What color suits your face? Suitable and inappropriate colors. How to find out what colors suit you

Sometimes it's hard to choose suitable color clothes due to the wide variety of options. The choice often becomes even more difficult if you are attending a special event. It’s easier to choose the color of your clothes if you choose colors that best suit your natural skin tone, match the nature of the event and reflect your mood.


Choosing colors depending on skin color

    Wear calm shades of blue if you have a cool skin tone. Pink, emerald, dark purple and blue are best. Opt for grey, white and blue when choosing neutral tones. Avoid orange and yellow as these colors contrast greatly with your skin.

    Determine the lightest and darkest shade of your eye color. Clothes whose color is matched to the natural tone of the iris are very suitable for the face. When choosing shirts, jackets or dresses, try to choose clothes that are closest to the shade of your iris to highlight your eye color even more.

    • You can also use this trick to find a shade of black that best suits your skin tone. Try pairing any black clothing with a shade of black rim around the iris of your eyes. For example, if your eyes are blue, the black rim around your iris is most likely a cool onyx color.
  1. Choose contrasting colors if you are going to be photographed. Bright or basic colors like white and black go well together and make a photo look colorful. Contrasting colors also go well with skin tone.

    • These colors are suitable for upper body clothing such as sweaters, shirts and scarves.
  2. Don't wear black or white clothes to your wedding. Since on traditional wedding The bride and groom most often choose outfits in these colors; it is better not to wear black and white clothes for such an event. Any other the color will suit much better because it will contrast with wedding dresses.

Choosing a color that reflects your mood

    Wear blue shades if you feel peace of mind and self-confidence. The color blue conveys a sense of peace and positivity, and it also helps unleash creativity and emphasizes independence. If you feel positive, share it with everyone around you by wearing this color.

A simple wardrobe update is not always a trivial solution: it seems that a blouse seems so fashionable, beautiful, stylish on a mannequin, but it doesn’t look at all on a living figure, in addition it makes the hair dull, and on a suddenly earthy color clearly imprinted on his face dark circles under the eyes...

What to do if there is no financial opportunity to experiment with every design and color shade, and buying unsuitable things so that they remain until better times (which most likely will not come) is not an option for a modest budget? Define your type of appearance and follow the recommendations for creating your own wardrobe based on it - and then, even on a hanger in a store, you will be able to determine, even without trying it on, whether this dress or blouse will suit your fair skin and ashy-colored hair, or whether it is better to leave it to that burning brunette.

Appearance type It happens:

1. Color

2. Style

We are not free to choose either one or the other, and the sooner we accept this, the better. Alas:) A romantic who dresses flashily and brightly will look ridiculous, just like a pronounced “classic” who prefers a rustic style of clothing.

It is advisable to know your style type, but it is simply necessary to know your color type (of course, if you want all your advantages to come to the fore and your shortcomings to fade into the shadows).

By combining knowledge together, you can choose the most winning wardrobe.

Before we talk about choosing a wardrobe based on color type, let’s dwell on style types appearance. Like the well-known colors, there are also four of them: Classic, Dramatic, Romantic and Natural.


1. Classic style

Signs of a classic type: an even oval face, a straight, rather high forehead, a neat straight nose, clear lines of eyebrows located in calm semi-arches, sculpted cheekbones and profile lines, not too full, but not very thin lips. Those. correct proportions and sculpture.

Such women especially suit classic suits - no wonder, the harmony of proportions and architectural cut are combined into one whole. Basic principles in clothing: high quality, minimum decor, conciseness, expensive jewelry. A restrained color scheme is best suited: all shades of gray, beige-brown tones. However, you should remember about your coloring.

2. Dramatic style

The appearance of people of this style is spectacular and bright. The faces are graphic and clear sculpted. In shape, such faces are most often angular (triangular, square). They are not based on soft, rounded lines, but on sharp or massive ones. Almost all representatives of this style have clearly defined cheekbones. The eyebrows dynamically rise upward, have a kink or, on the contrary, are low, as if pressing on the eyes. There is something predatory in the eyes; their cut often resembles that of a cat. Lips are either overly full, sensual or very thin, appearing cold and tight.

Representatives of this style can allow themselves to be theatrical, pretentious, solemn and sometimes aggressive in their clothes, without fear of looking out of place.

3. Romantic style

The structure of the face is quite delicate, its shape is oval, elongated or slightly rounded, the features are dominated by smooth soft lines, there are no sharp or aggressive lines. A neat nose can be slightly upturned or slightly snub-nosed and is always thin and graceful. Never massive and wide. The eyes are wide open, slightly childish, or soft and mysterious. The lips are bow-shaped or slightly swollen, capricious. Possible dimples on rounded cheeks. For representatives romantic style typical up to mature age maintain good looks and sophistication in appearance.

Sometimes “romantics” are divided into “naive” and “complex”. In the image of the former there is lightness, playfulness, tenderness, openness, while the latter are characterized by spirituality, detachment, silence, and mystery. “Naive romantics” are Scarlett Johansson and Drew Barrymore, “complex” are Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett.

Representatives of this style need to include elements of romance in their clothes. First of all, widely use a delicate color palette, simple shades or complex shades, depending on the subtype. Accessories should also emphasize the main feature of the style: small, neat jewelry with round-cut stones, or in the form of flowers, fruits and berries - for a “naive” occasion, and complex, refined, fragile, emphasizing the depth of creative natures.

4. Natural style

The most free and soft direction. The name itself speaks about the harmonious naturalness of the natural style, and its naturalness cannot be separated from the feeling of peace, comfort, and simplicity. Hard graphics in facial features are completely absent. Features of the type - a rounded outline of the face, a soft chin, wide, almost straight eyebrows, a wide or rounded soft nose, poorly defined lips. Such persons exude simplicity and natural charm.

This type of appearance “loves” natural materials and the same shades: gray, beige/brown. Natural beauty decorations made of wood, leather, metal, bone are emphasized - especially if they are made simply.


Human nature is such that we are all born individual in appearance - different colour hair and eyes, skin tone, characteristic physiological features... And, nevertheless, all this diversity of human appearance can be divided into basic types: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Often, incorrect positioning of one’s type leads to funny things: Summer loves truly “winter” colors and things, and Autumn longs to buy a coat intended only for Spring. Yes, life isn't fair, but take comfort in the fact that colors you don't really like will make you a lot more pleasing to others - and especially to yourself! Subjective opinion, perhaps, has a right to exist in this case, but listen to the advice of fashion designers and stylists - correct matching of clothes to the true color type will allow you to blossom not only externally, but also internally.

Cold and warm types

Nature is rich in a great variety of colors, and the entire color palette is divided into three huge categories:

cool colors- frosty pink, lilac, purple and blue colors;

warm colors– orange-red, yellow-brown and some warm shades of green;

neutral shades– some tones of brown, gray, white, black and some tones of the blue palette.

Also, the types of appearance of people are divided into two basic groups:

cold type of appearance– Winter and, paradoxically, Summer;

warm type of appearance– Spring and Autumn.

There are several methods for correctly and quickly determining your own color type, which are based on eye color, skin tone, natural (undyed!) color of eyebrows and hair.


Type common among the Slavic population: light brown or cold ash-colored hair; light skin that acquires an olive undertone when tanning; green, blue or grey eyes with a silver tint.

Light hair and skin that harmonize with each other determine the color scheme in Summer clothes: it will certainly be light pastel shades- lilac, pink, cold blue and gray with an ashen tint. The main rule: cold type of appearance - cold colors in clothes and the absence of bright, flashy colors. For a fair-haired girl, bright colors (for example, yellow, orange, green) will simply overwhelm her and make the eyes on her face inconspicuous and expressionless.

Clean neutral tones– white and black – it is recommended to avoid summer in clothes, but platinum and silver shades, color white gold will emphasize the sophistication and cold elegance of a “summer” girl. Shoes are chosen in the recommended “summer” pastel shades, as well as classic gray, gray-blue and sea color, cool brown or pink.


Ima can be contrasting or non-contrasting, but in any case it is one of the brightest color types. Dark or black hair, blue or Brown eyes, light transparent (contrast Winter) or dark olive (non-contrast Winter) skin.

Representatives of this type are the only ones who will naturally suit a pure black and white color scheme in clothing. Since Winter is a cold color type, a preference for muted cold shades in the wardrobe is recommended: frosty pink and cherry, cold blue and purple tones, including purple shades, gray and its gradients, rich emerald. As decor, finishing or when choosing fittings and accessories, silver, platinum, pearl and white gold will make a spectacular accent.

Just like “summer” girls, “winter” girls are contraindicated in warm shades - orange, red, yellow, warm blue and green. Gray-blue and chocolate tones should also be excluded from the wardrobe, this also applies to shoes - for boots, shoes, boots, steel, black, burgundy with a cold tint is preferable.


Hair - natural blond or brown-haired with the obligatory red streak in the strands, eyes of any light shade - brown is practically excluded. The skin, despite its sensitivity, tans easily and quickly, distinctive feature Warm Spring includes, of course, freckles.

For the basic colors of your wardrobe, it is recommended to focus on golden beige and other light warm shades of brown - for example, caramel and milk chocolate colors are ideal for clothes, shoes, and additional accessories. Black shoes may be appropriate for specific cases, but generally not recommended.

As already mentioned, white color is ideal only for Winter, but to refresh the “spring” type, stylists recommend ecru (ivory) or cream color. It is better if the clothes have decorative elements or finishing in golden yellow or creamy white.


Another warm type is bright and rich, characterized by blush on the skin and freckles, pigmentation that appears with age or under the influence of active sunlight. The eye color can be any, but it must be clear, without inclusions - blue, green, brown. The hair, as for the “spring” type, is golden-red.

Of course, only the rich tones of autumn nature will suit such a sunny woman, exuding calm and warmth. Warm brown colors will look amazing in clothes: from light honey and beige to reddish-rusty and deep dark chocolate. A red color scheme is also suitable, which can vary in richness and boldness depending on the age of Spring: orange, tomato and original red diversify the overall brown palette in the closet.

The violet range, which belongs to cold tones and in general is not suitable for warm types, only in Autumn allows you to dream up and, with some effort, choose an effective contrasting thing in the blurred and muted color of ripe eggplant or in lilac - most likely, such colors will look appropriate in evening dress.

Fading autumn nature, despite the obvious predominance of brown tones, still contains a little green. If you are Autumn, then khaki, olive or swamp green wardrobe items will certainly suit you.
Cold blue or royal blue will irrevocably absorb all the spiritual and external warmth of an “autumn” girl; pure black and snow-white things will not take root in the Autumn wardrobe either: if necessary, it is recommended to replace them with dark brown or cream and beige.

Listen to these recommendations and then your wardrobe will not contain random items bought in an emotional outburst. Beauty can also be different: some have incorrectly chosen tones of the most ideally cut things basic wardrobe eyes and complexion will fade, and others, having made right choice, will gain self-confidence, the pleasure of your own attractiveness will lift your spirits and, undoubtedly, will attract the admiring glances of others.

After all, colors that suit the spring color type may absolutely not be combined with the bright appearance of “winter,” and delicate spring shades will completely fade against the background of “soft autumn.” Of course, it is impossible to judge unequivocally which colors are suitable for each color type - there are exceptions when seemingly incongruous things are combined.

To better imagine which colors suit which color type, find out which celebrities have a distinct “winter”, “autumn”, “spring” and “summer” appearance.

What clothing colors are suitable for the autumn color type?

Autumn type people belong to the category of warm tones with green undertones; They often have low contrast in appearance. Not all, but most brown-eyed brown-haired men fall into this category, as do most classic redheads. Often “autumn” gives a general feeling of rich, hot color range. What colors suit the autumn color type and do not fade against their “red” background?

The best colors in clothes for the autumn color type are earthy and muted warm shades: fiery red, scorched red, swamp green, dark plum. Your neutral shades are cream and dark chocolate.

Autumn type people: Susan Sarandon, Beyoncé, Julia Roberts, Eva Mendes.

Clothes colors that suit the spring color type

People of the spring type also belong to the “warm” category with green undertones and low contrast in appearance.

Many of them have a transparent golden color type; golden brown, coral, peach, yellow-green and sea green tones suit them best. Neutral colors: use ivory instead of white, and golden brown instead of black.

Spring type people: Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Reba McEntire, Rashida Jones.

Colors that suit the winter color type

People of the winter type are “cold”, with blue undertones of the skin; Usually characterized by strong contrasts between hair, skin and eye colors. As a rule, these are dark hair and light eyes and skin. Their color type can be described as clear and piercing.

The optimal colors that suit the winter color type are bright and deep shades (dark blue, emerald green, hot pink, rich red). Neutral colors: strict snow-white, deep black.

Winter type people: Elizabeth Taylor, Courteney Cox, Brooke Shields, Anne Hathaway, Anne Curry.

Clothing colors for the summer color type

Summer-type people also belong to the “cold” category, but they usually have low contrast between the color of their hair, skin and eyes, that is, all these colors are more or less the same in saturation (for example, light eyes and blonde hair). Such epithets as “soft” and “tender” are suitable for their appearance; their color type is rather neutral (if the skin is light, then it may be a beige shade). It happens that the overall tone is more ashy than golden.

The best colors for the summer color type are cool, muted tones, including most shades of blue (gray blue, violet blue, etc.), lavender, pastel pink and various brown tones. Neutral colors: It is best to choose sand or soft white, dove or dark gray.

Summer type people: Farrah Fawcett, Rihanna, Jodie Foster.

Deep and clear dominant exterior colors

People often find it difficult to identify themselves with a specific season. If you feel like your color type doesn't fit neatly into any one season, a dominant color analysis might be a better option: try to identify your strongest characteristic, then look at the dominant color chart to see which category matches you personally. . Before choosing clothes according to color type, remember that this system is based not so much on skin tones, but on your characteristics (deep, light, soft, clear, warm or cold).

Deep dominant colors: sharp expressive features; pronounced dominant color (dark hair, dark eyes). At the same time, the skin can be light, although there are also many African-American and Hispanic representatives in this category.

Deep warm: Julia Roberts, Eva Mendes, Jennifer Lopez, Keira Knightley, Penelope Cruz, Freida Pinto, Oprah Winfrey, Margaret Cho. This category is also called “deep autumn”.

Deep cold: Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, Victoria Beckham, Demi Moore, Lucy Liu, Kim Kardashian. This category is also called “deep winter”.

Clear dominant colors: bright color type with distinct features. There is often a strong contrast between hair, skin, and eye colors (eg, dark hair and light eyes).

Clear warm: Katie Holmes, Elizabeth Hurley, Sophia Bush, Adriana Lima. This category is also called “clear spring”.

Clear cold: Courteney Cox, Megan Fox, Liv Tyler. This category is also called “clear-winter”.

Cold and light color type of appearance (with photo)

Cold color type of appearance: ash, blue or pink undertones.

Medium cold: this category is also called “cold-summer”.

Look at the photo cold color type appearances of Kate Middleton, Miranda Lambert, Polina Porizkova, Judi Dench:

Dark - cold: Elizabeth Taylor, Brooke Shields, Jennifer Connelly. This category is also called “cold-winter”.

Light color type of appearance: people with light eyes, hair and skin with low contrast.

Light warm: Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres, Blake Lively, Anna Kournikova. This category is also called “light spring”.

Light cold: Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Diane Sawyer, Naomi Watts, Gwyneth Paltrow. This category is also called “light summer”.

Soft and warm color type of appearance (with photo)

Soft color type of appearance: people with soft, neutral, smooth facial features. Combination of warm and cold characteristics. The soft color type includes many people in whom several races are mixed at once, as well as those who dark skin, but of a light shade and at the same time light eyes.

Soft warm: Jennifer Aniston, Gisele Bündchen, Rihanna, Jade Pinkett Smith, Drew Barrymore. This category is also called “soft autumn”.

Soft cold: Sarah Jessica Parker, Annette Bening. This category is also called “soft summer”.

Warm color type of appearance: This group includes almost all owners of classic red hair.

Light warm: Amy Adams, Shirley McClain, Nicole Kidman. This category is also called “warm spring”.

Medium warm: Debra Messing, Sophia Loren, Beyoncé, Halle Berry. This category is also called “warm-autumn”.

It may happen that you want or need to wear an outfit in a shade that does not fit into your color type: for example, you will need to wear a bridesmaid dress or some kind of uniform. Surely you will somehow fall in love with a dress, skirt or sweater of a color that does not fit into your seven colors, or even into your season. You may want to wear a trendy color (like neon), even if it doesn't match your skin tone. This is fine! You can wear any color you want because, firstly, you are your own boss and have the right to express yourself as you see fit, and secondly, no one is going to forbid you from doing so. But there are a few secrets that will allow you to wear the “wrong” color in the right way and still look stunning.

Use the stylist's advice to choose the color of your clothes according to your color type and use small cosmetic tricks.

Scarves and statement necklaces. An ordinary one of “your” colors can become best friend. It will protect you from the sun and from the cold, but also - when you throw it over your shoulders or wrap it around your neck like a necklace, it frames your face. Statement necklaces in “your” colors work the same way. Both of these accessories draw people's eyes to your upper body, so the rest of your body can be dressed in any color you like.

Fabric pattern. If you like a color that doesn't suit you, look for a fabric with a pattern that includes one of "your" colors. Many designers understand that not every shade looks good on everyone, so they combine colors that are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Thus, the color you like can be the key element of your outfit, as long as you use accessories (belt, shoes, bag) of “your” color.

Body. If you are a cold color type, you can “warm up” with a body lotion/powder with a golden glitter. This will make your skin tone warmer, allowing you to wear warm-toned outfits. If you want the opposite, use silver body glitter.

Blush. If your color type is warm, then your skin may have a peach undertone. Balance it out with a pinkish blush for a slightly cooler complexion. Then you can use accessories in cool colors. If your color type is cold and you want to wear something warm in color, then, on the contrary, apply peach blush.

Pomade. As with blush, use a lipstick that has a subtle shade that is opposite your “temperature.” If you belong to a cool color type, beige or ash pink lipstick with peach or coral notes will allow you to wear warm colors. If you have a warm color type, do not use lipstick in orange-rusty tones, but rather choose a more neutral shade: dark brown or red.

Eyeshadow.“Warm” girls who want to wear “cool” dresses, warm your face with smoky brown shadows so that the attention of others will switch from a gray or dark blue dress to your eyes. “Cold” girls - use gray or blue to distract attention from an outfit of brown or other warm colors.

Manicure. Find and emphasize “your” color in the pattern on the dress - or simply your own color type - by painting your nails with varnish of the appropriate shade; it will look like an exclamation point on your message.

Useful tips

Once you learn to distinguish the color palette, you can easily create your own wardrobe, where each item, combined with each other, will make your own style unique.

Knowing which colors suit you and which ones you should avoid in clothing will be very helpful. This way you will begin to replenish your wardrobe with new things and always look irresistible and chic.

What colors say about a person

Method 1: Learn what colors convey

IN modern world, especially when it comes to work, the color of clothing you choose carries a certain message about what kind of person you are, what kind of character you have.

1. Wear dark colors to convey power and strength. Dark shades include black and dark blue. Try wearing a shade of blue that matches the color of the veins on your wrist.

Pastel colors in clothes

2. Wear pastel colors in dressing to appear more friendly and relaxed. Bed colors include light green and lavender shades.

3. Mix colors to convey creativity. Make sure you combine colors that match and complement each other as well as red and purple.

Red color in clothes

4. Wear red, which will highlight your individual personality traits. The color red, depending on its shade, carries a certain message.

Burgundy red conveys sophistication. Blue-red color speaks of assertiveness. Orange-red is suitable for lively and active people.

Pink color in clothes

5. Wear pink color to show that your heart is open. People who choose pink in their clothing, regardless of gender, are open-minded and capable of loving other people.

White color in clothes

6. Choose white to symbolize a new beginning. It signifies cleanliness and gives the impression of being fresh, bright and new. White, beige and brown shades that are close to your skin tone (but don't blend in) look fantastic.

7. Wear yellow to reflect warmth and optimism. This color has certain healing properties, as we associate it with the sun, the main source of positivity, optimism and light.

Orange color in clothes

8. Choose orange to represent high energy. This color is very bold, it makes you feel more relaxed and puts you in a playful mood. Orange is also the color of bright sexual energy.

Type of appearance by season

Method 2: Determine your appearance type by season

Appearance type: winter

1. Wear clothes designed for a winter look if you are a brunette. Winter girls are usually brunettes with pale or olive skin. Deep and rich shades suit them.

Appearance type: spring

2. Give preference to spring-type clothes if you have pale skin. Girls of the "spring" type have light skin, gray or Blue eyes, as well as soft blonde hair. A spring woman suits light colors in her clothes.

Appearance type: summer

3. Wear clothes designed for summer type if you have blonde hair. Women of this type are in general similar to “spring” ones. They also have blond hair and pale skin. If you are a “summer” type, pay attention to more muted, discreet shades.

Appearance type: autumn

4. If you have a ruddy skin tone, choose clothes for the fall type. The autumn type of appearance is usually characterized by red, dark or brown hair and blush on the skin. They will suit orange, brown, green or olive colors in clothes.

Method 3: Choose a color based on your hair and eye color

What colors suit blondes?

1. Blonde hair, Blue eyes. Choose blue, blue-green, menthol and turquoise shades.

2. Blonde hair and green eyes. Green, orange and blue colors will highlight your appearance in the best possible way.

3. Blonde hair and brown eyes. For this type of appearance, the following colors would be ideal: brown, lilac, red, pink and orange.

4. Blonde hair, gray eyes. Any color will suit you except pale yellow.

What colors suit brown-haired women?

5. Brown hair and blue eyes. The ideal colors for you are red, orange, pink and yellow.

6. Brown hair and green eyes. Complete the color palette from the previous paragraph with green shades.

7. Brown hair and brown eyes. Choose earthen and dark shades. Light blue will also suit you.

8. Brown hair and gray eyes. Any shade of blue, red, black and gray will suit you.

What colors suit redheads?

9. Red hair, blue or gray eyes. The ideal colors for you will be light orange, red, black and green.

10. Red hair, green or brown eyes. Choose any shade of red, dark or light green. Dark and earthy palettes also work well for you and will highlight your personality.

What colors suit brunettes?

11. Dark hair. Any color and shade will suit you. You don't have to be afraid to experiment.

Created 05/28/2011

Just because you really like a color doesn't mean you can buy clothes in that color.

Colors, with the exception of pure ones, have different shades. Dark green, the color of pine needles or emerald green may suit you, but light green or sea green will not suit you at all. This is explained by the fact that you can add density to a pure color, or you can sort of dilute it clean water, you can add a yellowish tint, or you can add a bluish tint, you can add white, or maybe black and the like.

How to determine if the color of your clothes suits you?

To do this, sit in front of a mirror in a well-lit place. The best option There will be natural daylight. There should be no makeup on your face and make sure that no shadow falls on your face. Place the item on your face under your chin and look at the result. Does the color show on the chin? Does it change your complexion?

The color suits you if:

  • The face seems to be lit from below.
  • Skin looks smoother, fresher and younger; wrinkles and spots are less noticeable.
  • Eye color becomes more intense.
  • You can be seen better than color.

The color doesn't suit you if:

  • Dark or colored shadows appear in the chin and neck area.
  • The complexion became uneven.
  • Color overwhelms and drowns you out.

A little about flowers

Black gray

Black color imparts seriousness, which is why many people prefer it for business meetings. A woman dressed in black from head to toe gives the impression that she is hiding behind color and lacking imagination. Black is best worn in combination with some other color. If black does not suit you, you can complement it with accessories located close to the face (a string of pearls or beads) of a color that suits you. Also you can replace black the right shade gray - charcoal, marengo or "wet asphalt" color.


Brown is the color of earth. It is good to wear while relaxing. There are many shades of brown: chocolate, coffee, dark brick, golden and so on. Brown reflects a friendly, practical, yet serious approach. Brown on its own may seem boring, but other colors will liven it up.


Beige colors successfully replace brown and black in summer. Shades of beige range from dark beige to dark sand through taupe, cocoa and nude. All these shades are calm and friendly. They are perfect if you want to inspire confidence in the people around you. These are ideal colors for those who work with people. The advantage of these tones is that they can be worn all year round, complementing fashionable colors, suitable for you.


White means purity and freshness. It suits everyone. White can be worn from head to toe for a special occasion or used as a contrast when paired with other colors that suit you. This color is not easy to wear in its pure form, but there are different shades, among which everyone will find something suitable - from milky white to ivory and cream. White looks softer on rich textured fabrics. Linen and silk, for example, are rarely pure white, but cotton is completely white. White is ideal for hot climates as it reflects light - the main difficulty is keeping such clothes clean.

Blue, light blue

Blue is the color of logic; it stimulates mental activity. It inspires confidence and brings peace and order. Light shades of blue - cornflower blue, azure and sapphire - will enliven your wardrobe throughout the year. Shades of blue, for example, pale blue, blue-gray, sky, are suitable for special occasions when you want to look especially feminine. Paired with darker shades (navy and grey) they look great on T-shirts and shirts.


Pink adds femininity. A hot pink or cyclamen shade under a business suit will add seriousness to your look. This color is also good for a disco - just don’t dress in it from head to toe. Pink will save you if you feel "colorless" as it improves your complexion.


Purple is the color of sensitivity and creativity. It includes shades from delicate lavender to rich prune. Purple can be an interesting alternative to black and navy blue. If you have never worn purple, buy a shawl or scarf in this color and you will be pleasantly surprised by the impression it makes on others.


Red is the color of energy and self-confidence. Shades range from raspberry to tomato, so it is important to choose the right undertone - warm (with a yellow base) or cool (with a blue base). Red enlivens everyday life and is especially good at the end of the week. But it should be avoided when putting children to bed. When wearing red, be careful when choosing lipstick. It should not be the same tone as the clothes, but lipstick can be lighter or darker.


The color of calm and security. Thanks to its richness of shades, green is well suited for any type of clothing. It is important to correctly determine the undertone of green: whether a warm green (with a yellow base) like swamp or apple or a cool green (with a blue base) like pine needles or light turquoise suits you more.