What is the danger of peeling fish legs. Fish that clean the skin of the legs. Garra Rufa - what kind of fish is it?

  Fish peeling is one of the most fashionable cosmetic procedures that offer clients prestigious beauty salons, domestic and foreign. Especially often, a course of "ichthyotherapy" is offered at Turkish resorts. Should I agree to these procedures, are they not hazardous to health? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the names of the fish that make peeling?

The fish that do the peeling are called Garra Rufa. They live in the basin of the Tigris and Euphrates. These fish were described back in 1843, and in Turkey for about two centuries they have been used to treat a number of skin diseases. In America and Europe, fish peeling became popular only ten years ago.

Garra rufa belong to the family of cyprinids, but at the same time they have a number of unique features.

  1. Garra Ruf’s fish are very small: in natural conditions they can reach 12-15 centimeters, but those grown in artificial ponds and aquariums rarely grow up to 10 centimeters (more often they reach 5 to 8 centimeters in length).
  2. They can live in warm water, the temperature of which reaches 40 degrees, although they feel much better at 30-32 degrees. In other words, the temperature comfortable for them is also comfortable for the person.
  3. They are not picky about food: in nature they feed on plankton, but in the absence of it they can “satisfy hunger” with dead particles of human skin.
  4. They have no teeth, therefore they cannot damage the skin of a person, cause him pain.
  5. Garra rufa saliva contains enzymes that have a bactericidal and anti-aging effect on the epidermis, one of them - dithranol - is a part of psoriasis treatment.

All these properties make it possible to peel fish, which is completely painless and even causes a pleasant feeling, unless the enterprising salon owner has gotten a "fake" - cheap toothy fish called "chin-chin." Outwardly, they look like doctor fish, but they actually bite skin cells, which is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. If painful sensations appear during the procedure, urgently remove from the aquarium that part of the body that the fish “eat” - this is not Garra Rufa, but their biting doubles.

Before lowering your feet into the pool with fish, watch them: the real Garra Rufa have a scarlet tail fin, they are, while the pool is empty, at its very bottom.

Fish peeling: benefit

The skin needs to be renewed. Regular removal of keratinized epithelial cells improves cellular respiration, oxygen saturation of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes, regeneration. Any kind of peeling improves the condition of integumentary tissues, has a rejuvenating effect. Fish peeling is one of the mildest ways to remove dead epithelial cells.

With the help of Garr Ruf, they carry out various types of “cleaning”.

  1. Fish face peeling is the least common procedure. It has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft, velvety, helps eliminate freckles, acne, acne.
  2. Fish body peeling has a double effect: cosmetic, improving skin condition, and healing (in the presence of diseases such as psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, lichen). Slenderness this procedure does not add.
  3. Peeling fish legs  - The most popular service in the salons specializing in SPA procedures using Garra Rufa. A session of "ichthyotherapy" will make the heels more smooth, but a real pedicure cannot even replace a course of 5-7 such procedures. Fish peeling of the legs will only slightly reduce corns and corns, will slightly improve the condition for fungal diseases.

The benefits of peeling with fish lies not only in the field of cosmetology and dermatology - the procedure allows you to relax, relieve stress. It resembles a relaxation session. "Ichthyotherapy" improves a person’s condition with nervous disorders, stress.

Peeling fish: harm

The benefits of fish peeling will be happy to tell you in any salon, but it should be borne in mind that the procedure has contraindications, which conscientious cosmetologists are obligated to warn.

In particular, peeling with fish is contraindicated in the presence of the following conditions:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • malignant tumor;
  • open wounds;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Some of the listed dermatological diseases may resemble others, for the treatment of which fish peeling is used.

If you decide on a ichthyotherapy session, carefully examine the legs or other part of the body that will undergo peeling. If there is even slight damage, discard the procedure. If there are plaques or spots on the skin that indicate the presence of a dermatological disease, consult with your doctor first to rule out any contraindications.

Fish peeling can be harmful in the absence of the diseases listed above. The problem is the inability to ensure the absolute hygiene of the procedure. Even if disinfecting the pool (or aquarium), water, skin of each client, it is not possible to disinfect the fish themselves. For this reason, fish peeling is banned in 14 states of America. It should also be borne in mind that it is possible that a client infects himself through the fish, because of which the existing disease will not go away, but, on the contrary, will intensify and spread throughout the body.

Fish peeling is a fashionable procedure that has many advantages. It allows you to gently “polish” the skin, improve the regeneration of integumentary tissues, and has a rejuvenating effect. Helps relieve the course of a number of dermatological diseases. The procedure is pleasant, resembles a relaxation session. However, fish peeling has contraindications, it is unsafe even for healthy people. Potential harm can negate all the advantages of ichthyotherapy. Whether or not to try an exotic procedure on oneself is everyone’s private affair, but it will not hurt to consult a physician before that.

Each country has its own type of massage, but despite such great differences in methods, massage has healing properties for the human body. However, the therapeutic effect can be obtained not only from the hands of a professional, but also with the help of some types of fish.

Doctor fish

The inhabitants of Asia for about five centuries have been using for health purposes, which they called the doctor-fish. The time has come when this miracle fish appeared in Russia. In large cities, it is used for massage and body peeling, mainly legs.

These fish can not only cleanse the skin of keratinized skin particles, but also cure some skin diseases, in particular psoriasis, relieve fatigue, stress, swelling and leg fatigue, as well as increase tone. At the same time, the enzyme contained in the saliva of fish has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Using a doctor fish is not addictive or allergic, so this method of improving the condition of the legs is allowed at any age. So what is it like that? But this fish is native to gold, belongs to the family of cyprinids, the class of ray-feathers and - Garra Rufa.

The extraction of this fish in natural reservoirs is strictly prohibited, therefore, many Asian states are engaged in its artificial breeding, trying to maximize bring its conditions to natural, so as not to lose many of the healing properties of fish.

How to get Garra Rufa?

Garra Rufa is delivered to Russia by plane in containers specially equipped for this purpose, undergoes quarantine and adaptation to our environment, after which she is subject to certification by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation.

Today, you can easily make these wonderful fish for medical purposes in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There they are actively used in various SPA salons.

It should be noted that Garra Rufa is a schooling fish, and you need to buy it in an amount of at least five pieces. Be sure to ask for a certificate of the Veterinary Service to be sure that it has successfully passed quarantine.

Pay attention to the appearance of the doctor fish. Her eyes should be clear, and the color of a bright saturated color.

Do not look for specialized food for Garra Ruth, he has not yet been invented. But do not be upset, this type of fish is quite unpretentious and omnivorous. You can feed them all kinds of dry, live or frozen food. The best option for today is tablets for catfish feed. You need to feed them twice a day.

The amount of water in the aquarium should be calculated approximately based on the fact that one liter of Garr Ruf has 7 liters of water at a temperature of + 28-38 ℃. The aquarium must be equipped with uninterrupted aeration, filtration and sterilization of water. Once a week, it is necessary to change a tenth of the total water volume. Cleaning the filters and walls of the aquarium - as needed.

Fish peeling is an exotic spa treatment now available in Russia. Fish peeling allows you to disconnect from everyday activities and easily, quickly and pleasantly restore skin softness. Submerging legs, arms or the whole body in the Garra Rufa fish pool ( family of cyprinids, first described by Johann Haeckel in 1843), patients get rid of dead cells and fragments of old, rough skin.

In the beauty salons, the fish that do the peeling are kept in aquariums at a temperature of 32 degrees comfortable for them. About the same water temperature in the reservoirs of Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq, where Garra Rufa lives in natural conditions. On the other hand, 32 ° C is the optimum temperature for softening the stratum corneum, the particles of which “bite off” the fish, which, incidentally, have no teeth. Fish make a very original way foot peeling: stick to the skin and treat it with an enzyme contained in their saliva. The most “delicious” little gourmets seem to be keratinized areas, which they gladly “gnaw”.

  Peeling fish: video

  Fish peeling: what skin problems fish will save from

"Fish" peeling, with seeming frivolity, is a very useful procedure that allows you to:

  • clear skin  from keratinized areas;
  • improve blood supply  tissues (fish have not only jaws, but also tendrils with which they massage the skin, causing activation of vital processes);
  • to carry out prevention  dermatological diseases (there are observations that fish peeling significantly alleviates the condition of patients with psoriasis);
  • improve skin color, return the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • clean the skin of fungi;
  • rejuvenate the skin  (the enzyme contained in the saliva of Garra rufa fish is often added to cosmetics designed to “revitalize” aging skin).

The main advantage of the procedure is naturalnesspeeling fish. Reviews of cleansing sessions abound with compliments to the fish. Really, Garra Rufa is so delicate and delicate that removing old particles does not damage living tissue.  (unlike similar cleanings with chemical compounds). Although healthy skin does not go unnoticed, it literally comes to life after a micromassage session.

  Peeling fish: price of the procedure

Peeling with fish in Moscow can be done in almost all spas, although the service of adequate quality is not always offered everywhere. The low price of fish peeling should rather alert, because she can talk about the use of "fake" fish.

  How to make a peeling Garra Rufa

Depending on the treatment area (the whole body, arms, legs), the patient either completely immerses in the aquarium or drops only the legs (arms) to which the fish immediately rush. The peeling takes place without any tension, the patient enjoys the massage and the company of “pleasing” his Garra rufa. All that is required of him is it does not make sudden movementsso as not to scare away the tiny "beauticians".

  Fish peeling: interesting facts about the procedure

  1. Before the procedure, fish are not fedtherefore, they enthusiastically take for a “treat”, any organic (especially protein!) food is a joy to them.
  2. The real Garra Rufa fish is like a leech, it is gray-steel in color, and a large round mouth is located between the eyes.
  3. Have appeared fake Garra Rufa fish - they are called Chin Chinhinting at Chinese breeding. Externally, the fish are similar, but the habits are different. Chin-chin is more aggressive, it is not limited to the keratinized parts of the epidermis and seeks to "enjoy" the living flesh. The bites are very painful, you will have to forget about peace and relaxation during the procedure. You can protect yourself from a fake. To do this, give preference to a trusted salon and avoid visiting dubious establishments offering cheap fish peeling.
  4. For many people, fish peeling causes a twofold attitude. Paying tribute to the effectiveness and originality of the procedure, patients are doubted about its hygiene, because the list of diseases that can be cured by fish: allergic eczema, skin fungi, acne, psoriasis, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis, lichen planus and trophic lesions of the epidermis. Experts say that fish are not carriers of skin diseases. But there is one “but”: if it’s the real Garra Rufa, eating old skin fragments and not damaging healthy tissues. Therefore, it is worth cautioning those patients for whom a real fish massage seems too delicate. By consciously choosing Chin-chin fish for their ability to bite, they jeopardize their own health, at the risk of introducing harmful viruses and microbes into the blood.
  5. Garra Rufa fish tolerate water heated to 43 degrees, which makes the procedure even more comfortable.
  6. In the “right” aquarium must be at least 3 liters of water per fish.
  7. Before the procedure, you should take a shower or rinse your hands and feet thoroughly without using soap and shower gel. Perfume odors and residues of cosmetics are detrimental to fish.

  Fish peeling: contraindications

  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • infectious diseases.

  The main thing about peeling fish

Type of peeling

Type of peeling

for all skin types

Active substance

garra Rufa fish

Application area

body, arms, legs, face (rarely)

Pre-peeling preparation

not required


not required

Post-peeling care

not required


The price of one procedure in the salon

from 400 rubles

Number of sessions

5-10 procedures, performed one after 7 days

Home procedure


can do all year round

  Peeling with fish: before and after photos:

Today's resident of a big city is not much to surprise. At the same time, competition between beauty salons is growing. Therefore, more and more often customers are offered exotic services, which, as a rule, have long been known in Europe and Asia, but are new to Russia.

An example of such a service was Garra Rufa fish peeling. This service is sometimes referred to as ichthyomassage, fish therapy or Fish Spa.

In addition to cosmetic, fish peeling also has a psychotherapeutic effect, as observing the fish, soft touches of the fins, and flowing water contribute to relaxation, restoration of vitality and normalization of mood.

What are these fish and what is the catch?

Garra Rufa species belong to the cyprinid family. They live about 10 years and can grow up to 12 cm in length. Salon fish rarely live to such a venerable age.

For the first time, they were first used for medicinal and then cosmetic purposes in China and Thailand. Then, fish spa salons began to open in Europe.

They have a therapeutic effect due to:

  • the ability to remove dead skin cells without mechanical damage: the fish do not have hard teeth, because they can only gnaw the epithelium ready for desquamation;
  • saliva of fish contains a special component of diethanol, which contributes to the healing of skin microtraumas;
  • the water in which the fish swim is enriched with the mucus that the skin of the fish secretes, and also has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The fact that the fish do not have sharp teeth determines the safety of the procedure for the client. They scrape off the surface layer of the skin like a grater, without damaging its integrity. Therefore, no viruses or pathogenic bacteria can penetrate the body and cause disease.

But in salons now they do not always use harmless fish. Since the demand for them is huge now, other species can be sold under the guise of Garr Ruf. They look like them in appearance, but have teeth. For which they are called Chin-chin.

Chin chin can damage the skin. Their bites are not as sensitive as those of piranhas, and do not cause the appearance of blood, but the microtraumas caused by them contribute to the penetration of pathogens into the client's body.

Some salon owners specifically purchase them, noting that customers are more fond of a distinct bite sensation and a more pronounced peeling effect, and therefore come more often.

Video: Fish peeling for beauty and pleasure

Fish peeling sellers claim that there is nowhere to get the infection, referring to the fish undergoing veterinary control, the water in the aquarium is changing, and the like. So it is, but:

  • fish pass control only once, when they “start” to work, no one inspects them every day and after each client (and they may have 10-12 clients per day);
  • the operation of equipment for fish therapy, timely change and processing of filters and containers for keeping fish and conducting serious monitoring procedures and there are no official requirements from the SES;
  • the fish themselves cannot be processed after each client, since they are live and no means of disinfection and sterilization can be applied to them;
  • no one in the salons closely monitors that there are no cuts or injuries on the skin of the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe client.

Most U.S. states do not allow fish peeling because there are no effective ways to disinfect fish peeling equipment.

They refuse services in Thailand and the UAE due to the fact that during procedures using the fish Garra Rufa and Chin Chin there is a risk of contracting mycoses, bacterial and viral infections, including serious ones like HIV and viral hepatitis. Also, fish that do peeling can become a source of infection with worms.


In addition to cosmetic, fish therapy also has a therapeutic effect on a number of diseases accompanied by skin manifestations:

  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • lichen planus;
  • ichthyosis and hyperkeratosis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • children's allergic eczema;
  • skin mycoses;
  • eczema;
  • acne disease.


The procedure can be performed at any age, even to small children. Treatment with fish is contraindicated only with:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriatic neuroderma;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin.

How to prepare

No serious preparation is required. The only condition that must be observed in order to get a more pronounced effect of the procedure is not to use a moisturizer and other cosmetics for 1-2 days before the procedure.

How is the session going

  • Usually, the skin is washed with soap before the procedure. In a number of salons, a disinfectant is additionally applied to the skin.
  • Then the hands to the elbow or foot to the ankles are immersed in an aquarium with fish.
  • If you need to cleanse the entire skin of the body, then for the procedure, pools or baths are used, in which the fish are previously placed.

Usually the procedure lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. About 300 fish are needed for a pedicure, 150-200 fish are used for hand treatment.

During the session, the client feels tickling, sometimes lightly tingling. Feeling generally pleasant, relaxing.

In some salons, before immersion in an aquarium with fish, the skin of the hands or feet is pre-steamed in warm water. This allows you to get a more pronounced effect of fish peeling due to the fact that softened and swollen skin is easier for fish to gnaw.

Usually in the slightly warm water of the aquarium, the upper stratum corneum collects enough water and softens only after 7-10 minutes after immersion in the aquarium. And after steaming, the fish can start working immediately.

Video: Fish beauticians

Prices for fish peeling in Moscow

How many procedures are needed?

Usually, after the first session, few people see a noticeable result, especially if there are foci of roughness on the skin, such as corns or dry corns. Therefore, it is usually recommended to go through 8-10 fish peeling procedures for 15 minutes.

Effective cleansing of the body of dead cells is in great demand among women around the world, because clean skin is beautiful skin.

Peeling with fish Garra rufa or fish (peeling) peeling or fish peeling - an exotic procedure that won the hearts of the fair sex, which reviews and benefits you will learn from this article.

During the session, the skin is immersed in a vessel (a special aquarium or even a swimming pool) in which Garra rufa - cyprinidae from Turkey swim.

In many ways, a significant reduction in prices occurred against the background of the active spread of this type of peeling in the CIS countries. If five years ago it was difficult to find such an exotic procedure, today already many salons and centers are competing with each other, forcing rivals to reduce the cost.

I recommend to study all articles about peeling not only of the legs and face, but also of the head with hair. I present to you an article.

What is the use of fish peeling?

In many ways, this unusual procedure is shown even more as a session of modern relaxation, and not as a direct peeling. Pleasant surroundings, a pool with warm and clear water, friendly spa staff and relaxing music - all this provides a wonderful therapeutic and sedative effect.

Foot peeling

After a long and exhausting working week, there is nothing better than just lying in the cosmetology center, leaving all your worries behind its doors. That is why fish peeling is considered truly a spa treatment.

Body peeling

Performing regular body peeling is a laborious and extremely expensive task. Think for yourself: applying a scrub or paste with chemical peeling to the entire surface of the skin is not only insanely expensive, but also extremely harmful. Fish peeling is a completely safe procedure, because it does not injure healthy and living epidermal cells. Garra Rufa gently eats exclusively the dead layers of human skin, without affecting other tissues.

Even more, such a procedure will facilitate the access of oxygen to the living layer of the skin, which was previously underneath dead cells. The fish peeling session itself takes no more than half an hour.

Immediately after it, you can return to your usual affairs, use any makeup, sunbathe, visit the sauna and bath. You must admit that not one other peeling can no longer boast of such peeling. This means that peeling with Garra rufa fish has no side effects or recovery period.

Professional peels always beat home remedies. We suggest that you verify this by reading the article.

Face peeling with fish

This is a procedure that so far is not carried out in all beauty salons and spa centers. The fact is that such peeling lasts about 15-20 minutes, and at this time it is better not to frighten the fish with sudden movements and do not disturb. At the moment, only a small number of salons are ready to provide such a service. Indeed, for its comfortable implementation, special devices are necessary in order to breathe under water.

If the SPA is equipped with a breathing tube for diving, then it will be possible to make high-quality face peeling with fish. Otherwise, you will have to either hold your breath or leave your nose and mouth on the surface of the water. Both of these methods affect the effectiveness of peeling. Frequent diving to the surface and sudden movements of the body can frighten the fish, and then the entire peeling session will lose its meaning.

Fish Peeling Video

  Fish peeling is an unusual and useful solution for those who are eager to avoid chemical and abrasive peeling. Who wants to get a quick and noticeable result after a session without having to follow the rules of an unpleasant recovery period. Treat yourself to this pleasant spa treatment and experience all its benefits from your own experience.

With warmth and care, Ravila.