The most stylish combination of blue color. Blue with red. About combinations of blue with red in clothes

The color blue has unique qualities - it can give a person complete happiness, or it can deprive a person of everything - friends, family, health, money, etc. The magic of blue was known thousands of years BC.

Energy of color

Regardless of whether you know how blue works or not, when you encounter it, you will always fall under its influence. Combination with other colors is also essential. Some combinations can bring good luck, while others can bring trouble. “It is better to know and control than to be a blind toy,” the sages said. How to find the most winning combination of blue color with other colors? The photographs presented in the article will show you the direction in which you should move. Starting from combinations that have already been invented by someone and have become classic, that is, by examining the surrounding nature, as well as studying paintings by recognized masters of painting, you can learn to control color, and therefore the energies inherent in different shades of the spectrum. We will focus on blue, since there are especially many stereotypes around it.

Why is it important to know how to combine colors correctly?

There is an opinion that combining dark blue with other colors in clothing, such as black, brown, gray or green, is unacceptable. Only additions in the form of white, peach, red, yellow or blue elements are harmonious.

To understand what colors blue is combined with in clothing, you need to understand what associations it evokes, what sensations, what semantic and even energetic load it carries. Having understood the essence, you will learn how to easily and stress-free create stylish sets of men's, women's and children's clothing.

After all, the skillful combination of blue with other colors in clothing is equivalent to the skillful combination of salt and food products in food. You put a little more or a little less - and that’s it, the dish is ruined. Instead of pleasure there is disappointment and a feeling of wasted effort.

There is blue, even if it is not there - one of the paradoxes of nature

In the house, at work, we are surrounded by blue objects everywhere, although, as a rule, there are not so many of them. The complete absence of blue, as well as its excess, is a signal of some problems. If you have looked around you and have not found a single blue element, do not despair. of all green, cold red and many other objects will show that blue, albeit in different proportions, is present in almost all of them, which means it has a mental effect on our subconscious.

What is blue color, and why is it so important to know its properties?

Let's turn to human history and art. Recent studies by art scientists show that the most common colors in painting are orange and blue. However, the use of the latter has always been very uneven. This phenomenon is explained in different ways.

Caution - danger!

Before the invention of synthetic dyes, blue pigment components were very rare. IN Ancient Egypt They made blue from chalk, sand and malachite. It is difficult, long and labor-intensive. The Americans extracted the mineral indigo from clay. The technology, along with its inventors, has sunk into oblivion. Scientists are still struggling with the mystery of Indian paint. The Mayans covered their bodies with blue when they set foot on the warpath. In this way they gave themselves a terrifying appearance.

In Ancient Rome, where purple was very popular, blue was avoided because the Romans associated it with death. The mourning clothes of the Roman patricians were made of blue material. Therefore, encountering blue, in one form or another, was considered a bad sign.

The wrong combination of dark blue with other colors in clothing can look repulsive and gloomy. But dark blue with peach is noble, aristocratic and at the same time gentle. This range is conducive to the establishment of somewhat cold, but friendly relationships.

Blue color rehabilitation

In Europe, the active use of blue paints, the rehabilitation of blue and, in fact, the beginning of classical European painting date back to the 13th century. Lapis lazuli was brought from the countries of Southeast Asia - India and Iran - as well as the technology for producing paint from this mineral. Very bright and durable, but very expensive paint was used only to depict biblical scenes. Subsequently, blue, or more precisely, blue, the color became the official symbol of the Virgin Mary.

Combine with wisdom and caution!

Different shades of blue - from the lightest, white-blue to blue-black, emphasizing the folds of clothes - are eternal purity, purity and a certain detachment. When you dress in this color scheme, remember that you will immediately make a very favorable impression, but you will create an insurmountable distance between yourself and your interlocutor.

Incredibly beautiful blue suit with massive jewelry made of yellow metal. In the Middle Ages, a blue camisole indicated the high social status of its owner. It was the same as wearing a Rolex watch on your wrist these days.

Dark shades of blue, without dilution with light ones pastel colors, always cause a state of depression and can plunge you into depression.

Learning from positivist artists

In the 18th century, the first analogue of natural ultramarine was obtained. As often happens, the discovery happened by chance. Its inventor, the paint manufacturer chemist Diesbach, was producing a red pigment, but one of the components turned out to be spoiled, and instead of the expected purple, blue was born, which later became known as Prussian blue.

Another hundred years passed, and artists' palettes were replenished with a new paint - cobalt blue. This is what can be seen in the works of Claude Monet and Renoir. Many contemporaries of the famous impressionists avoided this gloomy color, but Renoir, by writing “The Umbrellas,” completely destroyed the idea of ​​blue as the color of death. There is no black in his painting, since the impressionists did not use it for reasons of principle - only different shades of blue, a little green and sand. A feeling of freshness, youth and noble dignity emanates from her. This is what the correct ratio of tones and shades means. If you compose your set in the same palette, then the impression you will get will be the same as the painting.

What to avoid to avoid looking dark and scary

Since the end of the nineteenth century, artists began to actively use blue to enhance the psychological impact of their works on viewers. It is difficult to say who first proposed this approach to painting. But the teachers were great. Look at El Greco's painting "View of Toledo" (1599). By using only blue and green, the artist achieved a feeling of mystical tension, even electrification, which animals feel on the eve of a thunderstorm and, as a result, begin to rush around in panic and emit alarming cries.

The combination of blue and yellow is not always good

The combination of dark blue with other colors can radically change the mentality of companion colors. Judge for yourself. Different shades of blue and yellow at first delight with elegance, and then give way to obsessive anxiety. Compare the suit in these colors. The sensations are the same as from Van Gogh’s paintings. At first glance - instant magnetism and admiration. At the next meeting - fatigue and apathy. Try to avoid such dramatic color combinations in clothing. At least don't dress like that for the first meeting.

Asceticism or sexuality - it's up to you

Pablo Picasso and Yves Klein have entire series of paintings in blue tones. Yves Klein, according to him, was inspired by the colors of the sky on Giotto’s canvases. Dark blue is the color of the infernal and sadness. Turning blue, it demonstrates a change in mood from deep melancholy and despair to humility, enlightenment and, finally, peace. Picasso created a series of blue paintings inspired by the death of his friend, the artist Carlos Casagemas. A suit in shades of blue deprives a person of flesh and sexuality, but endows him with intelligence and spiritual sophistication.

Expression of blue with red

Now let's look at what the duet is - red and blue. Combination with another color, especially one as energetically saturated as red, gives any set a new breath. A red and blue suit is extremely expressive. Such combinations periodically come into fashion. Then delicate pastel dresses are banished from wardrobes, makeup becomes sexually aggressive, relationships between people are built from a position of strength. Have you ever noticed how two strangers who accidentally bump into each other on the street talk, if one of them is wearing a soft pastel outfit, and the other is wearing a bright set of rich red and blue colors? The energy advantage, of course, is on the side of the latter. Even if she is not entirely right, she will be the first to capitulate even before war is declared. This comparison is a joke. However, close your eyes and try to imagine yourself in the described situation. You are in a pastel outfit, and your counterpart is in an expressively bright outfit. The magic of color is much stronger than we think.

Wedding in shades of sky, sea and azure

For the decoration of a wedding banquet, the most relevant today would be such a tandem - white and blue. A combination with another color, be it pink, yellow or green, can hardly be more appropriate for the event. Purity and eternity, the blessing of heaven, the mystery of the union of two bodies that will forever become one flesh - all this could not be more consistent with the combination of two colors. But be careful. Too much blue - and the wedding feast will become boring, and the union of two hearts will turn out to be only spiritual. Where there is a lot of blue, there is no place for sensual pleasures, and chastity and asceticism are not at all what newlyweds strive for.

Obligatory moderation

It is very important to maintain the correct proportion. Like in Gzhel souvenirs. There is always less blue than white. Therefore, the products look very elegant and moderately strict. What is required for a wedding. The bride's dress is the main decoration of the wedding celebration. This is what you should start from when organizing the entire surroundings.

In order not to create unnecessary diversity in the banquet hall, the first step is to decide what colors blue will be combined with at the wedding, except white. Only white and blue should dominate. It is possible to intersperse delicate shades - pink, light green, peach or ecru.

Groom suit

It is better to choose a dark blue suit for the groom. In general, the combination of blue with other colors in men's clothing should not be flashy under any circumstances, and even more so at a wedding. The couple - the bride and groom - should look especially harmonious. Accents of bright yellow, red or green flowers. The accessory looks most advantageous if it is two or three shades lighter than the suit and the same number of shades darker than the shirt. This is the most elegant balance. If the suit is blue, then the shirt should be cool white with a slight blue, and the tie should have beautiful pattern in blue tones.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Remember that blue with a cold type of appearance is blonde hair, White skin, and brunettes with dark skin should approach putting together a set with blue with caution, because dark shades have the ability to absorb and reduce volume. Light colors, including blue, on the contrary, reflect, that is, they give the impression of greater volume.

Evelina Khromchenko, a famous TV presenter, journalist and fashion expert, once said that among the ten things that every fashionista should have in her wardrobe, in addition to a pencil skirt and a white blouse, there must be a blue-and-white striped vest and jeans . It's hard to argue with that. The vest is indeed an original thing, but as for jeans, there are pitfalls.


Denim has long and deservedly found its place in the wardrobes of both men and women. It's no secret that many of our contemporaries have completely switched to. Of course, jeans are very practical and comfortable clothes, but how boring it is to look at your girlfriends dressed in them. You can't get hung up on one thing. Usually fans of denim fashion do not know how to wear dresses. They look ridiculous and unnatural in them. Usually, classic jeans Can be worn with any T-shirts, sweatshirts and sweatshirts, regardless of color. This approach eliminates the question: “What colors does blue go with in clothes?” This means that the person does not look at the world like a multicolor palette. He greatly impoverishes himself and narrows his living space.

Interior Design

When arranging an apartment, choosing floor coverings and wall colors, we ask ourselves: “In which room of the apartment will blue be most appropriate? Won’t the combination with another color put pressure on the psyche, as happens when constantly contemplating blue with red or yellow?” These are the right questions. Blue shades are very good in bathrooms, but the combination of blue with other colors should be neutral and not distracting. The variegation will soon become boring and irritating. It is better to choose light blue or white as the main one, and make individual elements and the tile pattern blue. The combination of dark blue with other colors, such as light beige, is also very beautiful. In general, blue and coffee has already become considered a classic option. It can be light blue with dark brown or the color of dark chocolate, or you can choose it as coffee with milk, and decorative details make it blue.

Mediterranean style

In living rooms, it is preferable to have an interior in warm or neutral tones. Blue is not very appropriate in Russian latitudes, when there is not always enough heat anyway. However, when creating an interior in the Mediterranean nautical style the combination of blue with others is an indispensable condition. A room decorated in this way should have good natural light and face south. This will avoid the feeling of despondency that threatens the constant contemplation of objects painted blue. Pairing it with another color, such as green or black, will look harsh and out of place in a Mediterranean style. Give preference to white and light sand, coffee with milk or baked cream shades.

23 February 2012, 14:48

Choosing clothes of the same color always looks a little boring. Another thing is the combination of colors in clothes! Learning to combine colors and shades. Stylists recommend using a maximum of three colors. One of them will dominate the image, the second will emphasize and shade it, and the third will place accents, depending on what needs to be emphasized. 1. Monochromatic combination. Only one color is used, but with all the variety of tones, from the lightest to the darkest. The so-called consonance of shades is very important. They must be in the same color range. For example, if you like the color blue, then experiment with it. It is associated with purple, green and blue. Shades may be closer to the first, second or third. Change its brightness, saturation, i.e. the presence of dark and light tones in different details of clothing. It can be neon or sea green, as well as cornflower blue, sky blue, azure. Shade names purple conveyed through the names of flowers: lilac, violet, lavender and lilac. Turquoise, light green, aquamarine, emerald and olive are shades of green. And if your soul is drawn to the color orange, then you have the following palette of colors: honey, red, carrot, orange, amber (includes a group of shades from yellow to brown), brown, which is obtained by merging gray and orange. And red has scarlet, pink, carmine, burgundy, crimson, crimson and cardinal. 2. Achromatic. Black, gray and white are used. And add bright color accents with accessories - brooches, bracelets, scarves. The best part is that these colors go with absolutely any color. For classic version enough white and black. What you prefer in this case - dark top and light bottom or vice versa - is up to you. Based on the characteristics of your figure (white makes you look fat, black makes you look slim). 3. Complimentary. Creative people especially like this combination, because it allows you to combine contrasting colors. Creative people, as practice and surveys show, they prefer three main pairs of colors in clothing: orange and blue, purple and yellow, red and green. By combining such contrasting colors, you will add dynamics to the image and attract attention to yourself. However, many people think that the combination of red and green in clothes looks too tasteless. But in this case it is important to choose the right shades. For example, scarlet and emerald. If your courage or type of appearance does not allow you to wear contrasting colors - ultramarine with orange, for example - try combining sky blue, lilac with light brown. How to use the color wheel as a guide. 1. Colors in close proximity to each other (for example, yellow and yellow-orange, yellow and yellow-green, violet and blue-violet, etc.) 2. Colors that are at 90 degrees to each other (for example, yellow and red-orange, blue and purple, red, green and orange, etc.) 3. Colors opposite each other (for example, yellow and purple, blue and orange, red and green, etc.) 4. Colors that form a T (for example, blue, orange and violet-red, yellow, violet, red, orange, yellow, blue-green and red-orange, etc.) 5. Colors that form an X (such as blue, orange, violet, red, yellow, violet, blue-green and red-orange, etc.) (website - hint with color wheel) Color combinations: White: goes with everything. Best combination with blue, red and black. Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white. Grey– basic color, goes well with moody colors: fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue. Pink– with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, soft blue. Fuchsia (dark pink)– with grey, tan, lime green, mint green, brown. Red– suitable for yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black. Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray. Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sand, pale yellow, beige. Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose color. Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige. Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red. Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, mint green, purple pink, lime green. Tan: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple. Orange: blue, blue, lilac, violet, white, black. Light orange: gray, brown, olive. Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry. Yellow: blue, lilac, light blue, violet, gray, black. Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, gray. Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple. Golden Yellow: grey, brown, azure, red, black. Light green: golden brown, brown, pink, dark orange, dark blue, gray. Olive: orange, light brown, brown. Green: golden brown, orange, light green, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white. Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, grey, dark blue, red, grey. Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple. Electrician beautiful with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver. Blue: red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow. Dark blue: light lilac, blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white. Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white. Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, grey, turquoise, mint green, light orange. Black versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, light green, white, red, lilac or yellow. Avoid: Green and blue; Brown and black; Red and pink, lilac or violet; Dark blue and black; Plum and purple; Lavender and parma color. Visual material:

The combination of colors in clothes is a technique developed over the years, understanding which you can always be on top. Wardrobe selection, photo

It's no secret that color can qualitatively improve our appearance. However, any tone either matches our appearance or it doesn’t. The criteria and laws for selecting it for a person lie in. But this is not a problem; having a set of suitable tones, you need to combine them in your wardrobe. How are clothing combinations constructed: harmoniously with the face, figure, emphasizing each other favorably?
Let me tell you right away: this task is not easy. And here there are two options: delving into the intricacies of color theory to build a combination, or working according to a template. To your satisfaction, I will provide both methods in this article: waiting for you detailed description constructions, as well as a huge number of examples.
And so let's start with the part that comes from color types.
Any appearance has its own contrast. This is not only the difference between the shade of hair and skin tone, but also the admixture of gray that is contained in skin tone: the less differences between hair and skin, the more gray there is in them, the less contrasting the appearance will be. Therefore, combinations should be chosen with appropriate contrast, both for people with high and medium expressive appearance.
in clothes - this is attractiveness, harmony. Its absence means monochromatic clothing.
Contrasts are needed to enhance color expression, and this concept is almost synonymous with combination.

Combinations in clothing based on the type of contrast

There are 7 types of contrast combinations, but in practice, one combination usually includes not one, but several (in some cases, even all) types of contrast.

Dark is combined with light to form a contrast in lightness.

Combination of clothes by temperature:

Cool shades combined with warm ones create an expressive contrast, which can be intense: if the colors are extreme or soft, where the temperature difference is less pronounced.

Complementary shades are the rays of which (the spectral manifestation of colors) when mixed, produce gray. I will tell you what tones these are below in the information about contrasts.

This is the contrast of gray with any shade of the spectrum, when our eye adds an additional tone to the combined one against the background of gray. This effect is barely perceptible over large areas and is practically reduced to nothing, especially with complex shades that are not bright.

Combination of clothes according to saturation

This is a combination of pronounced shades with neutral, complex or muted ones. Such combinations can also be of different severity.

Combination of clothes according to the size of the color “spot”

And so the main task of this technique was to clearly show that the same principle can be divided into different contrasts.

Now about what principle to combine colors.

Clothing combinations according to the color wheel

The color wheel consists of basic tones added in a certain order. In a deeper understanding of the circle, you need to have the idea that all colors have subshades. So, before providing combination schemes, I will introduce you to the shades.

1 Yellow. It includes various shades of yellow, warm beige, gold, and mustard.
2 Yellow-green (or light green). These are charteuse, shades of lime, olive, protective, marsh colors, khaki.
3 Rich medium green (greens). These are bright shades of Kelly, green peas, tea, rich dark green shades, pale green tones.
4 Blue-green. These include cool shades of green, turquoise, aqua shades of blue, green, thrush egg color, mint, menthol, jade, emerald, wormwood.
5 Royal blue. Shades of blue, sky blue; dark blue, Prussian blue, denim tones.
6 Purple. These are lavender, violet, lilac. Dark violet, ultramarine violet, gray-violet tones.
7 Amethyst (light red-violet). This sector contains lilac tones, orchids, dark red-violet, purple-violet.
8 Purple. These are pink, lilac tones, magenta, grape, eggplant, plum.
9 Red. These are scarlet, garnet, burgundy, cherry tones. This also includes warm pink and red-brown shades.
10 Red-orange. This includes shades of coral, beige, and rich brown.
11 Orange. These are fall tones of orange, peach, soft beige, nude, medium brown and dark beige.
12 Orange-yellow. These are sunny yellow colors, shades of apricot, soft beige, yellow and golden brown, dark beige.

(1) Paired combination of complementary colors: the tones are opposite each other on the Itten circle. In a bright expression, this is a dramatic, expressive couple; if you reduce the contrast (as we already did above), the combination will be softer.
(2) Combination by similarity. A combination of related shades that deepens the colors: the eye completes the intermediate tones, resulting in the effect of a play of color-shadow.

(3) and (4) Triad combination. On the color wheel in the form of an equilateral and acute triangle. Connecting the lines in this way, you find best pairs, at the same time, it is not necessary to use three tones, each of them is combined with each other and can easily exist independently.

(5) and (6) Tetrad combination. It consists of two shapes: a rectangle and a square. This combination consists of two pairs of complementary colors. They may well exist without one of the colors, but no more.

Another way is to choose from a selection of clothing combinations already invented by someone. It consists in the fact that you view, remember or save the option you like and create it in your wardrobe.

Let's look at the main color combinations.

The combination of white in clothes

White color, like gray, beige, brown refers to. It goes well with almost all shades and can create both bright, contrasting combinations and delicate, soft ones. Is a great addition to any color scheme. Shades of ivory (ivory) are often classified as white (see).

The combination of gray in clothes

The combination of cool green in clothes

These are menthol, kelly, emerald tones. White, light gray, beige, pale yellow, lilac, coral pink tones are suitable for menthol shades. The same color can form bright pairs with orange, red, and dark blue.
Kelly is a rich green tone that borders on cool-warm. It goes well with coral, peach, blue, beige, warm and cool brown.
Patina shades with white, black, beige, brown, dark blue, burgundy. Combine harmoniously with soft pink, peach, yellow, and golden ocher.

The combination of yellow in clothes

Yellow tones can be light, soft or bright, or they can border on brown, orange, like shades of mustard. They also have a very specific attitude. The combination with yellow can be pastel or contrastingly flashy, such as black with yellow, yellow with red, etc.

The combination of orange in clothes

Orange can create many very attractive combinations. This color includes ,. In my opinion, the most attractive combinations of orange with white, beige, denim, turquoise, red-violet, fuchsia, blue, green, brown and light blue.

The combination of red in clothes

Red in clothes supports classic colors: with white, black, gray and beige. It can be combined with brown, blue and turquoise, mint and shades of purple.

The combination of pink in clothes

Various shades of pink create different pairs: cool lilac tones go well with gray, white, peach, cold light gold, beige-brown, denim-blue.
Delicate warm shades, closer to coral (see) go well with lilac, amethyst, mint, blue, denim, warm and cold shades of green.
Bright tones of pink will prefer richer shades like orange, turquoise, yellow, deep brown, blue and black tones.

The combination of purple in clothes

Soft lilac shades combine attractively with cool green shades, orange and red colors, warm yellow-green and pale yellow, aqua blue and blue tones. (see) Purple colors with red, lime, vanilla, menthol and blue shades.
Dark purple prefers muted pairs with pastel pink, gray, black, beige and dark fuchsia.
Eggplant is closer to golden and warm green colors, as well as pink, blue and brown.

The color blue has been on the catwalks of many fashion collections for several decades now. Do you also adore royal blue or bright electric blue? This article will tell you what color blue goes with and how to choose the right outfit to match your favorite shade.

Such different shades

It's no secret that this color has many shades. The blue colors include: electric blue, blue, turquoise and dark blue. What goes with blue and its other shades? Believe me, there are countless such flowers.

Dark blue, or as it is also called, inky blue, goes well with things of rich brown, white, pine green, blue, gray, hot pink, yellow and turquoise colors. Beware of pairing dark blues with matte dark greens and muddy reds.

Blue is the king of all colors

Now let's move directly to the blue color. What color goes with blue? Neutral shades that go well with blue include white, gray, ivory and beige. But it can also look great with clothes in bright colors.

Orange is on the opposite side of the color wheel, which makes it very harmonious with blue. Many fashionistas often doubt: does red and blue go together? On the color wheel, red is next to blue - they are analog, so they can be mixed in the same outfit. We also advise you to pay attention to things in yellow shades, since blue and yellow are also nearby in

What color goes well with blue? Purple and green are derived shades from red and yellow, which means they will pair beautifully with blue.

On a note

This color has great energy and suits almost any skin type. If you decide to add it to your outfit, you definitely can't go wrong. The main thing to remember is important rule: know when to stop! There is no need to mix it with other tones of blue. All variations are quite versatile: they can be worn to work, to a disco or to any other event.

For a stylish everyday look, opt for royal blue trousers instead of traditional jeans. If you want to look sophisticated and luxurious at a party, give preference to a dress in a rich blue tone.

Is your closet full of blue things? Great! Now you know what color blue goes with. Experiment, select and compare colors, complement your look with accessories, but give preference only to combinations that you like.

Blue and red are two strong colors. According to psychological characteristics, these colors are complete opposites. Blue is calm and balanced, red is active and energetic. Together they seem to be fighting each other. This is where the dynamics in this duet arise. And an image of strength and power is created. It’s not for nothing that super heroes are often dressed in red and blue clothes: Superman, Spiderman, etc.

This union causes conflicting feelings, and in large quantities It can even be annoying. In this case, in order to “reconcile” two opposites, the color white is often introduced. It calms and equalizes blue and red. By combining shades of these colors, you can achieve different effects. For example, red next to blue becomes calmer and nobler. After all, the color blue is essentially blue fused with white. This is essentially the same combination with white mentioned above.

Now let's look at the options for sets that can be created with things in blue and red tones.

Perhaps the classic set in these colors is a white and blue vest or a striped jumper similar to it, red trousers and a blue jacket. This look will be well complemented by nautical-style accessories. If such a set is intended for the cold season, it is worth choosing a bag and shoes in neutral tones. The main thing is that they fit into the image in style.

The most popular items for everyday wear, as you know, are made of denim. Jeans and a scarlet sweater will make a wonderful pair. You can complement your look with shoes with an interesting print that matches the overall ensemble.

A set of a bright red skirt, a white top and denim jacket. Sandals and a clutch with snakeskin inserts will add zest to the look.

Few people would dare to use red and blue colors in business attire. After all, the dress code presupposes a laconic, discreet image. In such a situation, it is worth remembering the proportion of colors in combination. When creating an office outfit, you should give preference to shades of the blue palette as the main ones. Whereas red will serve as an accent and complement the image. TO blue dress medium brightness, choose a red belt and bag. This number of bright accessories will be quite enough.

In order not to make the image provocative, it is better to give preference to shoes and jewelry in neutral tones. You can also focus on basic colors in your work outfit. A dark blue coat, which you can take off in the office, and scarlet accessories will dilute the neutral ensemble.

Romantic images, when combining these two colors in a bright design, turn out stylish and interesting. Product styles play a role here. Blue in combination with red in any case gives dynamics. And how the set will look depends on the silhouette.

A blue dress that emphasizes your figure, paired with a soft cardigan in a muted red color, creates a feminine and delicate look. An electric blue jacket and a laconic dress will present you as a cheerful and active girl.

Evening dresses combining blue and red colors look expensive and intriguing. People around you will not miss a lady in such a bright image. The revealing silhouette of the tight red dress is hidden by a fur cape of shining blue. Long gloves, stiletto heels and a small hat with a flower in her hair emphasize the mood of theatricality.

If you intend to make your look more sophisticated and noble, give preference to a laconic dress in a muted shade of blue and only a few accessories in red.

The combination of blue and red colors is very vibrant and rich. There is a sense of strength and movement in it.

If you are not confident in your ability to combine these two colors correctly, start small. Choose one of them as the main one in the image, and use the second as an addition in the form of accessories. By applying this simple rule, you can create vivid and memorable images.

There are colors that are most flattering for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. A lucky few, naturally endowed with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose the color scheme for a wardrobe, relying on their intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylishly and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules

White color goes with all colors. White lifts the mood and is used to treat diseases of the central nervous system. White color is the color of purity and clarity. The color of justice, faith, innocence and beginnings. This is a blank slate from which history is written. By giving it preference in clothing, you are entering a new time for yourself. It is better suited for creating contrast than any other.

Looks good black color

Here are examples of some successful color combinations

1. light and dark olive, dark pink and magenta

2. burgundy, dark blue, black

3. pink, blue, sepia tones

4. light blue, blue, beige and dark brown


6. ash pink, anthracite, blue majolica, ocher

A rare example when light contrast in an active multi-color combination looks organic:

7. shades of beige and brown, ash lilac, gray

8. blue, dark olive, dark blue, deep purple

9. Two looks are based on the same color combination - terracotta, khaki, turquoise, nude

10. terracotta, carrot, dark cherry

11. cherry, blue and plum, complemented by achromatic shades

12. indigo, lingonberry, dark orange and burgundy

13. taupe , burgundy, dark orange and brown

14. plum brown, cinnamon, dark olive

15. saffron and turquoise with red-brown shades

16. mustard, burgundy, dark orange, taupe


Green and with blue, orange.

Brown and black, bordo, lilac, pink.

Red Andpurple, brick, orange, olive, pink, brown, chestnut.

Pink and with blue, olive, red, chestnut, ultramarine, lilac.

Orange And purple, red.

Dark blue and black, sgreen, pink, brown.

Fpurple and with lilac, red, brick.

Lavender and parma color.

Golden And pink, lilac

Yellow and burgundy, pink.

Grey And brown, beige.

Black, white and gray often used as decoration.

Looks good black color in the vicinity of orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, lush green with azure, pale green with bright green.

The combination of black and gray-blue will also be interesting. It is better to choose black shoes and bags. The ensemble will be complemented by metallic details: bag fittings and large jewelry.

If you want to create a business outfit based on these colors that fits the dress code, you should introduce a third neutral (light) color into your look. For example, the bright contrast of black trousers with a laconic white blouse can be diluted with a blue jacket of a muted shade. It will look great with accessories neckerchief, made in shades of blue. Black pumps will become a continuation of the leg and visually elongate the silhouette.

For the cold season, you can take a closer look at outerwear in black and blue colors. Models that combine different textures of materials look especially good.

For example, a blue coat with black fur trim. Since many people prefer clothes in black or brown colors in the autumn-winter period, a girl in such a product will definitely be noticed. Under such a coat, you can choose a set of clothes, both in a single color tone and in a contrasting one.

It seems difficult to create an image in such moody and dark colors. romantic style. But romance can also be different. Let's try to create a romantic ensemble with a touch of drama. Properly selected styles will help you create a spectacular set.

Combine a flowing floor-length skirt in electric blue with a black tight-fitting top of an interesting cut. Shoes or sandals with stiletto heels will set correct tone. Complete the look with accessories in golden tones. The outfit will become more interesting, for example, with a metallic belt. Your man will definitely remember this image!

For a meeting with friends or a party, put together a bright set of blue jumper and black skirt in sequins. A jumper or blouse can be plain, but can also be made with a simple classic print. For example, striped, checkered or polka dot. You can throw a black jacket or cardigan over your shoulders. Shoes should match this set stylistically. Catchy jewelry will perfectly support a bright image.

For a special occasion, choose Evening Dress, designed in black and blue tones. The main thing is that it suits your figure. You can also wear blue pantsuit, complementing it with black accessories. This image will be elegant, discreet and noble. Those around you will perceive you as a person of noble blood who has honored them with your presence.

Black and blue in one ensemble can create a surprisingly original union. If you doubt whether the image will suit you only in these tones, you can safely add a third neutral one, light shade included Beige, cream, white, pearl, light gray will not distract attention, but will make the outfit fresher and increase the light contrast.

Blue color in clothes is very common for people. For many, this is their favorite color, moreover, it is a basic color, that is, they assemble their wardrobe based on this particular shade in their clothes.

Blue is considered a fairly formal color. Uniforms, business suits, work clothes - all this is not at all difficult to imagine in blue, but not in red or purple. At the same time, this shade, in a lighter, airier embodiment, is easily transformed in our imagination into a bride’s dress or a beautiful ball gown graduates. It is this color that little girls most often paint the dresses of painted princesses.

It's hard to even imagine how many shades this color has. However, for some nationalities the designation for this part of the solar spectrum is completely absent from the lexicon. Thus, in Japan, blue and green colors began to be distinguished in educational aids only in the mid-twentieth century. This color is also absent among some peoples of the African continent. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the nature surrounding these tribes there is no blue color at all, with the exception of the blue of the sky.

Basic shades of blue

There are few colors in the paint palette that have as many shades as blue. Depending on the penetration of purple, green, yellow, designers have fun creating tables of shades of blue, coming up with amazing names for many of them: steel blue, niagara, sky blue, royal blue and even “Bondi beach waters”. And if you are one of those who previously knew only blue and cyan, we bring to your attention 7 main shades of this multifaceted color:

  • Navy blue;
  • midnight blue (navi);
  • sapphire;
  • ultramarine;
  • cobalt;
  • electrician;
  • blue.

From cold to warm

Blue color has the unique ability to add coldness to any shade adjacent to it. However, it is possible to distinguish tones that emit a weak, almost intangible warmth, and others that only real Snow Queens should have in their wardrobe.

Such colors of the spectrum as yellow and May green will add warmth to blue. Interventions of purple and cool greens will keep it cool. Although, specifically in relation to blue, this division into degrees is extremely arbitrary.

Who will wear blue?

Due to its low temperature, it is believed that the choice of blue is the prerogative of only those women who can be classified as cold color types: winter and summer. However, “warm” beauties should not avoid this tone in women's clothing– the colors will just be a little different, emphasizing the natural beauty of spring and autumn.

Winter color type

This contrasting type female beauty There are two main qualities: radiance and coldness. No pastel, muted tones of blue should be allowed into wardrobes - dusty, lacking contrast, they will do a poor job for. In blue, it is better to pay attention to shades of bright blue, electric blue, blue-violet, turquoise, ultramarine.

Summer color type

A woman who is the embodiment, on the contrary, does not need excessive saturation and play on contrasts. The most the best option blue will be the one that you want to describe with the word “calm”. Bleached shades of the summer sky, grayish-blue or gray-blue, the color of a low-hanging thundercloud, that blue that is called royal - these are the main trump cards in the wardrobe of summer ladies.

Contrast is not as characteristic of autumn as it is of winter, and yet, girls and women should beware of vague, pale tones in clothing and accessories. The selected shade of blue should be quite complex, in which you can see two or even three undertones at once: greenish-blue, blue-black, thick blue with a violet tint. Pure colors will clash with the complex palette of autumn women. Ultramarine, electric blue, as well as pale blue, azure, and faded tones should be avoided.

Spring color type

Blue shades for are those that necessarily include a yellow undertone. They must be bright, joyful, no mutedness or halftones - bright turquoise, aquamarine - especially advantageous for the skin tone inherent in spring, as well as cornflower blue, sky blue. The last color can be worn bleached, but not so much that the honey color of spring fades under its coldness. Gray notes in blue should definitely be avoided in spring.

What does blue go with?

Many outfits become winning and complete as soon as blue appears in them. The main thing is not to upset the balance and correctly combine this color with others. Despite its versatility, if you are careless and ill-considered in your appearance, the color blue can turn you into a “blue stocking.” And the point is not at all in the brightness of the shade.

Blue and white

The combination of black and white is considered classic. However, in addition to this quality, a pair of these colors determines formality, severity and some detachment of the entire image, while using blue instead of black in clothes will make your appearance at the same time restrained, but not boring, businesslike, but close and understandable, without strict distance. That's why dark blue office pants suits are so popular business women. Paired with a simple white blouse and small, elegant accessories, they remain feminine even in the most formal office setting.

As a rule, the combination of blue and white suggests a darker bottom and a lighter top: blue jeans– white shirt, blue skirt – white blouse. But once you try wearing the colors in reverse order, you'll realize how much this unconventional pairing makes you stand out from the crowd.

Blue and red

A very ambiguous combination. In this case, it is preferable to make an accent: a handbag, a dress strap, gloves and a scarf with blue outerwear. The red tone is always expressive, it poses a challenge that blue must accept with its characteristic restraint and equanimity. Red on bright ultramarine, on intense turquoise will hurt the eyes of others, and your set will fall apart into separate components of incompatible clothing items.

Also be careful about the proportions of two colors in one outfit: there should be more blue. And don't add too much white here. It will look very patriotic - it will remind everyone around of the Russian tricolor. But it’s probably only appropriate in the fans’ stands.

Blue and orange

But this combination, in contrast to the previous one, is quite welcome in any color combination in the outfit. Orange is the main antagonist of blue; it is at the opposite end of the rainbow spectrum, therefore it always emphasizes and isolates the contrast of the combination. Dark orange, peach, orange in combination with alternative blue make the look light, fresh, and memorable.

Blue and brown or beige

If you choose two dark shades of these colors, together they will look too heavy and will certainly make you look older. Therefore, the best option would be to give brightness to one tone and restraint to the other. The exception to the rule will be dark blue - it looks equally harmonious with any shade of brown, but with dark chocolate it will still look formal. But perhaps this is exactly the effect you are trying to achieve?

Beige will support both light and dark shades of blue well. It has long been noted that beige is perceived as a symbol of sophistication and elegance. Paired with royal blue, it will make you look like a high society lady. Experience this combination by visiting an expensive boutique where you have never dared to go before, or sitting down at a table in a cafe where service is usually slow. The hackneyed truth - you are greeted by your clothes - in this case it will work in your favor as it should.

Blue and yellow

In combination, the main thing is not to overdo it with the color saturation in the set. In fashion there is such a thing as color blocking, where colors of the same intensity are combined. It always looks a little rough, so tone down some of the clothing's brightness. Dark blue seems to be created for union with mustard, light yellow, amber. But all the same colors with blue or turquoise will look pompous.

Blue and purple (lilac)

Despite the close relationship between these two colors, combining them without being an experienced stylist is not as easy as it seems. Here you need to take into account such nuances as the brightness of both shades, their temperature, and the scale ratio in the outfit. In order not to miss, start simple - combine dark blue with soft lilac or bright purple. The best way would be to wear a dress of one shade and an accessory, or jacket, or coat of a different color.

The combination of blue and violet in dark colors will create a too gloomy, depressive image, and bright cobalt or electric blue with lilac or similar in brightness purple will give rise to an incredible contrast, which has the self-explanatory name “pluck your eye out”, which is unlikely to decorate you.

Blue and pink

In this tandem, it is also important to maintain the same color saturation. Moreover, the whitened tones of both shades are combined more successfully than darker or too bright ones.

The only blue that goes well with absolutely any other color is dark blue. Both a bright pink color and a delicate, almost transparent color will suit it.

In order not to spoil the outfit, add neutral colors to it - white or gray, but not black, which, although considered achromatic, will look too heavy against the background of blue and pink colors.

Blue and Silver/Gold

In especially special moments when you need to shine, a combination of blue and one of two sparkling colors - silver or gold - can turn you into a bright star of the celebration. It should be noted that silver enhances coldness, and gold smoothes out this effect of a blue tint. Depending on whether you want to be admired from afar or sought to be seen closer, choose the desired gloss.

It should be borne in mind that large scale gold and silver fabrics in clothing - in the form of a dress, skirt, blouse - only look appropriate on the catwalk. There is a huge difference between the concepts of “shine” and “glitter,” so match your pandan blue dress or elegant suit of the same color with a silver clutch, gold shoes or just jewelry made of your preferred metal. Your appearance will certainly be discussed, but it will not become a subject of ridicule.

Blue and green

These two colors have an innumerable number of shades, so there will be just as many combination options. However, this combination will not suit every woman. If your skin is pale or has pronounced pink tint, veins are clearly visible on the hands, the whites of the eyes have a natural yellowish tint, as well as tooth enamel, refuse an outfit that contains too much blue and. Use accessories or shoes in these two colors to stay on trend and, at the same time, not harm your loved one.

Blue and black

In this fusion of colors, let the blue be bright and prominent. Pale blue, pastel, whitish shade of this beautiful color in tandem with black it will look unfavorable for any type of appearance. Bright sapphire, electric blue, ultramarine, deep turquoise color will create an active contrast with black, and, of course, will only suit women of contrasting color type. In order to soften the sharpness of the edges, break up this combination with a white color that suits you - with a hint of blue for a cold group, with a light cream tint for warm spring and autumn.

Any accessory of equal brightness looks especially impressive against the background of a black, white and blue set: a bag, shoes, a necklace. It is important to maintain the expressiveness of the colors: with electric blue in the shade, choose an equally expressive decorative element. With a calm dark blue, let the handbag or scarf be soft red, burgundy, noble malachite.

Blue and gray

Unlike the previous combination, this combination looks more standard, even ordinary. This could be a casual outfit for work: a dark gray skirt and a blue blouse, blue dress pants and a relaxed shirt or jumper of the same color. In such a harmony of colors, you can go for a walk with friends, if it involves a regular meeting and not a formal exit: jeans in any shade of classic denim - a gray T-shirt or T-shirt, sweatpants - and a sweatshirt. But as soon as you add a little sparkle to this combination, the image immediately ceases to be everyday and becomes elegant, even provocative. We leave the blue office trousers, change the jumper for a gray blouse made of thin organza, softly shimmering satin the color of asphalt or smoky silk - and evening dress ready to go!

Fashionable shades of blue 2018

It is known that every year designers choose ten basic colors that will be considered fashionable for some time - only to then change their authoritative opinion to the diametrically opposite and force fashionistas all over the world to rush around the shops in search of new collections.

In the coming season, the hit parade is headed by two shades of blue, according to expert in the field of color and coloristics Pantone Color Institute. The first color is called “riverbank” - it is a smoky blue color, based on cobalt, with a subtle ash touch, truly beautiful and deep, suitable for both women and men to create a stylish fashionable look.

The second color, icy blue, frosty, airy, is called “airy blue”. It is especially recommended by fashion designers for use in outerwear, but will be appropriate in both casual wear and evening wear.

Accessories - the finishing touch

There are still women who believe that a blue dress or blouse must be paired with blue earrings, beads or a necklace of the same color. And it’s even better if it’s all the same tone and brightness.

In fact, for decades, fashion has insisted that the details of an outfit in most cases should be contrasting or matching in color with the detail of the ornament, if there is a pattern in the set.

The blue color, thanks to its rich palette, stands out a little from this rule. It won't be a fashion mistake to grab a blue handbag with a dark blue dress, or tie a turquoise scarf on a navy-colored coat.

At the same time, do not try to swim on the waves of blue hysteria and grab things considered fashionable from store shelves. At the whim of designers, shoes become popular blue color, which is difficult to attach somewhere after the season, then clothes the color of some “blue dust” that disappear from the pages of glamor magazines after a couple of months, and continue to live in the wardrobe for years, sadly reminding the hostess that following fashion - funny…

Choose classic shades of blue and your clothes will never cease to be fashionable. Well, maybe vintage.