What other holidays are there in May? Holidays in May. May - World No Tobacco Day

Here it is, a truly warm spring month - May, the harbinger of a hot summer, sultry days, warm nights. When each of us enjoys the warmth, spends a lot of time outdoors and travels, and simply enjoys life without the cold...
That is why the May holidays seem especially joyful, warm, and bright to us. However, even if we ignore the onset of the warm season, we cannot say that the holidays in May are not important. Let's remember the most popular of them. Already on May 1st we are greeted by a holiday - the day of peace, labor, spring. May 9 - Victory Day. These are important holidays for the country and for everyone at once. And in May there are many professional holidays: the day of the border guard, librarian, freelancer... You can find out about all these holidays in our category.

Events that occurred on May 2 in the world, in various years

1312 - Pope Clement V transferred the property of the Templar Order to the Hospitaller Order.
1509 - San Juan, now the capital of Puerto Rico, is founded by the Spaniards.
1563 - Ivan Fedorov in Moscow began work on “The Apostle” - the first dated Russian printed book.
1611 - The first English-authorized version of the Bible, the King James Version, is published.
1668 - First Peace of Aachen concluded between France and Spain.

At the call of the UN General Assembly, since 1993, all UN member countries celebrate World Press Freedom Day on May 3. The UN General Assembly made this decision based on the resolution of the UNESCO General Conference, which clearly stated that only a democratic, independent and free press is a necessary part of a democratic society, without which this society cannot fully develop.
The date of May 3 was chosen due to the fact that in 1991, in the capital of Namibia, Windhoek, representatives of the African press developed a Declaration in which they called on all countries to ensure the independence and freedom of the press for the democratic development of any country. This Declaration was supported by the UNESCO General Conference and then by the UN General Assembly.
Main event world day freedom of the press is to present an award named after Guillermo Cano, a Colombian journalist who died in 1986, to organizations or individuals. In addition, events are held in memory of the deceased journalists, and events convincing people of the need for a free and democratic press.

Events that occurred on May 4 in the world, in various years

1410 - Antipope Alexander V died in Bologna under mysterious circumstances (it is believed that he was poisoned by his successor John XXIII).
1415 - The Council of Constance decided to burn the body of the English theologian John Wycliffe, who had died 21 years earlier.
1493 - Pope Alexander VI (Alexander PP. VI) published the first bull Inter cetera, dividing New World between Spain and Portugal.
1715 - The first folding umbrella was produced in Paris.
1776 - Independence of the island of Rhode Island (now a US state) is declared.

On May 5th they celebrate their professional holiday, people in one of the most mysterious professions are cryptographers. The purpose of their activity is to hide information that should not be read by people who are not allowed to see this information. Although the cryptographic service in Russia existed for a very long time, the date of its foundation and the establishment of a professional holiday for cryptographers was set on May 5. In 1921, on May 5, the Cryptographic Service was established, which was supposed to provide closed communications to state and party bodies, military formations and foreign institutions.
Cryptography, or “secret writing” from Greek, appeared long before our era. Pharaohs and rulers of other states did not want to reveal their secrets to outsiders. Various mechanisms have been developed to hide information. But all these are quite primitive developments that can be deciphered fairly quickly. Although cryptographic science did not stand still and was constantly developing, both in the West and in Asia, ciphers were not widely used. They were mainly used by royalty. And the ciphers were simple mono-alphabetic substitution ciphers. Although amazing ciphers were developed that arouse the admiration of modern specialists.

May 6 is the day of remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. This is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. His image, in which he performs one of his miracles, is on the coat of arms of Russia.
Saint George was born in Cappadocia (modern Türkiye), into a family of pious Christians. But after his father was killed, he and his mother flee to Palestine. Here Saint George receives his education and enters the military service. Bravery and bravery immediately distinguish St. George, and he quickly moves up the career ladder and becomes a close associate of Emperor Diocletian himself. But Diocletian is distinguished by his brutal persecution of Christians. Feeling that he cannot continue his double life, Saint George comes to Diocletian and confesses his faith in Christ. After Saint George was subjected to monstrous torture, but did not renounce his faith, on May 6, 303, the head of the holy great martyr was cut off.

On May 7, all signalmen in Russia celebrate their professional holiday - Radio Day. There are still debates about who invented the radio - the Italian Marconi or the Russian Popov. But we are patriots, so we give the palm in creating radio to Alexander Stepanovich Popov.
May 7, 1895 A.S. Popov, at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physical-Chemical Society in St. Petersburg, demonstrated to his colleagues a wireless radio system with which it was possible to exchange signals.
The first solemn celebration of Radio Day took place only in 1925. Until this day, various circumstances prevented the celebration of the holiday - the Russian-Japanese won, the First World War, the Civil War. And only in 1925 did a situation arise in which it was possible to celebrate Radio Day. The main events took place at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (LETI), where A.S. Popov worked all his life. The celebrations took place on a grand scale. Several ceremonial events were held, radio stations and laboratories were named after Popov, even stamps were issued. Further anniversaries took place on an equally large scale.
With the development of digital technologies, radio communications received new content - cellular communications, wireless Internet, digital television, satellite communications, and many more applications were found for the good old radio.
On our website you can find congratulations on Radio Day - "Congratulations and cards on Radio Day"

May 8 - International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

May 8th is International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. This date was chosen in honor of the Swiss physician and humanist Henri Dunant, who was born on this day in 1828, and thanks to whose efforts this humanitarian organization was created.
What prompted Dunant to create an organization to help wounded soldiers was the events that he became an involuntary witness. While heading to Northern Italy, Dunant witnessed the Battle of Solferino, fought between the Austrians and the Italo-French forces. Total losses in the battle amounted to about forty thousand people killed and wounded. But what shocked him most was that at the end of the battle, the wounded were not given any help. They were simply taken to a small village and left there.

9th May. Victory Day. A tragic and bright holiday not only among Russians, but also in all countries that were once union republics. On May 9, 1945, the most difficult test in Russian history ended. Huge loss of life, a destroyed economy, a shortage of everything. And yet, for people of that generation, it was the most joyful holiday. Because peace has come, and now there will be no need to sharpen shells and assemble tanks, but it will be necessary to sow grain and calmly raise children, without fear of another bombing. We will have to go back to study at schools and institutes, build houses and factories.
Over the years, the tragedy and severity of those years subside. Every year there are fewer veterans who could tell the truth about those harsh days. But it is our sacred duty to preserve and pass on to future generations the holy memory of the most difficult years of the Great Patriotic War and the price that was paid for VICTORY!
On our website you can find congratulations on Victory Day - "Congratulations and cards on May 9 - Victory Day"

May 10 - Day of Bank Worker of Kyrgyzstan

Any state cannot do without its banking and monetary systems. Well, since people work in banks, they should also have a professional holiday. In Kyrgyzstan, May 10 is Bank Worker's Day. True, it was established for a different reason. On May 10, 1993, Kyrgyzstan introduced its own monetary unit, called the som.
Over the years of independence and the gradual development of the banking system, banknotes in Kyrgyzstan have changed several times. Currently, banknotes of the third series are in circulation in the country. With each new series banknotes are becoming better quality, and counterfeiting them is becoming more difficult.
On the holiday, employees of the banking sector are congratulated by high-ranking managers, and the most distinguished employees are awarded.

On May 12, in Russia, as in most other countries, they celebrate World Nurses Day, or, in simple terms, International Nurses Day. International Nurses Day as a professional holiday has been celebrated on the planet for more than a hundred years. However, it was officially established not so long ago. His date of birth is considered to be 1971.

May 13 marks the holiday of one of the most honored and oldest Russian naval fleets- Chernomorsky. It was established by Presidential Decree in 1996. The creation of the Black Sea Fleet began with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. The corresponding manifesto was issued by Empress Catherine II in April 1783. Then, to protect the new possessions, on May 13, 1783, ships of the Azov flotilla were introduced into the Akhtiar Bay of Crimea. And six months later, the city of Sevastopol was founded in this bay, which became the main base of the Black Sea Fleet for many years.

Events that occurred on May 15 in the world, in various years

1115 - The first Orthodox holiday- Day of Remembrance of the passion-bearing princes Boris and Gleb.
1157 - At a feast at the Kyiv boyar Petrila, Prince of Suzdal and Kiev Yuri Dolgoruky was poisoned.
1252 - Pope Innocent IV announced the bull "ad extirpanda", authorizing the Inquisition to torture those suspected of heresy.
1536 - Anne Boleyn and her brother Lord Rochford are accused by Anne's husband, King Henry VIII, of having an affair. Both will be executed.
1618 - German astronomer Johannes Kepler discovered the laws of planetary motion.

May 18 - International Museum Day

The holiday of May 18 is celebrated all over the world as International Museum Day.
The holiday of May 18 is not key and overly significant for the majority, but nevertheless, in developed countries, for people eager to communicate with art and culture, the holiday of May 18 is an excellent opportunity to realize their desire with a minimum of costs, but more on that later.

May 19 - Pioneer Day

May 19 in the USSR was celebrated as the Day of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin (Pioneer Day).
It was on May 19, 1922, during the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference, that a decision was made on the widespread creation of pioneer detachments. May 19 was celebrated in the USSR as the pioneer's birthday. After the collapse of the USSR, Pioneer Day accordingly ceased to be an official holiday in Russia.

May 20 is celebrated as World Metrologist Day

Professional Metrologist Day chosen as a result of the signing on May 20, 1875 in Paris, at the international diplomatic conference of the famous “Metric Convention”. For the first time by decision of UNESCO since 2001 May 20 is celebrated as World Metrologist Day.

May 21 is Pacific Fleet Day.

On May 21, 1731, the Senate “To protect lands, sea trade routes and industries” established the Okhotsk military port - the first permanently operating naval unit of Russia in the Pacific Ocean.
An important historical event in the life of the fleet was participation in the heroic defense of Petropavlovsk in 1854, in the fighting in the Russian-Japanese War in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Great Patriotic War.
Today, the Pacific Fleet serves to ensure Russia's security in the Asia-Pacific region. To accomplish this task, it includes modern nuclear-powered strategic and multi-purpose submarines, surface ships for combat operations in the open ocean and in the coastal sea zone, naval missile-carrying, anti-submarine and fighter aircraft, marine infantry, and coastal troops.
On our website you can find congratulations on Pacific Fleet Day - "Congratulations and cards on Pacific Fleet Day"

Events that occurred on May 22 around the world, in various years

853 - Olaf the White, son of the king of Norway, accepted the Vikings and Danes in Ireland and made Dublin its capital.
1455 - The War of the Roses began with the First Battle of St. Albans.
1498 - The Priory of the Florentine Republic announced the death sentence of Savonarola, who was excommunicated in June 1497 for attempting to overthrow Pope Alexander VI.

May 23 is Holy Trinity Day. Pentecost

May 23 is called the Day of the Holy Trinity, since on this day, according to the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, the third Hypostasis (Person) of the Triune God was revealed, from that moment the participation of the Three Persons of the Divine - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - in the salvation of man began. Even in apostolic times, the celebration of the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was established, but the holiday officially entered the Christian calendar only at the end of the fourth century, when the Church adopted the dogma of the Trinity at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 381.

Personnel Officer Day is celebrated annually in Russia on May 24th. This holiday appeared in 2005 on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. The HR department is a structure that exists in almost any enterprise.
The date May 24 was chosen because in 1835 Tsarist Russia On this day, a resolution was issued “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and workers employed by them.” This was the first document in our country that regulated the relationship between employer and employee. This decree in Russia for the first time officially defined the rights and obligations of the parties. Its appearance put an end to infighting and infringement of the rights of hired workers.
Today, any company, even a small one, has an employee who is responsible for working with personnel. In large companies, entire departments with dozens of employees are engaged in this.

May 25 holiday - last call.

May 25 in all schools former USSR, and now Russia is passing school holidaylast call. As a rule, on May 25, ceremonial school assemblies are held in the courtyards of schools. In which, from the lips of teachers, congratulations are heard to schoolchildren on such a significant event in their lives - the last bell from a school lesson. May 25th is usually followed by school exams and proms.
On our website you can find congratulations on the last call

Holiday May 26 - Russian Entrepreneurship Day

In connection with the new direction of political and economic development of Russia in the post-Soviet period, entrepreneurship for our country has become a key area of ​​development for all spheres of our life. As a result, Russian President V.V. Putin signed Decree No. 1381 (D) “On Russian Entrepreneurship Day” dated October 18, 2007. At the same time, Entrepreneurship Day was set for May 26. Since 2007, May 26 has been celebrated annually as Entrepreneurship Day.
At the moment, Entrepreneurship Day is celebrated throughout the country, usually in a more businesslike manner, which is typical for this holiday. Often forums, exhibitions, fairs and round tables, dedicated to the problems of development and operation of small and medium-sized businesses. Entrepreneurship Day has now become an inevitable historical development of our country with a certain chosen political course. Currently, it’s not a shame to realize, but dependence on financial resources in any industry (even non-commercial) is one of the key problems. The tasks and resources of entrepreneurship are inextricably linked with the goal of ensuring the priority needs of society and healthy production as a whole of the entire country, aimed at maintaining and existing a competitive, highly intelligent business.
On our website you can find congratulations on Entrepreneur's Day - "Congratulations and cards on Entrepreneur's Day"

May 27 All-Russian Library Day (Librarian's Day)

One of the May holidays, namely May 27, was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 as “All-Russian Library Day.” May 27 is also Librarian's Day. Librarian's Day was designated to coincide with the opening of the first public library in Rus'. (May 27, 1975) At that time, the public library fund was the personal library of the Russian Emperor. At the moment, information has been preserved about the first library in Rus' created by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Today, unfortunately for libraries, the popularization and popularity of libraries is falling. This is due to the development of new technologies (mass media, Internet, electronic publications) and alternative sources obtaining information. With such dynamics of technology development, assumptions are made about the role of libraries in the future only as historical information objects. Libraries will be a kind of museum of books and a reflection of society’s attitude towards knowledge, art and human experience collected in real books for certain period time, and the exclusively informational role in the future apparently remains with electronic networks.
On our website you can find congratulations on Library Day - "Congratulations and cards on Library Day"

May 28 - Border Guard Day

The first who, in the event of a threat to the country, will contain the blow and on weekdays stand guard over the borders of our homeland are the border troops. May 28 is designated as Border Guard Day. In the former Soviet Union, Border Guard Day was celebrated on May 28, 1958 and was appointed due to the fact that on May 28, 1918, the Border Guard of the RSFSR was established by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars. In the same year, the Main Border Guard Directorate was established, to which the full complement of officers from the former Directorate of the Separate Border Guard Corps of Russia transferred. Now, due to the collapse of the USSR, Border Guard Day on May 28 has not lost its relevance for the former republics. Border Guard Day is celebrated in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, etc.
On our website you can find congratulations for Border Guard Day - "Congratulations and cards on Border Guard Day"

May 29 - Military Motorist Day

On May 29, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate Military Motorist Day, established by Order No. 100 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2000.

On May 29, 1910, the first training automobile company was formed in St. Petersburg. The main task of the company was to train specialists for the automotive units of the Russian army. In a short period of time, it actually became the center of automotive technical support for the troops of the Russian Army and was the prototype of the entire future organization of the automotive service and the system of automotive technical support for the Armed Forces.

May 31 - World No Tobacco Day

Until now, our society is suffering from the worm of physical and moral decay associated with smoking tobacco. There is always an alternative, but many people think differently; in their opinion, the harm from smoking has not yet been proven, but the disadvantages for non-smokers deprived of this “pleasure” in tobacco are obvious.
The World Health Organization declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day in 1988. The world community was tasked with ensuring that the problem of tobacco smoking disappears in the 21st century. The 21st century has arrived, but the problem has not disappeared.

Last Sunday of May - Chemist's Day

Chemist's Day is not only one of the most famous and noisy holidays, but also has many traditions that each generation not only preserves, but also increases. For example, every year Chemist's Day is celebrated under the symbol of a new element of the periodic table, and the very first holiday was assigned number 1 - hydrogen.
Chemist's Day is a holiday that unites students, graduate students, teachers, and graduates of all generations. This day is always celebrated brightly and cheerfully. Graduates of chemical faculties are invariably in demand in science, industry, and business.
It is to chemists that women should be grateful for their active participation in the creation of unusual washing powders, new series of cosmetics and tear-resistant tights. It is to chemists that men should be grateful for the creation of new varieties of automobile oils with the smell of lemon, which captivates all women who do not suffer from a runny nose.

May 16 - The first Oscars ceremony took place.

The most famous and prestigious award in the world of cinema is the American Academy of Motion Pictures Award. Its presentation was conceived by the head of one of the most influential American film companies - MGM - Louis Mayer. And for the first time the award was presented on May 16, 1929 in Hollywood. For the first ten years, the award did not have any special name.
The award received its name - “Oscar” in 1939. Several people argue about the priority of the award's name, but we will not voice their versions. Since the first Oscars ceremony, it has always been broadcast by the media. First it was radio, now it's television. And many tens of millions of people watch the ceremony.

Spring and Labor Festival is the name of the holiday celebrated on May 1st. In the Soviet Union, this day had a different name - Workers' Solidarity Day. Times change, and so do the names of holidays.
Workers' Solidarity Day was established at the Second Congress of the International, held in Paris in 1889. And it was established in honor of the Chicago workers who demonstrated on May 1, 1886, demanding only an eight-hour working day. Unfortunately, the authorities responded with a brutal and bloody crackdown on the demonstration. At the Congress of the International, in memory of these bloody events, it was decided to hold annual demonstrations with economic demands. And already on next year, in 1890, a wave of workers' demonstrations swept across Europe and America, as a sign of solidarity among all workers of the world.
In modern Russia, the holiday has lost its political connotation. It's more of an outdoor exercise than a demonstration. In other countries, May 1 remains the day of workers' struggle for their rights, and it is celebrated in more than sixty countries.
On our website you can find congratulations on May 1 - "

Holidays in May

The fifth month of the year - the harbinger of the onset of summer - is rich in holidays, significant and important events both in the history of our Fatherland and the entire planet. Their number reaches almost five dozen, among which we will try to navigate.

May 1 is called differently around the world. Since 1992, it has been declared as the Spring and Labor Festival. Other countries celebrate it as International Workers' Day and associate it with an event far removed from us - the 1886 movement of Chicago workers for the establishment of an eight-hour working day in the United States. About eighty thousand representatives of the proletariat took part in the solidarity action. In memory of this, the Socialist Congress in Paris, held in 1889, initiated International Workers' Day. In the USSR, the holiday was celebrated on a grand scale - with colorful mass demonstrations, May Days, rallies and the like. And now all this is taking place. But Russians are most willing to spend spring holiday at their dachas, preparing the land for a new harvest, and having worked actively on the beds and acres, they don’t mind trying barbecue in the heat and heat, beer, or even something stronger.
But on May 3, International Sun Day comes to us. Its average distance from the Earth exceeds 149 million kilometers - depending on where the star is located in its orbit of rotation. But it is to him that we owe our existence. That is why the European Solar Energy Society (ESES) established this wonderful holiday. The possibilities of the star closest to us are endless. It gives us light, and therefore life itself, and can, with the power of its solar wind, rapidly move spacecraft around the Universe. People even thought of solar panels, placed on the roofs, and lighting diode and other light bulbs in our houses, heating water and creating other conveniences for us.
May 9 is a special date in the history of mankind. It is associated with the final defeat of fascism in the Second World War of 1941-1945, which we call the Great Patriotic War. The Nazis took more than 52 million human lives to the next world, including Germany itself. They literally ruined the economies of many countries. But on May 8, 1945, they surrendered to the mercy of the victors. On this historic day near Berlin, German Field Marshal General W. Keitel, Marshal of the USSR Georgy Zhukov and Air Marshal of the Kingdom of Great Britain A. Tedder signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany, which suffered a crushing defeat in the war that they started in accordance with their hellish plan Barbarossa. On June 24, 1945, a grand Victory Parade took place in Moscow on Red Square. Fascist banners were thrown at the foot of the Mausoleum. May 9 is still widely celebrated throughout the world.
On May 13, the Russian Federation widely celebrates the Day of its Black Sea Fleet. The holiday was established in 1996. In general, one of the world’s most powerful fleets is more than three hundred years old! We remember the names of Fyodor Ushakov, Pyotr Nakhimov, Mikhail Lazarev and other compatriots-military leaders who recorded the great victories of sailors under their leadership in the naval battles of the Russian-Turkish and Crimean wars. The Black Sea people distinguished themselves with valor both in the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. The holiday is also associated with another memorable event - it was on May 13, but far from us in 1783, that the Azov flotilla of eleven of our ships entered Akhtiarsky Bay. Now this bay is called Sevastopol.
May 15 is International Family Day. This holiday was established in 1993 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. It is also widely celebrated here in Russia. The family is the primary unit of any society. Her task is to give birth and educate the future of the planet, children. In Russia, they try to surround families with warmth and care. It is actively used to improve demographics maternal capital. In the coming years, the problem of kindergartens must be completely resolved. General education schools, colleges, institutes, universities and other educational institutions are designed to ensure that Russian children grow up educated, well prepared for adult life, and then acquired their own offspring.
On May 20, our country celebrates an absolutely amazing holiday - Volga Day. She is vividly sung by our wonderful Lyudmila Zykina. This truly national song is performed with pleasure all over the world and in different languages. And the holiday was initiated by the International Social-Ecological Union, the Moscow representative office of the UNESCO Bureau and the commercial company "Coca-Cola, HBC Eurasia".
May 24 is HR Day. This profession is very important for the national economy. Almost every reputable production facility has a human resources department. He forms a team, that is, he selects and places personnel, works to improve their qualifications, and organizes the exchange of experience.
May 27 is All-Russian Library Day. Established by the President Russian Federation and is timed to coincide with the creation of the first State public library in Russia in 1795, which also bore the name of the Imperial Public Library, and now received the status of National. Books are a source of knowledge, a keeper of invaluable information on the history of human development. Today they also exist in electronic versions. Recently, the desire to read books has increased markedly. Personal home libraries are also being replenished. The USSR was the most reading country in the world! Now this trend is becoming more and more clear in Russia.
And finally, May 31st is World No Tobacco Day. This event is very relevant. After all, more than three hundred thousand people die from smoking every year in the world, and there is a tendency towards even more tall. Almost one hundred percent of the cause of lung cancer is smoking. Two packs of cigarettes are quite enough to send a person to the next world. The only saving grace is that there are breaks in smoking. And if one after another, the end will certainly be sad. Passive smoking is also harmful. This is when some smoke, while others who do not smoke are forced to inhale smoke. Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease - all this is the result bad habit. And the sooner a person finishes it, the sooner he will be in good health and live a long time!

May is a sunny, bright and cheerful month. At this time, the cheerful riot of nature pleases the eye with its beauty. This is the last month of spring, when it is already very warm, but not yet the exhausting summer heat. Our May holiday calendar will help you make every day of this wonderful month bright and eventful.

Traditions of May

Traditionally in May we have a large number of weekends, when we happily go on picnics at the beginning of the month, on May 9th we congratulate our grandparents and are proud of our country. However, the holidays in May are not limited to this. What holidays are there in May? Very unusual and interesting. We will help you find good reasons to celebrate every day.

When do we light it?

What do we celebrate in May? A lot of things. You can light it regularly. The first day of the month is dedicated to the May binge, when you can take a break from your favorite job with a clear conscience. Also on May 1st you can celebrate the birthday of the Maybugs. Be sure to wish your computer mouse a happy birthday on the 4th, and a happy birthday to your ladybug on the 8th.

Remind your boss that May 15 is self-government day, and 16 is lucky lazy people. On May 17, don’t forget to congratulate sober bartenders, 19 lame football players and kind policemen, 20 minibus drivers, 26 missionaries and toothless boxers.

Matters of the heart

May is one of the busiest months with romantic holidays. On May 2, you should spontaneously show tender feelings to please your soulmate. If she is a beauty with brown eyes, do not forget to congratulate her on May 31, and if the glamorous blonde - 22. Make May 14 the most romantic day of the month to match the day of romantics as much as possible. May 17 is a very special day - the best day to spontaneously propose marriage. 18 – give your loved one a passionate French kiss if you are not yet ready to propose.

Shopping and gifts

When shopping on May 5, you should not pick up change at the store. On the 7th, give up unnecessary spending and purchases. But on this day you can give yourself a new swimsuit for the summer. On May 11, you should buy your own robot, or just a jar of cherry jam. On May 14, you can treat yourself to a disc with your favorite comedy. Your trip to the supermarket on May 20 will definitely be successful. Buy on the 29th

The May holidays of 2019 are just around the corner. And almost all of us are haunted by thoughts about how and where to spend the May holidays. Some are planning to organize a trip abroad, while others just want to get out into nature.

The upcoming holidays are an excellent opportunity to restore your strength, and simply take a break from everyday work. The weather is sunny and pleasant, the mood is high, and besides this, it appears free time, which you can spend with friends and family, as well as please your loved ones with the organization of a bright, memorable celebration. But in order to decide and plan in advance how and where to spend the May holidays, it will not be superfluous to find out the schedule of the May holidays in 2019.

Below is the schedule for May holidays 2019, which takes into account all transfers, working days and weekends. Plan your precious time and have a nice weekend!

Official work schedule and days off during the May holidays 2019

The labor calendar for 2019 has undergone some changes, so it is worth carefully studying its new wording. The weekend on May 1, 2019, according to the new government decree, will last 5 days - from 1 to 5 May. And, official holidays will be considered 9th May, where do we relax from 9 to 12 May. The working days of the May holidays are from April 29, 30, and then May 6-8. Then everything goes according to the usual schedule.

May holidays in 2019, how we relax

It must be said that fortunately, the May holidays 2019 will not be limited to May 1 and 9. Therefore, we have compiled for you production calendar as of May 2019. Below is a calendar of all May holidays in Russia.

date Event

Diver's Day

Code Talker Day


Saint George's Day


Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


Freelancer Day


Metro Workers Day


Baltic Fleet Day


World Metrologist Day


Pacific Fleet Day

Military Translator Day

Inventory Day


Military Motorist Day

Customs Veterans Day


There are plenty of reasons for a holiday in May, and if you want to organize a holiday for your family, are planning a corporate event, outdoor recreation, or just decided to get together with a group of friends, on our website you will find everything you need to organize and hold a holiday for every taste and color. Thanks to our portal, this day will definitely be remembered by you and your loved ones as the brightest and most unforgettable flash.

Advice: For everyone who is not leaving to dig soil in their garden plots on this day, it’s time to go on a picnic! Only in nature can you truly feel the charm of spring, and after the fire is lit, it is quite possible to celebrate (albeit not quite in the Celtic way) the festival of fire. As for postage stamps, this is a good reason for ordinary people to raise a toast on such a wonderful occasion. May 3 - World Press Freedom Day

Advice: Dedicate a literary party to such an important and, of course, amazing event, where participants should be asked to compose an ode... to a folding umbrella. It is best to start composing an ode with a blank: “Oh, FOLDING UMBRELLA, you are the beginning of the beginning, You give love, drive away sadness...”.

Next, all participants take turns composing two lines to the proposed beginning. Those who cannot come up with the next couplet give away forfeits, which are played out at the end of the evening. The winner of the literary tournament is given a real folding umbrella with all kinds of honors.

Advice: Before the long May holidays are over, it’s time to go to Europe for a few days. If you're in Paris, be sure to buy a bottle of Chanel No. 5 perfume. Moreover, the reason is very good.

Tip: We suggest organizing a party called “Radio Romashka”. You need to prepare for such a party: notify all those invited to the holiday in advance so that they prepare small entertainment programs who plan to present on Radio Romashka, as well as pseudonyms for the presenters. Party participants also prepare musical selections themselves. Already during the event, a review of programs and presenters is held. The winners are awarded.

Tip: On such a significant day, you can throw a party for your friends called “Emergency”. All participants in the event must complete several competitive tasks, for example, provide “first aid” for a broken leg or burn. Tasks can be serious and playful. For example, you can bandage not with bandages, but toilet paper etc. Instead of medicine, we recommend giving the “victims” a glass of Coca-Cola.

Tip: Why not have a denim party? IN denim style Everything should be there: clothes, dishes, tablecloths and napkins. Hold several “denim competitions”:

1 - Be your own fashion designer (come up with and draw the most unusual outfit made from jeans);

2 - Inventor (how else can you use jeans);

3 - Destroyer (whoever cuts and tears jeans into small pieces faster. The winner is the one who gets the most shreds).

Tip: On this significant day you can go to St. Petersburg. The trip itself is already a huge holiday, and if you take the Murzilka magazine with you on the road, then you are guaranteed a lot of fun.

Advice: Why not remember school years and physics lessons. Buy the “Young Physicist” kit in the store and try to assemble electrical circuits yourself. Of course, it is not at all difficult for men to cope with such a task, so we recommend holding such a competition between representatives of the weaker half. Everything that is said during such work can be recorded on a voice recorder, and after finishing competitive program listen to it all. The author of the most “eloquent” expression should certainly be awarded a prize.

Advice: Take a day to educate yourself and go to a museum. Many museums have big discounts on entrance tickets on this day, and in some, admission is completely free. Worth taking advantage of.

Advice: Think about how often you celebrate your workdays? Never? This means it’s time to celebrate, otherwise you may find yourself in the ranks of those struggling with unemployment. Do you need it?

May 21st- International Space Day Advice: Becoming an astronaut is not accessible to everyone, but on such a holiday, a child’s dream calls for new achievements, so it makes sense to try to at least partially bring the dream closer to reality. On this holiday you can jump with a parachute. Adrenaline and a feeling of complete freedom in flight are guaranteed to you.

Advice: If your school years are far behind you, but your soul still requires a holiday, then you can get together cheerful company and play “school”, for example, conduct a Russian language lesson and write a dictation. When you start checking your mistakes, you will laugh heartily, especially if you take some funny text for dictation.

Advice: A good reason for once to go to the library and return books that have not been “handed in” for a whole year. And then you can celebrate this event. You can’t even imagine how happy the library workers will be!

May 31- World No Tobacco Day Tip: A good reason to try to quit smoking for the thirty-third time. What if it works?

The day when the Moon has a phase near the 1st quarter, falling in the interval from mid-April to mid-May - Astronomy Day

Tip: You can go to the planetarium or just read the horoscope. Why not a reason to celebrate?