Men's back hairstyle how to do. Fashionable men's hairstyles. Styling for short haircuts

The man in modern world adhering to active image In life, just like women, you need to look gorgeous and stylish. Although women remain the ideal in the fashion world, looking beautiful and fashionable is not only a woman’s privilege.

Often men rely on their own feelings, but most of them have already begun to understand how important an elegant appearance.

Although, not everyone perfectly follows fashionable trends in haircuts, but still they want to have a neat appearance and also look attractive.

How to style your hair

Nowadays in hairdressing salons you can do several types of men's hairstyles, regardless of the length of the hair, its structure, and there is a large number of a variety of styling products.

Most men are accustomed to short hair and wear it. But many of them, more than once at some periods of their lives, had to grow hair of medium, even long sizes.

Such changes in hairstyle can be seen among male movie stars. Their profession forces them to look doubly attractive and periodically change their appearance, while changing their hairstyle.

Often men who have long hair deal with it by pulling it back. Also for owners of fashionable short hairstyles with large bangs or long curls in the frontal part of the head and crown, it is worth thinking about how you can comb your hair back. This will come in handy!

Reasons why you need to put it back

Remembering the 30s of American gangsters, and also how the fair half of humanity loves bad men, this hairstyle will look beautiful, neat, and a little kosher.

Hair pulled back gives a confident look while revealing his face. Despite time and changes in fashion trends, combing them back smoothly has become classically fashionable.

Laying technique

You can style your hair creating a variety of effects: from new-fangled voluminous styles to smooth, slicked-back options. A man's hairstyle is chosen depending on the lifestyle a man leads. His style also gives direction in his choice.

The hairstyle should correspond to the character of the man, the type of face, and his emotional state. For example, a neatly styled hairstyle will not suit a rebel, but a serious one will young man will fit perfectly.

  • It is possible to style them with different lengths: short, medium or long.
  • Before styling, be sure to wash your hair.
  • To create a style on short hair, the strands are laid back using gel with the required level of fixation or wax.
  • To make styling more discreet, it will be more convenient to use a comb or a small comb.
  • To create a casual look, go over your head a little with your hands.

  • Hairstyle with hair middle length fixed with a suitable rim to match their color in the position required.
  • If this option is not suitable for you, then combing the strands back gradually one after another in the desired direction while using a hair dryer and a little foam for fixation will dry your hair.
  • A stream of air from the hair dryer is directed from the forehead towards the top of the head. Then, after drying them completely, wax is applied, thanks to which a careless appearance is given, and they will not interfere.

What to avoid

It is worth paying attention that if your hair is very dry, you should not use strong hold styling, because this product dries it out.

To create a wet look, apply gel to your wet hair.

A variety of creams are applied to dry as well as damp hair; they will not only help fix the hairstyle, but also moisturize it well. Due to the fact that they contain oils, they nourish the hairstyle and give it a beautiful appearance.

Extended back styling

Men who have natural curly hair will look great with an elongated back style.

In the modern world, representatives of the stronger sex are accustomed to and want to look impressive, no less than women. Often, like women, they spend a certain amount of time near the mirror.

The new men's long hairstyle takes more time to style neatly. But for young people this is not a hindrance. And more and more often, women meet elegant macho men who have their hair pulled back.

It is very easy to emphasize the directness and confidence of a man by combing his hair back. This hairstyle is acceptable and appropriate in any life situations. Knowing how to comb his hair back, there is no reason for a man to bother with creating a hairstyle. With her he will always look appropriate.

Who doesn't want to comb their hair back?

This hair styling style is not recommended for people:

  • having bald patches on the head;
  • if hair growth in the frontal area is completely disrupted or occurs unevenly;
  • there are deep depressions on the forehead;
  • the hair on the head is very sparse;
  • the man wears a square/round/triangular face shape;
  • has ears that stick out too much.

In all other cases, you can and should comb your hair back.

Men began combing their hair back a long time ago (according to statistics, they started doing this more than 100 years ago). This hair styling technique immediately began to gain relevance. And he continues to do this today.

Simple ways to comb your hair back

Current trends in the hairdressing industry include several techniques for combing hair back in men's hairstyles. How to style your hair correctly depends on the length of your hair:

  • If you apply a little hair styling mousse to your bangs, and then use a fine-toothed comb (comb) to lightly comb a few strands from the ends to the root, you can reduce the volume of your hair. This is especially appropriate when it is too thick (voluminous).
  • When the hair has a hard structure, it is recommended to lightly spray it with hairspray before styling. Then, using soft massage brush, put the combed hair in one piece, combing in the “back” direction. When styling is complete, the man should fix the effect with the same hairspray.
  • You can make your hair shiny and a little elongated in the following way. First, wash them thoroughly and cover them with styling mousse. Take a brush and comb several strands, overlapping one of them with another. Areas of backcombing can be covered slightly by combing the strands. At the end of the manipulation, fix the effect with varnish.

What's fashionable this season - how to choose the right style

Smoothly combed (slicked) hair back is considered a classic in the list of men's hairstyles. There are several styling techniques in terms of style.

    They are preferred by men who wear a classic style of clothing and have conservative views. It is very simple to do: apply a hair styling product such as mousse or foam to the strands. Then, using a comb, the entire hair from the frontal part is combed to the back of the head.
    The hairstyle is characterized as spontaneous and obstinate. To do it, you first need to collect all the hair from the top of the head in the frontal area. Apply a small amount of styling product to them. Then, having formed a crest, place it from the back of the head to the forehead.

    Another styling technique. It is important to know how to style your hair back using this technique. Especially for men who prefer to wear an informal style of clothing and hairstyle. These include people involved in music, bikers, rockers. Styling gel or mousse is used for styling. They are not large quantities Apply to strands, evenly distributing along the entire length. Then dry it using a hairdryer in the “up” direction. The ends of the hair are styled like a mohawk, securing the shape with varnish.

    This hairstyle is preferred mainly by young boys and teenagers. In appearance it is similar to grunge. Gel, wax or pomade is applied to the strands. This is necessary to fix the strands. Then use your fingers to form spines, directing them backwards. You can also leave it in a “standing” form, it depends on the desire of the owner of the hairstyle.

    For everyday wear, strands combed smoothly back are often used. This is not difficult to do. Using these techniques, you can change your image every day.

    Styling back without using products

    Don't be upset if you don't have hair styling products on hand. You can do without them:

  • To do this, you need to dry the pre-washed strands with a hairdryer and a fine comb (with fine teeth), directing them in the desired direction. In our case, back, thus teaching them to lie down this way.
  • The second option is to use regular gelatin instead of gel. 2 tablespoons of the product dissolves in liquid (enough to take 2 cups hot water). After mixing, leave the mixture for 30 minutes to swell. Then mix thoroughly. The consistency should resemble jelly. The composition is evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair. After this, you can start shaping your hairstyle.
  • Some men use too sweet water in styling instead of styling compounds (at the rate of 2 small spoons of granulated sugar per 1 glass of water). The liquid is placed on the fire, cooked for about 2 hours, and cooled. After cooling, it is ready to use. It is used as a reliable fixative instead of hairspray in men's hairstyles.

These are just three options for how to keep your hair styled if special means I couldn't find it at hand. There are actually a lot of them. But even these 3 techniques can be useful in any life situations.

What to do if your hair is frizzy

You can make it more manageable if you know how to properly style curly hair back. More powerful styling products for men's hairstyles can help do this. Teaching them to lie down in the right direction is difficult, but it is possible if you remember and put into practice these recommendations:

  • After each wash, use a brush or fine comb to comb, turning the curl back toward the back of the head.
  • Apply a little fondant or wax to the still damp strands and, be sure to use your hands and not a brush, lay them in the desired direction. Here you need to monitor the dosage of the product. Too much will negatively affect the hair structure and styling itself.
  • Dry damp hair with a hairdryer, combing it towards the back of the head. Lightly pulling each strand.

There are many styling options. This variety allows men to choose techniques that are convenient to implement, changing their image whenever and as much as they want. Here it is important to focus not only on personal taste, but also on the shape of the face, the type of activity of the man, and the structure of the hairline.

Practical advice! It is very easy to add volume to kinky, curly hair if you lightly treat it with a styling product. Then comb (without using force or pulling the strands) towards the back. The waves will remain, but will be barely noticeable.

Features of choosing styling products

It is important to know not only how to do this or that men’s hairstyle correctly, but also what product to use. The styling products market offers a huge amount: gels, varnishes, lipsticks, mousses, waxes, sprays and other substances. How to choose the right one for men usually turns into a difficult task. If you have an idea of ​​what composition is used when, then there should be no difficulties with this.


Designed to fix strands as part of a hairstyle. Does not allow hairs to stand out from the total mass of hair. It is used to treat the ends of the hair when styling asymmetrical haircuts.

It is considered the safest for the health of the hair structure. Produced in several varieties:

  • Liquid. A transparent product that prevents hair from sticking together.
  • Creative thick, dense. Used in cases of creating the effect of wet locks.
  • Wax spray. Makes dull hair shiny.

Feature – does not weigh down hair, does not pollute it.


Stylists and hairdressers recommend paying attention to those varieties that do not contain alcohol. The product is designed to fix the hairstyle and keep its shape throughout the working day.

Types and features.

Not only women strive to look beautiful and stunning. Some modern men devote much more time to their appearance than the fair sex, where Special attention paid to hair styling. To tidy up your hair, you will need ordinary modeling cosmetics or a special complex for men's hair. In principle, it doesn’t really matter how a man styles his hair, the main thing is to use the right means, which contain substances beneficial to human skin and a complex of vitamins.

Hair styling: how to make a good choice?

The secret to quality hair styling is proper preparation. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly wash, comb and style your curls with a hairdryer. Similar actions apply to any hair length.

A hairstyle can be considered successful if it highlights a man’s lifestyle. As a rule, a well-chosen haircut should be combined with the person’s face type and character. Stylists recommend smooth hairstyles for serious and reserved guys, which, for example, cannot be said about creative people and romantics.

Before styling a man's hair, it is important to note that the hairstyle should be appropriate for his age category. Suitable for older people classic version, and modern youth strives for long bangs.

How to style a man's hair: basic nuances

To ensure that choosing a haircut style does not cause any particular difficulties, it is recommended to pay attention to some nuances and recommendations:

  • If a man is the owner unruly hair, then you should try using special styling gels.
  • You can try to style your hair using a hairdryer in the direction of the hairstyle.
  • To get a more durable option, it is advisable to spray the finished hairstyle with hairspray.
  • If a man has it, then wax will help to “pacify” them, which should be applied to the fingers and combed through the hair.

It is important not only to know how a man’s hair looks, but also to be able to correctly choose a high-quality styling product. After all, the appearance of a person and the period of fixation mainly depend on this. It is also advisable to take care of hair hygiene rules in advance. Before going to bed, you should wash your hair thoroughly to get rid of any remaining fixatives. After all, a small part of them may remain bed linen or get clogged in the pores of the scalp. Experts recommend washing your hair once every two days.

To know how to blow-dry hair, a man does not need to have specific knowledge. However, every guy, in addition to a hair dryer and a comb, should have a styling brush in his arsenal. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of natural bristles.

Can also be purchased with rubber or wooden round teeth. Some men use a special multifunctional straightening iron, which must be of excellent quality in order to avoid damage to the hair and skin.

Suitable styling products

As a rule, many men need certain hair care products. A short haircut is best styled with gel, which gives the necessary hold. The main thing is to apply the product in the correct amount. Therefore, porcupine quills and the “wooden hair” effect are no longer considered the peak of modern fashion.

To create a natural look, you can use a special cream, after which you should definitely apply varnish. However, its excessive amount will make your hair greasy and unkempt.

Hair styling for men: tools and products

The days when a man could simply wet his hair and be considered stylish are long gone. Modern style involves a whole arsenal of styling products and tools that allow you to solve the problem of how to properly style hair for men. So, to look attractive, you will need:

  • hair dryer;
  • flat comb;
  • massage comb or brush;
  • straightening iron.

The main thing is to choose the right styling product, on which the final result will depend. As a rule, the choice of such products depends on the type and length of hair:

  • For styling short hair, it is advisable to use gel. The product is not recommended to be used in excessive quantities, because naturalness is most important in fashion.
  • Wavy and coarser hair requires the use of wax, as such a product helps it fall without weighing it down. When applying wax in large quantities, you can make your hair feel oily.
  • Long curls will need cream or mousse for styling.
  • As a final touch, it is recommended to use varnish to ensure a permanent hold.

Baldness: what to do?

Some young people often experience baldness prematurely. There are many remedies available to speed up hair growth and hair transplantation can also be used as a possible solution. Despite the problem, to cope with hair loss, it is recommended to cut your hair very short or shave it off completely. However, before making a decision, it is always recommended to consult a hairdresser.

Styling for short haircuts

Styling short hair allows men to create numerous looks, changing them at least daily. The best options are haircuts in the style of a “good” and “bad” boy. Similar hairstyles have been popular since the fifties.

Create styling « nice guy“Doing it yourself is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, you should use styling (gel with strong hold), massaging the strands to one side. As a result, a slightly noticeable parting should form.

To create a “bad guy” style, based on hair type, styling is selected in a similar way. In this case, the hair is distributed from the crown towards the forehead. If a man has long bangs, then styling his short hair should be done so that the forehead is slightly covered. Holders short bangs It is also advisable to slightly lift it and lay it on its side.

The punk look also refers to another styling option for a short haircut. To achieve an effective result, you will need a fixing gel, with which you should lift the curls upward with careless movements. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the hair in the back of the head should be laid in one direction, unlike other places where it can stick out in different directions.

Hairstyles for long and medium hair

Elegant styling is exactly what is needed for medium-length curls. To create the best look, you need to comb your strands back using a straightening iron. After which the hair should be fixed with gel, wax or cream - it all depends on the type and stiffness of the hair.

Modern elegant styling is rightfully considered universal. It's quite easy to achieve an informal and slightly messy effect if you know how to style medium hair for a man. To do this, you need to beat the curls with your hands to add volume. You can fix it with varnish if necessary.

The most popular haircut on long hair is a ponytail. This option is suitable not only for everyday wear, but also for a more elegant option. As a rule, it doesn’t take much time to create an image - the hair can be pulled into a ponytail and fixed at the back of the head with hairspray in a matter of minutes. In this option, short and thin curls will not stick out in strange directions.

Hair styling for men requires a particularly responsible and attentive approach, because a person’s appearance depends on it. Every modern man can learn to style his own hair. It just takes patience and a little time. The main thing is to understand that before creating a hairstyle, it is important to choose the right product for your hair type. After all, not only the quality of the hairstyle, but also the time of its fixation depends on this.

Men's hairstyles with a combed back remain relevant for many seasons, only their variations change. This type of haircut will add masculinity and “coolness” to anyone. male face, and the whole image - individuality and elegance.
Anyone knows how to do a men's hairstyle with a combed back and at the same time create the desired image. experienced master. You can make soft transitions or create sharp, contrasting lines, a “sliding” transition line, shave a creative pattern or parting - it all depends on the type of face, character, and inherent demeanor of the young man.

The main thing is that the length of the hair at the top of the head remains long enough, then it will be easier to style.


Very stylish unusual haircut, beloved by Hollywood stars and famous football players. The birthplace of this hairstyle is England, but it has not gained wide popularity there.

With such a men's haircut it is difficult to go unnoticed - shaved temples and lush strands on the top and back of the head attract attention and create a rather bold image.

An attractive appearance, characterized by well-groomed and neat appearance, has become one of the basic rules of many people today.

If previously a neatly styled hairstyle was only a feminine trait, today it has become a common attribute of male beauty.

Modern young people, following their appearance and fashion trends, are creating new styles and images.

Today there are many ways to style men's hair. A hairstyle with combed back hair looks very impressive, emphasizing straightness and confidence.

Today there are many ways to style men's hair. A hairstyle with combed back hair looks very impressive, emphasizing directness and confidence. It is acceptable in many situations and firmly occupies a leading position in creating style.

Who doesn't want a comb back?

This habit of combing your hair back is common to many men. But this styling option may not be suitable for everyone. By pulling your curls back, you can highlight many imperfections on your face.

This type styling is not suitable for square, triangular and round faces.
  • receding hairline;
  • if there is disturbed hair growth along the forehead line, deep depressions on the forehead;
  • initially congenital sparse hair;
  • ears sticking out to the sides;
  • square face, as well as round and triangular shaped faces.

This hairstyle is mostly worn by younger people, as the presence of wrinkles on the forehead can significantly affect attractiveness.

This hairstyle is mostly worn by younger people, as the presence of wrinkles on the forehead can significantly affect attractiveness.

Interesting fact! Hair styling with a comb back, like fashion trend, appeared more than a century ago, immediately gaining enormous popularity.

Styling products and tools

To create a men's hairstyle, it is no longer enough to wash your hair well. Currently, it requires the use of many accessories that were previously used only by women.

Modern men use hairdressing tools to create style.

Modern men use to create style following tools:

  • flat comb;
  • styling or massage comb with natural bristles;
  • iron for curly curls.

It’s worthwhile to pay special attention to the choice of styling product., which greatly influences the final result. Beginners are advised to experiment with inexpensive brands before choosing the final, suitable remedy.

It is also worthwhile to dwell on the choice of styling product, which largely influences the final result.

Before combing his hair back, any man needs to purchase:

  1. Creams and serums that smooth and straighten hair. During application they eliminate the wire effect.
  2. Mousse, cosmetic foam. Used to add volume and shine. In some cases, stubborn curls are “tamed.” Indispensable for thin and weakened hair.
  3. Gel. Serves to fix the finished hairstyle and moisturizes the hair well. Some gels add noticeable volume.
  4. Styling clay, hair wax or pomade. These products are useful for unruly hair; they do not wash off the first time you wash your hair. Wax gives hair shine and imitates moisture. Clay adds a matte finish to the shade.
  5. Glue for installation. Provides maximum hold. After using it, you need to wash your hair well.
  6. Hair fixation spray. Used to maintain any hairstyle in various weather conditions.
  7. Hair powder. Refreshes hair and removes excess sebum found on hair.

But it is not always enough to use only cosmetics. Regular use of masks and medical procedures is necessary.

Actions before installation to ensure long-term shape retention

Before you comb your hair back different lengths hair, a man needs to prepare it.

Hair preparation can be done using the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, you should wash your hair well with the usual household product.
  2. Choose your own hairstyle based on your face shape. For example, volume on bangs combed back with side combs can radically change any look. Lengthen slightly round face Volume on the top of the head will help.
  3. Be sure to purchase brushes, combs with large teeth, and round brushes.
  4. Conduct correct selection necessary funds(mousses, varnishes).
  5. After washing your hair, you must use conditioners or balms that match your hair type.
  6. The use of a hair dryer is not recommended. It is better to let your hair dry naturally.

Products defined as “strong fixation” contain “a lot of alcohol” in their composition. This factor often negatively affects hair health.

Products defined as “strong fixation” contain “a lot of alcohol” in their composition. This factor often negatively affects hair health.


The simplest ways to comb it back

One common option is to style your hair straight back. Modern trends have identified a number of methods for such combing based on the length of the hair. There are two ways to comb a man's hair back in a stylish and simple way.

The first method involves backcombing individual curls. up to 1 cm thick from tips to roots using a fine-toothed comb. The hairstyle will be stable preliminary application mousse.

Unruly, coarse strands should be sprayed with hairspray. Using a soft brush, all strands must be laid into a single whole, covering them on top with an untouched layer of hair. If necessary, pin it with a hairpin and gather it into a bun.

One common option is to style your hair straight back.

To consolidate the result, while avoiding the feeling of an “artificial mop,” you should use a low-hold varnish.

When using the second method, you need to apply mousse to washed hair. Blow dry using a brush. As a result, the strands should become smooth and stretched out.

Then you need to separate the strand and backcomb it, similar to the first method. Close the backcomb by brushing the hair into place. Apply styling wax to curls. To fix, spray with varnish.

When using the second method, you need to apply mousse to washed hair. Blow dry using a brush.

When styling short hair, you need to choose a gel with optimal holding power. Thin hair types require a weak fixative. A more powerful fixative is needed for thick, strong hair. Rub the gel in your palms and apply it over the entire length. After this, comb your hair towards the back of your head.

After preliminary washing and drying with a towel, apply any styling product to the roots of medium-length hair. Using a hairdryer, style the strands back, directing the air flow to the back of the head.

Secure your hair with hairspray. A headband worn to match your hair will add an originality to this appearance.

Performing side styling

If you have long bangs, one of good options styling for men is to comb the hair not back, but to one side.

For this styling You must have a hairdryer, a special iron, and styling products.

Installation instructions:

For a more attractive look, Initially it is recommended to make an asymmetrical parting, throwing the hair to the desired side. They can be fixed with invisible hairpins or any styling product.

To increase volume, thin hair can be treated with foam at the very roots.

If your hair is curly: combing rules

Men with curls can also give their hair any shape. To achieve this goal it is necessary to use a more powerful fixing agent.

In this case, a gel is most suitable, as the easiest to model hairstyles. It is recommended to apply it to previously prepared hair. Then, if desired, lay your hair back or to the side, securing the hairstyle with hairspray.

Men with curls can also give their hair any shape.

Hair styling for men without gel

If you don’t have the gel on hand, then you can do your hair by simply washing your hair and drying your hair with a hairdryer, directing hot air in the required direction.

For fixatives, men can use everyday home ingredients to both comb their hair back and strengthen it.

In the absence of gel, you can use edible gelatin. It is especially useful thin hair. Its use will give your hair shine and smoothness.

To prepare the styling product, you need to dilute two tablespoons of gelatin with two glasses of hot (not boiling water) water.

After stirring the resulting solution well, leave for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Let stand until the gelatin has a consistency similar to jelly. You should rinse your hair with the prepared mixture before styling.

Lacquer is sometimes replaced with regular beer diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio.

Besides, For strong fixation, you can use sweet water. To do this, boil 2 tsp in one glass of water. powdered sugar over low heat, after cooling, apply to hair using a spray bottle, like hairspray.

Lacquer is sometimes replaced with regular beer diluted with water. in a ratio of 2:1. Use it to strengthen your hair by simply sprinkling the solution onto your hair with a spray bottle.

Hair styling for men: fashionable looks for a short haircut

When considering the question of how to properly comb a man's hair back, emphasizing the style, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to have long curls. There are a number of images corresponding short hair.

One of the images is the “good girl” style. It's easy to do it yourself. All you need is a styling gel.

One of them is the “good girl” style. It's easy to do it yourself. All you need is a styling gel. A small amount is applied to the palm of your hand and smoothed onto the hair, directing it to one side.

For the next style called "punk" style, After applying the gel to your hand, rub it between your fingers. Apply to hair from bottom to top, using your hands like a comb. Further It is recommended to slightly lift your hair erratic movements.

Don't forget that in this case, the hair should be distributed on all sides.

When using, the spray can must be kept no closer than 15 cm from the hair. When spraying, it is recommended to constantly move it.

It is important to know! When using, the spray can must be kept no closer than 15 cm from the hair. When spraying, it is recommended to constantly move it. Don't use too much varnish.

Styling for men: looks for long and medium hair

Long and medium curls sometimes need to be secured with a headband when combed back. However, there are other options.

Fixed comb

One of them involves applying foam with the required degree of fixation. A small portion, about the size of Walnut should be rubbed between your fingers and applied to the roots of pre-washed, towel-dried hair.

Using a skeleton brush with a hairdryer, comb your hair back, directing a stream of hot air to the back of your head. Seal the result with varnish.

A fixed comb can be easily done on long hair and with a ponytail.

Elegance style

This most current option demonstrates how to comb hair back for a confident man with medium-length curls.

To create this style, after pre-preparing the hair, You just need to comb your hair back and straighten it if necessary. Use gel for fixation. To transform this hairstyle into a regular (everyday) one, it is recommended to fluff the hair and fix it with hairspray.


A hairstyle that is both stylish and informal. To create it, you should drop a little gel onto your palm and collect all your hair in one bun. Using a round brush, brush the ends.

A hairstyle that is both stylish and informal. To create it, you should drop a little gel onto your palm and collect all your hair in one bun.

Retro style

Very fashionable option men's comb-over these days. Creating a hairstyle like this requires time, but the result is worth it. First, you should stock up on gel and hairpins.

You need to make waves from strands of hair and secure them with hairpins. You can use a hairdryer to dry it. This type of styling lasts for a relatively long time.

Various options men's hairstyles allow many men to show their imagination in creating an individual image.

You need to make waves from strands of hair and secure them with hairpins. You can use a hairdryer to dry it. This type of styling lasts for a relatively long time.

It is worth remembering that well-done styling, correctly placing the necessary accents, not only completes the style, but also helps to fully reveal individuality.

This video will tell you how to create a stylish, neat men's hairstyle.

From this video you will learn how and what is the best way to style a man's hair.

This video will present you men's hairstyles and blow-dry methods in 5 minutes.