Scenario quest game about good deeds. Extracurricular activity: quest game "Kindness - will save the world" class hour on the topic. You quarreled with your sister ...

Goal: Formation of partner skills and social and communicative qualities in relationships between peers and a teacher-child in the process of a quest - game.


Educational:to reveal the essence of the concepts of "good" and "kindness", "good deeds", "politeness", "culture of behavior";

Developing: create conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children (logical thinking, imagination and attention);

Educational: foster good feelings for people around, help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude, evoke a feeling of empathy and a desire to help;

Speech: activate children's vocabulary



Quest game script

"The path of good deeds"

dedicated to the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness,

for older preschool children

Kiryanova N.V., teacher-psychologist,

MBDOU No. 19 "Ivushka" Salsk

Goal: Formation of partner skills and social and communicative qualities in relationships between peers and a teacher-child in the process of a quest - game.


Educational:to reveal the essence of the concepts of "good" and "kindness", "good deeds", "politeness", "culture of behavior";

Developing: create conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children (logical thinking, imagination and attention);

Educational: foster good feelings for people around, help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude, evoke a feeling of empathy and a desire to help;

Speech: activate children's vocabulary(kindness, politeness, joy, happiness, care, attention).


Interactive whiteboard,


A video letter from the Villain-Witch,

Good tree (grows),

A set of plot pictures,

Leaves to the tree

Ball of thread

Video letter from Masha,

Torn books

Tables and chairs.

Scotch tape, glue, brushes,


Illuminated magic book,

Heroes from different fairy tales

Petals to a flower

Musical accompaniment during the assignment.

Event progress

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle

Game-greeting 1. "Good morning".

Inventory: a ball of thread

Psychologist: Guys, I have a magic ball in my hands. Passing a ballwe will greet your neighbor by calling him by name. I pass the ball to my neighbor on the left, greet him and call him by name:

- "Good morning, Masha!", And I myself continue to hold the thread. And so everyone passes the ball and holds it by the thread until it comes back to me.

Children perform a greeting.

Psychologist: Look what a beautiful little ball we have. We all wished each other "Good morning". Children, do you know what kindness is?The reasoning of children.

Psychologist: And what is the opposite word to the word "Good"? Correctly "Evil".

Psychologist: Guys, what kind deeds do you make your family and friends happy with?Children's answers.

Psychologist: I I suggest you go tocountry, where the Fairy of Goodness and Politeness awaits us.

The Villain-Witch appears on the screen.

Villain - Sorcerer: Ha-Ha-Ha, they are going to visit ...! They do good deeds! For example, I did a lot of "good deeds": I shook off all the leaves from the Good Tree; taught the boy Vitya how to behave in transport and be rude; went to the library "read" and tore all the books; mixed up all the heroes from fairy tales and now you will not find them. And I also tore off all the leaves from the flower and scattered them.

Pictures with bad deeds appeared on the screen - a dry tree, an angry boy Vitya, a torn book, confused heroes of fairy tales and a flower without petals.

Villain - Sorcerer: So the way to the land of Kindness and Politeness is closed for you. What a fine fellow I am! Even my mood improved.

Psychologist: Guys, was the "good deeds" and "good deeds" done by the Villain-Wizard? What do you think?(Not). What should we do now?

(Children's assumptions)

Task 2. "Finish the sentence."

Psychologist: The way to the country of Good Deeds and Politeness will open if you remember the polite words that are hidden in the lines of poetry.

It was invented by someone simply and wisely to greet each other when they meet…(good morning)

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word…(thanks)

Out of politeness, and not out of pity, say more often ...(you are welcome)

The old tree stump will turn green when he hears…(good day)

If you can't eat anymore, we tell our mothers…(thanks)

Both in France and in Denmark they say goodbye…(goodbye).

Psychologist: The way to the country of Kindness and Politeness is open!

The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds

Behind the scenes, the assistant pulls the line and lifts the tree (the tree is growing)


At the palace gates, the Tree of Good grows.

The Villain-Sorcerer suddenly swooped in, and swirled the foliage around.

The tree began to be bored, to wait for good people.

You guys come and return the leaves to the tree.

Task 3. "Revive the Good Tree".

Inventory: wood; leaflets depicting good and bad deeds.

Psychologist: Choose a piece of paper that shows only good deeds and good deeds. Tell about them and return the leaf to the tree.

Children choose a leaf with a picture of good deeds, name them and attach them to the Good Tree.

Psychologist: You they returned all the leaves to the tree and it came to life again.

The image on the screen changed - the tree came to life.

4. Problem situation "Help Masha".

Inventory: video letter from Masha

A signal sounds that a letter has arrived in the mail.

Psychologist: Guys, do you hear, a video letter from our good friend Mashenka came to our post office. We turn on video communication.

Video letter from Masha on an interactive board.

Masha: Hello guys! I need your help. Something happened to my friend Vitya, he was always so polite, but today I just don't recognize him .... We got on the bus with him, and suddenly Vitya pushed everyone away, stepped on my foot and began talking loudly on the phone, laughing and shouting. He did not even give way to his grandmother. And then the passengers reprimanded him and said ... ...(video interrupted)

Psychologist: Guys, the video call was interrupted, probably the Villain-Witch wants to interfere with us. How can you imagine what the bus passengers said to the boy Vitya?(Children reason).

After the children’s reasoning, the picture changes again on the screen

the evil boy Viti - to the good one.

Psychologist: Guys, look why the picture has changed?(Children's answers). We taught Vitya about politeness and culture of behavior in transport.

Another picture flashes on the screen - with a torn book

Task 5. "Guess the riddle and complete the task"

Inventory: book, tape, glue, brushes, napkins

Psychologist: If you want to become smart, you need to read a lot of books. To find all the books of the century, come ...(to the library)

Psychologist: In the library, the Villain - The Sorcerer ruined all the books! How should you handle books while reading?(Children's answers). What should we do with torn books? (Children reason).

Manual labor with children "Glue the pages of books"

Psychologist: The picture has changed. The book on our magic screen has become new again. Look, but another picture flashed with heroes from fairy tales, which were confused by the Villain - the Sorcerer.

Psychologist: Guys, do you like fairy tales?(Yes). One of the main themes of fairy tales was the theme of good and evil.How can we help our heroes? How can we return them to our fairy tale?(Children's assumptions)

Task 6. "Return the heroes to your fairy tale"

Inventory: a magic book (backlit, it contains plot pictures of fairy tales and cut characters for the plots of these tales.

Children name a fairy tale and return the hero to it.


Wooden boy, he makes a noise like a drum

A favorite of adults and children, all sorts of inventor of ideas,

A long nose will show deftly, instead of a nose, not a carrot!

Who is this? (Pinocchio, the tale "The Golden Key").

Heals little children, heals birds and animals,

The good doctor is looking through his glasses.(Aibolit).

He's just a villain. It….(Barmaley).

I fly in a mortar - kidnap children

I live in a hut on a chicken leg,

Crochet nose, eyes upright. Who am I?(Baba Yaga).

Everyone is waiting for him in winter, he is kind, he is not evil,

Red-cheeked with a beard up to his eyes(Santa Claus)

In a fairy tale he was born gray, everyone is afraid - like fire!

All the animals fled to the house and hid from me!

Suddenly a menacing crack with his teeth, angry, terrible, gray….(Wolf)

The wolf offended these little children - ate it, the villain!

Only one survived, the wolf did not fall in the teeth.

He told his mother everything, he showed all the brothers.

Who are they gray? If you know, name(Kids)

He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid that a turkey was laughing at him,

After all, no one knew that he was born a white swan.(Ugly duck)

This girl is hardworking, very kind and very beautiful,

Suddenly she got to the ball, lost her shoe on the step.(Cinderella).

Psychologist: Well done! You tried very hard! The picture with the heroes has changed again! What does it mean?(Children's answers)

Psychologist: I suggest you rest a little.

7. Game "I am your friend"

Stand up children, stand in a circle(stand in a circle)

I am your friend and you are my friend(gestures)

Turn left-right(turns left-right)

And doug a friend smile!(smile)

Hands stretched out to the sun, (hands up)

They caught the rays and pressed them to their chest! (gestures)

With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more clearly!(hands forward)

Psychologist: Well, we continue our journey to the country of Kindness and Politeness, where the Fairy is waiting for us. Look, we still have one more picture from the Villain - the Sorcerer - a flower without petals. Did you find out what kind of flower it is? What work is he from? What kind deed did the little girl Zhenya do?(Answers of children.)

8. Game "Flower - Seven-flower"

Psychologist: Guys, I know a way to revive a flower, would you like to try it?To do this, you need to remember the proverbs about kindness, politeness, or good deeds. Each proverb will add 1 petal to the flower. (Application)

Inventory: easel, cored flower, multi-colored petals, chest, medals

Children stand in a semicircle at the easel.

The child who named the proverb about good chooses any petal and attaches it to the core of the flower.

A picture with Seven-Flower Flower appeared on the screen.

Psychologist: Guys, look, we fixed all the pictures.

Solemn music sounds and the Fairy of Kindness and Politeness enters the hall.

Fairy of Kindness and Politeness: Hello guys!

It's not easy to be kind at all, it's not easy, kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color, kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

Kindness does not age over the years, kindness from the cold will warm you,

You just need to be kind and not forget each other in trouble.

If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

Fairy of Kindness and Politeness: Guys, what a fine fellow you are! You have corrected all the bad deeds of the Villain - the Sorcerer and therefore have come to my country! Only kind, polite, friendly, and well-mannered people can be here. I want to thank you! You will find the reward in the chest under the Good Tree that you revived.

Children find a chest under a tree, and medals for participation in the journey for each participant in the chest.

Children thank Fairy.


Psychologist: Well guys, we have completed our journey to the land of Good Deeds and Politeness.

Psychologist: Please tell us what good deeds we did on the way?(Children's answers).

Psychologist: What did you feel when you did good deeds?(Reasoning and answers of children).

Psychologist: I suggest youFlower - Take Seven-flower with you to the group. Let him remind us that we need to be always polite, kind, friendly and do only good, kind deeds and deeds.

Quest "On the Way of Good"
Host: Good afternoon, guys. Today we will go on a journey. And where we will go, you will guess when you meet our guests.
To the song "We are going the difficult road to the Emerald City"
heroes come out in turn
Ellie: Hi. My name is Ellie. I found myself in a magical city and cannot return home. The great and terrible wizard Goodwin can help me, so I go to him.
Scarecrow: Hello guys. Hello Ellie. Can I go with you, I really need at least a little mind. Goodwin will definitely help me.
Lumberjack: Greetings. I heard that Goodwin can grant any wish. I have only one cherished desire. I want to have a heart. Do you think he will help me?
Children, Ellie: Yes, of course it will help
Lumberjack: May I come with you?
Leo: (scared out from behind the curtains) Who is here? Oh, how scary ... (looks around the whole room). Hello. Who are you and what are you doing here?
Scarecrow: We are going to the wizard Goodwin, he will help us fulfill our dreams. I want a little mind.
Lumberjack: I need a heart. I want to be kinder and understand people and their feelings.
Ellie: I want to go home. They say that the great Goodwin can fulfill our desires.
Leo: (pleading) Take me with you, please. I am a lion ... But I am very afraid of everything, and I want to be brave and courageous. May I come with you?
Ellie: Of course you can.
Lumberjack: Look how many children. Hi guys. Let's play with you. Come out to us.
Game "Bees" (divided into groups)
Ellie: To get to the great and terrible wizard Goodwin, you must help us. Each group receives a route sheet. You must go through all the stations and then Goodwin will appear. Can you help us guys?
Each team receives a route sheet
Route sheet
a lion
Scarecrow Route Sheet
a lion
Route sheet
a lion
a lion
After completing the task, the team receives the letter
Hero Missions: (3-4 minutes)
Scarecrow (letter O)
Assemble a picture puzzle from a book
Ellie (letter O)
Say polite words. Game "Please"
Leo (letter P)
Flash mob
Lumberjack (letter D)
Continue the proverb: the leader says the first half of the proverb, and the children must finish it. Or, from the proposed words, collect a proverb about good.
The wizard appears
Goodwin: Hello. What are you looking for in my city?
Scarecrow: Great and terrible wizard, we came to your city so that you fulfill our dreams. I want to get some mind.
Lumberjack: And I want to become kinder, so that I have a heart.
Leo: (shyly) I'm a very cowardly lion. I want to be braver.
Ellie: I want to go home. Please help us.
Goodwin: I know your new friends are helping you today. They received letters for completing assignments, but they are not enough to fulfill their dreams. Here's another task for you. While the music is playing, you must create a collage "By the Way of Good". I give Whatman paper, glue, colored pencils, and newspaper and magazine clippings. Your task is to create a collage "By the Way of Good", that is, a plot composition on the theme of good.
Make a collage
Goodwin: Well done! You have done an excellent job. Here's another letter for you (gives you the letter B). From these letters you need to make a word.
Make up the word GOOD
Goodwin: Right. You got the word GOOD. This means that you can do good deeds too. Let us fulfill the dreams of our heroes together with you. I invite each of you to take a picture from my magic hat.
Distribution by teams
Goodwin: And now we unite in groups with the same heroes and go to this hero. He will tell you what to do.
Travel route: (2-3 minutes)
Scarecrow - draw shoes and carry Ellie's drawing
Ellie - from the proposed letters make up the word COURAGE. Additionally, the game "Associations" is to name words close in meaning to the word BOLD. Get a superhero illustration and carry the Lion.
Leo - reach out to the heart with a team, holding hands. The heart is carried to the Lumberjack.
Lumberjack - come up with rules of good behavior and name good deeds. Get an illustration of an "owl" - a symbol of the mind and carry the Scarecrow.
At the station, the heroes after completing the task give the team an attribute,
which will help you find the next hero.
We went through all the stations and gave the heroes what they dreamed of.
Goodwin: You see, guys. Today you yourself have become wizards. You have helped our heroes' dreams come true.
Heroes thank the children and Goodwin
Host: Our journey is over. You have done good deeds and helped our guests. One must always be kind and not forget that good deeds and deeds return to good people. Help each other and support your friends and loved ones.

Abstract quest - the game in the older group

Good Deeds Day

TARGET: Formation of children's ideas about kindness as a valuable quality of a person, development of social feelings - mutual assistance and friendly relations.
- To reveal the essence of the concepts of "good" and "kindness", "good deeds".
- To activate the children's vocabulary (kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention).
- Develop in children logical thinking, imagination and attention, instill interest in a new form of play activity (quest game).
- To form an idea of \u200b\u200bkindness in children, to foster good feelings for the people around, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude.

Event progress:

    Hello Sky! (Raise your hands up)

    Hello Sun! (With your hands above your head, describe a large circle)

    Hello Earth! (Smoothly lower your hands to the carpet)

    Hello all my friends! (All the guys join hands and lift them up)

I see you are in a good, joyful mood and this is wonderful

Educator: Guys, I suggest you play the greeting game "The sun has risen!"

The sun is up - stop sleeping

Stop sleeping, it's time to get up!

With these words, the children perform the movements, repeating them after the adult.

Are you awake? Smiled! Let's raise our hands, reach for the sun. Hello Sunshine!

Now let's share the warmth with each other: stretch out your palms to the neighbors. We have a "chain of friendship"! Let's smile and wish each other good luck.

Psycho-gymnastics "Don't be angry, smile!"

Each of you will now turn your head to the child standing next to you, look into your eyes and say affectionately, smiling, "Don't be angry, smile!"

Game "Happy Greetings"

Educator: Guys, I found a letter today

"Hello children. I am the Fairy of Kindness. I live in a fabulous country and help everyone to learn to speak politely, to do good deeds and deeds. I know that you are kind and friendly guys. And today I propose you to go through the quest - this is an adventure game with different tasks. Before you is my courtesy chest, in which you will find many interesting tasks. For each completed task you will receive a piece of Kindness Heart. I hope you can collect all the pieces and put them together in a big Heart of Kindness. "

Do you want to do good deeds and give joy to everyone who surrounds us? (children's answers)
Do you guys agree? (
children's answers).

1 task "Give a good word" (children pass the ball to each other and compliment each other)

We often refer to each other by their first names. How sweet does your name sound?

The game "Affectionate name". Children call their names affectionately passing the ball to each other.

Game "Happy Greetings"

Now let's change the rules a little. On a signal, you begin to move around the hall and greet everyone who meets on the way. You need to greet in a certain way:

One clap - shake hands;

Two claps - say hello to your fingers;

Three claps - greet the backs.

The task. Game: "Tell the magic word"

I will read a poem, and your task is to finish the kind word that is appropriate in meaning.

Invented by someone simply and wisely -
When we meet, say hello ...("Good morning!")
The old tree stump will turn green
When he hears: ...
("Good day!")
The boy is polite and developed,
Says, meeting: ...
Ice block will melt
From a good word ...
When they scold for pranks, We say: ...
("Forgive me please!")
Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye: ...
To all of you with great love
I wish ...
(Good health.)

The task.

Fairy-tale heroes

One of the main themes of Russian folk tales has always been the theme of good and evil. I will name the fairytale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If the kind one clap your hands, if the evil one, cover your face with your palms.

Ivan Tsarevich (d) Thumbelina (d)

Koschey the Immortal (h)

Goldfish (e) Baba Yaga (h)

Cinderella (d) Morozko (d)

Malvina Karabas-Barabas (h)

Little Red Riding Hood (d) Water

Geese-swans (h)

Game "Polite - impolite".

· Say hello when meeting?

· Push and not apologize?

· Help to pick up the fallen thing?

· Don't take off your hat when you go to school?

· Say "Thank you" for a gift?

· To talk loudly?

· Say hello when you meet?

· Interrupt during a conversation?

· Call your neighbor an offensive word?

· Apologize for being late?

· Leave and not say goodbye?

· To help parents?

· Not to give way to the elders on the bus?

· Run along the corridors, knocking everyone down?

Game "Man to Man"

The task. Explain the proverb.

A good word heals, an evil one cripples.
- Kind words are more valuable than wealth.
- Good deeds are paid for.
- It is not the clothes that paint a person, but his good deeds.
- Do not boast in silver, but boast in goodness.

Game "Don't be mistaken, please"

I will ask you to complete the task, but it should be done only when I say the “magic word” - please. Be careful!

Stand up please!

Please clap your hands!

Raise your hands!

Drown, please.

Jump, please.

Hands forward.

Sit down please.

The task. Remember and sing songs about friendship.

The task.D / and "Find the mistake."

Educator. - I know that you are very kind children and smart. Look at the illustrations and tell me what good deeds have you seen? What is wrong here? (Children's answers).

Children find mistakes in the illustrations displayed on the screen

How can you correct the bad behavior of children? (Children's responses) I hope you never do such bad things.

Didactic game: "Assess the deed".

Goal: develop a coherent speech of children, exercise in establishing cause-and-effect relationships based on a plot picture, educate honesty, modesty, politeness.

The teacher takes out the cards of the didactic game "Assess the deed" from the envelope and asks to find a continuation for it.

Hare: Guys, help me choose from these pictures only those that depict good deeds. Let's make a chain of them and tell a Good story!

Physical education.

Get up quickly with us in a circle

Feel the joy and warmth

And how good it is with friends!

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

We will clap our hands

Amicably , more fun.

Our feet knocked

Friendly and stronger .

They hit my knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Our handles go up

Higher, higher, higher.

Left,turn right

Hold hands together

And smile at each other.

coped with the new game? (children's answers).

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
They don't say in vain when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
And it's not for nothing that we have
Wish "Good hour".
Kindness - it is from the century
Human decoration ...

Elena Negodaeva

All employees, parents and children of the kindergarten were involved in this event. This is one of the forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the families of the pupils.

Motto of the week:

“Life is so beautiful, smile

and take care of the joy in your heart

do not be shy to give a smile

help believe in miracles. "

"Week of Psychology" Is not just a set of activities that transfer psychological knowledge to educators and parents. It is an interactive form of interaction that allows you to:

To increase the influence of the service of practical psychology of education of preschool educational institutions on society by introducing new additional meanings, sensory colors, cultural meanings into the educational environment;

Show the real forms of work, the possibilities of the psychological service of the kindergarten;

To form the interest of adults in the world of the child, the desire to help him in individual and personal development.


Creating a positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten;

Attracting the attention of parents to the professional activities of a preschool educational psychologist;

To increase the psychological competence of teachers and parents of preschool educational institutions.

To spend the week, children and employees of the preschool educational institution were invited to go on a trip around the country PSYCHOLOGY. Each day had its own name and motto of the day.

1. Monday - City of Friendship

2. Tuesday - City of "Mood"

3. Wednesday - City of "Magicians"

4. Thursday - City of Impressions

5. Friday - City of "Compliments"

Working with teachers

1. Questionnaire "Psychological portrait of the team" During the week (Teacher - psychologist)

2. Psychological game "Secret friend" Purpose: the game promotes psychological relief, an increase in the overall positive emotional tone, the development of tolerance, kindness and mutual support. (Teacher-psychologist)

3. Master class for educators of the district "Immersion in a fairy tale". (Correction of the emotional sphere of preschoolers with the help of art therapy).

Purpose: increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers in the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers with the help of fairy tale therapy. (Educator-psychologist)

4. Psychological TRAINING for teachers "Together we are strength!"

Purpose: to promote positive relationships, mutual understanding between teachers. (Educator-psychologist)

5. Training "Psychology of pedagogical communication"

Purpose: the development and formation of emotional-expressive behavior among teachers of preschool educational institutions (Teacher-psychologist)

6. Presentation of the book "A book about me and for me"

Purpose: organization of interaction between teachers and parents of kindergarten for a creative approach to writing a fascinating story of the child about himself and about himself. (Educator-psychologist, PARENTS, EDUCATORS)

Thematic day: "City of Friendship"

Motto of the day: The tree is kept by the roots, and the man is his friends.

1. Action - "Spring of psychological relief".

The purpose of the action is psychological relief, creation of a positive emotional tone (opinions, statements, impressions) Psychological game "Mood tree"

Purpose: to study the mood of children and adults in kindergarten.

Training "How good it is to have friends!" senior gr.

Purpose: to introduce the concept of "friendship", to give each child the opportunity to express their individuality.

Interview - poll "What is friendship?" (older age)

Psychological action "Corner of Friendship" - take care of your friendship (Making a corner in the middle, senior, prep. Gr)

Younger age


Purpose: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background. (Educators of the first junior gr.)

Thematic day: City "Mood"


If you want to attract attention - surprise.

If you want to think about you for a long time, they will make you angry.

If you want to communicate with you for a long time, arouse interest.

Mikhail Litvak

Morning Promotion - Lottery "Morning begins with surprises." A lottery with the inscription surprise, those who will get a lucky ticket will receive a piece of candy from a wonderful bag, drying or just a surprise. (All groups)

Entertainment for children of senior preschool age "Fair of emotions".

Purpose: to develop imagination, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, to help distinguish the emotional state by its external manifestation and expression through facial expressions, pantomimics, intonation. (Senior, middle group)

Conversation "What is happiness?", "What is joy?" Registration of posters on the topic.

Purpose: harmonization of the emotional state; stabilization of mental processes, stress relief. (Older age)

"Drawing happiness" - training using fairy tale therapy (Preparatory group)

Competition "Gallery of Wall Newspapers" Meet Me! "," My Portrait in the Rays of the Sun " .

Goals and objectives: to develop aesthetic taste in parents through the exchange of experience. Express the love of parents for their children through the work done in the form of a poster, collage. (1 younger group, 2 younger group)

Training exercise "Learning to manage your experiences"

goal: games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, overexcitation, overcome shyness, increase self-esteem (All groups

Thematic day: City of "Magicians"

Day motto:

"A person who believes in a fairy tale once falls into it, because he has a heart ..."

Sergey Korolev

A book about me and for me - preparation of a joint project of teachers with parents.

Designed for writing a fascinating story of a child about himself and about himself. (All groups at the request of the parents)

Conversation "What are compliments!"

Making a surprise "Compliment" to close the week.

Goal: raising the general emotional tone (Middle and older age)

Skill development games process information

Develop the ability to understand each other, delve into the essence of the information received;

Develop the ability to work with information through the establishment of logical and cause-and-effect relationships, as well as inferences; (Older age)

Collaboration games

Learn to hear, understand and follow the rules of the game;

Develop control over movements and the ability to work according to instructions;

Foster a trusting relationship with each other; (Average age)


Purpose: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background. (Early and young age)

Thematic day: City of "Impressions"

Day motto:

Be impressed, create and give the warmth of your soul to all people!

Theatrical performance "The circus lights the lights" (Preparatory group)

Games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, overexcitation (older age)

Psychological game "Group portrait" (the teacher and the children collage) (Senior, middle age)

Finger games "Our fingers are always the best friends."

Drawing "Finger Tree"

Purpose: relieving emotional stress, creating a positive emotional background (Younger age)

Thematic day: City of Compliments


“Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-flown words should not be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love!

B. Okudzhava

Promotion "Box of Good Deeds"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of effective communication and play. (All groups)

Psycho-gymnastics "Compliments"

The purpose of the exercise: creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor, mastering the technique of compliment. (Older age)

Psychological and sports event "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"

Purpose: the formation of a healthy lifestyle with the help of exercises aimed at solving psycho-emotional problems and maintaining the mental well-being of the child. (Preparatory group No. 6)

Games and exercises to relieve muscle tension, fatigue, overexcitation. (All groups)

Closing the week of psychology.

Training "Psychology of pedagogical communication", presentation of "compliments";

Watching Pixar's "How to Be Positive in Life"

Presentation of the book "A book about me and for me" (All teachers)

Working with parents

Contest "Meet Me!" (During the week. Early and young age)

Competition "My portrait in the rays of the sun" (During the week. Early and young age) t

Notes for parents:

"Basic rules for communicating with a child", "Prevention of computer addiction in a child." (During the week. All groups)

Gallery of wall newspapers: "It's interesting", "About our children", "Crisis of three years", "Advice to parents". (Within a week. Teacher-psychologist)

Parents' club "Learning to communicate with a child" for parents of young children.

Purpose: optimization of parent-child relationships. (Teacher-psychologist)

The week of psychology turned out to be holistic and complete thanks to the help and support of all kindergarten staff, understanding of parents and the activity of children. Every child needs adult love. Love is the most reliable foundation for a calm childhood. If adults understand this, the child will grow up to be a generous, warm-hearted person. The results of our activities have shown that together we have ensured the emotional well-being of all participants in the educational process.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Acquaintance with the theme of charity is proposed to be carried out during the game-quest. The game is a team game, each team has its own route sheet with tasks (good deeds) that the children must complete. The game allows you not only to get acquainted with the theory, but also to apply your knowledge in practice, in the course of practical tasks to understand the essence of charity and to feel the joy of good deeds, to develop a sense of empathy and willingness to help.

Goal: To generalize the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about charity as a valuable quality of a person, to develop social feelings, mutual assistance. To form friendly relationships, a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to develop the skills of cooperation, communication in everyday life. Improve cultural communication skills.


  • To reveal the essence of the concepts of "charity", "good" and "kindness", "good deeds".
  • To activate the children's vocabulary (charity, foundation, kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention).
  • Develop logical thinking, imagination and attention in children, instill interest in a new form of play activity (quest game).
  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bkindness in children, to foster good feelings for the people around, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude.

Planned results:Students will have universal educational actions, namely:

Personal UUD

  • orientation in the moral content and sense of both their own actions and the actions of those around them;
  • knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;
  • empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathizing with them.

Regulatory UUD

  • accept and save the task;
  • take into account the reference points of action allocated by the teacher.
  • plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;
  • adequately perceive the proposals of comrades and other people;

Cognitive UUD

  • search for the necessary information to complete the task,
  • build a dialogue with older people;

Communicative UUD

  • adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means for solving various communicative tasks, build a monologue statement, own a dialogical form of communication;
  • allow people to have different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner's position in communication and interaction;
  • take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;
  • formulate your own opinion and position;
  • negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in a situation of conflict of interests;

teacher activity

student activities


Attachment 1

Watching a movie

Guys, read the motto of our lesson

Children read "Hurry to Do Good"

There is a poster “Hurry to do good” and a sun without rays on the board.

What are we going to talk about today?

Examples of children's answers: about kindness and good deeds.

What is goodness? This is all good, beautiful. For example, spring, sun, smile, mom, teacher ...

Children continue

What is evil? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad, misfortune, misfortune ...

Children continue

We live with you on planet Earth. Since good and evil exist on our planet, it means that people can do both good and evil deeds ... Remember when you met good in life, and when evil?

Children's answers

What was more pleasant to receive good or evil?

Children answer

Have you ever heard about charities and charitable foundations, what they do?

Children's answers.

Do you think only adults can do charity work?

Children's answers.

Can we do charity work with you? How can we be useful in our village? What good deeds can we do?

They call what they can do ..

I suggest that today you try to bring goodness and joy to at least some hearts. And we will do it with the help of the game. (split the class into two teams)

Children are divided into two teams

The draw

Each team will receive a route sheet.

Appendix 2

At each point, you will be handed an envelope with an assignment.