Henna for hair - coloring and strengthening, benefits and harms, rules and recipes. Henna with essential oils. Rules for applying henna

A henna tattoo is the application of a design made from the dried leaves of a tropical plant to the skin. It can be done either with a brush or using special templates. This tattoo lasts from 2 to 5 weeks, depending on the part of the body and the skin’s ability to cleanse itself.

Henna is a very economical dye. The prepared amount of paint will be enough for you to apply to both arms or for one large tattoo that occupies the entire back. Before you start mixing paint, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients:

2 tsp henna powder;
- 1 tsp lemon juice;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 2 tsp. hot green tea;
- 1/2 tsp. eucalyptus oil;
- a couple of drops of orange or lavender essential oil of your choice.

You will also need the following items:

Tea spoon;
- Bowl;
- strainer.

Sift the henna powder through a sieve into a bowl to remove any lumps or even small stones. Add to it lemon juice, sugar, Eucalyptus oil. In principle, you don’t need to use oil; it is necessary to make the drawing darker and more intense. If you want to get a light red image, you can omit this ingredient. Dilute the resulting mixture with hot green tea, stir the resulting paint with a spoon so that you get a smooth, homogeneous mass.

Leave the paste for 10-15 minutes to infuse. Apply the design to the skin. The most convenient way to do this is with a self-adhesive template. In this case, you can be sure that the drawing will turn out clear and will not smear during the drying period. And this will take a lot of time. Typically, in salons, henna is left on the skin for at least an hour. At home, it is best to make a tattoo in the evening, cover or wrap the painted part of the body with cling film, cover it with a towel or a regular bandage and leave it until the morning. Naturally, if you use a regular brush, the chances of such a drawing being smeared are very high.

It is best to remove dried paint from the skin under running water, slightly helping yourself with a soft cloth. Rubbing and smearing anything is not recommended. And even more so, there is no need to use soap and other aggressive detergents. Lubricate the finished tattoo with a small amount of essential orange or lavender oil. This will not only help the design become more distinct, but will also significantly extend the shelf life of the decoration.

Henna is a natural dye, which can be considered a plus and a minus at the same time. On the one hand, this paint is much safer than its chemical analogues, is easily tolerated by the body and can even become a source of useful substances that will be gradually absorbed into the skin until the pattern is washed off. On the other hand, an allergic reaction to the components contained in henna is possible, so always, before applying a large tattoo to the body, it is necessary to check the effect of the paint on the skin in a small, inconspicuous area.

Any dyeing of curls to one degree or another disrupts the structure of the hair shafts. This can be avoided if you use natural products for the procedure. Many women practice dyeing their hair with henna because it gives the hair the desired shade and heals the strands. The color does not have to be red - you can choose brown, golden or reddish tones. Combining henna with other natural ingredients is another way to diversify the palette of useful dyes. In order to successfully choose a color, apply color correctly at home and secure the result for a long time, you need to carefully study the features plant composition and all the nuances of its application using examples with photos and videos.

What is henna and how is it used?

The birthplace of natural raw materials is the countries of the Central East and North Africa. It is there that a two-meter-tall flowering shrub grows with a specific smell, Lawsonia non-prickly, from the leaves of which henna is obtained - a greenish powder.

It gives the curls a bright shade and promotes their health, because has a rich composition, which includes:

  • chlorophyll- antioxidant, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • polysaccharides- moisturize the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • resins- give hair shine and silkiness;
  • hennotaninic acid- has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation, removes dandruff and strengthens roots. Responsible for the brightness of the shade;
  • pectins- reduce fat content, envelop the hair shafts, visually making the hair thicker, absorb toxins;
  • esters, vitamins- improve blood circulation, tone the skin.

Henna for hair is obtained from the lower leaves of the bush. The upper ones are also washed into powder, but it is used to create temporary tattoos on the skin and dye fabrics.

Unlike chemical dyes, henna has a completely natural composition, does not harm the strands and even strengthens the hairs and activates their growth.

Thanks to this, the plant component is used to color not only curls, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, and in men, beards. Many salons offer this service, or you can perform the procedure yourself. Important!

Coloring with henna requires careful preparation and a longer exposure time than when using permanent dye.

Types of henna Depending on the country of origin and the variety of natural paint options

There are several shades of henna for hair.

Iranian Allows you to get a rich red color. Combines perfectly with other natural ingredients to obtain a diverse range of: from caramel to chocolate. To do this, you can mix the dye with coffee, turmeric, chicory, essential oils

and herbal decoctions.

Residents of Iran must combine henna with ethers to restore their strands, moisturize them, strengthen them, and also add shine.

Sudanese A greenish powder under this name for dyeing hair in a salon or at home is imported from Saudi Arabia. His used to obtain a copper tint,

which is durable and rich.

Sudanese henna is often combined with basma. You can combine them in one container and get a warm reddish, chestnut color. Another option is to sequentially dye your hair in two stages (henna should come first). As a result, the hair will acquire a cold, ashy tone.


  • It has a rich palette of five colors. Natural paint is:
  • golden;
  • brown (chestnut);
  • burgundy;
  • mahogany;

black, which is more like a dark chocolate shade.

The Indian version of lawsonia powder is widely used for therapeutic purposes: against hair loss, to combat dandruff, to restore hair after exposure to chemical dye or perm. This henna can also be combined with other types of plant dyes and other natural ingredients (turmeric, tea, coffee, wine, beet juice, etc.).


It is used in cases where the hair color suits you, but its condition does not. They are devoid of coloring pigments, but have a full range of useful substances.

Colorless henna is used for:

  • giving curls elasticity, shine, and firmness;
  • eliminating dandruff;
  • strengthening follicles;
  • stimulation of strand growth;
  • solving problems with excessive oily hair.


As a result of using this drug, the curls will become several tones lighter, and according to some manufacturers, they will even acquire a snow-white hue.

Remember: it is impossible to achieve such an effect in one go with natural dyes, especially if such experiments are carried out by a brown-haired or brunette woman. The mixture, called white henna, does contain a herbal ingredient, but in small quantities. Everything else is synthetic additives that aggressively affect the structure of the strands in the same way as a bleach does.

The product is inexpensive and, when used correctly, does not harm the hair much. But, of course, it does not have a healing effect on curls like other types of vegetable dye.

Advice. It is almost impossible to perform such manipulations at home. If you want to know how to dye your hair after henna, contact a hairdresser at the salon.

  1. Before purchasing, check the expiration date of the product. Do not take an expired or too cheap product: its quality will be in doubt.
  2. To prepare the composition, do not use metal utensils. Replace it with glass (ceramics or plastic may stain).
  3. Henna should be diluted immediately in the required quantity. It won't stand in the refrigerator.
  4. Do not brew a dry product with boiling water. It is acceptable to use hot water, the temperature of which fluctuates at 70–80°C.
  5. For those with thin strands, it is better to replace water with kefir. Before diluting the natural coloring component, warm up the fermented milk product by removing it from the refrigerator in advance.
  6. The optimal amount of henna for hair up to 10 centimeters long is about 100 grams, for a bob - 200 grams. If the curls reach the shoulders, you will need 300 grams, to the waist - 0.5 kilograms. This is an approximate guideline, regardless of whether you want to cover your gray hair or want to completely change the color of your hair.
  7. Please note that the resulting composition should resemble thick sour cream or mush. The liquid will flow through your hair and clothes.
  8. When planning to dilute the dye, prepare a water bath for it. It will not allow the preparation to cool down, since henna must be applied while hot. Do not use a microwave for heating!
  9. Before dyeing your hair completely, first tint 1-2 thin curls to predict the result.
  10. Distribute the dye over clean curls, starting from the back of the head: this area is the worst to stain.
  11. Treat gray strands first.
  12. The holding time depends on desired result. If you want to get easy tint effect, 5-30 minutes is enough, for full painting you need 30-120 minutes. The minimum time is indicated for fine and light hair.
  13. It is advisable to wash off henna without shampoo, but sometimes it is impossible to do this efficiently. Take advantage detergent if necessary.

Advice. Before dyeing with henna, make a moisturizing mask.

Coloring technique

Before you start coloring with henna at home, Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • cape and gloves to protect clothing and skin;
  • shower cap or plastic bag, cling film;
  • comb for dividing hair into strands;
  • clips or crab hairpins;
  • brush for painting;
  • fatty cream or Vaseline, oil;
  • the dishes in which you will prepare the composition;
  • spoon or stirring stick;
  • old towel.

Step by step process how to dye your hair with henna at home:

  1. Prepare the solution by pouring the required amount of dye with water. If you are going to change the color of dry curls, add a tablespoon of cream or a few drops of oil to the mixture (the main thing is that it is unrefined).
  2. Leave the dye in the water bath.
  3. Put on a cape and gloves.
  4. Lubricate your hairline thick cream. The scalp can be treated with oil so that the composition does not leave marks on it.
  5. Divide dry or slightly damp hair into 4 parts: back of the head, temples, crown.
  6. From each, form several strands and color them sequentially, starting from the roots.
  7. After pinning the dyed curls, move on to the next area. Work from the bottom up and work quickly but thoroughly.
  8. Having completely distributed the mixture throughout your hair, massage your hair and comb it with a comb.
  9. Wrap your head in film or put on a swim cap/bag. On top is a towel.
  10. After waiting the allotted time, remove the insulation and wash your hair with warm water.
  11. If necessary, use conditioner and dry your strands with a hairdryer or naturally.

By the way. Many girls do not know what kind of hair they should apply henna to: dirty or clean. Both options are possible. It is better to wash your hair immediately before the procedure if you are going to treat the strands, or do it 2-3 days before dyeing at home if you intend to get only a uniform color.

Recipes for coloring compositions

With kefir

More suitable for owners of dry, long, naturally curly hair. If the strands are normal or prone to rapid contamination, the difference will be in the fat content of the fermented milk product (no more than 1% will be required versus 2.5% or higher for brittle curls experiencing moisture deficiency).

How to prepare henna for hair in this case:

  • mix the powder with kefir. The advantage of the recipe is that less natural dye is required than when diluted with water;
  • if desired, add coffee, cocoa, basma or a few drops of your favorite ether (before application);
  • Gently heat the resulting pulp in a water bath. Many girls advise making sure that the mixture does not curdle;
  • distribute the solution through your hair, then follow the usual instructions.

An acidic environment is optimal for coloring powder. As a result, the color will be brighter, golden, without pronounced red pigment, and the hair will receive additional nutrition.

For chocolate color

How to brew henna for a deep, rich chocolate color? There are several options.

Recipe No. 1. Ingredients with natural coffee:

  • pour 50 grams of ground drink with 150 milliliters hot water;
  • bring to a boil and turn off;
  • leave it to steep, but make sure that the temperature does not drop below 40 °C;
  • grate 2 pieces of tile henna on a fine grater;
  • combine with coffee and stir;
  • if it's too thick, thin it out hot water;
  • heat in a water bath and use as directed.

Recipe No. 2. To strengthen your hair and give it a light coffee tint, you can use colorless henna and coffee grounds. Mix them in equal parts (2 tablespoons each), after diluting the powder with a small amount of water. The curls will become soft, silky, and healthier.

Recipe No. 3. Another way to get a beautiful brown color is to combine equal amounts of dry dye and ground cinnamon. If you take colorless henna and spices, you can lighten it slightly dark hair, moisturize and nourish them.

Ingredient ratio- 30 grams of lawsonia stem powder + 40–50 grams of cinnamon + 100 milliliters of hot water. First, henna is dissolved, and then an aromatic spice is added to it. The exposure time on the head is 4–6 hours.

For a golden hue

For those who want to achieve a golden hue, the following recipes will be useful:

  • Brew a tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers with 50 milliliters of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Dilute the dye with this infusion (you don’t need to filter);
  • or dilute dry henna to dye your hair with turmeric (an alternative is saffron). Proportion - 1:1. Then brew the mixture with water.

By the way. To obtain an intense red color, mix the following ingredients: 3 parts vegetable powder and 1 part each of cinnamon, turmeric and ginger. Brewing tea instead of water will help enhance the richness of the color.

For red tint

How to brew henna correctly to give your hair a red tint? There are several ways:

  1. Combine it in equal parts with cocoa, and then dilute with water according to the instructions. The ratio of dry ingredients is 1:1.
  2. Use an infusion of hibiscus tea to dissolve the powder, taking a rich, strong brew.
  3. Add cranberry or beet juice and red wine to the dry preparation (see the amount based on the consistency of the henna).

Some girls manage to create henna ombre at home, using recipes for lightening compounds for dyeing the ends of their hair.

How to fix henna on hair

How long the result of henna dyeing lasts on the curls depends on the structure and type of hair. According to reviews, this period ranges from 2–3 weeks to 2–3 months. Of course, with a longer lasting effect, you need to periodically renew the tips.

  1. Dilute the product in an acidic environment - kefir, sour cream, rhubarb decoction. You can add lemon juice (it will additionally lighten your hair).
  2. For the first 2-3 days after dyeing, avoid washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, because during this time the development of pigment continues.
  3. After the color change procedure, rinse your hair with a decoction of rose hips, sage or vinegar (a tablespoon of any ingredient per liter cold water). Apply the recipe after each wash of your curls.
  4. Use shampoos to preserve color. They should not contain silicones or be intended to get rid of dandruff.
  5. Moisturize your hair after dyeing your hair with henna, but do not use natural oils for this.
  6. Swim in chlorinated water less often and spend less time in the sun.
  7. Buy tinted shampoos to maintain color (there are those that contain henna).

Natural ingredients are a godsend for the beauty and health of hair, especially if these substances also provide the opportunity to experiment with a new color. Henna of various shades is very popular in this regard, despite the ongoing debate about what is more in it: pros or cons, benefit or harm. When used correctly, the product perfectly covers curls and gray hair.

If you do not abuse natural dye, adhere to the rules of use and do not forget about additional nutrition for your hair, you will be pleased with the result. After all, if you believe the reviews, some women dye their strands for several years in a row, and all this time they remain satisfied with the natural coloring powder from eastern countries.

Useful videos

My hair color. Henna dyeing.

Henna dyeing. Master Class.

Henna is considered the first cosmetic product body and hair care. The lawsonia plant, which is the name of the famous henna, has a number of interesting and healing properties and is used in various fields. In medicine, it is considered an excellent antiseptic, cosmetology uses the product to strengthen nails, hairdressers are attracted to the safe coloring of strands, and perfumers extract an aromatic component for perfumes. It is even used for temporary natural tattooing. But now we will take on the topic of dyeing and treating curls, and we will tell you how to dilute henna for hair in the best way.

Basics of preparation for the painting procedure

The coloring result obtained in the mirror directly depends on how the product is diluted. There are two options for preparing the mixture, so we will begin slowly and in order to consider all the smallest details. Prepare everything you need:

Now let’s determine the amount of powder needed for different hair lengths:

When your hair is very voluminous and thick or you are based on personal experience If you doubt that the contents of the plate will be enough for one procedure, add 20-30 g of powder. It is better to generously lubricate the strands than to pray that there is enough for a “dry smear.” Such savings will not lead to the desired result.

Now you need to put a kettle of water on the fire and protect the scalp area around the perimeter of the roots from staining by lubricating it with a rich cream or vegetable oil. You don’t have to wait until the kettle boils and whistles. Why? Read on...

How to breed correctly

Each sachet contains instructions for use. But what to do if the bag has crossed more than one border of the country and is replete with incomprehensible hieroglyphs and unfamiliar icons? In this case, how to prepare henna so as not to spoil it and not have to wait for a new package? We give detailed instructions on survival in foreign conditions.

  • Carefully open the bag and pour the contents in the required amount into a glass container. Stir if any lumps form during transportation.
  • With the classic recipe, for 100 g of powder, take 300 ml of hot water within 80-90 degrees. Pour in water in a thin stream, and in no case vice versa, because lumps inevitably form that cannot be completely broken up.

The strict temperature is due to the fact that steep boiling water reduces efficiency, causing the final result to differ by only half of what is possible. Plus, such a degree range allows the maximum concentration of the coloring pigment in the paint.

  • For a sour recipe, per 100 g of powder, take 300 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice or canned lemon juice from the store. If your scalp is sensitive, lemon can be replaced with grapefruit or orange juice, or even an infusion of herbal tea with the squeezed sourness of one mug of lemon. We dilute with the selected juice and leave the dye at room temperature overnight, or leave for 2 hours at a temperature of 35 degrees. Immediately before painting, the mixture is diluted with the same liquid to the required thickness.

“Sour dressing” affects brightness and saturation. This recipe produces more colorant, which ideally combines with the natural pigment.

  • When the time is up, you need to rinse your hair with water as thoroughly as possible, down to the last speck of product. You can use conditioner, which will also help further wash away the remaining mixture. You should avoid oily and fermented milk masks, as well as from washing your hair with shampoo in the next 3 days.

Everything is ready - admire and enjoy.

The desire to have a beautiful and original tattoo visits people quite often. However, not everyone can decide to apply a permanent pattern. And in this case, temporary tattoos come to the rescue, which you can do yourself with regular henna. But here, too, everything is not as simple as it seems. So, for example, one of the popular questions related to this procedure is: how should the powder be diluted correctly to make paint?

The main advantage of a henna tattoo is that it is absolutely safe for the health of the base material, because it is temporary. Therefore, such tattoos are very popular among those who want to temporarily decorate their body without harming themselves. However, a henna tattoo must be applied according to certain rules in order for it to turn out exactly as intended. And first of all, these rules concern the correct dilution of the powder.

How to dilute henna for tattooing at home

Proper dilution of henna powder implies that you carefully prepare for such a seemingly banal action. The resulting colors may be different, it all depends on the method. It is best to use traditional oriental recipes for brewing dye.

So, for example, to get red paint you will need:

  • red henna packaging
  • a cup of brewed strong black tea (preferably steeped overnight)
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice (the lemon must first be exposed to the sun for 12 hours)

Add lemon juice to tea and heat them. Then place dry henna in this liquid. Despite the fact that it is produced in powder form, it must first be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of possible lumps.

Mix everything very thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous, no inclusions are allowed

A faster and easier way to brew henna involves adding tea directly at the time of brewing.

In this case you will need:

  • 500 ml water
  • 2 tsp. black tea (dry brew)
  • 3 tsp. lemon juice
  • henna packaging

Boil water, add tea and cook for an hour, add lemon juice. Be sure to strain everything. Then mix with henna powder and leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Don't ignore adding lemon juice to your dye. It helps the paint penetrate the skin better

You can mix the red dye by adding red wine to the henna. If you use chamomile decoction with Iranian henna, the dye will turn out slightly yellowish.

To prepare paint according to these recipes you need to take:

  • 40 g henna powder
  • 250 ml water
  • 250 ml wine (or chamomile infusion)

Boil water, add dye enhancer to it and mix with henna powder.

To get a brighter and reddish shade, you should add clover to henna.

In this case, you can prepare the dye as follows.


  • 40 g henna
  • 500 ml water
  • 5 tbsp. l. clover

Place the clover in boiling water, reduce the heat and slowly steam the herb for about 20 minutes. Strain the broth and mix with henna until smooth.

If you want a darker design, add a little graphite while steaming the henna

How to apply paint to leather

In order for the design to look good on the body, the skin must be thoroughly prepared. First of all, you need to undergo an hair removal procedure. This is due to the fact that henna stays on the hair for a long time, but disappears from the skin faster. The result will be a torn picture, which, naturally, will not decorate you. In addition, it is advisable to wipe the area of ​​the future drawing olive oil to enhance the penetration of the coloring pigment into the skin. After that, you can safely start creating.

Henna for eyebrows – natural paint, which is obtained from the leaves of the non-thorny lawsonia shrub. Women in India, Iran and other Eastern countries have long used the dried and ground leaves of this shrub to dye their hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as for medicinal purposes.

In our latitudes, dyeing eyebrows with henna gained popularity not so long ago, since capricious fashion for more than half a century required beauties to pluck their hairs almost down to thin threads (the curves and ends of the eyebrows were drawn with a pencil).

Fashion trendsetters returned to a natural look, wide and noticeable eyebrows not so long ago, already in the new century. At the same time it became popular natural cosmetic and coloring agents, and the most effective natural remedy for eyebrows it turned out to be henna.

Benefits of henna eyebrow tinting

The undoubted advantages of henna used to color eyebrows include:

  1. The color is natural - henna does not contain any preservatives, surfactants, ammonia, etc.
  2. The ability to use this product for coloring during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. The ability of this paint not only not to violate the integrity of the structure of the hairs, but also to thicken them due to the tannins contained in the leaves of lavsonia. Thanks to henna dyeing, eyebrows look thicker, which is very important if you have over-plucked hair in the past.
  4. Stimulates hair growth to improve eyebrow condition.
  5. The ability to paint over the skin, making it possible to make a temporary eyebrow tattoo. Unlike classic tattooing, biotattooing with henna is absolutely painless, since hairs are drawn on the surface of the skin.
  6. Color fastness. Henna stays on the hairs and does not fade longer than safe, ammonia-free synthetic eyebrow dyes.

Henna, despite its durability, can be washed off quite easily if the result does not suit you. To do this, you need to use lemon juice, and then the skin should be treated with a gel to deep clean the skin.

In addition, henna is absolutely safe - in very rare cases, local allergic reactions may occur as a result of individual hypersensitivity (there are many more such cases when using synthetic dyes).

In terms of price, high-quality henna and good professional synthetic paint are not very different, but even among products famous manufacturers you can choose the most affordable option for henna for eyebrows.

How to choose henna for eyebrow coloring

When tinting eyebrows beauty salon the choice of paint containing henna is left to the professional, so not all women know what kind of henna they use to paint their eyebrows.

Since it is not always possible to visit a salon, and some women even prefer to dye their eyebrows and hair themselves, it is important to know which henna for eyebrows is best.

On sale are:

  • Iranian henna, which is the most affordable and most common option. The color of the eyebrows after tinting without additional dyes is a variety of warm and soft shades from reddish-orange to coppery chocolate tones. Dark shades can be obtained by adding a small amount of basma, and color saturation can be achieved by adding a little coffee to the mixture. Iranian henna powder consists of larger particles and dries hair more than other types of this dye.

  • Indian henna, which has a richer palette, finer grinding and a softer effect on the hair structure. With Indian henna, without the use of additional dyes, you can get a shade of dark chestnut, dark brown or dark burgundy, as well as golden shades. The color is juicy, matte and uniform. This is a more expensive type of henna.

  • Sudanese henna, which is the rarest and most expensive variety. It has a rich copper tint and usually does not mix with other dyes. Since copper eyebrow tint does not suit all women, this type of eyebrow coloring is not often used.

Important: Henna intended for hair or mehendi is not used to color eyebrows, since although such a dye retains exclusively natural components, it is more aggressive and is not suitable for delicate skin in the eye area. In addition, hair dye from unscrupulous manufacturers may contain synthetic components. Using these types of henna may cause an allergic reaction or chemical burn.

You can buy henna:

  • In powder form (usually found in capsules). The powder is diluted with hot water or the oxidizing cream included with the capsule (instructions are also included, which indicate the proportions).
  • Already diluted in the tube. It is more convenient to use this paint, and it lasts for several procedures.

Before choosing henna for tinting your eyebrows, you should look at the rating the best manufacturers this coloring agent.

The most best henna– a subjective concept, but customer reviews and the popularity of some brands allow us to make a rating of high-quality henna for eyebrows.

The leader in reviews is “Brow henna” made in India. Thanks to the rich color scheme this henna is suitable for both burning brunettes and blondes - the main palette is represented by a set of blonds (pearl and light blond, light chestnut shade) and a set of brown (neutral brown and rich taupe, as well as cold coffee). The required shade can be obtained thanks to additional colors (dark chocolate, frosty chestnut, golden blond and dark blond) and correctors. Correctors are not used on their own - if it is necessary to create a warmer shade, an amber concentrate is added to the main color, and if it is necessary to make the color darker, a graphite concentrate is added. You can also purchase a sachet with powder from this manufacturer, but the tube:

  • more profitable from an economic point of view (it is enough for almost 90 procedures);
  • more convenient to use, since you can immediately start painting;
  • Thanks to the adjustable diameter of the hole in the dispenser spout and the tightly closing lid, it allows you to use paint more economically.

The manufacturer promises that the dye will last on hairs for up to 1.5 months, and on the skin for up to 14 days. Half of the buyers in the reviews claim that the paint is washed off faster than stated, but at the same time the color loses its saturation gradually, without changing the shade, which undoubtedly refers to the advantages of this henna.

In the following video you can familiarize yourself with the principles of tinting eyebrows with Indian natural henna:

Other Famous Eyebrow Henna Brands

  • "Brow henna", the advantages of which are already listed above.

  • "VIVA" - henna for eyebrows made in India. The advantages include affordable price, good durability (about 10 days) and cost-effectiveness. The disadvantage is the limited choice of shades (black and brown), but at the same time, there is no red in the warm brown color, so eyebrows painted in this color look as natural as possible. The henna itself is packaged in a sachet, and a small capsule is included with the dye. coconut oil, helping to remove henna after the procedure. The volume can be different - from 15 to 120 g. It is important to dilute henna correctly - it is difficult to apply a composition that is too thick, and a very diluted mixture will run off (5-10 minutes after dilution, the mass thickens, and this also needs to be taken into account).

  • "Godefroy" made in the USA. The manufacturer produces 5 shades of henna, which is contained in capsules - light brown, natural and dark brown, graphite and black. It should be taken into account that the dye is in capsules (inconvenient to open and dose), and it is diluted with a developing emulsion - an oxidant that contains mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, phosphoric acid and some other substances that are not natural products of plant origin. Henna as a dye is also not indicated on the packaging, and reviews about this product are both positive and negative.

  • "Nila" made in Spain. Henna, which is packaged in a sachet, can be black or Brown, the shade after dyeing is soft and natural. It is durable - hairs retain dark shade almost a month, but the dye is removed from the skin much faster. “Nila” is used sparingly, the packaging lasts a long time. The disadvantage is the lack of instructions - users recommend diluting the mixture to the consistency of sour cream and keeping it on the eyebrows for 15-20 minutes. In places where the hairs are thick and long, the mixture must be applied more carefully so that the skin is evenly colored. Immediately after removing the mixture, the eyebrows may have a reddish tint, which quickly darkens.

  • "Nivali" made in America. Does not contain any activators or developers, that is, it is completely natural product. The dye in the form of a gel is packaged in a 20 mm laminate tube (it is enough for 20-40 procedures), that is, from a practical point of view, it is a marker that is easy to use. There are only two shades - brown and black, but since brown in its pure form gives a red tint, to obtain a deep brown color it is recommended to mix brown and black in a 1:1 ratio. The paint should be applied carefully, as it instantly appears on the skin. In order for the color to be rich and uniform, the gel must dry well. Rinse off strictly according to the instructions. An undoubted advantage is the ability to beautifully draw hairs.

  • Lush, British manufacturer. The shades of the product offered in briquettes of 6 cubes are red, black, brown and chestnut (used for both hair and eyebrows). The red tint in its pure form is used only for hair. Clove oil, essential oils, coffee, nettle leaf powder and indigo root powder are added to henna, so this product, on the one hand, additionally nourishes and moisturizes the hair, and on the other, can cause allergic reactions. The disadvantage is also the inconvenience of diluting henna and storing the product remaining after dyeing.

  • The fairly popular Mayur henna (has black, brown and light brown shades) contains synthetic additives, although it is positioned as a natural product. Many Indian manufacturers are also guilty of having such additives, so although Indian henna itself is an excellent and safe remedy, before purchasing, you should carefully read the composition of the eyebrow tinting product.

Advice: It doesn’t matter which paint you decide to choose, the main thing is to purchase it from official representatives, and not from your own hands, since nowadays there are fakes of any product.

How to properly dilute henna

The result of eyebrow dyeing depends not only on the henna manufacturer, but also on the correct dilution, application and time of dyeing.

If with ready-made means such as “Nivali” and “Brow henna”, the dyeing procedure is reduced only to careful application and strict adherence to the instructions, then henna from other manufacturers should be diluted yourself.

To obtain a uniform, rich and stable eyebrow shade when dyeing, you should follow several rules:

  1. Even if you are using a 100% natural product and do not consider yourself allergic, you should conduct an allergy test before the first coloring. It is best to apply the mixture in the form of a strip on the inner bend of the elbow or wrist, and remove the henna from the skin after an hour. The reaction should be observed for about 2 days. If there are no discomfort or irritation, you can begin coloring.
  2. Eyebrows must first be prepared for coloring by removing all dead skin particles using a scrub. The skin should also be degreased before the procedure, otherwise the dye may be distributed unevenly.
  3. The manufacturer does not always indicate how to dilute henna for eyebrows. In most cases, the powder is diluted with hot water at a ratio of 1:1. It is recommended to add water with a pipette (drop by drop), since eyebrows require a very small amount of the mixture and if you lack experience, you can easily miss the amount of water. It is difficult to apply a mixture that is too thick. In addition, when it dries, it thickens even more, and a very liquid mixture will not stick to the eyebrows. For a more lasting result or additional shade, you can add lemon juice and other ingredients to the mixture.

How to apply henna correctly

  1. The contour of the eyebrows should be drawn before applying the mixture (you can use a stencil).
  2. The mixture is applied in the direction from the tips of the eyebrows to the middle part, and then to the bridge of the nose, and both eyebrows must be painted at the same time.
  3. Any paint that extends beyond the contour should be immediately removed with a damp cloth, otherwise an unplanned bend will result.
  4. To ensure color saturation, apply the mixture in a thick layer.
  5. If the instructions do not indicate how long to keep eyebrow henna on, the first time it is applied for at least 40 minutes. During this time, the hairs and skin are properly dyed. If the shade turns out to be too bright, the time for the next coloring should be reduced, and if the shade is not saturated enough, it should be increased to 60 minutes.
  6. For a warming effect that promotes better coloring, you can put strips of cellophane on your eyebrows over the paint.

The mixture is removed with a cotton swab (does not wash off with water, since contact with moisture of henna-dyed eyebrows throughout the day is contraindicated). Unless otherwise stated in the instructions, the swab can be soaked in essential oil.

How long the color will last depends on the henna chosen and the quality of eyebrow care. Minimum term– 5 days, on average – about 3 weeks.

By following these rules and working carefully with paint, you can achieve high-quality coloring at home the first time.