Our army is a patriotic project. Project in the senior group "Our native army" project (senior group) on the topic. Equipping the developing environment





on patriotic education

"Our native army"


S.N.Aksyutova, E.A. Parkhomenko -

educators of the middle group;

I.V. Veremey - educator

visual activity;

A.I. Kazakova - musical


Slavgorod - 2016

Project for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Subject: "Our Army is dear."


Historically, love for the Motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state were a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with preschool children is obvious. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, requires a lot of tact and patience, since in young families the issues of fostering patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and, often, cause only bewilderment.

On the eve of February 23, the words "army", "defenders of the Fatherland" - sound more often than usual. These words aim at the memories of the entire adult population of Russia. Among people of advanced age, they are associated primarily with the Great Patriotic War.

The current generation of young and relatively young parents - with crafts that were mastered in kindergarten. Remember: three matchboxes covered with green paper, a red star on the tower, and a match as a cannon. Every Soviet dad received such a gift on February 23rd.

If earlier we glorified service in the army, and everyone dreamed of raising a true defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. We live in a very difficult time when deviations are becoming the norm. It is considered normal, to evade military service at any cost, not to have children in order to preserve material wealth, etc.

One of the most important directions in overcoming the lack of spirituality of a significant part of society is patriotic upbringing and education of children. Introducing preschoolers to the defenders of the Fatherland, we generate feelings of pride and love in them.

This project is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and courage are, and on the other hand, to instill love for their country, raise patriots, a sense of pride in their army and arouse the desire to be like strong Russian soldiers.

Goal: To expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.


to form an idea that in peacetime our country is guarded by the Russian army. To acquaint with the branches of the armed forces, with military professions, with equipment that helps to serve.

develop speech activity, replenish and activate vocabulary.

to instill in boys a desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland, a sense of pride in the Russian army.

Object of study: holiday of the defender of the fatherland, as a tradition of patriotic education.

Subject of study : traditions of patriotic education.

Project hypothesis : an insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army leads to a lack of desire to become a defender of the Fatherland in the future.

Project type : informational and practical.?

Duration of the project: short-term, from 15 to 19 February 2016.

Project participants : children of the middle group of a kindergarten, educators of the group, teacher of fine arts, music worker, parents of pupils.

Educational areas : social and communicative development, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, physical.

Objectives of educational areas:

social and communicative - to form children's ideas about the defenders of our Motherland in different historical epochs, to foster a sense of pride in the historical past of Russia; develop situational - business communication with peers in all types of activities; to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe profession based on familiarization with specific types of work.

speech - to develop the ability for a holistic perception of the text, which combines the ability to identify the main content, to understand the main characteristics of the characters and the simple motives of their actions.

cognitive - to show initiative in activities, in clarifying or in setting goals, in the course of reasoning, in the implementation and achievement of the result.

artistic and aesthetic - learn to cut parts of crafts from strips of paper and connect them; teach to draw a tank, fireworks; develop aesthetic perception, imagination; develop an ear for music in preschoolers; promote the development of elementary musical literacy by children.

physical - foster a desire to resolve problematic game situations related to health protection; to form the need for physical activity, interest in physical exercises.

Main directions of work : classes, plot games, conversations, consultations, didactic games, viewing illustrations, albums, reading fiction, viewing slides, musical classes, creative classes in drawing, modeling, applications, designers, organizing war games, watching cartoons about the war, Defenders of the Fatherland , independent activities of children, work with parents, holding holidays.

Project support : synopses, posters, slides, fiction and methodological literature, postcards, posters, travel folders, consultations, presentations, military attributes, board-printed games, didactic games, a selection of musical works of military subjects.

Project risks : insufficient activity of parents, insufficient material and methodological base, unpreparedness of teachers to participate in the project, to self-analyze their activities; internal resistance that the author of the project may encounter (lack of motivation of other participants, fear of innovations, low self-esteem of the project participants); lack of forms, mechanisms for recording performance results.

Preliminary work:

1. Selection of illustrative material on the topic: board games, didactic games, materials for games.

2. Selection of methodological literature, fiction for reading, riddles on the topic, audio recordings, video recordings.

Working with parents:

Collage "My dad served in the army."

Creation of the album "That's what my dad is like".

Learning poems with children participating in the performance at the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

Final event form : sports holiday.

Project product: exhibition of children's works "Portrait of Dad", "Dad at Work", "Dad for a Walk."

Predicted result:

1. The formation of a respectful attitude towards the defenders of the fatherland.

2. Expanding children's knowledge and interest in the history of the Russian army and navy.

3. The emergence of a desire in the future to become a defender of the fatherland.

Organizational forms of the project :

02/15/2016 - Monday

Topic: Our Army is dear.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the defenders of our Motherland.



Working with parents


Conversation"The army of our times"

Purpose: to form in children primary ideas about the features of military service. Arouse a feeling of sympathy for the warrior, admiration for his strength and dexterity.

Didactic game "Name the profession".

Purpose: to acquaint children with military professions.

Information at the reception: “Heroes of the Russian Land”, “Glorious Names of the Fatherland”.

Artistic and aesthetic

Productive activity.

Modeling "Aircraft"

Purpose: to form the ability to sculpt military equipment from plasticine - an aircraft, to convey the characteristic features of an aircraft.


D / and "Find what I'll tell you about"

Purpose: to develop attention, memory.

D / and "Who needs what"

Purpose: to develop the ability to select items for this profession.


Reading poems about military professions.

Purpose: to develop an interest in poetry.


Outdoor games: "Don't yawn", "Hit the target"

16.02.2016 - Tuesday

Topic: Day of Tankers.



Activities of a teacher with children

Working with parents



Topic: Tankers.

Purpose: to fix the count within 5, geometric figures (○, □,.,), Orientation in space (forward, backward, left, right)

Learning poems with children for the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Artistic and aesthetic

Making gifts for boys

"War machines"

(matchbox toy)


Didactic games: "Sea Battle",

“Who owns which headdress? "

Purpose: to develop logical thinking.

Role-playing game "Defenders"


Reading N. Nikolsky's story "What tankers can do"


Finger gymnastics "Our Army".

Purpose: the development of fine motor skills.

Outdoor game: "Golden Gate".

Purpose: to develop the need for movement.

02/17/2016 - Wednesday

Topic: I am a border guard.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the types of troops.



Activities of a teacher with children

Working with parents


Conversation about the border guard service with illustrations.

Purpose: to acquaint with the important and difficult service of the border guard.

Album creation

"This is my dad."

Artistic and aesthetic

GCD - application

Topic: Airplanes are flying.

Purpose: to form the ability to neatly cut the strips, make up an airplane wing from them and stick them on paper.

Work in the coloring "Clothes of the border guard"

Purpose: to form an idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe border guard's clothes, the ability to work in coloring pages.


Didactic games:

"Pick a word", "Flies, walks, floats"

"Find what I'll tell you about"

Purpose: to develop speech, thinking, attention.


Drawing up a story based on the picture "Border guards".

Purpose: to develop the ability to compose short stories on the picture.

Reading the story of A. Zharov "Border Guards".


Outdoor games:

"Scout", "Caution, mines" Game exercises: "Who is faster"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, the ability to move on a signal.

02/18/2016 - Thursday

Topic: I want to become a sailor.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the types of troops.



Activities of a teacher with children

Working with parents


Conversation "I want to be a military sailor"

Purpose: to acquaint with the military profession of a sailor.

Collage making

"My dad served in the army."

Artistic and aesthetic

GCD - Drawing

Topic: Fast-winged aircraft.

Purpose: to form the ability to draw an airplane according to a model, accurately paint over a drawing.

Performance of the song "Our Motherland is Strong".

Listening to the music "Yablochko"

Purpose: foster interest in art, develop an ear for music.


Didactic game "Big house - small house".

Purpose: to develop the ability to distribute roles and develop the plot of the game.


Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "The Red Commander"

Purpose: to develop interest in works of art.


Round dance game "Flag",

Outdoor game "Snowball"

Purpose: to exercise in walking and running "snake".

02/19/2016 - Friday

Topic: Air Force Day.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the types of troops.



Activities of a teacher with children

Working with parents


Sports entertainment "We are the defenders" dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Purpose: to develop the cognitive interest and physical activity of children.

Presenting gifts to dads

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Artistic and aesthetic

Productive activity.

Designing "Military equipment"

Objective: To encourage the creation of variations of familiar structures from pre-built geometric shapes. To form the ability to create buildings from a designer according to a model.


Game exercise "Compare pyramids"

Purpose: to develop the ability to compare objects in size and color.

Role-playing game: "Pilots"

Physical education "Pilots".

Purpose: to develop friendly relations in the team.


Conversation "Let's Serve the Motherland."

Purpose: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland, to activate vocabulary, to develop dialogical speech.

Reading at children's choice: A. Mityaev "Our soldiers", "Airplane"

Purpose: to foster interest in works of art about the defenders of the Motherland.


Physical education "Pilots".

Purpose: to generate interest in physical exercise.

Outdoor play:"Salochki-rescuers"

Purpose: to develop dexterity and dexterity.

Heroes of the Russian land

Construction from building material.



Role-playing game "Steamer"

"Airplanes are flying" - applique

"Fast wing aircraft" - drawing

Gift for boys - tank

"Airplane" - sculpting

Military clothing - sailors

Collage "My dad served in the Army."

Examination of military equipment.

Sports festival by February 23 in the middle group

Subject: We are protectors.


to form strong-willed qualities, purposefulness, endurance; support in children the desire and ability to overcome obstacles.

foster a sense of respect for the Russian Army, love for the Motherland.

rto develop mental processes in children: attention, memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

Equipment: 3 checkbox (red, blue, green), 5 hoops, small balls,

3 bouncing balls, 6-7 items, gifts for boys.

The course of the event.

Children, under a military march, enter the hall and line up in two lines.

Educator: We gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of the defenders of the Fatherland together. And since the defenders, warriors, guarding the peace and tranquility of their country, have always been men, it means this is a holiday of our dads, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.The whole country congratulates your dads and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, reads poems in their honor. And we will congratulate our boys, because they are also future defenders countries. Who are the defenders?( defenders are those who protect their people)

All the boys of the whole country
Must be brave
So that the borders are guarded
To make moms smile
That there was no war!

Soldiers, military men defend our country from possible enemies ... Guys, who of you knows what a fatherland is?(the word fatherland comes from the word father.) Homeland is called the Motherland.What are our military defending?(Our Motherland) ... What is it called? (Russia.)
Our Motherland is Russia, the country in which we live.
Our Russian army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to the world on earth!

The trumpets are singing loud.

Our army ...

All: Salute!

The song "Our Motherland is Strong"

Educator : Guys, what qualities do you think a defender should have? (strong, brave, brave)

Educator: Defender of the Fatherland is a proud title,

All the boys are ready to wear it.

But you need to be brave, hardy, firm,

For this you need to be friends with sports!

Here we are today and will test your courage, agility, strength and ingenuity. First, I suggest you warm up a little. You will have to perform movements according to the text.

1. Game "Be attentive".

We got up exactly, pulled ourselves up.

Hands stretched out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

Squat and get up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk

Raise our legs higher.

Children, stop! One or two!

So the game is over.

Educator : Now everyone is ready.Our mood is joyful and elated.

2. An outdoor game "Signalman".

The teacher has three flags:

Blue - planes (children run around the hall, arms out to the sides).

Green - riding horses (running with a high knee lift).

Red - shout "Hurray!"

3. The game "Who will collect the most shells."

Call three children, designate with a hoop a place where to put the shells (pins - balls).

Skittles-balls are placed around the hall. The winner is the one who collects the most pins (shells)

Educator: Guys, soldiers should be not only dexterous, strong and well-aimed, but also quick-witted, so I suggest you take a break and solve my riddles about military equipment.

4. Riddles

Far from your country

They go to sea ... (ships).

The sea ice split

Pointed nose ... (icebreaker).

Who taxied for takeoff there?

Reactive plane).

This bird rushes to the stars,

Sound is overtaking ... (rocket).

It takes off without acceleration,
It reminds a dragonfly
Will take flight now
Big and noisy ... .. (helicopter).

Underwater is an iron whale
Day and night, the whale does not sleep,
Day and night under water
Protects our peace. (Submarine).

5. Attraction "Hit the target ". (Carried out by subgroups)

Children stand along the line. There are targets on the log opposite(pins-10). On command, you need to make a well-aimed throw.

6. Game "Riders" - 2teams
Participants from each team sit on large balls. At the signal, they begin to jump on them to the flags and back. The winner is the team that passes this relay the fastest.

Educator: The soldier needs rest
To read a book.
Well, for future soldiers
I suggest you play!

Well, let's play a game now, imagine a little that we are in the Army.

Game "In the Army ..."

how did you serve? like this! (thumb up)
how were you friends? like this! (hands in the lock)
how did you shoot at the target? like this
how did you sleep in the barracks? like this!
how did you eat porridge? like this!
in the ranks of the song as he sang? like this!
how did you miss home? like this!
how did you drink hot tea? like this!
and how did you hand over the report? like this!
marched on the parade ground? like this!
how sad were you? like this!
how did you laugh? like this!

Educator: Oh, how dexterous and fast you are. And now we offer you one more game "Scouts". The scouts must be very attentive. (There are several objects on the tables - children must remember all the objects and where they are. After that, the child's eyes are closed and some object is removed. The participant must determine what is missing.)

Educator: Well done guys, you have coped with all the tasks, real defenders of the Fatherland will grow out of you.

So our holiday has come to an end, once again I would like to congratulate all of you on this wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Girls give gifts to boys.


For everything that we now have,

For every happy hour we have

For the fact that the sun shines on us

Thanks to the valiant soldiers.

We wish you peace and good and let's say URA to the army!

Children rebuild in one column and go out of the hall under the march.

The game "Who will collect the most shells."

An outdoor game "Signalman".

Game "Riders"

Attraction "Hit the target ».

Game "in the Army".


1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M. A.

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4. Gerbova V. V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological

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6. Korotkova EP Teaching children of preschool age storytelling. - M.:

Enlightenment, 1982.

7. Gerbova V. V. Introduction of children to fiction. Program and

8. Komarova T. S. Classes in fine arts in the middle group

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9.L.S. Kiselyova, T.A. Danilina. The design method in the activities of the preschool educational institution. VOL.

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10. NF Gubanova "Theatrical activity of preschoolers". M.: "Waco"


11. Shipitsina L. M., Zashchirinskaya O. V., Voronova A. P., Nilova T. A. Alphabet

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14. Shvaiko GS Classes in fine arts in kindergarten. Average

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M.: Vlados, 2000

Pedagogical project.

The theme is "Our Army".

For older preschool children.

Project type: informational.

Duration: two weeks.


Kashaeva D.V.

Tsirikhova D.V.

1.Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 3

2.Main part ………………………………………………………………… 6

3.Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ..11

4.List of literature ………………………………………………………… 12

5. Application



One of the directions of spiritual and moral education is the upbringing of the heroic principle in children. The formation of attitudes towards the country and the state where a person lives, towards its history, begins from childhood. Fostering a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. But one cannot be a patriot, love the Motherland, without knowing how our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers loved and cherished it. Currently, we are faced with the problem that children have insufficient understanding of the Russian Army, of people of military professions. Thus, the lack of knowledge in children on this topic led us to the conclusion that it is necessary to acquaint children with the history of the holiday, with the Russian Army and its representatives, and foster a sense of patriotism in children. As a result, this project topic was chosen and a decision was made on the need for its implementation.

Familiarization with the Russian Army, its function of protecting Russia from enemies

Involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

Expand children's ideas about the Russian Army, about the types of troops, about people of military professions, arouse interest in the history of their country, acquaint them with the modern qualities of the Defender of the Fatherland in our days;

To develop in children cognitive activity, creativity.

Enrich the children's vocabulary: courage, justice, will, courage, fortitude, kindness, ground forces, navy, airborne troops; artillerymen, submariners, tankmen, border guards; machine gun, machine gun, anti-aircraft missile system;

To form patriotic feelings in children, instilling love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts available to children and causing them emotional experience;

To involve children and parents in the study of the history of the Russian army.

Foster a sense of pride in soldiers and a desire to be like them, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland

Methods and techniques:

    Reading fiction, corresponding to the age category of children about the defenders of the Fatherland, learning poems for the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

    Using audio and video equipment for listening and watching music and presentations.

    Modeling of military equipment, soldiers of the Russian army.

    Drawing, application of soldiers of various types of troops.

    Examining illustrations, paintings, various reproductions of the Russian Army, examining family army albums, viewing the presentation.

    Construction of military equipment from construction, waste material, paper.

    Making souvenirs for dads, grandfathers.

    Production, together with parents, of a wall newspaper for the holiday.

    Conducting an integrated lesson with elements of competition.

    Sports event dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Creation of a subject-developing environment in a group

    Decoration in the group of a corner dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day", an exhibition of army albums from family archives.

    Introducing attributes into role-playing games, creating attributes for role-playing games together with children.


The novelty of the project lies in the fact that the methods of the project allow children to learn the material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activity develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself develop as a creative person.

Practical significance:

Using this project to exchange work experience among teachers.

Improving interaction with parents.

Main part:

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is surprised at, and what evokes a response in his soul. Although many impressions have not yet been deeply comprehended by him, but passed through the child's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the child's personality.

Patriotism is a complex and lofty human feeling. Its content is multifaceted, it cannot be defined in a few words. This is love for relatives and close people, for the Motherland, for the small Motherland, language, traditions and pride in our people. Times, epochs, people are changing. But man's striving for goodness, love, light, beauty, truth remains eternal.

It is necessary to pay special attention to civil-patriotic education from the earliest years of the child's development. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother, loved ones, and their small Motherland. Our task is to instill love for the Motherland, to instill in children a sense of devotion to their Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness to defend it. An important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is a close relationship with parents. A.S. Makarenko has a wonderful commandment “A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that is happening in the country through your soul and your thought should come to the children ”, which should be used when a teacher works with children and parents. Touching the history of his family causes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, attentively to the memory of the past, to his historical roots.

The theme “Defenders of the Fatherland” is of particular importance within the framework of moral and patriotic education. In this topic, we reveal to children the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. In the upbringing of preschool children, the example of adults and their loved ones is of great importance. Talking about the history of military service, it is necessary to bring the child to the understanding, based on specific facts from the life of older family members, that his homeland must be loved, cherished and protected. The Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people; monuments have been erected in their honor. It is also necessary to acquaint children with exploits from modern life - this is the Afghan, Chechen war. To use the stories of dads and other family members about serving in the Councils of the Russian Army, to raise its prestige.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 preparatory:

Formulation of the goal and objectives of the project.

To convey to parents and children the importance of this problem.

Study of literature on the topic of the project.

Study of Internet resources on the project topic.

Thinking over creative tasks for children and parents.

Selection of materials, toys, attributes for play, theatrical activities.

Development of GCD themes.

Equipping the developing environment:

Book Corner: E. Aleksandrova "Future Defenders of the Fatherland", N. Migunova "Defenders of the Fatherland", V. Kosovitsky "Future Man", E. Trushina "Dedicated to Heroes".

Musical Corner: Illustrations of musical instruments used in the army (trumpet, drum).

Corner of speech development: paintings, reproductions of artists: Roerich Battle of Kulikovo ", V. Surikov" Suvorov's crossing over the Alps ".

Creativity and Drawing Corner: Stencils, Outlines (Military), Coloring Books.

Theatrical corner: adding caps, caps, hand-made attributes.

Mathematical corner: counting sticks for laying out according to the model of military equipment.

Parent's corner decoration: Information on the project theme, recommendations on the project theme, creation of the exhibition of albums "Our defenders".

Sports corner: morning gymnastics complexes with exercises on the theme of the project; card file of outdoor games, physical education minutes.

Stage 2 main:

Conducting conversations, didactic games to expand ideas about the Russian army, about the types of troops.

Conducting active, role-playing games, sports entertainment, thematic classes.

Reading fiction to children.

Creation of conditions in the group for the implementation of the project: selection of books for a corner, illustrations of military equipment, viewing a presentation about the army, an exhibition of family army albums.

Work with children:

Educator's stories "Defenders of the Fatherland", "History of the holiday", "What does war mean".

Reading fiction: L. Kassil "Your defenders", A. Gaidar "Stories about the army", I. Aseeva "Father's holiday", A. Suteev "Korablik", I. Aseeva "Father's holiday".

Viewing albums: "Our Army", "Our Holidays", "Symbols of Russia", "Military Professions".

Conversations: “We will serve in the army”, “Servicemen”, “What a military man should be like”, “What is the Army for”, “What do I know about the army”, “Where does the Motherland begin? "," Defender of the Fatherland Day "," Our Army "," Conversation about Courage and Courage "," Relatives serving in the Army "," Profession - military ".

Reading of poems dedicated to February 23 T. Bokova, L. Tatyanicheva, V. Orlova, K. Avdeenko, Yu. Schmidt.

Reading proverbs about the army.

Didactic games: "Say a word", "Pick a picture", "Whose shape?" "," Military equipment "," Guess from the description "," Name the troops. "

Role-playing games: "Border Guards", "Tankers", "Pilots", "Military Parade", "We are sailors", "Rescue Service", "Police", "Soldier".

Competition games: "Who will deliver the report to the headquarters faster", "The most accurate", "The most courageous", "Scouts", "Pass without getting your feet wet", "Overcome an obstacle", "Sharpshooter", "Combat alert", "Snipers", "Heavy Burden", "Border Guards".

Learning songs about the army: "Brave soldiers", "Dad can do anything", "Daddy's daughter."

Listening to songs: "Dad can", "We will serve in the army", "White capless cap".

Drawing: "Soldier at the post", "Border guard with a dog."

Application: "Sailor with signal flags", "Steamer".

Modeling "Border Guard".

Construction: "Tank", "War Machine", "Rocket", "Ship".

Origami: "Ship", "Airplane", "Rocket".

Relay "Strong, Brave, Dexterous, Skillful".

Preparation of costumes and accessories for leisure.

Coloring pages on the military theme.

Working with parents: joint design of a thematic exhibition, an exhibition of albums about military service, making a wall newspaper.

Information for parents on the website of the kindergarten "Our grandfathers, dads, brothers - defenders of Russia."

Stories of dads and grandfathers about service in the Army.

    final stage:

    Conducting an integrated lesson "Our native army"

    Holding a sports festival "School of a Young Fighter";

    Encouraging parents to participate in the life of a kindergarten, joint production of a wall newspaper, organization of an exhibition.


At the end of the project, children began to use military themes more often for games, proudly shared the knowledge they received from their parents about military service with their peers and educator. As a result of the work on the project, interest in this topic and creativity increased. The activities carried out united the children with common impressions, experiences, emotions. Participation in the project allowed children to satisfy their cognitive activity. Children were able to increase their own self-esteem, they made a contribution to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes and the successes of their comrades, felt their importance in the group.

List of references:

    VV Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten"

    L. V. Kutsakova "Design and artistic work in kindergarten"

    T.S.Komarova "Classes in fine arts in the senior group"

    L.V. Kutsakova "Classes in designing from building material"

    N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa "Project activities in preschool institutions"

    I. A. Lykova. Visual activity in kindergarten in the senior group of kindergarten.

    N.V. Krasnoshchekov. Role-playing games for preschool children.

    From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education. New generation program. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilieva M.A.

    http://ivalex.vistcom.ru/skazki.htm... Everything for the kindergarten.

    http://www.solnet.ee/index.html... Sun. Children's portal.

Objectives of the design work:
1. To form the consciousness of the need to defend the Fatherland.
2. To cultivate respect for people of the military profession.
3. To foster a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland.
4. To expand the historical knowledge of children.

Subject areas covered in the project:

1. Literary reading
2. Music
3. Fine arts
4. Technology


1. Illustrations on the theme of the army.
2. Collection of proverbs.
3. Exhibition of books.
4. Musical accompaniment.

Organization of activities:

Individual, group, frontal activities.

Grading system:

Presentation of creative works, project defense.


Open extracurricular activity.


Creative teams were created that explored the following topics:
1. On the types of armed forces and on the branches of the armed forces.
2. About the military ranks of the Russian army.
3. About the most famous battles in the history of our Motherland.
4. The theme of the army in folk art.

The students were engaged in search and research activities, communicated with parents and older people. An exhibition of books dedicated to the people of the military profession was organized. Children learned songs, poems, drew on a given topic, worked in a team.
The children have intensified their cognitive activity, interest in military affairs, attention to events and people of past years.

Working process

1. Distribution into groups.
2. Research of the chosen topic.
3. Organization of an exhibition of books about the army.
4. Participation in the exhibition of drawings "Military equipment".
5. Learning songs, poems.
6. Making a holiday postcard for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
7. Participation in an open extracurricular activity.

1. Today we present the project "Our Army".<Слайд №1>
2. It is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.
3. We wanted to know as much as possible about the Russian army.
4. Our group learned about the types of armed forces and about the types of troops.
5. We learned the military ranks of the Russian army.
6. Our group will tell about the most famous battles in the history of our Motherland.
7. We researched the theme of the army in folk art.

<Слайд №2>

1. At the beloved country
The army is strong
Courage, courage
She is famous.

2.Russian warrior protects
Peace and glory of the native land
He is on duty - and our people
It is proud of the army by right.

3. Make the sky blue
Let no smoke swirl in the sky
Let the terrible guns be silent
So that people live, cities.
Peace is always needed on earth

4.The soldiers are walking with a merry song,
And spring starlings echo them.
March past our school
Chasing a step, Russian fighters.

5.The soldiers are walking in the morning,
And we follow them - in a noisy crowd!
They are our favorite heroes,
They went into battle for us more than once.

6. They go to study in an open field,
The sun plays on steel bayonets ...
Or maybe sometime in our school
One of them was sitting at a desk ...

7.Soldiers are walking with a battle song,
Everyone looks at them with love.
From all enemies they at any cost
Our native country will be protected!

Now we are still children, but a few years will pass and our boys will become soldiers. But we already know a lot about the army.
Our army has three branches of the Armed Forces.
1. Air Force. 2. Land troops. 3.Navy.
Air Force of the Russian Federation - are intended for reconnaissance, protection from air strikes, for engaging enemy targets, landing, for transporting troops and materiel by air. This branch of the armed forces was formed in 1910. The first bomber was built by the designer Sikorsky in 1913 and it was called Ilya Muromets<Слайд№5>

The Air Force has such types of troops as:
Anti-aircraft missile troops
Radio-technical troops
Special Forces
Today, the air force is commanded by Alexander Zelin.<Слайд№6>

Ground troops- This is a type of armed forces designed to conduct hostilities on land.<Слайд №7>This is the most numerous type of troops in terms of combat strength. The main types of ground forces are:
Motorized rifle
Rocket troops
Air defense troops
Signal and special forces.
Army General Vladimir Boldyrev is in command of the ground forces.<Слайд №8>

<Слайд №9>
Navy - designed for the protection and protection of maritime borders, for conducting combat operations on water, for transporting troops and materiel. The first warship "Eagle" was built in 1667 during the reign of Tsar Peter 1 on the Oka River.<Слайд№10>

The navy consists of the following types of forces:
Naval aviation
Marine Corps and Coastal Defense Forces.
Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky is in command of the Navy.<Слайд №11>
In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, two types of ranks are used
military and ship.
The most important in the military is the marshal<Слайд№12>

Then the senior officers: General of the Army - Admiral of the Fleet
Colonel General - Admiral
Lieutenant General - Vice Admiral
Major General - Rear Admiral

Senior officers<Слайд№13>:

Junior officers<Слайд№14>:

Warrant officers<Слайд№15>:

Senior Warrant Officer

senior warrant officer

Sergeants, foremen, soldiers.<Слайд№16>

There are pages in the history of our people that all generations will be proud of at all times. We will tell you about four of the most famous battles.
The battle on Lake Peipsi went down in history as the Battle of the Ice.
It began on the morning of April 5, 1242. Under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky, Russian troops defeated the German knights and the western borders of Russia, established after the Battle of the Ice, held out for centuries.
This battle went down in history as a wonderful example of military tactics and strategy.

On June 27, 1709, one of the outstanding events in the history of Russia's struggle against foreign invaders took place. The Russian troops led by Peter I won a brilliant and crushing victory over the Swedish troops of Charles 12. The victory at Poltava marked a radical turning point in the course of twenty years of exhausting war.
The battle of Borodino took place in 1812 between the French army of Napoleon and the Russian army under the command of Kutuzov. The battle was characterized by extreme bloodshed and ferocity. In Russian military history, the Battle of Borodino remained as a symbol of fortitude and heroism in defending the homeland.
The largest battle and one of the hardest tests for our Motherland began on June 22, 1941. It lasted 1418 days. The goal of the fascist invaders was the complete destruction of our state.
Thanks to the courage and heroism of the Russian soldiers, this war, terrible in its cruelty, was ended in 1945 with the victory of our army under the leadership of Marshal Zhukov.<Слайд№20>

The Russian people are a great people, wise. He notices everything and passes on his wisdom to the next generations in proverbs and sayings.<Слайд№21>... Great Russian commanders constantly turned to proverbs because they considered them an effective means of education and used them in training soldiers. For example:

Get your glory in battle.
There is safety in numbers.
The one who is brave and steadfast is worth ten.

He especially loved the folk proverbs of A.V. Suvorov, a genius commander who glorified Russian weapons with remarkable victories. Suvorov constantly cited folk proverbs and apt, figurative expressions in reports, reports on the course of hostilities. Proverbs often found their way into orders, instructions and memos addressed directly to the soldiers.

It's hard to learn, easy to fight.
Stand for each other and you will win the battle.
Who is brave is alive, who is brave is whole.
During the Great Patriotic War, proverbs appeared on the pages of war leaflets, as well as front-line newspapers. The creators of the front-line "proverbial" folklore were people of various military professions, different specialties, and different cultural levels. The inexhaustible stream of their creativity reflected the fighting life of the soldiers.
A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach you a lesson.
To visit the battle, find out the price of life.
Red army voivode.
The proverb, born in one part, quickly spread along the entire front. The commanders used proverbs in conversations with soldiers, folk sayings were passed from mouth to mouth during the hours of rest at the halts, in dugouts after the battle. Proverbs, sayings, soldiers' songs were the companions of the front-line life of a soldier.
Friends are known in battle.
It is not enough to wait for victory - you have to take the victory.
Where there is courage, there is victory.
Guys, we did a lot of work in preparation for the project.
We learned poems, songs about the army, read many books on this topic. In the course of work, you have new ideas, additions. We drew pictures, made a poster, communicated with people of the older generation. We learned a lot of information about the army. We know that our army can and should be proud of. Today, February 23, we say thank you to the older generations and will strive to be as strong and courageous.<Слайд№22>

For everything that we have now
For every happy hour we have
But the sun shines on us
Thanks to the valiant soldiers
That the world was once defended.

Thank you soldiers,
For life, for childhood,
For the spring, for the silence,
For a peaceful home
For the world we live in.

A project on patriotic education in the preparatory group "Our native army"

The urgency of the problem :

Currently relevance education among the younger generation, moral and moral qualities and, above all, feelings of love for their Fatherland are beyond doubt. One of the most important characteristics patriotism - its social content. Love to motherland includes: care for the interests and historical destinies of the country, pride in the social and cultural achievements of their country, respect for the historical past of the homeland, attachment to the place of residence (city, village, country as a whole).

The education system plays a leading role in the civil formation of the younger generation, education children have love for their homeland, devotion to their homeland.

In the "Concept of Spiritual and Moral education personality of a citizen of Russia "is given such definition: « patriotism - a feeling and a formed position of loyalty to their country and solidarity with its people. Patriotism includes a sense of pride in their Fatherland, small homeland, that is, the region, republic, city or countryside where the citizen was born and raised. Patriotism includes an active civic position, readiness to serve the Fatherland. "

Preschool educational institutions, being the initial link in the education system in our country, are called upon to form children's primary ideas about the world around them and lay the foundations patriotism.

It is necessary to carry out work on military patriotic education of children: to give knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland in different historical eras. In carrying out this work, it is advisable to rely on historical monuments to the heroes of battles and battles. Such important concepts as "duty to the Motherland", "love for the Fatherland", "Labor feat" need to be vaccinated on the basis of specific facts from life senior family members participating in the war, home front workers. The Motherland remembers its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of streets, squares hometown.

Greatest impact on patriotic education of older children for preschool age, it provides preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, classes dedicated to the Days of Military Glory, making crafts. The organization and conduct of such holidays are the main directions patriotic education of children, the development of the personality of a citizen and education the duty of the defender of the Fatherland.

Speaking about the defenders of our country, one cannot ignore the theme of the Great Patriotic War. On specific facts from life senior family members need to instill in children such important concepts as "duty to the Motherland", "love for the Fatherland." It is important to bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Motherland.

After analyzing all of the above, I proposed to organize in group on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day project« Our army is dear»

Objectives :

  • Expand children's knowledge about army;
  • Educate
  • To shape patriotic
  • Educatelove and respect for warriors.

Tasks :

  • Develop in children seniorpreschool drawing skills.


Leader project - physical education instructor, children preparatory group number 1, parents.

Material equipment the project:

Development of an implementation strategy the project.

Goal setting and fanning out of tasks.

Educational situations with children:

Reading works about army.

Educational games "To whom what?", "Answer quickly"

Examining photographs of each family's military personnel.

Conversation "The boys want to army serve» .

Conversation "Why native army.

Drawing "Border guard with a dog", "A soldier on duty".

Tuning and song viewing.

Entertainment dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland with dads "How Ivanushka and Karlson ended up at a military training camp"

Cooperation with parents:

Involving parents in collecting photographs of the military of each family.

The participation of dads in the entertainment "How Ivanushka and Karlson ended up at the military field training camp"

Children's drawing exhibition "Aty-bats, soldiers were walking".

Entertainment "How Ivanushka and Karlson ended up at a military training camp."

Preparatory phase report the project« Our army is dear»

At the preparatory stage, we set a goal and defined tasks the project.


Expand children's knowledge about army;

Educate children have an emotionally positive, effective attitude towards soldiers, which would be expressed in a desire to imitate them in dexterity, speed, and courage;

To shape patriotic feelings based on familiarization with the fighting traditions of our people;

Educate love and respect for the RA soldiers.


To acquaint children with different types of troops.

To acquaint with the works of Russian writers and poets about the defenders of the Russian land.

Enhance the creative thinking of children.

Develop in children senior preschool drawing skills, applications.

Make you want to compete with your dad.

Promote the development of parenting creativity.

Enrich the experience of cooperation between parents and children.

Organized a book exhibition for parents Read to the Children.

Introduced to group photo album1941 - 1945

We decided to hold a competition of creative works of parents "Military equipment", collect photographs of relatives of children who served in the armed forces in different years, take part in sports entertainment in a junior group"I'm like dad"

Main stage report the project« Our army is dear»

In the process of implementing the main stage the project organized educational situations with children:

Reading works of art literature: L. Kassil "The main army", A. Tvardovsky "The Tale of a Tankman", A. Gaidar "Marusya", S. Baruzdin "A soldier walked along the street", M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", V. Likhoded "Maria - the wife of a blacksmith", epic "Ilya Muromets and Idolische", the epic “About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych.

Story educator about the branches of the RA.

Excursion to the monument to the fallen fellow countrymen in the school park.

Educational game “I know a lot ... (names of military professions)».

Drawing "Border guard with a dog", "A soldier on duty".

Viewing a photo album 1941 - 1945.

Conversation "The boys want to army serve» .

Conversation "Why native army» .

Manual labor "Postcard for dad".

Application "Sailor with signal flags".

Memorizing poetry for participating in sports entertainment and "Songs about dad".

Cooperation with parents:

Involving parents in memorizing poetry for the event.

Individual advice on the topic the project(making crafts).

Participation in the collection of photographs for a photo exhibition "Our defenders".

Participation in the competition of creative works "Military equipment".

Participation in sports entertainment "I'm like dad"

Final stage report the project« Our army is dear»

Within the the project« Our army is dear» , organized a photo exhibition "Our defenders"All the families brought photographs showing the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the SA servicemen, and the RA soldiers.

In an organized competition of creative works "Military equipment" all families also took part. I was especially pleased with the fate of mothers, raising children without a dad.

Organized an exhibition of children's drawings "Aty-bats, soldiers were walking".

The works of all children were presented group.

We made greeting cards for dads and presented them at a festive event.

Children and parents took an active part in sports entertainment in the junior group"I'm like dad"... Children have prepared concert numbers, congratulations. 4 families took part in the competition (100% complete families)

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 3 "Raduga" of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children of a closed administrative-territorial entity Solnechny settlement, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Senior group project "Our army is dear"

Educators: Trubitsyna N.S.

Dyachkova N.V.

2016-2017 account year.


Historically, love for the Motherland, patriotism at all times in the Russian state were a feature of the national character. But due to recent changes, the loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become more and more noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with preschool children is obvious. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, requires a lot of tact and patience, since in young families the issues of fostering patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and, often, cause only bewilderment.

If earlier we glorified service in the army, and everyone dreamed of raising a true defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. We live in a very difficult time when deviations are becoming the norm. It is considered normal, to evade military service at any cost, not to have children in order to preserve material wealth, etc.

One of the most important directions in overcoming the lack of spirituality of a significant part of society is patriotic upbringing and education of children. Introducing preschoolers to the defenders of the Fatherland, we generate feelings of pride and love in them.

This project is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and courage are, and on the other hand, to instill love for their country, raise patriots, a sense of pride in their army and arouse the desire to be like strong Russian soldiers.

Project participants: children of the older group (5-6 years old).

Composition of the project team: children, parents, educators.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project type: group.

Duration: short-term, February 01 - February 20, 2017

Goal :

To expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. To form an idea that in peacetime our country is guarded by the Russian army. To acquaint with the branches of the armed forces, with military professions, with equipment that helps to serve. Develop speech activity, replenish and activate vocabulary. To instill in boys a desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland, a sense of pride in the Russian army.

Tasks :

Involvement of children, teachers and parents in the study of the history and current state of the Russian army.

Formation of socially significant qualities based on the traditions of patriotic education;

Stimulating the need for preschoolers to constantly search for information about the Russian army.

Project implementation mechanism:

Stage I - organizational

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project. Study of literature on the topic of the project. Study of Internet resources on the project topic. Analysis of the subject environment of the group.

Stage II - practical

Practical activity to solve the problem; planning of joint activities, collection and systematization of information, search activities of children and adults.

Conducting conversations, didactic games to expand ideas about the Russian army, about the types of troops. Consulting for parents.

Creation of conditions in the group for the implementation of the project: an exhibition of books, an album with photographs of the military, illustrations of military equipment, watching films about the army, an exhibition of toy military equipment.

Making a photo collage dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day with photographs of dads while serving in the army.

Stage III - the result

Entertainment: "One, two, three, four, five, we will congratulate dads!"

Development environment:

Decoration in the group of the corner dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" using children's drawings and illustrations from magazines. Introduction of military uniforms into role-playing games, joint creation of attributes for role-playing games.

Solving tasks with children:


Days of the week

Work with children


Conversation "I want the boys to serve in the army"

Conversation "Why is the Army native?"


Examination of illustrations about the Russian Army (ranks, insignia, rank, military branches)

Watching the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych"


Didactic games: "Name the type of troops"

Conversation: "Warriors, defenders of the Russian land"


Drawing on the theme: "Portrait of Dad"and composing stories about your dad

Finger gymnastics "Our army. "


Learning the poem by I. Ageeva "Native Army"

C / r game "Border Guards"


P / and "Snowball"

Singing the song "Brave Soldiers".

Listening to the music "Yablochko"


Watching a cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent"

P / and "Caution, mines"


Conversation: "What is military service?"

Conversation on pictures "Bogatyrs"


Modeling "Aircraft"

D / and "What does a soldier need?", "Whose uniform?"


Reading fiction: A. Mityaev "Why is the Army native", "Our soldiers"

Coloring pages on the military theme.


Proverbs and sayings about the project.

Watching the cartoon "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"


C / r games "Military chauffeurs", "Sailors"

Making postcards for dads.


Conversation: "How my dad served in the Army"

P / and "Scouts", "Who is stronger"


Designing "Military equipment"

Conversation: "What a soldier should be"


Conversation "What do I know about the army"

Outcome of the project: Entertainment: "One, two, three, four, five, we will congratulate dads!"

The intended result:

Arouse children's interest and desire to serve in the army, the desire to improve their physical qualities, to strengthen their health.

To consolidate ideas about the history of our Army.

To form in children a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Defenders of the Fatherland.

To get interested in using military themes for games more often, to speak respectfully of the defenders of the fatherland, to proudly share the knowledge with their peers and educator, which they received from their parents about serving in the army. Play with great interest in board - printed and didactic games.

Conversation: Why is the Army native "

The teacher shows illustrations.

Educator. A big holiday is coming soon. Who knows what this holiday is?

(Defender of the Fatherland Day.)

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all military men. Who are the military? (The military is sailors, pilots, border guards, tankers, artillerymen, etc.)

Different military men have different uniforms: pilots have one, border guards have another. What kind of military men are drawn in this picture ... Other illustrations are considered similarly.

Educator. Which military do you know? (Answers) How are they different? (Answers) Boys, which of you wants to become a military man?

Educator. Sailors, pilots, border guards guard our Motherland. Why are they doing that? (That there was no war, there was peace, we grew up and studied.)

For sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen -

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the boundaries

For great deeds

Glory, glory and praise!

Our warriors are strong, agile, quick and brave. Our Motherland, our Russian people are proud of them. Congratulating the military on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, we will say: "Glory to the dear army!"

The teacher demonstrates posters dedicated to the army, examines them with the children.

Educator. Why do they say - the army is native? (The reasoning of the children.)

So the girl Lena from the story that I want to read to you, just like you, wondered why we call the army our own.

Reading the story of A. Minyaev "Why is the army native?"

A poster was hung on the wall of the house. A young soldier in a helmet looked at the girl from the poster. Lena began to read: "Long live the native Russian army!"

“The army is called Russian because it is in our country,” Lena thinks. - Why dear? After all, she is not a mother, not a father, not a grandmother. "

The boy Kolya was walking home. He was Lena's neighbor, and Lena asked him:

Kolya! Tell me, are you a native army?

To me? Of course, dear, - said Kolya. - My brother has been serving in the army for six months. My brother is my own. This means that the army is native too.

Kolya went home. And Lena stayed on the street.

Aunt Masha, a neighbor, came out of the entrance.

Lena asks her:

Aunt Masha! Please tell me, do your relatives serve in the army?

No, Aunt Masha answers. - Don't serve. All at home.

So the army is not your own?

How is it not native? - Aunt Masha was surprised. - I lived in a village and the war began. The village was occupied by the Nazis. And then there was a fight, and ours came.

We ran to meet them, wept with joy and only said: “Native! Finally they came and saved us from death. "

The army is dear to everyone, - finished Aunt Masha. - And me, old, and you so small, she will not give anyone offense.

The girl cheered up. I ran home.

When dad came home from work, she told him how she herself read the inscription on the poster and what Kolya and Aunt Masha had told her.

Still, Kolya's army is dearer! - Lena complained.

Well, that's how to say! - Dad replied. - Bring the box with the documents.

Dad took out a red book from the box - a military ID - which read: “Sorokin Ivan Sergeevich. Tankman. Reserve sergeant. "

Blimey! - Lena was surprised. - My dad is a tanker! What does “stock” mean?

This means, - said dad to his daughter, - that although I work at the plant, I am still in the army.

What about other dads?

And other dads too. Who, like me, is a tanker, who is a pilot, who is a scout, who is a reserve sailor.

The next day Lena was walking on the street again. It was cold, the wind was blowing, snow was falling. And she did not go home, waited for Kolya to come from school, wanted to tell him about her dad, a tanker.

Educator. Why is the army native to each of you? (Our relatives serve in the army. And our boys, when they become adults, will go to serve in the army.)


Conversation "Epic heroes - glorious defenders of their native land"

Educator: "The Russian land is glorious for its heroes," says folk wisdom. And who are these heroes?

How can you tell about him with a word, story or poem?
In a word, these are the heroes of Russian epics, defenders of the Russian land, performing military deeds, distinguished by their special strength.
Poem -

Strong as a free wind
Mighty like a hurricane.
He protects the earth

From the evil bastard!
He is rich in strength,
It protects the capital city.
Saves the poor and the children
Both old people and mothers!

Children talk about the heroes they know and their exploits with illustrations from epics.

Game "Feet stomp, clap their hands - Qualities of heroes"

Educator: “There are many heroes in Russia. It is impossible to tell about everyone at once. But they all share common qualities. What kind? (Answers of children: strength, will, courage, dexterity, endurance, courage, fortitude ...). Well done! These were the heroes! Bogatyrs are different, but their human qualities are similar. Let's play: I will list different qualities, and if they fit the heroes, you clap your hands. And if, in your opinion. This quality is not suitable - you stamp your feet: brave, cowardly, courageous, deceitful, courageous, strong, greedy, generous, fair, hardy, courageous, dexterous.


Finger gymnastics "Our Army".

(Alternately "step" with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hand).

Aty-bats, aty-bats!

Soldiers are coming to the parade!

Here are the tankers,

Then the gunners

And then the infantry -

Company by company!


Poem by I. Ageeva "Native Army"

Native army -
Defender of the country
With arms and courage
Keeps us from war



Brave soldiers with songs go

Eh! Left! Left! With songs they go
And the boys happily run after them.

The boys want to serve in the army
Eh! Left! Left! Serve in the army

The boys want to perform a feat.

Brave boys have nothing to grieve
Eh! Left! Left! Nothing to grieve

Soon you will go to serve in the army.

Guard the borders vigilantly
Eh! Left! Left! Vigilantly guard

You will stand guard over the Motherland.


Proverbs and sayings:

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Let us serve the Fatherland in the battle for our honor and freedom.
The hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.
Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.
To live - to serve the Motherland
Whoever is a mountain behind the Motherland is a true hero.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.
Fight bravely for a just cause.
Everyone has their own side.
Go boldly into battle - the Motherland is behind you.
The Russian fleet is a stronghold for the Motherland.
A person has one mother, one motherland.
Take care of your beloved land, like a dear mother.
Its land is sweet in a handful.
It is warm in the sun, good in the Motherland.
If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

The Russian soldier knows no obstacles.
Weapons are the strength of a fighter, use them to the end.
One for all and all for one.
A brave fighter in battle, well done.
The girl is red with braids, and the soldier receives orders.
Perish yourself, and help your comrade.
It's hard to learn, easy to fight.
Where there is courage, there is victory.
Where friendship is cherished, there the enemies tremble.
Friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.
The fighter's law is endurance to the end.
The brave wins, the coward dies.
To be friends with a song - and not to grieve in battle.
Stand together for peace - there will be no war.
Friends are known in battle.
To visit the battle - to find out the price of life.
Learn military science skillfully.
Think with your head, and fight by force.
It is not enough to wait for the victory, you have to take the victory.
Whoever stands for a just cause will always win.
The one who beats well is given victory.
For the Russian soldier, the border is sacred.










