Summary of the lesson "travel to the past". Summary of the lesson "travel to the past" in the preparatory group Summary of the lesson travel to the past

Lesson summary.

Topic: "A journey into the past of the book."

Educator Ryashentseva R.A.


  1. To acquaint children with the history of the creation of the book, with its development;
  2. Enhance cognitive activity;
  3. Arouse interest in the world of the book;
  4. To cultivate a respect for books.
  5. Coherent speech: teach to select the topics accordingly, facts from personal experience; to tell coherently, fully and expressively, to clearly build the composition of the story.

The course of the lesson.

  1. Children are standing on the carpet.

Educator. Today is our special day

(reads a verse) I will introduce you friends,

With an object without which

We cannot live in the world.

And what subject will be discussed, you can guess for yourself.

2. Riddle. Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a man, but a story.
Did you guess? What is it?

(Children's answers).

Educator. Today we'll talk about books.

Why do we need books?

Where are the books kept? (at home, on shelves, in


What happens if the books disappear?

Do you know how to handle a book?

Educator. - How long do you think books have appeared?

And what are books made of?

You are right, books are now printed on paper.

But has it always been this way? Not.

Nobody knows exactly when the Book was born. Let's take a trip back in time and try to find out how old the Book is. Prepared. Let's go.

Once upon a time, no one knew how to write. People could only communicate by talking to each other. Everything that man learned and invented, he kept only in his head. Knowledge was transmitted orally. It was an extremely important and difficult task - not to interrupt the thread of knowledge, to pass it on from teacher to student, so that one day he would pass it on to his student - and so on, from generation to generation. And it was not always possible to do this. How many secrets were lost irretrievably, how many times people had to learn something anew. To make discoveries that have already been made.

And so, let's go back many centuries - to the beginning of human civilization, when people first appeared.

We come with children to the image of the rock painting.

People lived in caves. They hunted mammoths and wild bulls. Stone books are considered the first form of recording information. The need for people to share knowledge among themselves led the ancient people to the fact that they began to make drawings on the walls of caves. These drawings are called the Stone Books. Here, for the first time, a person expressed and depicted his thought.

Even today, we often see painted letters that have come down to us through many centuries. Where do you think? (Shows road signs).

Children call road signs.

Guys, let's leave hello, as the cavemen did.

Give children crayons for drawing on the "rock walls" (on the blackboard).

Well done. But we have to go! We leave for another time.

Where have we got to?

To the Indians. They came up with a different kind of book that could be transferred, carried, saved. Such a letter was called - KIPU - nodular letter. Such writing required a thick rope or stick and multi-colored laces of different lengths. The one who wanted to give someone his

thought, tied a string to a rope or stick in a special way. To read such a letter, you had to remember many details - the color of the cord, its length, the type of knot. This letter was very difficult to read. But, basically, knowledge was still transmitted orally. The tribal elders, about once a year, took the young men into the jungle, and there, passed on their experience. And to make knowledge easier to remember, they used special dances and songs. Let's learn with them?

Children stand in a circle. And they repeat the movements behind the teacher.

Physical education:

If you want to learn, do this ... Clap your hands from left to right.

If you want to learn, do this ... Jumping in place with a high knee lift (in turn).

If you want to learn, do this ... Clap on the mouth, "Indian call."

If you want to learn, do this ... Dance of the Indians in a circle.

Come on, guys, let's leave the Indians "Hello." Let's tie our knots.

Time runs. Several millennia ago, the Babylonians and Assyrians came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bwritingon clay tablets- letters were squeezed out in the form of wedges with a special stick. Therefore, this writing is called “cuneiform ”. Each platewas numbered, then the raw clay tablets were fired in a furnace - they became notsoft and fragile, but hard, folded into a basket. And that was a book too!

Guys, let's try to write on clay tablets.

Papyrus was invented in ancient Egypt. It was made from a plant that grew along the banks of the Nile River. Its stem was split into ribbons, laid them in several layers and pressed on top with heavy stones. Several of these pieces were connected in a long strip and rolled up into a scroll, and to make them convenient to use, a stick was attached to it. The rolled up scroll was inserted into a case. So it was kept. But papyrus did not grow everywhere, and the papyrus scroll was poorly preserved: it crumbled, crumbled, it was possible to write on it only from one side.

And people found new stuff:parchment. This is a thin, like a film, specially treated skin of sheep, goats or calves. It was made near the city of Pergamum, that's where the name comes from. Parchment, unlike papyrus, did not crack, it was very strong, it could be bent, and both sides could be used. This feature contributed to the emergence of a new form of the book. Pieces of parchment were folded in half: each came out as if two sheets, and so they put them one into the other.

It was convenient to make books from parchment. Large sheets were folded in four, in the form of a notebook. Several of these notebooks were sewn together to form a book. The cover was made of leather-covered boards.

And paper was invented by the Chinese Tsai Lun. First, paper was boiled from crushed rags, tree roots, and bamboo chips. Later we decided to try wood. And since then, book paper has been made of wood.

How did the book appear in Russia?

In Russia, for a long time used for books - Beresta. They wrote on it using a thin rod with a large ear at the top. A braid was threaded into this eyelet and worn at the waist. In Russia, the first creators of handwritten books were monks - scribes. The artist filled the pages with drawings. It took a long time to write each book.

In the 15th century, the German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. He began to cast letters (letters) from metal. Words, lines, pages were made from individual letters. Soon there were a lot of masters who could work on such a machine, in almost all countries.

Russian typists Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets published the book in 1564. They printed it for a whole year. It was the church book Apostle. And in 1574 the first Russian "AZBUKA" was published. Well, it's time to go home. Prepared. Going home!

Yes, a man has come a long way to the first book. That's how many years the Book is. And no one knows exactly how much!

This book has come such a long way to become the one that is in every our home, in every group and library.

Now we are reading these beautiful

The books that you see at the exhibition.

People are helped by machines to print colorful


Guys, you are all great! Together with your mothers, you have made wonderful books. And now each of you will introduce us to your book.

(Children's stories about their books).

Assess the work of children.

Invite children to play role-playing games: "Library",

"Book shop" (at the choice of children).

The purpose of the lesson:

Enrichment of children's ideas about the world of surrounding objects and encouragement to joint creative activity based on the use of information obtained in the lesson.


1. To acquaint children with the history of the emergence and development of the telephone, to expand knowledge about communication means.
2. To consolidate the rules of speech etiquette when communicating on the phone, knowledge of the telephone numbers of emergency services: fire, police, ambulance.
3. Develop social skills: the ability to work in pairs, take into account the opinion of a partner.
4. Develop attention, imagination, memory through didactic games and exercises.
5. To educate accuracy when performing work.

Predicted result:

Transferring information about the phone to the sphere of personal interests.


Laptop, screen, overhead projector, camera, helper circuits, cards with numbers of emergency services, telephones, variable material for children's work.


1. Dybina O.V. "What came before ..." (games-travel into the past of objects)
2. When developing the presentation, photographs of Internet resources were used.

Introductory part:

Guys, last night on TV I watched a report from the local history museum. Now this report will be repeated, let's sit down and see. (View video on screen).

Video recording of the report:


Hello, we are conducting our report from the regional museum. “My phone rang…” - this phrase from a poem by K. Chukovsky is known to everyone, but everyone knows that on February 14 the phone celebrated its birthday. In our museum phones of the past and present are presented. Our museum announces a competition for unusual phones for kindergartens in Perm. We are waiting for your work. Good luck to everyone, see you on the air.


Guys, are we going to take part in the competition?
Children's answers.

What do we know about the phone? What is a phone for? Were there always telephones? What were phones like before? Do you want to know about it?
Children's answers.

Main part:

Guys, I want to invite you to the past of the phone.
(The teacher and the children sit on the floor near the screen. Slides appear on the screen).
Once upon a time, when people lived in caves and dressed in animal skins, they did not know how to speak, but they had to communicate with each other. Do you think they communicated using the phone? How did they do it?
(Children's answers: gestures, facial expressions).
Come on and we'll try.
Do you guys think it was easy to communicate like that? (Children's answer).
As time went on, people learned to speak, built houses for themselves, raised a farm and continued to look for new ways of transmitting information.
If it was necessary to report some news to another village, people climbed a high mountain and made a fire, later they used the sounds of drums, signal pipes, bells. Everyone found out that some event had happened and reacted to it. Were these methods convenient? Why?
(Children's answers).

But time went on. And so the first apparatus was invented, it consisted of two tubes, similar to funnels, which were connected together by a long wire. They talked into one tube, applied the other to the ear. This device was named "TELEPHONE". What is unusual about this phone for us?
The word “telephone” means: the first part “tele” is far away, the second part “background” is sound. With this apparatus, the sound could be heard very far away.
Later, the types of telephones changed and people invented telephones with a disk, to dial a number, a finger was inserted into the holes on the disk, marked with numbers, and the disk was turned. It was not very convenient: the finger got tired, the disc rotated slowly. Therefore, the disk was replaced with buttons. Many have such telephones even now, but such a device could be used while in the room, you cannot take it with you. Why? Scientists again began to think about how to make the telephone convenient for communication and information transfer. And so the mobile phone was invented. Why do people all over the world use it? (Children's answers).

Indeed, mobile means that it is portable, you can take it with you and communicate wherever you are.
Guys, let's look at telephones: show a phone with a disk, a push-button telephone. Some modern devices have built-in answering machines, if we are not at home the person who called you can leave a message for you.
(Children and the teacher are looking at the phones).

Guys, do you know how to properly talk on the phone?
I suggest you watch the scene "Talking on the Phone".
(Two children show a reenactment).

Guys, did the boys have a good conversation? What is the right way to start a conversation? How to continue the conversation? How to finish? (children's answers)
Once again, with the help of "assistants" we will repeat how to properly talk on the phone.

(A diagram is laid out on the easel).

Each telephone has its own number. Does it help us call the right person? (children's answers: number).
And what numbers should every person in our country know?
(Answers of children: telephones of services: fire service, police, ambulance).
Guys, let's play the game "Correct Number" (children are given cards with numbers 01.02.03, a picture appears on the screen that displays an emergency: fire, etc., and the children raise the card with the corresponding number).
We have repeated the important numbers of the rule of telephone communication. What have you learned about the phone, what was the phone like in the past?
Now we know a lot about the phone and can participate in the competition. What did we need to do? What is unusual about a phone? Let's try to make unusual phones, photograph them and send them to the museum.
Unite in pairs and go to the tables. Discuss with each other what your unusual phone will be like, how you will make it, what you will need for this. The tables have everything you need to work. You can proceed.
(Children work in pairs, the teacher approaches each pair, reminds that the phone should be unusual and one from the pair, after the completion of the work the children take out and put their "crafts" on the table).

(The teacher analyzes the work).


Final part:

Children, what new have you learned in class today?
What was especially difficult for you? How did you deal with the difficulties? Where can we use our "fancy phones"?
And also, guys, I would like to know what unusual stories related to the phone happened to your loved ones. Ask them about this and tell them in the next session.
(The report starts again on the screen).

Video recording:


Dear viewers! We would like to thank the children of kindergarten no. 6 for participating in the competition for unusual phones and are waiting for us in the museum.

(The group includes a secretary).


You were asked to hand over (hands over the envelope).


(Is reading). Children of kindergarten № 6 from the regional museum (opens the envelope, takes out tickets to the museum, distributes them to the children). Thank you all for your work in class.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, The Rogue Song, a film about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

In the lesson, the children learned that the first counts for a person were his fingers and toes. They were replaced by pebbles, sticks, shells. We examined the Russian abacus, which appeared first, as well as the Chinese and Japanese ones.

Fadey told and showed how to use the accounts.

Andryushin's riddle was about a calculator.

The children examined the parts of the computer: system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse. And Timofey demonstrated a portable mini-computer - a tablet.

We spent a physical education and a competition between the subgroups to calculate with various calculating devices.

Lesson summary on the world around

in the preparatory group for school

"Journey into the past of counting devices" 23.01.2017

Software content: the formation of elementary ideas of children about human research activity and its results (any research leads to the emergence of something new, necessary for the development of society, to facilitate human labor).

Educational tasks:

- to acquaint children with the history of calculating devices, with the process of their transformation by a person (the presentation of the material is based on experienced preschoolers)

Developmental tasks:

- develop a retrospective look at the objects of the man-made world

- to intensify the cognitive activity of children

Educational tasks:

- educate curiosity

- to develop the ability to work together, in subgroups

Materials and equipment: TV, computer, multimedia presentation "Museum of the History of Computer Science", pictures with the image of calculating devices, abacus, calculator, stones, strings, counting sticks.

Preliminary work:

- acquaintance with the concept of "calculating device"

- familiarity with accounts, the principle of calculation on them

- acquaintance with the calculator, the principle of the simplest calculation on it

- acquaintance with the computer, its device

- conversation "Computer in human life"

- drawing on the theme "My Computer".

Course of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.

- Guys, have you ever been to a museum?

- What did you see there? (paintings, sculptures, etc.)

- Today I invite you to an unusual museum. Instead of paintings and sculptures, it contains calculating devices: machines, devices. Want to know how people used to count?

- To get to the museum, you need to guess the riddle:

The machine solved the problem perfectly.

She blinked, buzzed, tried, hurried.

Draws, plays, teaches me.

What name does she have? (Time Machine)

- Sit back, close your eyes and count to 10. Start!

II. Main part.

- So we got to the Museum of the History of Computer Science (Slide №1)

- Let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum.

- Let's go to the first exhibit. What do we see here? (Slide number 2)

The history of calculating devices goes back a long way. The accumulation of reserves, the division of production, trade - all this was connected with counting, with calculations. It was necessary to count on something. People began to use their own fingers to calculate. (Slide number 3) The fingers were the very first calculating device. People first used the pads on their fingers, then they counted on the fingers. And sometimes the toes were also used. For many peoples, fingers have long served as an instrument for counting. (Slide number 4)

- Yes, finger counting turned out to be inconvenient, because it was impossible to count up to 20-30 or more.

- The next step in the development of counting was the use of sticks, stones, beads. The Maya Indians invented their own way of counting - on knots (ropes) - knot counting. (Slide number 5)

The first human assistant in the account appeared a very long time ago (in the 5th century BC) in Greece and Egypt, and was called the abacus. (Slide №6) "Abacus" is a Greek word translated as "counting board". It was an ordinary board with stripes lined with pebbles. Then the abacus changed; metal rods with bones appeared on it. There was a whole science of counting using this calculating device. This calculating device was used for a very long time.

Ten by six

Smart circles sat down

And they count out loud,

Only audible: knock and knock. (Accounts)

- Consider them carefully. The abacus is a regular frame with crossbars on which knuckles are strung. Each knuckle is a number.

The first abacus with "bones" on ropes appeared in Russia. (Slide number 7).

After that, calculating machines appeared, which gradually became more complicated. In the 19th century, the St. Petersburg engineer Odner created an adding machine (Slide No. 8), which made it possible to count faster and, moreover, large numbers.

And the adding machine was replaced by another calculating machine. You probably know her.

Something grandma's score

Take with you reluctance

I better take guys

New to school ... (calculator)

In the 20th century, inventors create a calculator (Slide No. 9) (Roman calculi - pebbles (to calculate, which works first from an outlet, then from batteries.

- Now let's go to the next exhibit. Having guessed the riddle, you will find out which calculating device was as follows:

He draws, he counts

Designs factories,

Even in space it flies

And gives a weather forecast.

Millions of calculations

Can be done in a minute.

Guess what kind of genius?

Well, of course ... (computer).

A computer appears (English Computer - I think) - a machine for receiving, processing, storing and issuing information in electronic form. (Slide number 10)

The first computer was invented back in the 17th century by the French scientist Blaise Pascal.

- What can you do with a computer?

- How is a computer different from a calculator?

- Now we will remember what parts the computer has. (System unit and monitor.)

- What device do you need to use to enter the program into the computer's memory? (keyboard).

- With what device can we easily move the arrow on the screen? (mouse).

- What device will help us put information on paper? (a printer).

Portable microcomputers were also invented - a smartphone, a netbook, a laptop, a tablet.

- Let's tell our friend a computer a poem.

The computer is a friend of children and adults,

It was created long ago.

Came from distant France

Huge and simple.

But years passed, centuries, epochs,

The computer has changed.

He subtracts, adds,

Draws, speaks to us!

Transfers, stores, erases,

Plays, teaches, develops.

The chapter is engaged in all this.

Microprocessor head!

It follows, friends,

A computer is needed for work,

Enriching the mind

It's always just fun with him.

Physical education.

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, bend,

Three - three claps in your hands, three nods of your head,

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit down quietly.

During the physical minute, invite one of the children to count the number of actions performed by the children with the help of counting sticks.

2. Practical part

Invite children to divide into subgroups and perform calculations using various calculating devices:

- fingers

- nodules

- calculator

Examples for calculation are given to children on cards.

After completing the calculations, the children conduct a cross-check.

III. Final part.


- How did people count at first and what did they use?

- What scores appeared later?

- What are people using now?

- What professions do people need calculating devices?

- And in conclusion, I invite you to guess riddles:

1. What a miracle - a unit,

Can do everything -

Become the best friend.


2. There is a chest on the table,

There is a window in the chest.

You can see miracles

If you know a little


3. On the board, line by line

Buttons were placed.

Guess boys

How to poke your finger here?


4. The animal runs on the carpet,

It will freeze, then it will spin,

Doesn't leave the rug

What kind of beast, who will guess?

(computer mouse)

5. That - that joy, then - that laugh,

On paper without blemishes

What box does it come from

The text to the surprise of everyone?

(a printer)

6. If something is disabled,

Then the computer will be silent

Deaf like a bear -

Can't sing anything.

(speakers, speaker system).

MDOU Khoroshevsky d / s


Developed by music director

Gromova N.V.

Integration of educational areas:

Artistic and aesthetic development, speech, cognitive,

socially communicative.


To develop the cognitive interest of children associated with the historical past of their native land (home, life, occupation).


Form a figurative speech, use proverbs and sayings, riddles in colloquial speech. Enrich the dictionary with the names of household items and the names of tools. To instill a respectful attitude towards the history of your region. Develop patriotic feelings.

Preliminary work:

Visit to the mini - museum in the kindergarten. Learning proverbs, sayings, Russian folk games and songs.


Household items: pots, spoons, samovars, grapple, spinning wheel. Embroidered towels, tablecloths, napkins.

(Children and adults are dressed in Russian costumes.)

Leading: You guys are so beautiful today. We did not dress up by chance. Today we will go to the distant past of our Rzhev region. And in order for us to get back in time, I have a magic saucer and a pouring apple. But I cannot do without your help. I will speak magic words, and you help me.

Children and educator: Play, play saucer

Roll, roll bullseye

Show us forests, fields

And wide meadows.

And heavens high

The beauty of the native villages.

Music sounds. Before the children there is a table with pottery from the village of Santalovo.

Educator: Where did we end up?

Yes, this is our neighboring village Santalovo. Artisans live here. They glorified their village with their products. They make miracles from clay. For adults, pots, jugs, and toys, whistles for small children.

Children and a teacher examine the products. The teacher draws the attention of the children, as the jug for throat milk was called in our area.

What do you think: "Why?"

Educator: Let's continue the journey.

Educator and children: Play, play, saucer

Roll, roll bullseye

Show me the forests, fields

And wide meadows

And heavens high

The beauty of the native villages.

The balalaika sounds again. Felt boots appear in front of the children.

Educator: Guys, we are in the village of Pelenicheno. To this day, felt boots are here.

Put on your boots - and you won't be afraid of the frost. Guys, what kind of shoes did you wear in the summer? What was it made of?

Children examine birch bark bast shoes. And in our villages bast shoes were woven from ropes and linen threads.

Educator and children: The journey continues.

Play, play saucer

Roll, roll, bullseye

Show me the forests, fields

And wide meadows

And heavens high

The beauty of the native villages.

Educator: Where did we end up? Oh yes, we are with you in the native village of our Pasha Pikunov.

Pasha, what is the name of your village? What were the residents of the village of Muravevo famous for?

Here, guys, glorious craftsmen lived, who provided all the inhabitants of the nearby villages with their products, which we visited. And also their own products: axes, nails and other metal products, without which the household cannot do, were sold in the city of Rzhev at the fair. It was from Rzhev that the "Muravyov's" axes came to Austria for the exhibition, where they received a very high assessment, a medal. The axes were strong enough to cut stone.

Glory and praise to the craftsmen of our region. The Russian people have long been famous for their hard work.

The proverbs speak about this:

    Skillful hands do not know boredom.

    The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

    You can't fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    Do you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.

Educator: Guys, how can you imagine what the children were doing in these villages?

Did they help their parents?

Previously, in the villages, almost every man knew how to weave baskets, sandals. And boys from childhood knew how to prepare vines for baskets. The girls knew how to spin and embroider. And in the old days, children also loved to play, like you.

Educator: Where are your skillful pens?

Finger game.

Educator: We played merrily. It's time for us to go home to the village of Horoshevo.

Let's just say the magic words:

Play, play saucer

Roll, roll bullseye

Show me the forests, fields

And wide meadows

And heavens high

The beauty of the native villages.

Cheerful music sounds, a samovar, pies are brought in.

Educator : Oh, and the way is too long.

I counted forty trees

I'll sit on the bench

Then I'll look in the window.

I’ll call the Khoroshevsky guys to the gatherings:

Hey funny girls

Mischievous laughter!

Hey guys are great

Mischievous daredevils.

Come dance

To while away the long evening.

Children approach the teacher.

Educator: Hello dear guests!


1st child : Nice guest and the host is glad!

2nd child: The hostess in the house is like pancakes in honey!

3rd child: Lots of guests, lots of news!

Conversations do not cook porridge. It's time to drink tea.

Educator : The red guest is the red place. Make yourself at home, sit down.

Children sit on the benches.

Boys: White girls

Where did you get your fill?

Girls: We milked the cows yesterday

I washed my face with milk.

Educator: Conversations do not cook porridge. It's time to drink tea.

Suddenly a crash is heard. Brownie enters.

Brownie : Look how quick they are! A straw in your nose! (Sneezes).

I can say I've been living here for a century. You can say the house on me, the brownie, Vasya holds on, and no pies for you. And they came and immediately gave them tea, pies! One is all, and the other is nothing? Where, one wonders, is justice? A straw in your nose (sneezes). Selects pies.

Educator: Vassenka, give me the pies. Do not be angry!

Vasya: Aha !? Hand over riddles?

Children: Good. Guess!

Brownie : 1. What tool can you sip on cabbage soup?

2. He cooks porridge, cabbage soup, felt boots, mittens for children, does he warm my bones?

3. Four ears, two abdomens?

Educator: Have we guessed your riddles?

Brownie : Your guys are too savvy!

Educator : A bargain is a bargain! Give us our pies.

Brownie: I also love pies and guessing riddles.

Educator : Listen well. Guys, guess!


    Not a bull, but a horn?

    Are four brothers under one roof?

    Above a hole, a hole below, fire below, yes water?

Brownie: Well done! Make a song for me!

Children: Good!

Educator : Come with us in a round dance, Vasya.

Children lead a round dance "On the mountain that viburnum". They sit down to drink tea.

Software content (integration of educational areas):

Cognitive development : to acquaint children with the life, everyday life and work of the Russian people (the hut is the home of a peasant family, with the objects of Russian everyday life (stove, spinning wheel, toys, etc.); to consolidate knowledge about kitchen utensils (poker, grasp, cast iron, samovar); to foster curiosity, interest in the history and traditions of their people, to broaden the horizons of children, to foster in children love and respect for the folk culture and traditions of the Russian people.

Speech development : enrich the children's dictionary with folk proverbs, sayings, riddles, new words; develop the desire to know and use oral folklore in life.

Artistic and aesthetic development : to form interest in Russian applied art; develop singing skills and Russian traditional dance moves.

Preliminary work:



Children enter the hall to the music.

Educator:Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

Educator: Today we will take a journey into the past of our country. Once upon a time, in ancient times, there were good fellows - mighty Russian heroes and beautiful girls. And they had kind mothers and wise priests. They knew how to plow and mow, build a tower-house. They knew how to do needlework: weave, spin, embroider.

It is customary to go on a visit in beautifully dressed, smartly dressed, so we are dressed up: girls wear Russian sundresses, boys wear shirts. This was exactly what the clothes were in Russia. What would you like to know from being in the past? (children's answers)

Educator: Well, let's fast forward to the past. The magic wheel of history will help us in this. Hold tight to the wheel, repeat the magic words after me.

You can touch it with your finger

The very edge of a dream

Find your way to her

You certainly can.

To the bright stars, our children

They fly in colorful dreams

To find out how the ancestors lived,

They dream of getting into the past.

Music sounds.

A slide showing a village and a church appears on the screen.

Educator: Look, guys, we ended up in a Russian village.

Wooden Russia - dear edges

Russian people have been living here for a long time

They glorify the dwellings of their relatives

Broken songs sing

Educator: think about why Russia was called wooden? (children's answers)

( The music is playing , girls appear - hostesses)

Educator: Look, the hostesses meet us in the hut.

Hostesses (together):Hello dear guests.

Children respond to the greeting with proverbs they know.

The hostess in the house, that pancakes in honey.

Many guests - a lot of news!

What is in the oven - swords on the table!

Educator: Guys, what do you think is the most important thing in the hut? Try to guess my riddle: "Oh, what an old grandmother! All white - white. Summer outside - they don't pay attention to her. And winter comes - they stick to her" (oven). Correctly! And in our hut there is a stove, here it is, warm! What do you know about the Russian stove? (children's answers).

First hostess girl:and in our oven the loaf is already ripe, magnificent and ruddy.

The second girl is the hostess:

We meet dear guests,

Round, lush loaf

We bring you a loaf,

Together: Bowing down, we ask you to taste.

The teacher accepts the loaf, thanks with a bow.

Educator: In the old days, guys, on long winter evenings people gathered in such a large hut: they sang, told fairy tales, made riddles.

Hostess:And people also worked: they spun, knitted, embroidered, weaved bast shoes. They said jokes - jokes, danced in circles. Such evenings were called gatherings.

Hostesses:We invite the beautiful girls to the round dance.

Round dance "Kalinushka"

The teacher invites the children to sit on the benches.

Educator:Hardworking people were in Russia. Proverbs speak about this. Let's remember them. (children remember proverbs about work)

Educator: Look, our hostesses have got down to business.

The girl sits at the spinning wheel, the hostesses hum:

Gilded spinning wheel

I spin and the thread stretches

I spin and the thread stretches

I like my job

Hostess: Guess what I'm doing?

Children: You spin the thread

Hostess:That's right, I'm spinning the thread. And what am I using?

The teacher pays attention to the spinning wheel.

Educator: Yes guys, this is a spinning wheel. It was called that because it is spun on it. And it works like this. Hostess, show us. With his fingers he pulls out the wool, twists the thread, begins to spin, and the threads are wound here. This is a spindle. The more threads are wound, the thicker the spindle becomes. See what the spindle does? (The hostess turns the spindle) (turns, turns).

Hostesses together: I dance around the hut, spinning a thread, the more I spin, the more I get fat.

Educator: That's why they called him a spindle. The word "spindle", guys, comes from the word "twirl." Well, turn around like a spindle.

(Children circle around them)

Educator:What is a spinning wheel for? (children's answers)

First hostess:... This is not an easy job, it takes skill and patience. You need to hold the wool, pull the thread and twist it and wind it on the spindle. For this I have an assistant - a spinning wheel.

Second hostess: Look how many threads I strained! (shows a basket with different balls. Accidentally drops the basket - the balls roll out)Oh my balls have all rolled out, the threads are messed up. Help them wind up in balls. (Children reel in balls)

Dynamic pause "Roll the ball"

Educator:Hostess, why do you need these threads?

Hostess: To knit.

Educator:And what can be knitted from these threads? (children's answers)

The teacher invites the children to examine the "hut" and find old objects that you can already see in the modern world.

Children take objects one by one and offer the hostess to guess riddles. (Bast shoes, grab, poker, broom, stove, cradle)

Riddles sound.

A trough of holes is twisted from linden,
He walks along the road, puts the cells. (bast shoes)

I go to the forest empty, empty, from the forest I go thickly.

Forty brothers live together, sweep the garbage

Iron demon, climbed onto the table - four legs, two ears, one nose, and a belly .

The teacher invites the children to consider the samovar.

Educator: The samovar is iron, shiny, beautiful. The samovar has a lid, bottom, walls, two handles, a tap, four legs, water is boiled in it and then tea is drunk.

No matter how much you suffer, not three of it, but you will not make it whiter. (cast iron)

Educator: The cast iron is black, because it is constantly on the fire in the stove and is all blackened by soot. It is made of durable metal - cast iron, which is why it is called that. It is very durable and will not burn in the stove.

Who is horned in the hut? (grip)

Educator: The grip was needed in order to pull the cast iron out of the hot oven. For the fact that he “grabbed” with these iron “horns”, “grabbed” the iron pot and was nicknamed the grip.

Don't eat myself, but feed everyone? (the spoon)

The first hostess: Decorated wooden spoons, beautifully painted. They were painted by folk craftsmen. In the village we not only eat with spoons, but also play with them. Those who can play on spoons are called spoons in our country.

(Playing on spoons)

Music sounds. Aunt Lyubava enters, greets the children, sings a Russian folk song.

Hostess and children: Auntie Lyubava, thank you for the beautiful song. And we want to give you ditties.

Performed by "Merry Ditties"

Aunt Lyubava thanks the children for the funny ditties:You give me ditties, and I give you toys.

Gives a basket of toys, says goodbye and leaves.

Educator:Guys, look at what interesting toys. What do you know about the Russian toy. (children's stories about toys)

The teacher invites the children to sing a lullaby.

Educator: We will make and present a doll-amulet for the hostesses. If a doll was made from cereals, then it was called "Krupenichka", if from grain - "Zernushka", and we will make our doll from peas, and it will be called "Pea". Look, guys, peas rolled out on the table at the hostesses. Let's help to collect it in a wonderful bag, where these seeds will be stored until spring. It will not be just a bag, but a doll-amulet "Pea". She will bring prosperity, satiety, strength to the house.

Children together with the teacher make a large amulet doll and give it to the hostesses.

Educator: And it's time for us to return to our time. Guys, what cognitive have you learned today, traveling in the past? (children's answers)

Educator: Smart strong our people

Protects his land

And the traditions of antiquity

We must not forget.

Let's say goodbye to the hostesses, and the "Wheel of History" will help us go back to our time.

Children hold on to the wheel, say magic words. Music sounds.

1 child:The journey is over, who was with us - great.

2 child: Every fellow with a garden should have a cucumber.