How to remove a mole on the face. What is the procedure for removing moles on the face? Removal of nevus on the face

Everyone has moles - some have more, some have less. And they are located on the body individually too. One can even envy someone who has a small cute mole located somewhere in a secluded place: such a person has a characteristic, unique feature for the rest of his life. But it happens that a mole does not decorate so much as cause discomfort - physical and/or psychological. Most often this concerns moles located in visible places, especially on the face. Although such a mole can become a piquant individual trait - just remember supermodel Cindy Crawford, who owes much of her unique charm to the mole above her lip. But if you are not inclined to consider your mole as an ornament, then you can remove it. Modern medicine allows you to remove a mole on the face without a scar, but for this you need to take into account several nuances.

Types of moles and their potential danger
Small moles and larger birthmarks are phenomena of the same order. Doctors call moles the term “nevus” and explain their existence by the accumulation of pigment in skin cells. Moreover, melanin accumulates gradually - that’s why most newborn babies do not have moles, and they appear after about 10 years. Perhaps baby moles are simply so small that they are difficult to notice. But, one way or another, those moles that remain on our body for life appear and/or become noticeable during adolescence under the influence of sex hormones. And they remain dependent on hormonal levels. Therefore, pregnancy, childbirth, and other changes often change the number, color and shape of moles. For example, a once light mole may become almost black. And moles are also located on the body without restrictions - not only on the face and body, but also on the mucous membranes, even on the tongue. Although, after a relative comparison of their placement, scientists came to the conclusion that there are always more moles on the face than on other areas of the skin.

It is precisely in the dependence of moles on the state of the body that their main danger lies. Judge for yourself: instability is always fraught with not entirely predictable consequences. The most common case is the transformation of a birthmark into a malignant tumor. And, although moles themselves, especially congenital ones, do not pose a threat, their behavior depends on several factors:

  1. Time of appearance of the mole. The birthmarks we are born with rarely cause concern. This skin malformation becomes familiar and even invisible to ourselves and those who often see us.
  2. The size of a mole is directly proportional to the risk of its degeneration. Roughly three categories of moles are described by size: small (approximately 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter), medium (diameter ranging from 1.5-10 cm) and large (diameter exceeds 10 cm). The probability of malignancy for large moles reaches 50%.
  3. The shape of a mole can indirectly indicate the likelihood of risk: completely flat and slightly convex ones are usually not dangerous. But the more a mole looks like a wart and the more it protrudes above the surface of the skin, the more dangerous it is.
  4. The location of a mole on the body can also cause its degeneration if it is often subjected to mechanical irritation. As a rule, this applies to moles that are inconveniently located on the bends of the elbows, armpits, in places of frequent contact with clothing, shoes, etc.
  5. The impact of the environment on a mole can provoke its development no less than internal processes in the body. And the main risk factors are ultraviolet radiation from the sun and/or solarium and injuries (mechanical damage, thermal and chemical burns etc.).
Moles on the face are one of the most “risky”. They are exposed to direct sunlight more often than other nevi, and the habit of touching the face with hands is common to many people. Not to mention the fact that there are, in principle, more moles on the face than on other parts of the body, which means that the likelihood of their degeneration is greater even just in percentage terms. But some owners of moles on their faces prefer not to wait for alarming signals from the body or even think not about them, but about their own appearance. People try to get rid of a mole, even a benign one, if it seems unaesthetic and annoying by the very fact of its existence. It is not difficult to understand this desire, but it is not always possible to follow it.

What moles can and should be removed?
Moles on the face, as in any other place, are best not to be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. As they say, don’t wake up the trouble while it sleeps quietly. And, if the reason for your desire to remove a mole was solely the desire for external perfection, then it is better to reconsider your decision. Interfering with such a vulnerable system, which is every mole, even in the absence of initial reasons for concern, can result in unpleasant consequences. It’s another matter if a mole begins to cause you certain suspicions about a change in its status. Then you need to pay special attention to it and in no case ignore the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a new mole in an adult;
  • growth of a mole in width or height;
  • distortion of the shape of the mole (asymmetric contour, new outlines);
  • change in the surface of the mole (becomes glossy or, on the contrary, rough);
  • change in the color of the mole (darkening, appearance of a vascular pattern, etc.);
  • hair loss if it grew on a mole;
  • formation of crusts, peeling, blisters;
  • inflammation of the mole or the skin around it;
  • bleeding, the appearance of wounds, ulcers;
  • thickening or softening of the skin at the site of the mole.
Any of these phenomena, and even more so several at once, is a reason to immediately seek advice from a dermatologist, or better yet, a more specialized specialist: a dermatologist-oncologist. Only he can say for sure (and then only with a margin of error) how dangerous surgical intervention is and what results can be expected from an operation to remove a mole. Today, this information is obtained through histological (cellular) examination of moles. For this purpose, a tissue sample is taken from the mole, which is then subjected to laboratory examination. The same study allows you to decide on the need and method of removing the mole. Thus, diagnosis and preparation for the procedure turn out to be the lion's share of the entire mole removal process.

Ways to remove moles on the face
It is strictly forbidden to try to get rid of a mole at home, on your own or under the supervision of “experienced” friends. Even if your dear grandmother claims that in her youth she removed a mole on her face with her own hands, and after that she has been living happily and healthy for 80 years - do not be tempted by artisanal methods. Removing a mole in a clinic will cost you more financially, but no amount of savings can restore your health. Especially when it comes to removing a mole on the face. Modern medicine has a number of methods for removing moles at its disposal. And only an experienced specialist will be able to choose the one that is suitable and will be as safe as possible in your case:
Removing a mole is a very serious procedure, and the location of a problematic mole on the face only exacerbates the need for a thorough approach. Therefore, if you are not sure that you cannot live with a mole on your face, refrain from taking decisive action. And don’t forget that removing a mole on your face is only half the battle. This is followed by a period of observation of the place where the mole was. In some cases, pigmentation continues to appear on it, and the process of removing the mole is extended indefinitely. And only a carefully planned, qualified approach gives a high chance that after a course of procedures, not a trace of a mole will remain on the face.

Stressful situations or depression provoke the production of the hormone adrenaline. It actively constricts blood vessels, which negatively affects skin nutrition. Another hormone that negatively affects the skin is cortisone, which slows down collagen synthesis and the skin regeneration process.

Stress negatively affects digestion. The body cannot completely process foods and extract all the nutrients from them. As a result, toxins accumulate in the intestines, negatively affecting the condition of the skin.

Lives on the skin a large number of microorganisms, including those that belong to opportunistic microflora. When immunity is impaired, they begin to actively multiply, which causes acne and other skin diseases.

Stress also triggers a mechanism in the body that activates the sebaceous glands. With an excess amount of sebum, the pores become clogged and favorable conditions appear for the development of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi).

Psychosomatics of vitiligo

Louise Hay calls the skin a sensory organ, as well as one that protects a person’s individuality.

The skin is indeed very sensitive, since a huge number of autonomic nerve fibers reach its surface.

It is known that the human autonomic nervous system, which controls all physiological processes in the body, is not controlled by consciousness. But, being part of the entire nervous system, it is influenced by a person’s thoughts and feelings (including those that are suppressed and repressed into the subconscious).

According to the autoimmune theory of vitiligo, when emotional stress leads the human body to a state of stress, the immune system, designed to protect, understands this stress signal in its own way and begins to perform its duties too hard, destroying its cells. Considering that the skin contains a huge number of nerves, it receives the first blow.

On the other hand, the skin, as the boundary of our body, interacts with the environment around us. This makes the skin a kind of organ of contact with the outside world, an “organ of communication” with the world.

But something begins to interfere with a person’s normal contact with the outside world. As a rule, these are negative experiences, thoughts, emotions.

As Louise Hay writes, skin diseases are based on negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anxiety, old forgotten disgust, and the experience of a threat to oneself.

It is known that the location of the white spots shows a specific emotional area in connection with which a person is experiencing tension.

Another clue is that the skin reflects a person’s ability to know his own worth against the background of the world around him, and reflects a person’s opinion about himself.

The meaning of acne

  • If acne persists despite treatment, it may indicate low self-esteem. A person unconsciously rejects himself and cannot make a decision regarding some internal conflict.
  • Irregular acne indicates that at some points in life a person tries to hide from others, isolate and distance himself from the world around him. The stronger this desire, the more pimples appear on the skin.
  • Rare small pimples on the face may appear in those who have a very negative attitude towards changing plans.
  • If pimples appear on the forehead, this indicates that the person is too demanding of himself, he is afraid of seeming funny.
  • The rash covers almost the entire face and cannot be treated. It indicates that a person does not accept himself as an individual, cannot come to terms with the characteristics of his character, desires or actions.
  • Acne on the back may indicate that a person is carrying a heavy burden and cannot get rid of it.
  • If the number of acne suddenly increases, you need to remember what situation preceded it. Very often, stress becomes a catalyst that triggers a mechanism that provokes the occurrence of a rash.

Causes of nervous allergies in children

The child is very vulnerable, and his feelings and experiences are sometimes very strong. He is not yet able to correctly express his emotions, and because of this he is internally worried for the reason:

  • separation from mother for a long time;
  • constant parental conflicts;
  • life with constant prohibitions and restrictions.

Disharmony in the soul often causes allergic reactions on the body. Thus, Small child informs adults that he is not receiving enough affection, love, and understanding.

The child reflects the relationships in the family. Seeing that there are constant scandals between his parents, he perceives this acutely and his heart is blocked by a silent illness.

Also, the child can be affected by the stress that he received while still an embryo. If the mother was constantly nervous during pregnancy, the child may grow up weak and very vulnerable.

Acne treatment

In order to get rid of acne caused by psychosomatic diseases, comprehensive treatment is necessary:

  • Diet. First of all, exclude fried and fatty foods, sweets, baked goods, and in return they introduce vegetables, fruits and cereals. During the period of treatment you need to give up alcohol, carbonated drinks, and strong coffee.
  • Care. Despite the fact that psychological problems can be the cause of acne, we must not forget about proper care. It is necessary to use special therapeutic and cosmetical tools, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of pathogens that affect the skin.
  • Hypnosis. When a person is put into a trance, he relaxes, the regeneration process is activated, and the internal fears, and it becomes possible to identify the root of the problem, which may come from childhood.
  • Cognitive therapy. Enables the patient to believe in himself, strengthen his character, increase internal self-esteem and improve his social status.
  • Working with a psychologist or psychotherapist. It will give you an incentive to deal with internal problems, get rid of fears, accept and love yourself.

Psychosomatic acne on the face is a fairly serious problem that requires special attention and sufficiently long-term treatment. But with the right approach, it is possible to get rid of acne forever.

Characteristics of the delayed sensitivity phase

When the acute response phase has ended, the next delayed response phase begins. During it, leukocytes migrate to the site of inflammation various types:
lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, eosinophils. They gradually (over one or two days) replace connective tissue.

The most common signs of allergies are considered to be rhinitis and hay fever. Sometimes it can be eczema or bronchial asthma.

Other signs may also appear:

  • itching of the nose, palate;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • stuffy nose;
  • sneezing.

An allergic reaction may last for several hours or several days. Complications arise when a person continues to come into contact with the allergen. Such complications may include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. The patient will experience convulsions, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. In such an attack, call ambulance needed within 15 minutes.

There are cases when allergies occur due to the effects of cold on the human body. Its manifestations are severe redness of the skin and rashes.

Ways to Heal

Medicine says that curing vitiligo requires an integrated approach, not just one medicinal product. But even with complex treatment, including local, systemic, vitamin preparations, and physiotherapeutic procedures, cure occurs in only 20% of patients.

It is interesting that in another 7% of patients the disease goes away spontaneously, by itself.

It seems that the latter fact once again confirms the presence of psychological causes at the heart of this illness.

And, if so, then it makes sense to find these reasons in yourself (they were listed above) and take the path of healing.

So, if any of the psychological reasons discussed above “hooked” you (that is, you felt that it resonated with your internal state), then healing has already begun.

Yes, these may not be the most pleasant situations or events in your life, but our task is to understand that all events in our lives occur for our own development, spiritual and moral growth of the soul.

So, let’s think: for the development of what qualities did such and such an event happen or did you find yourself in such and such a situation? Hint: a person is basically born to develop such qualities as Love (for the Creator, for Life, for the World, for oneself, for loved ones and all humanity, for the living), forgiveness, acceptance, patience, kindness, friendliness , mutual assistance, humility, sincerity and other moral qualities.

But often people, being in some situation, make a choice not in favor of development: instead of accepting the person, they begin to scold and remake him, instead of accepting the event, they begin to resist it, putting themselves under stress.

Now you have realized everything, understood why Life has put you in this or that situation. Next, we ask for forgiveness mentally (or maybe out loud) from Life and ourselves (or the person with whom the situation is connected) for succumbing to negative feelings. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.

If you do everything right, you will feel peace and lightness in your soul. Fear and other negative emotions will go away, and in their place will come trust in Life and in yourself, faith in yourself.

It remains only to note that to increase the effectiveness of working on yourself, you can choose helpers: harmonizing affirmations (“I am safe”, “my parents love me”, “I trust Life”, “I believe in myself”, “I am unique” personality”, etc.), relaxing music, nature, creativity, etc.

I wish you acceptance and faith in yourself. You are truly a unique and valuable person.

Psychological causes of vitiligo

Dr. V. Sinelnikov writes that vitiligo appears as a consequence of complete alienation from the world, self-isolation, when a person does not feel like a full member of society.

V. Zhikarentsev believes that illness is caused by a person’s feeling that he is not connected to anything, the feeling that he is outside of things, not included in any of the groups (meaning social groups).

Psychologist E. Guskova claims that vitiligo is based on a person’s suffering from the fact that he is “not too clean”, the desire to “wash himself off”. The patient knows that his conscience is not clear, or he blames himself for something (even without being guilty).

According to this author, a child can also unconsciously choose this way to stand out and attract the attention of parents if he feels their lack of attention. The psychologist gives an example when spots on a child’s skin become, as it were, a symbol of light against a background of darkness, if parents call their child that (“you are my light in this difficult life”)

The psychologist gives an example when spots on a child’s skin become, as it were, a symbol of light against a background of darkness, if parents call their child that (“you are my light in this difficult life”).

Churaev M.Yu. argues that the causes of vitiligo should be sought in the patient’s childhood, namely, in how the parents behaved towards him. In this regard, he identifies two main psychosomatic causes of the disease: overprotection as the formation of a weak, unadapted personality and perfectionism, when parents demand too much from the child.

Churaev sees the psychological cause of vitiligo as an autoimmune pathology (like all other autoimmune diseases) as egoism, turning into egocentrism.

Among other metaphysical causes of vitiligo, psychologists identify one such as fear of rejection. Note that this fear appears when the person himself rejects the value of himself.

Knowing that skin problems are a signal of disharmony in a person’s relationship with the outside world, most psychologists insist that the causes of this disharmony must be sought in early childhood.

Thus, the occurrence of vitiligo in the future may be influenced by insufficient or excessive satisfaction of the child’s psycho-emotional needs (for example, not being picked up at all, or, conversely, not letting go).

Intrusion into the child’s world (for example, authoritarian parents: “go to karate”, “must obey your parents”, etc.) or ignoring the interests of the child (“don’t run”, “don’t make noise”) can also have far-reaching consequences in the form of illness. and so on.).

Such prohibitions deprive the child of naturally freeing himself from excess energy. In later life, a person, faced with the inability to satisfy his needs, begins to suppress his emotions, thereby accumulating tension. Suppressed emotions provoke the growth of antibodies, which then come out as skin diseases.

Thus, a person is silent, and his skin “screams” about an internal problem.

As a rule, a patient with vitiligo experiences stress from a feeling of uselessness and lack of demand.

He wants to express himself, his needs, to attract attention (how the white spots stand out)

Such a person feels like an outcast (lives with the feeling of “not like everyone else”). He is also distinguished by a feeling of alienation and detachment; he loses interest in the world around him.


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Each person has special “marks” on the body; in the medical interpretation they are called “nevi”; in common people they are called moles. Usually such marks are not a cause for concern, but in certain situations it may be advisable to remove them. For example, removing moles on the face will not only help improve your appearance, but will also protect you from accidental skin injuries due to wiping or washing.

Moles differ not only in size, but also in shape, causes and even depth

Classification of moles

Depending on the appearance and internal structure features, all human moles on the face and body are divided into several categories. By size they are distinguished:

  • small – ranging in size from half a millimeter to 1.5 centimeters;
  • medium - from 1.5 cm to 10 cm;
  • large - over 10 centimeters.

If small nevi do not cause any harm to the body, then medium and large moles can be dangerous. The fact is that there is a risk of a birthmark degenerating into a malignant tumor - this happens in 30% of cases, especially when leading an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive exposure to the sun and taking certain medications.

Usually moles appear almost immediately after birth; by about 7-8 years they acquire their final shape, and after that they can only change slightly in size. However, sometimes situations arise when a mole may appear in adulthood. The reason for this is the accumulation of pigment cells in certain layers of the skin. Acquired moles are of the following types:

  • intradermal - formed inside the dermal layer of the skin;
  • epidermal - located in the middle layer of the skin;
  • mixed - moles located on the border of the dermis and epidermis.

Mixed nevi are usually presented in the form of flat formations, while the first two types are pea-shaped. The main reasons for the appearance of new acquired moles are:

  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • certain periods of a person’s life (puberty, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • transition to mature age(after 50 years);
  • excessive exposure to sunlight (prolonged tanning, frequent visits to the solarium);
  • regular massage;
  • taking hormonal drugs and long-term drug treatment.

If a mole does not pose a health hazard or cause discomfort, it should not be removed

When should moles be removed?

Only an experienced specialist can determine the advisability of removing moles after special tests and a thorough examination, since any interference with the integrity of the skin is fraught with negative consequences.

It is important to closely monitor the condition of moles in order to seek help in a timely manner. The danger signal is:

  • change in the shape and size of the mole (this could be uneven edges, nevus stretching upward or sideways, etc.);
  • the appearance of a glossy coating on the birthmark;
  • change of surface pattern;
  • a burning or itching sensation;
  • irritation of the mole or the skin around it;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of dry crusts, watery blisters or blood stains;
  • formation of nodular mole.

Any of these factors should alert you, as this may be the first sign of the formation of a malignant tumor. In addition, moles can be removed in for cosmetic purposes, for example, when the formation is located on the face or in traumatic places (on the neck, lower back, hands, knee, etc.).

It’s a different story when many moles form on the face; in this case, additional research should be carried out to determine the cause of the appearance of such neoplasms. This arrangement birthmarks not only inconvenient, but also unaesthetic, so if possible, new nevi on the face should be eliminated.

The process of removing moles requires special care and compliance with special recommendations, so it is important to remember that nevi located on closed parts of the body can be removed at any time, while moles in open areas are best removed during periods of least solar activity (during the cold season). This rule does not apply to dangerous formations; if there is a risk of developing oncology, removal surgery can be performed at any time.

Some modern methods mole removal allows you to eliminate them without a trace

Facial mole removal procedure

Only an experienced doctor knows how to remove a mole on the face, so this problem should not be trusted to an unqualified specialist. First of all, it is important to conduct special research to determine the optimal option for the operation. Today, there are several ways to remove moles on the face.

  • Surgical method– used to eliminate deep and oncologically dangerous nevi. This method is not suitable for removing moles on the face, since it leaves scars.
  • Cryodestruction is an operation using liquid nitrogen. The essence of the technique is to freeze the cells of the mole, which ensures the drying of the upper layers of the skin, while a new layer of cells is formed inside. Gradually, old cells die and fall off, leaving no scars or scars. But this method removal is rarely used, since it does not always provide an effective result the first time, which means a repeat procedure may be required.
  • Electrocoagulation– exposure of nevus tissue to high-frequency current, which leads to burning of the mole. The downside is the scars that remain after the session.
  • Laser removal- an operation performed using a laser device. In this case, no negative consequences occur, the mole tissue is removed with a laser, and the surrounding skin does not experience any stress. The best option for this method is to remove small nevi; in the case of large formations, whitish spots may remain in their place.
  • Radiosurgery is the best option for removing a mole on the face, since a radiocoagulator (the device used to carry out the procedure) allows you to simultaneously remove unnecessary tissue, stop bleeding, disinfect the wound and heal it. At the end of the session, there are practically no traces left in the form of scars or stretch marks at the site of the former mole, and over time the skin will heal perfectly.

As you can see, there are many ways to remove moles from your body, but when choosing a specific method, you should take into account the characteristics of each individual case in order to select the optimal removal program. The last two methods are more suitable for removing formations on the face - radiosurgery and laser removal, but there are cases when these means cannot eliminate the problem, then it is worth resorting to other methods. There is no need to worry about the remaining scars and scars, such Negative consequences A plastic surgeon will help you eliminate it after a period of skin restoration.

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Moles (nevi) on the face can become an ornament to a person’s appearance or a significant cosmetic defect. Some of them also pose a serious health hazard. Many people wonder how to remove moles from the face so that no marks remain afterward?

Which moles need to be removed?

Removing moles on the face is a very important step, since this procedure will not only significantly change a person’s appearance, but can also preserve his health. In some cases, it is necessary to remove a mole. This is necessary when the nevus degenerates into a malignant tumor called melanoma. Signs of such degeneration are:

  • spontaneous growth;
  • rapid increase in size;
  • change in shape and color;
  • the appearance of pain, itching.

Mechanically damaged moles also need to be removed. It is better to remove those nevi that are located in places prone to skin trauma. This is especially common for formations that are subject to cuts during shaving in men or during various cosmetic procedures in women. This is due to the fact that any damage to a mole can lead to its degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Consultation with a specialist

Before removing any nevus, you should consult a qualified dermatologist. Only he will be able to conduct a correct examination, and if necessary, make a scraping (biopsy) of the formation and conduct a histological examination to determine its malignancy. Only after this will he be able to give specific recommendations on the most appropriate method for removing a particular mole.

This is due to the fact that if a nevus has degenerated into a malignant tumor, it must be excised only surgically. The consequences of removing a mole without prior consultation with a dermatologist can be very serious, since in the case of melanoma, other methods of getting rid of such formations are ineffective.

Surgical removal of a mole on the face

Removal methods

Today, the following methods for removing common moles located on the face are the most widely used.

Laser mole removal

It is one of the most rational for removing nevi on the face. This method has a high level of antiseptic action, eliminating secondary infection.

The procedure is virtually painless and lasts only a few minutes. The skin heals quickly (in 10-14 days), so the likelihood of scar formation is minimized. Laser method allows you to remove even those nevi that are in the most hard to reach places(on the eyelids, oral mucosa, in the interciliary space).

Radio wave removal

Is one of the most modern methods removal of these formations on the skin. It has an antiseptic effect, preventing the risk of secondary infection. The treated tissues heal very quickly. After the procedure, scars rarely appear at the site of the mole.


The essence is the use of liquid nitrogen, under the influence low temperatures which destroys nevus cells. After this procedure, dead tissue remains on the wound and protects healthy skin cells from secondary infection. However, it is better not to use cryodestruction to remove nevi on the face, since the cold of liquid nitrogen negatively affects the skin. Also, in some cases, this procedure has to be repeated, which leads to the formation of quite noticeable scars.

Removal of flat moles

Flat moles (lentigo) are sunny, youthful and senile. They appear for various reasons. As a rule, they are not recommended to be removed either with a laser or with radio waves. This is due to the fact that these nevi practically do not rise above the skin and after using such removal methods, depressions remain in their place.

The best way to remove flat moles from the skin of the face is photorejuvenation. This non-surgical, safe and painless method involves applying pulsed light to the upper and deeper layers of the skin. The rays penetrate the epidermis and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which helps improve physiological processes at the cellular level and noticeably rejuvenate the skin. Thermal energy affects flat moles and eliminates problem cells. It promotes synthesis necessary for the skin elements. Light rays hitting lentigo affect melanin and eliminate pigmentation.

The duration of one procedure is 5-20 minutes. The course of therapy consists of 3-6 sessions. Before using this procedure, you should consult a dermatologist. During photorejuvenation, the skin is not damaged or infected. It is effective at any age and has a minimum of contraindications. Photorejuvenation cannot be performed during pregnancy, with a fresh tan or while taking photosensitizing drugs.

In some cases, small flat moles are removed using special cosmetic procedures, which are prescribed for freckles. They are aimed at lightening age spots.

Removing moles on the face with laser

Removal of raised moles

Elimination of raised moles or nevi large sizes most often produced by the following methods:

  1. Classic surgical excision with a scalpel. The doctor puts a special suture on the wound and treats it with an antiseptic. After 2-3 weeks, the scar on the skin becomes almost invisible.
  2. Using a laser method, in which the nevus is removed layer by layer until it is completely destroyed.
  3. Using electrocoagulation using high-frequency current. With it, a nevus is cut off with a special tool that is heated by electric current. During the procedure, the blood vessels are sealed and the formation cells die. When removing moles using this method, local anesthesia is required. The mark from the formation will begin to heal within 3-4 days.

A special approach to removing nevi on the face

Under no circumstances should you choose a method for removing nevi on your face on your own. Moreover, they cannot be treated at home. The consequences of such self-medication often lead to disastrous results. Not only can a mole develop into malignant melanoma, but serious damage and infection without the intervention of a dermatologist can even result in death.

After removing the nevus, the place where it was should not be wetted for 2-3 days. Until the crust formed on the skin comes off on its own, it cannot be peeled off or lubricated with decorative and hygienic cosmetics. You can apply only those creams and ointments to the scabs that are prescribed by the specialist who performed the procedure for removing the formation. Since the face is constantly exposed, after mole removal you should avoid being in the sun or visiting a solarium. After the skin has healed, the area where the nevus was previously should be protected with creams with a high level of SPF.

Before deciding to take such an important step as removing a mole on the face, you should definitely consult with a dermatologist, and not make an independent choice of method and clinic. Such formations should not be joked with, since the wrong approach to their removal can lead to the development of malignant formations.