Crafts made from natural materials: pumpkin seeds. DIY painting of cereals and seeds: master class. Materials and tools

Autumn spoils us with fine days less and less often. In cold rainy weather, both adults and children want warmth and sincere communication. Certainly, The best way Spending time with your child in a fun and useful way means being creative. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to collect pine cones, acorns, and other autumn tinsel for future use, because a thrifty housewife will always have a handful or two of pumpkin seeds in her bins.

In hand experienced craftsman pumpkin seeds turn into material for real works of art. It’s not worth asking much from little fidgets - a small decorated applique is already a feat and, undoubtedly, a reason for pride. The parents' task in this case is to prepare the seeds for work and offer the baby a few ideas.

How to make crafts from pumpkin seeds for children with your own hands?

If we assume that you have stocked up on seeds in advance, then all that remains is to decide on the idea. The complexity of the work depends on the age and skills of the young master. Pumpkin crafts for children look brighter and more creative if the seeds are pre-colored different colors. In addition, then it is easier for the child to generate ideas and bring them to life. To color the seeds, you need to pour them into plastic bag and add a little food coloring there - this is the safest and quick way staining. The finished bright seeds need to be dried, and only then can you begin to work. The most simple crafts, these are, of course, applications; even restless preschoolers can cope with such a task. The essence of the work is as follows: a drawing is applied to a sheet of paper or cardboard, preferably with large segments, then each section is smeared with glue and seeds are laid out one by one. Using this scheme, kids can make a wide variety of compositions, autumn landscapes, images of animals, birds, flowers. If a child does not like working with glue, an alternative to the latter is plasticine. In this case, a small layer of plasticine is applied to individual segments of the pattern.

Considered more difficult to implement volumetric crafts, of course, they look much more impressive, and besides, such masterpieces do an excellent job as room decor. For example, from flowers made from pumpkin seeds you can create excellent compositions in vases, original paintings and panels. You can make “pumpkin” flowers in different ways: you can glue the seeds together using a glue gun, you can glue the seeds onto a cardboard circle, plasticine will be a reliable help in the work for the smallest and inexperienced.

Below we will show you what wonderful autumn and themed crafts from pumpkin seeds for children you can make with your own hands, and we will offer a step-by-step diagram of how to make a basic pumpkin flower.

Applique Flowers from natural material with your own hands

Master Class. Flower arrangement made from natural material “Sunny Bouquet”

teacher additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky Dom children's creativity.
Description: master class is designed for younger children school age, teachers, parents.
Purpose: manufacturing flower arrangement made of natural material is intended for interior decoration, can take pride of place at an exhibition of arts and crafts and can be a good idea for a gift.
Target: teaching children how to correctly compose a composition from natural materials with a selection of colors.
- teach techniques for working with natural materials;
- introduce the variety of seeds that can be used in work, show the beauty of the flowers created;
- develop imagination, sensitivity and fantasy, the desire to achieve the goal;
- cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, accuracy in work.

In winter, when it’s cloudy and cold outside, it’s nice to remember summer and the flowers that give us a unique aroma and beauty. And I want to do something that will pleasantly surprise and delight my friends and family. The boxes on the shelf contain seeds of plants, vegetables, and summer-dried flowers. They conceal warmth, light and the smell of summer. The idea of ​​creating a composition from seeds comes to mind. Creating paintings and crafts from natural materials is a special type of creativity called floristry. In works of floristry, dry leaves, flowers, herbs, seeds and fruits of plants, and tree bark are used. The various forms of natural materials often suggest interesting stories. By fantasizing, imagining, and combining natural materials, you can create amazing things with your own hands.

Today I am offering a master class on making flowers from seeds.
Look at the seeds of pumpkin, melon, and watermelon. What do they remind you of? Of course flower petals. Try to collect these petals in beautiful flowers. This is what happened.

To compose a composition from seeds, you will need the following materials and tools:
- frame, blue fabric;
- thick white paper;
- pumpkin seeds, buckwheat;
- dried corn leaves, straws;
- birch bark;
- scissors, gouache paints, brush;
- glue "Titan";

Step-by-step execution bouquet made of natural material.
Prepare the frame. Remove the glass and stretch the fabric over the cardboard or glue a sheet of colored paper.

Mark circles with a diameter of 2-3cm, 4cm, 6-7cm on hard paper and cut them out. I took advantage different sizes jars.

Apply Titan glue along the edge of the circle and glue pumpkin seeds. We got flowers.

Mix yellow paint with a small amount of PVA glue and carefully paint the petals. Let dry and apply clear nail polish.
Then grease the middle of the flower well with glue and sprinkle with buckwheat.

While the paint on the petals is drying, let's start making the leaves. We will make them from corn leaves. (The corn leaves were ironed and press-dried in the fall).

For twigs, use straws.

Make a vase. Give free rein to your imagination. A vase, for example, can be made: from paper sprinkled with small seeds; from dried leaves; from straw. We will make it from birch bark. Take thick cardboard, fold it in half, draw a vase and cut it out.

Cut the birch bark into thin strips. Lubricate one edge of the vase with Titan glue and glue the strips of birch bark horizontally.

Start weaving. Sequentially weave all the strips vertically into the workpiece, securing them at the ends with glue.

Cut long strips along the contour of the vase. Glue the border. The vase is ready.

We form a bouquet. Glue the vase, then arrange the twigs - straws.
Start filling the bouquet with leaves. First the background, and then the foreground, giving the composition the desired shape and silhouette. Lightly smooth the leaves through the paper with your palm. Leave 2-3 sheets raised. This will create volume.

Glue the flowers. Place large ones below, smaller ones above, and buds at the top of the bouquet.

Golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And spring clouds.
In the morning he wakes up,
The sun is shining.
Closed at night
Yellow eyelashes.
Tatiana Lavrova.
But my student Ulyana made these forget-me-nots from watermelon seeds.

As you know, a cozy atmosphere in the house is created by various little things - lamps, vases, paintings. Things made with your own hands give a special charm. And for your own creativity it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Look around - there are many objects around that can be used for various kinds of decorative things. In particular, natural materials – the best option for crafts: exclusive, environmentally friendly, and cheap. Pay attention to crafts made from watermelon seeds. Every family loves the largest berry - watermelon, and the seeds are usually thrown away. And if you collect them and dry them, you will have valuable material in your hands for, say, volumetric figure, paintings or applications made from watermelon seeds. And if you frame these crafts, you will get a wonderful gift or element of home decoration. And to make it easier for you, we will provide you with several master classes with ideas for decorating with watermelon seeds.

Panel of watermelon seeds

To make a painting you will need the following materials:

  1. Watermelon seeds. We also recommend using other seeds - sunflower, melon, pumpkin, then the overall composition will look advantageous.
  2. Glue "Moment Crystal".
  3. Bottle stoppers.
  4. A piece of birch bark.
  5. Frame.
  6. A sheet of cardboard and the remains of wallpaper with a natural background.

So, let's start making a picture of watermelon seeds:

Crafts from watermelon seeds: box

A real work of art is obtained from an ordinary jar with a lid and the same watermelon seeds. So, for work you will need the following materials:

  • themselves watermelon seeds;
  • a jar with a lid, glass or plastic - any one you can find on the farm;
  • hot melt glue or Moment Crystal glue;
  • aerosol enamel;
  • tweezers;
  • piece of tissue paper:
  • scissors:
  • needle with thread.

This is how easy it is for you a real masterpiece- a box for all sorts of little things - sewing accessories, jewelry, memorabilia. The inside of the craft can be carefully covered with cloth or foil.

Autumn spoils us with its delights: fruits and vegetables. We feast on it and throw away everything that remains, but some things, like seeds, don’t need to be thrown away. See how you can use them.

It is better to make panels on a dark background if you are using light seeds and vice versa. I have a piece of cardboard painted with black acrylic paint.

Let's draw the inner contour of our panel and begin to lay out a pattern that suits our design. I chose a spikelet: after all, autumn fantasies.

Now we've laid out the inner frame and are starting to lay out the flowers at the top of the panel.

We take pumpkin seeds and use them to make the outer layer of daffodil petals.

Then we make the inner part of the flower from the melon seeds, do not spare the glue, put a few seeds of sea buckthorn or another plant inside.

This is what a bouquet of daffodils and buds will look like.

To them we will add small flowers from sweet pepper seeds.

We will make a vase from small pasta - shells, but you can show your imagination and make it from birch bark or pistachio shells.

Let's make an outer frame from the same melon seeds and add flower stems and leaves to the bouquet, as well as a butterfly. The result was such a natural picture of flowers, but there is no limit to perfection and I decided to paint the work to give it brightness.

This is what our pasta stems and leaves look like, but you can also use blades of herbs. I painted the daffodil leaves with white paint and yellow inside. Small flowers I also wanted to make them white.

This is how the panel turned out after painting, and you can compare them and make the one you like best.


Seed- a special multicellular structure of complex structure that serves for the reproduction and dispersal of seed plants. The outside of the seed is covered with a seed coat, which protects the internal parts of the seed from drying out and mechanical damage.

The smallest seeds weigh 0.001-0.003 mg, and the Seychelles palm seeds reach their maximum size, weighing about 20 kg.

Many organisms (from fungi and bacteria to birds and mammals) feed largely, and sometimes exclusively, on seeds. Seeds form the basis of the diet of such animals. like some insects and their larvae (for example, harvester ants), granivorous birds, rodents (chipmunks, squirrels, hamsters, etc.).

The basis of the human diet since the advent of agriculture in most regions of the world has also been seeds, primarily the seeds of cultivated cereals (wheat, rice, corn, etc.). Seeds are also a major source vegetable oils, which are extracted from sunflower seeds, rapeseed, corn, flax and many other oilseeds.

Seeds- a wonderful material for creating decorative items, since they are a very accessible natural material, there are usually a lot of them, and the seeds also have a very diverse shape and texture. This means that you can make many different crafts from them.

(material from the Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia)

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

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The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

Design order: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

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