What is ultrasonic facial peeling? Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasound is successfully used in various spheres of human life, including cosmetology. It has been used in medicine for more than 30 years, when the first ultrasound machine was created. After a short period of time, ultrasound also penetrated the field of cosmetology. At first it was used to cleanse the skin of impurities, and then it began to be used for peeling.

Currently, ultrasonic facial peeling is able to replace several cosmetic procedures at the same time, as it smoothes wrinkles, cleanses the skin and corrects the oval of the face.

What is ultrasonic facial peeling?

Almost everyone knows what peeling is. With the help of this procedure, the appearance and color of the skin improves, in addition, it begins to rejuvenate. But this effect does not last long, and it is absolutely impossible to repeat it very often, because due to the heavy load, the epidermis loses its ability to renew itself. This often leads to clogged pores and aging of the skin.

But women dream of always being beautiful. This is what largely contributed to the emergence of such a procedure as ultrasonic facial peeling. He is the most gentle kind peeling, used to remove the top layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead cells. In addition, with the help of this procedure, superficial wrinkles are smoothed out, acne and contaminated comedones disappear, hemodynamics improve, and the skin is naturally moisturized. The face becomes refreshed and visibly rejuvenated. Thanks to deep cleansing, the pores do not seem too large, and the skin becomes velvety, smooth and soft.

This procedure is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort, and it can be done very often. The result lasts a week - one and a half, after which it is recommended to repeat it to better consolidate the effect.

Indications for the procedure

Ultrasonic peeling has the following indications for its implementation:


Despite the fact that knot peeling is done on various types skin, it is forbidden to carry out for people suffering from oncological or cardiovascular diseases. Also, the procedure is prohibited during exacerbation of skin diseases, during pregnancy, with blood diseases and thrombophlebitis, if the patient's face has trophic ulcers, abrasions or wounds, with mental illness, wearing a pacemaker and the presence of implants.

If the patient has pustules or acne worsens, then preliminary treatment should be carried out first. It can be cosmetic or medical procedures. Only after the treatment is carried out, it is possible to carry out ultrasound peeling.

If any surgical interventions were performed on the face, then during the recovery period such a procedure is prohibited.

In addition, cosmetologists do not recommend ultrasonic peeling:

  • before the eyes;
  • over the thyroid gland;
  • on the genitals;
  • in the area above the heart.

The procedure for ultrasonic peeling

Face peeling is carried out using a device that produces high-efficiency ultrasonic waves that do not cause any harm to a person. In various beauty salons, the stages of the procedure are carried out in different ways. The cosmetologist carries out manipulations at his own discretion, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin of each patient.

At the first stage, the skin should be cleaned of cosmetics. using special lotions. If necessary, you can additionally cleanse the skin with a scrub that lifts the skin scales, which increases the likelihood of complete cleansing of the skin.

Then the skin must be moistened with mineral water or a special gel, after which the beautician puts an ultrasonic scrubber blade on it and begins to drive it along the massage lines. The patient in this case can only feel the vibration of the device, and in those places where the skin is very close to the bone (cheekbones, forehead).

At the end of the ultrasonic peeling procedure, a light plastic massage is performed, a moisturizing mask and a cream suitable for a particular skin type are applied.

On average, the facial peeling procedure lasts no more than 40 minutes, and the result can be assessed almost immediately. To keep the skin in good condition, ultrasonic peeling is recommended. spend 1-2 times a month, but it can be more often if there is evidence for this.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Facial Peeling

No recovery period

Taking into account the fact that the skin of the face is not damaged at all during the peeling, patients after it can immediately return to their daily activities. This procedure is often called the "weekend" because it is performed when you need to quickly bring the skin to a flawless condition.

Procedure safety

Since ultrasound does not have any toxic effect on the human body, patients who agree to such a procedure do not risk anything at all, unlike chemical peeling, which can cause toxicity in the body active chemicals. Of course, the probability of this is very small, but it exists.

Possibility of combining peeling knots with other cosmetic procedures

Ultrasonic waves are able to increase the permeability of the skin several times, so if immediately after the procedure, apply any cosmetic product, then its effect on the skin will be more pronounced and lasting.

low cost

Particularly pleasing is the fact that the procedure has quite low cost. Moreover, many clinics and salons often carry it out at discount or promotional prices.

Other benefits

Like other types of peels, ultrasonic is aimed at removing the topmost layer of the epidermis. But vibrational vibrations penetrate much deeper, due to which there is an immediate several types of impact:

  • Mechanical. As a result of ultrasonic vibrations, facial skin is cleansed of impurities and dead cells. In addition, they are very effective against scars, because they contribute to the resorption of collagen fibers that make up scar tissue. Facial massage is carried out, accelerating regeneration.
  • Physical and chemical. There is an acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Disinfectant. Ultrasound is great at fighting bacteria, so it is very effective if you have acne.

Ultrasonic peeling is a gentle procedure, so if the face is too dirty, then it may not be able to cope with it. In advanced cases, mechanical cleaning is first carried out, after which the result is fixed with a peeling.

Every woman has to deal with such a phenomenon when the skin pores on the face become contaminated with dead cells, dust, excessive production of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes more difficult to breathe, it does not receive enough oxygen and begins to fade and fade. Trying to revive it with the help of home peeling, women are faced with the fact that the effect of scrubs is very short-lived. Even if you use them regularly, the skin may not withstand such an onslaught. Where is the exit? Modern cosmetology, taking into account this problem, offers ultrasonic peeling - an inexpensive, safe and very effective method of cleansing the face from all kinds of impurities.

How is ultrasonic peeling performed?

In the cosmetology salon, you will be offered to do ultrasonic cleaning not only of the face, but of the whole body. This procedure is performed using a special apparatus that produces ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency, which are absolutely safe for humans. Peeling is based on careful and accurate removal of the upper layer of the epidermis. Ultrasonic facial peeling does not represent anything terrible and painful and involves the following steps.

1. Treatment of the skin with mineral water, which penetrates into the deep layers and pushes out microparticles that pollute the skin from there to the surface.

2. Skin treatment with ultrasound. The patient will feel nothing but a pleasant vibration. It opens the pores and gently cleanses them of all types of impurities.

Already after the first session, you will see a stunning rejuvenating effect from ultrasonic peeling, which you will want to fix with repeated procedures, which are recommended to be done after 2 weeks.


In what cases should you use this procedure and rejuvenate your skin? A beautician may recommend ultrasonic peeling in the following cases:

  • black dots (comedones);
  • acne;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • aging skin with the first signs of aging;
  • wrinkles;
  • contaminated skin;
  • oily skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dehydrated skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • strong pigmentation.

Hardware peeling with ultrasound has such a gentle effect that it is not terrible and absolutely harmless even for the most sensitive and thin skin. The versatility of this cosmetic procedure still limited by a number of contraindications, which should be told to the patient before it is carried out.


Very subtly affecting the skin, ultrasonic peeling still has contraindications. These include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory skin processes in the acute stage, including pustular formations that require prior treatment;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • injured skin;
  • neuralgia in any of its manifestations;
  • tumors of various origins;
  • recently made chemical peeling faces;
  • postoperative period (if the operation was performed on the face);
  • manifestation of rosacea on the treated area and other pathological disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Given these contraindications, ultrasonic peeling will not entail any consequences and complications. On the contrary: it will only delight you with renewed, refreshed, beautiful skin.

What effect to expect

What to expect from this procedure for those who have decided to give their skin new life? Already after the first session, the result will become noticeable, but it is recommended to fix it with a second peeling after 2 weeks. In total, you need to do 5–7 procedures so that the effect of ultrasonic peeling delights not only you with the reflection in the mirror, but also the people around you:

  • the skin will be cleansed of already dead cells, which will facilitate the access of oxygen to the cells from the outside;
  • black dots will disappear without severe injury due to mechanical extrusion;
  • skin immunity is strengthened;
  • subcutaneous microcirculation of lymph and blood will improve significantly, delivering oxygen to the cells from the inside;
  • the antiseptic properties of the skin are restored;
  • removal of pronounced age spots;
  • enlarged pores become less noticeable and no longer spoil the appearance;
  • the complexion evens out and acquires a healthy tone, shines with youth and freshness;
  • the skin is deeply hydrated and toned.

Any woman who cares about her appearance, once faced with the need for deep cleansing of the skin of the face, since home peeling no longer has the desired effect. In this case, there is an effective, safe and painless ultrasonic peeling that any beauty salon can offer today.

Video of the procedure

mechanical cleaning

Effect: deep cleansing of the skin from sebaceous plugs by mechanical action with the help of hands or a special cosmetic tool. The procedure is quite traumatic for the skin, a little painful, redness may remain for one or two days, and the period of complete recovery lasts on average one week. Do not use after cleaning decorative cosmetics and alcohol-containing products throughout the day. At proper care the positive effect lasts up to five months.

What they do: remove makeup, wipe the skin with a tonic, open pores with the help of steam or a mask. This is followed by the very process of cleansing with an instrument (or manually), while those areas of the skin on which the sebaceous plugs have already been removed are immediately wiped with alcohol or another agent that will prevent the development of the inflammatory process. After finishing work with the instrument, the skin is disinfected again, a mask is applied to soothe and narrow the pores, and at the end - a moisturizer. The duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the patient's skin.

Indications: enlarged pores, advanced acne, comedones. This is a radical, but the most effective method. Recommended for oily and combination skin.

Contraindications: inflamed rashes, dermatitis, eczema, herpes, scalp diseases, dry and sensitive skin, tendency to scarring.

Chemical peel

Effect: cleansing the skin with special acid-containing products. In this way, impurities and dead cells are removed, inflammation is relieved, color and relief are evened out. Experts say that peeling improves the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and starts the processes of skin regeneration. This type of cleaning comes in different effects: superficial, medium and deep. Superficial peeling is in great demand - it is the least traumatic. It is carried out on the basis of fruit acids(ANA). The most popular sparing types of chemical peels are almond, glycol, milk. After such a cleansing, there may be no consequences, but redness and peeling may remain for one to two days.

What they do: the skin is cleansed with a tonic and prepared for the procedure. To do this, make a mask with a low concentration of acids to warm up the skin and avoid burns. The high acid gel is then applied for two to ten minutes. The procedure is accompanied by a slight burning sensation and tingling. If necessary, an acid-neutralizing gel is applied to the face for two to three minutes. Everything is washed off, cleaning is completed with a soothing mask, post-peeling cream.

Indications: dull complexion, oily skin, a small amount of acne and moderate acne, enlarged pores.

Contraindications: open wounds, inflammation, herpes, eczema, sensitive skin, pregnancy, lactation, somatic diseases.

ultrasonic cleaning

Effect: with the help of an ultrasonic scrubber, dead cells are exfoliated and small impurities are cleansed, as well as micromassage with ultrasonic waves. The skin takes on a well-groomed appearance, becomes smooth and radiant. It can be done before significant events, as the procedure eliminates skin injury and is also absolutely painless. It can be used to cleanse the skin of the back, shoulders, décolleté.

What they do: the skin is cleaned of cosmetics, wiped with lotion, not steamed (this is not necessary), separate areas of the skin are treated with a special nozzle (for ten minutes). Then the face is disinfected with an alcohol tonic, a soothing and moisturizing mask is applied, followed by a moisturizer. On average, the procedure takes about forty minutes.

Indications: Very effective for normal skin(for prevention). It is recommended if for some reason you have not taken care of your skin for a long time or before going to the sea (when chemical peeling is contraindicated). Often used for combined cleaning (before mechanical). Safe for sensitive skin.

Contraindications: inflamed areas of the skin, pregnancy, lactation, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, epilepsy, tumor formation.

What is your method?

Only a qualified specialist can choose the most optimal and effective cleaning method for your skin. You should remember about contraindications in order to have a general idea of ​​the procedures and not fall for the hook of unscrupulous cosmetologists.

To summarize the above, ultrasonic cleaning is a godsend for people with sensitive skin, mechanical - for owners of oily and problem skin, chemical - for skin requiring renewal.

When is the best time to clean your skin?

Any kind of cleansing should be applied regularly, but not too often. For problematic, oily skin, it should be done no more than four times a year, for dry and sensitive skin - no more than twice a year. The best period for such cosmetic manipulations is autumn-winter, when the activity of the sun decreases. It must be remembered that after any method of cleansing for some period of time (this should be mentioned by a specialist), it is worth using sunscreen.

For maximum efficiency the procedure is not recommended to clean less than ten days before the onset of menstruation and during it, since during this period the sebaceous glands are most active, the procedure will not give the expected result.

It is possible that problematic skin is outward manifestation diseases internal organs or the result of a hormonal imbalance. So if no method of cleansing the skin helps you, you should go to a dermatologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

Ultrasonic facial peeling is a fairly new procedure. It is suitable for different ages and is considered one of the most gentle in its field. Most often, ultrasonic facial peeling is aimed at clearing the upper layer of the epidermis, removing acne and excess sebum. At the same time, such an intervention does not affect the aging process of the skin in any way, which cannot be said about ordinary peeling.

Indications for the procedure are: the presence of mixed or oily skin with acne or post-acne (scars, ruts), enlarged pores. Peeling is also suitable for unhealthy complexion. After the procedure, blood circulation in the skin cells improves, which contributes to its better hydration.

This type of peeling does not require preliminary steaming of the face (as, for example, mechanical). Before the session, the skin is treated with mineral water or a special gel, which makes it possible to achieve better conductivity of ultrasonic waves. During the session, the beautician works with the main massage lines of the face. The wave from the device crushes dead skin cells, excess sebum and removes all unnecessary. As a rule, all this takes no more than half an hour.

During the session, the master uses a special spatula that vibrates due to ultrasound. With the help of this spatula, active substances are injected into the skin. Ultrasound heats the surface of the face to a temperature of 40-45°C, which allows you to expand the blood vessels and increase the amount of oxygen entering the cells. In addition, the acoustic wave reduces stagnation and swelling in the tissues.

Of particular note is the painlessness of the procedure and the absence of injuries. After ultrasonic peeling, there will be no redness or inflammation, the only thing is that the skin may turn slightly pink, but this will pass in a few hours and will not cause any inconvenience. The effect of the procedure is immediately visible, no recovery period is required. However, often clients are advised to repeat the session after a week to consolidate the result. But for people with oily and problematic skin, you will probably have to visit a beautician more than once a month (this schedule of visits is recommended if there are no special problems).

The main results that ultrasonic peeling helps to achieve:

  • elasticity and silkiness of the skin;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • freshness of the face with a visual effect of rejuvenation (the procedure tones the epidermis).

The final result, however, will depend on the condition of the skin at the beginning of the session. However, there are various reviews about ultrasonic facial peeling. And this indicates that the procedure is still not universal.

Myths about the procedure and contraindications for use

It is customary to think that the word "peeling" in itself is a guarantor of rejuvenation, but this is far from being the case. Of course, after the procedure, the face will look refreshed and toned, but not enough to make its owner five years younger. The same applies to age spots, which, contrary to the expectations of some clients, ultrasonic peeling will not help to get rid of. Another myth is the opinion that this procedure has no contraindications. The list of contraindications that should be noted in this regard is quite impressive, since peeling is not suitable:

  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • People with hypertension and cancer
  • Having pustular rashes or irritations on the skin
  • For those with a pacemaker
  • Sick people, if the disease (any) is in the acute stage, suffering from mental disorders

All these categories of people cannot resort to this procedure, since the consequences can be unpredictable. It is also worth abandoning peeling for people who have recently undergone facial surgery. In addition, a number of clients noted that the session was quite painful. In different cases, this may be due either to the individual characteristics of the organism, or to an insufficiently well-performed procedure.

Prices for the procedure of ultrasonic peeling

It should be noted that prices for ultrasonic facial peeling are quite reasonable today. So, on average, one session of such a procedure will cost about $ 40. At the same time, many clients do not need a second visit to the beautician. Not infrequently, promotions are held in salons, and this service falls into the category of those offered at a discount. In addition, there are special devices that can be purchased for home use and perform ultrasonic cleaning at home.

Summing up

Ultrasonic peeling is a fairly popular procedure. This is due to its availability, effectiveness and lack of a rehabilitation period. The latter fact allows you to peel at any time, even during your lunch break at work. However, with all the positivity of this method, one should not forget about contraindications. If in doubt, it is better to go to an experienced beautician and consult with him first.

Ultrasonic facial peeling video

Ultrasonic facial peeling is a modern cosmetology procedure of sparing properties. It solves several dermatological problems at the same time and is useful for people different ages. According to the opinions of cosmetologists and patients, one of the significant advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing is the wide availability of the service and the affordable price.

Ultrasound peeling is a kind of hardware facial skin care, which involves high-frequency vibrations of sound waves. In the process of ultrasonic cleaning, the cellular bonds of the stratum corneum are broken and dead particles are rejected.

Thanks to ultrasonic peeling, the skin receives a multiple effect:

  • exfoliation of dry particles of the epidermis;
  • removal of black dots (comedones);
  • narrowing of pores;
  • improvement of blood circulation, normalization of metabolic processes;
  • softening connective tissue, disappearance of adhesions;
  • massage of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen.

Cosmetologists note that after ultrasound peeling, only small wrinkles are smoothed out on the face. The procedure does not have a big effect on deep folds and “flews”. But there is a toning and smoothing of skin color, as well as a visual rejuvenating effect.

How is ultrasonic facial cleaning performed?

The healing procedure is carried out using special equipment and consists of several stages:

  1. cleansing the face with mild mineral products from organic impurities and makeup residues;
  2. hydration liquid composition corresponding to the type of skin;
  3. applying a special gel that acts as a conductor;
  4. skin resurfacing with an ultrasonic electrode with a spatula-shaped tip;
  5. irrigation of the treated surface of the face with an antibacterial tonic;
  6. coating with a thin layer of a nutrient mixture that provides hydration and nourishment of the skin;
  7. gel application followed by ultrasonic facial massage. The purpose of the reactivating effect is to increase the tone of the skin and muscles, narrow the pores, stimulate the nerve endings;
  8. moisturizing cream.

The movement of the ultrasonic nozzle occurs in the direction from the side zones to the center of the face. During ultrasonic peeling, exposure to the areas around the eyes and lips is avoided. Each area of ​​the face can be treated no more than 4 times. In general, the process of ultrasonic peeling takes 15-20 minutes. For sensitive skin, the procedure is reduced to 5-10 minutes.

The frequency of ultrasonic cleaning of the face

Depending on the type of skin and the complexity of the problems, the beautician prescribes a course of 5-15 sessions. Usually they are carried out with an interval of 1-2 weeks. For patients with dry sensitive skin, it is recommended to repeat ultrasonic peeling every 3 months. With increased fat content, monthly facial cleansing is indicated.

According to patients, the result of ultrasonic peeling on the face becomes noticeable immediately. The rejuvenating effect lasts for 4-12 months.


  • acne;
  • comedones (acne, post-acne);
  • pigmentation;
  • small scars, potholes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased greasiness;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • puffiness, unhealthy complexion.


  • injuries, skin cuts, pustular formations on the face;
  • heavy chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncology, HIV;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • SARS, fever, fever.

Ultrasonic cleaning should not be prescribed after chemical peels. Another contraindication is a plastic lift and other surgical operations on the face.

Reviews and opinions about the procedure

“I have oily skin, so I used to do a manual facial cleansing every month. After it, spots and puffiness remained for a long time. On the advice of a friend, I did an ultrasound peel. My review is positive: the procedure is fast, painless and inexpensive. After it, the face immediately becomes fresh and toned.

Elena, Yekaterinburg.

“I paid a little more than 11 thousand for a course of six sessions. After peeling, age spots brightened, the oval of the face slightly smoothed out, the skin became fresher and more elastic. But the effect was barely enough for 2.5 months, although I was promised six months or a year. I won’t apply again, it’s too expensive.”

Tatyana, Krasnodar.

“After ultrasonic peeling, the face was cleared of age spots, dark circles under the eyes and oily sheen. The process does not cause discomfort, the price is quite acceptable. Among the shortcomings, I note the irritation that did not leave the face for several days.

Anna, Nizhny Novgorod.

“After the first session of ultrasonic peeling, I was disappointed. There were no positive changes, but traces of irritation lasted for almost three days. True, the cosmetologist immediately warned me that facial care was cumulative, and prescribed 5 procedures. I decided to continue treatment, as it turned out, not in vain. Noticeable improvements began to occur after the second cleansing of the face. As a result, the skin noticeably brightened, became smooth, makeup lays down evenly. People around say that I have become prettier and look younger than my age.

Oksana, St. Petersburg.

“From a young age, I suffer from acne on my face. The skin is quickly greasy, has an unhealthy appearance, it requires constant care. You have to steam it and squeeze out black dots. I heard rave reviews about ultrasonic peeling from an employee. The price seemed attractive. I was examined in a beauty salon, no contraindications were found and a course of 10 sessions was prescribed. Overall, it turned out to be much more expensive than I expected at first. But besides cleansing my face, they gave me a massage and nourishing masks. All treatments were completed within 5 weeks. The result is wonderful, the skin is clean for three months now. As soon as it starts to get dirty, I will definitely go to the salon. ”

Julia, Moscow region.