Few eyelashes after extensions. How to restore eyelashes after extensions? How long does the recovery process take?

Long thick eyelashes definitely make any eyes more expressive and impressive, but not everyone is naturally gifted with them. They are increased for many reasons. This includes the desire to look spectacular for a special event, the desire to forget about makeup on vacation, the fear that your loved one will see you in the morning without makeup, and the usual laziness to do makeup every morning. But some girls like the effect so much that they start doing it all the time. Do eyelashes deteriorate after extensions? We will talk about this in the article.

Bundle extensions

There are two main types of the procedure, one of them is beam extension. Its essence is that not one, but a small bunch of cilia is glued to each eyelash. The advantages of this extension:

  • eyelashes look much thicker;
  • the procedure is faster;
  • it's cheaper;
  • the eyes will look expressive in the photo.

U beam extension eyelashes minus two:

  • it looks unnatural and will not always be appropriate, for example, in an office;
  • eyelashes experience a lot of stress due to the fact that one eyelash bears the weight of a whole bunch.

This method is usually used either to save money or to create a dramatic effect.

Eyelash extensions

The essence of this type is that each artificial eyelash is painstakingly glued to each natural one.

The main advantage of this type is that the eyelashes look much more natural and can easily pass for your own. If the procedure is done skillfully, then no one will guess that they are not their own.

The disadvantages of individual eyelash extensions are the price, duration and the fact that not every specialist has enough experience for this.

More often used for everyday wear, preferred by those who do not like makeup that catches the eye.

Types of extension materials

Conventional names of materials such as “silk”, “mink” and “sable” can mislead that these are animal hairs and the waste product of silkworms. But no, that would be too much of a risk of allergic reactions. In addition, the material would not be pliable, and artificial eyelashes need to be given a bend.

Artificial eyelashes are made from synthetic materials, and the names are taken because of the similarity in structure. The thinnest and most natural are “mink”, the medium in thickness are “silk”, and the most dramatic are “sable”.

Dropping out

This is the most common consequence of eyelash extensions (according to reviews). Since eyelashes are manipulated during the procedure, and in the future your eyelashes must bear the weight of artificial ones, loss is inevitable. The question is not whether eyelash extensions should fall out, but to what extent. This is influenced by several factors:

  1. Number and weight of eyelash extensions.
  2. Quality of materials.
  3. Professionalism of the master.
  4. Is there a break between procedures?
  5. Caring for artificial eyelashes.

And don’t forget that you get used to eyelashes very quickly. And then the extensions already seem normal, and your own ones seem scanty. After removal, you get the feeling that half of your natural eyelashes have fallen out, and this is depressing. This is how they get hooked on the procedure. Perhaps you should just compare the before and after photos and make sure whether the eyelashes deteriorate after the extensions or whether this was the case before.

Allergic reactions

Artificial eyelashes and the glue with which they are glued are a foreign material, and the mucous membrane of the eyes and the skin around them is a very sensitive area. That is why there is always a risk of irritation and allergic reactions. It's not always the master's fault. But the absence of an allergy test and performing the procedure without preliminary questions is definitely the master’s fault. It is necessary to find out if the client has had a reaction to any component of the glue, conduct an allergy test, this is done on the bend of the elbow.

The client should be warned that at the slightest manifestation of the following signs, he should run back to the specialist:

  • redness of the mucous membrane or skin around the eye;
  • peeling;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • swelling;
  • pus;

After contacting a specialist for eyelash removal, you must visit an ophthalmologist. Contraindications to the procedure are also:

  • asthma;
  • demodicosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • Acute respiratory infections, flu and other colds, especially viral ones;
  • various inflammatory processes in the eyes;
  • problems with hair and eyelash loss;
  • sensitive eyes.

If there is at least one of the contraindications, you should not take such a risk; eye diseases are always very dangerous.

Inflammatory process

According to reviews, the consequences of eyelash extensions can be inflammatory processes. Most often, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed (conjunctivitis) and the hair follicle, which contains the root of the eyelash. In most cases, this happens due to the master’s failure to maintain sterility.

If an inflammatory process has begun in the eye, then it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations. He will examine the eye and make a diagnosis, which will determine the treatment. At home, you can make compresses from infusions of herbs such as calendula, chamomile or sage.

Oils can only increase inflammation, so you should avoid them in this case.

How to restore damaged eyelashes

What to do after eyelash extensions if there are still negative consequences? After removal, you should stop for a while. decorative cosmetics and use therapeutic eyelash masks made from oils:

  1. Castor oil or castor oil. The most popular oil in eyelash care. Its popularity is due to its availability, price and the fact that it contains 18 acids, which have a positive effect on hair and eyelash growth. But the oil has one drawback: if you fall asleep with it in your eyes, you can wake up the next morning with swelling and pain in your eyes.
  2. Almond oil. This is a very light textured oil with excellent moisturizing properties. Its main advantage is that it does not provoke inflammation and swelling and therefore can be left overnight.
  3. Peach seed oil or peach oil. Light in texture oil that stimulates the growth of new cells. This product helps to grow eyelashes faster and has a great effect on the condition of the eyelid skin.
  4. Grape seed oil. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E. It can be used as a makeup remover.
  5. Wheat germ oil is an SOS remedy. Regenerates well after chemical damage. A mixture with castor oil works great, in a 1 to 1 ratio.

It is important to make masks for at least 3 weeks, like everyone else natural remedies they don't work in one application. From the proposed options, you need to choose the oil that “works” best for a particular person. Sensitivity to the smell is also important; if it is disgusting, it can cause harm.

It is better to apply the mask at night, or when there are no plans to leave the house in the next few hours. During the treatment course, use pillowcases that you won’t mind throwing away later. It is more convenient to apply with a brush from a mascara tube, which has been thoroughly rinsed with water. Since oil is an excellent medium for the growth of bacteria, it should be boiled before use and the tube with it should be used within a month. In cosmetics stores you can find an empty similar tube for sale, specially sold for this purpose.

There are ready-made mixtures of oils in tubes. Brands such as Lʹor, Vereya, Elma and DNC have gained trust and popularity.

Recommendations to avoid the negative consequences of eyelash extensions

Much depends on the correct work of the master. Whether or not eyelash extensions are harmful largely depends on whether it works with high-quality material. In this case, the master must ask the client all important questions before the procedure. And the client himself, in order to minimize and even completely eliminate all the negative consequences of eyelash extensions, should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Touch your eyes as little as possible.
  2. It is better to wash your eyes not with your hands, but with a cotton pad using very gentle patting movements, without stretching.
  3. Sleep exclusively on your back, if you sleep with your face in the pillow in the morning half of your eyelashes will be on it.
  4. Do not use saunas or swimming pools with chlorinated water.
  5. Do not use additional mascara, because it will have to be washed off.
  6. Make timely corrections.
  7. Removal should only be done by a specialist.
  8. Well, the last and, perhaps, most important thing is to give your eyelashes a rest about once every 3 months for 1 month.

So, we have talked in detail about the consequences of eyelash extensions. The article also presented ways to restore them.

Currently, such a procedure as eyelashes is very popular; many women and girls, in pursuit of fashion, decide to undergo it, without thinking at all about the consequences. As it turned out, this procedure can harm natural eyelashes, which subsequently need restoration and very careful care.

What should be the proper way to restore eyelashes after eyelash extensions and is it possible to get a quick result?


It should be noted right away that not all women or girls who resort to artificial eyelash extensions experience natural hair that is very damaged and requires long-term recovery. Naturally, your eyelashes will look sparse in any case after wearing artificial ones, but this is a matter of habit. Provided the procedure is carried out correctly and proper care is taken, restorative procedures can be reduced to more intensive nutrition and gentle makeup.

If the master did not have enough experience in carrying out such procedures, or simply for some reason it was carried out incorrectly or with violations, there is a high probability that the eyelashes will begin to fall out along with the artificial ones, and new ones will grow slowly.

The most common mistakes made by inexperienced technicians that injure eyelashes include:

  • gluing artificial hairs to two natural ones at the same time, causing them to become pulled together and disrupting nutrition;
  • use of low-quality materials;
  • improper care and constant mechanical impact on the eyelashes (for example, sleeping face down in a pillow).

How to quickly restore eyelashes after extensions? In the presence of severe damage, there is no need to talk about rapid resumption of growth and increased density. It will not be possible to do this in a couple of days or a week, since complete natural restoration of eyelashes takes about two months, subject to daily care and subsequent preventive care for three months.


The main goal of all procedures aimed at restoring eyelashes is to improve their nutrition and enrich each hair with useful substances. Natural products can help with this vegetable oils, which contain all the necessary components.

Most often, castor oil is used as a strengthening agent, which is recommended to cover the eyelashes daily for 5-7 minutes. You can apply the oil with a cotton swab, or you can use an old tube washed with soap. Oil is placed into it using a syringe and then carefully applied with a mascara brush.

A mixture of peach, almond, burdock, flaxseed and grape oils, taken in equal proportions, has also long proven its effectiveness. The mixture is also applied to the eyelashes for 5-7 minutes and then washed off with warm water.


For normal functioning, our body needs vitamins, the lack of which negatively affects the condition of all organs and systems. In order for the process of eyelash restoration to be as effective as possible, you need to make sure that your food is rich in vitamins such as A, E, F and D. Or you can start taking multivitamin complexes.

In addition, you can apply vitamins directly to the hair roots. To do this, you need to purchase fat-soluble vitamins at the pharmacy and use the contents of the capsules as a composition for masks.


Medicinal plants will help restore eyelashes after the extension procedure, as well as the most common products that can be found in every housewife’s kitchen, for example, black tea. In order to use it as a restorative and strengthening agent, you simply need to soak cotton pads in cooled tea and make compresses on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

You can make the process easier simply by using ordinary tea bags. The most important thing is to be firmly convinced that they contain truly natural tea. In a similar way, you can use loose or bagged green tea, as well as freshly prepared infusions of chamomile, sage or calendula flowers.

Aloe juice is an effective herbal restorative and nourishing agent, so every housewife strives to have this plant on her windowsill. To strengthen your eyelashes with aloe juice, you simply need to squeeze the juice from a freshly cut leaf and apply it to your eyelashes. Or you can prepare a nutritional composition from a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice, 1/2 teaspoon of castor oil and two drops of vitamin E.


To speed up the recovery process, experts recommend, in addition to regularly applying one of the above-described products to your eyelids, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • try to minimize touching your eyelashes and never rub your eyes;
  • for two to three weeks after removing artificial hairs, you must not use decorative cosmetics;
  • in the future it is necessary to give preference natural cosmetics, enriched with vitamins, and follow all the rules.

If all efforts were in vain and the eyelashes did not begin to grow normally, you need to seek help from a doctor; perhaps the reason for their loss is not artificial extensions, but the presence of some chronic disease.

An excellent alternative to extensions is. This procedure is absolutely harmless and, moreover, it is useful - it nourishes and strengthens our eyelashes.

Perhaps every girl dreams of long, thick eyelashes. And sometimes you have to make many sacrifices for the sake of beauty. Women add eyelash extensions to look attractive and irresistible.

But this procedure has its negative consequences. Therefore, before going to a beauty salon, it would be nice for a young beauty to familiarize herself with information on how to restore eyelashes after extensions.

How are eyelash extensions done?

Experienced fashionistas know what this salon procedure is like. The master takes artificial eyelashes and glues them with a special composition to the base of the client’s own eyelashes. Of course, there are many nuances here. The build-up is done various methods: in bunches or individually. In this case, they are used different materials: artificial and natural ingredients. The adhesive composition may also differ. What should you pay attention to when deciding to get eyelash extensions? This is the qualification of the specialist providing this type of service and the quality of the materials used.

Consequences of the procedure

  1. Allergic reactions . The procedure is performed using various chemicals (glue). This is especially true for those who have increased sensitivity to rubber and artificial silk.
  2. Eye infections . If you carefully monitor the hygiene of your hands and tools, you can not be afraid of infection. However, otherwise, the easiest “bonus” from a specialist’s negligence is getting conjunctivitis. If basic hygiene rules are not followed, this procedure can lead to more severe forms of eye infection. If this happens, then you will need to think not about the problem of how to restore eyelashes after extensions, but how to get rid of a disease that is characterized by relapses.
  3. Pain in the eyes . May occur in some clients.
  4. Weakening your own eyelashes . This is one of the most common complaints among women who have undergone a salon procedure.

Let's start with proper nutrition

It is no secret that the condition of our hair, nails, skin and, naturally, eyelashes depends, first of all, on whether our body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Therefore, when deciding how to restore eyelashes, you should pay attention to your diet. It is recommended to remove sweets, smoked foods, fried and salty foods from the diet. All this has a very negative impact not only on our health, but also on appearance. You can diversify the menu with dishes from fresh and stewed vegetables and fruits.

Every meal should include a fresh salad seasoned with olive or flaxseed oils, rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. It is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Herbal infusions

Traditional medicine has always helped people cope with various health problems. It will also save us in a situation where we are concerned about the question: how to restore eyelashes? Calendula, cornflower flowers, chamomile, sage, thyme... All these herbs have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. The procedure is carried out as follows: brew a tablespoon of herbs or a mixture of herbs with one glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, moisten a cotton sponge and apply to the eyes. After the first use of herbal compresses, changes in positive side It's not worth the wait. The full course of procedures is at least 1 month. But after the expiration of the period, it will be possible to determine the effectiveness of the method. As a rule, the loss of eyelashes stops, they become soft and elastic.

Castor oil is the best home remedy

This is one of the most proven ways to restore eyelashes to their former beauty. Castor oil is a real storehouse of vitamins E and A and fatty acids: oleic, linoleic and, which is especially important for hair growth, ricinoleic. This product is environmentally friendly. Even dermatologists advise using it as a caring cosmetic product. And now about how to restore eyelashes after extensions castor oil. To do this, you need to take either a cotton pad or a brush from under an old mascara, washed well with soap, apply a drop of the product on them, apply to the eyes for 30 minutes or “comb” the hairs.

This should be done in the evening, after removing makeup. It is not recommended to leave oil on eyelashes overnight, as it has a rather “heavy” consistency and is difficult to wash off later. The full course is at least a month. You need to make this mask every day.

Other oils

Castor oil is without a doubt the best remedy in the fight for beautiful thick eyelashes. But it also has disadvantages: it doesn’t wash off well and in some cases it’s irritating. sensitive skin century Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other oils with a lighter texture: burdock, olive, almond, peach, wheat germ oil.

All of these foods also contain many nutrients necessary for normal height hairs Let's find out how to restore eyelashes after extensions using this method. You can apply these oils using a cotton pad and a mascara wand, just like with castor oil. Or you can make a warm compress for half an hour. To do this, heat the oil a little, moisten two small strips in it gauze napkin and apply it to the eyes: one on top of the eyelashes on the eyelid, the second from below.

Professional products

The use of all these means will answer the question of how to quickly restore eyelashes. However, manufacturers of such cosmetics warn that these products are very concentrated. Therefore, they need to be applied in very small doses and only on the eyelash line.

Alternative to salon eyelash extensions

Let's list the main ones:

  • mascara that allows you to visually make eyelashes longer and thicker;
  • cosmetics that allow you to achieve an increase in the length and thickness of eyelashes for a month or two (described above);
  • procedure called LVL Lash, Novel Lash UP and so on (technology for lengthening your own eyelashes);
  • false eyelashes.

Revitalizing mask

You can often hear similar complaints from women: “I took off my eyelash extensions. I don’t know how to restore them now. They became brittle and began to fall out.” The following remedy will help here: take a tablespoon of burdock and olive oil, pour the mixture over a small portion of finely chopped rosehips, place in a dark place for 10 days, strain, and store in the refrigerator. Take an old mascara brush, rinse it well and apply the product onto it, distributing it evenly. Then lubricate your eyelashes every evening after removing makeup. They will quickly recover and stop falling out.

Cosmetic procedures for temporary correction of appearance nuances are becoming more and more popular, but each of them, in addition to many aesthetic advantages, has practical disadvantages. This also applies to eyelash extensions. When the master takes off artificial material, the home base is in a deplorable state, and the question of its restoration arises.

How to treat eyelashes after extensions at home

The recovery procedure must be comprehensive: professionals advise performing both external and internal interventions. That is, you need to take vitamins orally and at the same time smear the eyelash line with a special homemade or factory-made composition. It is impossible to say which option is more effective, because each organism individually perceives different substances.

Treatment of eyelashes after eyelash extensions at home requires compliance with several important rules:

  • Avoid wearing eye makeup as much as possible, especially mascara. Even if the manufacturer claims that it contains a whole range of useful components, it adds extra weight, preventing weak eyelashes from growing, causing them to fall out.
  • If you had to use cosmetics, try to keep this time period as short as possible. It is advisable to remove eye makeup with basic (liquid, non-essential) oils applied to a cotton pad.
  • Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach - it is better to lie on your side.

How to quickly restore eyelashes after extensions

The main method of strengthening is recognized as special vitamin (and not only) compositions, which can be oils and their complexes, a set of fat-soluble vitamins or herbal extracts. Pharmaceutical companies also use medications, but their use is always associated with health risks, so before starting therapy you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for you.

The use of liquid products designed to care for eyelashes after the extension procedure is attractive with convenience. What should be done:

  1. Remove any remaining makeup from your eyes and wash your face gently.
  2. Dry the indicated area with a towel or napkin, removing most of the moisture.
  3. Dip a special thin brush or round brush, similar to the one found in a bottle of mascara, into the strengthening agent and run along the roots of the eyelashes.
  4. Monitor the amount of product due to its fluidity, otherwise it may cause irritation of the eye mucosa.
  5. After the procedure, you cannot use cosmetics for 4-6 hours, so it is recommended to do it at night.

Restoring eyelashes after extensions using natural oils

This is the simplest method, often one of the fastest and, definitely, the most useful. Even if you can’t grow long eyelashes, you can improve their condition, stop hair loss, restore thickness and density, reducing the severity negative consequences from building up. What to take is up to you. All basic vegetable oils will quickly help restore eyelashes:

  • Castor oil is the most budget-friendly, the most famous, the most accessible. However, it is not the safest, since it is very thick, heavy, and often provokes swelling. If you don't get allergic reaction After the first time, you can safely use this product. If the body has accepted it, you don’t have to look for alternative ways to restore eyelashes after extensions.
  • Almond oil is much easier, although the effect from it is less pronounced than from castor oil; the course of treatment will have to be extended. To improve results, professionals advise mixing almond oil with wheat and jojoba oil.
  • About sea ​​buckthorn oil those who are looking for a way to restore eyelashes after extensions often forget, but in vain. It takes “bronze” in the ranking of the most useful tools of this type.

How to strengthen eyelashes after professional eyelash extensions

Most of these products are based on natural ingredients, including oils or hormonal substances. Safe complexes only provide strengthening and have little effect on the growth rate and activity of the bulbs, so there is no point in expecting quick results from them. If the product promises a quick transition of follicles between life phases, new eyelashes will grow in a few weeks, but they will also fall out quickly.

What is the best way to strengthen eyelashes after extensions:

  • Almea X-lash - a product that promises to work a miracle even with the shortest and sparse eyelashes, in reality does not do anything extraordinary. However, in the matter of strengthening he has no equal. The serum contains only natural ingredients.
  • Minox ML - originally a serum, now sold in balm format. Focused on rapid strengthening, capable of restoring even the most damaged eyelashes, used in courses of 3 months.
  • DNC oil will not give you thick eyelashes or change their length, but it will help restore the growth rate and stop hair loss. It contains not only oils, but also vitamins (A, B5).

How to treat eyelashes after extensions with folk remedies

The most effective for this purpose is fish fat, which is mixed with liquid vitamins (in capsules or ampoules). However, you can use safer options: for example, herbal masks and compresses, washing with decoctions. Just keep in mind that they do not contribute to rapid recovery alone, but must be part of a larger complex.

  • Infuse nettle leaves (a spoonful per glass) and make a compress for half an hour with soaked cotton pads.
  • Brew green tea without additives in bags and follow the same procedure as described above.
  • Make a decoction of calendula flowers and dill seeds, apply masks for half an hour.

How to take vitamins for eyelashes

It is best to use vegetable oils: olive, sesame, flaxseed, consuming them daily on an empty stomach. However, not the last place in therapy for recovery after extensions is taken by oral administration of vitamin-mineral complexes: these can be any pharmacy options labeled “for beauty” or “for women,” where the emphasis is on:

  • retinol and tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • yeast;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions?

The life cycle of the bulb, according to professionals, is 90 days, so this period is considered the maximum during which eyelashes can be restored. However, the actual time period depends on the state of the original material after removal, how active the follicles were initially, and what degree of damage was caused. The first results from the procedures can be seen after a couple of weeks.

Read the review of products and find out how to choose for growth and care.

Video recipes: how to restore eyelashes after extensions

Restore eyelashes after extensions- this is a very real task that is very easy to cope with at home. Surely, you have noticed more than once that after you removed your eyelash extensions, your own ones became brittle and thin, and also began to suddenly fall out. In order not to be left completely without eyelashes, it is necessary to take measures to restore them.

Anyone can have such problems with eyelashes, regardless of the professionalism of the artist who did the extensions. However, the less experience the master has, the more noticeable the problems with natural eyelashes will be. Therefore, before visiting a salon, it is simply necessary to read reviews about it and its specialists, and if possible, it is better to go to a place where one of your friends has already been. This strategy will help you reduce problems with eyelashes and their restoration after extensions to a minimum.

I would also like to clarify that you will not be able to restore your eyelashes quickly. You will still need a little time, as well as special compositions for restoring eyelashes at home.

The cause of all these problems lies in poor-quality glue with which eyelash extensions are attached. It clogs the hair openings from which eyelashes grow, and significantly slows down or completely stops their growth. Those eyelashes that managed to break through the glue look very weak and brittle and may fall out when trying to apply mascara on them. However, you should not despair or abandon the extension procedure. There are several products that will help you restore eyelashes after extensions.

Eyelash restoration products

« How can you restore eyelashes after extensions?"- this question has repeatedly appeared on various women's forums and websites. Women extend nails, hair and eyelashes without worrying about their subsequent condition. Accordingly, the result is disappointing, and then the woman sets out in search of miracle remedies that will restore their damaged hair or eyelashes in the blink of an eye. We would like to disappoint you: such funds do not exist. However, we can recommend some remedies that will help you heal your eyelashes after some time. Let's take a closer look at them.

Essential oils

Essential oils for eyelash growth and restoration are the best option , because if your eyelashes are damaged after extensions, the miraculous properties of essential oils will help restore them faster at home.

Most Popular essential oils for eyelash restoration are castor, burdock and olive oils. Separately, they have a very strong effect, but if you combine them, it can be much more effective. effective mask not only for eyelashes, but also for hair.

  • Mix the oils in equal quantities and add vitamins in ampoules purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Before applying the oil mask to your eyelashes, warm it slightly in a water bath.
  • Step back one millimeter from the roots so as not to develop barley.
  • Make sure you are not allergic to any of the essential oils.

Essential oils can be used every day to restore eyelashes after extensions. It is better to apply them using a cotton pad or a clean brush from an old mascara. After at least forty minutes, this oil mask must be washed off with warm water.


Another remedy that you can use to restore eyelashes after extensions is herbal infusions.

You can easily purchase a collection of herbs at the pharmacy, and brewing them will not be difficult. Reviews about the use of such a product are only the most positive. The best herbs for restoring eyelash growth are calendula, thyme, chamomile and sage. The method of use is the same: dip cotton pads into the prepared herbal decoction, then place them on your eyes. Hold until the disc dries. You can repeat the procedure two or three times a day for a month.

You can also purchase it in cosmetic stores special professional care products damaged hair or eyelashes. They are very easy to restore by professional means, however, they will cost you no less than the extension itself, so we recommend giving preference folk remedies restoration of eyelashes after extensions.