Independent women doomed to success? Strong and independent woman means a strong and independent woman

There are women we admire. They are always successful, achieve their goals, smart, beautiful and interesting. They love them around, and men admire such ladies, and dream of seeing as a spouse. Strong and independent - these words have long ceased to be synonymous with lonely mature womanwhich lives with a dozen cats, because it was not able to build relations with a man. After all, a strong independent woman may well be happy in love, as alone. What qualities is this superancy?

She has his own opinion, and she knows how to defend him

Stereotypical arguments that only a man should take decisions, and representatives of the weak sex should not be, and in general ideal woman Robust and obedient, have long been irrelevant. A lady, who has its own opinion, is able to protect it, it is no longer perplexed, but rather respect. They will listen to her, they communicate with her, in her society is pleasant and interesting to be. And it is such women who are capable of achieving a lot and achieve professional success.

She has his own style, but also fashionable trends she is not alien

Individual style is an important feature that every woman should possess. This is what makes it unique and truly attractive. Despite this, such a woman is aware of all fashion trendsAnd skillfully uses them in their image. However, it will not be taken to trend things, choosing only those who like and fit her and fit into her style.

She loves himself

Love for yourself is a very important nuance that defines how others will be related to you. If you yourself do not like yourself, and you are not interested in one with you, why do you hope that you will love others?

Admire - You are unique and beautiful. And do not forget to indulge yourself. You only deserve the best - the best outfits, best man, better life.

It does not depend on someone else's opinion

It is impossible to say that a strong and independent woman is completely indifferent to someone else's opinion. On the contrary - she seeks to make all the necessary impression. But she perfectly understands that it is impossible to like everyone, and therefore it is not frustrated when it turns out that she doesn't like to someone. Someone's opinion on the part will never make her change their mind, if she is sure that rights, and will not affect the final result of any event.

She belongs to a man loyally

A strong and independent woman is not from those who tell their chosen one that he should, and does not blackmail him with the words "you are a man." It allows his beloved little weakness, leaves for him the right to independently make decisions relating to his life, and also listens to his opinion. At the same time, it does not always agree and will not act contrary to his desires - she will try to find a compromise.

She achieves its goals

The main feature of a strong and independent woman is that her goals are not empty sound, which would matter. If this woman wants something, she will act, and not complain about fate. And actions always lead to the result, sooner or later. The main thing is to be targeted and not surrender.

She looks positively

In this secret of her success - she perceives the world, looking at him positively, allocating only the best, and not looking for what to find fault. Even their problems, regardless of their gravity, it perceives only as an annoying obstacle that needs to be overcome, and not as a confusion of a universal scale.

September 24, 2016, 08:35

The name of the post is certainly a joke.

But who are they free and independent women?

They are famous, beautiful, rich. The mass of fans and admirers surround these famous women, and they talk about loneliness, because there is no most important family. Someone sacrificed family happiness for glory and careers, and someone fundamentally comes out married, arguing that he was not created for marriage and birth of children

Star beauties who never married.

Jacqueline bisset. The actress starred more than 80 films, noted on the model field, and in love she was recognized as the richest and well-known men.

The actress did not marry the actress and did not start the children, but never hid that there was a lot of novels in her life, both a rapid and serious relationship, which forever left the mark in her memory.

Personal life Jacqueline bisset in his youth was very stormy. She had many novels, vehicles and serious, but always actress was given to them without a rest, it seemed to be for life. What was her love stories with Russian ballet artist Alexander Godunov. Until now, Biseset calls this period the most unfortunate in his life - Goduns at 45 years old died. With actor Vensean Perez, who is younger for 18 years, Jacqueline was even engaged. But the actress did not get married. "I love to take care of a man. But it didn't work out to become a house. Probably, still I am too ... Gypsy," the star "Wild Orchid" admits.

The actress does not regree and that he did not become a mother - work and lovers took too much space. "Want to believe, you want no, but I'm not at all sorry about what I didn't become my mother," said Jacqueline. " She considers himself a happy woman and in demand actress. As for the motherhood, it can be said that it is partly a successful to compensate for this life gap - Jacqueline Bissset is the godmother of Angelina Jolie.

"In my youth, I believed that the world rules romantic love... What was my surprise when I found out that everything is wrong, the world spins around the family, building houses ... I do not have children. Maybe they would have been looking at things differently, "- says the actress now.

Unlike his colleague on the workshop, Winon Rider firmly believes to the Institute of Marriage. Although never married to married. "I sincerely believe in marriage, but I want to get married once and for all, which is why I have never been at the altar," Rider said in one interview.

Once the tabloids saved the loud novel Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp, they met on the set of the film "Edward's Hand Scissors" Tim Berton. Relationships lasted four years, the couple even announced his engagement, Depp with pleasure demonstrated the Tattoo "Winona forever" (afterwards he altered her on the "victory forever"). But at the last moment the Hollywood handsome refused the wedding, explaining this by what is not ready for marriage. After a break with the actor, Winon fell into severe depression, abused alcohol and drugs.

Next were the novels with the singer David Pierner, short-term relationship with Peter Yorno, a wubber, Henry Alex Ruby, walked rumors about engaging Rider with actor Matt Daimon. The actors purchased an apartment and publicly announced the engagement. The novel lasted a little more than two years, Rider became the initiator. "Beators" told Weinon about Matt's novel with Penelope Cruz.

The first love of the Australian singer was the soloist Inxs Michael Hutchez. They broke up, and in five years he committed suicide with him, he was only 37 years old. For Kylie, it became a real blow. After that, the girl had serious relationship With French actor Olivier Martinez. It was he helped and supported her in the most difficult years of life, when the singer fought with a deadly ailment - breast cancer. When the singer recovered, he began to notice it more often in secular events in the society of other women. As a result, Olivier married Holly Berry, who gave her son to him.

And Kylie began to meet with the Spanish mannequin Andres Valenkozo. They met for five years. The reason for the rupture was the busy schedule of both. "This is a nightmare - to meet with me. Around me is always some kind of circus. My publicity brings many difficulties," said Kylie somehow. And immediately stated that she would be difficult for her without personal freedom. "Many believe that the marriage is the main life support, but I, apparently, from another test," the singer admitted. Menu, she hardly worried about the gap from Valencoso and began to think about the adoption of the child, because she dreams of becoming a mother, and give birth herself, rather, everything will not be able to.

However, rumors appeared that the current boyfriend made her an offer to which she answered agree.

Christine Davis. The star of the series "Sex in the Big City" twisted the novels with Alek Baldwin, David Dukhovanny, Jack Goldblum, Steve Martin, but never was married.

According to the performer, the role of Charlotte York in the cult series "Sex in the Big City" Actresses Christine Davis, the public institute was relevant about 50 years ago, now people can quite live singly. She was never married, although he met with such men like Jeff Goldblum and Alec Baldwin, with photographer Russell James was even engaged. But it did not work out.

In 2011, the actress launched a black newborn girl, which he called Jemma Rose. "This is what I wanted to do a long time. My dream came true, and it turned out to be a more joyful event for me than I could imagine. I feel that I was blessed," the actress admitted me.

Jennifer Coolidge. American comedy actress, Standap comedian, screenwriter, the most famous for the role of Moms of the stifeler in a series of films "American Pie", "Blonde in Law" and "Cinderella's History" was almost always alone.

Only one large novel is known - with Chris Katan.

Daryl Hannah.

Stepfather Daryl - Millionaire. She could calmly sit on her neck, take drugs and complain about life. But she, in eleven years, contrary to the requirements of the parents, said that it would be an actress and herself found a agent. And now she lives on a farm. She has lamas there, horses, chickens and pigs: all animals were saved from destruction. In the garden is a compost pit. In the House - solar panels. In the garage - the car on the exhaust oil from fast food.

She had novels with Jackson Brown, John Kennedy Ml. There were rumors that Kennedy was going to make her proposal, but his mother Jacqueline was against.

Real Marilyn ..

Later, she had a relationship with Dr. Kilmer, Neil Young and other celebrities, but the campaign to the altar did not end in any of them.

She had novels with Woody Allen, Warren Bit and Al Pacino

Despite the absence of a spouse, Dian has two adoptive children - Dexter's daughter (Ry.1996) and Son Duke (Rin 2001).

The actress itself says that it was much easier for her to present himself as a single mother, rather than the custodian of the focus. "I do not think that in this moment In my life something is missing! "- announced the actress once.

The model at different times had a relationship with many well-known and successful men, but under the crown did not go, trying on wedding outfits only on shows.

The cult British top model is known for its rapid temperament, so there was always under the closer attention of the press. She regularly fell on the first bands of the tabloid: whether it is a fight or another love story. In the number of lovers "Black Panther" in different times Boxer Mike Tyson, Dancer Joachin Cortes, Bass Guitarist Groups "U-2" Adam Clayton, Singer Eric Clapton, Formula 1 Flavio Manager Flavio Brodytor, Actors Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone, Rapper Asher, Prince Monaco Albert, Russian oligarch Vladislav Doronin.

Naomi's first serious relationships were with the dancer Joaquin Cortes, but the supermodel once found him with another man. Naomi was so disappointed that even attempted suicide.

She really wants to marry and give birth to children. "To date, I ripe for family and children. I dream of great love, I dream to meet a person who would become me and a friend, and father, and husband, and lover ... I want to love me not for the fact that I am rich famous woman, just for what I am, "says Supermodel.

For four years, it was associated with romantic relations with Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin, but when everyone rumored about the wedding, the couple announced a break. Perhaps the potential grooms are difficult to withstand the rapid moral "black panther".

Tyra Banks

She had novels with such star men as actor Will Smith, musician Chris Angel, Golfer Tiger Woods, Singer, Director John Singleton, Model Robert Evans, Banker John Atental. However, the most painful for her was the gap with basketball player Chris Webber, with whom they met for three years. After that, Tyra became superstitious and hides his relationship with anyone. It is afraid that the media and endless paparazzi will destroy the relationship even before they really begin. "It's very hard to start a new novel when for the press it means only the" plus one "to the list of all men who were before," says the former star Victoria's Secret.

Supermodel has repeatedly admitted that he wants to become a mother. "It's time to give a job to my eggs!" Tyra Banks said jokingly. To the choice of the father of his future children, supermodel is responsible, says that he does not want her father to be much younger than her.

In 2007, Taira starts a novel with Multimillionaire John Utyndal. Tyra does not hesitate to invite the press about his desire to have family and children with this man.

Bold statements become a good reason for the yellow press to spread rumors about pregnancy Taira. But these relationships were not crowned with success. In 2011, John began to appear in public with a model from Russia. This time Tyra experienced a break with enviable calm.

This year, Taire's supermodel Thara Banks and her boyfriend photographer Eric Asla first became parents. The surrogate mother gave birth to a pair of the Son, whom they decided to call York.

"The best gift over which we worked and about which they prayed, finally here. He has my fingers and big eyes, doben mouth and chin. We are grateful to the guardian angel of that woman who endured this wonderful boy for us. We pray for all Who faced the problems of fertility, and wish them to know this happiness. York Banks Asla, welcome to this world, "writing Banks.

I read that the photographer Eric Asla left the family when the child was 8 months old. What is today, I can not say who knows?

Queen Latifa. An 46-year-old American singer, an actress and a model never married.

In addition, it is not famous for novels. There is only a few of her fleeting hobbies.

As a result, the latife is attributed to unconventional orientation, but it just fools over it.

She was attributed to a lot of love novels, including Vladimir Klitschko and George Clooney, but none of them lasted for a long time.

Charlize Theron. Behind the shoulders of the actress several serious novels who alas did not end with a campaign to the altar.

In 2002, Charlize Theron met the filming of the film "24 hours" with Stewart Townsende, with whom he began to meet. They were considered one of the most durable couples in Hollywood, but in the end they decided to part.

In an interview with Townsend, it was recognized that I considered the thermon my wife, although they never registered the relations officially. Later, Charlize has met less than a year with Sean Penn, after which the relationship was not seen at all.

In March 2012, Charlize adopted the boy from South Africa, whom Jackson called, and in 2015 - a black girl from the United States, giving her the name of August.

Nicole Sherezinger. Singer Philippino-Hawaiian-Ukrainian origin

The performer met with a famous British race car driver, a three-time world champion in the class of formula-1 Lewis Hamilton, but on February 4, 2015 a couple broke up.

The reason for breaking Nicole explained this: "We were together for 8 years, and I was tired of waiting for his hands and hearts from him."

From mid-2005 in the middle of 2007 met with Ryan Gosling. For several months in 2009, Rachel had a novel with Josh Lucas.

And in mid-2010, a romantic relationship with Michael Tire has faced a romantic relationship with Michael Bus, which ended in early 2013, on the set of paintings "Midnight in Paris". While she is still alone.

Cheryl Crow. The performer has never been married. From 2003 to 2005, the cyclist Lance Armstrong was her boyfriend, and this is perhaps the longest relationship in which it was noticed.

The loneliness of the singer brighter the two adoptive son - Wihett Stephen Crowe (genus 09/04/2007) and Levi James Crow (Rod.30.04.2010).

Condoleezza Rice. The 66th US Secretary of State has never been married and she does not have children.

During training in Denver University, her close familiar was a player in American Football Rick Apurchrach, but the relationship did not receive a logical completion.

In September 2006, The New York Times newspaper reported on the possible close relationships of Rice and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Peter McKej, but there is no speech on the campaign for the crown.

Mirey Mathone

It is called the symbol of the epoch of the second half of the 20th century, it is home to millions of admirers around the world. Mirey Mathieu is a "business card" of France, perhaps because one is too much honor and responsibility that should be taken with dignity. She was never in the center of some love scandals and gossip. Meanwhile, it is known that in the youth of Mirey was to marry one wealthy Mr., and everything was ready for the wedding. But the groom put the condition: "After the wedding, no scene! House and kids!". Mireille did not agree, because life without a scene is meaningless for her.

She was confirmed in love such beauties like Yves Montan, Placido Domingo, Charles Aznavour, Alain Delon, Charlie Chaplin. In 1995, journalists spoke again about the marriage of the singers - this time the choice of diva fell on the famous makeup artist Olivier Ashodmeason (he worked with Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and Sophie Loren). And yet marriage did not take place. "I never dreamed of anything," Mathieu said in one of the interviews, "there are only two priorities in my life, this singing and my family is Mom, brothers and sisters." And their (brothers and sisters) at the singer 14!

Today, Mimi (so loving Mathieu is called in France) leads a very modest lifestyle.

Patricia Kaas.

About the novels of another French singer - Patricia Kaas - wrote a lot and with pleasure. She was attributed to a romantic relationship with Gerard Depardieu, the Russian actor Andrei Sokolov, Alain Delon (though, recently, in an interview with the singer denied rumors of love with the latter). But with any of them, the French singer did not have his own destiny.

And in the early 2000s, Patricia has experienced a personal drama - after the six-year-old novel, she broke up with the Belgian composer Philip Bergman. He left the singer, demanding that she pays for alimony. I explained that it was accustomed to the lifestyle that they led together. Patricia was outraged and humiliated, passed through many ships, as a result, disappointed in men and in love. It seemed that she would put the cross on the feelings forever. But soon she was waiting for another test - a novel with a millionaire from Romania. To date, he sent a personal aircraft behind her. However, the fan was married and did not want to give publicity with the singer. Patricia said goodbye to him. "I was disappointed in men. They are all mercantile and predictable," the singer wrote in their autobiographical book.

But most of all it is sad about the fact that there can not have children. Recently, in an interview, she told that abortion did many times, without feeling ready to become a mother, the result was infertility. Today, the Maltese Bologna Tequila, which the director Claude Lelucus presented it with the most native creature. The singer appears with her in secular events and takes with him on tour.

Oprah Winfrey

Not so long ago, the popular TV presenter Oprah Unfri announced that he was never and is not going to get married. Even a 30-year-old relationship with Stadman Graham for her is not a reason to go under the crown. The favorite of the Americans also admitted that he didn't regrehe the fact that she had no children. "Nobody cared for me in my childhood, and I don't know how to do this. I remember how once I was asked to look after the four-year-old baby. It was then that I decided that I would not have my children."

Milen Farmer

"French Madonna", so often called Milen Farmer in France. The singer loves loneliness: "The more popular person becomes, the more immersed in it. It is necessary to get used to him and tame it." On the stage, she is a redhead, arranging outrageous and frank shows, and in life - a woman closed in itself, who does not allow anyone to his world and loving silence.

To the question, whether she does not regret that she does not have children, Milen answers: "I had one guy (Actor Jeff Dalygren). I wanted me to give him a child. It was not needed directly. And my children are not needed. I'm at my own My beloved daughter! "

In her life there were serious relationships long at ten years of life - with composer and director Laurent Buckton. In fact, he persuaded her singing and abandoned the acting career, came up with her stage image (a sense girl, a girl spiritual pain), advised to paint his hair in a flame-red color. But after some time, the singer was tired of this image and left Laurent.

Milen never hid his attitude towards marriage and children. "I am quite enough my monkeys," she says. The singer has lived for a long time with two little monkeys by nickname E.T. And Leon.

Coco Chanel. The legend of fashion and style was never married and did not become a mother.

Coco Chanel was born, and rather Gabriel Bonor Chanel in France in 1883 in a very poor family.

When Koko turned 11 years old did not make moms. And Dad soon left her and sister in the monastery orphanage. Father she never saw anymore. She grown there.

1905 ... She is 22 and she sings in local cafe mixed uncomplicated songs. On-young retired officer, Bourgeois, who inherited the estate . Etienne Balsan (Balzan) immediately attracted young Gabi. Was it love? Not. He was her happy ticket to a rich future, and she understood it perfectly perfectly. Handsome, Galanten and rich, why not take advantage of the gift of fate. Soon she moved to him in the estate of the contents. The whole of their joint life was jumping (Etienne adored horses) and receiving guests, the same young officers and their contents, in which, by the way, Coco tried their first works: Halifa for riding riding, men's shirts and hats without delights. Soon all these idle days are tired of the young gloom: she needed fame, recognition, wealth.

At this time, Balsan introduces it with a young aristocrat, a coalman, rumored, illegitimate son of banker , Arthur Capeell on nicknamed battle.

Thanks to his capital, she opened the hatching salon first, and then the real house of models in Biarritz. His connections helped to get acquainted with aristocrats who were crazy about her talent. Now she had 300 employees, and the dresses were sold for the unheard of 3000 francs. She became the one who wanted. It became an independent known. And only one tormented her: she did not have her family.

Arthur I turned the intrigues on the side, which she constantly wrote off on the "female share" and did not call her marriage. The reason will become clear later: he is looking for a bride among the highest society. She could not bear this blow, it was not just physical treason, it was a betrayal ... She gave him a loan, sewed a dress for his beloved, the daughter of Lord Listera, and .... Accident... bursting tire ... "He was my only present love"... She returned home, painted the walls in black and dressed mourning... those terrible six months she never remembered ...

The new acquaintance of Alexander the Second, the cousin Nikolai second, returned to her life. She -37, he-26. She is rich and well-known, he, except the name, no penny for the soul. He was her medicine, she was his material support.

Their romance lasted a year, when at one fine moment he did not declare her about his marriage on a rich American Audrey Emery. "Everything understood everything, accepted and let go.

In 1924, Coco (she was 41) became acquainted with the Duke of Westminster - the richest man of England. And a new novel began, which lasted 6 years. And again, our great chalel was as a mistress and the contents. And the duke managed twice married and breed, make new mistresses ... and all this happened even during the connection with Coco.

Coco died alone in 1971 at the age of 88 in the suite of the Ric Hotel.

"When I had to choose between a man and my dresses, I chose dresses. I have always been stronger than my passions"

In Western society, there is a strange belief that a strong and independent woman is a phenomenon. I have a hurry to disagree with this, because strong women were always, just just now we began to realize this fact. In any case, strong women are those who do not rely on all in a row, and they themselves build their lives. They do everything to achieve their goal. However, this does not mean that they do not want to see with them the same strong satellite.

1. Strong women all the time in work

Such women always think of their plans. They know what they want to achieve in their lives, and develop a clear plan of how to achieve it. Always keep your goal before your eyes. If you meet with such a woman, know that most likely you are already inscribed in its plan.

2. Strong women seek their own

As soon as such women have developed a plan, they do not stop before, until the target has been reached. They do not agree to the second place or something "more or less." They are aimed at the stars and will not be happy until they reach them. Again, if you are in a relationship with a strong woman, you'd better make sure that you meet its expectations, because less than on "ideal" she does not agree.

3. Strong women always act

Strong women never wait for Pink from others. If she comes a job offer, which she had long dreamed of, do not wait for her that she would immediately discuss it with you. If you need to fix something in the house, then it will not wait until you get to the place to do it. But you should not feel less courageous ..., but how else could she, in your opinion, achieve your position in life?

4. Strong women independent

Strong women do not need anyone in their lives. They begin to act when they need it and everyone is ready to do themselves. They are not looking for someone to support, in relationships they prefer those who grow with them. This does not mean that you must earn a lot, but at the same time no less than your woman. If you do not develop with her, it probably does not want you to be there.

5. Strong women are not afraid to stay alone

Sometimes strong women want to be alone with them. After a hard working day, she, most likely, does not want to swear with you or behave like a caring housewife. She just needs a little time to come to himself after work and think everything. Remember: Such women do not live for you, so do not expect that she with puppy eyes will wait for you at home.

6. Strong women have strong friends

Friends of a strong and independent woman, as a rule, have similar character traits. If you find them behind the conversation, then you will soon hear a controversy about a business merger than the discussion of office gossip. It may look frightening: room, full girls, talking about something about what you have no idea, but you still have to admire their energy and decisiveness.

7. Strong women crave knowledge and all the time improving their skills

Strong women always learn and self-improvement. They do not lose time in front of the TV and do not sit in the garbage social networksWhile can read or go to the master class. Be prepared to be active if you meet with such a woman. She is always open to a new experience, so you better prepare for what you need to leave your comfort zone.

8. In strong women "strong" beliefs

Strong women at all do not moral banks and they, of course, do not save before conversations about moral values. They will always stand on what they believe. Be prepared to be on her side when it enters into a dispute.

9. Strong women have a purpose

Strong women have a global destination to which all its goals are lied. And, of course, all their tasks correspond to their value system. They feel incredibly important and believe that they are able to change the world for the better. Support her aspirations and help to achieve something more.

10. Strong women will show you their weak side, only if you trust you

Strong women have no immunity to depression, sometimes they feel lonely and unprotected, despite their independence. However, they weaken their defense in the circle of those who trust, for example, in the circle of their family, good friends, in the circle of those whom they love. If your independent wife or a girl trusts you enough to open you the soul, know that you are one of the most important people in her life. And when you realize this, the only thing you need to do is try not to lose her trust.

Original article: LifeHack

Translation from English:

Usually we associate power with men, because the woman should be fragile and weak. But it so happened that life becomes with every second, minute and the last time it is more difficult and harder. And the woman to survive today, have to be not just beautiful, charming and feminine, but really, strong spiritually, but in some cases, and be able to stand out in physical terms. If the representative of the beautiful sex wants only she rules his life and no one else, she needs to become a strong and independent woman. Only in this case the control over all that happens in her life will always remain in her fragile hands.

How to become a strong and independent woman

Strength is in any person. It is she who makes us climb every morning, to perform some tasks, strive to achieve the goals, to do what they ask others, to abandon their desires in the sense of whose interests veiled under the word "need." Probably the most hated out of the words that a person hears in his life is the word "necessary." Of course, in some situations, without it, it does not do and sometimes the person does not understand what it will be better. In childhood, parents teach us to clean up, wash their hands before eating or brushing his teeth, motivating it by what it is necessary. The school is forced to learn objects, many of which we do not love, again pronouncing - it is necessary. But the whole trouble is that gradually because of the day a day, this word loses its strength and becomes an annoying factor, which causes protest and rejection in the depths of the soul, expressing in adolescents to create their own, incomprehensible subculture. Anyone feels discomfort when he hears the word "need." Once you have become an adult, it's time to get rid of it. If someone says this word, demanding something to do, always ask to explain why you should do exactly what he said.

Take the courage and stop thinking mindlessly what others say, whoever they are. Let them hurt to explain, finally, why do you have to do what you do not want. To become stronger, stop striving to like everyone. In the end, you are not a lollipop to please others. Have an opinion on any issue. Learn to argue it and before doing something, think what result you want to get and for what.

The power of a person is that he is up to everything, let it relate to the cutting of forests in South America or unrest on the streets of cities. Stop being indifferent. Take the courage to open your eyes wide and see what is happening around. In your yard, there are many homeless animals, take care that they are sterilized, fed up and eventually found their owners. In the end, making such a complex and difficult matter, write a letter to the city administration asking us to create a shelter for homeless animals.

Let someone say that you have nothing more to do, but becoming stronger, you must remember that now someone else's opinion can not determine your actions and attitudes towards the environment. In the answer, you can say that thanks to your actions, it has become less disadvantaged in the world, and the children saw that it was necessary to fight for their own beliefs, to be kinder, merciful and not shy to show a sense of compassion to others. And after ask what this citizen who defended someone who was protected by a lesson was made today. Moreover, if he does not like animals, then, apparently, returns from children's house, boarding school for people with disabilities or spent a conversation with difficult children at school or helped those who suffer from alcoholics parents. If this is so, you can say that together you make this world better and kinder for anyone who lives in it.

Stop covering your eyes to the desire everywhere everywhere to get everything without effort and difficulties. And come out of those who belong to this category. To know foreign languageIt is necessary to spend time to find the most effective teaching methodology, its development and even try to visit the country where they speak in the language you want to know well. Why should all other goals be achieved less difficult. Therefore, realizing that any desire requires effort, start acting, and not wait when it is fulfilled while you are lying on the couch. The definite share of courage will be needed when you have to prove my native that you are not in vain spend time, doing a hobby, which in the future can be a good source of income. Yes, and in any case, each person has the right to personal hobbies and interests, so why someone took the right to deprive him of you. Learn to defend your interests, for anything they treat.

Photo: Strong independent woman

Top 7 How to become a strong and independent woman

  • By deciding, always take responsibility for all the consequences after its fulfillment. Do not look guilty, do not shift the blame on those who are near. Even if you really really do not, think about what to do next time to avoid a similar result.
  • Excuse each step, get ready for the worst, immediately thinking how to fix the situation. Only one who is ready for everything always remains at the height.
  • Trying to prove your right point, operate with arguments, but do not try to drive a person in the corner. A task strong man Find a mutually beneficial solution, and not destroy the enemy. This is especially true in family relationships.
  • If the dispute is not related to some global problems and serious disagreements, which can lead to the emergence of difficult problems, have courage to retreat, let your man feel at height.
  • If the argument threatens to grow into a quarrel, and for some reason he believes that he has the right to raise your hand on you, then confidently and calmly inform him that it will be the last thing he can do in your life together. Learn to keep the word, do not even forgive the hotly beloved man of insults to your address and especially the manual attack. Think about the children's psyche when children see such relations between dad and mom. Take the courage and recognize the presence of domestic violence and, finally, for the sake of yourself and children, leave the person who can not even be called a man.
  • Fight with laziness, uncertainty in yourself, do not lower your hands, because the hardest struggle in a person's life is the struggle with himself. Only overcoming all those traits that interfere with the person who want, you can raise the strength of spirit and character. Do not believe when they write and say that character cannot be changed. Remember that a few years ago it seemed most important to you, and today it is a smile. So today's problems, will once become only a memory, but your task is now to extract a valuable lesson from overcoming them.
  • Does not prevent the knowledge of the legal aspects of life in society. To become more necessary to have fundamental knowledge, which will not only help in any situation, but will also prompt where to find an answer to any question if the problem arises. To navigate in what is happening around, it is desirable to read the Constitution of your country, and also familiarize yourself with what laws and codes regulate certain spheres of relationships between people. Even such a simple thing as a loan can bring a lot of problems, if it is bad to navigate how they should be issued and what rights do you have. After all, today banks are trying to impose each of us that only they are right in everything and only simple man We will have to justify and defend. Learn how to defend yourself and your rights, stop counting that it is an empty sound, just so you can become stronger. The power of a person can only be felt when it recognizes others, and he himself feels that nothing can be broken.

To anyone could live a long and happy lifeHe needs to learn to be strong. The power of the Spirit will overcome any obstacles to cope with all the difficulties. It will be the anchor, which will keep afloat, even in the most difficult situation. The strength of the spirit and body will be real obstacles on the path of evil, pain and offense, which, to great regret, do not bypass the beautiful sex. And if you remember that in life a woman has to take care not only about themselves, but also about their children, the confidence in themselves, their forces, spiritual and physical, will help her stay always on top so that it does not occur around.

Do not wait - act!

Anyone, even the most insignificant movement forward of more efficient stupid waiting. Do not call after interview? Call yourself and find out when a decision is made. Does the boyfriend can't decide on the weekend plans? Plan your leisure regardless of it. Can you not get a raise for a long time? Consider other companies or related vacancies. It is better to try many options and not get the desired than not to do anything at all. No one will do more for you than you yourself.

Do not think about how to evaluate you. Rate Sam

Little pleasure is to sit on a date in a cafe and ask the question "How am I he?". You probably noticed that men often do not even consider the possibility that they may not like. So relax, lean on the back of the chair and estimate your Highup in all respects. At the same time, and you decide, it is interesting to you or not.

Do not give the desired for valid

Imagine how long it is possible to save, if you do not spend it on the interpretation of signals of male sympathy. What is the difference, as he looked and laid thumb For the belt trousers, if he still did not call and did not suggest meeting? Axiom, proven generations of women, says: A man does not call for two reasons: either does not want or died. The best mood is calm optimism and the lack of droplets of mood because of someone's calls or their absence.

Clell raise yourself mood

How to become successful and independent? Do not allow yourself to be disassembled due to the fact that the chef reported to be late, the elderly lady Nahamila in transport, and the girlfriend criticized new haircut. Other people should not negatively influence your emotional state and undermine self-esteem. To be in a tone, keep in your mind a solid list of things that you are in joy: warm bath with a book, a cup of coffee with syrup, a swimming pool, or a campaign on a pedicure. Compensate in pleasure.

Do not cross over yourself

Love for yourself is the first step of any relationship in your life. Do not wait for others to love you more than you love yourself. The most valuable relationship in human life is a relationship with yourself. It is important what you think about yourself. It is impossible to feel emotionally comfortable in the morning, if you sat in an office in the evening in the evening, performing someone else's work. When you do not want to do something, politely refuse, and you will feel what it means "mountain from the shoulders" and "ease of soul."

Do not compare yourself with others

Due to the comparison of their success with the success of others, envy often arises. How to become an independent girl? If you are unpleasant that Lenka from the marketing department received an increase, and you, a procurement specialist, do not, think that it does not suit you in your situation. You do not feel that you appreciate you, work not by calling or firmly convinced that high status guarantees moral satisfaction? Compare yourself with Lenka - the same thing to compare the south with the north, and the day with the night.

Develop your abilities

Harmonious personal and professional development can make you happier and positively affect self-esteem. Regularly do what you get well, and what really likes. Learn to do it truly qualitatively. And sometimes it is useful to trust some methods for identifying innate inconsistencies. Perhaps you will not develop them, but you will certainly take a note. What you do not engage in everyday work, you can turn into a hobby. The development of talent brings up the quality that may be valuable for both career and personal life.

Develop missing skills

You probably become familiar to the feeling of unwillingness to take out the case, which requires the use of tools that you do not have. For example, you do not like to work in Excel and always tighten with the preparation of the report in this program. Ask a colleague to show you several functions, and next month you will finish with reporting faster.

Here is what writes about the missing skills Brian Tracy, the author of books about self-development and leadership: "You can learn to the virtuoso time management as well as you can learn anything, and here is the main tip: you may not have enough time management skill to Doubling your income. You may not be enough of just one business skill! Probably you already know what it is for the skill ... "

Goodbye weakness

Weaknesses are like curls on fingerprints, without them it was impossible to identify someone who owns fingers. Weaknesses make us not only imperfect, but also humane, because they teach to take the weaknesses of others. Goodbye not too lazy and not bad habits, but some addictions and distinctive features: love for coffee, mess on the table, slowness or excessive talkativeness. Such little things albeit you from the ideal, but they work great on your corporate identity.

Be financially independent

Material independence gives you an advantage in everything. Girls who are able to take care of themselves are respected more, and you yourself feel much more confident, having a stable income. You can be a real mistress of your life, only if anyone cannot ask anyone and not wait for anyone. An independent girl can afford spending that someone deems unreasonable: spa treatments, shoes to raise mood, lunch in a restaurant, a lot of swimsuits or taxi service services. And also to become independent womanIt is desirable to increase your own inviolable stock, postponement every month 5-10% of the salary. If the tools stop acting, you will not disappear.

Be free from prejudice

Someone initially accepts the rules of life for which the majority lives. In everything you need to listen to the advice of parents, in transport you can always give way, work only in the specialty, after two years of relationships it is necessary to marry, and it is advisable to 25 years, and children should be at least two. Such installations are suitable for you only if you accept them for yourself. Curious neighbors, thirsty to know, when you finally get married, it is better to answer politely, but firmly: "As soon as I have such a desire, I will immediately inform you about it."

Text: Marina Lysenko and Angelica Zakharin
