SEO promotion of your store.

About the importance of pronunciation

Even a short name should be associated with something. It cannot be just a meaningless set of letters or numbers. As a last resort, an abbreviation of the first letters of the store name is suitable (if it consists, for example, of three or more words).

The pronunciation of the domain in the Russian version should also be unambiguous. Many Latin letters are read differently by Russian-speaking users (especially those who are not strong in languages). In such cases, there is a risk that the name you said over the phone when you type it in the address bar will be shamelessly distorted and will not end up on your site at all.

Cyrillic in using a domain name is strictly not recommended. It has not yet taken root on the Internet so much that in various programs it can be reflected as a set of special characters devoid of any meaning.

To avoid breaking your tongue

Difficult to pronounce names that require letter-by-letter dictation over the phone to almost every second client should also be avoided. If possible, choose domains that do not contain hyphens or numbers. The latter should be used only when they carry a generally accepted meaning. For example, 24 (your company’s operating hours are 24/7). In other cases, numbers in the domain that do not contain any semantic meaning are completely unnecessary.

The domain name, like the name itself for the online store, must correspond to the severity of the site. Unless you plan to trade balloons and firecrackers, avoid “fun” slang words that will significantly reduce the prestige of your decent online store, especially when it comes to selling expensive equipment, jewelry or climate control equipment.

Try not to include geographical terms or mentions of a city or region. Who knows how your business will unfold in a year or two. Perhaps you will reach a whole new level. The name of your hometown in the address bar will noticeably limit you in finding new clients.

Down with negativity

It is better to avoid negative and regressive words, as well as prefixes “not” in the name, and superstition has nothing to do with it. It is common for the human consciousness to “not notice” these prefixes, and the meaning changes to the exact opposite. It is better to focus on a positive and cheerful attitude.

Lack of originality is also a fairly serious problem. How not to get lost among the many competing stores? Whatever one may say, you will have to break your head. As a last resort, it’s not a sin to splurge on the services of naming specialists.

Check all the selected options according to the above criteria and figure out which one works best. Will it be necessary to hastily change it after some time? Is it ideally possible to work under this name indefinitely? Of course, the domain is subject to change. Technically this is not difficult to do. But if you expect to turn your name into a brand, then such a replacement is of no use to you. It is better to spend some time, money and effort on selecting the most successful and beautiful name online store now, rather than changing the logo a year later, reprinting business cards and editing contextual advertising ads.