Kindergarten and frequent child illnesses. Why does a child not want to go to kindergarten after illness? Go to kindergarten after illness

We have long been accustomed to the fact that a child goes to kindergarten literally the next day after illness. This means that as soon as his temperature normalizes and his general condition improves, the doctor closes the sick leave and gives a certificate that he is healthy. And already in the morning next day mom thinks...

That’s how it is, but for some reason few people think that the immune system has not yet recovered and visiting kindergarten could result in a new disease. The baby will come to the children's group and will probably meet not only friends, but also the new virus.

Is it any wonder that the weakened body will not be able to cope with it and the disease will begin again, and this time it will be more severe and longer. You will, of course, cope with it, but the situation can repeat itself again if you follow the old scheme. And then we still wonder why.

So how do you need it? It’s very simple: when a child gets better, you shouldn’t immediately go to the circus to celebrate or go to kindergarten the next day after illness. Now the body needs fresh air, more motor activity, good sleep and foods rich in vitamins (don't forget to read about nutrition).

With such an organization of the day and limited contacts with strangers, recovery from illness will not take much time. Literally a week after illness you will be able to fully walk kindergarten.

Please note that the child’s contact with other children or adults is undesirable during this period only in indoors. So playing with peers in the sandbox poses virtually no threat. Therefore, as an option, after an illness you can go to kindergarten the next day, but only at a time when the children go for a walk.

Of course, this is very inconvenient, especially if the kindergarten is located far from home. But it’s better to suffer inconvenience for a few days than to think again.

And one last thing. When you are going to kindergarten after an illness, do not forget about other children. If you come to a group with an untreated cold, the next day others may also get sick. According to doctors, you should not go to kindergarten before the sixth day from the onset of ARVI, regardless of the severity of the disease.

Many parents, as soon as the child’s temperature subsides and his general condition returns to normal, immediately close the sick leave and send him to kindergarten.

Few parents think that the child’s immunity has not yet recovered sufficiently, and a quick visit to kindergarten can result in a new illness. After all, when a child comes to the team, he will meet not only friends, but also new bacteria.



When to go to kindergarten after illness?

Many mothers ask: “When should a child go to kindergarten after illness?” Yes, very much indeed interest Ask. Let's take things in order.

Many parents, as soon as the child’s temperature subsides and his general condition returns to normal, immediately close the sick leave and send him to kindergarten.

Few parents think thatchild's immunity He hasn’t recovered enough yet, and a quick visit to kindergarten can result in a new illness. After all, when a child comes to the team, he will meet not only friends, but alsonew bacteria.

And then we are surprised that we have childrenoften sick .
In most cases, a weakened body will not be able to cope with them, the child will get sick again, and the illness may be more severe and longer. You will be treated again, and the drugs prescribed this time should be different, the antibiotics should be stronger.

When can you send your child to kindergarten after illness?

When the child gets better, he is on the mend, you should not immediately take him with you to the store in other areas where there are many people. That is, eliminate contact with other children indoors.

Walk with your child in the fresh air more often, take naps during the day, and provide foods rich in vitamins.

By organizing your day this way, limiting contact with strangers, the body’s recovery will not take much time. Doctors say that a child can be sent to kindergarten after the sixth day from the onset of the disease.

And one last thing. Do not be indifferent to other children; if you bring your child with an untreated cold to the group, then the next day the rest may also get sick. Nowadays there are very often situations when children in a group cough and blow their noses.

Of course, there are different situations when it is not possible to leave a child at home for another week after an illness. We are all working. And for our employers, the most important thing is that the work is done on time.
I hope you make the right choice!!!

Once you get a seat in the garden you have a reasonable question regarding your medical record and certificates. What, when, where to get? It is not immediately possible to figure it out and understand what the teacher requires of you. In what cases is a certificate required, and when can you go to the garden without it? When can you miss a couple of days for family reasons and why is it necessary to bring a certificate from a pediatrician.

Help for a child in kindergarten after illness

When mom comes to the clinic to get a card, everything is clear with her. Eat established pattern, strictly according to which the child must go through all the doctors and receive a conclusion in the card.
But what about the certificate? What it is? And why is it needed? reference, if the child is not sick and just left to the garden after summer holidays, For example?

Let's start with the fact that everything educational institutions operate in accordance with SanPiN dated August 27, 2010. In which the process of attendance and exemption from classes is strictly regulated in the child's garden. Namely, that if the child is absent for more than three working days (note, holidays and weekends are not taken into account), he can be accepted only after providing certificate for a child to go to kindergarten after his illness, and the certificate also states that the baby had no contact with infected people.

Options that you run to the pediatrician in the evening and take certificate a little later - excluded! The teacher must respond in accordance with the current regulations. And do not take it without first examining the child’s doctor.

IMPORTANT! By taking your child’s certificate to kindergarten after illness, you guarantee that you are joining a team healthy child.

If you need for family reasons (a trip to grandma, a trip to the dentist or something else) to pick up for a few baby days- Be sure to warn the teachers. They will take you off the diet, and when you go back to class, they will put you back on. This way you are guaranteed to attend kindergarten in full mode. Otherwise, you will be taken off the diet on the very first day, and if you plan to go out the next day, then there will be nothing to feed your baby, since he will not be included in the application schedule.

Help for a child after illness. Sample

IN certificate for kindergarten after a child’s illness The following information must be provided:

  • Reason for issuing the certificate: diagnosis for the condition of the disease. If you have been absent for a long time, then a general examination for lice and contact with infectious patients.
  • The period during which the baby was absent is indicated.
  • Treatment methods carried out.
  • Special recommendations for caring for a child after illness. This point is more important for schoolchildren, as it gives the right to exemption from classes physical training, or relaxation in classes.

Certificates are taken either at the clinic, to which you are geographically attached. Or you can contact private clinics and their pediatricians. Only one thing is important here - a legally certified opportunity issuing certificates to children in kindergartens and schools.

The photo shows a sample certificate with all the items included. In this case, the stamp of the attending physician and the clinic must be stamped.


If your child missed kindergarten due to illness Be sure to see a doctor. Perhaps he fell ill according to his usual pattern, but one should not exclude consequences that are impossible for non-specialists to see.

If you don't like the clinic, then you shouldn't make an appointment on Friday. It is usually taken by most parents who need exactly certificate for a child after illness.

There is one little trick: take an appointment ticket for Wednesday. Discharge your child as of Thursday. After he walks for two days and rests on the weekend, you will already have a full week. Thus, it will be easier for you to adapt to the kindergarten regime and the chances of getting sick again will sharply decrease.

Help for a child in kindergarten required after a three-day absence. These requirements were introduced for a reason. After all, parents often, trying to avoid severe illness and deterioration of their condition, take their child at home for three days, and on the fourth they take him sick and contagious to the group. As a result, the entire group is decimated by acute respiratory infections. To avoid this, the time interval was reduced from five days (which was exactly what it used to be) to three.

When visiting kindergarten, try to think not only about your worries, but also take into account the child’s condition. At the first signs of illness, it is better to stay home.

Photo: free Internet sources

The child does not want to go to kindergarten, he cries again in the morning, although it would seem that he is already used to going to kindergarten. Why is this happening? The illness has disrupted the routine of doing the same thing every day, and now the child feels lost. Why is the daily routine so important for preschoolers and how should adults behave if it is suddenly disrupted?

I view a daily routine as a set of rules and restrictions set by parents to help children fully master the life skills needed for school, socialization, and overall success in life.

A daily routine brings peace of mind. For preschoolers who do not yet have a sense of time, routine and rules help develop flexibility and resistance to stress. Why do you need a daily routine? It helps them understand what will happen next and in what order. When children know what to expect, they feel like they have control over what happens. Otherwise, they perceive change as a threat to themselves and this makes them feel lost and confused.

Repetition of actions is also necessary in order to learn something, to master something perfectly; Children learn and feel more comfortable by repeating something over and over until they feel they have mastered it.

Preschoolers are not able to organize themselves in terms of time, as adults do; the corresponding structures have not yet developed in their brains. Children need help.

A daily routine is an unshakable, well-known order that creates a feeling of peace of mind (“a place to return to”). Flexibility develops in those moments when you deviate from your usual routine, but know that it is there and you can return to it.

At the end of each school year Our preschool program takes us to a nearby park. This is a significant change for children. We prepare the kids for this event: we hold a farewell party in the center and tell them about the park. But you still need to adapt to such a change.

During her first trip to the park, Irena, who had just turned three years old, was playing with the sand obliviously. And suddenly she stopped, sat down on the side of the sandbox and said: “That’s it, I’ve played enough. Let’s go back to kindergarten.” The teacher kindly reminded her that the kindergarten always closes for the summer and now they will play in the park. And she showed that she understands the feelings of Irena, who missed kindergarten.

The girl became thoughtful, understood everything and began to play again, despite the change in her usual routine. Then she stopped playing several more times, sat down and declared that she was ready to return to kindergarten. And during the second trip to the park, Irena had already accepted the change in the schedule. An insignificant rule, but the path to it is long.

Consider the example of three-year-old Micah, who recently started kindergarten. He likes the duty calendar, and when he returns home every day, he repeats who was in charge today, who will be in charge tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The calendar itself and the thought that one day follows another and this order remains unchanged fills his soul with peace. He knows what to expect: "If it's Monday, then it'll be Tuesday. On Tuesday, I'm in charge." By October he had already mastered the rules and was very proud of his knowledge.

But then November comes. And in the middle of the week kindergarten is canceled because it falls on a holiday. But Mika has just gotten used to the fact that he has to go to kindergarten all weekdays of the week (“On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I go to kindergarten. On Saturday and Sunday I don’t go to kindergarten. Mom and Dad stays at home too." Suddenly, the mother says that there is no need to go to kindergarten, and this unsettles the boy.

He begins to sob, and then screams, choking with sobs: “Yes, kindergarten! Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is kindergarten!” Mika was used to his routine, but just as he felt that he was in control of events, the routine was suddenly disrupted. From his point of view, this is a tragedy.

Such illogical changes can greatly upset children like Mika, who are “fed” by the regime and clearly established rules. For Miki, order in everything - be it the days at kindergarten that follow one another, or his strictly lined up toy cars - is a priority (at least at this time in his life), and so he is crushed by what happened.

After a number of such incidents, his mother turned to me, very concerned about her son’s condition. She asked: “Is something wrong with Mika?”

Of course not. In an older child or adult, we would perceive this trait as determination - one of the qualities that gives rise to perseverance, which is so important for solving problems and achieving success in school and other areas of life.

I explained to the worried mother that at this stage of development, Mika was not able to understand that there was nothing wrong with breaking the routine. He just hasn't developed the necessary flexibility yet. The baby’s brain does not yet know how to quickly switch from one mode to another, adapting to changes.

Does this apply to all three year olds? No. For some children, changes in their daily routine throw them off balance for a long time. Others recover relatively quickly. And some people don’t seem to notice any changes at all.

The anxiety and distress that children experience when routines are disrupted are due to a loss of peace of mind. As long as they feel in control of the situation, they can relax, making sure that everything is fine. And suddenly the rules change! It's a shock, even if the change seems minor to adults.

Changes in daily routine: what should parents do?

What can a parent do when the rules change? Maybe a relative came to visit you or the kindergarten was closed for quarantine. Maybe the TV or iPad is broken and your child won't be able to watch Sesame Street before going to kindergarten. Helping your child cope with such minor changes means helping him withstand larger changes later in life.

First, acknowledge that your child may won't like it changing your usual daily routine and what exactly you need have to support him when he gets upset. You know that these are temporary changes - be able to convey this feeling to your child.

If changes are known in advance, tell your child about them shortly before expected events. “Today you will wake up and see that grandma has come to visit us. I have to go to work early, so grandma came to sit with you. I will come home at lunchtime to see how you are doing.”

Children won't necessarily like change even if they've been warned, so it's important to recognize that the child may get upset. “You may be upset, but tomorrow (Tuesday) is a holiday. Usually you go to kindergarten on Tuesdays. But this Tuesday will be special - without kindergarten.”

Many parents overly fearful that disruption of the usual routine will have a bad effect on children. For example, they reject an offer to go on a visit out of town, because then they will have to have lunch later than usual, and “the child needs to follow a daily routine.”

Over many years of communicating with parents, I have discovered that they also have a hard time getting used to changes. Therefore, if parents are worried about whether they will be able to adapt to some kind of routine, their excitement will certainly be passed on to the child.

Comment on the article "Why does a child not want to go to kindergarten after illness"

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Summary: Adaptation of a child to kindergarten. The child often gets sick in the garden. Causes of frequent illnesses in children in kindergarten. How can you help your child adapt to kindergarten more easily and get sick less? Sick leave for child care.

A very common situation is when a child, before he started attending kindergarten, was almost not sick at all, and then at the age of three he went to kindergarten and it began... a week in kindergarten, two weeks on sick leave.

What should parents do? First of all, we must recognize the fact that any children's group is a source of viruses and bacteria. Each child is a carrier of his own specific microbes, which he received in his family and to which he has developed immunity. At the beginning of kindergarten, children begin to actively exchange germs, so they often get sick at first.

Stress caused by visiting kindergarten also reduces immunity in children. The more difficult it is for a child to get used to kindergarten, the more he experiences separation from his beloved mother, the more often he will get sick.

Another factor may be to blame for the fact that a child who starts attending kindergarten often gets sick. As a rule, the beginning of the child's visit preschool coincides with the mother's return to work after maternity leave. If a woman doesn’t really like her job, if she would like to sit better at home with her child and not work, then on an unconscious level she will even be glad that her child is often sick and therefore cannot attend kindergarten. The mother’s reluctance to go to work for some reason can contribute to the child’s constant illness.

A child’s illness benefits both the mother and the child. Mom is dealing with a work issue. The child himself no longer goes to kindergarten, and in addition, during his illness, he receives increased attention and care from his mother. It’s hard only in the first two to three days (during the acute period of the disease), when there is fever, pain and other severe signs of the disease, then for two to three whole weeks, until the doctor discharges you to kindergarten, you can enjoy such familiar communication with close person. And then the child, on an unconscious level, begins to understand that he needs to get sick in order to ensure a safe return home.

What to do?

How can you help your child adapt to kindergarten more easily and get sick less?

1. Firstly, we must take into account not only how often the child gets sick, but also how severe the illness is. If illnesses occur, although often, but easily, without complications, without taking a lot of medications, if the baby recovers on his own and all treatment consists only of plenty of drink, fruit, and frequent ventilation of the room, then it is not harmful to get sick and get better! But if, as Dr. Komarovsky writes: “...every sneeze is a reason to prescribe a dozen syrup tablets, for injections of antibiotics, for a thorough examination, for consultation with a dozen specialists, each of whom considers it necessary to add a couple more drugs to the treatment, - such acute respiratory infections are an unambiguous and obvious evil, and such acute respiratory infections do not go away without a trace and are not outgrown without pain. And for such a child, kindergarten is dangerous. And the parents and doctors are dangerous.

2. Also, parents should understand that if you do not take your child to kindergarten for fear of frequent illnesses, then such a situation with illnesses may arise when the child starts attending school. At school, as you understand, it is worse to get sick, because... the child misses classes.

3. It’s good to start preparing your child for attending kindergarten in advance. You can read about how to prepare your child for kindergarten in our special article here.

4. The ideal option is when the child goes to kindergarten, and his mother has the opportunity not to go to work for at least another six months. In this case, it is possible to ensure the child’s gradual adaptation to kindergarten. Those. first take him to the group for a couple of hours, gradually increasing the time he spends in kindergarten.

In addition, in this situation, the mother will have the opportunity to redo all household chores during the day, and, after picking up the baby from kindergarten, devote all her time to him. And, of course, the issue with frequent sick leave will be resolved.

5. The mother needs to change her behavior during the child’s illness. To avoid the formation of a pathological reaction to the need for illness, it is necessary to behave in a certain way with the child during illness. This means that attention to it should be only as much as is really necessary to alleviate suffering, so as not to cause a feeling of benefit from the disease. The conditions should be such that being sick is boring. We recommend that you read the following articles on this topic:

6. Of course, the child’s health is affected by his lifestyle. Daily walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, the absence of harmful foods in the diet, living in an ecologically clean area... all this strengthens the immune system. All parents know about this, but not all these conditions are always feasible, especially when living in a large city. But at least this is what we should strive for.

7. And lastly... If possible, do not rush to send your child to kindergarten after illness. Wait until his snot and cough are completely gone. At this time, you can and should go for a walk with your child; the ideal option is to walk in the fresh air in a forest or park, away from large crowds of people and cars. Fresh air will help the child get stronger after illness and will help treat coughs and snot. There is no point in delaying kindergarten either. If the baby is completely healthy, then you need to go to kindergarten.

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