DIY eggshell toys. "New Year's toys" from an egg shell. Master class “Hare. What can be done from this material

  Nadezhda Lichman

Already quite new Years is soon!

This is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for adults and children. Pre-holiday mood, buying a Christmas tree, making gifts does not leave indifferent either adults or children. The decoration process brings special joy christmas tree. Today in stores a large selection christmas toys But you can make toys with your own hands. By doing the toys, we experience great pleasure, joy, creative impulse. The guys and I decided to do christmas eggshell toys  and colored paper Children helped paint eggshell, kept the workpieces longer so that they stuck.

If you draw on brightly colored eyeshell, stick the ears, trunk and get a baby elephant.

What if eggshell  paint with yellow paint, draw scales on it, stick a tail and fins from colored paper - a fabulous fish will come out.

I suggest mastermanufacturing class eggshell bunnies.

We will need:

Blue universal napkin;

- eggshell;

Cotton pads;

Narrow ribbon;


Paints or felt-tip pens;

Thick needle;

Glue stick.

Poke a hole with a thick needle at both ends of the egg and blow its contents into a glass. You will remain whole shell.

Cut out ears from cotton pads to the bunny, cut out ears from a blue napkin too, but less white.

Cut a circle from a blue napkin, it's a tummy bunny.

Cut out a heart from cardboard - these are paws.

We put blue ears on white ears, fold the lower part in half and glue it.

Then we glue both ears together.

In the egg, on top, we make a bigger hole to put both ears greased with glue there.

Glue the napkin circle to the lower end eggshell is a tummy.

Glue a bow to the base of the ears.

Draw felt-tip pens  or watercolor muzzle, and glue the egg on the heart - these are paws.

So our is ready bunny.

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I bring to your attention the application of eggshell. Work can be performed collectively depending on the size of the picture. Material for.

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A master class on alternative technology in the visual arts “Gifts of the Forest” (a picture from an egg shell). Material: shell from.

1. Break the eggs, pour boiling water over the shell, remove the inner film from the shell. 2. We take paper napkins, pick flowers. 3. We cover.

New Year is the most magical holiday! New Year's bustle and revival, elegant decorations, expectation of a miracle, as everyone knows. Magic is everywhere. So.

Soon, winter holidays will come soon - the most amazing, magical holidays of the year. Not a single New Year is complete without Santa Claus.

Purpose: Making Christmas toys using improvised material for the development of children's creative abilities. Tasks: Teach.

How, from what to make the crafts of the Rooster (Chicken) from natural materials?

    Very cute chickens will be made from eggshells.

    You can make a rooster out of autumn leaves.

    And you can use it to make seeds.

    In this craft, in addition to seeds, we will also need plasticine, with which we form a chicken figure.

    And only after that, with the help of seeds, we make an image.

    I really liked the crafts from the cones, decorated with bark and parts of the acorn:

    These figures can be made of plastic bottles:

    From the eggshell:

    From autumn leaves:

    You can even crochet:

    From straw, hay:

    For this craft, we need two chestnuts (the body and the base of the craft), an acorn (Rooster's head), bird feathers (the more magnificent and brighter they are, the more beautiful our bird will look), and the details of the craft are fastened with tree knots and glue.

    Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. It is in the fall that you can make a wonderful craft - a rooster made of natural materials.

    We will need small orange pumpkin, dry leaves of trees of different species and colors.  For some details, a little color (red) paper, plasticine (blue, white, black), from which we will make eyes, will come in handy. Plasticine is also necessary for gluing parts of the cockerel to a pumpkin. You will also need PVA glue.

    Here's how to do this craft:

    First, we cut out the legs of a rooster and beak from paper, and from the plasticine we make the eyes of our bird.

    We glue all the details on the pumpkin using plasticine. This is how a cockerel with paws with a beak and plasticine eyes looks like:

    At the top with the help of colorful dry leaves we make a scallop. We fix the leaves on plasticine. Also from several bright leaves we make a cock's tail.

    Now we need to build the wings of a rooster from oblong multi-colored dry leaves. Between the leaves we glue with PVA glue.

    We are waiting for the glue on the wings to dry, only after that we attach the finished wings with plasticine to the rooster pumpkin.

    Here's what the finished craft looks like Cockerel quotot; from pumpkin and dry leaves.

    I think that the most suitable natural material for creating a rooster is autumn leaves. They are as bright and beautiful as the plumage of a cockerel. Moreover, it is easiest to find leaves, they themselves fall at your feet, just pick and collect, and then create from the collected collection.

    For example, you can make an application of leaves:

    And it is possible and voluminous craft also using leaves, shells from eggs, berries. you will need a little plasticine and fantasy.

    And chickens from onions, and a chicken from pumpkin or zucchini. I really liked the chickens) A very original craft. Beautifully, the authors are well done! Like a chicken, you can make a rooster, tail make them the same colorful autumn leaves.

    A rooster or a chicken can be assembled from various natural materials, like twigs or autumn leaves.

    For example, here's a rooster craft made from autumn leaves:

    Such a rooster from the leaves can be made in the form of an application on cardboard along with children from crafts in the fall.

    To do this, autumn leaves, different in color and shape, are glued to cardboard and paper using PVA glue. First you need to sketch the outline of a rooster on paper with a simple pencil, and then apply and stick the leaves.

    And the most magnificent and multi-colored rooster tail of feathers.

    For him, an autumn colorful maple leaf or a lot of different in color leaves, narrow and long, is suitable.

    Also crafts cock can be collected from shells and mussels. They are glued with plasticine or glue.

    Materials required:

    Cockerel from cones: to make, you need materials:

    Such crafts can be done by children at school or kindergarten.

    First, they make a head out of the acorn by attaching a scallop leaf and a beard, attach a beak, then make a trunk and connect the head with the trunk.

    A cocky cockerel made of acorns, cones, tree knots, bird feathers.

    In order to keep the cock firmly on its feet, the figure did not lose stability, put plasticine under the caps of acorns or fix small lead balls with plasticine.

    A rooster is a very conspicuous, expressive bird, so you can use a variety of natural materials to make crafts in the form of a rooster, the main thing is that they be as bright as possible, preferably multi-colored. An additional plus of this craft is that all future details of the craft can be assembled together with the child - let him watch which leaf or twig reminds him of the parts of the cockerel figure, let him learn to imagine how the whole will look in its finished form. Here is a good version of the craft, all components can be found in the park or forest. But colored feathers for the tail will be better to buy, pick them up on the street is not necessary.

Do you like scrambled eggs in the morning or often indulge in homemade cakes? In this case, you always have the most valuable material at home - an egg shell, from which you can create real masterpieces!

A variety of crafts made from eggshell with their own hands and make very young masters and venerable artists. They are constantly popular at exhibitions of arts and crafts. Due to the accessibility and environmental friendliness of the material, this hobby must be tried by everyone who is looking for a new lesson. Having mastered the wisdom of technology, you can fill the house with new decor items, and joint evenings with children will cease to be boring and monotonous.

  Chinese carving and Easter traditions

It is difficult to say how long eggshells were used in their work by masters and artists. With a high degree of probability this is due to the tradition of decorating Easter eggs, which exists among many peoples of the world.

Some sources say that the art of carving on eggshells originated in ancient China. In this country, where it was believed that the world came from an egg, it was customary to give elegant eggs for weddings, birthdays and other holidays. Museums in China store "egg" works dating back to the 13-15th centuries.

Thanks to modern technology, the eggshell has become more "sophisticated." Today's tools allow you to transfer the conceived pattern to a rounded surface with microscopic precision.

However, along with the "high art" egg shells are used for simple children's crafts, decorating surfaces.

  What can be made from eggshell

It is best to make eggshells ... eggs. Of course, not simple, but almost gold. On Easter, of course, they give real boiled eggs. But if you want to preserve the beauty, then you can work hard and create something original. For decor use mother of pearl and gilding. Or paint on the surface of a white testicle.

A new trend in egg creativity is embroidery. You can embroider, or other equipment. The received work amaze and surprise.

Embroidery ribbons

Egg shells can be used as miniature flower pots for succulents or grass. To get such an original bouquet is nice not only for Easter.

  DIY craft ideas

Another festive decision: egg shell crafts for children. Christmas tree toys are an interesting alternative to toys from the store. It can be figures of various animals, birds, fish, cartoon characters. The shape itself in the form of a voluminous elongated ball suggests a solution.

For example, if you glue the cap on the PVA with a cone, brighten the cheeks, draw eyes and glue the corrugated paper collar from below, you get a clown. On a lace and on a Christmas tree.
  If you cut fins and a magnificent tail, draw gills and bulging eyes, decorate with sequins, rhinestones or gold paint - you get a magic fish from a fairy tale.

A piglet in front, and behind the tail a little ring - a piglet. This can be done using plasticine.

If you use the acrylic contour for hard surfaces and draw a beautiful openwork pattern, glue beads, beads, a clasp for jewelry, you will get a more refined Christmas tree decoration.

  Mosaic and decoupage

Egg shells are very popular among masters. Instead of laborious and unpredictable craquelure varnish, shells chopped into small parts are used to simulate cracks. The fragments are glued to the surface of the item to be decorated using PVA glue, adjusting the individual parts so that the gaps are as thin as possible.

The dried surface is painted with acrylic or primed. Then, napkins and pictures are glued onto the shell prepared in this way. Finish the necessary details and varnish for protection. This thing is not afraid of wet cleaning.

Another use case for broken shells is. To make a panel, the surface of the product is degreased, primed and painted, if necessary. Put a drawing with a pencil. The prepared shell is painted with gouache or acrylic paints in various colors and, after drying, is laid out according to the applied drawing. Use PVA glue or rubber. The finished product is coated with glossy varnish for beauty and so that it can be washed without risk of spoiling.

If the mosaic is done by young children who do not have the skill to work with glue, then it is better to use clay. For example, smear a thin layer of plasticine on the surface of a paper plate. Stack or wand to draw the outline of the image. And already on this circuit to stick the particles of the shells, pushing them into clay.

This mosaic technique can be used in paintings, decor of vases and utensils, making, souvenir plates, frames for photographs and paintings, updating old furniture.

  Preparatory work

To make a thing created with your own hands for a long time, you need to know how to prepare an egg shell for crafts and mosaics.

For volumetric figures, the whole egg is pierced with a thick needle or awl two holes on opposite sides. Then the contents are blown, and the shell is washed in warm water. Expanding the hole slightly, pour PVA glue or acrylic lacquer inward for strength.

Varnish or glue is needed in such a volume that it spreads over the inner surface and holds together small cracks. The egg must be rotated in different directions. After drying, you can work with the egg.

For mosaics, large parts of the shell are placed between two sheets of paper and rolled with a rolling pin. From the cracked shell remove the film, which is located on the inside of the egg. The resulting small shells are washed in warm water and dried. It can be coated with colored acrylics or gouache.

  From kindergarten to gray hair

Crafts from the shell - an affordable type of creativity for children from an early age. Fine motor skills of hands, imagination and imagination develop. When working with bulky objects, a little man masters spatial connections better. Therefore, activities related to such accessible material as eggshells can be recommended to mothers and grandmothers who deal with children at home.

By the way, elderly needlewomen love this material also because it is available in everyday life, in contrast to highly artistic components. This hobby leads in!

Speaking of which, qualitatively executed paintings using shells can be sold in specialized stores and on the Internet, including in our group in Odnoklassniki.

  Natalya Biserova

We need it:

You can make a good cock yourselfas well as interact with children. Material used: eggs with white shellwhich are washed very well first and then dried in the oven, gouache, glue and brushes, cardboard scissors, a napkin.

Then I making shells in crumbs, which I put in containers, pre-print on a white cardboard stencil good cock,cut out. Necessary grease the cockerel,fall asleep shell, pour the excess into the dishes, work on the oilcloth; educate accuracy, perseverance.

We take gouache with a brush and paint it, it turns out a wonderful job, and we also extend the ribbon after which we can decorate the Christmas tree; we develop fine motor skills, logic of thinking, attentiveness, as well

Shape, color and composition.

The result is crafts on a Christmas tree made of eggshell"good cock"since we know the year 2017- rooster, so the idea came up to do this crafts with children. I hope you find this useful.

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OK, if you still have egg trays from recent roses, I propose to make such a colored cock) The idea is super-duper and not only for Easter. Work can be done with the children. For coloring you will need acrylic paints. Master class - under the cut. I wish you all good luck in the tray art)

Here is a cock before painting

For work you will need these egg trays

Dismantle the tray into cells and cut as shown in the photo

Glue together using thin paper

Cut a goatee cockerel

Make a beak

Start gluing on the cardboard from small rows with hot glue: 1 feather, then 2, then 3, etc.

Take a 15 cm long cardboard and cut out long feathers for the wings.

For a cock’s abdomen, you’ll need a balloon

Cut the newspaper into strips, moisten in glue and stick on a ball

The last layer is white paper

When the glue is completely dry, cut into not quite equal parts and take the majority. Insert a smaller part into another

For painting, take pearlescent acrylic paints

Glue the head of the cockerel with a neck to papier-mâché, strengthen with cardboard on the bottom

Paint by changing colors and shades